View Full Version : Weekly dae update (for those who care)

Dae Jinn
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:53:38 PM
As usual, work is keeping me busy, tired and feeling really uncreative.
I tripped on the mop last wednesday and bruised my arm so badly that I couldn't lift it above my shoulder for 2 days, tomorrow I get to be the "active" manager while my boss is at a meeting (go me! I hope I don't screw up! :cry).

So, yeah...it seems like my life is getting more and more pathetic than it was before, when it was just work and rping. :\ I feel kinda bad, cos I'd like to get back into the "swing" of things, as it were, but I'm so tired and just having a case of the blahs.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 20th, 2004, 07:11:41 PM
Awwwwwwww, chica! *Huggles* I know exactly how you're feeling and it sux. :( I hope you get to being yourself again, soon!


Take your time and don't worry about rushing into the 'swing' of things if you feel obligated to or something. Do it when you feel creative again else it'll be blah because it'll be forced. *Huggles again*


And don't worry about doing well at work, you'll be fine! :) I'll keep you in my thoughts, Dae Dae. :) Take care of yourself above all else, though. ;)

Dae Jinn
Jan 20th, 2004, 07:21:56 PM
Here is my bruise, which is half healed but still icky. It's on the inside of my elbow, which is a very odd place to get a bruise. o_O

*hug* thanks xaz. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jan 20th, 2004, 07:23:04 PM
:x Looks really painful. :(

*Huggles again and again!* You're welcy! I just hope things start looking up for ya! :D

Jan 20th, 2004, 10:23:08 PM
Take your time! *tackle huggle glomps* We'll all be here waiting for ya. :D

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 20th, 2004, 10:49:28 PM
For real. You hang in there. Even after the darkest night, joy comes with the morning. I'm sure the sun is going to rise on you again.

Mu Satach
Jan 21st, 2004, 01:38:34 AM
Ouch, that bruise looks icky.
Take care of you self.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 21st, 2004, 02:52:25 AM
Hang in dere girl, wis be waiting for ya :)

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2004, 03:10:38 PM
Thanks guys. My bruise is slowly going away (it's a week and a day old now and it's not fully gone :x) and I've actually started an rp (writing a rough for it anyways) so yay me :lol

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 22nd, 2004, 11:56:46 PM
I have been workin' and just took a break from Neverwinter Nights and came to find my Dae is hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is so cruel.......

::Hugs Dae::

Dae Jinn
Jan 24th, 2004, 09:18:51 PM
*hug* damnit, missed ya online Verse. Send me a PM sometime, silly boy :p

imported_Taja Loraan
Jan 24th, 2004, 11:35:05 PM
eeeee --pokes bruise--