View Full Version : The Subryn Coven (The Mage Sect of Coruscant)

Zachariah Darmok
Jan 25th, 2004, 04:13:58 PM
One thousand and twenty five years ago it all started in the great shadows of the towering sky scrapers of Coruscant. The people who lived above the darkness that loomed were unawaire that something was brewing beneath them, something terrible. A small Sect of what are known today as Mages (or Magi)' formed in secret. There secrecy from the outside world was imperritive for their own servival and so, even till this day their cult has never been passed off as in exsistance.

Why they started, no one knows, it was beleived that their true gain was to form a 'Dark Gathering' upon the once Imperial Center but that was as far as records show. The leadership of the planet under the once Diktat Viscera of the now splintered imperial contingent was to hard to bare for the sect and so they planned to withdraw his power and claim the city for themselves, eventually turning the planet into a vast ocean of controlled darkness.

Unfortunetly just at the peak of this plan the Jedi swiftly took up Coruscant in the termoil of the shredding of the Imperial Legion and the Subryn Coven once again slipt back into its watchfull darkness. From there records have stopped, the group may had disspanded, they may have all vanished or they might still be quite preasent within the depth of Coruscant, noone is quite really sure.

At least not those who are not choosen to be within the Subryn.

They are indeed ever present on the planet of Coruscant infact you might have even met one today. Many are normal city goers. Some are bankers, others are taxi drivers, waiters in your local bar and grill. Some are administrators in huge multi-planet technology ferms. Some even might process the very food you place in your mouth at a local factory.

One thing is for certain however and that is that they all follow the way of Verlorshan, the bending of the force to do ones will, they follow the 3 Gods of the Herpridies and their devine teachings, they are cult members, followers of the shadow and its ever peircing darkness nad its the darkness they follow eternally.


This group OOC has been about unofficialy about 8 or 9 months now and we were essentialy happy about it being a small fexible group but we are now looking for a few more members to fill some ranks, make it a slightly more active. There are 4 semi-active peeps about, 2 of which are myself and Warlock. Warlock being the IC Magister ( voted leader) of the Subryn but OOC myself and Warlock are both the main/active chars about.

PMs and questions are availible and we are happy to answer any questions, if you feel interested please PM ether myself or ' Warlock ' and we shall answer any we can. Mainly the group for many actions would like to remain little secretive both OOC and IC so aplogies for the lack of infomation, but again PM us and we can answer any questions.

Zachariah: Archcannon to the service of Warlock The Magister