View Full Version : Precious Cargo of Etti IV(Open)

Ace McCloud
Jan 26th, 2004, 05:24:58 PM
The planet was truly beautiful, the perfect place to get away to, even on business. Standing by the rail of the shallow yacht, Ace secretly admired the glistening shallow saline seas and the cool frontal breeze blowing across the calm water. Small sea creatures swam swiftly along beside them, feeding, playing, whatever sea things do. He smiled from underneath his hood, protecting him from hot sun above. It was great being here, he was glad he had picked the mission from the GJO terminal.

Some dignitaries of the Corporate Sector Authority had sent out a request for some escorts to guard a 2 yacht convoy carrying "precious cargo". Ace jumped on it quickly, having never been here, and looking for an easy chance to get away. The council had requested atleast one person to accept the mission, wanting to establish better relations between the CSA and the New Republic. He didn't figure it would be that hard, except he knew that Etti IV was home to a thriving criminal underworld. The CSA was intently interested in profit and comonly sold and distributed weapons and other such technology. The cargo was probably some new prototype or weapon of some kind, but Ace hadn't cared enough to think about it.

Ace took a soft seat by the railing on the first yacht as the two chugged along quietly. He knew the quietness wouldn't last long, not with him around atleast.

Jan 27th, 2004, 12:59:24 PM
Unknown to Ace, a Jedi Padawan whom he was not familiar was with him on the yacht. The Padawan still was not assigned a Master yet and they sent him on a 'tag along' mission with Ace. The Jedi Order failed to inform Ace of this. The powerful Kel-Dor approached Ace and bowed, asking,

"Master McCloud? Greetings, I am Spada. I have been sent to help you on this mission and to learn as much as possible. I was not exactly given much detail on the reason for this mission, but I know it has something to do with protecting these yachts."

He hoped he was not being too foward with the Jedi, but he liked to get down to business before talking.

Ace McCloud
Jan 28th, 2004, 06:42:25 PM
The Kel-Dor caught Ace's eye right before he spoke. Judging by the robes and the light saber, he was obvisioly a jedi padawan. He hadn't known any other jedi were coming on this trip, but he hadn't really checked. He was too at peace right now with his surroundings to really care that much.

Ace gave a slight bow of his head as the Kel-Dor approached. "Greetings," he said in his low, raspy voice. He showed no emotion, no anger, no joy, just nothing. He really didn't have anything to say, but he might as well get to know the guy, "Spada. I take that you are brand new to the order?" He continued, turning his head back out to sea.

Jan 28th, 2004, 06:49:15 PM
Spada looked in the direction of where Ace looked and said slowly

"yes... I am very new compared to other jedi. I have been sent with you to get some experience while they try to find me a Master."

he gazed at Ace and began to search into the Jedi's mind, but the mental toughness of a Jedi made it hard to see much.

(ooc. just lettin you know that kel-dor have the ability to dig into peoples minds and stuff they got external sensory organs and stuff thus the appearance of one.

Ace McCloud
Jan 28th, 2004, 07:27:00 PM
Though Ace could hardly feel the Kel Dor peering into his mind(because it was not force related), he could sense what he was doing. He immediatly lept to his feet and lashed out with a very strong a violent force push, enough to send the offender over the edge on the other side.

"Careful where you look boy, some places are best left alone," he exclaimed very sternly after he forced Spada to the other side of the boat. It was a bad move, and a very big judgement error. Perhaps another would have acted differently, but Ace did not appreciate such an intrusion. But he controlled his anger. What was done was done, no need to carry it further.

Jan 28th, 2004, 07:31:53 PM
Spada nearly fell of the other end of the boat from the powerful push from Ace. His aggresiveness showed that there was something he appeared to be hiding. It was Spada's nature to be curious, and he was impressed that Ace even felt him doing it.

After about 10 minutes he approached Ace, saying,

"I apologize. I did not consider what I would find if I searched. I was merely trying to see your thoughts about me."

He bowed to Ace, stepping to the other side of the yacht. When the time came, he would not be able to remain angry at Spada.

Ace McCloud
Jan 30th, 2004, 05:46:31 PM
Both yachts moved along. It was a good 10 hour trip to the next mainland. So far only an hour had passed and Spada and Ace had barely said a word. He really didn't care about the mind reading incident earlier, but he didn't care enough to get up and talk to him either. Down below deck, sat 6 armed guards, guarding the cargo. Ace had no idea that the cargo was actually a very expensive and high tech cloaking device. Normally cloaking devices went for about half a billion credits. However, the problem with the cloaking is that the pilots could not see and literally had to fly blind, usually making them insert pre-planned coordinates. This cloaking device, though, was much different. This cloaking device allowed the pilots to actually see and navigate their ship without being seen. There have not been many made, the last of which anyone ever really knew about was for the Emperor's shuttle, but it was destroyed on the second deathstar. But several years later Grand Admiral Thrawn located the plans and specs for the cloaking devices, and they were brought back into the universe.

CSA had spent millions of credits building the device and transporting it safely to certain places. Now it seemed better to transfer it discretely as it was only a few hours from its final destination.

As far as Ace knew, he was simply protecting several dignitaries and top class sceintists onboard the yachts. They refused to give him anymore information and he would not pry.

Jan 30th, 2004, 06:05:01 PM
Spada looked out at the other yacht moving across and looked out at the security guards patrolling the boat. He thought to himself,

'Spada, why didn't you go on the other boat? I havent exactly talked to Ace much and that boat is more vunerable to attack. I may be new, but any jedi would be better protecting the other yacht.'

Spada glanced back at Ace. It was killing him not knowing what Ace was hiding. He wasn't sure if Ace had forgiven him of the incident, and decided to wait until he could prove himself before he could talk.

He walked around the boat and made sure that all the sides were clear from attack. If anything happened, he would finally be able to prove himself to Ace and the other Jedi of the Academy. He also felt more at ease since he sensed less anger from Ace which may mean that he was beggining to trust him again. His training from the Jedi Academy, and even back in the Dorin Academy had made him a good planner and fighter, and he felt more comfortable in himself, even though he had not had any real action with a lightsaber yet.

(ok if anyone has plans of joining this for whatever reason check this out for details and PM Ace to request)

Here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=34124)

Feb 1st, 2004, 05:09:19 AM
The sound of engines humming dimly filled the room, interrupted with random clicks and snaps of armor being strapped and weapons being checked. “Colonel we are five from mark.” Tear’s earpiece transmitted the message with a perfect clarity through the strong durasteel alloy that made up the shuttle’s interior. The outside however was different from most imperial shuttles as it was heavily armored, suiting the needs of the shuttle as it rose silently up from the ocean depths of Etti VI…homing in on its prey like a shark from beneath.

Imperial intelligence had been tracking the transport of some highly classified technology for the last few months. They didn’t know what it was exactly, but it was enough to pour billions of credits into guarding and transporting it, which meant one thing, it was obviously valuable. Intelligence had waited on its heels until the most opportune moment came when the convoy was at its weakest with no escort class ships or an over abundance of guards. The only problem was that the CSA delegates onboard had made one special request for Jedi escort.

That’s why Tear had been assigned to this mission along with a capable captain by the name of Teleran Balades. The objectives were fairly simple, board the yachts and capture the technology being transported. Teleran would be heading off the main objective while Tear ran interference with the Jedi. There was also the matter of dealing with the CSA delegates on board who were trading with the NR…but other then that nothing was to be left intact after the main objective was complete.

Tear’s armored figured moved through the ranks of Imperial storm troopers, noticing a fairly large gap in the radius of one man. He had been hand picked by Tear for missions like this…not an imperial but a merc. Under Tears command. The tall figure loomed over the rest of the men, that stood in the shuttle’s belly; he would depart for the first Yacht alongside Tear to engage the Jedi while the shuttle continued to the second Yacht to depart Teleran and his squad.

Giving a quick glance over his weapons, flicking the safeties off at the same time before holstering them, Tear stared over the gathering of soldiers. His eyes briefly made their way over to Teleran giving him a nod of recognition. “Soldiers of the Empire, you know the task ahead and you know what you must do. When these doors open I don’t want you to fear what awaits you beyond, but instead know that you will be striking fear into those that await. Show them what a soldier of the Empire is capable of accomplishing. If a comrade falls do not mourn his loss but gain courage in the fact he died for the greatness of us all. No man is to be left behind….. And we leave nothing of our enemies behind!” The ranks of soldiers roared as if victory had already occurred.

Below the Yachts a shadow rippled in the deep, growing larger as it lifted up from the ocean depths, the surface bubbling rapidly before bursting into the air in a large plume…An imperial combat shuttle flanked by a skipray blastboat floated defiantly as the mist from the water dissipated. The eerily silence of the scene ended as the shuttles hydraulics hummed with the rotation of its forward laser cannons. The blastboat following suit, drifting apart slightly while its two capital ship grade ion cannons locked onto the second yacht, coupled with a twin turret laser counted mounted on its dorsal fin.

Tear could only imagine the faces on those aboard the two yachts as the words “fire” escaped his lips.

Blue bolts of light burned their way out from the skipray blastboat striking the second yacht dead on, sending a surge of electrical energy through the ship, green flashes leaped from the twin cannons joining the spray of blue as the combined streaks peppered over the yachts surface. Having finished a single savlo the skipray ship angled as it turned lazily through the air, away from the two yachts covering a small distance to wait until called upon.

The troops inside the shuttle could feel the vibrations made by the shuttles forward turrets as they lanced out green bolts into the first yachts deck. Explosions pelted over the yacht, as precision fire washed over the decks of the yacht, imperial gunners had received strict orders not to destroy the yachts out right but to stun their targets and create chaos onboard.

The dim red light in the shuttle's cargo hold turned green, every trooper in the hold knew what the green luminance’s meant, it was time to go to work. Tear hit the control panel causing the drop door to fall open with a clang…filling the room up with the planets warm sunlight, a slight buzz could be heard in every troopers helmet as their visors adjusted to the new light source. The shuttled tilted slightly, thrusters firing to push it self-forward. The water rippled below speeding quickly beneath the shuttle as it closed in on the first yacht.

Glancing back Tear gave a nod to the tall Merc. The troopers around quickly stepped back allowing it room to walk forward. Tear turned slightly, glancing over his shoulder to Teleran, “Watch your back Captain.” Unclipping the metallic cylinder at his belt, Tear stepped off from the shuttle as it passed over the first yacht heading toward the second. The large figure dropped off after Tear, both landing into the shattered decks of the yacht. Tear glanced over the debris-covered ship searching out his targets…

“Avast ye heartys, yo ho…” Tear grinned playfully with the second of his team looming behind him.

Feb 1st, 2004, 08:38:19 PM
Spada had felt a disturbance, but with his untrained mind he did not know. He looked on in shock as the 2nd yacht was hammered by the imperial ship. He glanced at Ace. He had to do it. Looking into Ace's mind, he said to him telepathically,

'ill take the 2nd yacht.' (telepathy noone else heard me)

Spada jumped down the levels of the yacht and to a small ejection boat and shot away towards the 2nd yacht. When he was about 10 feet away, he turned the boat alongside the yacht and jumped out, landing onto the deck to meet the troops landing. He did not wory about Ace; he was better off than Spada was. Igniting his green saber, his mind was prepared to fight.

Teleran Balades
Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:16:17 PM
Tel made a quick check of his weapons, checking the charge on his blaster rifle and the energy cell on the vibroblade at his hip. Seeing that everything was in working condition, he detached the metal hook and stepped off the shuttle just as Tear and the big merc had done seconds before. Behind him the stormtroopers followed suite.

A series of heavy thumps resonated across the yacht as armored boots landed heavily on the deck. Rifle already at his shoulder, Tel swep the smoking deck with the muzzle. Above the troopers, the shuttle followed the blastboat, ready to be summond at when the objective was completed.

"Spread out, search the entire ship. Stay with your squads and call for backup if you run into trouble. Gamma squad with me."

The mass of troopers dissolved into their squads and quickly spread across the yacht. Tel motioned his Gamma group foreward toward the access hatch to the ships interior.

Ace McCloud
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:13:31 PM
The CSA wasn't too bright, but not real stupid either. They had planned on perhaps a small attack and had installed several defenses. As the blast boat pelted the yachts with its shots, small unseen deflector shields protected the major parts of the yachts. The engines still intact, kicked it into high gear to a speeding 65 knots. Two gun turrets deployed from under the deck, with an armored guard manning them. One was an EMP turret and the guard swiveled it around and started taking pot shots at the gunboat flying over head. The second, was an onboard self-defense turret. In a matter of seconds it would begin taking shots at the storm troopers boarding the yacht.

As for the main decks of the yachts, they were utterly destroyed. Tarps and poles laying everywhere, torn up floor boards and even dead bodies and armor. But the three jedi remained unharmed.

Pushing his way up out of the debris, Ace ignited his saber and took a quick look around. Quickly finding the threat, he leapt towards the taller man and struck at him with his saber. Unless he had lightsaber proof armor, he'd be a goner.

Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:20:02 PM
(ok i guess ill make it so that Shade is my Master and i recieved one of his lesons.)

A group of stormtroopers made their way quickly to the front of the 2nd yacht.

"You cover our backs. We'll-"

Suddenly, a blast from Spada's push catapulted one trooper into another one, knocking them both down. He ignited his saber and getting into his stance, he descended upon the few remaining troopers in that squad.

He reached out with the first swing, almost not hitting him but cutting the chest of one trooper and tossing him lifelessy to the ground. He swung wide, striking another trooper with his follow-through. Everything around him blurred, except for the troopers and 2 blasters pointed at him. He concentrated and was able to block the first shot, but the 2nd missed him. He cut in front of him, cutting off the ends of the guns instead of hitting the intened troopers themselves.

All the troopers except the two on the ground had run or were killed. That was one of a few squads who were onthe yacht, and he still had work to do. Glancing at Ace, he saw him swing at a large figure.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:22:27 PM
Darriann was looking out at the open sea for any sign of the targets. He was behind the controls of a cargo skiff modified for use on water, it also sported advanced thrusters for better speed. He changed his view to Vhiran who had just finished upgrading a speeder bike they had got on a job prior to this. Although this time the job was purely for their benefit. They had got word of a cloaking device being transported over the seas on Etti IV form a CSA contact. Vhiran jumped on the speeder and signaled he was ready. He would take off from the skiff and cut around the transports from the left while Sollak would take the skiff up the right.

Darriann looked up and at the sea ahead. There they were, two CSA yatches appearing to come up out of the water as the skiff advanced. As the skiff came closer to the transports Darriann spotted to shuttles moving off. He grabbed a pair of electrobinoculars to get a closer look at them. He saw the insignia of the Empire. He then looked toward the yatches and saw smoke and blaster fire coming from them.

"The party seems to have started without us. Look like we also have some Imperial party crashers." Darriann said, "Watch you back Vhiran."

Shade Magus
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:43:37 PM
As another man swung out behind Ace, he lost his balance and went flying overboard. Shade Magus stepped out from behind a door on the other yacht and smiled.

"You might wanna......whoa!"

Before he could finish his sentence a blaster bolt missed his face narrowly and the Jedi dropped into a low crouch with his saber already activated, deflecting another shot so that it hit the hand of the one firing at him. The Jedi came up and spun, using the Force to push another one of the men overboard as he brought his saber back up to narrowly deflect another blow.

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:04:04 PM
Vhiran pushed in his ear peace, "Roger that," he said through the comm. "Lets rock and roll!"

Hitting the release for the clamps on the speeder bike, he slid out slowly from the skiff. On the way down he started up the powerful engines and the repulser lifts kicked in, steadying him above the water.

"Alright...lets see what you can do..." The yachts were still a good ways away and he had to get there before the skiff did. Hitting the accelerator at his foot, he was almost launched off the bike as it shot forward towards the yachts.

"Holy..." his voice trailed off over the roar of the wind. This new speeder hadn't even hit the market yet and wasn't due till next year. They were supposed to be more manueverable than any other speeder and faster than any planetary vehicle. They weren't kidding. It wasn't long until he was at the yachts, speeding up beside them. As planned, he cut to the left of them, taking a wide arc. He came to a sweeping stop with the yachts about 50 meters away.

"Looks like we have some competition, Sollak. Let's show em how its done." Vhiran revved up the engine and shot off towards the yachts at about half speed. Seconds before crashing into the yacht, he slammed on the repulser lifts and launched himself into the air, a wave of water following. He had his target planned out, the jedi with the saber.

The front of the speeder slammed into the side of Ace McCloud right before he swung down at the tall imperial man.

"Yee haw!" He screamed through the comm as he landed on the other side of the yacht, still on the speeder. It wasn't until then did he relieze what he had hit. "Krasst. We've got jedi. Three of them. We've got our work cut out for us this time.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:04:13 PM
Darriann heard the word Jedi and he knew this wasn't gonna be easy. The skiff was lighter now since Vhiran took off with the swoop. It was easy closing the gap between the yatches. He pulled up beside it and quickly tied it near the back.

He jumped onto the deck and unholstered his DL-44. He heard the stormtroopers moving around on the upper deck. So he crouched low and made his way to the engine room hatch and slipped in. A few CSA officers were in there guarding the entrance to the cargo hold. He moved behind a fuel tank and shouted over to them"Imperials are coming this way can you help come hold them off." He was sure if they would buy it but they took the bait and ran out. Sollak quickly moved to bar the door so they couldn't get back in. After he was sure the door was sealed with a few blasts to the lock, he moved to the cargo door. He looked around for a latch to open it but all he found was number pad. It's never door handles anymore. Always electrolocks. This lock was a tough one it was welded into the wall so he couldn't get behind it and cut wires nor was there a port he could hack into and slice. He grabbed his comm.

"Vhiran the cargo door is electrolocked and I can't find a way to bypass it. There's probably some bigwig on the yatch your on who has the passcode. Can you get it? I've sorta locked myself in the engine room and can't do a thing."

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 4th, 2004, 08:01:57 AM
A dark cloaked figure pressed a few buttons on the other side of the door. The doors opened and Darriann walked slowly prepared to either meet a friend or fow, as he exited no one was there except for a piece of paper on the floor I am neither friend or fow, i am here to get in on this little project, here are some security codes i got from some friends who now seem to be a little headless..
DArriann smiled put the paper into his pocket. Drake was now running up stairs and slashing any guards and stormtroopers that were in his way but he was discrete. It took about 2 dead men to realize that someone else has jumped on board. Just then a group of stormtoopers put a fix on his location, there was about 3 of them. Drake senced that there were coming, his lightsaber flew of his belt into his hands and ignited right away, the green beam stretched a meter long. The trooperssmached threw the door and and began to fire on him, Drake deflected most of the shots and wounded most of them leaving a few for dead, He dis-engaged his lightsaber and put it back on his belt just then a trooper got back up and shot him once in the leg, drake pushed him back with the force and wrapped his leg with some bandage. Drake then decided to head for the ships bridge, there was to be lots of damage when he got there.

Shade Magus
Feb 4th, 2004, 02:02:42 PM
Shade came around as he finishd a roundhouse kick to the last f the thugs in his proximity. He brought his lightsaber down as he relaxed. He reached out and felt somone else that was dark and started followng the person as best he could in an attempt to cut them off. If these guys had a Sith with them then things were about to get ugly.

Feb 4th, 2004, 03:55:35 PM
Spada glanced over and saw Ace struck by the speeder. He hoped that he was alright, but he was still focused on keeping himself alive for the moment. Suddenly his master, Shade Magus, appeared in a door on his yacht and began to take out the troopers on the torn apart deck. He yelled to Shade,

"Master!! I did not know you were here!!"

he ran to him as Shade turned off his saber to rest. Suddenly, he began to sense some evil thoughts around, his external organs sputtering things into his brain very quickly. He looked at Shade and saw that he felt it too with the force. Spada had never encountered a Force user other than a Jedi and was not sure what the feeling was coming from.

Teleran Balades
Feb 4th, 2004, 05:30:34 PM
Teleran and the stormtrooper squad with him prowled through the corridors of the yacht. Footsteps from their booted feet rang lightly down the halls and heavy gunfire from the deck above could be heard. Tel was surprised by the amount of noise, apparently the CSA posted more defenses on the yachts than intelligence had suggested. Curious about the situation above, he toggled the tactical command on the comm-link system built into his helmet.

"All squads report in, I want updates every two minutes."

For a moment a burst of static followed by crisp staccato sound of blaster fire came over the comm.

"Captain, this is beta commander, we're in a firefight on deck with CSA defenders. They have turrets built into the superstructure...” a deafening explosion came over the headset and a tremor could be felt running through yacht. "...Sorry about that Sir, demolition charge went off prematurely."

"Watch it Commander, don't sink this thing before the mission is complete."

Gamma squad rounded a corner and ran into alpha squad, or what was left of them. Tel nearly tripped over a headless corpse encased in white armor. Bring the rifle stock to his shoulder, he dropped to one knee. Four troopers behind him took up firing positions as well. Seeing that the corridor was clear, motioned two of the troopers ahead. The commander of Gamma squad crouched next to him, tracing a finger across a deep, blackened gouge in the dead man's chest plate.

“Captain, not even a vibroblade can cut this deep into stormtrooper armor, or leave a mark like this.” The commander glanced up at him, but the mask covered up any expression the man was making. Teleran stood up, stepping carefully over the bodies, addressed the squad. “Keep your eyes sharp, we’ve got Jedi close by.”

Following the two troopers that went ahead, Captain Balades and the rest of Gamma squad started off with increased watchfulness, heading toward the cargo hold.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:37:31 AM
Drake continued through the corridors using the force to guide him to the main bridge fo the ship when just then he felt the presence of two jedi aboard. Drake wasn't too surprised that the council sent Jedi to protect whatever these yachts were carrying, but Jedi or not he was prepared to fight them. He also knew that the Jedi were on the main deck of the yacht and now was a moment of truth and fight his former brothers of the order in which he left some time ago. His brother straffe was the first to leave and became a Dark Jedi, Drake left soon after and became a Rogue Jedi.

Drake kept on, he had one mor level to go before he got to the main bridge and from there he would control the yacht but he would have to get passed the Jedi first. He passed through the last door way and up some stairs. He saw the two Jedi with dead troopers on the ground. He glance at them and smiled thanks for clearing house for me hehehe... his grin now faded away and he extented his arm outwards, his saber flew from his felt into his hand and ignited, the green been stretched out three feet long. He then ignited the other end of the saber and put his left hand out hold the doulbe-edge saber behind him in attack positionsI'm sorry brothers but if you are here to stop me then there is no other way...

Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:32:52 PM
Shde closed his eyes as he reached out with the Force letting it wash over him. He opened them as he turned around. He could feel the aura of the young man, but something was diffenrent he wasn't a Jedi, but Shade did not feel the usual malice he felt from a Sith.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Ace McCloud
Feb 5th, 2004, 05:13:00 PM
The speeder came quickly. Ace was in the middle of his attack when he was hit with the speeder. He hardly had any time to react and he only managed to slightly curl up. The speeder hit him hard, probably breaking some bones. He almost flew off the edge of the yacht, but he snagged the side railing with one hand. Swinging to the side, his grip almost slipped as he was bombared with water from the waves the yacht bounced on. He shook his head about a few times, trying to recover from the powerful blow. Yea, that one hurt. It was so powerful infact that he dropped his lightsaber somewhere, probably up on the deck.

"That Man"
Feb 5th, 2004, 06:02:54 PM
The tall man of Tear's forces stands out like a sore thumb; a white-garbed man nearly 8 feet tall, holding a scalpel almost as tall as himself. In his other hand is a small, black doctor's bag that wriggles and squirms. As they land on the yacht, he quickly ducks, effectively cutting his size in half and disappearing in the crowd of soldiers.

"My my, but this is a busy place."

He opens his bag, releasing four squirming, wriggling black fluffballs.

"Find those bad men I've taught you about. You'll know them when you see them."

They scamper off, and the doctor makes his next comment to Tear.

"Here we go then."

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:06:48 PM
What did Jedi, smugglers, Imperials, and giants all have in common?

They were all unaware of his presence. Another addition was in the works to their nautical ruckus, only Grev saw it best to sit back and let the dogs clean house before he made his move. Who was he to get between their fun? He was here on business, and when opposition brawled it out with opposition it only made his job a whole lot easier.

Waiting patiently aboard the vessel, all he could do was watch through the enhanced view of electro binoculars. Once the smoke cleared and the goods were located he’d throw himself in the mix, but until then he’d reap the enjoyment of the bloodshed. He wasn’t too clear on what exactly was so valuable, but the display before him only justified that it was indeed valuable.

Turns out his “exclusive information” wasn’t so exclusive after all.

Feb 6th, 2004, 09:09:16 PM
Spada's head turned towards the newcomer and he straightened his back, assessing the figure. Spada held his saber pointed down at his side and awaited Shade's responsal to the man, and he said telepathically to his Master,

"Who in the hell is this? I'll follow your lead..."

Feb 7th, 2004, 03:59:45 AM
Tear watched in anticipated silence as the Jedi soared through the air toward his taller counter part behind him. That is until the low hum of a speeder bike roared over ahead striking the jedi in midair. Tear arched an eyebrow in a puzzled manner as he turned to the tall mercenary. Bolts of blaster fire zipped around the two, randomly impacting the deck inches from their position. Tear grimaced slightly as one of the fur balls hissed at his foot, before Tear nudged it along. “Not me little one go find another.”

"Here we go then." That man commented, Tear smiled in approval scanning the decks of the yacht for the Jedi who just previously been ran over. Tears eyes halted, catching something interesting, his hand reached out and a small metallic cylinder leapt from the debris covered deck into his hand. “Looks like that Jedi is missing something. Lets if his friends want it back?”

A grin tugged at the corners of Tears lips as the Jedi’s blade ignited in his hand before being flung through the air toward one of the armored guards manning the blaster turret. The guard caught the twirling blur of color out of the corner of his eye, managing a scream before sparks and smoke plumed from his body as he crumbled to the floor.

He turned to That Man, with a smile “I don’t think he wanted it? Lets go find someone who does…” Tear twirled his own saber hilt slowly over his palm as he lead his ally inside the yacht toward the CSA delegates barricaded down below.

Ace McCloud
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:24:31 PM
Barely hanging off the railing, Ace struggles to regain his strength, almost blacking out a few times. While hanging he begins to pinpoint the location of his lightsaber and gets a lock on it. Using the force, Ace launches himself back up onto the yacht, landing without a sound, and behind the two attackers. His lightsaber shot to his hand like a bullet across the yacht. Gripping it, he light it quickly and held it up alongside his face.

Without a word, as the two turned around before entering the the deck below, he shot himself towards Tear. With his free hand he force pushed That Man. Right before attacking Tear, Ace placed his left foot down on a large piece of debris and very swiftly launched himself over Tear, spinning around and slashing in the air at the same time.

"That Man"
Feb 8th, 2004, 12:19:39 AM
The tall man stumbles back, digging in his weapon and balancing atop it precariously before settling himself. He puts his hand into a pocket of his labcoat and tosses it into the air. It appears to be a remote droid, but this one doesn't fire training darts. It starts to flit about Tear and Ace, seeking it's chance.

Shade Magus
Feb 8th, 2004, 08:11:29 PM
Shade saw the battle between Ace and the other two and started towards them, caling back over his shoulder.

"You can take care of this one SPada. I have faith in you>"

Shade ran over and jumped at the larger one of the two with his fist outstretched.

"Come now. Two against one isn't fair, but maybe I'll even things up."

Feb 11th, 2004, 07:45:44 PM
Spada glanced over as his master left him to deal with the lightsaber wielding man alone. He stared down the man and said quietly,

"You will go no farther..."

He pulled out his lightsaber, doing no fancy moves, and ignited it, the green snake slithering out of the metal tube. Holding it out in front of him, he waited for the man's first move.

(not a snake im just tryin to use sum metaphors :lol )

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 11th, 2004, 10:05:03 PM
"How bout three on two then?" Vhiran said as he skimmed along the water on his modified speeder bike. He drew his very inaccurate, but very powerful modified double blaster. He took aim at Shade and pulled the trigger. Two beams shot out of each barrel, and flew towards Shade until they phased together to create a very powerful blast.

"That Man"
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:39:11 PM
"Two to one!?" repeats the man, clearly offended by his tone. "You mean to count the droid as a combatant?"

He shouldn't have spent so much time being surprised though; Shade catches him square in the center of his paper bag.

"Ah! So you've struck me! Well, I shall respond in kind!"

The scalpel whips about in an arc destined for Shade's side.

Shade Magus
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:02:38 PM
Shade brought his saber up and around, deflecting the eam shot at him, but unfortunately he was unable to completely avoid the blade of the scapel. As he backed away, Shade looked down and saw a cut in his robe, blood slowly running down the front of his shirt. It wasn't enough of a cut to be fatal, but enough to slow him down so he wouldn't tear it open more. He smirked as he looked at the tall man.

"Lucky shot."

Shade then weilded aound with his lightsaber aimed at the man's knees.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 14th, 2004, 02:24:22 PM
"Vhiran. Nevermind getting the codes. Someone else knows where here." Darriann said through his comm,"He left some codes. I don't like this but they seem to be working."

Darriann moved out of the engine room through the cargo bay. Headless corpses lay in puddles of blood on the floor. Sith..

"Vhiran there's a Sith onboard I think."

He continued to the alternate cargo bay within the yatch's hull. The door hadn't yet been unlocked. He entered the code which had opened the previous door. It worked. He walked in looking for the device....

Nothing. He ran through the crates looking for it. He pushed over some crates hoping to find it or a hidden hatch. The crates being knocked over alerted two sentries at the other end. The pulled their weapons out and headed to the mess. Sollak heard their footsteps of the CSA troops. He ducked under a crate and readied his blaster. The troops pushed the crates out of the way and searched for Sollak.

He did his best to avoid them by sneaking behind another set of crates. One of the troopers though had caught his foot being pulled the crates.

"There's someone over here." said the trooper, "Show yourself!"

Darriann popped out from behind the crates. "It would appear you've found me."

He took aim at a trooper and shot him in the arm. The other ducked and shot his blaster at Darriann missing his head by so much. Darriann dived behind some more crate and pushed them infront of the other trooper's path. He ran toward the door firing his blaster behind him. As soon as he was out he locked the door. The trooper slamming their fist against it.

Feb 14th, 2004, 03:03:28 PM
Tear felt the tingle of something dangerous, rippling from behind through his force, turning just in time to see the blur of Ace leap into the air. Dropping to the deck, flat onto his back Tear inhaled sharply, watching as Ace’s blade cut through the air mere inches from his chest with the familiar hum of a saber.

A growl escaped Tear’s lips while he thrust out a gloved hand toward Ace, who was still gracefully falling through into his landing, to suddenly feel himself snapped back farther into the air. Rolling to his side Tear raised to his feet and clutched his saber hilt tightly, watching the increased arc of Ace’s fall extended from Tears push. “Looks like we found our first catch of the day.” Taking his time to rise to his feet, the sound of blaster fire and a scuffle quickly drew his attention. The familiar snap hiss seared through the air as Tears weapon came to life, facing Shade. “Let me finish what my friend here started.”

Teleran Balades
Feb 16th, 2004, 07:00:31 PM
Tel turned into the engine room and stopped short of the open door. The squad of troopers fanned out around him to cover the entrances. Tel quickly glanced over the door, noting the high security lock and the door's unscathed surface. He double checked the rifle and quickly moved in, stepping over a decapitated corpse. The stormtroopers behind him followed in pairs, keeping an eye on the room behind them as they came. Tel spoke into the commlink that extended from his helmet.

"Colonel, we're in the cargo hold. The door was open when we arrived, someone else got here first."

The faint whine of blaster fire could be heard ahead.

It looks like we found them.

Tel and the troopers surged foreward, not wanting their prize to fall into unwanted hands.

Ace McCloud
Feb 16th, 2004, 08:20:58 PM
Ace landed with a thud right infront of the large blaster mounted to the hull. He hissed below his breath in Tear's direction. Rushing forward again, he put out his hand and the small pile of debris infront of Tear flew up infront of him in a frenzie, like a small dust storm. Quickly, Ace shot through the debris cloud and struck horizantally at Tear, his arms speeding to catch up with the rest of his body.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:30:56 PM
Darriann flashed his head out of the main cargo bay peering into the engine room to see if anyone had made there way in. He saw the armor of the stormtroopers moving toward the door. He pulled back and hid behind a large stack of crates and waited for them to pass the doorway. Sollak would then push the crates and try to make his way out.

Suddenly the door at the other end of the bay slid open. The CSA guards from before had found a way to bypass the lock. They ran out blasters in hand. The injured one hung back by the door. He scanned the room looking for Darriann but couldn't see him.

"That Man"
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:11:07 PM

The tall doctor chooses to duck, rather than jump over Shade's assault. He lies low, flattening himself almost perfectly to the floor. The heat of the saber singes his coat and blackens to the top of his paper bag mask.

"Too close, entirely too close!"

Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 06:40:36 PM
Shade brings his weapon back up and into a defensive fighting position.

"There wouldn't be any chance of telling me why you guys are here would there?"

Feb 23rd, 2004, 02:06:13 AM
Tear had been closing in on the second Jedi when an explosion of debris suddenly leapt from the deck of the yacht. Back stepping quickly Tear’s saber whirled and spun defensively through the air, catching contact with nearly all the chunks of debris, leaving only falling sparks and a haze of smoke. A confident grin quickly spread over his lips as he deftly knocked away piece after piece of shrapnel that leapt to close. Tear winced suddenly and hissed in a gasp of air, craning his neck to the side as a piece of chewed metal clipped his cheek. Stepping back and twisting his body at the same time, Tear spun on his heel, vengefully bringing his saber in a large over head arc, splitting the piece of metal into a spray of sparks.

Just then noticing the blur of motion racing toward him… “Oh, not good…” Tear sighed before Ace’s shoulder struck into his chest forcing the air from his lungs. The sound of wood splintering resounded through into the air as Tear’s back slammed into the yacht’s guard railing. Having been knocked off his feet from the tackle, Tear arched his back over the guard railing, gripping Ace’s robes as he used the momentum of the lean to bring his knee up hard into Ace’s chest. Using the same momentum, Tear heaved Ace over the railing in one fluid motion, tossing him off the side.

Slumping over slightly, steadying himself on his knees, Tear struggled to catch the breath that had previously been knocked from him. His armor had taken most of the impact from the first tackle but the contact with the guard railing, left his back throbbing painfully. Small droplets of blood made their way casually down his cheek, unnoticed by the black armored warrior a he straightened up once more. Saber clutched tightly in hand.

"That Man"
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:42:58 PM
"I thought it was obvious," counters the man, squatting down to make a smaller target of himself. "It should be abundantly clear already." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black sphere, tossing it over at Shade with a lazy underhanded throw.

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:03:36 PM
"Alright Sollak, I'm moving in," Vhiran said over the comm again. He moved his speeder closer to the yacht and took aim at the side of it. He brought the large double blaster along for a reason. Pulling the trigger, the two blasts shot out and phased again. This time they slammed into the side of the yacht, rocking it violently. A large hole was blown open in the side of the yacht, but high enough so that it didnt affect the deck too much and it was above the water line.

Vhiran noticed just as he pulled the trigger that one of the jedi had been thrown along the side. He probably hit him as he might have hung onto the side but he saw no trace of him.

Forgetting the jedi, he rode up beside the yacht, next to the entrance he just made. Looking up he saw the other occupants duking it out.

He waved, "Hey there." Setting the bike on auto, he jumped into the side of the yacht into a room that looked like it used to be a weapons lockerroom. The soldier on guard, however, was dead.

Ace McCloud
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:15:35 PM
Ace grabbed onto the side of the yacht, just as he was knocked over board. But his senses went crazy with danger. He immediatly let go and slammed hard into the rushing water, just as a massive blast hit where he was hanging. He only had enough time to orient himself, and using the force, he yanked onto one of the back skirts of the 2nd yacht. It was now pulling him through the shallow water at a speeding 65 knots. He felt like his shoulder was about to rip off. With water rushing in his face rapidly and trying to suck him off, he only had a few seconds before his grip was broken. Using all his strength he reached up with his other hand and gripped the ladder on the back. Slowly, he began pulling himself up and was now skimming across the water. A few seconds later he had pulled himself up back onto the deck of the 2nd yacht. His lungs were filled with water as he tried to breath, making him collapse on the deck. He started coughing up water, as he tried to regain his strength and orientation. He had to get back to the fight.

After a few seconds of regaining his composure, he stood up, regripping the saber in his hand.

Feb 25th, 2004, 09:18:59 PM
Spada wondered why the dark jedi was not making a move and turned to see Ace climb on board the ship. He glanced at the Dark Jedi, and then to Ace, and decided that Ace was alright and charged towards the man, stabbing foward towards the man's chest.

Shade Magus
Feb 26th, 2004, 01:20:05 PM
Shade gave a curious look at what the tall one had thrown him and held his hand out as if to catch it, but it stopped right before it touched his fingers. Held in the air by the Force.

"What you wanna play catch now or............whoa! Ace you ok?"

Shade tried to ease over to the Padawan, but getting past the tall guy and the Sith might prove to be a problem.

Mar 7th, 2004, 03:40:54 AM
Shade probably didn’t even see him coming. Tears black gloved hand rose to level with the Jedi, palm open, the small drip of blood ran down over the Imperials cheek like a tear as his hand began to close into a claw, shaking with an unseen resistance. In unison Shade would feel his windpipe being squeezed shut, an odd feeling to be sure, to not have a hand strangling your neck or your neck feeling anything but rather something from under your skin being manipulated.

The sound of wet gurgling coughs attracted Tears attention for only a moment. The other Jedi had managed to pull himself up on the second yacht. Glaring back at his prey, Tears hand continued to close into a tight fist, “You Jedi are sucha pain to get rid of.”

Tears ear piece suddenly chirped with the voice of Captain Teleran. "Colonel, we're in the cargo hold. The door was open when we arrived, someone else got here first."

“Keep an eye out Captain, I haven’t seen any transport ships making a break away, so the package should still be in there. Toss a few stun grenades into the room just to be sure there are no surprises waiting for you.” Tear smirked, at the Jedi whose windpipe was slowly being crushed. “Think your friend will get here in time to save you before my friend here makes his incision?”

Ace McCloud
Mar 7th, 2004, 02:41:46 PM
The first yacht was a good 25 yards ahead of the seconds bow. It would have to be one hell of a jump. Gathering momentum, Ace started sprinting forward towards the bow of the second yacht. At the last possible inch, he put his right foot down and launched himself with the force towards the first yacht. Soaring through the air, he threw his saber at Tear who had Shade in a force grip.

He landed not soon after that with room to spar, rocking the boat with a strong thud.

Shade Magus
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:32:25 PM
Shade's breath came short. He tried pushing back with the Force, but he was caught by surprise that he really couldn't do much except try to resist longer. He lifted his hand with his palm open and tried to summon enough strength to Force push Tear just enough so that his concentration would be broken even if just for a second.

Mar 8th, 2004, 04:41:27 PM
OOC: the dark jedi who i was supposed to fight left so lets make believe that he wa never here ok?


Spada scanned the top of the wrecked deck of the 2nd yacht, finding no troopers, but dead Republic guards here and there. Leaning over the side, he found that it was shredded slightly, but the boat wasn't in danger of sinking. He turned off his saber and rushed down below deck of the 2nd yacht to stop the thieves from taking whatever was on it.

Mar 13th, 2004, 02:20:57 AM
Tear felt the first attempt to move his body. Snarling, Tears fist closed tightly, nearly crushing Shades neck until his prey raised an open palm. The push effectively winged Tear, shoving him off balance for a moment. Instead of being instantly dropped the Jedi’s body was flung through the air a short distance by the invisible hand that mimicked Tears’. After Shades feet hit the ground with a thump from being released a repeating low hum filled the air as the swirling color quickly caught the Imperials eye.

“oOo look it’s a bird..no wait…duck?” The Imperial grinned at Shade as he had been inadvertently placed in the path of the flying blade. The same hand that had been choking the Jedi was savagely thrust through the air toward the same unfortunate target.

The Colonel didnt use the force in the same technique as most did. He was a specialist and a rogue. He didnt believe in the ideologies of either the Sith or the Jedi. He believed the force was a tool, one to be wielded and practiced as a skill. One skill he had spent many hours harnessing and specializing in was telekinetics. So instead of a wave of force erupting from the outstretched hand Shades body was swallowed by the same force, grabbed for lack of a better explanation.

The grab was brief however just enough to attempt flinging the Shade backwards. If the Jedi didnt have a counter measure or way to allude the push the distance between him and the incoming lightsaber will have been cut severly. Tears orange saber was brought up defensively in front just incase the Jedi was lucky enough to move out of the way in time. “Heads up..”

Shade Magus
Mar 13th, 2004, 04:07:55 PM
Shade's eyes widened at the sight of the oncoming lightsaber and the Jedi pushed himself deeper into the Force. Once he felt his feet touched the ground, his muscles coiled so that whe his full weight was down, he somersaulted over the swirling lihtsaber and rolled forward as he landed. He came up in front of Tear with his own green lightsaber in hand.

The Jedi brought his blade up and around in a deadly slash at Tear's abdomen.

Teleran Balades
Mar 14th, 2004, 02:05:42 PM
"You heard the Col..." was as much as Teleran was able to say before the door on the other side of the door hissed open. A second passed before the surprise of the sudden arrival wore of.

Tel triggered a short burst that sent a pair of bolts into the chest of a CSA agent, side-stepping as several shots flew through the area ha had just been standing. Across from him a trooper pulled another soldier behind the crate. A black crease went from the mans knee to upper thigh, blood began streaming out of the hole in the armor.

Balades risked a glance around the edge of the crate, only to be greeted by a flurry of blaster-fire. He ducked back just as the shots peppered the side of the crate, leaving smoking holes in the metal. Flashes of weapons discharge from his own stormtroopers attracted his attention.

"Hold your fire, don't damage the cargo." The stalemate would continue until all th crates we're mleted into slag if this kept up. Reaching for his belt, Tel withdrew a stun grenade, prepped it for three second detonation, and tossed it over his crate.

A bright flash of light and ear-shattering boom filled the room and was quickly replaced by the screams of the temporarily blind and deaf CSA soldiers. Tel's own ears were ringing from the blast as he stepped around the cornor and emptied his power pack into the stumbling guards.