View Full Version : At Peace With the Force (Open)

Jan 27th, 2004, 06:07:13 PM
A Kel-Dor walked through the Gardens of the Jedi Academy, wondering at the trees and the flowers. He had not seen many trees in his life, and he took in the moment. He slowly walked through the path with his hands behind his back until he reached a small, sandy pit filled with some stones.

He walked into the center, where a dark mat lay and he sat with his feet crossed, closing his eyes in meditation. He held out his hand and a small rock began to vibrate. It moved slowly at first, but then it lifted as though it were held by a magnet. He then moved the rock, the wrinkles showing up on the strangely shaped head, showing that he was concentrating and he placed the rock onto a pile of rocks and opened his eyes.

Spada was still learning, but he enjoyed coming to the rock pit to practice. He sat amongst the sand and took in the scenery.

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 06:54:59 PM
Shade walked up to the Kel-Dor, as he felt him reach out into the Force. The Jedi Knight, just walked around him and sat down in front of him. He sat there motionless not wanting to disturb the Padawan. When his eyes opened, Shade smiled and nodded.

"Hello. That was very good. My name is Shade Magus by the way."

Jan 27th, 2004, 06:57:56 PM
Spada was quite surprised at seeing the figure in front of him when he opened his eyes, but he acted casually anyway.

"Hello. I am Spada Elhow. Thank you. I was just practicing with my extra time. What brings you to this section of the courtyard?"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:03:07 PM
"Nothing really. I was just taking a break from training, and I saw someone in here. I was curious and I came over. As I said you are doing quite well. Your master must be very proud."

Jan 27th, 2004, 07:09:48 PM
Spada was used to saying what he said next,

"Actually, I have no Master as of now. I was accepted and told to practice and I would get a Master soon. Thank you, by the way."

Spada felt he was being held back by the Academy since they did not have enough Jedi Knights to train Padawans. However, he was making the best of his time by getting his strength and knowlege of the force as high as they could reach so less teaching would be required.

He had been lucky enough to be trained by another Master Wei Wu Wei in the ways of the lightsaber, but he hoped that he would officially get a Jedi Master soon. He asked the Jedi, who he assumed was a Jedi Knight,

"Master Magnus, may I talk with you for a while?"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:12:18 PM
"You do not have to ask. And, please I am only a Jedi Knight, I am not a Master. So what would you like to talk abou?"

Jan 27th, 2004, 07:14:27 PM
Spada had never actually learned what he should call a Jedi Knight, but he said,

"uuu...Sir. How long have you been a Jedi? And how long did it take for you to become a Knight?"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:18:43 PM
"I have been in training to become a Jedi for the better part of 20 years, but that was because I tained with my father for a time and then a freind of the family and then here. It was just two years ago that I became a Jedi. Since then I have been wondering around helping those I could. I have yet to take on a Padawan of my own for any amount of time yet, but I hope to soon."

Jan 27th, 2004, 07:23:32 PM
Spada stood and asked,

"Can you help me with something?"

(assuming you say ok for the sake of moving on)

Spada beckoned for him to stand and asked him

"For some reason I cannot lift more than one stone at a time. Is there a technique for telekenesis?"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:31:43 PM
Shade smiled as he stood.

"There is no technique unfortunately. It just takes time."

He then reached ou with his hand and four rocks flew into the air and cicled them both.

"All I can say is that youare going to need patience to learn this."

Jan 27th, 2004, 07:35:05 PM
Spada closed his eyes and a small rock lifted and bumped into one of Shade's rocks. His rock fell to the ground and he cackled through his mask.

"Could Telekenesis be used on a person, or would that require more practice than lifting a rock?"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:39:54 PM
"Somethng I once heard from an old master, was that when he was a Padawan He could move boulders and people all day long, but when it came to moving a seed it was next to impossible. From what I gather from that, the larger an object is, the easier it is to grab on to.....if you understand that is."

Jan 27th, 2004, 07:45:51 PM
Spada did not fully understand, but he decided that he would eventually come to understand.

"I have a question. You say that you have not been assigned a Padawan, but other Jedi tell me they are too swamped with Apprentices to take on a new one. Why is it that you do not train like the other knights?"

Spada did nt want to get personal with the conversation, but he was curious to know.

Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 05:20:33 PM
"Well.......I have one Padawan, but I have not heard from him in awhile. I have been requesting someone else, because right now I just help other Knights and Masters train. Until someone can give me a list of hose without a Master I am not sure which Padawans to approach to ask if they would like to train with me."

Jan 28th, 2004, 05:23:17 PM
Spada bowed to Shade,

"You are a wise Jedi. A Padawan is privileged to recieve your teachings."

Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 05:45:07 PM
Shade shook his head and returned the bow.

"I have been thinking..........since you have no master.....I have decided to take you as my Padawan learner. That is if you choose to be. And if you do then, tell me whcih path you wish to follow."

Jan 28th, 2004, 05:57:14 PM
Spada kneeled to Shade, saying

"It would be an honor."

He stood and said to his new master,

"I have had a lesson with Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei in the basics of using a lightsaber. That is what I would like to be proficient in, but I would most like to learn Telekenesis first and that could be the basis of my training."

He was very happy to finally have a Master, and especially one with such wisdom.

Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 06:09:07 PM
"Very well then. I shall meet you in the Training grounds in about an hour. Until then."

Shade turned around and walked off silently towards his room. There he had some things that would hopefully help along in Spada's training.

Jan 28th, 2004, 06:14:25 PM
ooc. ok you make a thread for it and were done here right?

Spada bowed and said,

"yes master."

as Shade walked away. He ran to his quarters, picked up his robe and lightsaber (just in case) and walked to the training rooms to wait for Shade, even though he wouldnt arrive for about an hour.