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Feb 1st, 2004, 06:55:17 PM
Hera was ushered into an ante room by a rigid and formal petty officer to await her audiance. Crisp in his flawless uniform, Hera wondered if his undershorts were as starched as his personality. Sure, military guys were notorious non-talkers, but this guy was off the chart. Probably considered a grunt too much conversation.

"Wait here"

She declined to take a seat, prefering instead to stroll the length of the waiting room to examine a model of the Emporers former Flagship displayed on a sleek black mantle.

The officer turned and strode from the room, leaving Hera guarded by two troopers on either side of the doorway.

Twisting where she stood, the Faene Mistress wiggled her fingers in goodbye wave to the mans rigid retreating back. Nice talking to you

Hera was unsure to which of his superiors he would report her arrival too - Tchort, or Balades, hell - he might even bring Xilarian back with him. Wouldnt that be a kicker, she grinned to herself.

What Hera was sure of, she had not been expected and her appearance would be as much a surprise to them as it was to herself.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:12:06 PM
The morning had been uneventful, that was until Temel, the ever present secretary who sat outside Marshal Tchorts office had calmly told Tchort that the infamous Hera DrenKast had arrived on Thyferra, or more specificaly, in Imperial High Command itself. She had requested an audience with a high ranking officer and Tchort, feeling bored, decided to entertain the lady, being the gentleman he was.

His black uniform, with its polished medals, insignia and regalia was an impressive sight as he strode in between the two troopers who stood flanking the doorway of the ante room. The room was fairly bare, save for a few cabinets and a table. That and of course, the Faene Mistress herself.

"Madam DrenKast, I'm honoured. I am Field Marshal Tchort, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, I represent the Imperial Sovereignty and Grand Admiral Desaria."

He couldn't help the sarcasm that slipped into his voice upon his address to her. She was a beautiful woman indeed, he thought, her file didn't do her justice.

He motioned for her to sit in one of the skeletal metal chairs that sat around the conference table and took a seat himself and let a broad smile cross his lips.

"Now, what can we do for you, Madam DrenKast?"

Feb 1st, 2004, 07:33:57 PM
"The pleasure is mine, Commander"

A genial smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she, now, obediently took her seat in the suggested chair. The stiff attention of the trooopers at the arrival of Jarek was not lost on her.

The Imperials had got atleast one thing right in their long and dubious history - they knew how to turn out impressive officers. The uniformed man who presented himself was impeccible. From the striking outline of the tailored fabric of his tunic, to the dazzling adornment of medals that declared his experience and success in the art of war and all things heroic.

But clothes and other ornaments could enhance, but not disguise the character of the actual man who wore them. Somehow, Hera felt Tchort would be a commanding presence even dressed in the casual attire of a civilian.

His sharp eyes and candid gaze promised a shrewdness of mind and Hera cautioned herself to be wary. For all his good manners, Tchort did not rise to his current position because he was an idiot.

She returned his broad smile, attempting to disarm him a little.

"Thankyou for seeing me. I know you are a busy man"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:47:06 PM
"Busy is not the word, m'am. I have many matters to attend to, but how could I miss meeting such a...celebrity as yourself? Oh and please, call me Jarek."

Tchort grinned slightly, noting her disarming smile and casual demeanor. He placed his hands on the table and steepled his fingers as he spoke;

"So, Thyferra is known for it's ample shopping facilities and it's natural beauty, yet, I fear, that is not the reason you have graced us with your presence Madam DrenKast."

He motioned an attendant to bring over a cart stocked with fine wines and spices.


Feb 1st, 2004, 08:09:02 PM
"Please" she said agreeably to his offer for a drink, leaving it up to him to make the selection.

While he chose, she took the opportunity to examine him closely. She guessed he was a man in his mid-late thirties. A little older than herself. His face had the lines that accompanied the burden of responsibility over time. Or perhaps it was just that he frowned alot. Though he was not frowning now.

She wondered of his background, his beginnings and the road he must have travelled to find himself among those in command of the Imperial Fleet. Hera had done some research about the chain of command here at the Sovereignty, but most of it was sterile military diatribe which bored her endlessly.

Jarek handed her a glass, its thin stem etched crystal.

"Natural beauty can be found everywhere Jarek but Thyferra has certain shopping unique to her alone."

She, of course, referred to Imperial ships. And while it was a motive for her visit, it was not the only one.

But it would not do for Tchort to know that.


Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:28:38 PM
A long necked bottle of Cheret '35 was selected and opened by the silent attendant. Tchort waved him away and turned back to his company with a smile. He arched a brow as Hera replied to his veiled queries. It was like a saber duel, thought the Marshal, thrust, parry, counter thrust. Such was the way of these things, if the Faene Mistress wished to play that game, Jarek was willing to oblige her.

"I see, you are shopping, well, I know some excellent stores that stock the finest goods this side of the Republic border."

He sipped at his golden beverage, while he looked the woman seated opposite over, her face was young and beautiful, delicately made up, her eyes seemed like pearls, reflecting the dim lighting of the ante room.

"But perhaps you wish to buy something of more importance then diamonds and spices."

Feb 1st, 2004, 08:50:06 PM
"Now you're singing my song" she said with a bold wink over her glass.

It was a slight shift in tactic. Gone was the woman of aloof mystery, in her place sat a scoundrel who teetered on brazen familiarity.

Hera sipped her wine, it was very good, and she said as much.

"I was wondering, Commander.." (back was the formal visitor again, all business and polite cordiality) "..if I might be able to view any vessels not currently in the fleets commission that you may be open to negotiating a price for..?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:01:54 PM
Tchort paused and looked Hera directly in the eyes before he continued.

"Madam, Imperial Vessels are worth quite a small fortune. Tell me what you are looking for and I'm sure we can come to a profitable arrangement."

His eyes glinted slightly as he spoke.

"But, I think we cannot do buisness, unless you have something, that the Sovereignty wants?"

Feb 1st, 2004, 09:22:33 PM
"Or can get"

She clarified for Tchort.

"Unless I have -- or can get -- something the Sovereignty wants."

Her smile was really quite wicked as she sipped again from her glass. She didn't like that he was already voicing dismissing her proposal. Though, perhaps, it was just a negotiating tactic.

"Im after something big. Small ships I have. A Cizerack Frigate, I have. Surely there is something you can offer me. But, forgive me. I forget my manners."

She set down her glass, an edge now to to the look in her ice-blue eyes and asked airily.

"Is there something the Sovereignty wants....?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:13:14 AM
"Forgive my forthrightness in advancing my own interests, I merely seek the best deal for the Sovereignty, as you seek the best deal for Shadowfaene. "

Draining the last of the liquid in his glass and motioning the attendant for a refill, Tchort flashed a smile at his counterpart and sat back in his chair.

"Let me answer your query before I disscuss what the Sovereignty wants. You wish to purchase some large vessels, I'd say in the size range of an Abolisher-class heavy cruiser? They are older ships, but they pack a punch. You'd need a skeleton crew of 1,500 in order to keep them going. The Imperial Navy is in the process of phasing them out, I'm sure I could interceede on your behalf with my colleagues in the Navy. Your thoughts Madam DrenKast?"

Feb 2nd, 2004, 03:32:26 PM
Tchort was a man who enjoyed his liquor, Hera noted as he drained his glass. Or his fine wine atleast. The attendant dutifully refilled the Field Marshall's glass, gesturing slightly toward her own, which she declined. Her's was barely half gone.

"I am not looking to buy a small Navy, Commander, just one ship for now would be all I require. The crew alone would tax my resources. But the Abolisher-class is a reasonable suggestion."

In truth, the ship was only a means to an end. An excuse to have this very meeting.

"I seek, you see" she went on conversationally, "to bolster my defenses around my -- er -- base of operations. So something that could be used to patrol, and deter certain undersirables form entering my spacelanes is what I am after."

A cheshire smile.

"So any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:39:22 AM
"Then I shall intercede on your behalf . One Abolisher - class vessel won't harm the war effort."

Tchort nodded to the patient attendant again, who scurried over with light snacks, some exotic shrimps from the Thyferran sea's and a few lightly salted and ornately decorated fillets of fish.

As Tchort toyed with the shrimp, he spoke again.

"One must wonder, what is it you need a heavy cruiser for? In these days most....ahem....grey elements of society use gunships and snubfighters. Call me curious, but with selling even an old cruiser, there are certain questions one must ask. Security reasons."

Feb 3rd, 2004, 10:00:34 PM
A shrug of her shoulders before she sat back, allowing the attendant to place a small plate before her. "Sometimes when its just you against the other guy, it all just comes down to who has the bigger gun."

She chased a shrimp around the delicate saucer with her fork, without success of skewering it.

"Slippery lil' buggers aren't they"

She glimpsed up, feeling slightly awkward as the rebellious morsel elluded her.

"Besides, patrolling may not be its only use. It would be a shame to waste such an assett in idle guard duty"

Hera stabbed the shrimp atlast onto the tines and mopped it through the creme sauce..

"But, as you so eloquantly put it - one cruiser wont harm the war effort. You hardly have anything to worry about from me"

And popped the shrimp into her mouth.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 3rd, 2004, 10:36:32 PM
"You hardly have anything to worry about from me"

Jarek couldn't help himself from grinning widely at that.

"Of course."

He half drained his second glass before carrying on.

"There is something the Sovereignty wants more then anything, a lofty goal, no doubt, but achiveable." He paused, grim faced. "The destruction of the New Republic. You know the saying, 'every little helps'? Well it most certainly does. If you and your organisation would provide us with intelligence on anything remotely relevant to the war, that would be payment enough."

"That and your unquestioning, yet secret, assistance in the years ahead."

Tchort had barely touched the shrimp, he was engrossed in negotiation now.

"The war is taking a turn, Madam DrenKast, the Imperial Sovereignty is taking the initiative, as the galaxy will soon see. Those wise enough will side with us and stand to make great profit."

Feb 3rd, 2004, 11:07:05 PM
"Excuse me if I dont stand up and sing the hallelujah chorus for the Empire, Commander" she helped herself to another shrimp, this time with less difficulty.
"History is not so old that the debacle of Endor has been forgotten"

Her words were a deliberate barb, and Hera watched Jarek closely for his reaction.

She had been hard-balled by military might before - the Cizerack annexing of ShadowFaene still left a sour taste in her mouth - and while she was all for scratching one another's itch, Hera would not be maneuvered into paying more than she wanted. Unquestioning assistance fell into that catagory.

It was her intent, eventually, to get from them more than they from her. Hera needed to accurately assess the officer seated across from her if she was to achieve her goal. A miscalculation on her part could prove quite...disasterous.

"Dont get me wrong - I am no friend to the Republic and may be able to assist you with regard to intelligence. We are, after all, on the same side."

They met each other with a smile, both knowing that was not exactly true.

"But I wont be the Imperials toady, jumping to the crack of their whip or marching to the beat of their drum."

She allowed the attendant to fill her glass.

"It is only one ship.."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 4th, 2004, 04:46:02 AM
Tchort merely shrugged at Hera's words.

"I understand you wish to protect your independance, you misunderstand my line oif though. Unquestioning assistance at most, means helping us with intelligence, aiding our operatives, allowing safe passage to Imperial citizens and troops."

Tchort smiled slightly as he thought over the matter. Hera was afraid of the Sovereignty, with good cause, he needed to turn that fear into trust. Of some sort.

"It is only one ship, correct, but in the long term mutual assistance is surely no bad thing? The Empire...ahem...Sovereignty, would, I'm sure, be glad to assist your personnel and ships were such an agreement to help one another reached."

Jarek now played his ace and watched Hera carefully as he illustrated his point.

"In fact, as a token of my goodwill and that of the Sovereignty, I am willing to issue a general pardon to any of your people who have found themselves on the wrong side of Imperial law, of which," he said smiling wryly, " I am sure, there are a few.""

Feb 4th, 2004, 09:06:50 PM
"Imperial law"

Her eyes danced as she echoed him with sarcastic emphasis. Oh, that was a good one.

Law - anyones - didn't mean a terrible lot to her.

"Well, the Sovereignty is very magnanamous" she bowed in her seat, never looking more the scallywag than she did just now, eating the Commanders shrimp and drinking his excellent wine, while flaunting his generosity.

Prudently reigning herself in a little, Hera proceded to state things as she saw them.

"ShadowFaene has always been a friend to the Empire - should our paths have ever crossed, Im certain we-my crew and I - have always done right by you."

Perhaps this was a little stretching of the truth, but what does one expect form a pirate. Jarek was proving fairly patient, Hera observed, and slow to anger. An unusual combination in a man who weilded such authority.

Hera pontificated further, waving her fork in the air.

"As a matter of fact, I even recall a time I assisted your Admiral, Taylor Millard of Balmorra and his beleagured ship to fight off the invading Yevethen that had overrun him. Your man Xilarian was there at the time, he can atest to it if you care to ask him.

Any past indescretions against your law that may have occured by anyone from Faene surely have been atoned for."

She tilted her head in a curious fashion, fixing Jarek with a quizzical gaze.

"You speak as though we are enemies. Is that what you think?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:44:16 AM
"In times of war you are wary of anyone not under the same banner as yourself. You have indeed proven to be a friend, but I am not a man who trusts blindly."

Jarek pushed aside his platter of shrimps and grimaced at the second helping, he didn't feel too hungry now.

"I am curious why you are here, to be frank. Buying one cruiser isn't too difficult if you know where to look. Can I offer any other assistance?"

Feb 5th, 2004, 01:21:01 PM
"I must confess to being curious myself"

The attendent cleared away their plates unobtrusively.

"The Imperials have always seemed so very far removed from my own life in terms of direct contact. With the exception of Millard and Xilarian."

She looked at him candidly.

"I thought it time for a closer aquaintance. The purchase of a ship afforded that opportunity."

Hera sat back, pulling her glass toward her.

"To perhaps meet some of their officers" she smiled at him, "..even get the chance to have a little look around at the great war machine itself."

Her smile broadened to a grin, "..unless you suspect me to be a spy. Which, in that case, I would settle for spending some time in the Captiol, sampling some of Thyferra's fine restaurants and availing myself of her shopping."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 6th, 2004, 02:50:27 PM
Jarek felt a wave of laughter overtake him. Hera was certainly up to something, he felt, but she was not going to be too forthcoming about whatever it was she wanted. Well, even if this was all she had come to Thyferra to see, it was easy enough to arrange.

"I'm sure we can arrange something, what would you like to see?"

Feb 6th, 2004, 10:44:45 PM
She laughed good-naturedly along with Jarek, as if she had read his thoughts.

He was far from trusting her - which she had expected, and which was just common sense on his part. But atleast he was remaining amiable, and so far, quite accommodating. She hoped he would remain in such a pliant mood.

"Like to see..?" she repeated his question, then answered it.

"How about you -- for dinner -- tonight" she grinned lopsidedly, doing her best to look impossible to refuse. "We can finalize a number for the cost of the ship and you can tell me what is a 'must-see' here in Thyferra. That is, if you are not too busy...?" she added, allowing him to politely decline without offense, if he so wished.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 7th, 2004, 06:55:27 AM
Jarek dabbed a dry towel at his lips before answering.

"My dear, as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army I am always busy, but I am never too busy to pass up an invitation of dinner with such.." he grinned, "delightful company."

He motioned to a solitary young man who had remained silent and watchful the whole time. A rank bar denoted him as a Major and though young, an ugly scar across his forehead displayed his share of action.

"Major Vryss," all the while keeping his eyes on Hera, "arrange us a table at C'ador, my booth, I don't care for that balcony table he stuck me in last time."

Vryss smiled slightly and nodded as Jarek turned his full attention back to his companion.

"I shall arrive at your accomadation at 21:00 hours, I'l pick you up in my personnal All Terrain Armoured Transport so you are quite sure it is I."

When a look of slight shock fell onto Hera's face, Jarek leaned forward conspiritorialy.

"A jest, Madam DrenKast."

Feb 8th, 2004, 02:26:32 AM
Hera smiled broadly, appreciating Jarek's humor even if it came at her own expense.

She stood now, as Vryss resumed his former place. Tchort standing up from the table with her.

"I will see you then, at 2100 hours" she confirmed, and thought she sounded odd using the military term.

She gestured with her hand toward the remaining items on the table "Thank you for your hospitality, Commander. And for your assistance regarding the ship. You have been very helpfull"

Just how helpfull would remain to be seen. Getting anything from Tchort would be difficult indeed if he did not want to give it. His polite charm only disguised the shrewd and calculating instincts of the man behind it to eyes that would submit to ignorance.

Hera was not looking to make enemies of the Imperials. She had plenty of those already. However, she knew that it would be nothing short of miraculous if they handed over what she wanted without ,instead, keeping it for themselves. If they even had what she wanted..Or rather, if they even knew they had it.

She put that unpleasant thought aside. If the Imperials didnt know of the Installation. No one would.

How to proceed was the dilema she faced, and which she hid behind a warm smile.

A breif ship purchase negotiation was not enough time to assess Tchort, and thus decide on the best strategy. Theft, coercion, deception...Or, she could just ask..

Either way was a gamble. Hera needed to play the best hand.

Her hope was that dinner would reveal just what cards she held.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:41:51 AM
Jarek's transport was anything but an AT-AT. The sleek black speeder had whisked the Faene Mistress away to the charming resturant of C'ador, perched high above Lake Jerome on the outskirts of Xupchra city. A mellow breeze coursed through the resturant, a ornately decorated affair. Incredible glass windows wrapped and snaked their way around the suppourt struts, revealing the surroundings through their bright blue tint.

In the booths that ran along the rim of the resturant, a small rat -faced waiter stood waiting, he was silent, allowing the customers to continue their small talk until they were ready to order. Before him, on a circular table, sat the imposing figure of a regular, Jarek Tchort. Yet he wore no uniform, but a tailor made suit, which seemed to fit him as expertly as his uniform did. One did not keep this man waiting.

The young attractive woman with him, the waiter did not place. She had a jovial air about her, smiling broady and exchanging chit chat with the Marshal.

Finally, his observations were broken by the mans voice.

"Renton! Good man, now we wish to order."

He looked to Hera, a look of seriousness about him. Eating was something one did in order to live. Eating out was something one did in order to barter for something, whether it be the affections of a lady, the compainonship of friends or an informal deal of some sort, such as was happening now.

He motioned for her to order, an eye on his menu already.

Feb 9th, 2004, 03:51:09 PM
Dressed in a simple knee-length dress of soft rose satin, her bare arms toned and tanned gave her a fresh and healthy glow against the blush material. Her face was madeup sparingly, soft frostings of pink around her eyes and cheeks, a light gloss on her lips, Hera appeared to shimmer from head to foot.

Her smile came easily and she looked far from the deadly killer who lurked just beneath the glimmered surface.

Turning to Renton, the server noticed that her gaze as she fixed it on him, was piercing. The clothing and the demure manner could not hide the steely will behind them. Renton shivered.

"I will have the angel hair pasta" Renton tried his best not to look dubious "with the carbonara sauce. White wine. And the calamari to start"

Renton turned to the Field Marshall, pen poised mid air for his order, though it was all just so much formality. The Commander would almost certainly have his usual.

Hera eyed Jarek appreciatively. The man cut a striking figure dressed as he was. His authority was unquestioned, even in such a simple thing as dining out. Respect was obvious from all who hazarded a glimpse his way. Hera also caught the speculative looks cast in her own direction now and then. She wondered why. Tchort did not strike her as a man who stayed at home alone of an evening doing crossword puzzles. Had they not seen him eat with a companion before?

She sipped her rum - having started the evening with a drink - and looked out at the panoramic view afforded by the grand windows. Though her mind remained very firmly to the task at hand.

Pleasant as this was - dinner with an intelligent and intruiging man, one she was not a little curious about - all was to a purpose. She must not forget that.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 10th, 2004, 07:42:59 AM
Jarek ordered the steak, as he always did, he wasn't much of a stickler for variety. Once he knew he liked something, he stuck with it, yet that was not what he was doing with the young lady seated across from him. No, this was a risk.

Renton scurried away, leaving the two to their disscussion.

"I hope you like this place, Madam DrenKast, it's my first choice in resturants on Thyferra, in the entire Sovereignty even." Jarek poked exporatively at the fine bread that sat meeky in front of him. "Old C'ador runs it, he's a haughty old alien, ex-royalty I belive."

He ran an approving eye over his companion as she was distracted by a waiter dropping a plate, sending it crashing to the floor. Her fine figure and elegant face were highlighted by the dappled light that faded in through the windows, catching her fine features perfectly. Almost a work of art, he thought to himself.

"I must say, Madam DrenKast, that I have seldom dined with such a delightful woman as yourself." A charming smile creased his face. "You are truly a ray of sunshine, my words do not do you justice, I'm afraid."

Feb 11th, 2004, 05:42:12 PM
She graciously received the compliment, responding with a warm smile that was reflected even in her eyes - a testament to its honesty.

There were not too many in the galaxy who thought of Hera as "delightful" and it was a compliment indeed to hear Jarek say so.

"Thankyou Jarek, though I fear you are being generous. However, I will pretend you are not and enjoy the flattery, but only if you start calling me Hera instead of Madam."

The wine arrived, the waiter pouring first a sample for Jarek to sample. When it was agreed to be suitable, the well-appointed server poured them each a glass.

"The restaurant is lovely" she began once the waiter had left, picking up the thread of conversation "A good choice - I can see why you like it. It is..." she searched for the right word, "...unpretentious yet with a classic charm."

The wine was good, if not a little strong.

"Why dont you tell me a little about yourself? I suppose you have always been a milirary man, from a long line of military men, no doubt. Your father, like his father before him...?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 11th, 2004, 06:51:42 PM
A mischevious grin lit Jarek's face.

"Hera it shall be."

"...About myself hmm?"

He paused to sip at the crimson tinted wine.

"Well, my grandfather was a millitary man, he served under Palpatine's Empire most of his life, he was a soldier like myself, born and raised on Anobis, a mining planet, where the only career options were the millitary or working the hydraulic drills."

The smile had lost it's michevious quality but remained broad. His eyes glinted as he spoke.

"My father....well my father was an oddball. He was destined to follow my grandfather into the Imperial Navy, but he was a lazy man by nature. He choose a cosy job as an accounant on Arbra. My grandfather died in some bizzare foul-up against the rebels over Obra Skai, but not without first cutting my family off from his assets, we struggled, I can tell you. I finally joined Diktat Viscera's Empire when I was nineteen. I rose through the ranks, so to speak, fairly quickly, I have a knack at soldiering."

Jarek's face lost it's smile now, it was replaced by a bitter expression of anger, yet pride laced his voice.

"My big break came on Brentaal during the last Vong attack. I commanded the remnant of the Imperial garrison there. We withstood wave after wave of those monsters, in the ruined pit of the capitol city, knee deep in blood. Yet we drove them off the planet, the Imperial soldier triumphed that day."

He suddenly looked Hera directly in the eye and laughed, his chraming smile returning.

"I apologise Hera, I talk too much. It is quite amazing to be truthful, I have never opened up to anyone like that before. This wine is making me loose tounged."

Yet he was quite sincere, he trusted Hera, at least with his personal secrets, abeit begrudgingly.

Feb 11th, 2004, 09:46:11 PM
The calamari arrived as Jarek was speaking, and though Hera ate -- and she knew she must have as her plate was quickly emptied -- she barely registered the fact.

Tchorts description of battle against the Vong held her attention riveted.

In her mind she pictured the bloody mayhem of the alien warriors pitted against a determined Imperial defender. The violence appealed to her greatly. Soldiers fighting and conquering as if they were one body and one mind -- a giant warrior cutting a swarth through history for one sole purpose.

Her father had been such a soldier, but in a vastly different army in a vastly different scenario. The Clan wars of Kwaylon had finally taken him on the battlefield. A glorious way to die.

Her being a smuggler and an outlaw suddenly felt quite dishonorable.

But the feeling passed.

"You must be a good leader to have come out victorious in Brentaal. The Vong are very formidable."

She smiled, "Your grandfather would be proud, the miserly old buzzard."

"Is there still mining on Anobis? Do they use slaves there?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:47:36 AM
Jarek shook his head.

"No, no slaves, at least not that I know of. I've never been there. I have no wish to either. From the stories my father told me it sounds like a fairly grim place."

Jarek inclined his head slightly and watched her finish off the calamari before speaking.

"What of you, tell me about yourself."

Jarek was wholly intrigued by Hera now, he knew his opinion of her should be fairly lowly, yet he felt there was much more to Hera than met the eye.

Feb 13th, 2004, 03:07:55 PM
Over the main course, Hera gave Jarek a summary of her life so far.

She explained that her father had been body guard to the rightful king of Kwaylon, who consequently was also his brother, and that Hera as a teen had herself been taken into the Kings guard as squire to her father.

She had learnt swordmanship and basic tactical warfare, logistics and survivor training from her father -- though they were primative and rudimentary compared to the technology they knew today. Kwaylon kept much of the old ways - weapons were wrought from wood and iron and steel. Battles were fought hand to hand on a grass or dirt field - not from ship to ship in an arena of stars.

The clans had always been restless - each one trying to assert some claim to the throne. Which inevitably led to war and, disasterously, to the overthrow of the Zaria Tor legacy. There was a surviving rightful heir to the Kwaylon throne, Lady Jade, daughter of the king and Hera's cousin. Hera had been charged with seeing Jade safely from Kwaylon, fleeing when the outcome of the war was sealed against them. Her own father had been dead long before then, the king shortly after.

So they had left, Jade now living in obscurity until the time for her return, should it ever come.

Eventually Hera through a series of events discovered her force abilities and was apprenticed to Ogre Mal Pannis, where she was taught the power of the Darkside by one of the foremost Sith Masters the galaxy has ever seen.

Here Hera grew a little vague, uncertain - or unwilling - to go into too much detail. Her exploits were of such a nature that could be construed as, well, wicked and detrimental to society in general. Perhaps another time when she did not fear to be too candid with a man who was second in command of the Imperial Sovereignty she would tell him of a breif time spent in the ranks of TSE, or of her co-founding of the now defunct Royale Order of Sith with some of the most frightening Sith menaces a person could name, or of the cloning technology the ROS had experimented with to some success..It all seemed a lifetime ago. A tale for another time.

"Eventually" she continued, " I established my own enterprise of , er, Transport and Aquisitions" She said this with a wry grin as she twisted up a fork-full of pasta.
"And now I find myself here, in such distinguished company combining business with pleasure."

She sipped her wine, barely having touched it all night.

"Which brings me back to our negotiations. Perhaps, once done with dinner, we can go by your office and finish up the details. I will transfer funds directly to you. I dont like to end such a lovely evening talking business, but unfortuantely, I must leave first thing tomorrow."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:33:27 PM
Though Jareks face was all smiles, the words; "unfortuantely, I must leave first thing tomorrow." left him crestfallen. He liked Hera, plus he still didn't fully belive her true motivation for paying him a visit had been for one cruiser.

"That is bad news. Well we certainly can do that, I have access twenty four - seven. I'm sure the guards will let me in, if I ask nicely"

The wry smile crept back onto Jareks face as he talked. Inwardly, he contemplated Hera's words about her past, she had had quite a life it seemed, she was concealing part of it from him, but it was her perogative. She was indeed the intriuging woman he had belived she was when he had first met her. And more besides.

Time for smalltalk, he thought quickly.

"So do you have any interests, music, theater, blowing up things for fun...?"

Feb 13th, 2004, 09:45:54 PM
She laughed easily, enjoying Jarek's company a great deal.

It was almost a shame to rip him off.

Hera assuaged her guilt by reminding herself she was taking from the faceless Sovereignty, not the man himself. And that she deserved to give herself the chance to get the Installation co-ordinates if she was able to. She had been after this particular item for years.

Her self-reasoning didnt really work, though. She plunged into the conversation to steer her mind from pangs of conscience.

"I am fond of antiquities. Rare art, sculptures. I have a few peices at home that I came by at great effort"

She laughed again at Tchorts speculative and what she guessed was a slightly reproving glance.

"Not all of it by dubious means, I might add"

"I cant say Ive been to much theatre. I wanted to see the Diva Rossuara when she was in Coruscant but could not make the time. Have you ever heard her sing?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:53:13 PM
Jarek looked down mock shamefacedly a moment.

"I can't say I have, I'm not what you would call," -the grin returned- " entirely cultured. Of course I have my title, I have my estate, but they'll never make an aristocrat of a man decended from miners."

A burning question filled Jarek, he finally belived he would throw it into the coversation with Hera. Matter of factly, of course.

"I must say, I'm curious. How does it.....well.....feel? Having force powers I mean? It is not something to be taken lightly I fear."

Feb 13th, 2004, 10:56:48 PM
The question surprised her a little and she paused just a moment before responding.

"Think of the feeling you get when you stand on the bridge of one of your destroyers. You look out and see spread out before you the military might of the Empire, ship after ship. An awesome weapon for you to weild."

She leant forward, locking her eyes to his.

"You feel...invincible yes?"

Her smile was a little unnerving. Like she knew a secret that he had been keeping.

"You arent of course -- invincible. But feel like you are."

Her eyes glinted.

"That is how I feel most of the time"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 14th, 2004, 05:21:43 AM
With her reply, the second course, including Jarek's vaunted steak, arrived. He tucked in with gusto. He was starving, he had been neglecting to eat for almost a week now, with various pressures and worries upon him.

Jarek regarded the woman with interest, he knew the feeling she spoke of. The raw power he had experienced in his time in the millitary, the awesome firepower he had unleashed, had given him a certain feeling of invicibility at times. Yet that was tempered by his being on the front line himself. Seeing the sheer savagery of war close up made him realise that at any moment he could die. He was resigned to the fact.

"Thats an empowering feeling. I was always curious as to how it felt. One hears the tales of force users, they are often scarcely beliveable. I have been friends with one force user for sometime now, he fought on Brenntal with me. It amazes me to think there is some all encompasing energy field just beyond normal perception..."

He munched thoughtfully before talking again.

"Why did you choose the dark side, if you dont mind me asking?"

Feb 14th, 2004, 02:41:43 PM
"For the dental plan, its much better than the Jedi offer"

She flashed him a wide smile displaying perfect teeth, as if this were wholly the truth, then tried to give him an honest answer.

"There never really seemed to be a question of which side. The darkside came naturally and I just flowed with it. My nature is not the most sterling you might ever come across. I built on the traits in me that were the strongest. Compassion and longsuffering not being some of them.

Once you feel the exhiliration of the darkside power, there is little else that fills your mind"

Hera watched him eat for a moment, a comfortable lull in the conversation.

"So, this friend of yours who fought with you on Brentaal - he still around?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 14th, 2004, 06:52:50 PM
Jarek nodded, gulping down a square portion of meat.

"Yes, very much so. His name is Tear, well, Colonel Tear. He's somewhat un-conventional in his attitudes, but he is one damn fine soldier." Jarek smiled at Hera and winked. "He owes his success to me, of course."

With more small talk, came Renton, scurrying around the pair with his underlings, clearing away dirty plates and cutlery. Jarek was careful not to speak of anything remotely sensitive in earshot of the waiter, Renton had a suspicious look to him. But, if he felt any inclination to mess with them, Hera would sense it.

He turned back to Hera as Renton came back, two rectangular cyan dessert menu's in his long fingers.

Feb 14th, 2004, 07:12:07 PM
Hera took the offered menu and placed it on the table without opening it.

"I've not much of a sweet tooth" she said in explanation. "Unless, they have icecream"

Renton interjected that they did, infact, have icecream.

"Chocolate mint chip?"

"Double chocolate mint chip, if you like madam"

"Thats it then - Im decided. How about you Tchort - need a little sugar jolt to finish things off with?"

Jarek looked over the menu, while Hera ordered coffee.

When he had decided, and Renton gone, Hera continued to chit chat.

"So, you spoke earlier this afternoon of war, Jarek. You see things heating up on the intergalactic arena I assume?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 15th, 2004, 02:42:22 PM
Jarek followed Hera's example and ordered a double helping of strawberry ice cream.

He took leaned forward conspiratoraily.
"The Sovereignty is embarking on some large projects in the very near future. Let us say for now that the Republic High Command will not be discussing the weather in the coming months."

He changed subject, indicating he didn't feel C'ador's was the ideal place to discuss such matters. He muttered under his breath to Hera, just loud enough to be discerned above the low din of the restaurant.

"That man Renton, do you...sense....anything odd about him?"

Feb 15th, 2004, 05:11:56 PM
Hera kept her eyes on Tchorts, if Renton was looking their way, the pair appeared to be completely taken in what the other was saying and not much else.

"He is going to alot of trouble to look like he is completely uninterested in us. I could take a walk through his mind if you like, though I actually thought him to be in your own employ. Or atleast, in the Sovereignty's. You may frown on me doing that.."

She added with a wicked grin.

"I could kill him where he stands right now if you want. It would look like a heart attack..."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:32:17 PM
Jarek jabbed a spoon in the still freezing ice cream, trying to look natural.

"though I actually thought him to be in your own employ. Or at least, in the Sovereignty's.

Jarek frowned slightly, Renton had worked a the C'ador for something like a year now, yet he would not be suprised if Renton was an informant, many of the wealthiest and most powerful beings on Thyferra dined at C'ador.

He thought a moment about Hera's offer to kill Renton....that unsettled Jarek slightly. He was a killing machine himself, he could have killed Renton with one swift motion of his arm, but Hera did not even draw breath to end the life of a sentient being. Such power was dangerous, dangerous indeed.

"Not necessary. But I thank you for the offer."

Jarek considered the past five minutes conversation before speaking.

"Perhaps, Hera, if you wouldn't mind, we should leave now. I don't want to keep you up, you have a long journey ahead."

He smiled amiably and waited for her reaction.

Feb 15th, 2004, 10:03:10 PM

She pushed away the small bowl, having finished off the last of her dessert with a final spoon scoop into her mouth.

Her evaluation of Renton seemed news to Tchort -- so it was the Sovereingty's employ the server was in.

Jarek had pulled back from her slightly. Not in the physical sense, for he remained situated as before, but suddenly there was a distance between them.

Perhaps she had made him squeamish with her offer. No - he wasn't the type of man to shy away from acts of violence where necessary. It was the ease with which she had offered. She felt she had repulsed him by it . This disappointed Hera a little.

"It is getting late. I appreciate your consideration - an early start tomorrow is imperitive. Though, I must say, I have enjoyed your company this evening and am sorry the night is not longer."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 16th, 2004, 08:21:42 AM
With much bowing and scraping by the staff, the pair left C'ador out into the street, where evening had fallen, blanketing the city. The peaks of the skyscrapers reached upwards for the stars, covered in glowing lights.
Jarek's sleek black speeder purred softly up them, the two settled into the plush leather seats with few words between them.

She must have picked up my reaction... Thought Jarek soberly. Not being one to let tension simmer, he decided to speak up.

"I apologise if my reaction to your offer was unflattering. I did not mean for it seem that way, but understand that I have little comprehension of the power you have. That is why I was taken aback."
He smiled genuinely.
"I have not changed my opinion of you Hera, have no fear of that."

Feb 16th, 2004, 10:19:29 PM
Give it time...

The sour thought could not be supressed as she looked across at Jarek. Within the hour she will have betrayed his trust, taken advantage of his kindness and abused his personal security authorization.

She smiled weakly. His opinion would definitely be changing.

"I fear it is I who should apologize. My life for the most part is weighed in terms of expediency and I have become quite insensitive to how that effects those around me. I was only jesting earlier, but it is true that had you given the word, I would not have given a seconds though to killing Renton." She shrugged. "I suppose I appear quite the barbarian"

She turned her attention to the brilliant cascade of lights flashing past them as they made their ascent.

"But, you are a gentleman not to say so."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 17th, 2004, 08:14:36 AM
Jarek chuckled.

"I prefer to be known as a nice guy, but a gentleman will do."

The speeder swept into the Imperial Command complex, the multi-tiered
building looming out of the falling night. The heavily armed guards passed them swiftly and they pulled up alongside a pair of blast doors at the south wing.

No one questioned the late arrival of the Marshal and his lady companion, they knew better then to gossip. With a few words exchanged between himself and the on - duty guards, they were soon at his expansive seventh floor office. A tap on the ante room door revealed the ever attendant secretary Temel, his assistant droid, B6, and two burly guards who stood watch over the carved wooden double doors of Tchort's office.

Jarek motioned Hera through the doors, sliding them shut behind them. He flipped a switch on the wall, bathing the room in a soft light that caught the millitary paintings that lined the walls. They depicted great engagements, new and old, from the Civil war and from the intercine conflicts that had plauged the galaxy since the dawn of time. In one corner, next to Jareks obsidian desk, a single red, gold and black Imperial banner hung heavily from its ornate stand.

"Welcome to the inner sanctum. A measure of our trust and understanding, that I have brought you here. Would you like another drink? I have some of Grand Admiral Desaria's best brandy....somewhere..."

Feb 19th, 2004, 08:52:02 PM
"Drink the Admiral's health, with the Admiral's brandy..Wonderful suggestion!"

While Jarek set to the task of finding the brandy, Hera took some moments to appreciate the artwork adorning the office walls.

She moved from frame to frame as history was played out by brush and oils.

Such an austere legacy had been entrusted to the Officers of the Sovereignty. To rebuild the might and power of the Imperials and see in their own generation the glory restored. If this room, and the man who now offered her a heavy lead crystal glass was anything to go by, with all that she had so far seen and heard, the promise of fullfillment was not an idle one.

Taking her seat, preparing to conclude their business, Hera paused, gesturing to the scenes of battle depicted around her.

"You ever been afraid Jarek ?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 19th, 2004, 09:01:16 PM
Jarek didn't answer directly. With a satisfied "hmpff", he located the brandy, under his desk of all places.

He remained standing as he spoke.

"Yes. To be brutally honest. I've lived in fear of death in battle for most of my adult life. Luckily for me, I can control that fear to the point it is a non-issue. I am somewhat resigned to my fate now. Whatever that may be."

He looked quizicaly at his counterpart, an eyebrow raised.

"What makes you ask that?"

Feb 20th, 2004, 10:43:30 PM
She shrugged as she replied, looking again from battle scene to battle scene.

"Just wondered."

Jarek was without pretense and his honest reply only raised him in Hera's esteem.

She sipped her brandy and took a deep breath.

..better get this overwith..

"So. Shall we get to the business of me giving you some money?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 21st, 2004, 07:47:40 AM
Jarek nodded.

"Yes, let me enter my files.......I have to go through some trivial security measures first of all."

A look of concentration crossed his face as his fingers danced over the keys. He called up the appropriate directories with a series of command codes.



Password: ********

ID Code: 188362


Cleared________please wait.....

please wait......

Files accessed

With that, Jarek pulled up the files Vryss had typed up on his behest. A series of legal documents appeared, along with a number of financial records. He accessed his account and looked up at his companion.

"Hope you brought your cheque book."

Feb 21st, 2004, 07:00:55 PM
She grinned broadly in reply.

"The number's in my head. You got an amount for me?"

Her right hand plucked at the hem of her dress, tugging it a little over her knees as she waited for Jarek to complete the necessary information, and hand her the datapad for her to enter the amount required.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 22nd, 2004, 02:30:38 PM
Jarek handed her a data pad with the relevant information on it. He spoke as he handed it to her.

"I have to say, before we finish all this up, that it really has been a pleasure Hera. I don't entertain all too often these days, so any oppourtunity to get away from this office is heaven-sent."

He walked around his desk, perching his glass alongside the monitor.

"I hope I have been.....interesting company at least."

Feb 22nd, 2004, 06:33:28 PM
"Very much so" she placed the datapad on the table for the moment as she followed Jarek's movements with her eyes. "Please sit, this will take me just a moment or two"
She began to punch in numbers with her left hand.

"You have been most engaging company. I hope perhaps one day you will return me the honor of a visit. I would like the chance to show you some ShadowFaene hospitality."

She held out her hand for him to shake,

"Will you promise me that you'll come...?"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 22nd, 2004, 07:22:32 PM
Jarek smiled warmly and took the proffered hand in his own.

"Of course my dear, it'd be an honour. I'm sure Grand Admiral Desaria can manage without me for some short time."

He inclined his head in a millitary bow and clicked the heels of his -rather expensive- jet black shoes together.

Feb 22nd, 2004, 10:59:46 PM
She looked up at him, holding onto his hand longer than was necessary, and laughed a little at his snappy heel-clicking.

She brought up her other hand as if to overlay it upon their handshake. Jarek still had not sat, but there was no more room for delay. She would not get a better opportunity.

Hera held Jarek's eyes in a deep warm smile of her own, and with the small instrument taken from inside her dress hem and hidden dextrously in her right hand, she touched it to the inner wrist of the Commander's extended arm.

As slender as a pen, and half as long, with a blunt end the device was encased in a plastic compound and sheathed with insulated rubber. Small and innocuous, it would be highly undetecable to most security scans that surely the Imperial High Command was inundated with. The weapon (for such it was in the hands of the woman who held it) was an electrosonic disruption device. Simply put - it emitted a concentrated electric charge that disrupted the electrical pulses within the body, causing them to seize. It was a stungun, to put in more crude terms, and would put the individual on the receiving end of such a charge in a state of almost catatonia or suspended animation of body and mind. Breathing would almost stop, sensation and mental cognizance would cease completely.

The effect, however, would be short lived. No longer than 90 seconds in fact, and when it wore off, the person would feel a little nauseous and experience the odd feeling of dejavu.

As Jarek's knees sank beneath him, Hera helped to steer him safely into his chair. That would be hard to explain, but she would worry about that when Tchort came to.

She then tucked the device into the convenient sanctuary of her bra, then tapping her chrono, she looked at the stopwatch - she had already wasted 10 seconds getting Jarek into the chair. Unavoidable.

She spun the datapad around and, having it still opened in Jarek's access ( tossing "thankyou very much" to the unwitting man beside her), opened another screen on the monitor and began her search.

She first entered Ionic Ring seeking all entries or data on the superweapon which had originally been built by Admiral Tarkin so long ago. The Imperials must have the plans here somewhere..

--No Corresponding Data--

*35 seconds gone*

Hera crossreferenced with Admiral Tarkin, Lt Daala and Weather Manipulation. She noticed she was beginning to sweat.
--No Corresponding Data--

*45 seconds gone*


She entered "The Maw Installations"


*57 seconds gone*


*68 seconds gone*

--No Corresponding Data--

"Great bloody bollocks!!"

Jarek had not moved, but was staring forward like a statue.

Hera entered "Maw Map Grid"

*77 seconds gone*

The Map appeared almost instantaneously.

"Finally." Hera ran a hand through her hair to expell some of her exasperation.

She stared hard at the map. Hera knew this map, or rather similar maps of the Maw like her own hands. Her search for the secret Tarkin Installation where she believed the superweapon had been built long ago was a search she had conducted for a very long time, to no avail.

Now, as she looked intently at the screen, she saw a marking on the grid which she had never seen on any other map which had been in her possession. She enlarged the grid. A small thrill ran up her spine. Though the location was unnamed, this was the Installation she had been seeking. She was certain of it.

*80 seconds gone*

She memorized the co-ordinates.

*83 seconds gone*

She backed out of the screens, returning it to the original one Jarek had opened.

*85 seconds gone*

She spun the data pad around and moved back to the other side of the desk, taking Tchort's hands in her own once more.

*88 seconds gone*

Her face was distressed and she was squeezing Jarek's hands as his pupils contracted indicating light and awareness had come back into them.

"Are you quite alright, Jarek? I think you are having a bit of a turn.."

Jarek T'chort
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:36:35 AM
A blurred face loomed into Jarek's thoughts as a distant voice rang hollowly in his ears as he felt himself emerge from his stupor.

Jarek's eyes focused slowly, his mouth moving slowly as his body awoke and accustomed itself to the fact it was - in fact - not dead. For Jarek had been practicaly brain dead for over a minute.

He shook his head slowly, as though shaking off a deep sleep, the orbs of his eyes regaining their emerald gleam.

Jarek was confused, he noted he was half sitting, half slumped in his chair, yet barely moments ago he had been standing, exchanging pleasentaries with the woman who's deeply concerned eyes he found himself gazing into, his own eyes meeting them with the look of a small animal caught in the lights of a speeder.

He pulled himself upright, standing shakily, one hand still grasping Hera's.

"Wha......what happened to me?"

Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:05:25 PM
"I dont know. You just started to sway on your feet"

Hera still held one hand and reached for Jarek's brandy glass, offering it to him in an attempt to help restore him.

"Are you ok? Shall I call someone?"

Hera knew Jarek would be fine and suffer no lasting harm. As the Commander looked up at her shakily, her face was the epitome of concern and worry.

"Perhaps it was something you ate. Maybe that Renton fellow...?"

Hera let anger creep into her voiced suspicion.

She really was quite a convincing actress.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:04:09 AM
Jarek let go of Hera's hand, taking the glass shakily from her.

Renton? Could he have done something? No...Jarek did not think so, Renton was there to watch and what would be the point of making Jarek black out for a minute?

"I do not know Hera, I have no idea what happened to me, I must be under too much stress, yes I think that is it."

He smiled warmly at Hera.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am perfectly alright. I need sleep, I think."

Jarek narrowed his eyes as he took a swig of the brandy, his head felt like it was being crushed in a vice. He ran a hand through his fair hair and looked directly at Hera.

"I'm afraid I won't be much entertainment for you, I think it'd be best if I did see a physician. You have an early start too."

Feb 24th, 2004, 09:48:11 PM
A sage nod of her head indicated Hera agreed with Jarek, though, inwardly, the mention of a physician made her a little nervous. A doctors examination might possibly reveal her duplicity. She did not intend to stay around long enough to find out.

"You shouldn't work so hard" she scolded gently. "A sound nights sleep is probably all that's needed. I should let you alone and so call it a night."

She turned and entered the remaining data for payment to go through into the datapad, completing their business of the afternoon, and then turned back to Jarek.

"Would you like for me to see that you get home alright?"

She had no idea if Jarek had personal quarters at High Command, but assumed he had a residence of his own someplace away from here. Whether Jarek accepted her offer or not, which she expected he wouldn't - it was time for them to part company.

"It would be no bother"

Jarek T'chort
Feb 26th, 2004, 05:50:30 AM
The Field Marshal shook his head slowly, as much declining Hera's offer as clearing his thoughts.

"Thank you Hera, I apologise for being such a bad host. But I am fine, you should be getting some rest before you leave anyway."

Jarek blinked his eyes twice to make sure he was fully awake and looked at Hera a moment. Though he was loathe to admit it, this whole affair was high;y embarrasing. Showing weakness to Hera was a great error on his part, he thought sourly. Some representative of Imperial might he was....

He pressed a small switch on his desk and turned back to Hera.
Tchort smiled warmly, glancing behind the woman as the doors opened, admitting Temel, his ever present secretary.

"Temel, have my speeder ready to take Miss DrenKast to her hotel."

A short bow, then Temel was gone.

"Thank you again for a most pleasant evening, it was - alot of fun."

Jarek was being honest, he felt he had connected well with Hera, she was far more entertaining then the usual aristocratic ladies of high society he had to associate with, in his line of work.

"I shall remember your invitiation to visit Shadowfaene, be assured you may have an important visitor one of these days."
The Imperial grinned openly. His head still hurt a little, but he was fine otherwise.

Feb 27th, 2004, 10:12:02 PM
"I'll hold you to that, Commander" she replied with a promising smile.

"Im glad I got to meet you. Perhaps our next visit will not have to end so abruptly.."

She appeared to Jarek as if she would say more, and there was a hint of something in her look that gave him pause. Perhaps ....guilt? Or.....apology?

The door opened once more behind Hera as Temel made discreet announcement that all was ready for her to depart, and the look was gone - if it was ever really there (Jarek would be forgiven for not trusting to his senses so lately having mutinied on him) - and Hera said no more.

With a slight bow and a crooked grin, Hera took her leave.

"Goodbye, Jarek"

And Temel lead her from the room and down to the awaiting speeder.

ooc: continued here, sir: <a href="http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34516"> Rainbows End <a/>