View Full Version : Workin' It (open spar)

Lucianus Adair
Jan 28th, 2004, 03:23:56 PM
Phoenix Mars Whyte, or Mars as some called him, spent a great deal of time studying texts, and doing his own study of the consumptuous void that was the Darkside. Since he had no master to focus on his personal training, there was time to fill. The tall, dark-haired young man was outside, just in front of the stairs to the palace, practicing his combat skills. He had been there for about an hour already. It was one thing his guardian emphasized strongly in the instruction of he and his... late brother.

Fool...To think you could get away with it. There was no escaping...

Furied thoughts raged through his head as his lunges, slices and various other movements became stronger, more solid and powerful. The pure, dark power surged through him and emanated from his being, influencing his movements.

It was my pleasure to set you free, Grypphin.

And with a harsh downward slice, cold and precise like the shining blade he was using, Mars stopped. Beads of sweat had formed on his forehead during this solitary practice. He felt, however, that he would pull greater results with a real opponent. But it seemed there was no one around. Phoenix stood, wiping the sweat from his brow. Dark power swept off him in waves, and he just stood there, silently, listening to the winds sweep through the space around him.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:58:50 PM
A figure steped out of the shadows and and claped its hands a few times "very nice young man" Zereth said as he moved his hands behind his back

He was wearing the dark robes of the sith and his long black hair fell over his face "would you be interested in a spar?"

Lucianus Adair
Jan 29th, 2004, 01:11:54 AM
Mars' eyes swept to the other man.

"I thought I was alone here. You are quite stealthy, sir."

Phoenix whirled his blade in a circle, and cut to a sharp forward thrust. Wearing a solid black sleeveless top, the full length of the young man's strong arms could be seen. They gleamed from his workout.

"A spar? Yes, that would be welcome..A excellent test of what skills I have. What medium do you choose? Blade? Lightsaber?"

He set his empty closed-fist hand on his hip, and posed his blade in a position a cane might take. Mars was almost 6'5" in height, and being the age that he was, he wasn't finished growing. His hair was military cut, and his eyes were deep green. Those eyes of his watched the newcomer for his answer.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 29th, 2004, 10:57:17 PM
He was suprised with the highth of the young man before him, Zereth was 28 years old but he looked younger then he was and he was only 6'2"

"Let it be Blades" He said and in one smooth motion he drew his Katana from its sheath at his side. the sleek blade glowed in the light and the handle was black with gold colored letters of a language unknown to most set into it

Zereth swung the sword around a bit "are you ready young sith?"

Lucianus Adair
Jan 30th, 2004, 05:11:46 PM
He shot a short, curt nod to the man. He swung the dark blade up to rest on his shoulder..Gently, however. It was extremely sharp.

"Name's Mars. And ready as i'll ever be. You may take the first move, if you wish."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 30th, 2004, 11:56:16 PM
Zereth moved his sword around a little getting ready for his nect attack. With force boosted speed He charged at Mars and slashed horizontaly at chest highth.

Lucianus Adair
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:14:55 PM
Mars dropped down whilst moving his blade to block, and shot out his right leg, making a sweeping kick, attempting to knock Zereth off his feet. The young man beleived in use of as many possibilities at once...

Zereth Lancer
Feb 1st, 2004, 11:18:22 PM
Zereth Backfliped away from Mars and when he landed he charged at Mars again. As he neared Mars he Droped down low and kicked at his oppenents leg and swung his sword lightly at Mar's face to distract him.

Lucianus Adair
Feb 3rd, 2004, 05:24:58 PM
Heh. Didn't I just do a move something like that?

This was the thought that zipped through Mars's head while he flipped backwards, kicking his feet in the direction of Zereth's blade hand, giving it a good kick to try and momentarily disarm him. He didn't see if it had worked until he was standing on his feet again, and heading into his next attack...A long, high jump and a extremely swift and hard slash that would go diagonally from Zereth Lancer's right shoulder to his left hip. If this were a real fight, and the attack proved to be successful, his opponent would be two pieces of a dead man...Did the attack work? That would be dependant on Lancer's response....

Zereth Lancer
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:10:02 AM
Zereth saw the attack coming and darted to right to avoid Mar's slash. When mars landed Zereth's blade was already heading for his right side in horizontal slash that would cut him in half if it hit.

Lucianus Adair
Feb 8th, 2004, 11:14:26 PM
Phoenix turned around and dropped backwards to the ground with speed, supporting himself with his forearms folded to his upper arms, palms planted on the ground, legs straight. When Lancer's blade passed, Mars pushed himself to his feet with one thrust of his arms, and let his body follow through to lunge forward, and then took one large stride, thrusting his blade ahead as if to impale his opponent through the stomach. This all took far less than thirty seconds to pass.

Just seeing how fast you think, pal He thought.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 10th, 2004, 11:03:46 PM
If this had not been a spar Zereth would have used his other weapons to defend this attack but if he did there was a high chance that mars would be wounded so he chose a different solution

He took hold of the force and used his to blast himself into the air and off to the side. He landed a little ways away from Mars. Zereth held his position with his sword held infront of him.

Lucianus Adair
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:32:24 PM
Twirling his sword at his left side, then switching to right, then left again, Mars grinned.

He's put some distance between himself and I.

Phoenix thought to himself, eyes on Zereth, and took normal paces for his size to close the gap. When he was within 6 feet away from his opponent, the young sith apprentice stopped. Holding the blade in a horizontal position about the height of his chest, Mars bent his knees, crouching down a little. A menacing gleam in his eyes, Phoenix Mars Whyte's free hand beckoned Zereth to come hither, to attack.

Zereth Lancer
Feb 13th, 2004, 12:06:49 AM
Zereth watched his oppenent, instict told him to use his throwing knifes and ninja stars but then he might hurt young mars and he didn't want to kill him....yet

Zereth took a few slow steps forward with his sword held ready infront of himself "I must say that you are a great swords man Mr. Mars but...." He paused "how are you when it comes to using the force to fight?"

He gathered up the dark force energy around him and focused it into his hands and then he threw it and a mighty blast at Mar's chest

He followed behind the blast and slashed horizontaly at Waist highth.

Lucianus Adair
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:21:47 PM
The Force?

"I know some in that respect..." Phoenix growled. And as he said it, Mars opened up a reserve of dark power within, to put up a resistance, a strong shield to counter his opponent's blast that went up when he dropped to one knee and moved his blade to block, holding it vertical. Mars was pushed a little off-balance, which gave him some displeasure, and made him up the output on the Force energy he was putting into the counter attack.

I need to work on my timing...This man must have more training than I. Granted, he probably has a master to instruct him, unlike I...

After the block, he pushed up from his kneeling position, taking one large, powerful stride, the result of the strength and length of his legs, to put some force behind his block, pushing Zereth's blade back toward his opponent. Phoenix was now close enough to breathe down Zereth Lancer's throat. Mars glared, his fiery gaze connecting with his opponent's eyes.

"Just can't stay away, can you?" He grinned darkly, and with the aid of dark force power, and the strength in his arms, he pushed forward, going to knock Zereth to the ground...

Zereth Lancer
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:52:36 PM
Zereth planted hisfeet behind him so that he couldn't be pushed down, He pushed harder toward Mars but he could tell that neither of them was going to win this sword lock

He puched away from mars and stood a few feet away with his sword held out as he waited for Mars attack.

Lucianus Adair
Mar 11th, 2004, 03:20:45 PM
Mars wondered if Zereth Lancer ever attacked, or if he was just on the defensive all the time. A look of displeasure crossed the young and reserved darksider's face, and his mouth contorted into a snarl.

Jedi do not attack. They defend. Is this man trying to show me something, by always putting it up to me to attack?

Jedi-like actions, it seemed to him. But this thought did not make him think less of his opponent. He knew underestimation had been the downfall of many a warrior. Underestimation had warranted punishment in his lord's eyes. Again, Phoenix waged the offensive.

With a rapid dash, a quick bolt to the left, he built up speed, and lunged at Lancer, and when he was close, planted his right foot forward, twisted right, so his back was even closer to Zereth, but gave no room for any action against Mars. In that position, he thrust his sword backward, to Zereth's stomach, and crouched down, turning to face Zereth at the same time. If Mars' blade was not blocked, it would be an impaling through the stomach, with Mars pushing forward from his lower position, rising to his feet. That is, if this were real battle. But it is just a spar. In those split seconds, Zereth made his move.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:28:17 PM
Zereth waited until Mar's blade was about to hit him before moving. with lightning speed he moved backwards a bit and used his sword to knock Mar's sword away from his body

He then moved his sword and pressed the tip against the boy's back pricking the skin a bit "You fight very well Mr. Whyte" He said removing his blade tip from the boy's back "that last move was most inpressive, If i had been fighting with a heavier blade I might not have been able to stop it"

Thats what Zereth loved most about the katana. It was lighter then most swords but just as deadly.

Lucianus Adair
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:16:48 PM
A dark grin slid over his expressionless face, and he straightened out, standing up to his full height. Then, with no need to see his blade, he just called it to himself, then took one large stride away from Zereth, and turned to face him.

"It is with much dedication and practice that I achieve and maintain my skills. It does not pay to become...." Phoenix clears his throat.."...rusty. Neither should one underestimate their opponent, regardless of the situation. It has been the undoing of many."

My own brother included in that useless wasteland....

Mars ran a hand through his dark hair. "Shall we continue, Mr. Lancer, or would you like to call it a day?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 16th, 2004, 10:05:28 PM
"Oh, no, please don't. I insist."

The voice was quiet but otherwise undistinguished. A figure shrouded entirely in grey-black robes was descending the stairs, hands steepled before him. A pair of almost undetectable disturbances in the falling material of the outer cloak told anyone who cared to check that Olra'en was armed. Basket-hilt rapier and long dirk, to be precise, each made of the best alloys the Palace armories could supply.

"After all...you both have so much more in you."

MiHalla Dashquei
Mar 18th, 2004, 10:58:07 PM
There was another person not too far away, having engulfed herself in the shadows. She stepped out, not afraid to hide, and stood where she could be clearly seen and watched the unfloding events.

She glided up to stand beside Je'Gan. "Hi Je'Gan. Haven't seen you for awhile," she purred, smiling. "Would you care for a spar to pass the time whilst I await my new Master?"

She deftly took a sword out of her cloak, and hefted it. "This is Nichaya . I hope she will be a fine match for your rapier or dirk..." Her purple eyes bored into him. She didn't fail to notice that he was armed. And she needed practice.

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 20th, 2004, 11:41:19 AM
The acolyte drew back a step to survey both MiHalla and the sword.

"Lovely." A slight smile twisted his lips as he spread his cloak and removed the weapons. Though he hadn't yet assumed a stance or begun any hostile move as yet, the very tip of his rapier flicked out supernaturally fast to draw a bead of blood from his fellow apprentice's throat, just under the corner of her jaw.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 21st, 2004, 07:06:27 PM
Zereth's red eyes turned to look at Je'gan. His hand moved to his knife belt on his leg that held a few throwing knifes. He pulled one out and threw it at lightning speed

the knife hit Je'gan's rapier right before it hit MiHalla, knocking it away from her face. He grabed another knife and threw it at Je'gan. It sailed right under his chin and came only millimeters from cutting his throat "I don't think me and Mr. Whyte are finished yet Je'gan" He said glaring at the boy "why don't you wait till we are finished to start you own spar.'

MiHalla Dashquei
Mar 21st, 2004, 07:07:43 PM
OOC> Rats, now I have to edit! :)

IC> "I thought your mummy always taught you NEVER tp play with vampires...especially female ones..." Mihalla snarled at Je'gan.

She faced Zereth."I invited him to spar me. I know him, and I thought I'd use him for target pratice!" She looked at the knife that had very nearly sliced Je'gan's neck. "Nice technique you have there..." she commented. "But I suppose I'd better let you get back to your spar."

She looked at her sword longingly. "I'd hoped to get some blood on you before facing my Master, Nichaya."

Lucianus Adair
Mar 22nd, 2004, 12:08:58 AM
Bloody 'ell.

My patience was wearing thin. The flow of adrenaline from our fight was at a decent high, and then for the biggest lack of suprise, Je'gan is poking his nose in my affairs.

Who does this guy think he is, anyway?

And then MiHalla comes along to play, and neither of them have even the slightest amount of respect to wait for my spar to come to completion.

Oh well. I can deal.

Mars at 6'5 is very well built machine of flesh and blood. Turning around and wiping his free hand on his training pants, he looked at Zereth and a corner of his mouth twitched.

"Shall we continue?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 22nd, 2004, 07:39:11 AM
The knife sliced past his throat even as he recovered from Zereth's first throw. Anger flared up, and Je'gan whipped the tip of the rapier around to point at the knife as it slammed into the staircase. He channeled the Force and the blade shattered.

That same anger continued to burn as he turned back to MiHalla, and completely ignored both Zereth and Phoenix. The two idiots were practically broadcasting their thoughts, the one calling him a boy and the other wondering who Je'gan thought he was. A tiny, almost inscrutable smirk passed over his face.

"My apologies, MiHalla." Despite the rage he was feeling towards Zereth Lancer, his face and voice were by now almost perfectly calm. "I don't know all that much about vampires...I was acting on a guess that shedding a bit of blood might pass for lighthearted flirtation.

"Shall we?"

MiHalla Dashquei
Mar 22nd, 2004, 11:03:51 PM
She held up her sword with a smile. "Of course," and she whirled behind Phoenix to hold the sword at his throat.

"Mmm...tasty looking neck. If you value it, you leave me to my 'play', alright?" She cut in a little, drawing blood, before letting go.

Zereth Lancer
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:35:50 PM
"wanna teach this punk a lesson?" Came Zereth's voice in Mar's head "He could really use it.

Lucianus Adair
Mar 29th, 2004, 02:58:15 AM
Phoenix released a low hiss when MiHalla did what she did. And when she left him, Mars growled, and looked again to Zereth, the growl remaining in his voice.

He shook his head slowly.

"No. Save that for...another time. The ah...opportune moment."

A vicious smile spread across his shadowed face. Mars knew now he'd have to start keeping his thoughts to himself.

MiHalla Dashquei
Mar 29th, 2004, 03:30:55 AM
MiHalla smirked. "What? Can't even stand up to a woman? HA! You're even more wussy than I thought..."

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 29th, 2004, 07:38:29 AM
"Now, now, MiHalla," Je'gan said tolerantly if a bit amused in tone. "Let's let the kiddies continue their spar." He knew perfectly well that Zereth Lancer was roughly a decade older than he was...but anyone who used stinkbombs as a matter of course had a maturity roughly even with the mud Je'gan was currently scraping off the steps with the edge of his boot.

Mar 29th, 2004, 09:58:18 AM
Razvan walks in covered in confusion...

"Hmmmp... How did i get here!"

Razvan sits down in a shade of a tree and thinks...(well tries to)

MiHalla Dashquei
Mar 29th, 2004, 05:23:05 PM
"Looks like to me you walk on those..." Mihalla told him, pointing at his legs. "I don't think you flew!"

Mar 30th, 2004, 03:06:58 AM

"heheheh, i see, i dont think i would of ever guessed"
Said Razvan joking.

Razvan looks at his legs than back at MiHalla

"Thank you for that"

Less confusion in Razvan mind

Zereth Lancer
Apr 2nd, 2004, 12:05:47 AM
Zereth let out a low growl as he used the force to pull his throwing knife that had hit Je'gan's blade back to him. He turned around and headed for the exit while returning his knife to its place

He disapeared into the shadows "We will finish another time Mr. Whyte" Came his voice from the shadows "You'd better watch your back Je'gan, You've crossed me one too many times."

Apr 2nd, 2004, 02:26:43 AM
Razvan stands up.

"Lancer! That was quite cool!"

Razvan jumps into a tree and bounces through the front door almost unseeable