View Full Version : A Voice
Khendon Sevon
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:05:10 PM
An eruption occurred in space as a hole was torn through the fine fabrics of space. Brilliant ribbons of blue swayed from the tear in hyperspace as the sharp bow of the Viscera cut through the waters of Sovereignty space.
On all channels a message was broadcast, a cold, grim, demanding voice pronouncing the words, slick with condemnation, “This is the Vice-Diktat of the Galactic Empire, current Imperator of the Federacy,” the voice’s tone went even grimmer, “I hereby forbid the establishment of any Emperor within the confines of the realm of the Galactic Empire upon pain of death.”
The message repeated over and over. Khendon coolly glared at the screens within the cramped bridge of the Shroud-class vessel. “Shields up, prepare for worst case scenario, bring reactor mix to full.”
In regards to this thread:
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:07:31 PM
I concur with Khendon. The establishment of an Emperor is absolutely forbidden.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:36:40 PM
OOC: Why is that? I don't see whats so bad about it?
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:46:01 PM
Well I talked to Matt about it some 2 weeks ago and he seemed to agree, so I don't know if he just hasn't communicated his new orders to you or what. I'll say what I said then.
I have not ruled out the possibility of returning to RP my character on, and the installation of an Emperor and the invocation of the name "The Galactic Empire" would be highly provocative, monolithically problematic and massively destabilizing to any future RP efforts by myself, you and others to restore the Empire to its rightful place in the galaxy.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:54:37 PM
Ahhhh ok thats true, well what about Tiberius? Seems a little unfair on him?
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:05:44 PM
I have not ruled out the possibility of returning to RP my character on, and the installation of an Emperor and the invocation of the name "The Galactic Empire" would be highly provocative, monolithically problematic and massively destabilizing to any future RP efforts by myself, you and others to restore the Empire to its rightful place in the galaxy.-
No offense..but if your coming back, do so? I think its pretty unfair to impose your authority on others because you dont want something to happen that might make things difficult for you in the future. If Tiberious is Emperor for the time being so be it? Hes the Emperor of the Sovreignty. Not the Federacy.
If you do come back ..what is it you plan on doing? Taking the position of Emperor under all the imperial factions? Dont you think that might cause some sort of problem with the leaders already sitting in power?
I think its sort of selfish to sit back on the side lines and tell people they cant do something (that your not even involved with at present), because it might be a problem for you if you do come back in the future.
If your coming back soon..then yes i could understand your problem with the newly positioned Emperor, because it would mess up your RP, but if your simply toying with the idea of coming back or not actually going to come back for a year. Then let Tiberious have his fun and Adapt to the situation when you do come back.
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:06:26 PM
Well then I'm sorry that circumstances require unfair actions to be taken, but having someone claim to be Emperor would just screw everything up.
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:07:56 PM
/ooc not to be out of line but i just dont understand how..itll mess things up exactly?
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:24:26 PM
Hes the Emperor of the Sovreignty. Not the Federacy.
Not so. The plan set forth by Matt called for the Sovereignty to be renamed "The Galactic Empire" and the placement of an Emperor. This changes it from an internal Sovereignty issue to one that drastically threatens the long-term security of the Empire.
If you do come back ..what is it you plan on doing? Taking the position of Emperor under all the imperial factions? Dont you think that might cause some sort of problem with the leaders already sitting in power?
I think its sort of selfish to sit back on the side lines and tell people they cant do something (that your not even involved with at present), because it might be a problem for you if you do come back in the future.
Well that's your prerogative, but you obviously haven't got a clear grasp of the situation.
If your coming back soon..then yes i could understand your problem with the newly positioned Emperor, because it would mess up your RP, but if your simply toying with the idea of coming back or not actually going to come back for a year. Then let Tiberious have his fun and Adapt to the situation when you do come back.
I won't let Tiberius' fun cost Telan the years he's spent building up his character.
I really resent you bringing this up in a public forum, btw. This is a matter for private discussion. Furthermore a moderator should split this thread starting at post #3 and move it to Stratcom.
Khendon Sevon
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:31:34 PM
Furthermore, Khendon is sworn to protect the ideals of TGE and see Viscera at the helm of the Empire once again.
So, declaring an Emperor and taking the name of his beloved TGE would cause him to go ballistic. Thus, he would use every resource at his disposal to attempt to obliterate the insubordinates that started the situation.
That’s an IC reason. OOC it’s just not a practical time to become a juggernaut without a foe.
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:36:36 PM
I really resent you bringing this up in a public forum, btw. This is a matter for private discussion. -
I never said you couldnt send me a PM explaining it. You put it out in public yourself. But I think it does settle things for everyone to see if they did have the same questions i did. Which i think some did or do.
Well that's your prerogative, but you obviously haven't got a clear grasp of the situation.-
Obviously not.
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:39:55 PM
I was referring to your tactless outburst.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:45:27 PM
So Visc are you coming back sometime soon?
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:10:28 PM
Originally posted by Jarek Tchort
So Visc are you coming back sometime soon?
As I've stated before, when swfans is a place which is open to massive fleet / war roleplaying, I'll be back immediately and there'll be a battle the likes of which hasn't been seen since Operation Long Knives. Currently however, the rules in place (not to mention the attitudes towards massive intragalactic war) at swfans are uncomfortably prohibitive of the sort of grand battles I envision. What is there currently to come back to? More debating fleet rules, more empty, battle-less years, more compromising with the promise given by everyone that this latest fleet rules document will surely result in full-blown war? I gave and I gave and I gave, and I got nothing back in return save for the loss of an empire that I worked damn hard to build and apathetic enemies who refused war at every turn.
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:18:09 PM
So...what is it exactly you have against Tiberious being emperor when currently you arent planning on coming back. He isnt a warlord hes a politician, perfect for the Swfans of today.
If some day fleet rp'ing does make a come back..thats great come back. and stage a coup with those loyal to you?
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:29:31 PM
My feelings against the establishment of an Emperor do not have their source in pure OOC jealousy as you would imply, but rather I'm worried about what would happen IC and how that would affect people OOC. Every one of the traitors who supported Tiberius would end up on the run like Gue was for years, and that's not a happy way to RP your character, believe me. Victory would come for those who stayed loyal to Palpatine, but with so many former allies destroyed or scattered it would be a Pyrrhic victory.
It would be a needless schism, a complete waste, and it would go that much further towards ensuring that the Empire never again reclaims its former majesty when positive fleet rules are put in place.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:32:00 PM
True enough. But now what happens to Anar? Any suggestions that would leave both parties happy?
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:35:05 PM
Originally posted by Jarek Tchort
True enough. But now what happens to Anar?
That's why I asked Matt to reconsider 2-3 weeks ago, so things wouldn't go too far and we wouldn't be left with people hurt or feeling as if they'd been treated unfairly.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:41:12 PM
" feeling as if they'd been treated unfairly."
Yes Lord Vader...err I mean Visc.
Well, its has gone this far now, I suggest that we should have Anar as Chancellor, in place of De Nostrandum, its practically the same job, without the title, plus the government side of he Empire would be rp'd since Matt doesn't have time. Anar would IC decide, due to the pressure of the other factions and our need to have as few millitary commitments as possible during the offensive against the NR , to step down. He therefore takes over the government of the Empire.
Darth Viscera
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:53:58 PM
Or maybe, continue on with your RP the way you had originally intended (with IC resistance, of course) and when the new ship rules are instituted and I can bring back my character, DV would need experienced officers and issue a pardon to anyone who accidently swore allegiance to Tiberius the fraudulent Emperor. That way you can rebel safely and without fear of long-term damage.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:59:44 PM
That'd be easier. Nice idea.
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:01:36 PM
I agree then everyone gets their fun and we still get to strike out at the NR.
Tiberius Anar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 03:58:48 PM
Excuse me but don't Matt and I get a say? Is speak for myself here, and I am sure that Matt will voice his opinions when he has access.
I would like to point out that:
a. I was invited to assume this role by Matt. My threads serve his purpose not mine.
b. That I have laid out, privately, my scheme for taking over and that it has been approved.
c. As was the division of IC and OOC power between us. I am responsible for politics, he for the Sovereignty as a whole OOC and militarily.
d. The IC development makes no mention of either a Galactic Empire or being heir of Palpatine (As yet)
If, Viscera, you were to return it is entirely possible that Tiberius would not object to supporting your drive for Imperial glory. So why would he or any of his servants be traitors?
I propose this:
We do not change the name and I become "Emperor of the Imperial Sovereignty".
Is this acceptable?
Telan Desaria
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:47:07 AM
This is what happens when you get shot.
* BTW - -I am growling heavily right now.
The installment of an Emperor was not intended to divide the factions or destroy harmony in any way. It's purpose was the get attention - -have the Rebels' eyes cast our way again - show them we're still a threat. It was supposed to be a way to revitalize rping and add some new and interesting storylines to peoples threads. Having to pay homage to an Emperor as one goes from Bakura to Corellia was simply a way of adding words and getting the Empire mentioned more.
I have, of course, been shifting more and more towards calling the Sovereignty the Galactic Empire. Despite what Khendon says, we have reasons.
- Complete Monopoly on bacta.
- Taxation of many worlds.
- 90 percent hold on tibanna gas, needed for production of all efficient energy weapons. Analog substances, as used in the E-wing, did work but caused burnouts.
- We have taken many planets in legitmate threads and worked very hard at it. To name a few, Corellia is a Protectorate, as well as Carida, Thyferra, Bespin, Yaga Minor, Bastion, Yag dhul, etc
- We are the most active of the Imperial groups and have more threads. we have dedicated more post and wordage than any other.
- We have the most active members, and by far more when the inactive and reserve rolls are tallied in - ie, lash, Yamato, Danik, etc.
C-Most Powerful
- We own Corellia, thus giving us access to their massive shi[yards giving us unparalleled shipbuilding capacity.
- We have created yards and colonies in far flung areas giving us more IC base for production.
- We have rped the capture of our bigger ships (ie -the Intimidator)
- We have icly built up our conquered and member worlds, as well as the formations that command and defend them.
- We have not simply said we're big and we're bad now bow, bitch!
One of the primary mandates I have laid down to every person serving the Empire is that a well-written defeat is more valuable than a short and brusque victory. I want an Empire based on Ic happenings and dedication. Intrigue and the Fleet is used as a plot device, not to steamroll. I write about it and include it so largely because that is my specilty. I sit on my free time and create tactics for fighting a Star Destroyer - time that could be spent on something that could chnage the real world. But i do not because fans has been here to help me through the toughest times of my life. I owe it greatly, and I owe you all.
That said, I revert to the topic at hand - the installation of an Emperor. His title was simply to garner respect. His job was to intimidate and make us more into the Imperial mould.
Visc - you are an excellent friend OOC and IRl, and I would my life with you. But despite your promises and hints, I don't see your return any time in the future. Whenever I broach the subject, you say it isn't possible now or will have to wait until the opinion changes. I say <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> them.
Let us rebuild our Empire and play as we wish. There is no reason we need to fight the rebels/Republic! Their opinion on having a mammoth Empire is irrelevant. It is our stories and our plots that wll garner their support, not our bickering and our idleness. Come back and unite us! We'll conquer planets in the UR and wild space, fight empires of our design and use our fleets as we wish. They don't want us to fleet rp because we're good. Then we will, but not against them. We can take turns helming governments of our own design we intercept as we colonize the barren expanses they ignore. Let us have fun.
And when they turn their eyes to us, let us respond maturely. If they do something ICly, let us respond ICly and leave all - ALL - OOC <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> to the side. We can plot and plan in our secure quarters, leaving the forums clear. We can be defeated here and there and make it fun!!! There is no reason that losing Thyferra need be whined on!!! If the Republic appears and we withdraw, then it's more challanging and fun to rp a comeback. Who cares about the Empire that wins without a fight? Not me. I want to read of gallant battles and heroic defeats! For you Americans, you read of San Juan Hill and Picket's charge, not effortless campaigns through kentucky! For the British, they read of the Charge of the Light Brigade or the Battle of Bunker Hill, not effortless victories at Karadesh or Burcann. We Germans read more about Stalingrad and Berlin than we do Smolensk and Demyansk!!!
The point is return!!! Let Anar act as he wishes - and command an Empire. When Viscera returns, loyal servant that he is, Desaria will throw himself before the Diktat's alter and Anar will not be challange the wish of the Fleet. Unhappy as Grand Moff of the Thyferra Sector, he will have many chances to plot and plan his heart's content against the man who removed him from center stage. The stories are endless and so are the possibilities if we act maturely and have fun with a game rather than arguing.
That is my two cents, as it were.
Glora Imperium, in all its forms.
Khendon Sevon
Feb 3rd, 2004, 11:27:26 AM
We'll conquer planets in the UR and wild space, fight empires of our design and use our fleets as we wish
For all of those that don’t know, there was a time when SWFans brimmed over with fleet roleplayers. There was group upon group claiming world after world, battles like you’ve never dreamed of!
Now, look what is left. I have experience facing the Gungans, Sith, and Imperial Remnant. I have faced jedi in hand-to-hand combat. But not anymore. We, the mighty Empire, sit and cower, roleplaying against NPC’s.
All competitive fleet RPers moved on. In fact, I went inactive for an amazingly long time just because of the lack of a challenge. No. We, experienced, veteran fleet combat participants cannot sit back and roleplay against creatures of our own minds.
We can take turns helming governments of our own design we intercept as we colonize the barren expanses they ignore. Let us have fun.
The entire reason for roleplaying the Star Wars universe is to take planets that we all read about and love, to destroy and topple empires that others cherish. We come here to match wits with other creative writers.
All this would promote is for a single warlord to gain amazing power in the far of reaches, for what purpose, I ask you! No. Simply, we do not roleplay to fight ephemeral foes.
If the Republic appears and we withdraw, then it's more challenging and fun to rp a comeback
What Republic do you speak of? The New Republic is entirely NPC’d! It’s an after affect of the movement of fleet RPers away from SWFans. Why did they move, you may ask… the answer: there is a dearth of competition.
Who cares about the Empire that wins without a fight? Not me. I want to read of gallant battles and heroic defeats!
The point of splitting up the Empire was that there would be competition, struggling, blood shed. This has not happened! Rather, people worried about fighting NPC’s and increasing their own personal lots without putting anything on the line!
My mandate was not to fight; I tried to maintain a small empire, why? Because the Federacy was designed for the day fleet RPing would be accepted once again at SWFans. The entire idea of the Federacy was to control the size of the groups so that one wouldn’t dominate.
Sadly, with the dropping out of so many warlords, and the inactivity of others, the entire reason for the Federacy to be around has died. Thus, it must take on a new meaning. That meaning will be shown shortly, but until then, don’t worry about your Emperor, he’s of no consequence now.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 3rd, 2004, 01:05:14 PM
Fighting against NPC's may not be wonderful and certainly not the experience that battling another rper is, but they give you writing experience and a chance to build your character and test ideas, so I think thats any rp'd battles against NPC's are still worthwhile.
My point is, your past achivements are exactly that - past. The future of fleet rps will only be decided in the here and now, by the current active rpers, that means all of us here. If we even if we only fight amongst ourselves, at least we will have planted the seed from which new rpers will come and see what we are doing and we will have a new generation of fleet rpers.
I came here, for example, never having roleplayed before and was interested so I joined up. Likewise I'm sure you veterans did when you first arrived. Look at the Sovereignty, it's growing at a slow but steady pace, why not let the new generation of rpers learn from those who have done it before, who have the experience you have Khendon. If you just sit back and say - "I'm waiting till Fleet rping comes back" its a cop out, how will this change come about without someone starting it? Why not let it be all of us here? Why not do as Telan says and rebuild with newbies alongside and learning from the veterans?
Telan Desaria
Feb 3rd, 2004, 01:07:03 PM
Don't presume to impune my Honour, Khendon. I was fighting with you if you cannot remember. While I may not have been here as long as you, my experience is no less real.
What I propose is simply a revitalization of the Empire. if you do not wish, then do not partake.
I know what you want and I agree!!! I want to see the things happen you do, fighting against others. But it cannot happen - -so I move on!!!
Sean Piett
Feb 9th, 2004, 08:06:26 PM
Piett would never stand for this. He served Palpatine fanatically, and would never see a lesser man take the title. The old Thrawn, Mara, Viscera- the big names that many of you hardly remember or never knew- none of them did this, and Piett would never have let it slide. Then or now.
PS sorry Telan.
Teleran Balades
Feb 9th, 2004, 08:24:09 PM
Hey, I joined up for the fun of RPing and to gain experience in writing. Matt's one of the only people that helped me out here, and I don't see any of you active, save for Khendon. He's been working on keeping the sovereignty organized and in my opinion been very devoted to keeping the Empire alive been very helpful to the rest of us who have recently started.
As far as I see things the sovereignty is the most active group and has the most player members. Quit complaining and let him do what he wants. None of you seem to be as devoted as him. I back him fully.
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:03:52 PM
Originally posted by Sean Piett
The old Thrawn, Mara, Viscera- the big names that many of you hardly remember or never knew-
No disrespect, but theres a reason we dont know who you are. Sure ive read all threads and storys with the old Imperials in them. But for one reason or another most of the "Imperial vets" left for one reason or the other. You left the empire. We took your place and are attempting to make it strong again.
If you guys want to come back and flex your characters opinions IC thats great/ more Imperials/More good character threads/storys. But until then i dont see the point in flexing /ooc muscle.
Darth Viscera
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:08:21 PM
funny how you assume the muscle we're flexing is solely OOC. You'll receive an education soon enough, I think :evil
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:13:42 PM
Sean Piett
Feb 10th, 2004, 04:30:41 PM
Originally posted by Teleran Balades
If you guys want to come back and flex your characters opinions IC thats great/ more Imperials/More good character threads/storys. But until then i dont see the point in flexing /ooc muscle.
IIRC this thead's first post was just that, OOC. We fully intend to flex our muscle in character. Personally, I was elaborating just why Piett will react thusly in character.
Here at the keyboard, I couldn't really care less about the Sovereignty's goings-on. Piett, however, won't see anything less than the new Emeperor in chains.
Teleran Balades
Feb 10th, 2004, 04:44:23 PM
And I do respect your opinion and character motive. I just stated my opinion about all this ooc bickering. My character wouldn't have a problem, he could careless about what the government calls itself or who the leader is.
Darth Viscera
Feb 10th, 2004, 05:18:38 PM
*Do not declare an Emperor
*Do not declare an Empire
I have only asked that you refrain from those two things. The penalty for violating either of those is war, destruction and exile. Treason will be answered with cruel vengeance, I kid you not.
Just in case anyone needs to hear it another time in order to come to their senses.
Ryan Pode
Feb 11th, 2004, 07:10:01 PM
Lebron won't stand for this.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 11th, 2004, 07:16:26 PM
At least till Matt returns, IC and OOC Anar is Chancellor and the Sovereignty remains the Sovereignty. k?
Tiberius Anar
Feb 12th, 2004, 02:42:01 PM
As political leader of the Sovereignty I concur.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 12th, 2004, 08:32:45 PM
Khendon, why have you included this in your Ghosts of the Empire thread, after we have agreed that no Emperor and no Empire will be declared??
Darth Viscera
Feb 12th, 2004, 10:15:18 PM
Because that's the whole purpose of the thread which he's building up for the last 10 days? It'd be rather inconsiderate to just speak up about it now.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 12th, 2004, 10:48:29 PM
Well dont expect any reaction to it. You got your way, we agreed. Therefore IC until Matt returns the Sovereignty is all quiet on the Federacy front.
Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:28:32 PM
I'm not expecting reactions, if I were; I'd have my entire fleet mobilized and defending my boarders to the last ship. Instead, they’re on their regular patrol routes with orders to prevent anyone from entering the sector, because the Federacy is an isolationist group.
Furthermore, I’m almost 100%, don't you (the Sovereignty) have RP threads in regards to an Emperor and an Empire.
Thus, I’m in the right to continue my RP. By the way, what do you think of the thread?
Tiberius Anar
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:35:18 PM
In response to Darth Viscera's arguments Jarek and I have ordered a complete re-write. As of this moment al references to an Emperor and an Empire (with a capital 'e') have been rendered nul and void. This order is valid under Matt's instructions to us prior to his going of line.
Any refernce to the title in connection with me "Emperor" is to be read as "Chancellor". For any reference to "Your Majesty" read "Your Excellency".
As for the use of the term Empire (galactic or otherwise) please note: we have used it in the ideological sense or as a descriptor not as a title. The term "Galactic Empire" is used only in our OOC posts as part of our discussion and has not beenused IC by myself or, to my knowledge, any other member of the Imperial Sovereignty.
If Darth Viscera ever returns we, as true followers of the New Order, will join him and do his bidding as the Diktat.
To clarify our position:
1. We are the Imperial Sovereignty, we are not the Empire.
2. I am the Imperial Chancellor, not the Emperor.
Tiberius Anar
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:36:28 PM
BTW: Nice thread. Love the writing.
Darth Viscera
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:54:53 PM
Congratulations. You're manipulating the situation in a Jedi-like manner to avoid a perfectly good RP. Everything stated in this thread indicates that you'll re-edit everything to say Emperor instead of Chancellor as soon as Matt gets back, all you intend to accomplish by doing this is stall Khendon's thread. Not cool.
Sean Piett
Feb 13th, 2004, 05:00:15 PM
Works for me.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 13th, 2004, 05:25:25 PM
cool it, please.
a new reason for attacking the sov has already been come up with
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:11:59 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Congratulations. You're manipulating the situation in a Jedi-like manner to avoid a perfectly good RP. Everything stated in this thread indicates that you'll re-edit everything to say Emperor instead of Chancellor as soon as Matt gets back, all you intend to accomplish by doing this is stall Khendon's thread. Not cool.
Yet only one page back you were adamant that we should not make these changes? When we retract all offending ideas etc, its now "not cool"?
I dont get it.
Darth Viscera
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:48:47 PM
What I was okay with was that you were going to go ahead and be treasonous IC, but at least we were going to be able to make a good RP (something I haven't had in 3.5 years) out of it.
What I'm not okay with is that you've apparently decided to declare an empire IC sometime in the future when no one's looking, but you're clearly on the way to OOC forbidding an RP that involves IC retaliation.
So you want your regal Empire IC, but OOC you don't want to be challenged IC, so you're not going to let it happen. What contempt you people must hold me in. All I asked for was an RP.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:58:52 PM
Wha......we arent going to have an empire at all, I thought thats what this thread was all about? I'm saying we should wait for Matt to come back before this is disscussed further, all this was his idea.
Btw - Did Matt not discuss this whole deal with you beforehand Visc??
Darth Viscera
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:07:48 PM
Nothing that Matt has said has implied that he intends to abandon the idea of making the Sovereignty into an Empire. I want to RP the retaliation. No amount of conniving will change that.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:12:40 PM
Fine, Whatever works.
Darth Viscera
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:20:04 PM
Oh...but you people aren't going to let it work, are you? 3.5 years I've been jipped out of a good, quality RP, and this is exactly how it starts.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:33:50 PM
Calm down please. I don't want to rp because I am forced too. The Sovereignty will join when Matt comes back. Until then I'm not going to just up and declare war without his say so.
Darth Viscera
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:45:13 PM
The RP wasn't even going to need the involvement of anyone from the Sovereignty for quite some time, by which time Matt would have been long returned. Don't try and use that for an excuse.
And I will not calm down. I am livid.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:02:40 PM
Now I apologise if you belive we are deliberately doing this to spite you. I was simply acting on what I thought would suit all parties. You wanted no emperor or empire declared, so we scuppered our plans and complied. Then when we did so you suddenly lose this rp on us.
You are insulting me for decisions I made because I belived they would remedy the OOC situation. As for excuses I am not making any. I do not want to partake in the rp at the moment due to the fact I didn't want to have the Sovereignty involved in another war just as we were attacking Bestine.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:04:56 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
The RP wasn't even going to need the involvement of anyone from the Sovereignty for quite some time, by which time Matt would have been long returned. Don't try and use that for an excuse.
And I will not calm down. I am livid.
And how were we to know that? I dont recall you informing us.
Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:06:58 PM
Actually, if it had required your involvement it would have stated so in the subject i.e. Ghosts of the Empire (Fed v. Sov)
Basically what we have here is a miscommunication. We need to calmly resolve this.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:30:18 PM
stop this. all further arguing on this topic is going to end until i can get everything straightened out with visc and telan.
Aegis Du' Caat
Feb 19th, 2004, 03:19:36 PM
Ok I'm lost could someone drop me a pm, i've been afk with real life. If you're wondering who I am, its Ka' el Darcverse and this is my fleet character Admiral Du' Caat. Ask Matt, the rank is legit.
I just want to know what's going on, my character IC has been out of contact with the Sovereignty due to a mission in the UR building a fleet facility and a base of operations, that only Telan knows about. So just holler at me and let me know what's going on.
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