View Full Version : OOC: Bios (Gettin' to know your peeps)

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 23rd, 2004, 12:29:16 AM
Got bored, had an idea, typing it down. I figured 'Why the heck not?' Any and all info given is opitional of course and no one was forced to reply. No animals were harmed why typing this post (well there was the fly....but he had it coming). Put down any info you wish about yourself.

Real Name: Brandon
Age: 19
Nicknames: Tempest (Band Friends), B (Work friends)
Hieght: 5'9 1/2
Wieght: 185 (Almost no fat! Boosha!!!!!!)
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Favorite Color(s): Red and Grey
What I am Drivin': Custom * 1999 Ford Ranger Flareside
Hair Color: Right now Blue Black.
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Verse Dawnstrider
Most Known for: My Truck
Accent (If any): I have a BAD country accent. I sound like a redneck. Just ask Sieken or Shade Magus
Tattoos: None, but planing to get on when taxes come back.
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Lil' Kim ( can I get an amen?)
Game I am playin': Neverwinter Nights, Need for Speed: Underground

*by custom I mean magor modifications to the car. Like lowing it, Racing engine ect... mine has both and then some. She is my child.

Ok, lets see how this goes........

Morgan Evanar
Jan 23rd, 2004, 04:02:57 AM
Real Name: Christopher
Age: 21
Nicknames: Foody, Chris
Hieght: 6' 3"
Wieght: 158
Eye Color: Green
Favorite Color(s): what.
Car': 1989 Nissan 240SX. Hopefully with an SR20DET swap in my future. Needs new tires.
Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Morgan Evanar
Most Known for: what? My almighty, all consuming sarchasm.
Accent (If any): I guess I have a South Florida accent, which is considered to be largely neutral, but I speak faster than someone from Colorado
Tattoos: They can track me easier that way ;)
Favorite Band: http://morg.panicked.org/avatar/
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: I have more pratical aspirations for the girl I sit next to in my basic computing class. Screw celeberties.
Game I am playing: NFS: U, Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

Jan 23rd, 2004, 04:41:11 AM
"what" is not a color!

Real Name: Crystal
Age: 18
Nicknames: Got a few friends that call me Chris :x And one that calls me "Cries"
Hieght: Dunno, around 5'9 maybe.
Wieght: I seriously don't know. Somewhere between 100 and 200 lbs. :huh I'm not huge, but not skinny either.
Eye Color: Green
Favorite Color(s): Purple, red and black
What I am Drivin': I ride in other people's cars.
Hair Color: Black and Orange-ish
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Leeloo Mina, although I don't RP anymore.
Most Known for: Here? Being a wackjob, which isn't true.. In real life? Being antisocial and not returning phone calls for a week+
Accent (If any): None, that I know of.. I live in Missouri, so maybe.
Tattoos: You mean the stuff with the ink in your skin? No.
Favorite Band: Dunno.. but since Jenny thinks I'm obsessed.. let's say Smashing Pumpkins.
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Don't know.
Game I am playin': GTA: Vice City

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2004, 05:47:20 AM
Real Name: Jenny
Age: 17
Nicknames: Jen, Jenjen, Wofl, Bob
Hieght: 5'5"
Wieght: 112lbs, apparently
Eye Color: grey
Favorite Color(s): blue!
What I am Drivin': Nothing? I'm not old enough yet.
Hair Color: It's gingerish at the moment.
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Vega Van-Derveld or Dasquian Belargic
Most Known for: My love of redheads.
Accent (If any): I have a dulled geordie (sort of like scottish) accent
Tattoos: None. Not interested.
Favorite Band: Matthew Good Band
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Angelina Jolie, hands down.
Game I am playin': It will be LOK: Defiance

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2004, 06:13:36 AM
Real Name: Mark or Marcus. Surprised?
Age: 34
Nicknames: Shaq (Dont ask), Q, Turbo
Hieght: 5'10
Wieght: 165
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Black
What I am Drivin': Subaru Forester XT and Galant VR-4. Both horribly quick AWD turbos that boot jsut about anythign this side of a Porcshe. Especially the Suby, it's.... absurdly quick
Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Black
Most Known SWFans Character: Marcus Elessar or Darth Turbogeek
Most Known for: Panning and illegal driving stunts
Accent (If any): G'day mate. <smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont> Fosters, we drink real beer in Australia
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: The Living End
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: I pour much hate and disgust on celebs. Useless bunch of retards. Gimme a nice warm Helen anyday
Game I am playin': Real Life.

Jan 23rd, 2004, 08:06:27 AM
Real Name: Tony, or Anthony or Lee. :)
Age: 34
Nicknames: Zekk, the Black Mage, Twin, Hey You
Hieght: 5'7
Wieght: 195
Eye Color: hazel (changes colors too. ^_^)
Favorite Color(s): Black, silver, grey, white
What I am Drivin': 1996 White Neon Highliner with a racing suspension (don't ask me why it's got a racing suspension. It's the way I bought it. lol)
Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Black
Most Known SWFans Character: Alpha, the Rafter King!
Most Known for: Am I really well known for anything? :)
Accent (If any): hmmm...I have a bastardized accent with too many pieces to identify
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Too many to list
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Don't care much for celebs, when I have a girl I can actually touch. :)
Game I am playin': .hack// (all parts), and Final Fantasy X-2

Jared Mriad
Jan 23rd, 2004, 02:44:36 PM
Real Name: Christoph
Age: 17
Nicknames: Chris, Red, Scooby, Psycho, Ye-DAMN-Lunatic
Hieght: 5' 11"
Wieght: 165
Eye Color: Black-Brown
Favorite Color(s): Cyan / Darker hues of Red
What I am Drivin': 1998 BMW Z3 Roadster, 2001 Toyota Tundra, 1999 Harley Davidson Sportster
Hair Color: Red/Copper
Natural Hair Color: -^
Most Known SWFans Character: Jared Mriad
Most Known for: My lunatic-like ways on the road
Accent (If any): I can immitate alot of accents, and thusly incorperate them into my speed... not on purpose
Tattoos: None.
Favorite Band: Evenesesence
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Don't care, That gal' in 7th per is a hottie.
Game I am playin': Morrowind: GTYE, modded out it's <smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont>.


Xazor Elessar
Jan 23rd, 2004, 04:58:58 PM
Real Name: Barbara or Barb
Age: 18
Nicknames: Skater Girl, Xaz', Babs
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Deep blue, sometimes a greenish blue (aqua)
Favorite Color(s): Blue, all shades!
What I am Drivin': 1991 Chevy Blazer, white w/blue and red interior
Hair Color: Brown (used to be platinum blonde)
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Xazor Elessar
Most Known for: Skating and snowboarding
Accent (If any): Chicago style accent - but on occasion I do sound like I'm actually from Wisconsin (and I am :p)
Tattoos: Very lower back -- Chinese symbol for "Dragon"
Favorite Band: Tool and A Perfect Circle
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Celebrities disgust me -- I have my fiancee to drool over. :D
Game I am playin': Tony Hawk's Underground :D

Kyle Krogen
Jan 23rd, 2004, 05:45:30 PM
Real Name: Geoff or Geoffrey
Age: 14 (15 on feb 11)
Nickname: Hey you?
Height: 5,10 ish
Weight: 130
Eye Color: light green
Favorite Color(s): black, blue
What I am Driving: Shopping cart
Hair Color: brown
Natural Hair Color: brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Kyle Krogen
Most Known for: impression (got a killer smeagol!)
Accent (If any): none
Tattoos: none
Favorite Band: Mest
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Hate em!!!
game I am playin': WC3, Phantasy stat online

Zela Anos
Jan 23rd, 2004, 09:27:51 PM
Real Name: Ashley
Age: 19
Nicknames: Ash, The Urinator, Assley (RL Friends), Ash-hole, and various other bad-word puns.
Hieght: 5'8 or 5'7 (I dunno!)
Weight: 120 (last time I checked, I think)
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Weird ones, like neon colors, or black and gray.
What I am Drivin': My legs, I walk everywhere and will NEVER drive a car.
Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: ...Uh, maybe Keman, or Akira Pendragon, but currently Angelica Shin.
Most Known for: Here? Too many characters -.-;;. RL? I dunno, almost throwing a computer at a guy in grade 8?
Accent (If any): The Canadian one, and on tape I sound like Minnie Mouse on Crack.
Tattoos: None, needles are evil.
Favorite Band: None, really, but I'm starting to like Linkin' Park.
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Uh....*thinks* What's his name, oh yeah, Billy Boyd all Hobbited up!
Game I am playin': Second play through of LOZ-Windwaker (I can understand Hylian!) and Phantasy Star Online, both fer GC.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 24th, 2004, 12:45:04 PM
Real Name: Mikey
Age: 18, 19 in march
Nicknames: Mouse, The Mikester , Billy-Joe
Hieght: 6'1
Wieght: about 140
Eye Color: Amber
Favorite Color(s): Red and Black
What I am Drivin': Eventually a Motercycle
Hair Color: Brown, but dyed neon blue
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Kelt Simoson, Sieken Kasstra
Most Known for: My wittyness'
Accent (If any): Your normal southen english accent.
Tattoos: None but i have a labret peircing and a right lip ring.
Favorite Band: Poison The Well
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Game I am playin': Just Completed Splinter Cell.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 24th, 2004, 02:27:09 PM
Real Name: Julie
Age: 32....33 in April
Nicknames: Jules
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: When it's acceptable to me, I'll tell you...
Eye Color: Dark Brown, sometimes bright blue, if I wear my colored contacts
Favorite Color(s): purple
What I am Drivin': '97 Ford Probe (my baby, 5 sp) and family mobile-'96 Chysler LHS (loaded, oh and the faster you go in it, the more it feels like you're floatin' on air)
Hair Color: Dark brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Quay'Na Rakai, Jacali Danner
Most Known for: Being a mother of twins (8 years)
Accent (If any): None, that I know of
Tattoos: None, but planning to get one this spring or summer
Favorite Band: Eh, I'll just put my favorite CD, which is none other than Pirates of the Caribbean
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Johnny Depp!!!!!!
Game I am playin': Aggrivation and anything my twins want to play. (Family time ya know...)

Rognan Dar
Jan 24th, 2004, 03:05:10 PM
Real Name: Joshua.
Age: 16
Nickname: Sqwash (old nickname)
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Color(s): Dont really have one.
What am I Driving: Other people crazy. >D
Hair Color: Blond
Natural Hair: Hmm...blond?
Most Known SWFans Character: Rog dog. I mean Rognan Dar.
Most known for: Have one (if not THE) biggest families from everyone on the forum.
Accent: No
Tattoos: Don't even like th e idea of it.
Favorite Band: Dont have one.
Who I think is Sexest Celebrity Alive: DONT GIVE A BLOODY CARE!
Game I am playing: Dance Dance Revolution. And sometimes WC3.

Jan 25th, 2004, 11:19:45 AM
Real Name: Andrew
Age: 20
Nicknames: Dru, Potter, Corner, Milly and Spike
Hieght: 5'11"
Wieght: 165lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Color(s): White
What I am Drivin': Nothing whatsoever
Hair Color: Dark brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Gav Mortis or Loki Ahmrah
Most Known for: No idea
Accent (If any): Scouse
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Marilyn Manson
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Halle Berry
Game I am playin': Call of Duty and Knights of the Old Republic

Dae Jinn
Jan 25th, 2004, 12:03:15 PM
Real Name: Amanda
Age: 23
Nicknames: Mandi, Manda, Dae, Dae-dae, Dae-chan, Hun, Honey assorted "pet" names given to me by boys o_O
Hieght: 5'2-ish" *I shrunk!!!*
Wieght: Chubby :mneh
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Color(s): Yellow, Black, red, silver
What I am Drivin': No drivers license
Hair Color:Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Dae Jinn
Most Known for: Having naked avatars...?
Accent (If any): Canadian I suppose, although I don't hear it.
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band:The Pistols, Pulp, Sloan, Manics, Japanese bands no-ones ever heard of
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Viggo Mortensen :love
Game I am playin':Animal Crossing = addictive >_<

Lady Mylia
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:18:39 PM
Real Name: Amanda
Age: 18
Nicknames: Blue! Thing 1, hmmm... I think that's about it... oh yah... Twin
Hieght: 5'5
Weight: I'll never tell!
Eye Color: brown
Favorite Color(s): blue and silver
What I am Drivin': My parents Sunfire
Hair Color: brown
Natural Hair Color: brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Lady Mylia
Most Known for: hmmm... sarcasm, being a witch....
Accent (If any): My Florida southern accent...
Tattoos: None, but I want a cute lil' fairy on my right shoulder blade
Favorite Band: geesh... too many to name
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Orlando Bloom (I know, I know! I'm sorry, but he's so hot!!)
Game I am playin': None.... but the last game I played was Grand Turismo (sp?) at a friends the other night....

Jan 26th, 2004, 11:04:24 AM
Real Name: Charley
Age: 23
Nicknames: Chuck, Chuckles, Dammit, Dancing Bear, Lounge Lizard
Hieght: 6'1"
Wieght: 265lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Black
What I am Drivin': 1999 Chevy S-10
Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Sanis Prent
Most Known for: Drinking and being a bastard
Accent (If any): None, but some people insist they can hear a southern inflection.
Tattoos: Wolf's head on upper right arm.
Favorite Band: The Eagles
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Julie Delpy
Game I am playin': Command & Conquer: Generals, Deluxe Edition

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:36:53 PM
Real Name: Christin
Age: 23
Nicknames: Neaker, Streetpizza, Little White Girl, Beer Anti-Christ, Sis, s'Il
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 130 (and dropping)
Eye Color: changes from blue to green - mostly blue though
Favorite Color(s) - orange and sometimes yellow
What I am Driving: 1988 Acura Integra, with plans on turning it into a sleeper
Hair color: Auburn with blonde streaks
Natural Hair Color: Auburn with blonde streaks
Most Known SWFans Character: s'Il
Most known for: Doing stupid stuff, drinking "bad" beer
Accent: Lots people say i have one, but theyre just full of crap
Tattoos: None yet - i plan on designing one for my lower back, and i have one picked out for just under and to the side of my belly button
Favorite Band: Adam Freeland, DJ Tiesto, and Rachmaninoff
Who I think is the sexiest celebrity alive: I dont really watch movies if i can help it
Game I'm Playin': Drink the beer

Jan 26th, 2004, 01:26:20 PM
Real Name: Let's just skip this one
Age: 21
Nicknames: None
Height: 5'10", give or take
Weight: 140
Eye Color: Orange/Green. Looks like Brown from far away.
Favorite Color(s): I feel comfortable in green, like blue for designs, and I look regal in purple.
Car: Working on it
Hair Color: Brown/Red
Most Known SWFans Character: Nupraptor (retired); The rest are my secret. ;)
Most Known for: Legacy of Kain quotations
Accent (If any): I speak clearly and enunciate well. None.
Tattoos: Considering getting one like I have in my gallery
Favorite Band: Poe, I suppose.
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: After lots of thought, I'm going to have to go with Poe. <3
Game I am playing: Need for Speed: Underground; Vice City; Conker's Bad Fur Day; Zelda: OoT

Jan 26th, 2004, 03:34:39 PM
Real Name: Nick
Age: 21
Nicknames: None
Height: 5 9 or 5 11
Weight: 133lbs (<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>! Lost 7!)
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): A blue purple or red
What I am Drivin': You crazy ;)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: ReaperFett I'd wager :)
Most Known for: My (lack of?) humour
Accent (If any): English midlands
Tattoos: no
Favorite Band: Oasis
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Monica Bellucci
Game I am playin': Morrowind

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 26th, 2004, 10:46:55 PM
Real Name: Tegan
Age: soon to be 19 in early Feb
Nicknames: Tea`, lost one
Hieght: around 5'5
Wieght: never ask a girl that!
Eye Color: blue/green. Moody eyes.
Favorite Color(s): Red and Blue
Hair Color: brown/blond
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Azhure Darkstone / SapphireDragoness
Most Known for: my weirdness?
Accent (If any): Melbourne Australian Accent. Apparently we're well spoken but whoever said that needs ear testing.
Favorite Band: lots
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: well..Orlando Bloom.
Game I am playin': final fantasy series (again)

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:39:36 AM
Real Name: Helen
Age: 28
Nicknames: Hellman, Hugbunny
Hieght: around 5'4
Wieght: Too much
Eye Color: Brownish
Favorite Color(s): Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hair Color: brown/red/blonde
Natural Hair Color: Brownish
Car I drive : 1994 Nissan Bluebird SSS.
Most Known SWFans Character: Helenias Evenstar / Lord Fire Blade
Most Known for: Keeping men as pets
Accent (If any): Sydney.
Favorite Band: Basement Jack, Jet, Audioslave
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Viggo Mortensen, Keanu Reeves
Game I am playin': Warcraft II (Again)

Pierce Tondry
Jan 27th, 2004, 11:24:45 AM
Real Name: Brian Sears
Age: 24
Nicknames: Bri-bri, Grandmaster B, bro-dawg, bro-ham, and Love Munky
Hieght: 6'
Wieght: 170 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Green, blue, silver
Hair Color: Dark brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Car I drive : 93' Ford Tempo
Most Known SWFans Character: I'd say I'm equally well known for Pierce Tondry and Evil Hobgoblin
Most Known for: Being cool like the Fonz.
Accent (If any): I can mimic most accents, but Southern American English creeps into my actual speech the most.
Favorite Band: Foo Fighters, Audioslave
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Meh. Celebrities don't do it for me. Hot web designers from Colorado do.
Game I am playin': Warcraft III, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory are the two major ones right now.

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:28:12 PM
Real Name: Micheal
Age: 19, 20 in march though
Nicknames: Mikey, Mike
Hieght: 5'11
Wieght: 190
Favorite Color(s): Green, blue, silver
Hair Color: Dark brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
Car I drive : 02 Kia Rio
Most Known SWFans Character: Shade Magus
Most Known for: My attitudue
Accent (If any): not sure, but just to let the ladies know everyone says there is none sexier ;)
Favorite Band: Toby Keith, Linkin Park
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Not sure
Game I am playin': Everquest, FFX

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 28th, 2004, 06:38:44 PM
Barb and I drive the same vehicle! Great minds think alike ;)

Real Name: Christopher Paul
Age: 21
Nicknames: Chris, Chris Paul (Parents and Grandparents), Mac, Big Mac (football thing from HS)
Hieght: 6'2 & 3/4
Wieght: 290
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Color(s): Dark Blues and Greens
What I am Drivin': Hunter Green '94 Blazer
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Natural Hair Color: same
Most Known SWFans Character: Terran Starek
Most Known for: My faith and my random sense of humor
Accent (If any): None--we don't have accents in Kansas! :p
Tattoos: None--deathly afraid of needles
Favorite Band: The Insyderz among others
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: All celebrities are computer images
Game I am playin': KOTOR (for the 5th time) and tabletopping Star Wars and D&D

Feb 1st, 2004, 11:01:57 AM
Real Name: Hart
Age: 19
Nicknames: None
Hieght: 5'8
Wieght: 170
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): blue, red, black
What I am Drivin': Don't have my own.
Hair Color: Black
Most Known SWFans Character: Hart Kenobi
Most Known for: Tennis
Accent (If any): Slight Long Island-accent. But no one really notices.
Favorite Band: Outkast and Radiohead
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Who knows
Game I am playin': I play halo once and a while, but don't really play games on my computer.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:23:35 PM
Real Name:Kaman Maxwell
Age: 19(20 in march)
Nicknames: SC
Height: 5'8" ...but I'm doubting that now, because I have a friend or two that height, and they're taller than me. Maybe I'm 5'7" or something.
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: blue
Favorite Color(s): Black (I'm an artist! I love saying it's a color when I know better!!). Purple since I was a wee child. And I like pink pens. Only pink pens. Not pink clothes.
What I am Drivin': I don't drive yet. I want one of those ME Four-twelves if they ever get made.
Hair Color: Blonde. Not one specific shade of blonde, but many. I was born that way and have never dyed my hair in my life. Not even with kool-aid
Natural Hair Color: See Above :p
Most Known SWFans Character: Falcon Gyndar/Miriya Cailis
Most Known for: My boundless patience and my all-around cuteness?? I get told I'm cute or sexy one way or another all the time.... *giggles*
Accent (If any): I always get mistaken for being british(reccuring accent) Sometimes american(I don't know why!!).
Tattoos: None, but I plan on designing my own and getting done. Where, I don't know.
Favorite Band: Uhh.. Umm...What's my favorite band?!? I'll just say VNV Nation. It's what I have on my mind for music right now.
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: I don't know. Not big on celebrities. I'll just put my best friend in instead :crack. Oh, ok fine. Lemme see... I'll just pick one off the top of my head. Colin Farrell..there!..Happy?
Game I am playin': Uhh..Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I read a lot of books though.

Ace McCloud
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:36:17 PM
Real Name: John
Age: 17
Nicknames: Barnold(Dont ask)
Hieght: 5'9 1/2
Wieght: 183 (Need to be 191 for wrestling, meh)
Eye Color: Green...?
Favorite Color(s):Blue
What I am Drivin': '01 Dodge Ram 1500
Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Black
Most Known SWFans Character: This one
Most Known for: Being Barnold, I guess.
Favorite Band: Blues Traveler
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Big list, first that comes to mind is Dalene Kurtis :p .
Game I am playin': Anarchy Online, JKA.


Feb 4th, 2004, 01:15:45 PM
Real Name: Jason
Age: 19
Nicknames: Jake
Height: 5/8"
Wieght: 143
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Favorite Color(s): Red a
What I am Drivin': Dodge Neon
Hair Color: Brown.
Most Known SWFans Character: Zeke
Most Known for: Probably something stupid.
Accent (If any): Not that I can notice, but when I'm visiting my North Carolina family, I pick up a noticable country accent.
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: The Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Disturbed
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Not a one.
Game I am playin': Guilty Gear XX

Jordana Montegue
Feb 4th, 2004, 02:09:25 PM
I can't believe I'm going to post this :\

Real Name: Mindy

Age: 33 - 34 in March

Nicknames: Smidget, Mouse, Tigger

Height: 5'4

Weight: 110 lbs.

Favorite Color(s): Black, purple and emerald green - not together, of course

Hair Color: Red

Natural Hair Color: Red

Car I drive : 91 For Ranger XLT in near mint condition

Most Known SWFans Character: Ummm ... I have too many to choose from so I don't know

Most Known for: My attitude and er ... no idea what else

Accent (If any): Well, if Chicagoans/Midwesterners have an accent, that would be it

Favorite Band: Matchbox 20, Aerosmith

Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Don't pay too much attention to the celebs but if I must choose - Vigo Mortennsen - probably misspelled his name though.

Game I am playin': None

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 4th, 2004, 02:22:47 PM
Real Name: Justin
Age: 19
Nicknames: Blue, Grandmaster J, J, Mr. Christianity Major, The Priest
Height: 5/8"
Wieght: 160?
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Favorite Color(s): Dark Blue
What I am Drivin': Dodge Neon
Hair Color: Brown.
Most Known SWFans Character: Wei Wu Wei
Most Known for: Being a good listener, giving good advice, and being able to talk about God really well.
Accent (If any): I can make up a few accents, but only when I'm being funny.
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Casting Crowns.
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: I don't really pay celebrities any attention.
Game I am playin': Powerstone

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 5th, 2004, 02:07:15 AM
Proper Monnikker: Mitch
Years Accomplished: 22 so far.
AKA: Mitch, Mr. Hawaii
Vertical Limit: 5'11"
Gravitational Resistance: 200 pounds.
Iris pigmentation: Brown with spots of brown.
Preferred Hue: Blue
Mode of Transportation: 1990 Corolla of Doom DX
Follicle coloration: Brown.
Most Reputable SWF Character: Sejah Haversh.
Infamous For: Family-friendly furry art, graphic design and extensive knowledge of mythology and history.
Accent: None, but if an umlaut could be squeezed in it would be great.
Skin Inking: None, but I drew a locomotive on my arm one time.
Musical Group Allegiance Pledted To: Matchbox 20 or Maroon 5.
Living Hottie: Shakira. Dead Hottie: Audry Hepburn.
Preferred Mode of Electronic Entertainment: Star Fox Adventures

Morgan Evanar
Feb 5th, 2004, 09:55:28 PM
Thank you for participating, Shade!
Needless posts will be removed.

Carry on.

Kack Mebuff
Feb 10th, 2004, 12:45:31 AM
Real Name: Kyle
Age: 20
Nicknames: Jack, Sasquatch, Squatch
Hieght: 6' 1"
Weight: 280 lbs. (I'm not as fat as I sound... I swear!)
Eye Color: Brown/Green
Favorite Color(s): Red, Black & Green
What I am Drivin': Nothing
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Natural Hair Color: (same)
Most Known SWFans Character: Kack Mebuff
Most Known for: Being a kick-<smallfont color=#98271E>-Censored-</smallfont> guitarist and being in way too many bands.
Accent (If any): Buffalo, NY accent. If you've been there you know. If not then you don't.
Tattoos: 6 of 'em. I'm not listing them all.
Favorite Band: Metallica, Coheed & Cambria, Norma Jean, Black Label Society, Brand New
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Forget celebrities, my friend Ashley is smokin'!
Game I am playin': Soul Calibur 2

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:39:49 AM
There are some who call me... Marie?
Und wie alt bis du?: 20
Aliases: Marif, Ryla, Shorty, "Hey You!"
The tape measure says: 5' 11"
Not shy: 180lbs. All MUSCLE!!
Hue of preferance: #2D64A9, #3B543A and sometimes #9EBFC3.
Transport: I ride the bus. :(
My head sounds like: Brown
The bottle that hit me was: Blonde
Most Known SWFans Character: Ryla Relvinian
Most Known for: Bellydancing, swordfighting, lover of progrock, keeper of the sacred naughty jokes, wielder of the needle and thread.
Accent (If any): Um, does Oregon have an accent?
Tattoos: None. But I want one. Maybe.
Favorite Bands: *deep breath* Afrocelts, Al Dimeola, Arabic Breakbeats, Barenaked Ladies, Bela Fleck, Bjork, Blues Traveler, Bob Culbertson, Brak, Chanticleer, Clannad, DMB, Dream Theater, Echolyn, Eric Whiteacre, Fleetwood Mac, Frank Zappa, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Headless Chickens, Iarla O'Lionaird, Incubus, Jaco Pastorius, John Rutter, Kevin Gilbert, Led Zep, Michael W. Smith, Moxy Fruvous, Newsboys, Newsong, PDQ Bach, Peter Gabriel, Phish, Porcupine Tree, Rush, Shpongle, Spock's Beard, Symphony X, Talvin Singh, The Tea Party, Tool, and Wesley Willis, God rest his soul.
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Oh how embarassing. Ok, fine. Jason Isaacs. (You know, Mr. Malfoy? Oh, stop laughing already.)
Game I am playin': The game of WHO SHAVED THE MONKEY!!!

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:05:37 AM
Alright... I guess I'll bite...

Real Name: Nick
Age: 25
Nicknames: none of significance
Height: 6'0
Weight: 230
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Blue
Automobile: Ford Explorer
Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Figrin D'an
Most Known for: Being smart (or a smartass, depending upon whom you ask)
Accent: Inclination towards Midwest, but a mild one.
Tattoos: None, and never will. (Sorry, not my cup of tea).
Favorite Band: Rush
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: I haven't thought about this lately. *shrugs*
Current Games: KOTOR, C&C: Generals

Mar 14th, 2004, 10:39:20 PM
Real Name: Anne Marie
Age: 26
Nicknames: Rie
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Purple & Green (lots of earthy stuff)
What I am Drivin': black 2002 35th Anniversary Chevrolet Camaro Z28
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Lady Vader & AmazonBabe
Most Known for: being flirty? I dunno!
Accent (If any): None that I know of.
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: I dunno if I have a favorite. I listen to a lot of music.
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: Haven't put too much thought into this...
Game I am playin': Well, currently nothing... but I'm about to play some WarCraft 3 when I finish with this post. Does that count?

Mar 15th, 2004, 02:02:43 AM
I wouldn't consider you to be all that flirty, actually :)

Mar 15th, 2004, 11:45:50 AM
I know... I just couldn't think of anything else to put. Hence why I wrote "I dunno". :p

It'd be easier to answer that question with info from the views of others.

Kitty McQuade
Mar 15th, 2004, 05:03:45 PM
Real Name: Katherine
Age: 26
Nicknames: Kitty, Katchen
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 127
Eye Color: Green
Favorite Color(s): deep colors
What I am Drivin': Black 1993 Jeep Wrangler
Hair Color: Red
Natural Hair Color: Red
Most Known SWFans Character: Sorsha Kasajian
Most Known for: lots of different things
Accent (If any): I'm a New Jersey native, but I have fun with many different accents. :D
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Rush
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Too hard for me to pick just one. I have a list of recurring people in my dreams. :mneh
Game I am playin': Perfect Dark

James Prent
Mar 15th, 2004, 05:24:51 PM
Real Name: Jane-Holly
Age: 24
Nicknames: Holly, Little Hyphen Holly, J-H, Hyphen
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Color(s): purple and blue
What I am Drivin': grey 1984 Nissan Maxima
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Lilaena De'Ville
Most Known for: being friendly and an incessant flirt
Accent (If any): California?
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Evanescence
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: Hugh Jackman
Game I am playin': Zuma on MSN.com :p

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 16th, 2004, 11:19:39 AM
Real Name: Jonathan
Age: 16
Nicknames: Jonny
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Color(s): blue
What I am Drivin': nothin' at the moment
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Je'gan Olra'en
Most Known for: chronic depression and an insane volcabulary
Accent (If any): Canadian
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: None (I'm a classical type)
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: None
Game I am playing: American Conquest

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 4th, 2004, 05:34:15 PM
Real Name: Matt
Age: 20
Nicknames: Snack, Sin-dawg, Matty, Snacky...
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150
Eye Color: brown
Favorite Color(s): i like orange
What I am Drivin': aqua-marine '92 Pontiac Grand Prix, SE
Hair Color: anywhere from dark to light brown
Natural Hair Color: use to be blonde, now is brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Darth Snack
Most Known for: My nickname is Snack. Need you ask?
Accent (If any): Upstate NY?
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Eve6. Rammstein
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: Amanda Bynes is hot.
Game I am playin': Soul Calibur 2

Ka' el Darcverse
Apr 4th, 2004, 09:58:02 PM
Real Name: Perry
Age: 23
Nicknames: PJ, P-Dawg. Perry Joe (Only my family may call me this lol)
Weight: 285lbs
Eye Color: who knows it changes all the time
Favorite Colors: I bleed Orange and Blue
What Am I Drivin': 97 Black Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo
Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Black
Most Known SWFans Character: Ka' el Darcverse
Most known for: Never taking anything too seriously
Accent: Southern, though I live in Northern Illinois
Tattoos: None, my momma said I can't have a tatto while she's still livin' so I don't have any tattoos
Favorite Band: AudioSlave and Lynyrd Skynyrd
Sexiest Celebrity Alive: Elvis
Game I'm Playin': Dynasty Warriors 4

Apr 4th, 2004, 10:32:04 PM
Real Name: Mike
Age: 14 (Gaspshockhorror!)
Nicknames: Mix Masta (Don't ask.)
Height: Forget. I don't really care.
Weight: 130-140 pounds
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Silver
What I am Drivin': BMW (Just kidding, too young)
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Iziz, I guess
Most Known for: I'm really new to SWFans, but I'd say I'm most known in the general SW RP community for founding the original TGC New Republic two or three years back.
Accent (If any): None, but I do have a poor John Wayne impression.
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Matthew Good Band
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Natalie Portman, who else?
Game I am playin': Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Jun 4th, 2004, 05:48:45 AM
Real Name: Jason
Age: 16
Nicknames: Jay, J, Jace, Jellybelly, JR, Jellybelly JR, + various insults...oh, and my GF calls me Jaybear
Height: A little over 6 foot
Weight: I haven't been on scales in a long time. They scare me
Eye Color: Primarily blue-grey, with a green-grey ring around my pupil, and dark grey flecks towards the outside.
Favorite Color(s): Silver, Black, Red
What I am Drivin': A podracer (ok, so its only a game)
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: The character formerly known as Jacen Dantarno (woo!), although he no longer exists.
Most Known for: Jacen Dantarno and his crazy plans to destroy the Empire with a Vicstar and a few cargo ships. (No wonder no one likes me anymore...) But, fortunately for the universe, he deadid.
Accent (If any): British, I guess
Favorite Band: Don't have one
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Does my girlfriend count? She's famous locally...because I talk about her so much...
Game I am playin': Podracer

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 6th, 2004, 02:25:50 PM
Real Name: Joshua Underwood
Age: 17
Nicknames: Mr. Underwood (my teacher - occasionally) J.W., Joshmaul (certain message boards), the Admiral, the Walking Encyclopedia....need I go on?
Height: 5'9"
Weight: About 250
Eye Color: Blue/hazel
Favorite Color(s): Blue
What I am Drivin': Diddly squat (for the moment)
Hair Color: Brown-blonde-red....God, I hate being three different colors!
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Kieran Devaneaux
Most Known for: IC or IRL? If IC, nothing - yet....if IRL, I was filmed for TREKKIES 2 (yes, I am a Trekkie and a Star Wars nut, too)
Accent (If any): None
Favorite Bands: Older stuff: Jethro Tull, CSN (and an occasional Lynyrd Skynyrd); newer stuff: Godsmack, Disturbed
Who I think is sexiest celebrity alive: Me...I wish
Games I am playin': SW: Knights of the Old Republic, ST: Klingon Academy (heavily modded), Homeworld 2 (again, heavily modded), Diablo II & Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Cyrel Annat
Jun 7th, 2004, 03:30:36 PM
Real Name: Jeff
Age: 27
Nicknames: Jeef
Hieght: 5'10
Wieght: 140
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Color(s): Black
What I am Drivin': 1992 Olds Cutlass Ciera POS
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: Dunno if I've really been active enough for that until recently. I imagine that Cyrel would be the most familiar. (hope to change that, though)
Most Known for: Find out and let me know.
Accent (If any): Nope, everyone else does. :)
Tattoos: None
Favorite Band: Destrophy (local), Staind
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: No comment
Game I am playin': Champions of Norrath, Van Helsing, MVP 2003, KOTOR, I'll stop there for length's sake.

Jun 9th, 2004, 05:30:18 PM
Real Name: Mallory
Age: 18 (as of a few weeks ago)
Nicknames: Mouse, Poke, Mel (which has all but replaced my "real name")
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 (granted, I haven't checked for months, and that was with boots and a backpack on)
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Favorite Color(s): Yellow
What I am Drivin': My dad's old Toyota Camry, '97.
Hair Color: Black.
Natural Hair Color: Black.
Most Known SWFans Character: Damel Girte, though she's been inactive four years.
Most Known for: My geekiness
Accent (If any): None, but I can pick up nearly any Asian accent and most regional American ones (European accents are hard for some reason.) I tend to speak with the local accent when I'm in an area for over a week.
Tattoos: None. Not gonna have one, either.
Favorite Band: London Philharmonic
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: Er, dunno.
Game I am playin': At the moment, Go (like chess, but better.)

Jun 14th, 2004, 05:54:07 AM
Real Name: James
Age: 17
Nicknames: Tim
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 60 kg
Eye Color: Goldish Brown
Favorite Color(s): green
What I am Drivin': Day - 2004 Toyota MR2 Spyder, Night - Hot Nissan Skyline R33 GTR-T
Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Most Known SWFans Character: none ... im new
Most Known for: my lack of emotion
Accent (If any): australian
Tattoos: None.
Favorite Band: Hilary Duff
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: i dont.
Game I am playin': C&C Generals, GTA3 (totally modded)

Jun 17th, 2004, 10:09:47 AM
Real Name:I'd rather not tell.
Age: 22, getting close to 23
Nicknames: none
Height: 6'2"and abit
Weight: not sure, not checking, not telling
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Green
What I am Drivin': none
Hair Color: Brown/Black
Natural Hair Color: Brown/Black
Most Known SWFans Character: Shanaria, Neyasha, Rivin, Rasha, Leten
Most Known for: Being silly, and running into bus stops and doors(on purpose)
Accent (If any): Canadian
Tattoos: None.
Favorite Band: 54-40, Smashmouth, and Arrogent Worms
Who I think is sexest celebrity alive: I don't.
Game I am playin': Not much lately (comp acting up)