View Full Version : Tutelage (Falcon)

Rognan Dar
Jan 30th, 2004, 11:02:00 PM
Days had gone by. Months. And yet Rognan was yet walking around the Jedi Order, lacking in excitement of any kind. Each day was just like the other. He would get up, practice by himself, and then have the rest of the day to himself. But even that part of the day he would just walk around and spend time by himself reading or some other thing. He needed something to do. Something to stretch him out. Maybe a spar would help in that, he though.

As he entered the Academy he saw that it was nearly empty. The day was almost over and people were going back to their lodgings for some time alone or with friends. But Rog did not stop looking. He needed someone to spar with. Or he might lose his sanity.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:15:13 PM
He felt the need for a good workout. It'd been a little while since he'd had a spar. So the knight went to see what or who he could find to take care of this urge to exert himself.

And when he entered the training grounds, what he saw made him smile.

Rognan Dar..The last person I had a spar with. I wasn't quite myself...That's taken care of now. But I know for a fact he needs some instruction. These thoughts were very well hidden. Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar didn't let his thoughts be heard unless necessary. A mind of his strength and speed had the facilities to do so...constantly.

Gyndar snuck up on Rognan rather stealthly, until he was almost close enough to breathe down the young man's neck.

"Good evening, Rognan." He baroooomed in a deep bass. The Jedi Padawan almost jumped out of his skin, whipping himself around rather quickly. Falcon chuckled at the look on the Lorrdian's face. "Gotcha."

Rognan Dar
Feb 1st, 2004, 11:04:58 PM
"Heh, yes you did."

Rognan was not expecting to see Falcon, let alone sneaking up behind and trying to scare him. Not that he was scared per say. It just...startled him. Yeah. That was it.

"So, er, what brings you out this evening? Feeling up for a little sport?"

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 05:59:50 PM
Falcon 'hmmm'ed.

"Yes. I'd say that's about right. This should be better than last time we sparred, Rognan. I'm all right in the head now."

He chuckled heartily.

"So, is this just a spar, or do I get the idea that I might be able to teach you something in the meantime?"

Falcon called his saber hilt from his side, and flipped it over and over in his hand, awaiting an answer.

Rognan Dar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:47:46 PM
"Well, now that you mentioned it, I was hoping that I might be able to either improve on my style or change it. Though, I dont know what to change about it besides for the whole thing."

Rognan did not yet reach for his weapon. It was not needed at the moment.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 5th, 2004, 03:28:36 PM
He grinned. "Well, how about this...We spar first, then figure out where to go. How does that sound?"

Falcon replaced his saber hilt to his side, and crossed his arms.

Rognan Dar
Feb 5th, 2004, 10:56:34 PM
"Where to go? You mean like the showers?" he said jokingly. "Ok, we can spar first. Then after you wide my butt around the room we can improve, I guess."

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 7th, 2004, 08:39:44 PM
"Alright. Let us begin, then."

Falcon once again called his saber to him.

"Man to man, Rog...I'll try to take it easy on ya."

Igniting with a familiar snap-hiss of an orange hue energy blade, the lightsaber of Jedi Knight Gyndar came to life. He took a slightly spread sideways stance, his feet out to balance his weight in the position of most resistance for his size. Holding the 'saber in his right hand, palmside facing Rognan, bladetip pointing away from Falcon's side, he spoke to his opponent in a deep, serious tone..the same one that had made Rognan jump when the knight had snuck up on him...

"You have the first move, Mr. Dar."

Rognan Dar
Feb 9th, 2004, 10:59:33 PM
Rognan also took his lightsabre from his side. When he ignited it a blue blade shot out and hummed. He held it out infront of him; one leg out front while the other hanged back. He studied Falcons' stance. If only he knew more about stances and styles he might be able to compinsate it.

"Why is it that thwy always want the other to attack? It seems like a dumb thing to do, no?" he said, making idol conversation as he prepared for his move.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:07:08 PM
He grinned at Rog's offhand comment.

"Well in this case, Rognan, it's your skills being tested here, not mine. Which is why i'm having you go first. Savvy? You may begin when ready."

Rognan Dar
Feb 10th, 2004, 10:55:52 PM
"But still, you could have already planned for a counter attack, correct? If I was smart, I would not jump headlong into a battle where the odds were against me and someone was already waiting for me to attack."

As he was ending he lowered his blade and ran the few steps between them. As he came upon Falcon, he slashed upward and jumped over him as he did it. He rotated into the air so that he back was not open when he landed.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 11th, 2004, 12:12:04 AM
He chattered back at Rog while putting up a counter-attack.

"True, but I can't plan a counter-attack until you start attacking. So really, there is no advantage on my part, in that respect."

He blocked Rog's blade until it was out of range, and then turned as the student landed, and when Rog's feet hit the ground...right at that moment, Falcon took a horizontal cut at about Rognan's chest height, planting one foot forward and sending some force of weight into his attack, adding speed.

Rognan Dar
Feb 12th, 2004, 01:00:06 AM
Rognan figured that Falcon would try and do something while he was headed for his landing. As the sabre came at him, he lended back and helped it along its way with his own lightsabre, leaving Falcon's side wide open. Still moving the blades along, Rog kicks out at Falcons hip.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:22:15 AM
Falcon sensed Rog's kick, and brought up his leg, pushing Rog's leg back down to the ground, holding Rognan's foot to the ground with his own foot. He slipped his blade away from Rog's push, and went to impale him on it by thrusting it through his chest...But this was a spar. No harm would come of it.

Rognan Dar
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:27:48 AM
His foot was stuck. He couldn't get away. What was he to do?

Bringing his own blade around, he brought it strait up and pushed the attack above his head. With his one foot still pinned down he used his other one, doing a fall backward kick, hoping to release his foot.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 24th, 2004, 01:38:19 AM
Trying to leverage his foot free held the possibility of knocking Falcon over. Seeing this, the knight stepped back, letting Rognan's foot free. He refused to be on his back. Such things can work to one's disadvantage of not used properly. Falcon ran a hand through his dark hair.

"You've held your own so far, Rog. Excellent...Do you want to continue on this vein or shall we step it up a little?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 24th, 2004, 11:14:19 PM
Rognan rolled backwards, returning to his feet.

"Do you want to keep it at this? How am I suppose to get better if all you do is cudle and simpathize me? Bring it on is what I say!"

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 25th, 2004, 04:22:45 PM
Falcon Nytrau laughed heartily. "That's the spirit, chum." He said in the wake of his laughter. "Very well. One large serving of body work coming up.."

And the Knight plunged into his next attack. Bolting forward at incredible speed, he came fairly close to Rognan, faking a slice to the right, while calling to him and turning on his other 'saber and chopping it to Rog's lower-neck level....

Anytime you want more, I can give it...

Rognan Dar
Feb 25th, 2004, 05:30:58 PM
Rognan jumped strait up, the true attack missing and Falcon continued under him. He landed and held up his sabre.

That was bloody fast.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 1st, 2004, 01:25:35 PM
Falcon alternated spinning both 'sabers at his sides.

I'm not too sure I would have jumped out of that attack. But then again, I can't blame him. Rognan has some things to learn, as he said.

With that thought, he advanced slowly. "By the way, ever tried two 'sabers?"

Rognan Dar
Mar 1st, 2004, 11:14:52 PM
"Can't say that I have. Interesting way of fighting. And must take great consintration to make sure you dont cut yourself..." Rog said as he backed away slowly. Making sure that there was plenty of room to work with. "...with the other sabre. Not to mention training. And you have had far more then I."

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:15:43 PM
"True, true. But oddly enough, it doesn't take that much concentration for me. I find that when I look back on a fight or spar, I don't recall thinking about what I was doing...But just doing it, letting it flow."

Falcon got a sly smile on his face. "Of course, it's not fair that I use two sabers to your one, but you came here looking for a challenge, a test, right?"

Rognan Dar
Mar 8th, 2004, 11:17:52 PM
Yes, that was what he was wanting. But know, he was thinking that was a mistake. He knew that he was not a great fighter, and, frankly, he didn't plan to be. He just wanted to try and learn something new or just strengthen what he already knew. At the site of the two lightsabre's, Rognan debaited weither he would be able to handle it. Even from a someone that was better then him. He decided that he couldn't.

"Sure. Why not? Whatever you want to give to me I'll take. And if I get a butt kicking, then it serve me right."