View Full Version : The Sparta Club

Jan 25th, 2004, 11:19:53 PM
Forum description:

The Sparta Club : Located in the lower reaches of Coruscant City. Come test your valour against our Champions. Bet on the outcome of such Great Contests. Pay to see some good old-fashioned blood sport. Cover Charge Mandatory.

Club Rules:


Jan 26th, 2004, 11:02:28 PM
1. The Arena is indoors (Imagine the arena in Xmen where wolverine fights, only bigger)

2. No force lightening.

3. Force use? Just force strength, speed allowable? What about force push?

4. Armor is acceptable, but nothing that is absurd. Think Gladiator type accessories. No cortosis stuff.

5. No lightsabers

6. Melee weapons only - knives, clubs, swords etc.

7. All challengers must pay to fight. Winners receive flat rate payment (double the entry fee perhaps?)

8. The Champion (Darren is the headliner) but we can have other champions if they wish to remain at the Sparta club as a steady thing ?

9. Boo-o-meeter for god moders.

10. Spectators must pay for entry.

11. Bets are encouraged.

to be cont.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:12:20 AM
Tis looking good.

What about a 'fight at your own risk' policy? They have to sign a waiver that Sparta (and its associated members) isnt to be held responsible for any injuries/death >D