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imported_Terran Starek
Jan 31st, 2004, 01:16:13 PM
Hi everyone :wave

I only post threads like this once in a blue moon or if I need help, but I have something I wanted to share with y'all (yeah, I from Kansas, what can I say?). I'll make it short. . .or as short as I am capable of, which as many of you know is not very short, because I get too wordy most of the time--just like this sentence! Dangit!

Last semester I was attending Kansas State University and majoring in Political Science. However, after 5 semesters at a great school, I realized that it wasn't for me. It just wasn't. KSU is a wonderful institution and a great place to live on-campus and learn good stuff, but I found myself sliding into an emotional downslide. I became depressed and lost my focus on what was important in life, losing my ability to focus in school and most other things. I flunked a few classes (coming from a guy who has barely ever gotten a B) and my GPA dropped.

It was just this last semester that I realized my problem: I had lost the closeness with God I had once had. I never attended church while in school and really gave up on all that I had established in High School. So, I had some serious in depth time with my church and my family over Thanksgiving Break, and I felt like it was time to make a change to what I knew I should've been doing all along: letting God guide me. I listened for the first time, and he called me into the ministry.

So, I packed up all of my things, told my parents, took out some serious loans, and headed down to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where I am currently enrolled in classes at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. It's awesome, and since moving every aspect of my life has been brighter. I'm pursuing a degree in Youth Ministry, and when I graduate, I will become a Youth Pastor somewhere, which is pretty exciting! :)

So that's my story, really. I just wanted to update you all as to where I was at physically and to see if there are any Oklahomans out there who want me to road trip for a visit! :D Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

Jan 31st, 2004, 02:42:27 PM
Thats the best thing in the world, when you have a sudden moment of clarity on where to go in your life and what to do

Not everyone gets that moment in their life and can end up doing something they really dont like or cant be passionate about. I see alot of uncertainty and people being pushed to do things not from their parents but from the outside world. Like make good money, accumulate possesions, etc all sort of the mind set people get brain washed into thinking thats what they have to do to be succesful in life.

When in my opinion to be succesful in life is to realize what you want in life and be able to do it.

Thats great to hear you found that passion Terran:)

Jan 31st, 2004, 04:16:46 PM
You know I wish you every success, Terran.

Congrats on the new school and I hope it all comes together like you hope. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 31st, 2004, 04:19:41 PM
Hey my parents live in Oklahoma. :p

Rognan Dar
Jan 31st, 2004, 10:36:53 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Hey my parents live in Oklahoma. :p

Heh, I was going to say that but then thought that it might not be what he's looking for.

Keep it up Terran. I have been going through something close to yours. And you set a great example for me. :)