View Full Version : Testing the water... (open)

Severen Morkonis
Jan 25th, 2004, 08:35:28 AM
Yoghurts Bar and Grill - this was nothing new. He'd been here many a time. Years ago, he'd stumbled into Madame Mal Pannis, Sanis Prent, and a handful of others who, in spite of his not knowing it at the time, were big players in this big galaxy. There was always a new face here for you to meet. He recalled vaguely a meeting with the Lupine patriarch, Diego Van-Derveld, and numerous Jedi along the way. All in all, he had to admit that he wouldn't have made the best impression. Somewhere along the line, he'd had it ingrained into his system that to be a Sith was also to be arrogant (he credited that to Vega).

Now, of course, was a time for fresh starts. He imagined some faces would be long gone and replaced by others, but he hoped that regardless of the current state, a former Sith Lord hoping to redeem himself could somehow fit into this ever-changing atmosphere.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 25th, 2004, 05:48:11 PM
It had been sometime since Padawan learner, Jacali Danner had been in the B&G. Last time, she had crutch bound and had tried to help a Jedi who didn't care to want help...but that particular time had been a while back.

Since the accident, many things had gone on in Jacali's life, she had learned a great deal from it. Not only had she learned to deal with a physical barrier, she'd learned a great deal about her inner self and that was the greatest lesson of all. Her leg brace clicked as she opened the door to the B&G and entered.

"Hey, Jacali. Lookin' good, girl." Sean, one of the guards smiled as she entered. "It's been a while."

The Padawan smiled. "Yes, it has, Sean. But, it's time I got back out into the realm of things, so I think you'll be seeing me a bit more often."

"That's good to hear, glad to have you back." He told her.

"Thanks, Sean." She told him as she walked in and looked around. It was good to be back as she looked around and saw a few friends that took notice of her as she walked in. They all gave her a high-five as she walked by them, but someone else had caught her attention.

A young, dark-haired man sitting by himself, so she walked over to his table. "Care if I join you?"

Severen Morkonis
Jan 26th, 2004, 09:23:16 AM
Quicker than he imagined, someone had approached him. He looked up, wringing his hands, and forced a small smile before shaking his head at the girl, "No, no... please sit."

He wondered, silently, if she recognized him. Was this why she had come to him? Perhaps - but then, he had changed. The absence of the darkside in his life had returned much of his youthful appearance.

"... Would you like something to drink?" he asked gingerly, trying to be polite.

Jan 26th, 2004, 09:08:47 PM
A fairly large Kel-Dor's shadow suddenly appeared at the door of the bar and the figure to whom the shadow belonged did not at all shrink in stature. He stood about 6 feet tall and his large arms were normal to a Kel-Dor. He pulled off his Jedi Robe and handed it to the guard, as well as a long lightsaber hilt. He scanned the tables and noticed a woman jedi talking to a mysterious looking man. Seeing that the tables all were taken, he awkwardly walked over and asked,

"Would you mind if I sat here?"

It was a comical sight for a creature so large to be so shy, but that was the way of Spada.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:40:11 PM
Jacali happily took a seat across from the young man and nodded. "Sure, I could use something, I'm parched. Ummm, I'd like a Juma juice, please."

A moment later, another approached. A new Force-wielder, she recongnized the species, a Kel-Dor. But, hadn't seen him around the GJO. She smiled kindly and awaited the young man's answer--after all it was his table.

Jan 27th, 2004, 05:03:43 PM
Spada looked at Jacali as he waited for a reply. Noticing her knee brace, he figured that she must have been in some accident. He decided he would not bring it up. The woman was good looking, even through the eyes of a Kel-Dor. He glanced at the man and sensed some mysteriousness to him.

Severen Morkonis
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:48:51 PM
Sieken gave a vague shrug. He didn't mind who sat down really, although he didn't want to be crowd, "Why not... have a drink with us." He dipped his eyes and knitted his fingers together, at a loss for words.

Feb 1st, 2004, 09:05:11 PM
Spada chuckled, saying,

"Well, I would, but..."

he motioned to his mask covering his face. He took a seat next to Sieken, greeting the two by saying,

"Hello, I am Jedi Padawan Spada Elhow. And you are??"

imported_Jacali Danner
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:38:40 AM
Jacali smiled and answered. "Padawan Jacali Danner. It's nice to meet both of you."

Severen Morkonis
Feb 14th, 2004, 04:45:44 AM
"Sieken Kasstra," There was no rank to add, so he simply said, "Jedi. I'm new. Pleased to meet you both... how long have you both been students here?"

Feb 14th, 2004, 05:24:25 PM
Spada thought for a moment.

"I have been a student for what... maybe a month now. How about you Jacali? Probably much longer."

imported_Jacali Danner
Feb 17th, 2004, 09:08:56 PM
"Oh, about nine months now. I was out of training for about four of those months though." She smiled.

Feb 18th, 2004, 06:59:57 PM
Spada nodded.

"So, Sieken. Where do you come from and what got you to come to the Academy?"

A serving droid rolled to their table and Spada asked,

"You two want anything?"