View Full Version : I'm older than I look. (Open to anyone)

Jan 26th, 2004, 09:51:08 PM
Coruscant was no place for a 12 year old boy. But to most people, it didn't matter. If a 12 year old boy had the credits, he could go just about anywhere. He could also attain anything; Jorshal felt for his vibroblade on his belt. The Sith Order was going to be very upset with him once they found out how much he had spent from their account. It was no big deal though, When Jorshal looked at the balance last they had tons of credits.

They weren't lying when they said Coruscant was big. He walked along a pathway and through moving crowds, who for the most part, ignored him. Then something caught his eye, a sign for a bar. In all holovids he had seen, that's where the tough guys hung out.

He walked in and looked around, it seemed the failures and the pathetic really hung out there. He took a seat and an old droid approached him and informed him he wasn't allowed to be in there. "I have credits." He said and allowed the droid to notice how many he had to his name. The droid paused and left the booth.

He leaned back and tried to kick his short legs onto the table, they couldn't reach. he put them back down hoping none had noticed. But it seemed someone had, Jorshal looked to see the persons face, but they turned away before he could get a good look. "Hey!" He yelled and most looked at him. "Come here." he demanded. "And you better hurry up if you know what's good for you!" Everyone laughed. Jorshal clenched his teeth "Sht up!" he yelled witht he anger clearly in his voice. No one did, they just laughed harder. He lowered his head and stared at the floor trying to figure out how to fix the mess he made.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 26th, 2004, 10:12:45 PM
This was indeed a tough bar. But it was his type of place. Seedy, dark, filled with unsavory characters. He fitted in well, ugly worn out clothes, cloak and hood, smoking an old pipe. There was an odd drink that no one else would touch in front of him, it smelt strongly of fermented grain. A couple of spilled drops also ate into the wood of the bar.

With some amusement, he watched as the boy made a commotion. Maybe he was in a real dive and he looked the worst character there, he wasn't an unkind or vindicitive man. Seeing the boy was in reach, he grabbed his collar, hauled him through the air and dumped him on a stool next to him.

"I'd shut up if I were you" he said, in a soft but hard to place accented voice, "This is no place for someone flashing credits - you already have some of the best theives wondering if it's worthwhile slitting your throat"

"Maybe I'm one of them" he added, pasing to take a sip of his beer.

Jan 27th, 2004, 09:36:34 PM
"Yeah, you a theif? Please. And who are you to tell me what to do?" Jorshal said and began to straighten his collar out. "Touch me again and I'll have your hands." He knew the man didn't take the threat seriously, but he sneared at him anyway.

"So what's in the drink?" Jorshal said and grabbed the glass. He took a quick sip before the man could stop him. It tasted and felt like acid in his mouth. He spit it out in a spray across the bar. "That's disgusting. And so are you for drinking it." He said and spit on the floor to get the taste out of his mouth.

"I know you're not a theif, you hardly look the part. I've seen theives." He lied. If this man turned out to be a theif, the only plan Jorshal had was to run like mad. "So who are you really?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 28th, 2004, 04:27:43 PM
One hand landed on the boy's shoulder. While the grip wasn;t painful, it made one thing clear - he wasn't going anywhere. The other hand flicked into Marcus' cloak, where, against belief he pulled out the credit chits the boy had been waving around.

"If I looked like a theif, I wouldn't be so good at it. Would you go near someone who looked like they could pick your pocket before you blinked... or indeed as you took their beer?"

He grinned, before placing the chits on the bar in front of the boy.

"Your a long way from home, lad. what are you doing here?"

Jan 29th, 2004, 09:33:03 PM
Jorshal paused for a moment and searched his memory. He was sure the man hadn't taken the credits. "Give those back." he said and gritted his teeth in agitation.

The man didn't respond and gave him the sort of look that basically said 'no'. Jorshal then considered tellign the truth, exactly why it was he was there. He decided lying was a better course of action. "Just here to check things out." He said and nodded his head. "What's it to you? Why are you here?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 30th, 2004, 07:32:50 PM
"This is a bar. I'm having a drink. It's thirsty work, theft. I'm interested because it's a rare thing to see someone make a fool of themselves as you did, coming in here. I was wondering if you were just naive, or just plain stupid. Fortunantly for you, it appears the answer is naive. Stupid gets you killed"

He glanced at the chits and frowned. Frell, that was a lot to have, even for him. He glanced at the boy, puzzled.

"How in the name of The Force did you end up with so much to flash around? And, dont be bothered about me" he also said, sliding the credits back to the boy with the back of his hand, noting how fast he grabbed them, "Answer me honestly and I'll make sure you get out of here alive, in one piece with your credits. Maybe even take you somewhere a bit more appropriate"

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:16:19 PM
Back in the black dark corner of the room sat Dalamar a Dark Lord of the Sith. Though the place was crowded his area was given wide berth.

A man and woman caroused in the other corner. The Warlord turned away they did not interest him. Bums and derelicts those that thought they where evil and powerful. But not knowing how close real darkness was to them. The waitress flinched when Dalamar grabbed her wrist the cold grip startling her. "More blood wine please." Yyyyeas sir, she stammered and practically ran from his table. His red piercing eye's followed her. His gaze wandered until he saw a boy making a fool of himself the Warlord started to turn away when his sense's came alive.

There at the bar ONE with power. One he could feed off of. The force was strong with this one. Dalamar stayed silent he would watch and wait and see what opportunity would arise he would of course have to get rid of the child. But then his Nagari had not eaten in quite a while and the cannibals grew restless.

Feb 1st, 2004, 06:57:30 PM
Jorshal swore at him. "I'm not naive." He said defiantly and looked the man in the eye trying to show he had no fear. Which was a lie, honestly, he was starting to get scared.

The man slipped the credits back to him and Jorshal's tension eased a little. The man asked hima question and Jorshal was unsure of how to respond. The truth was he stole them from the Sith Order, but if this man turned out to be a Jedi... it seemed rather unlikely. But stating he was part of the Sith Order could make him a target. Finally he spoke his solution. "My family is rich, I took the money from them." he stated and put the credits in his pocket.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 02:01:51 AM
"I said honestly, lad. A good thief knows when a lie is being told to him. It's written on your face - your not a convincing liar, although the story could be likely. Who did you steal them off?"

Feb 3rd, 2004, 10:56:07 AM
"That's not fair." Jorshal thought. Then he considered telling the truth, it was actually pretty far out. He decided to give it a try. "I stole them from the Sith Order." he said and squinted a little. He waited and watched to see how the man responded to that.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 3rd, 2004, 07:27:07 PM
He had been takign a sip of the beer. He damn near choked on it, swallowing with some difficulty. One eye was locked on the kid, even as he slowly out the glass down .

"By the force, you got some guts to come up with a story that wild. Not many would believe that one."

No mistake, Marcus was beginning to grin.

"Either that, or it's true, which by your body language, it is. You actually ripped of the Sith Order???" He was very close to laughing out loud and it was clear he was impressed. "Lad, do you want somethign to drink or eat? I'll gladly pay for the return of hearing how you managed that. And also, tell me, what's your name?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 6th, 2004, 12:06:55 AM
Moving closer Dalamar didn't care for talk of credits,chits or money all that interested him was power, his and the power of others. Moving closer to the man at the bar the Vampyre began to stalk as he had done countless times before.

Using the force the Dread Lord masked his aura moving like black clad death he moved in. His taloned hand grew taunt with the tension of a blow about to be struck. One distraction was all he needed, one quick kill was prefered to a long drawn out battle. But either way the Warlord was going to feed.....

Feb 9th, 2004, 08:11:12 PM
Jorshal was surprised at his reaction and liked the attention he was getting. "My name is Jorshal." He said knowing there was no sense in holding his name back. "I don't suppose I'll get your name then?" he asked.