View Full Version : First Spar (Estelle)

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:51:12 PM
Terran left Estelle's room with a good feeling and a positive energy about him. It took him only a few minutes to get back to his room, where he stripped off his outer robing. He wore his pants, boots, and a light white undershirt for the training, as the air outside was rather crisp and warm for a Coruscant evening. He buckled his equipment belt around him and clipped his lightsaber to it. Checking his chrono, he still had a few moments before he had to meet his master in the courtyard. He took the time to sit on the floor of his room, cross-legged, for a bit of meditation.

Force be with me tonight. Give me the will to learn, the focus to see, and the understanding that I might grow with you aid and the aid of Master Estelle tonight.

He spent a few moments still, allowing his mind and body to leave the Order itself and drift into the Force. He loved the feeling--complete freedom. Serenity and peace, all rolled up into a dream world. He always envisioned himself in a meadow, the grass whispering as the wind fingered it. After a few moments, he rose, a pleasant smile on his lips.

It was time to go.


The sound of the courtyard door was a familiar one as it slid open before him, letting the soft glow of moonlight pour down across the olden stone walkway before. The courtyard was, without a doubt, his favorite feature of the Temple on Coruscant. it was a break from all the hustle and bustle of a duracrete, durasteel life that was always lead on this planet of business. He took in a deep breath of fresh night air before taking another step into the garden.

Instantly, as though the Force itself guided him, the hair pricked up on the back of his neck. He reached down to touch his saber, remembering that Estelle had mentioned something about an ambush. He grinned, wondering if she was serious or not. Though his senses had been alerted to some sort of presence, he couldn't rightly identify what it was. Perhaps it was--


As though perfectly natural, his fingers flew into motion before his mind even did, igniting the brilliant blue blade of his secondary lightsaber (Halcyon was currently in the possession of Dasquian Belargic) and whipping it to attention. He took a guarded stance as something moved towards him--the nature of which he knew not, for his actions were guided by the Force alone.

Estelle Russard
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:19:22 AM
"Remember Terran" her voice was soft, calm, and reached to him across the gentle evening air, "not all your enemies will readily appear for what they truly are."

She closed the distance in deliberate, calculated steps. Her light saber was held in her hand and glowed amber and gold in the dusky light.

"Tonight, I look like a friend..." she lifted the blade in challange, "..but I will try to take your head." She moved ever forward, Terran backing up slightly to keep a prudent distance. "Dont let what you think you know about me betray you"

One more step forward, another backward for Terran, and then he tripped on the wire Estelle had strung across the path just prior to his arrival.

She rush foward, saber swinging..

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:45:25 AM
Her words echoed in his mind as he readied himself, taking a few defensive steps forward. She began--slowly--to advance upon him, as a grin grew across his face. He'd sensed her, which was good it was his strong point. Surely, she would note that this had been a good thing. His pride grew a bit as he--


Tripping on the well-placed wire that had been stretched across the pathway attached to two statues, Terran felt his balance fly out from under his feet as his upperbody plummeted to the ground. It was as though his foolish pride had been torn down in one second, showing the wisdom of his opponent and exposing his weakness. Foolish, he thought. However, he had little time to think about that.


The blade of his master whipped around him as a furry of attacks struck him from all different directions. He rolled from the position he had been on his stomach to his back, bringing his weapon before him to catch her last blow with a shower of sparks. They lit up the dim courtyard in an explosion of light as he wheeled his body into a squatting position while she continued her attacks, which drove him backwards, until he could become fully erect and in a defensive posture. Whipping his saber in a low sweep, he severed the wire at his feet and backed carefully towards the entrance by which he came.

Estelle meant business, and he could sense it from the start. He feigned a step towards her, taking a wardlike slash to push her back and away from him, then attempted a sidekick to finish the attack, trying to gain some offensive momentum.

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2004, 02:21:32 PM
He was strong. And quick.

Estelle knew he would be. Having previous training and with Marcus Elessar as tutor - a man who loved a skirmish better than most - Estelle had concluded that Terran would most likely be a fairly accomplished swordman.

What Starek lacked in finese (she noted his mad scramble on the ground to regain his footing) he made up for in practical execution.

Fending off her assaults and managing to push her back a step or three, Terran took the offensive with a quick sharp kick toward her middle body. To block the strike could mean, for her, a broken arm or at the least a deadened one from such a kick. Estelle opted for avoidance, and spun to her right and away from him - giving up even more distance between them.

"It was not a nice trick - the wire" she said, almost apologetically. "But not many darksiders will fight without stacking the odds in their favor if at all possible"

She kept her blade at a healthy defensive angle, its glow reflecting in her eyes making her look like a little sinister.

"An honoroble man must fight against such creatures, battling his own confusion at the incomprehensible evil some of them are capable off. This is where we keep our focus. This sets us apart. For we rule our minds and emotion. They inflame theirs, we must calm ours."

A wave of her hand and ceramic vase perched on the courtyard wall launched itselft to Terrans head. He heard the small warning scrape of clay against rock, and looked up. It was then Estelle rushed forward, saber aimed at chest-height.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2004, 04:50:14 PM
Terran stood--defensive posture, of course--as Estelle again spoke. The tension that had begun was cut a bit as she spoke. While it was true that intense, physical training was necessary to progress his combat skills, this was not a deathmatch. Estelle was his opponent, and in this fight his adversary; but she was first and foremost his master and teacher. Words of wisdom departed her lips as he caught his breath.

Marcus had always taught him one thing about combat: it wasn't about the fancy, it was about the effective. On more than one occassion, he'd been smacked atop the head when he was trying to be pretty. Plus, the truth of the matter was simply this: he wasn't a great swordsman. He had his strongpoints, but he had to take shortcuts to keep an edge--shortcuts that compromised some exotic form or showy technique and emphasized concise, practical execution.

"I understand, Master," he said, taking in her words as well as a few shortened breaths as he prepared for more combat. He could feel it coming, really feel it. It was just up to his physical senses to percieve it. Finally, it did come, and he heard the sound of pottery scrape across pavement. Something was moving toward him at a pretty good rate, and he had little time to react. Swinging his saber up and out to the side of his head, he turned his body, the blade intercepting what he could now see was a pot hurtling towards him. The hot blade cut through the clay pottery, melting away and simultaneously ripping the vase apart, a cluster of pottery shards decimating the air in a cloud of kinetic energy as the saber swiftly dispatched the threat.

Through the diversion, his opponent struck.

Estelle's blade was but a blur as he came back to his ready position. He was a bit too late, and the blade had already breached the safe defensive circle he tried to maintain around him. For that reason, his eyes widened as the blade came in hard. Luckily it was a slash, and he found it easy enough to physicaly avoid as opposed to parrying. He threw his shoulders up and out, while sucking in the rest of his body--enough that the radius of her slash cleared his midsection as he moved a step backwards. The avoidance wasn't enough, however. He wanted to see if he could put his master on the defensive.

He threw his saber in a downward cut, a strong one, forcing her to defend. After the blow was blocked, he pushed the saber up and towards her, trying to gain an offensive edge. He leaned his weight in--she threw the block off, causing him to stumble a bit. But, he recovered, stabbing forward with a hard lunge.

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2004, 05:40:50 PM
Anticipating some form of impact, Estelle was thrown off balance by Terran's evasion of her strike and his subsequent parry.

She had managed to fend off his own counter strike, but this only further imbalanced her and when he lunged yet again, she had been caught on her reverse footing.


The blade sliced unnerringly forward and Estelle's sharp intake of breath arced her body in a concave fashion - her belly barely spared the searing kiss of the lightsaber.

Terran would not be denied and he turned on his heel to lunge again. Estelle was forced to struggle backward and stumbled over her own feet, falling to the ground. As her opponent rounded on her, she used the force to push Terran, lifting him from the ground and tossing him in the air away from her.

She got to her feet and gave chase after Terran, landing almost the same time as he to where he would subsequently land.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 30th, 2004, 01:38:54 PM
The initial shock of the lift was surprising, but the effectiveness of the throw was much more explosive. He'd felt the Force move around him as Estelle's hand commanded it, the shockwave of air being pushed against his chest sending a muffled 'unff' out of his mouth as he was lifted. Weightlessness--coupled with a complete loss of control--startled him as he soared through the air, realizing that he wasn't being pushed, but thrown in the Force. He climaxed at about 12 feet vertical, but his body was thrown more than 20 feet horizontaly, his saber blade disengaging as his focus left the weapon.

Suddenly, as brisk as it had come, he felt the controlled toss leave him, and gravity grabbed hold of him again. Pulling him to the ground, he was lucky to avoid the pavement sidewalk and instead came crashing into the softer, grassy earth. He landed awkwardly--as one often does when being forecably ejected--with his left shoulder taking much of the fall, a sharp pain crunching with a loud THUD as he hit the ground. Rolling in a few brisk revolutions, he finally came to rest on his hands and knees a few yards from where he landed. He was breathing heavily, nursing his left shoulder with his weapon in hand, when his ears perked to the sound of feet moving towards him.

Estelle was back on the move, and he wondered if he'd ever get a moments' rest. Coming to his feet just as she approached, the sting of his shoulder screamed deafingly in his ears, impeding his movement. He nearly fell back down. He grabbed it in instinctively, not even given the chance not too. He wouldn't have the oppurtunity to throw up a block, so instead, he did the next best thing.

His foot dug into the ground as he scurried out of her charge, gripping a handful of soft, sandy-fetilized soil. With a kicking motion, he lofted the hunk of dirt in a blinding cloud towards Estelle's face. He hoped, just hoped, it would give him a chance to fully regroup his senses before the battle would proceed. He wondered if the trick had been too dirty (no pun intended), but he had to buy himself some time to recoup. He breathed heavily for a few moments before preparing himself to make an offensive attack, reigniting his blade.

Estelle Russard
Jan 30th, 2004, 08:00:12 PM
It was a direct hit, and as such, rewarded Terran the desired effect by stopping Estelle in her tracks with a muted cry.

Particles of the rich earth landed with a spray into her eyes, blinding her. Some went in her mouth, and some into her hair. She even managed to breath some up her nose, which she immediately regretted, coughing and sputtering in protest.

Her run was reinged in as she set upon shaking as much of the offending dirt from herself as she could.


She sounded quite indignant. Clearly, his master had not anticipated such a tactic.

There was more coughing and a decidedly unladylike 'huck and spit' before Estelle found voice again.

"Well, effective as that was, my dear Terran - I have to tell you that it was gross, and I shall not forget it"

She stepped forward, her lightsaber deactivated.

"You happen to have a handkercheif on you at all...?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 31st, 2004, 12:58:03 PM
"Master, I'm sorry!" Disengaging his saber, Terran realized how 'effective' the tactic had been as he saw Estelle break stride and come to a very stumbling, irritated halt. He scolded himself for being foolish--it had been a less than pleasant manuver and, although it reflected his simple and practical fighting style, it probably wasn't the nicest thing to do to a sparring partner. His head dropped in shame until she spoke.

"Yes, I've got something," he replied, drawing the cloth belt that held his light, training tunic together. His shirt fell open as he removed the belt, the cool night air tickling his torso a bit. Making his way over to Estelle, he gently grabbed her wrist and put the cloth into her hand. While he remained next to her, he raeched across to brush the dirt of her shoulders and some out of her hair.

He felt like a child who'd cheated in a game.

"I'm sorry, I didn't really think about it," he said again as she took control of the cleaning process herself. He ran a hand through his hair, which was lightly coated with sweat at the roots, and sighed heavily. Then, he groaned a bit at the movement of his lungs, for the first time remembering the pain that was in his shoulder.

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2004, 04:46:37 PM
Estelle wiped at her face and blew her nose with the clothbelt while Terran fussed about her, flicking dirt from her shoulder and apologising.

She caught a glimpse of Terran's tanned chest as his tunic parted slightly while he moved about her, thinking inwardly that getting a face full of dirt could have had worse consequences..

Her tone was far less irritated than her initial reaction, for in truth, Terran had done nothing wrong and had it been anyone else's face than her own, she would have considered his move completely acceptable.

"No need to apologise Terran. You used what was at hand in your own defence, causing no undue harm to your opponent nor to anyone or thing about you. You accomplished what you needed to - stopping the onrush of a very real threat - without the use of excessive force. I was just taken off guard, thats all."

She clipped her lightsaber to her side and placed the bundled up belt on the ground, after first offering it jokingly back to Terran. Who declined. She laughed lightly at that.

"Let us try something a little less..messy."

Before proceding, Estelle touched her padawans shoulder carefully, "How is it? Is it too sore to continue...?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:25:36 PM
"You can hold onto that," he said, chuckling at her attempt to return his belt. It was thrown aside as she came closer to him.

"No, no, I think it's ok." Her touch didn't hurt too bad, and he only winced a little bit, nearly unnoticable. He took a sharp breath in as he was reminded of the pain. It was probably dislocated, or maybe just pulled, he didn't know. He'd fought through pain before, and in some way. . .he liked it. He'd always been the runt of the pack--not the strongest or the best warrior. He was always found with his head stuck in a book, they'd said, rather than bearing his weapon and fighting all day in the Sith courtyards. So, he was picked on. But when the pain came, he always, always fought through it. Always, always, he stood up to their snickerings and beat them with his wit. Maybe it was an unhealthy pride, but it was one that he had yet to let go.

"What do you have in mind, Master?" He removed his shirt entirely, the hint of a forming bruise showing on his left shoulder. His tunic would hang and twist and clump and spin in all kinds of directions without his belt, and the night was calm and mild. He stretched his torso a bit, especially his shoulder, to loosen the muscles in his upper body. He smiled at Estelle--it felt really, really good to be out her with her, with his own Master. It was something he had not done in so, so long. She could feel his content aura.

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2004, 08:04:38 PM
Stepping back now to give Terran some room, Estelle felt embarrassed a little to have caused him injury. That, and the fact that Terran thought nothing of partially disrobing in front of her. Ah, the country bumpkin was fighting to be free again as she felt a red flush come to her cheeks.

In order to stiffle its emergence, she quickly got busy with what she wanted to teach.

"I want to show you a technique of transference. Of channeling the pain from injury. Many times during a struggle, you may be injured and so this will help to keep you functioning and help preserve your life."

She explained, as she gestured for Terran to walk a little with her. The night air was cool, but pleasant. They came to a stop beside a shallow ornamental pool. It was only two feet deep and rectangular in shape. It had floating on its surface night-blooming lillies, whose succulent submerged roots served as a food source for the nibbling small fish within, and exotic wide petaled flowers caressed the evening air with a sweet bouquet.

Perching now on the pool's edge, Estelle sitting beside her padawan, she looked about the peaceful surroundings.

"The force exits around us, and in us. As Jedi, we manipulate and channel the force, thus making it an extention of ourselves, after a fashion. We draw on it, and we also contribute to it. It is this law that we observe when we use transference."

She splashed an idle hand into the water, causing an ever expanding circle to ripple its silver surface, Terran watching on.

"Focus on what you see, picture each detail - the sparkle of moonlight, the gentle aroma of the flowers, even the soft popping of air bubbles as the fish breach the surface to feed"

She watched him concentrate, his eyes roving the things she had mentioned.

".....You have them?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 31st, 2004, 08:42:06 PM
He listened intently, his eyes locked on hers when she spoke. He was absorbing every possible detail of her speech, letting it all seep into his ears and mind. She was wise, someone he could really learn from, and he thanked the Force for the oppurtunity to do so. He would not waste it.

He did as she instructed, letting his mind focus on the nature around him. Out of all of his Force abilities, focus was his forte. He'd always been good at connecting with the living Force, and it had mever been a problem for him to observe his surroudings given some time. He closed his eyes first, connecting with his surroundings. He allowed every bit of life around him to soak in--the trees, plants, small animals, fish--anything that was in the near vacinity.

He opened his eyes, his observation amplified after focusing on his surroundings. As Estelle had said, he began to gain as much knowledge of his surroundings as was possible. His eyes scanned the calm pool--which now shuddered with Estelle's ripple effect. He saw the fish scurrying around as the waters turned with the bubbles and ripples. He could see the insects of the night moving in the tall grass at the edge of a few trees, the moths and other nocturnal winged insects buzzing around the reflection of moonlight in the pool. Every tree came alive to his senses, their branches outstretched and their leaves poised to gather the energy and food in the air.

"Yes, Master," he replied, taking a deep breath. He had taken in as much around him as he could, and he sat patiently for her next instruction.

Estelle Russard
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:07:09 AM
"Good" she murmered, trying to keep her voice almost as an interwoven aspect among the peaceful order of things Terran now held foremost in his concentration. He had quite a good grasp of this ability, and Estelle was well pleased.

Her touch, when it came, was very light but even that faint pressure of her hand on his shoulder sent pangs of discomfort reverbating through his skin to prick his focus. His skin was warm against her palm, despite the cool air. His firm muscular shoulder flinched almost imperceptibly beneath her hand.

"Keep your mind on the tranquility of what you sense right now, not on the physical pain that seeks to pry into that peace to disrupt it.."

With slow and firm deliberation, Estelle increased the pressure she was placing on Terrans injured shoulder.

"Keep your focus, Terran. Hold it as a defensive wall against the pain"

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:14:25 AM
Her voice was comforting, and at first, her touch was soft. It registered as warm and caring as her fingers brushed his skin. He smiled a little--until the pain came. At first, it was as though his focus was glass and something had struck it, sending spiderwebs of bright-hot pain scratching through it.

"Keep your mind on the tranquility of what you sense right now, not on the physical pain that seeks to pry into that peace to disrupt it.."

Terran gritted his teeth a bit outwardly as he tried to maintain the peace of his focus. He called into the Force to bind with him, as one single energy, to push out that which threatened to take away his focus. Again, he felt the pain move closer and closer to his mind. She pressed harder against his wound.

"Keep your focus, Terran. Hold it as a defensive wall against the pain"

Though everything in his mind-created meadow of peace was become brighter and brighter as the pain increased, Terran held to what the gentle but commanding words of Estelle. He trusted her and he trusted the advice she had to give. He pushed against the pain with the Force by cleansing his thoughts, not by actively seeking to fight it. Estelle was telling him to advert the energy of the pain--to push it aside with peace, not struggle. He held his ground, feeling the pain slowly subside and began to pull away from him as he sought peace.

"Master. . ." He spoke in a whisper, though it seemed to echo in his mind. "Master. . .are you still pushing?" His face was as tranquil, his tone as peaceful, as the overgrown meadow of tranquility formed in his mind.

Estelle Russard
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:24:30 PM
Terran read the intensity in Estelle's eyes and he followed her gaze as she answered by cutting them over to where her hand was gripping his shoulder. Her fingers indented his skin and white circles of pressure where the blood was not circulating were clearly visible on his skin in the starlight.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:31:24 PM
His own eyes widened as he saw what was happening in reality. She was gripping his shoulder with an immense ammount of pressure. It astonished him that he was able to keep the pain at bay with only his mind and the Force. Of course, it shouldn't have, given that anything was possible in the Force. As he stared, though, he lost focus and the reality of what was at hand set in.

"Arrggghhhhh!" He groaned as she let go, his own hand shooting up to grasp his shoulder in pain. He gritted his teeth and swallowed hard as waves of pain traveled from his shoulder and outward, the upper part of his left arm aching. He breathed through his teeth, leaning down and taking in heavy huffs of breath.

"I'm sorry," he said inbetween breaths. "I lost focus. I was so. . .so enamored with what was happening that I inadvertantly severed my connection with the Force." His eyes were still wide--he didn't know he had that ability inside of him. It was incredible, and his senses--even with the pain--felt alive.

"I had it. . .I really had it." He said, almost a whisper.

Estelle Russard
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:20:05 PM
She had let go immeditely Terran had broken concentration, and she looked at him feeling bad to have hurt him, though for the lesson it was unavoidable.

"Its ok. Its to be expected"

She moved her hand down to hold his arm more, lifting her other hand to steady him as he sat.

"That is the trick, being able to function like that despite distractions. Because you can count that if you are using this techniqe, it is because there are many painful distractions.

As you master this, you will be able to function despite an injury, and give yourself a chance to overcome - or escape - as the situation dictates."

She leaned forward, tilting her face up to his and he could see in her eyes she was sorry still for his shoulder.

"We should get you to the med bay"

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:36:04 PM
"It will be something to focus on, Master." He said as she told him about the application of this skill. He had much to learn and much to master in terms of its usage, but he was on his way. That was an important step as far as he was concerned.

"You're probably right," he said, sensing the hurt in her eyes at his own pain. She really cared about him, and it stirred his emotions up. He was glad to have someone close to him that did--Xazor was so far away now, and even if she was close, he knew the situation was difficult for them--what, with all the things that had happened between the the two. Even after this ammount of time, spending time together was frowned upon greatly by the powers that be. Emotions welled up inside of him. As she leaned close, he couldn't help it.

"It's been so hard!" His tears fell with great force as he buried his head into Estelle's shoulder. He let out long, muddled sobs as he planted his face against her, for support. He felt so foolish, so vulnerable; but at the same time, he had grown closer to Estelle since their time together, and it weighed heavily on his heart. More heavily than he could bear. She had sensed it inside of him several times.

Though he had made amends with Sejah and Dasquian, he had only seen Xazor briefly. He felt so much pain, so much sorrow. Every possible emotion flowed through him, and it made for a torrent of uncertainty. He longed for her touch, her presence, her everything. He longed to make her laugh, longed to see her smile, longed to her her whisper in his ear late at night when they'd sat in the courtyard, talking. He longed for her kiss, for her love.

It was a burden that he could not face alone, and it was in this moment that he opened up his heart to his Master. He'd opened himself up wide to Estelle, exposing the fragile man that he still was. He was clinging to her for strength.

Estelle Russard
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:02:50 PM
Estelle stiffened as Terran grabbed her close in embrace, more out of surprise than anything.

She tried to make sense of what he was saying, but his words were a tad garbled between his emotion and the burying of his face in her hair.

After a moment, she began to make sense of it all, and between the his sobs, she realised that all which Terran had been keeping supressed had come bubbling up and overflowing out.

Her heart broke for him, feeling very much the pain and loss which he was giving voice to as he gripped her tightly against him.

Gently, she wrapped her arms around him and stroked the back of his hair softly. She murmered now and then "its ok" but doubted Terran heard her. Right now, it was all about release. The sharing of a burden. And Estelle offered what comfort she could, even if it was just to be someone to hold. Someone to hear.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:16:14 PM
After a few moments of intense emotion, Terran's cries subsided. He felt warm and comforted in her grasp, her hand idly and reassuringly caressing his hair. Finally, he sighed heavily, his entire upper body shaking a bit and slightly cooled now, expending so much energy and emotion from his system. It took the warmth right out of him.

"Thank you," he said, another deep sigh as he looked into her eyes with red ones of his own. A bit of foolishness settled into him, but it soon left. He'd bared himself in plain, unabided emotion to her--there was no turning back at this point. "I've had a tough month."

He stood, taking a few steps towards his tunic which lay, discarded, by his recently 'messed' belt, he pulled it tightly around his shoulders. He paused for a moment to recollect himself and then remembered the pain in his shoulder. It still hurt, and a few pokes and prods and maybe a shot or two from one of the Order's med droids would probably be able to cure him with a day or two of rest.

"I think heading to the med bay would be a real good idea," he said, holding his shoulder again.

Estelle Russard
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:32:49 PM
Watching in silence as Terran collected his tunic, Estelle felt that an unusual bond had formed between them. She felt honored that Terran had unburdened himself to her, and hoped he knew that.

"You have had a terrible month, Terran"

She spoke even as he turned to head back to the order, causing him to hesitate slightly in his step.

"But you have made great effort in turning things around. I am very proud of you. Things will heal. The pain will ease. I promise you"

She stepped up close beside him now.

"And I will always be here for you. We will be here for each other."

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:40:34 PM
He turned to face her with a smile.

"I know, Master," he said, sensing that something had been forged tonight that wouldn't be shaken anytime soon. He reached over and touched her hand with his own, squeezing it slightly, just enough to solidify their bond. Despite the emotion that showed on his face from the cry and the bit of sweat and dirt that dotted him due to their past combat, he had a clean, bright glow to him that he didn't have before.

"Man--I think something's loose in my shoulder," he said, sparking up conversation as they made their way through the sliding doors into the Order. They turned the corner, walking together, making their way to the med bay. Tomorrow would be a new day, and he could face it a little stronger knowing that she was with him. His master, his teacher, his mentor--his friend. Above all, his friend.