Feb 1st, 2004, 06:36:03 PM
Hera stood in the late afternoon light and thought the air was getting that familiar dampness of the fall to it. Cool as it was, it was not cold. Not while the sun was still in the sky anyway. Once that dropped, so too would the temperature.
But Hera wasn't planning on spending the evening.
Her quarry crossed the street ahead of her and the Sith Mistress checked again the picture she held in the palm of her hand.
Yep. That was her. Karlin Darkflame. Now there was a good sith name for you, if ever she'd heard one. Word was though - according to the girls father - the little fledgling wanted to be a Jedi. Hera snorted derisively. A sucker born every minute.
Stepping up to the curb now, the Faene Mistress followed the girl, who till now had been unaware of her stalker's presence.
But Hera wasn't planning on spending the evening.
Her quarry crossed the street ahead of her and the Sith Mistress checked again the picture she held in the palm of her hand.
Yep. That was her. Karlin Darkflame. Now there was a good sith name for you, if ever she'd heard one. Word was though - according to the girls father - the little fledgling wanted to be a Jedi. Hera snorted derisively. A sucker born every minute.
Stepping up to the curb now, the Faene Mistress followed the girl, who till now had been unaware of her stalker's presence.