View Full Version : So here's whats in the works

Jan 30th, 2004, 12:46:09 PM
ShadowFaene is opening a fight club on Coruscant called the Sparta Club.

It is a cross between Gladiator and Fight Club basically.

Challengers will come and pay to fight our Champion - who is Darren Caerdeth (also front man and club manager) or any other Fighters we happen to take on. They will win glory and prestige and also a tidy sum of credits if they beat the champion. Plus maybe a gold belt or something like wwf..? Anyway..The fights will be brutal and bloody and helluvalotta fun. People can come to watch these fights, paying to get in to them of course, and they can also Bet on the outcomes. (This is the money scheme for it)

There will be certain fight rules/restrictions which I am writing out now such as...no force lightening (too much crowd damage - dead ppl dont buy drinks) no light sabers, some armor allowed (ie gladiator style) mellee weapons, force strenght,speed.

The rules being necessary for the fights to remain decent contests and also to help encourage perhaps other characters than force users to fight. Get everyones creative juices going.

Here are the links about the club:

Business is PIcking up (

Another night on Enton (

A favor for a Friend (

Kudos to Darren who came up with the idea, and to Daiq for her help in the planning.

Any suggestions anyone might have, feel free to say :)

Darren Caerdeth
Jan 31st, 2004, 02:35:58 AM
i think lightsabers would be kosher, as long as they're wired with a pressure switch so they'll disengage if dropped or thrown. Anyone who would want to have a lightsaber duel would require their weapons be inspected before hand.

If they so much as even try to swap weapons, then they give us full OOC permission to kill their character.


My take on armor.....keep it within reason, and RP accordingly. If you wear heavy armor, then you get protection at the cost of mobility. The only restriction I myself would want to place on armor would be no energy armor.


Ranged weapons, I say people should be allowed to have blaster duels....but I dont think we should allow a melee fighter to go against a ranged fighter, unless both parties agree beforehand. If two fighters come in and want to have a blaster duel, and they stink the place up, we boo them out, and constantly boo them, and throw things at them until they redeem themselves.

Basically, as long as players meet general RPing standards, with some exceptions (which can be done on a case by case basis), then i would be all for allowing it.

This is very open to debate though, since i aint the boss here ;)

Jan 31st, 2004, 04:11:55 PM
SWFans.net put up the new forum for us so I will get my act together with the rules, post them here for you all to take a gander/approve of.

Also, Ill do a descriptive blurb to give a general idea of the fight club itself.

Darren...blaster duels would be over pretty quick wouldnt they? Is it me, but I dont think there would be much of a fight unless it was like..outside or something..? Am I missing something?

Im good with all the other points you made, only that a lightsaber is the ultimate weapon and defending against it with anything other than a lightsaber is going to be pretty hard. For example, a spiked ball on a chain is going to loose real quick to the LS imo.

Jan 31st, 2004, 05:47:04 PM
Rules Draft:

1. The Arena is indoors (Imagine the arena in Xmen where wolverine fights, only bigger)

2. No force lightening.

3. Force use? Just force strength, speed allowable? What about force push?

4. Armor is acceptable, but nothing that is absurd. Think Gladiator type accessories. No cortosis stuff.

5. No lightsabers (?)

6. Melee weapons only - knives, clubs, swords etc.

7. All challengers must pay to fight. Winners receive flat rate payment (double the entry fee perhaps?)

8. The Champion (Darren is the headliner) but we can have other champions if they wish to remain at the Sparta club as a steady thing ?

9. Create some kind of "Boo-o-meter" for god moders.

10. Spectators must pay for entry.

11. Betting is pretty much a given.

12. The fight is over when last man standing, or the Boo-o-meter/crowd declares shameless god-moding.

13. No OOC pissy-fits tolerated if your Character loses. Subsequent banning from participating at Sparta can ensue.

14. Have fun - so what if you get beat up.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 31st, 2004, 06:56:00 PM
I think Force push/pull/throw, etc is allowable, as long as both combatants are force users.

I agree with Hera on the blasters. That doesnt even sound like fun...sorry :(

The rest looks good to me and if we come up later with other ideas, they can always be incorporated, right?

Jan 31st, 2004, 07:21:28 PM
Originally posted by Daiquiri Van-Derveld
I think Force push/pull/throw, etc is allowable, as long as both combatants are force users.

I dont think both need to be force users. Some characters will be physically more powerful than others eg say Hera against a wookie. If she dont have force strength, she's had it, but the wookies own strength helps to balance it out.

[i]The rest looks good to me and if we come up later with other ideas, they can always be incorporated, right?

Yes, for sure. But it would be good to start off with as many forseable perils avoided, if we can.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:53:11 PM
True, true. Im sure a couple of things that we havent thought of will popup, reguardless :\

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:21:53 PM
A blaster duel could be ossum, depending on the size of the arena, and maybe objects are setup for cover.

It would take a good RPer to make a blaster duel look good. When I say duel, im not talking about taking ten paces, turning and shooting (unless someone could guarantee that they could make a compelling thread of it) Im thinking more along the lines of KOTOR, where the fighters are on opposite ends of the Arena, the bell sounds, and they start dodging and shooting.

And if two people were to get out there and embarass themselves, we could just drop an EMP grenade, toss em both sticks, and let the ugly beast of hell loose.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:23:35 PM
Heres a small idea...

What about having races? Like horseback races (or some other such animal) only, the riders try to kill each other (or unseat the other rider) before getting to the finish line?

Either way, the one across the finishline - either living or mounted or first, wins...whatcha think?

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:24:36 PM

(ask s'Il)

Feb 1st, 2004, 04:35:25 PM
I think riding on beasts and fighting is a cool idea, Daiq. Dont know if racing would work, unless we have a mondo huge arena for it.

Which we could, but remember the club is in downtown coruscant.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 1st, 2004, 04:47:05 PM
We could always go underground with the animals - dig a track down there. Be less smell that way and one less way to alert the authorities. ??

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:06:14 PM
Im pretty sure we're kinda scraping near the uppers tiers of coruscant tho.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:33:23 PM
I figured this was street level....? Made more sense to me.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 2nd, 2004, 12:25:42 AM
if you mean the lower surface of Coruscant, then I doubt it would be the best locale for anything. Once you get down that far, you're pretty much in a completely different world. Coruscani ogres, and other beasts mutated by Coruscant's waste.

There are streets and alleys and stuff on the upper levels, but i kinda picture them as being on huge platforms.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:04:01 AM
I wouldnt put the club waaay up, tho - I think that would draw more attention. Maybe mid-levels? Even though Brielle is going to help out by removing the name of the club 'from the books', it still might be a good idea to keep it on the ld :)

Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:19:51 PM
It is in the lower levels, but not like the sub levels or anything. I pictured it in the area like the bar the assassin/bounty hunter runs into in ep 2 where obi wan and anikin follow him into.

Kinda on the gritty side, but not were mutants are.

Plus..i think i read somehwere that there are like subterranean levels etc on Coruscant. Going belowgrounds isnt really possible.

I think just a big indoor arena is the best where you can expand the size of the arena to suit the manner of contest.

Like for example - beast fighting is gonna need a bigger place. Think a hockey rink that you can put boards on and make it a basketball rink. Only in a setting similar to the arena wolverine fights in in xmen.

make sense?

Brielle Acaana
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:29:10 PM
It does, indeed. Maybe later, when the Sparta Club outdoes its neighbors, hera can buy more property and expand to include a small track :)

Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:29:18 PM
ah - you are so enterprising Daiq! :D

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2004, 03:08:08 PM
Daiq = student - Hera = teacher :D

Feb 3rd, 2004, 10:08:10 PM
Oh, scary thought

:cool < school teacher hera

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 4th, 2004, 09:07:42 AM
:Poke + :spank + :shootin + :headbash + :duel = teacher Hera ;)

Feb 4th, 2004, 09:51:13 PM
:lol Daiq

But...you forgot this one


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 5th, 2004, 01:02:28 AM
Oh, Im no angel

;) (and yes, you definitely are *snooches)

Feb 8th, 2004, 06:43:55 PM
<u>Forum Description Post</u>

The Sparta Club is located in lower Coruscant in the all-night entertainment district. Owned by ShadowFaene and Fronted by Darren Caerdeth, it is an Indoor Arena for the sole purpose of Contests of Valour. Betting on these contests is an unspoken expectation, though not compulsory. All spectators and participants must pay an entry fee to the "house" to gain admittance.

The Arena is completely enclosed by a cage that is reinforced by an energy field to keep the combatants, and their weapons, contained. It can be enlarged or shortened as the nature of a specific contest requires.

Established in a cross between Gladiator/Fight Club theme, fights are usually two individuals (though tandems, or fighters mounted on beasts is acceptable also) The battles are until 'last man standing' and are conducted using melee weapons such as clubs, knives, axes, swords, etc. Lightsabers are permitted, only if both combatants are using them. Limited Force Use is allowed (no lightening) as well as armor. Please keep in mind though to balance amount armor with a corresponding restriction to movement. Indestructible armor and weapons are not acceptable. Try to keep things plausible.

Maiming and Death are not allowed -- unless specifically agreed to by the individual player, as per SWFans outlined rules.

No godmoding is allowed. If a fighter god-modes, he/she will be soundly boo'd and ridiculed by the spectators, and declared the Loser of the Contest. He/she may, depending on his/her outrageous flaunting of GM Ruling, be tossed into a Rancour pit to try such shennanigans there, and then consequently be banned from participating at Sparta again.

Upon indicating a desire to fight at Sparta -- a description of your character, weapons and armor must be submitted at the same time. This will help keep fights / fighters relatively realistic and hopefully keep the contests fair.

*Owners note*

Please take this as an opportunity to expand and exercise your rp skills and imagination, and not see it as an "ego-on-the-line" scenario. It is all for good fun and bloody sportsmanship :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 8th, 2004, 09:42:37 PM
ridiculed* melee* :)

Looks good. Did you decide on having animals and how the participants will get them into the arena, etc? Do we have stalls or some such yet? Im asking because if you have decided to do this, once Daiq is back with SFF, she could always bring Dras from the village to take be the 'stableboy' if you want.

Feb 9th, 2004, 02:32:10 PM
Thanks for the spell-check, girl.

Yes..I put in there riders on beasts somewhere in the above description.

Am I missing anything else you think?

ps) who be Dras...Bring Darius instead ;) hubba

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 9th, 2004, 03:09:42 PM

Dras is the boy that Daiq uses at Volfstadt to run the village there. Me = Dras :angel

Another thought......IF Nass ever makes it off that planet she crashed on, she might bring Bastian with her. He might be good for Hera to employ in some capacity...but thats down the road.

Feb 9th, 2004, 03:56:53 PM
yes, interesting point :)

Well, Ill just wait for Darren's input as he is the big kahuna on this thing and then we can officially open it.

I need to make the account that we can use for moding control

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 9th, 2004, 08:55:17 PM
Looks great and good to me.

OW outcast
Feb 12th, 2004, 09:42:36 PM
*raises hand*

"Teacher Hera I have a question?"

Can Fighters have managers? If so OW will sponser fighters. :D

Also if the manager is allowed I got a dark more devious plan to make the SFF Gain lots more money or just OW. Depends on if he feels like sharing the idea with his boss. >D

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2004, 11:57:41 PM

Wait for OW to get rich then lets stuff him in a box and steal all his profits! >D

Feb 13th, 2004, 01:59:05 PM
I guess they could have managers. I dont really see why not.

The set up remains the same.


OW outcast
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:33:58 PM
Great my evil empire will begin. OW the opertunist he will be called ubtil Hera figures out what he is up to and skins him alive.

Feb 13th, 2004, 07:40:10 PM

OW outcast
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:07:20 PM
Hey you said you wanted your employees to be evil. Be careful what you wish for. I maybe a little soft when it comes to women but I can be cruel when it comes to money.

Do you know why its illegal to bet on baseball if your a player? :D

Feb 13th, 2004, 09:49:44 PM
Evil yes.

Evil to me, no.

Where is the clarica guy when you need him...

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 14th, 2004, 12:24:53 PM
Manage away.

Feb 19th, 2004, 09:11:22 PM
ok Darren, so Im gonna post this description now, if its green-light from you. I'll finally get this started.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:02:13 PM
I alrighty green lighted you ;)

Feb 21st, 2004, 06:53:04 PM

We're now open for business


Darren Caerdeth
Mar 2nd, 2004, 03:26:10 AM
btw......Im I correct in the assumption that 50 creds is only the base entry fee for a fight. I dont see a problem with players putting more money down on that as a wager on themselves.

Also, i dont think it would be a bad idea for bouncers (IE, the doods inside the arena who open and shut the gates and whatnot) to have EMP grenades.....just in case people go a little too far with technology.

Mar 2nd, 2004, 09:53:54 PM
50 creds is only for the priviledge of stepping into the ring.

Bets are something else entirely, and where the money is raked in.

As for the grenade things...sounds fine to me that the boucners should have hardware, only what are EMPstand for exactly?

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 9th, 2004, 01:09:03 AM
ElectroMagnetic Pulse. Basically fries any kind of unshielded circuits, rendering electronics useless. Kinda like Ion blasts do...........Ya know, we could probably just give them Ion Blasters :-p

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2004, 07:33:35 AM
Why not something like stunsticks?

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 11th, 2004, 02:02:03 AM
Id rather our guards have long range weapons. If they step in with stun batons, and someone decides to fight back, I'll be ready to rip their arm off and beat them with it.....and you just cant go around doin stuff like that anymore.