View Full Version : The Poise of Balance....(Dasquian/Valanya)

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:14:27 AM
Jacali Danner had just left a little while ago from training with Quay'Na on the balance beam. She was definitely improving her skills once again and Quay'Na was so glad to help her out. Things were looking up for the young Padawan.

But, now Quay'Na was alone and stood at one end of the beam, blindfolded. She was always trying to come up with ways to improve her own balancing skills and to keep up to par on them.

With a relaxing breath, she drew herself into the swirling waves of the Force, she could see the beam in her mind. The length of it, the width, how it felt to her bare feet, everything about it...she either felt or saw.

One more deep breath and she was off, she sprinted two steps and went into a double handspring, stopping abruptly at the very edge of the beam. Carefully easing back, she turned gracefully and resumed herself into another handstand. She was ready.

Feeling the Force flow within her, she rebalanced herself and shifted her weight to lean more upon her left side. When she was comfortable in that position, she lifted her right hand from the beam and held it straight out to the side.

Balancing in that position for a few more moments, she began the leg work. Carefully, bending her right leg and resting her foot against the back of her left knee. To finish up the pose with a look of grace, she pointed her left toe and then went to see just how long she could remain.

Valanya Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:19:16 AM
Dasquian, too, was training, practicing. He had an array of small objects arranged around him, and was showing little Valanya how he could float them into the air with his mind. This amused her for all of a couple of minutes, before she decided that since she couldn't do it, it was boring. She began to crawl away, hearing the creak of a beam from across the room. Pausing a minute, she looked back at her father and smiled a broad toothy smile as he nodded, signalling that it was okay for her to say hello to whoever was training there. Much to her suprise, it was a familiar face. She couldn't contain her excitement, and let out a no doubt suprising:


Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:20:50 AM
Dasquian cringed as he looked up to see Quay'Na wobbling as a result of his daughters outburst. His little telekinesis toys dropped down the ground with a soft thump, as he scrambled up to his feet and gathered the little halfling into his arms. Laughing quietly as she gnawed in protest on his hand with little dull fangs, he called out:

"I'm sorry about that, Quay. I hope Vali didn't interupt."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:27:56 AM
The Padawan wasn't expecting the sudden boom of a little voice, but it had been a good test of her mind and skills all the same. She wobbled for a few moments and then resumed with her pose.

"No harm done, Dasquian. I do need to practice with interruptions. It'll strengthen my skills." A few seconds later, she returned to the simple handstand and then to her upright position to allow the blood to drain back down from her face.

"Hello, Valanya. How ya doing, sweetie?" She asked with a smile and a wave. Quay'Na looked at Dasquian then, "have you ever gotten her up on the beam?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:32:42 AM
Valanya gave a little wave up at Quay, looking in awe at her display of acrobatics. Dasquian on the other hand just returned the Padawan's smile. At the suggestion of putting Valanya on a beam, Dasquian chuckled and looked down into the little button-nosed face, shaking his head.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't trust her up there. She has a mind for mischief. Don't you?" The little girl smiled like an angel, but just as quick as she had taken on this expression, she poked her tongue out, blowing a raspberry at Dasquian. He smiled, before looking back up.

"As I'm sure you know by now. You look like you're coming along well, though. Has your training been going well?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:45:06 AM
"Yes, Helenias has become my new master. Things weren't working out too well with Morgan. So, Helenais took me on. She's really been an excellent tutor, I've enjoyed my time with her and she's taught me so much. Kinda reminds me of Master Ira."

Quay'Na walked across the beam with ease and did one last handstand before she vaulted off, did a double somersault and landed with graceful ease on the mats below.

Grabbing her towel and water, she walked back over to them. She looked at Dasquian. "We've not talked in a while, how are things with you? Busy I presume."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:49:25 AM
"I'm glad you've found someone you feel you can work well with..."

As Quay sprung down to the ground, the Knight had to admit - now he was impressed. She seemed to have moved on a lot since she had first arrived her. It brought a smile to his face to thing of how she had overcome so much, yet still remained strong, both physically and mentally.

"Busy? Definetly. Training, co-ordinating recruitment, keeping little Miss here happy... I barely have a moment to myself, but I'm happy. I get to see friends still," he smiled more now, thinking of Brielle.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:07:05 AM
After taking off the blindfold, Quay'Na saw that smile on Dasquian's face and was glad that he had finally found some happiness since Xazor. Though, soon she knew that in time, she would be spending time and learning things of the Lost Jedi from his past love. "That's very good to hear, Das."

She smiled and looked at Valanya, who was in her father's arms. "Ya know, I know another little girl about your same age and I bet, if your daddy and her mommy would allow it. I would be more than happy to keep the both of you for an afternoon to play in the gardens. How would that sound?" Quay'Na asked.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:10:00 AM
Valanya seemed to understand what Quay'Na was suggesting, and beamed with excitement. Dasquian looked thoroughly relieved, "Oh, would you?" he asked, Valanya wriggling about until she was finally set back down onto the ground, "I'm sure she'd love that, and it'd give me a moment to myself."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 25th, 2004, 11:18:59 AM
Quay nodded. "I'd be more than happy too. Master Helenias is off alot to Senate meetings in the afternoon and besides my own personal training time, I have the time. I'll talk to Valora's sitter and get a time and it's done. I'll really miss them..." She stopped herself and didn't go any further.

"I really miss spending time with her, it's been a while." She concluded.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 02:28:32 PM
"It has," Dasquian thought back to the last time they'd all seen one another. It must have been a fairly long time ago. Then again, he had never been one for keeping track of time well. He was so much wrapped in thought that he didn't even notice Quay'Na's hesitation. "... Perhaps I could spend the afternoon with you all. I think Valanya would like that."

He looked down at his daughter, who appeared as though she would be pleased, regardless of what they did.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:36:20 AM
So, would I...

Quay kept the thought blocked, she knew down deep that out of any master here, she would miss Dasquian the greatest. He had become a father-figure to her, even though she had two father's of her own.

Quay'Na had a feeling that her days in the GJO were numbered and when it was time for her to join Marcus and the Lost Jedi, she would be ready. She had put her personal training into overtime to be ready for it.

"I think, that would be great, Dasquian. I could even pack a picnic lunch for us, if you'd like. It'll be a great day for the girls."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:22:45 AM
"Where would you like to go, then?" he asked with a smile.

"The Holographic zoo has a nice area for picnicing, I've heard."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 30th, 2004, 08:52:34 PM
"That sounds excellent, Das." Quay'Na returned with a nod. "I'll make arrangements then, ummm how about Saturday?"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:39:48 PM
"That's sounds grand," he nodded, as Valanya clung happily onto his legs.

Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 8th, 2004, 11:27:58 AM
Then Saturday it is." She smiled. "Ummm, while you're here, I could use a good workout up there." She gestured to the beam.

"How about it? Blindfollded, hand to hand. Perhaps, we can show your daughter a thing or two?"