View Full Version : A favour for a Friend (Brielle)

Jan 25th, 2004, 10:46:13 PM
The Coruscant Watch beauty looked at her desktop and sighed. For such an electronic age, there still managed to be mounds of paper work and red tape to be filled out and filed and waded through before a case could be stamped "cleared."

And so it was with releif that the office secretary interupted her, intruding on her weary thoughts by poking her head between door and frame to tell Arcana that "some guy's here to see you, Brielle"

As Brielle straightened in her chair, craning her neck to see between the slated blinds of her glass-encased office, every verteba seemed to popp under the effort of movement after such prolonged inactivity.

Remkah, looking as uncomfortable as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, was waiting on the otherside of the squad-room gate.

Brielle Acaana
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:09:10 PM
Her heart literally skipped a beat and her breath caught deep in her throat. Looking decidedly uncomfortable and out of place was the one person she had thought never to see again - Remkah.

Brielle glanced around, wondering if anyone had noticed the quick flush of pink to her cheeks or her wide open startled gaze that gave her a 'caught in the headlights' look.

Swallowing with some difficulty, Brie stood up and brushed herself down, making sure that she was presentable. In her mind, Rem's being here at the precinct could only mean one thing - he had realized his mistake and had come to apologize.

Nervously she licked her lips as she moved out from behind the desk and walked toward the lean Base captain.

"Hello, Remkah."

Jan 25th, 2004, 11:28:24 PM
"'lo Brielle"

Remkah's greeting was definitely subdued. Perhaps it was the manner in which their last meeting ended that he seemed so withheld. Or there was also the fact that he was in the middle of the Watch Squad which made even the most righteous individual a tad uncomfortable. Whichever it was, Brielle was quick to pick up that the Remkah would not loosen up until they were somewhere private where they could talk.

"Got a minute...?"

Brielle Acaana
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:42:26 PM
"Sure. My lab is this way."

Not bothering to see if he was following her - she knew he was - Brielle led the way through the narrow and dingy cluttered halls. Swinging open the door that led directly into her lab, the blonde Watch officer closed the door once Remkah had entered. Indicating a stool for him, Brielle leaned up against the long, blacktopped work table.

"Whats on your mind?"

Jan 26th, 2004, 12:04:48 AM
He gave her a wicked grin. She shouldn't lead into a conversation with such lines.

"You look good, Brielle" he stated.

She lifted her head, giving him an impatient glare.

He dropped his head in response. She was right - he shouldnt even start...But she did look good, beautiful. As she always did.

When he lifted his head again, he caught her in the direct gaze of his black eyes.

"I need a favour"

Brielle Acaana
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:16:52 AM
"A favor."

It wasnt a question, rather more than a flat statement. So, he wasnt here to win her back, to ask for her forgiveness for his letting her go. He was here because he needed something from her. Brielle's head dipped down to hide her disappointment.

"A 'favor' like what, Rem?"

Jan 26th, 2004, 10:41:18 PM
oooo...kay, a little cold, but got to expect that, I guess

Remkah felt like a jerk. Though, he knew he shouldn't - he'd done what was best for her. Trouble is, Brielle didn't know that. She never would.

"I'm sorry that's not what you want to hear from me. But we cant do this right now, Brielle."

He stepped forward to touch her, soften his words. But she stopped him short with the sharp jerk up of her head, the rigidity in her stance.

Again, the impatient glare. The hard look.

Remkah cleared his throat with difficulty, stepping back again.

"Its er -- Its business. We okay to talk here...?"

Brielle Acaana
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:26:57 AM
Dropping her gaze from his, Brielle nodded, suddenly unable to talk from the huge lump that had formed at the back of her throat.

It had taken a lot of courage - and maybe desperation - to face her again. And if Rem had come here seeking her help, then something big was happening.

"Are you in trouble?"

Jan 29th, 2004, 02:34:05 PM
The awkwardness seemed to melt away as the tone of Brielle's voice changed to one of genuine concern.

"No pet, no trouble."

He knew she could only stay so mad at him.

"Its actually just a small thing, kind of more a 'not doing" as opposed to 'doing' something for me.."

She wasnt following. Remkah explained.

"I got a friend who's opening a --er--club downtown. Its in the area where the Watch is often fond of raiding. Just want you to, maybe, remove the Club from your hitlist, if you would. Take it out of your electronic system. Just to smooth things out business-like."

Brielle Acaana
Jan 29th, 2004, 02:47:37 PM
"Youre asking me to break the law. Is that correct?"

A golden brow arched as she waited for him to carefully pick and choose his words to form a reply - which she didnt give him time to utter.

"Whats the name of this club and who's running it?"

Jan 29th, 2004, 02:58:15 PM
"The Sparta Club, run by Darren Caerdeth"

Which was the truth, if only half of it.

"And no need to put it so black and white Brielle. Just a little sin of omission is all Im asking. Just another small time club your boys dont have to smash up to get their rocks off. Hell, there's no shortage of dives for them to take their angst out on. Just not my friend's. Give him a fighting change to make it big"

He smirked at his own wit - but Brielle wouldnt get the joke.

The Sparta Club was to be a fight club - a blood sport bar where gambling and brutal contests of valor were to be the order of the day.

"What do ya say, pet. A small hit of the 'delete' button, and we all go home happy"

Brielle Acaana
Jan 29th, 2004, 03:06:20 PM
The man had some nerve walking into her precinct and asking for anything from her. Brielle had been under the impression that they wouldnt ever see each other again, yet here he was wanting her to omit information that would help keep this city clean, whereas he hadnt been willing to do the one thing she had asked of him.

Yup, the man had some nerve.

"Darren - D-a-r-r-e-n. How do you spell that last name?"

Grubbing a piece of tattered paper from a desk drawer, Brielle quickly scratched the name of the club down and waited for Rem to give her the proper spelling of his friend's name."

"This doesnt mean I'll do it, Rem. I'll have to think about this."

Jan 29th, 2004, 05:24:09 PM
"Whats to think about, Brie? So the name slips through the cracks, gets lost in the paper shuffle. Poor office skills is hardly an inditable offence"

He stood where he was, but the challenge was in his voice.

"I hardly took you to be a 'play it by the rules' kind of girl"

Brielle Acaana
Jan 30th, 2004, 02:56:52 PM
Green eyes narrowed at his challenge and her jaw set.

"How dare you? I offered you everything and you turned it down, yet you can come here and ask me to do a 'favor' for a friend of yours then try to belittle my standards with words when I dont jump??"

Brielle's dander was up now and Remkah knew it. If he pushed too hard, he would lose the chance at hand.

Jan 30th, 2004, 08:51:58 PM
He stood for long moments as the silence after Brielle's outburst hung between them. Whatever thoughts were running through his mind, the pirate kept them to himself.

After what seemed like a very long time of the pair trying to outglare one another, Remkah seemed to reach a decision.

"Well, thats that then. It was good to see you, Brielle"

He walked back over and opened the Lab door, stepping through it.

"I can find my way out"

The door closed behind him.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:59:23 PM
I will not chase after him - I will not chase after him - I will not chase after him -

Turning quickly, Brielle grabbed hold of the doorknob and flung the door open.


Green eyes searched the hall frantically, trying in vain to locate the tall, lanky base captain. Pushing her way past other officers in the narrow corridor, Brielle took a brief look around in the dingy lobby, then charged through the large double doors and out onto the street..

Her head swiveled in all directions as she ran first to one corner then the next, hoping against hope to find him.

Feb 1st, 2004, 05:54:28 PM
"What th' hell are you doing, Brielle?"

Remkah was coming up behind her from the direction the Watch officer had just come.

He had paused in his eating of a donut, the jam center threatening to drip as he held it in his hand, a curious smirk pulling at his lips.

"I was coming out the pastry shop and saw you run right by"

It was like the visit in the police lab had never taken place. His mood was amiable, apparently he held no grudge at her noncompliance of short moments before.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:10:56 PM
"I -- I'll do it."

It was wrong, she knew and had her father been alive to ever discover his daughter's cover-up, Brielle Acaana would have likely been disowned.

Staring up at Remkah now, Brielle knew that for the rest of her life there would be little he could ask that she wouldnt do and at this acknowledgement, the Watch officer felt an odd sense of peace. At least in her mind it was good to know where one stood in life and why.

A smile blazed across her face as she reached out and caught the drop of jam threatening to fall.

"Mmmm, razzelberry - my favorite."

Feb 1st, 2004, 06:21:03 PM
He smiled, but it was at the way she scooped at the jam, than at her agreeing to his request.

He shook his head dismissively.

"Nah, forget it. We'll just manage things in our usual er--business--style."

He grinned wickedly at her.

"Just dont you come on any raids - I dont want to get hurt"

He turned her to walk with him, putting one arm around her shoulder and pushing the donut toward her mouth with the other, offering her a bite.

"I didn't think asking you to help would be such a hard choice, or put you in such a straight, Brielle."

He had turned serious again.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:29:52 PM
Taking a generous bite of the pastry, Brie snuggled in closer under his arm as they walked.

"Iss awight, weally."

Covering her mouth with her hand, Brielle finished chewing then swallowed as Remkah laughed at her.

"After learning what you do for a living, I knew Id have to face that choice sooner or later. I just always thought it would be 'later'.

Licking her lips to remove any crumbs, she glanced up at him.

"You didnt say what kind of club it was."

Feb 1st, 2004, 06:45:13 PM
"A fight club"

She'd missed a spot, and he dabbed his finger on her chin to retrive it, licking his finger in turn.

"lots of gambling. Nothin illegal really he assured her, "Just...dont want your heros in ...whatever color you watch lot wear, lets say..pink...your heros in pink to make the locals shy 'bout coming"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:55:52 PM
"Arent you just cute today?"

Pink! She'd show him about 'pink'! The mischievious imp that dwelled within her mind came alive but she held 'him' at bay. There would be a time and place for 'pink'.

"Jonas, you insult my intelligence. If there were nothing illegal about this club, then you wouldnt have had to ask me to look the other way. Honey, you cant protect me and want me to do this at the same time. It isnt possible."

A quick glance at his hands drew a small frown from the blonde.

"You only bought one donut? Anyway, about me not being in on a raid if one happens - I cant promise that. A couple of times a year, we paper pushers and lab geeks have to go out in the field."

Steering Rem into another pastry shop, she pointed out what she wanted then grinned as she iformed the clerk that her companion was paying.

Feb 1st, 2004, 07:01:39 PM
They sat, donuts in hand (Remkah having got another of the same he'd had before) and they ate in contented silence for a few moments.

"Im sorry I left like I did"

By his reluctance to meet her eyes when he spoke, she knew he was not referring to the Watch lab.

"Ive missed you, Brielle"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:06:31 PM
"Dont apologize for it, Rem. You did what you had to do and though its hard to accept, Im living with it. Ive missed you too, you stubborn donkey."

Taking a bite of her chocolate eclair, Brielle eyed him thoughtfully as she chewed. He looked good - a bit tired perhaps around the eyes, but still good.

"Have you been helping your friend get the club ready? What kind of fights does it offer?"

Feb 1st, 2004, 08:24:10 PM
He bundled the last bit of donut into his mouth, speaking with a bulge in his cheek as he replied.

"Nah, I dont set stuff up - you pay guys for that. The fights are just contests of who can crack the other guy's skull first. Very entertaining. You should come watch one time."

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:31:23 PM
"Id love to!"

Brielle was enthusiastic in her reply and for two reasons. The first being that Remkah might be there and the second being that despite her calm and passive nature, she enjoyed watching people slug things out. Rarely did she ever interfere in a street fight unless of course, weapons were drawn. But a good old fashioned fisticuffs could easily find her taking sides and cheering on her 'champion' to the top of her voice.

"When will it open? Do I buy a seat or is it standing room only?"

Feb 1st, 2004, 09:08:52 PM
Remkah laughed heartily at her enthusiasm, which for him, amounted to a low gravelly rumble.

"Brielle, Brielle - its not even open yet, well not exactly. But soon. Ill bring you to Opening night? What do you say?"

He ws still laughing quietly. Hell, she was a woman in a million.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:16:11 PM
"Try to let me know a day or two ahead, if you can. I'll have to make sure I have that night off."

Rem's rough voice had its usual effect on her and Brielle quickly looked away then hopped to get them both something to drink.

Dont get too comfortable, Brie - you know hes not staying.

It was something that she would just have to get used to and by the time the clerk handed her the two small caffes, Brielle had toned her excitement down to a more normal level.

"Here you go, Rem. How soon will this place be open for business?"

Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:12:20 PM
"Soon. I'd say by this time next week. I'll let you know though"

Though Remkah drank it black, Brielle was appalled at the mounds of sugar he scooped in to the caff.

Feeling her watching him disapprovingly, he put the third spoonful back.

"I'll get us the best seats. Close up."

Brielle Acaana
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:23:34 PM
"How do you stay so calm and laid back with that much sugar?"

Smiling widely, she shook her blonde curls in amazement the returned to the topic at hand.

"What you said earlier, about not wanting me in on a raid..it could happen, Rem. Have you thought about that?"

Feb 2nd, 2004, 09:54:37 PM
He shrugged unconcerned and fished into his pocket to produce his cigarette pack.

Biting one out with his teeth, he took out his gold lighter - a gift from the lovely across from him - and lit it.

"I wouldn't worry 'bout that Brielle."

He dismissed the idea without explaining why. Remkah obviously did not consider it an issue. Brielle on the other hand did, her unwavering stare said as much. She expected an answer.

"Its a fight club for frells sake, not a ruddy slave trading post or stim factory. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if half the Watch payroll will be their betting their hard earned creds on their favorite fighter."

He exhaled and the blue grey smoke was caught by the draft from the cafe window and pulled out it.

"You worry too much"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 3rd, 2004, 02:09:27 PM
Allowing the light curses to roll off her back, Brielle remained unpreturbed.

"Youre the one who mentioned it, Rem. And, youre probably right about the betting. I know several in the Watch who frequent places such as your's."

Adding extra creamer to her caffe, Brie took another sip.

"My father took me to the tracks when I was around ten years of age. He let me place a bet and I lost the few credits I had put down. I cant remember the words he used to explain it but it was basically a lesson of 'a fool and his money are soon parted'. Needless to say, it was the last time I ever bet credits."

Feb 4th, 2004, 10:15:19 PM
He had brought up the thought of Brielle being on a raid cause he didnt want to be beat up by her. He'd never hear the end of it at the Base.

He was going to say as much, making a joke at his own expense, but Brielle mentioned her father it made him shrink back. He felt the guilt of his murder as if he had been the one to do it.

Dropping his gaze, the Base Captain mumbled into his caff.

"Your Dad sounds like he was a wise man"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 5th, 2004, 12:33:35 AM
"He was and he never failed to make his point in the gentlest of ways. Dad wasnt one to beat you over the head with it. It was really more you came to the right conclusion on your own. I wish I had the same knack."

Swirling her caffe in the small container, Brie smiled across at Rem.

"I still miss him but its getting easier. The tears dont come as easily as they did at first and now I find myself smiling more when I think about him."

Still playing with her cup, Brielle questioned Remkah about his family.

"What was your father like?"

Feb 11th, 2004, 10:03:09 PM
Remkah had listened to her as she spoke lovingly of her father, keeping his eyes averted. There was nothing he could say.

Thankfully, she did not dwell on the sadness that so obviously still haunted her. And without doubt, would for a long time to come.

He was glad when she changed the subject a little.

"Oh he was a tough old guy. Built like a brick wall. Drank too much though. A carpenter by trade"

He gave a description of his father in short bursts as they occured to him.

"I have his hair"

And he grinned at her,

"And Mom's singing voice"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 11th, 2004, 10:38:01 PM
"Really? Your mother must have a .. a lovely - you know, Id love to be able to build things with my hands."

As much as she loved Remkah's voice - she could listen to him talk day in and day out - she couldnt possibly imagine him (or his mom) singing and being able to carry a tune, not even with the help of a bucket.

Sipping from her cup, Brielle's eyes fell to her hand and then to her wrist and then traveled to her chrono. The Watch officer was shocked. Had two hours passed already? There were reports that had to be filed today and several lab results that needed to be checked as well. Brielle jumped from her seat and hurriedly explained as she edged toward the door.

"Oh! Oh Jonas, I have to go! Im late! If Vymes finds out Im gonna catch it for sure. I hadnt taken a lunch break yet soIthoughtitwouldbealrightifIjustranoutquickbutthe rearethingsIhavetogetdonetodayand --"

In his calm and casual way, the lanky base captain stood and moved to open the door for her but not before leaning down and silencing her jumbled words with a quick, deep kiss.

Feb 14th, 2004, 03:02:54 PM
As he straightened, his trademark grin was in place.

"You work too hard, Brielle. I'll be in touch soon. A night at the fights will be good for you"

Brielle Acaana
Feb 14th, 2004, 06:15:12 PM
"Call me and we'll go!"

Throwing her hand up in a hurried farewell, Brielle's heels tattoo'ed a steady rythem on the duracrete and up the precinct steps. Cautiously, she tip-toed past Vymes office then quietly slid back behind the desk, resuming her work with an air of nonchalance.

It didnt take her long to finish the paperwork as her finger fairly flew across the keys. Quickly filing it in the proper folders and copying it to the right discs, Acaana weaved her way to the lab, locking the door behind her as she entered.

Tapping in her password, the blonde waited for the Watch's database to spew forth all the information it held on clubs known to be a bit nefarious in nature. The Sparta Club in big, bold lettering jumped out at her as she scrolled down the list. One fingernail, coated in clear polish, hovered over the keyboard momentarily. Only for you, Rem.

One soft touch with the pad of her index finger and the Sparta Club was no more in the annals of the Coruscant City Watch.