View Full Version : A Business Arrangement (Open, looking for job)

Vhiran Crescent
Jan 25th, 2004, 08:48:12 PM
Darriann Sollak and Vhiran Crescent strolled into the bar, side by side, Vhiran's gunman's duster clicking down at his heels as they enter. To those who didn't know, they were just two ordinary guys that wandered into the wrong bar. For those that did, it would be an opportunity to jump on. The two had been smuggling partners for several years now and had been a very successful team. The crew of the Renegade Angel aimed to be one of the best transporters in the galaxy, and they were well on their way. To the hutts, they were very valuable assets, smuggling anything from spice to entire vessels. But they were careful, for the two would bite back with venom when crossed. There was hardly anything they wouldn't do for the right amount of credits.

And that's what brought them to places like this, looking for alliances and jobs of any shapes and sizes. Perhaps it wasn't just the credits. Maybe it was the thrill of being pursued by 3 Corellian Marauder Corvettes through a dense asteriod field, or infiltrating some bigshot's hide-out to obtain some item.

Vhiran quickly scanned the entire area, looking for exits, enemies, and making a mental map of the place. Sitting down at the bar, he waved over the Bartender.

"Greetins fellas. What'll ya have?" The big man asked, cleaning a glass as he came over.

"Ah...A Forvish Ale for me," Vhiran said, looking around the bar still.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:01:46 PM
Darriann replied to the barkeep "Corellian brandy."

He looked around to see any potential employers. He saw a few. Sollak could easily tell when people had jobs. They were either alone or with bodygaurds.

The bartender came to them with their drinks. Darriann took hig glass of brandy and gulped it down.

Jan 25th, 2004, 11:48:40 PM
Hera came round behind the bar, taking over the pouring of Darriann's brandy like she owned the joint, the bartender giving up his place without comment.

Placing the drink before him, she reached under the counter and brought up a bottle of rum and a glass for herself.

She looked from Vhiran to Darriann and back again, small furrow knotting in the center of her eyebrows.

"Dont I know you guys...?"

She didn't know them. Atleast, she didnt think she did. She just wasnt very good with opening lines.

OW outcast
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:20:44 AM
The usual SFF Bartender sat on a stool just down the bar a little. His feet dangled over the stool due to him only reaching the height of three foot. It was his night off and Bill was working for him, what a big burly ugly human being he was. Yet OW had nothing better to do then sit in the bar and drink and wait for some pretty ladies to hit on.

Speaking of hot ladies Hera came walking out of the back office to talk to some of the customers. She was quite the looker to bad OW rarely mixed business with pleasure these days. Also she was the boss and could kick his butt, so he stayed clear of making passes at her.

OW intently listened in on her conversation with the two gentlemen. Hera wasn't much of a conversation start that was for sure but then again she usual had OW start them for her. It was what he was paid to do interrogate those possible customers or possible pirate wannabe's.

Vhiran Crescent
Jan 28th, 2004, 06:34:39 PM
Vhiran nodded to the attractive woman that took over, obvisioly in charge of this place. The two had been told about this place many times. Some kind of membership. But they were never really interested because they didn't like the idea of being bound to a company. They were free-lancers and worked off jobs from whoever offered money. But they were hoping to cut a deal.

"Doubtful," he said after taking a sip of his drink. "But perhaps we can get to know each other -- I mean on a business level, that is, if you're interested."

Jan 28th, 2004, 09:25:11 PM
Pouring herself a rum, Hera asked over the rim of her glass,

"What kinda business?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:36:06 PM
Darriann looked at the women. "That depends on what business you have to offer?"

He took a look at his nearly empty glass and swallowed what little drops were left. He shot a glance over at the verticaly challenged Duro.

"What are you lookin' at shorty?" Sollak questioned.

He wasn't one to have someone listen in on private conversations.

Feb 4th, 2004, 10:28:58 PM
"He's looking at a guy who soon'll be missing some teeth if he doesn't find his manners quick"

She stared at Darriann hard.

"How do you know it isnt the Duro you should be addressing your business queries to..?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 5th, 2004, 05:47:10 PM
He returned the woman's look with a smile.

"I don't know. But what you just said makes me think your the one in chrage around here." he paused and then continued, " I just don't like being watched."

Feb 5th, 2004, 09:49:26 PM
A short laugh. True enough - it was unnerving to be scruitinised in such a place as this.

"The Duro cant help it. He's a curious sort, thats all.

Still, I expect a certain respect toward my crew, when people come and enjoy the hospitality of my bar.

Name's Hera" she said, finally getting to introductions. "And thats OW"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 8th, 2004, 08:11:43 PM
OOC: Vhirans somewhat swamped in other RPs so don't expect him to post much.

IC: He offered his hand to Hera. "Darriann Sollak and my partner here is Vhiran Crescent. Sorry if I have offened you and your crew. Nice place you got here."

Darriann gave a nod to the Duro. He got up and went to get another drink from the bar

"Sorry 'bout my comment"

He returned to his seat with a full glass he placed it on the table.

"So, what business do you have for a couple of freelancers like us?"

Feb 11th, 2004, 05:52:14 PM
Hera shrugged.

"Not much for hiring outside the fold, if you know what I mean. Unless there is some specific neccesity to do so."

She grew pensive for a moment, then asked,

"You boys do any blockade running?"

ooc: no prob.

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 11th, 2004, 10:12:38 PM
Vhiran smiled. Blockade running was his specailty. On many missions he perferred to be more subtle, but every once and a while blockade running was good for him.

"Yea, we do blockade running."

OW outcast
Feb 12th, 2004, 10:14:32 PM
OW ignored most of the conversation about him. He didn't give a crap about the attitude that was copped against him by Darriann. When Darriann apologized OW just nodded for a response.

Then the conversation turned to blockade running. He noted Hera asked the wrong question in this situation. OW just smiled before making his way over to the boss lady. This would be the perfect opportunity to slap her on the bum but OW held the temptation back.

"A better question would be are you any good at blockade running? Also if your independent how many systems are looking for you to rake you over the coals or maybe you’re just so good you get past everyone? Then again you could be rookies looking to make names for yourselves?"

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 16th, 2004, 12:16:49 AM
"Now who would want to make a name for themselves?" Vhiran said, very suavely, "There's no need for such things. No names, no complications, and people don't come looking for you -- you go to them. As for the systems, don't you worry about them. Worry about us. If you're in need of some blockade runners, we're the men for the job."

Vhiran took a shot of his drink.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:30:00 PM
Hera followed the interaction of Vhiran and OW. The little duro loved to goad and prod. His was a prickly nature, but Vhiran seemed to roll with it all. A sign of self-confidence.

"I'll keep that in mind" she said, resting her languid gaze on the newcomers.

"You guys got someplace you can be contacted in a hurry?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Mar 9th, 2004, 05:43:08 PM
"I assume you have long range communications. We have a private frequency aboard are ship." Darriann said in response to Hera's question.

He felt he could trust her. And trust around these groups was hard to come by.

"You may want to grab a pen. We only give this out to trusted contacts. I assume we can trust you." He waited for her to grab a pen then he continued. "The frequency is 561372819-1285362X-JK1637G." He looked around for anyone listening in. "If you don't get a reply we can be found around Nar Shaddaa or on Corellia."