View Full Version : Den of Theives(Travis North)

Teleran Balades
Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:59:58 PM
N'zoth System Asteroid Belt
32nd Strike Sqaudron

Space rippled for a moment as two Nebulan-B2 Frigates emerged from hyperspace. Directly off of bows the pair of ships loomed an immense asteriod field. A quartet of TIE Scouts emegered from the lead frigate, swooping into the ocean of rock.

Three weeks earlier a group of pirates began raiding supply lines on the outskirts of Sovereignty space. At first the strikes caused little damage and only a small amount of goods were stollen. Recently, however, attacks have gotten bolder, getting the attention of citizens inhabiting the area. To satisfy the calls of the people the 32nd Strike Squadron was sent to destroy the pirate base. Inteligence revealed that the pirates had a base hidden in the asteroid field in the N'zoth System. The only thing to do now was to find the base itself.

Lieutenant Commander Dorvayn waited at the comm station on the Star Lancer for the scouts to reveal the location of the base. Naval command had told him that this was a test for a newly enlisted commander and that he was to evaluate him. Dorvayn hoped that Commander North would be competent enough to raze the pirate base.
************************************************** **

Flighter officer Laster mauvered his scout ship through the spinning torrent of stone. With his right hand he toggled to ships high-powered sensor array, searching for any sign of inhabitants in the inhospitable area. Rounding one of the larger planetoids, the sensors picked up several transmission pulses deeper in the field. Banking port and accelerating toward the source, Laster clicked with comm twice to signal that he'd go in for a closer inspection.

A few minutes later Laster found himself near a long, elispe-shaped rock about two kilometers in diameter. Switching the sensors to focus he cruised over the rock, a faint signal emanating from the asteroid.

Seconds later the target-lock indicator blared, already tense laster jerked the yoke upward as a stream of laser blasts hissed around him. Close behind him was a pair of older model T-65 X-Wing fighters, they had been blasted out of a well camoflaged hangar concealed by a rocky out cropping. Laster had just enough time to send a message out to the rest of the force before a better-aimed blast punctured the engine compartment on his ship. Overloading, the engines exploded, turning the TIE into a minature nova.

Travis North
Feb 3rd, 2004, 03:42:36 PM
Commander Travis looked at the sensor display infront of him. He was in the hanger control room of the Star Lancer. He saw Laster's TIE fall off and two X-Wings replace it. They came from a large asteroid. Big enough to hold a small base. "It would appear we found the target." He said to the two flight groups awaiting orders.

The two groups were Zeta and Gamma squadron which were both defender squadrons of ten TIEs each. Two scouts were part of each group, Laster was part of Zeta squadron so Travis decided he would join up to cover the loss. He grabbed his flight suit off the rack and suited up.

"Ok, Gamma group you'll provide cover for the frigates while Zeta group and I take out enemy fighter support. Once enemy fighters are out of the area. I'll comm the Hydra to launch her assault bombers and then you'll provide escort for them. Now lets get going." Travis ordered to the pilots.

He walked out of the command room and on to the flight deck with helmet in hand. He put it on and continued walking over to the clamp holding his personal defender it was modified for increased speed and firing rate. He climed down the fighter's hatch and sat in the seat. The other pilots did the same. He hit the switch that closed the hatch and powered the TIE up. He commed the control room to release the clamp. They did and he manuevered the fighter out of the hanger. Both squadrons did the same. Gamma began its patrol around the frigates while Zeta squadron and Travis piloted into the rocky maze.

He hit the comm "Scouts head home we're coming to wipe these pirates and avenge Laster. Zeta 1 you take your group in and watch your scopes."

Two double clicks of the comm signaled that both groups had accepted their orders.

Teleran Balades
Feb 4th, 2004, 05:54:38 PM
A holographic image from the recordings of Laster's visual sensors hovered above a small holo-pad. Dorvayn gazed intently at the display, a sudden static filled the screen signifying the fighter's demise. Using the data feed, his sensors operator isolated and marked the coordinates of the asteroid. Eye's quickly scanning over the readout, Dorvayn cursed silently under his breath.

Outside the ship the two groups of Defenders spilt up Gamma squadron flying initiating a partol pattern around the Hydra and Star Lancer, while Zeta group formed up on North and headed for the field. Dorvayn leaned over the comm. console, opened a tight beam frequency to Zeta.

"Commander North, the pirate base is in a section of the field that's too dense for the frigates to enter, we can't accompany you all the way in."

He paused for a second to look at the datapad with notes taken from merchants that had fallen under the pirates attack.

"According our sources the pirates have a mix of older model starfighters, not more than a dozen or so. Be advised they do have two Guardian-class Light Cruisers that could pose a problem."

Travis North
Feb 4th, 2004, 08:13:32 PM
"Aye. Will keep my eyes open." Travis said, "Okey Zeta squadron. Stay sharp. You heard the Lt. Commander."

North looked at his scanners for any sign of more fighters or the cruisers. He noticed they were coming up to the debris.

"Were coming up on the debris. See if Laster got out, his suit should have kept him alive if he survived the blast."

"Roger." Came the voice of Zeta Squadron Colonel Raj, "I'll search the debris for him. You go after the fighters."

"Ok, Colonel. Zeta flight split up we got some fighters to destroy."

The sleek TIE craft split up and moved through the massive rocks like water in a mountain river. They were closing on the fighters. Travis took his ship around a massive rock and came in on an angle toward the X-wings he fired a few shots at the lead weakening it shields. Zeta flight came in from multiple vectors and fired at the targets when they could.

Raj's voice came in on the comm. "I found him. He's alive. I'll wait here for a shuttle."

"Ok. Watch it, more fighters may be in the asteroids." Travis replied.

"I copy."

Teleran Balades
Feb 4th, 2004, 09:54:43 PM
Frigate Star Lancer

"Sir, Zeta says that they found the pilot from the scout ship that was taken down, he's still alive! They're requesting an evac shuttle."

"He's alive!? He should be dead after that explosion, the boy must be made of something stronger than I thought possible. Send a shuttle out to pick him up."

Inside the Hangar bay two pilots rushed toward a Lambda-class shuttle sitting inert on a landing platform. Once the pilots were inside the ship immediately lifted off the platform, wings folding down into flight mode. Traveling at top speed the shuttle headed off toward the EV pilot.

Pirate Base

Athyn Sarethi jmped, tipping the card table he was sitting at and spilling sabacc chips all over the ground. Throughout the asteroid a blaring siren alerted all within the base. A firm, matter-of-factly female voice came over the crudely assembled intercom.

“The imps figured out that we’re here. Everyone get to your ships; keep those arrogant snobs away while we load the loot onto the cruisers.”

The woman cut off the speaker as abruptly as she had started the message. Athyn cast a longing glance at the scattered chips and cards before looking up at his companions. The two seemed upset at the loss of the game as well, but didn’t complain.

“You heard the boss-lady, let’s get going.”

The carved out section of the asteroid that made up the docking bay was a hive of activity when the three pirates sprinted in. About 30 or 40 people were busy loading crates into the two craft that dominated most of the space in the bay. A small knot of people dressed in TIE pilot flight gear rushed past toward the hodgepodge assembly of starfighters parked along the side wall. Athyn laughed silently at the unfortunates who had been forced to use the outdated TIE Starfighters and Interceptors, the shieldless vehicles were flying death-traps. Sarethi and his crew were the only people with true military training, so they were allowed to use the more advanced ships that had been captured. The pirate commander quickly clambered up the ladder to the cockpit of her assault gunboat. Firing up the engines and calibrating the weapons, Athyn noted the ship status monitor.

“Raptor one three engines in the green, lasers and ions check out, 4 missiles…control why aren’t our warhead launchers full?”

“Sorry Athyn supplies were low from our last raid, we had to even them out between all of your gunboats.”

Annoyed Sarethi continued with the start up procedure and got confirmation from his wingmates.

“Control everyone is in the green we’re going now.”

“Good luck out there Athyn, kill some imps for the rest of us.”

Like a pack of predators, the group of mixed fighters boiled out of the asteroid.

Travis North
Feb 5th, 2004, 03:16:06 PM
Colonel Raj watched his sensors for other ships. None yet he looked for the shuttle they were just entering the asteroid field. He then turned the display over to the dogfight. The X-wings had no chance. His sensor then beeped as new targets came on sensors. More fighters from the asteroid base.

He quickly fired up the engines and brought the combat systens up. He switched to quad fire mode an prepared to rip into the oncoming wave. He fired a volley into one of the oncoming fighters, the bolts clipped the wing of interceptor which then spun out into an asteroid. He hit the comm to notify the others.


A message blared through the comm. It was Colonel Raj. "Commander. The pirates are launching fighters. I'm engaging."

"Alright Colonel. Zeta 2 and 3. Take out those X-wings." He said as he turned his craft about and back to the pirate base. "The rest of you, lets show those pirates what the Empire is made of. Lt. Commander. Tell the Hydra to launch the assualt bombers. We should be able to clear these fighters before they make it to the field." Travis ordered.

He looked at his scanners for the evac and it's proximity to the field. He noticed it had just entered.

"Gamma sqaudron send fighters 9 and 10 full throttle to escort the evac. Some of these pirates may try and attack the shuttle. The rest of you escort the Hydra's bombers."

Zeta 2 and 3 continued persuit of their target. They switched to missiles and quickly finished the fighters. The rest of Zeta squadron swooped in to the hot zone, blasters firing. Travis noticed a few fighter getting ready to make a run on the Colonel

"Colonel. 4 fighters setting up for a run. Watch your six."

Two clicks of the comm signaled the Colonel's reply. Raj went into a dive spin between two large asteroids. Then made a loop to come in at the fighters head on. He fired several blasts and took a few hits aswell. He switched to the salvos and fired a missile at the top asteroid.

It blew apart and sent chunks into the gap. They knocked one fighter in the engines which blew a few seconds after. The other fighters quickly broke off but one was to close to the lower asteroid and slammed into it.

Teleran Balades
Feb 8th, 2004, 09:54:50 AM
/ooc/ Sorry about the wait. I've been having problems with my server. /ooc/

Athyn smiled as the overzealous fighter-jockeys in front of him rushed out to meet the Imperial Defenders. The arrogant pilots had never faced trained opponents before, soon finding the foolishness of their mistake.

“Amateurs. All right Raptors lets show them what we can do.”

He yanked the yoke to the right and pulled out, bringing the gunboat up and behind a cluster of asteroids. With a flick of his thumb the wings on the fighter-bomber unfolded into assault mode. On either side of him, his wingmates did the same. Using the rocky orb as cover, the group slingshot around the asteroid and into the fray from behind. As the gunboats leveled out they each let loose a pair of missiles at a Defender they had targeted.

As the missiles streaked forward, Athyn switched to lasers and sent a few short bursts at another Defender, shots hissing as they washed over the fighter’s shields. Angrily, several TIEs reversed and came after the gunboats, weapons throwing emerald energy bolts at them.

“Raptors, keep your shields strong, shunt energy from your ion cannons if you have to.”

A sharp tone signaled that one of the Defenders had gotten a missile lock on him and fired. Jerking the yoke to port and kicking the left rudder-pedal, the gunboat peeled over. The missile flew over the fighter, barley missing, but detonated when the proximity sensors registered a miss. Shrapnel from the blast peppered Athyn’s shields, slightly draining them.

“Lead the frigates outside are launching a flight of bombers.”

“Leave them two; we’ve got bigger problems here.”

Travis North
Feb 8th, 2004, 08:44:36 PM
A voice started to come through the comm but was suddenly cut off by static and then an explosion Zeta 4 had been hit with missiles. Travis looked from his cockpit for a body, none. They shall pay.

"Sir." Another voice made it through the comm. "Gunboats. They got Zeta 4."

"I copy." Travis replied, "Zeta 3 form up on me. Set your fire to quad. We'll go dead on. If you get a missile lock fall out of the run."

Gamma 9 and 10 caught up with the shuttle and proceeded through the field. A couple of interceptors tried to take the shuttle but were vaped by her escorts. The bombers the were being escorted by the rest of gamma squadron were making their way to the perimeter.

Travis and Zeta 3 set up their run on the rear gunboat. They let loose on it. Quartets of blaster fire pounded the shields.

Teleran Balades
Feb 9th, 2004, 08:13:12 PM
"Two, break port now."

Athyn saw Two juke his gunboat to the left, lasers splashing over the shields before the ship flited behind a small asteroid, defenders close behind. Athyn's attention was quickly diverted as the fighters on his own tail let loose bursts of energy. He gritted his teeth as the gunboat lurched from the barrage. Slamming down the rudder pedal and cutting out the engine, Athyn sent the gunboat into a flat spin that brought him facing the Defenders, while still traveling in the same direction. Quickly starting the engines back up he sped back directly toward the astonished fighter pilots.

Sarethi pulled the trigger and sent another missile at the lead fighter, blowing past the defenders. Athyn didn't check to see the if he'd caused any damage, focused on avoiding the asteroid that had sailed through his path. A collision warning came over the speakers as he pushed the yoke in, putting the vessel into a steep dive, a rocky outcroping nearly cliping the dorsal wing. safley around the asteroid, Athyn took a momment to check his ship's status. He groaned when he saw that his shields were down to a mere twenty percent.

Travis North
Feb 10th, 2004, 02:58:36 PM
"Stay on that gunboat 3." Travis said. "Try and get a missile lock on him. I'll cover you."

The two fighters chased the gunboat up around an asteroid. Travis checked his scanners for any enemy fighters chasing them. One, another gunboat. 3 got a target lock but lost it. It took a few moments to come around the asteroid which the gunboat flew over, the lock returned and 3 fired a missile at the gunboat The missile tracked the weakened gunboat and came at it head on. The second gunboat fired a missile at 3 right after the defender launched its missile but it missed and blew in front of them sending shards into both fighters shields.

Gamma squadron and the bombers entered the field. Some of Gamma squadron broke off and started picking off fighters with the rest a Zeta. Soon a quater of the older model fighters were gone and the ones that remainded were soon to be finished save the ones with moderate shields. The evac shuttle was also on the seen retrieving Laster. Beta and Zeta squadron lost 2 fighters aswell but the pilots had ejected safely and the evac, once finished picking up laster came to pick them up. Colonel Raj had started to chase a gunboat headed for the bombers.