View Full Version : Ladies and Gentlemen....Charlimaine...(open)

Jan 26th, 2004, 12:13:19 AM
The usual buzz of the bar set the atmosphere, thugs, ruffians, the normal usuals from the nearby town, and the crew of the SFF that came in for the nightcaps, unwinding conversations and some for a little adventure with the opposite sex.

The lights dimmed as one of the night managers introduced her......Charlimaine.

The song started with a jazzy bass riff.....and after a few notes the drummer joined in and set a head bobbing beat. A keyboard joined in and then the light above her illuminated the lithe figure in white...her hair was in braids that were pulled into a ponytail style and the white dress was very form fitting.

Her hips swayed slightly as she snapped her fingers....taking in the patrons as she stepped up to the microphone and when her full lips parted, a sultry sugary voice poured forth.

I'd wash the sand off the shore
Give you the world if it was mine
Blow you right to my door
Feels fine

Feels like
You're mine
Feels right
So fine
I'm yours
You're mine
Like paradise

She let her arms slowly raise and go out to her sides as she continued to dance sensually in the spotlight.

I'd give you the world if it was mine
Feels fine

Feels like
You're mine
Feels right
So fine
I'm yours
You're mine
Like paradise

Her eyes closed as she danced a bit more then opened them to gaze at the closest patron and let him imagine whatever he wanted to....her hands closing slowly around the stand as she went to finish the song.

I'd wash the sand off the shore
Give you the world if it was mine
Blow you right to my door
Feels fine

Feels like
You're mine
Feels right
So fine
I'm yours
You're mine
Like paradise

Oooh what a life
Oooh what a life
Oooh what a life
Oooh what a life

I wanna share my life
Wanna share my life with you
Wanna share my life

I wanna share my life
Wanna share my life with you
Wanna share my life

Oooh what a life
Like paradise

The song ended and she thanked everyone and walked offstage. She sauntered over to the bar, nodding her head to the people who complimented her for the song and gracing them with a smile. She slid onto a stool and ordered a glass of champagne.

Jan 26th, 2004, 12:34:59 AM
Charlimaine, or Charli as the Faene crew affectionately referred to her, was exquisite - even Hera had to admit it.

The woman had class. No wonder she was such a hit, not so much of that around these parts. Most of the stilted morons that frequented this bar had never left Enton's gravity, nor seen anything beyond the nefarious inflow of scum and rapscallions that washed up on the planets shores. Charli was a jewel, a treasure beyond their wildest imaginings. And she held them in her thrawl everytime she performed.

"Nice job, Charli" Hera said as the sleek dark beauty draped herself gracefully onto the stool beside her.

"You are a credit to your artform"

Jan 26th, 2004, 12:50:11 AM
She turned her head to face her employer, Hera Drenkast. Dark eyes creased at the corners as she smiled and nodded her head. She enjoyed the bar, and the night life....this was her playground and she was grateful for Hera who gave her a chance to prove having her was a great decision.

She delivered quality shows every night, two songs and maybe an encore if sorely requested. And in that she never failed her.

"Thank you Hera, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Charli received her fluted glass and sipped the bubbly liquid. She dabbed her lips with her napkin as she placed her glass down on the coaster, exactly as Hera said.....the girl had class.

"So how is your evening going? Aright I hope?"

OW outcast
Jan 26th, 2004, 02:04:20 AM
It wasn't that often a patron would use the coasters they where more for show then anything else. You could tell this by the fact that the bar had indentation from people slamming their glasses down on it and the rings from the bottoms of mugs. This singer Charli OW was told that was her name. She had some real class and she wasn't to bad looking ether.

OW noted the boss talking to the young diva as he served a few of the patrons of the bar. Charli seemed out of place amongst the crowd of drunkards and ruffians. Though the main reason for the big crowd was to see her sing. What ever was she doing in a place like this she could be doing much better things?

The three-foot green Duro made his way over to the part of the bar where Charli sat. He propped himself up on his little step stool so he could see her face to face. His big black eyes shimmered as he looked upon the Beauty that stood before him.

"You got yourself a pretty voice there. I'm OW the bartender and the SFF's main go to guy."

OW laughed at his own introduction and then quickly turned his head to the mistress Hera. He is expression changed from one of cheery to one of a more serious nature. Though it was more a play then anything else.

"Why did you not introduce me to this lovely lady earlier Hera?"

Jamo Jakatta
Jan 26th, 2004, 10:07:58 AM
"Yeah, what's the deal, huh? You're holding out on us, man! Keeping the stash!"

Jamo semed to have just sprouted out of his sneakers from nowhere. He hovered behind the Duro, watching the Faene Mistress and her the latest sonic sensation with a look of dulled lust. He was chewing on something that looked like brightly colored straw, his eyes darting back and forth, perpetually bouncing on his toes.

Jan 26th, 2004, 03:25:28 PM
"What, and miss the rapt joy on your angelic little faces..?" she replied blandly

Their reaction was typical for most who first encountered the lithe singer and no doubt Charli was used to it for she responded to them with longsuffering grace.

Hera, though, was not as accommodating.

"Give her some room for krasst sakes" she roughly nudged both OW and Jamo to allow some breathing space, but the pair simply melded back into their former place, not unlike jello in a bowl when pushed with a spoon.

"Charli - meet OW Outcast, as stated- our bar tender and vertically challenged big talker, and Jamo Jakatta-ShadowFaene's hyper-energetic tech guy. He's ok, its just the sugar" she explained as if Jamo was not there.

Jan 26th, 2004, 09:46:07 PM
She laughed softly as the two emerged out of the woodwork to obviously oggle the singer. She was definately used to this type of attention as it showed with her carefree attitude where others were surely to show annoyance.

She smiled to the duro who tended the bar and then to the "hyper" technician.

"A pleasure to meet you guys."

She sipped her champange and dabbed her lips with the napkin as once more the glass was placed upon the coaster.

" It's good to have fans, and it seems I have more than expected in these two."

She said cheerfully to Hera. Resting her left arm on the bar top as she sat facing the group. She was definately liking this setup. It was a good business decision she made. They really appreciated her music, and she wouldnt get this "sincere" of appreciation elsewhere in the more ritzy lounges. This was the spot, this was the place to be.

Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:23:18 PM
Remkah joined the gathering, quietly helping himself to a bottle of whiskey that was on the table and pouring himself a drink.

He smiled shyly at the singer.

He too was quite dazzled by her, though was less expressive about it all.

"Hi Charli. Hows it going"

Feb 3rd, 2004, 02:00:55 AM
Now she knew there was honor amoung thieves, but this man showed something most didnt have....manners.

She remembered Ramkah as the one who had picked her up when she arrived and brought her here to her new home.

"Hello Remkah.....enjoy the show tonight?"

She asked as she propped her head on the hand of the arm she had on the bartop. Returning his shy smile with one of her own.

Feb 4th, 2004, 10:19:21 PM
"Only caught the end of it, I just got in"

He scanned the crowd quickly and then glanced pointedly to Jamo and OW, then back to Charli.

"Took their breath away though, like you usually do"

OW outcast
Feb 12th, 2004, 10:04:05 PM
OW put a smile on his small mouth as he saw remkah. The always smooth scoundrel.

"You always this smooth Remkah?"

Feb 14th, 2004, 03:35:31 PM
Remkah lit a cigarette and through the curling grey smoke gave OW a wink, as if to say "you know I am"

He turned back to the lovely singer.

"You settling in ok Charli - getting used to everything?"

Adding as an afterthought as he glanced at OW and Jamo with a crooked grin,

"And everyone?"

Jamo Jakatta
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:53:15 AM
"We're just making her feel welcome, you know? this is a rough place. She'll be wanting and needing some friends," Jamo said, as though the singer was a million miles away from them right now, suprisingly then turning to address her directly.


Feb 15th, 2004, 01:03:31 PM
She laughed softly as OW made his remark towards the suave captain, and arched an eyebrow alongside a little tilt of her head as if to say " they got you pegged".

"You settling in ok Charli - getting used to everything......and everyone?"

She smiled and was about to answer him when Jamo chimed in with his take on the situation.

"We're just making her feel welcome, you know? this is a rough place. She'll be wanting and needing some friends....Right?"

She scrunched her nose a bit and playfully noded her head in agreement to his "concern".

"Oh exactly."

She glanced over at Hera and smiled, then back to Remkah. She was already feeling at home, and the more she talked to them, the more she felt she would never leave this place.

"And yes I am, I'm loving this place more and more each day...and everyone in it."

She gracefully slid off the stool and straightened her dress, then glanced at everyone.

"It's time for my second number....and fellas? This song is for all of you."

She slowly walked through the crowd and up on her little stage, her domain in this place of danger.

The lights once again dimmed as she stepped up tot he mic and the slow jazzy music began to play. Swaying left and right, she got into the tempo and mood of this sexy song. It was surprising how this type of song and a good looking singer, could seem to tame the wild beasts in a place like this. Her lips parted and that sugary voice flowed like velvet. Her eyes falling on all who attended the bar tonight.

your love is king,
crown you in my heart.
your love is king,
never need to part.
your kisses ring,
round and round and round my head.
touching the very part of me.
it's making my soul sing.
tearing the very heart of me.
i'm crying out for more.

your love is king,
crown you in my heart.
your love is king.
you're the ruler of my heart.
your kisses ring,
round and round and round my head.
touching the very part of me.
it's making my soul sing.
i'm crying out for more.
your love is king.

Her head tilted to the side as her eyes closed as her voice got louder, one arm coming up to her side, then out as if to reach for some invisible object.

i'm coming up, i'm coming.
you're making me dance, inside.

Her eyes opened and they set on the men she left at the bar. Her new found friends. And a smile graced her face as she now gave them a personal perfomance.

your love is king,
crown you in my heart.
your love is king,
never need to part.
your kisses ring,
round and round and round my head.
touching the very part of me.
it's making my soul sing.
tearing the very heart of me.
i'm crying out for more.

touching the very part of me.
it's making my soul sing.
i'm crying out for more.
your love is king.

this is no blind faith
this is no sad and sorry dream.
this is no blind faith
your love...
your love is real... gotta crown me with your heart,
never, never need to part,
touch me.
never letting go,
never letting go,
never going to give it up.
i'm coming,
you're making me dance...

the music faded, and she bowed slightly at the waist as they gave her a loud applause. Graciously nodding her thanks as she gave thema few more seconds, she slowly made her way off stage and back to the bar next to the people she now called friends.

"Well Remkah, now you can say you havent missed a thing."

She sat back on the stool she had left, and took another sip of her champagne.

" Was that satisfactory boys? "

She asked of her song dedication to them.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:34:29 PM
Hera sat back, watching amused as the men all fawned Charlimaine. Even Remkah was grinning like an idiot.

Charli caught her eye, and the woman exchanged an indulgent smile. Men were so easy.

Helping herself to a bottle of rum from the bar counter, the Faene Mistress lifted her feet onto an adjacent chair and savored the liquor and company.