View Full Version : Accepting One or Two Padawans

Kelt Simoson
Jan 18th, 2004, 01:44:30 PM
Okay, im a little less loaded from college now and i feel i can take on one to two padawans at the very most. be pre-warned however that i do have college and the load may varie with eatch project that goes on. As a member of the council to i feel its a duty to kelt that he should be teaching so i think its time to for him IC.

If anyone needs a master, step forward and such with a link to a bio or description of ya char and ill see what i can do to help :)

Ace McCloud
Jan 18th, 2004, 06:41:24 PM
You can delete this reply now :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:18:09 AM
moved to right forum.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2004, 03:01:15 PM
V'aelna is interested in getting a master.

Here is a discription of her.

Originally posted by V'aelna
Name: V'aelna

Age: Unknown

Speices: Unknown Humanoid

Physical: 5'10", blond hair, blue eyes, slim build

Rank/Affiliation/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, former slave, former leader to her nomatic tribe.

Force: She is skilled in the use of the force in many ways, but must use chants, incantations, and special hand movments since this is the way her tribe taught the gifted to use their powers.

Expertise: projecting images into Minds, and fighting with a staff

Summary: V'aelna grew up in a nomatic tribe in the deserts of her homeworkl. At a young age she became the tribe's leader and gaurdian. 10 years before reaching the GJO V'aenla and her tribe were raided by slavers. V'aelna fought them off as most of her tribe escaped into the desert sands, but she was captured. 9 years later she esscaped the slavers and was hunted by them for a year. After a year they almost caught her, but Kanji and AB stoped them and brought her to the GJO, where she stayed as a guest for a few weeks, and desided to join.

Other Info:
Durring her time in slavery V'aelna was beaten everytime she tryed to speek, and thus never learned to speek basic. Some of the other slaves tought her some basic sign language, and she is also able to place images into a persons mind if she can make eye contact with them, and uses this to comunicate when other meens do not work.

I would have had her post here but that name does not have access to avalon yet.