View Full Version : Wes Lorrani Hand-to-Hand

Khendon Sevon
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:59:43 PM
Cold, harsh, barren these were the words to described the room that Officer Lorrani’s training would go on in. Each wall was high, dark, and covered in meter-by-meter squares. At the far corner of the corridor like chamber stood the impressive figure of Khendon Sevon.

The harsh, bright lighting shined down upon the Federacy’s leader. He wore simple black training pants, clearly military issue. Slung low on his thigh in a black leather holster was a long cylinder forged from dark steel. The mastermind of the attack on the Imperial Remnant, the developer of the Shroud-class cruiser, the genius behind the Executioner TIE fighter was not a person to be dealt with lightly, nor toyed with.

The Imperator’s face was harsh, calculating. Each line was cut in stone, his eyes cold and piercing. The man wore no shirt, his chiseled muscles speaking volumes. Either arm had ritualistic Sith tattoos deeply cut into his skin, the black ink forming geometric shapes and jagged angles.

A harsh, demanding voice lashed out from Khendon, “Officer Lorrani,” he said, a wicked smirk crossing his grim face, “are you ready to join the ranks of the elite Federacy?”

Wes Lorrani
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:39:29 AM
Officer Lorrani stiffened at Khendon's question. The smile Khendon gave was anything but friendly. Officer Lorrani knew he was profficent at hand-to-hand combat, he trained for years while on his homeplanet. But one look at Khendon made all those years of training seem like nothing. Khendon seemed to radiate intimidation, and that unnerved Officer Lorrani. However, Officer Lorrani knew it was unwise to show it.

"Well?" asked Khendom in an impatient voice.

"Yes sir!" replied Lorrani. "I am ready to show the Federacy that I will be a loyal, proficient-"

"I will be the judge of that," came the harsh interruption. "Today, we are going to do some hand to hand combat training." Officer Lorrani flickered his eyes towards the cy lindar on Khendon's belt. Khendon smiled even more wickedly than before. "If you can't use the weapons that were naturally given to you, you do not deserve anything else. Prove yourself to me"

Officer Lorrani took a traditional fighting stance, and waited for his 'training.'

OOC: Is this okay?

Khendon Sevon
Feb 2nd, 2004, 12:43:33 PM
The lighting in the room dimmed significantly, the whine of metal on metal resounded throughout the chamber. Several of the plates that formed the walls and grounds rapidly changed places, moved, formed barriers.

Khendon leapt high into the air, pounced onto one of the shelves formed from the motion of the blocks, and kicked off the wall towards the officer below. In a flash of motion the Imperator was in front of Officer Lorrani, his knee driving upwards towards the Federacy soldier's chin in a back flip-like attack.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 2nd, 2004, 01:41:27 PM
The force of the knee flipped Lorrani in the air. He adjusted himself midair, and landed in a crouch. He frowned inwarldy. He knew Khendon was good, but he couldn't believe the speed of him. Lorrani realized that he would need all of his skills and insticts if he wanted to survive.

Officer Lorrani quickly leaped from his crouch at Khendon, his heel aimed at Khendon's gut.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 2nd, 2004, 01:49:20 PM
Officer Lorrani’s heel caught Khendon squarely in his stomach before he could solidify his balance. The Imperator went backwards, quickly adjusting with a series of back flips, each gaining more control until finally he stopped six meters from Lorrani. “Not too bad,” said Khendon through a smirk, no sign of the connection’s effects present on his features.

The ground and walls continued to shift, movements and adjustments of the room occurring at random. Khendon leapt forward, covering the distance in a fraction of a second.

The Imperator faked left with his leg, switched stance, and brought a fist flying towards Officer Lorrani’s face, a roundhouse kick quickly following in one fluid combination.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:27:30 PM
Lorrani knew he had no chance in blocking the attack, so he tried to backpedal. He dodged the fist, but the roundhouse caught him off guard. The kick knocked him to the ground. Officer Lorrani tasted blood, but ignored it.

Officer Lorrani qucickly got up and ran towards a protuding part of the wall. He leaped off it towards Khendon, and turned into a backroundhouse to the head. While doing that he started to swing his other leg towards Khendon for a follow up strike.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:22:02 PM
Any mere combatant would have been devastated and utterly surprised by Lorrani’s attack, however, Khendon Sevon was not your average foot soldier. The Imperator stopped Lorrani’s first strike with a high block from his right hand and reflexively ducked under the follow up.

Khendon stood only a few centimeters from Wes; with a grin the Imperator drove his elbow into the Officer’s face. Seconds later the ground shifted again, this time, however, the shifting was directly under the two combatants. The large square the two were fighting on suddenly shot up towards the high ceiling, threatening to flatten the warriors.

Khendon back flipped off the pillar, but lost sight of Lorrani.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:04:51 PM
The elbow smashedLorrani, and dropped him to the ground, when the pillar rose, he quickly rolled off it, and landed on his feet. He saw Khendon flip off the pillar, and realized Khendon didn't see him roll.

Lorrani realized two things. First, was that he wouldn't be able to hold his own for much longer. Every move he did, Khendon replied with something twice as powerful. He knew he had to win now, or he would have no chance. Second, he realized that in order to defeat Khendon, he needed to do anything he can.

While facing Khendon's back, Lorrani started a run. He leaped off a slightly raised platform in front of him and flew in the air towards the back of Khendon's head. He snapped his leg out for a crushing kick.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 4th, 2004, 02:23:10 PM
Khendon smirked and turned on his keel, already in a forward stance. With one mighty scream the Imperator brought both his palms together slightly staggered on either side of Officer Lorrani’s leg with all of his force. “Learn to anticipate your opponent,” said the dark voice of the Imperator, no sign of strain present, “then act upon what you’ve learned.”

Wes Lorrani
Feb 6th, 2004, 02:01:12 PM
Wes Lorrani screamed. He heard bone snap in his knee, and slumped to the floor. Pain. Officer Lorrani knew pain. It proved that he was alive. While on the ground, he saw Khendon right in front of him. Using his inner strength, he took his good leg and kicked Khendon's legs from beneath him. When he was falling forward, Officer Lorrani took his hand, and smashed Khendon's head on his broken bone. The bone reset, and Officer Lorrani fueled the new pain towards a war cry that enveloped the room.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 6th, 2004, 02:18:50 PM
Khendon couldn’t move, his eyes stared coldly at the ceiling. The Imperator’s vision began to fade, shapes were only gray blobs on grainy background. What… no… NO! Suddenly everything came back into sharp focus, the Vice-Diktat’s mind worked like a steel vice.

The Imperial Federacy’s leader let out his own tremendous war cry and leapt to his feet. Anger boiled in him like a volcano ready to erupt. Hatred, contempt, pain all seethed forth from Khenodn like smoke from a fire. “Good,” he screeched, “but still not good enough”, outstretching his hand, commanding all of his enmity into the blow, he palm struck Officer Lorrani in the chest. With the force amplifying the attack a thousand fold, Lorrani flew into the wall.

Khendon dusted himself off, “so, Officer, what have we learned today?”

Wes Lorrani
Feb 6th, 2004, 11:12:21 PM
Officer Lorrani slammed against the wall hard, and heard not one, but two cracks in his ribs. Refusing to give up, he slowly got up on his feet.

He heard Khendon's question.

Officer Lorrani mulled it over. Obviously, he learned that Khendon was extremely powerful. Despite all of his efforts, Officer Lorrani couldn't defeat Khendon like at other oponent he faced. He respected Khendon for that, even slightly admiring. He answered:

" I learned that I should fight through pain, for that will let me survive and defeat my enemy."

It was true, but it was obvious. Wes thought about a little bit more. He then said, "It is unwise to cross the Vice-Diktat of the Imperial Federacy."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 7th, 2004, 09:46:05 PM
Khendon smirked, his stance relaxing ever so slightly. “The second part is probably the most important lesson. Now, what you first said. It’s close, but not quite there. You must learn to embrace your pain, fear, anger… hatred. It is not as much of an enemy as some would have you think.

“Our hand-to-hand training is complete.” The room stopped changing, the squares returned to their normal, flat level. “You’re getting there, Officer Lorrani, but don’t let it go to your head.

“Now,” a hatch opened in the wall, “suit up in this,” Khendon threw the officer a light mobile infantry suit and began pulling his own on.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 7th, 2004, 10:30:13 PM
Officer Lorrani slowly started to put on the suit. It was painful, but he tried to ignore it. He thought about what Khendon said. Embrace pain? Embrace anger, hatred? He always believed that doing those things would cloud your mind, and your sense of judgement would be impaired. Emotions were supposed to stay hidden during battle. Still, Khendon seemingly disproved that belief. But...

Officer Lorrani finished putting on his suit, and awaited instructions.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 9th, 2004, 05:02:27 PM
Khendon narrowed his eyes, a devious look encroaching upon his face. “Good…” he began chuckling softly to himself. Suddenly the walls of the room opened up, space was exposed. The Imperator allowed himself to freefall out of the space station, his suit quickly firing micro-maneuvering jets to correct his spin.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 11th, 2004, 01:56:09 PM
Officer Lorrani became alarmed when he saw the room open up. The air rushing out of the room blew him out into open space. Officer Lorran calmly activated his microjets, and reoriented himself.

He looked around, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Was he going to fight Khendon in Zero-G? Or did Khendon have some space slug he wanted to throw at Lorrani? Officer Lorrani shook his head. He told himself to get a grip. He told himself that he can survive anything.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 12th, 2004, 07:49:20 PM
A huge, wedge shaped vessel loomed in space close by. “Officer Lorrani, board that ship!” commanded Khendon, angling himself and firing his own boosters.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:58:24 PM
OOC: sorry. my bad.

Edit 2: Blargh. I'M GOING TO GET IT THIS TIME!!!!!!

Officer Lorrani complied with Khendon's orders. He slowly headed towards the ship, trying to seem like a piece of space debris. Recalling, the Federacy's procedure of boarding, Officer Lorrani approached one of the large laser batteries. When he wasn't blasted into nothing, Officer Lorrani realized that he wasn't being picked up on sensors. There was no threat for the moment. The vessel grew larger as Lorrani aproached it. Light from a nearby star reflected off the spotless armor of the ship, making Lorrani squint. The hum of the ship's engine was the only sound that broke the silence of space. It seemed to be just drifting aimlessly. But looks could be deceiving, so Officer Lorrani stayed vigilant.

Officer Lorrani showed no fear, but he did wonder how he would be able to take over an entire ship. He would have to improvise. Officer Lorrani landed on the smooth hull and reached the battery, which londer than he was tall. He took several charges out, and placed them on key weak points of the shell covering the battery.

After the charges were primed,Officer Lorrani quickly got out of the way. The charges blew. Fragments flew out everywhere, and Lorrani had to turn away from the bright explosion. The fragments floated in zero g for a milisecond, but were quickly sucked back out. Depressurization began, and Lorrani dove into the new hole, activating magnetic clamps on his boots so he wouldn't be sucked out.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 18th, 2004, 02:16:47 PM
Pinpricks swirled by like a Delteon serpent stuck in a whorl pool. White streaks symbolized the position of stars, dark blotches the emptiness of space. The thin carbon fiber fabric of Khendon’s mobile infantry suit was uncomfortable sticking to him like an outer layer of skin. Outside the Imperator sensed the void, could feel it pummeling his meager protection as he continued in free fall towards the vessel.

A prow was thrown quickly into view only to spin dizzyingly away. Micro-adjustment jets rapidly fired, a hissing reverberating throughout the leader’s helmet. Deftly the Imperial stretched his legs and compensated as he crashed into the dark hull of the Dirk-class Federacy ship.

With little effort Khendon retrieved a Sevon Rifle, Co. blaster pistol from its hip holster. The Imperator stormed forward towards a turret, entered a series of complex strings into a dataport and watched as, with a loud hiss, a space door opened.

Wes Lorrani
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:27:12 PM
Lorrani rushed into the room, his own blaster in a two-handed grip. His eyes quickly darted back and forth, to see if any hostiles were present. The room seemed empty, but Lorrani kept his blaster out.

Moving quickly, yet as quietly as possible, Lorrani headed towards the gunner's targeting computer. He frowned when he saw the console screen. According to the screen, the turret was on, and ready for combat. Thinking quickly, Lorrani realized that the turret was being used, just not at the moment. The gunnery crew was away, but probably not for long, thought Lorrani.

Lorrani headed towards a corner obstructed by several other consoles, and ducked behind them. If the gunnery crew came back, this would be an excellent spot for an ambush. There weren't too many wires that would obstruct his movement. Moreover, this spot was virtually hidden from someone entering the room. Lorrani shook his head. The engineers of this ship were careless, he thought.


Wes Lorrani
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:27:53 PM
Lorrani rushed into the room, his own blaster in a two-handed grip. His eyes quickly darted back and forth to see if any hostiles were present. The room seemed empty, but Lorrani kept his blaster out in case of an ambush.

Moving quickly, yet as quietly as possible, Lorrani headed towards the gunner's targeting computer. He frowned when he saw the console screen. The screen gave off a soft green glow, and made a slight humming noise. Lorrani punched in several commands, and the screen became filled with text. According to the screen, the turret was on, and ready for combat. Thinking quickly, Lorrani realized that the turret was being used, just not at the moment. Most likely the gunnery crew was away, but probably not for long, thought Lorrani.

Lorrani headed towards a corner obstructed by several other consoles, and ducked behind them. If the gunnery crew came back, this would be an excellent spot for an ambush. There weren't too many wires that would obstruct his movement. Moreover, this spot was virtually from someone entering the room. Lorrani shook his head. The engineers of this ship were careless, he thought.

Lorrani continued to stay in his hiding spot, being careful to hear for any sounds.