View Full Version : Going Home.

Garen Selore
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:54:12 PM
Garen was waiting. Waiting for Anbira Hicchoru to arrive. They were. Going to be going back to his homeworld, back to his home town, so they could find the nomadic tribe that let an evil spirit take over his force potental. Before his training could continue he would need to get the sprit removed.

He had chose to leave in the middle of the night, so his friends would not notice him gone, So they wouldn't insist on comming.
He had left a note at Marga's door asking her to let Rognan know that he had gone home. Hopefuly she wouldn't find it untill he really was gone. After leaving the note he had run off, not looking back till he got to the spaceport, and was at the ship he was leaving on. So now he waits for Anbira Hicchoru to arrive. When he does, they will leave, taking him home, and likely to his death.

Garen looks down at the key that hangs on a chain around his neck, and thinks to himself.

I hope this is enough proof that I'm still protecting the holocron.

Marga Alton
Jan 18th, 2004, 12:49:08 PM
Marga had been out walking the halls due to not being tired. When she got back to her room, she notices a note on her door, and figure running off. She grabs the note, looks at it, drops it and runs after the figure which can only be Garen.

She was not prepared for Garen leaving this early, but she refuses to stop to grab some things and let Garen slip her sight. A couple of times, she loses track of him briefly, but she quickly locates him again and continues to follow him.

After reaching the ship, a short while after Garen, she slows down and casts out her thoughts.

Garen, I'm coming.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 19th, 2004, 11:13:24 AM
"No, you will not."

Anbira approaches the ship, and the two padawans.

"This journey is for Garen a master only."

He then looks to the young Padawan.

"Regrettably, I will not be able to join you, but I have made arrangements for someone else to travel in my stead."

Garen Selore
Jan 19th, 2004, 12:23:36 PM
Garen turn's around quickly, only to see Marga running towards the ship.

"Marga! Your suppose to be in bed at this time of night! I'm leaving at this time just for the reason that I don't want to put my friends into danger! This key may not be good enough for them, and I may still get left to die in the middle of town, and I don't want my friends to see that!"

Garen turns to Anbira.

"I'm ready to leave when ever you are."

Marga Alton
Jan 19th, 2004, 05:26:42 PM
I beg to differ Master Anbira. The Council saw fit to approve me coming on this mission with my friend Garen, and so I shall.

Marga looks at Anbira while crossing her arms.

Garen, I shall not let you die in the middle of the town for you are a friend and a Jedi Apprentice.

Marga glances at Garen before looking back at Anbira.

Garen Selore
Jan 21st, 2004, 10:29:24 AM
"If that is my sentence fo my crime then I will take my punishment. But we may not even have to worry about it if they think that the key is enough proof. I'm more worried about the grassy fields and shifting sands we may have to cross to find the nomads. They are dangerous and I don't want to put friends in danger."

Estelle Russard
Feb 9th, 2004, 03:00:07 PM
As if on cue, Estelle, accompanied by her Padawan Terran Starek, came up behind Anibra, Marga and Garen.

Bowing respectfully to first Anibra and then to both the young Jedi with him, Estelle greeted them with gentle formality.

"Hello Garen, I am Estelle Russard, this is Terran Starek -- we will be joining you on your trip home in Master Hicchoru's stead."

She turned aside and spoke to Anibra.

"Jedi Knight Tondry also should be coming, his field expertise will aid us greatly"

Garen Selore
Feb 9th, 2004, 03:05:08 PM
Garen's eyes widen slightly as he hears how many people are comming along with him.

"I didn't think that Anbria was skilled enough to need 3 people to replace him on escorting me back home."

Marga Alton
Feb 11th, 2004, 10:31:45 AM
Marga remains silent as Estelle introduces herself and Terran. She figures that she'll just keep in the background of things right now and just go along anyways.

Estelle Russard
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:06:31 PM
Estelle slipped a sideways smile toward Anibra. Garen's comment seemed a bit of a backhanded compliment to her.

Still smiling with patient humor, Estelle explained.

"Padawan Selore, I have had no experience in treking the kind of terrain that your homeland is made up of. Given the nature of our excursion, having someone of seasoned experience in this area seemed to me a good idea. Jedi Knight Tondry provides this expertise. Im sure we can rely on your own knowledge of your homeland, but we dont know what to expect. Prudence often spares much trial. I am a big fan of prudence.

Padawan Starek is joining us as a part of his own training. In all, it is only two extra than Master Hicchoru."

Estelle noticed Marga move further into the background, but said nothing of it. It was her understanding that the young woman was not to join them on the trip. Perhaps she was just saying goodbye.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 14th, 2004, 03:35:34 AM
Terran snapped out of the trance his mind had been in, greedily taking in all the details that surrounded this mission. Regrettably, he hadn't known about it for very long, but it was his first chance to get away from the Order with Estelle, and he was glad for that. Already, in their short time together, the two had bonded very tightly. Terran was exceptionally thankful for that, and he stuck to her side as close as he could.

Truth be told, he was a bit anxious. He wasn't sure what this whole trip was about--Estelle had hushed him and told him that she would fill him in later as she helped him pack his usual brown satchel with things he might need. It was somewhat spur-of-the-moment, and Terran was generally a creature of comfort. He liked to know the plans and the way things were going to go rather than be surprised.

Such is the way of the Force, he thought.

He nodded a hello to all of those he encountered, a smile and a warm face following the nod. He wasn't one to open his mouth around strangers--even though they were fellow padawans, he didn't know them well at all. He was quite cordial and receptive, just less talkative than his usual self. Prodding the details of the task at hand, his mind focused to understand why he was here.

Garen Selore
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:30:25 PM
Garen nods at Estelle explanation.

"Well I can see that he would be a big help, but the ship is set to leave in about 5 minutes. I need to be on that ship when it leaves and since not many ships go to my homeworld in the first place It would be a wise Idea to get on board before the pilot changes his mind about going there. If Mr. Tondry is not here when the ship leaves, it will leave with out him."

Garen looks a Marga.

"I Know that Master Ryla said that it would be alright for you to come with me, but there may be alot of danger on this quest, and I don't want you to get hurt, Marga. Please try to understand this."

Marga Alton
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:59:29 PM
Marga nods her head slightly at Garen when he speaks to her.

Garen, I want to keep you safe, but seeing as how Dom Anbira is not going along, I shall trust your saftey in Domna Estelle. Domna Ryla agreed my going along because I do not trust Dom Anbira because of what happened when we went before the Council the first time together.

Marga says through telepathy for all to here before she turns to face Estelle.

Domna Estelle, please keep my friend safe. I have no wish to see him hurt and it shall pain me greatly to see him leave without me there with him.

Marga, with that said, nods goodbye to Garen and turns to leave without another word, knowing that if she were to stay, nothing would keep her from boarding the ship with Garen.

Estelle Russard
Feb 19th, 2004, 09:26:24 PM
Estelle had assured Marga that Garen was in good hands, and that together, they would all come back home safely. It was good to know Marga would be with them in spirit, even if she weren't there in person.

Turning to Terran, she gestured they get onboard, and hoped Pierce would not be delayed much longer.

Saying goodbye to Master Anibra, she lead the way up the gang plank, allowing for Garen to say farewell to Marga without them all watching on.

Garen Selore
Feb 20th, 2004, 05:46:28 PM
Garen Hurry over to Marga and Gives her a Hug. As he hugs her He whispers...

"I'll miss you Marga."

Then before Marga can say anything back he hurrys back into the ship and makes his way to the ship lounge where Estelle and Terran were sitting. Garen takes a seet by the window, and looks out with a worried/sad look on his face.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 21st, 2004, 01:01:58 PM
Terran nodded to Estelle as she motioned for him to follow. They made their way to the lounge, his voice still as he followed. Observing Marga and Galen's privacy, the padawan followed his Master and quietly took a seat beside her.

Terran was patient.

Pierce Tondry
Feb 22nd, 2004, 10:54:12 PM
Thup, thup, thup, thup...

It was an 0-hundred departure. Nighttime tended to be cover for the worst sorts of scum. By day they moved into position, under cover of darkness they struck.

... thup, thuptank, thuptank, thuptank...

Criminals, spies, assassins- all of whom could lurk just behind your shoulder, just beyond radar, just beneath notice. Undoubtedly the most dangerous hazards lurked in the cityscape around the spaceport.

Waiting for their targets. Watching the night.

And none of them had reason to be watching this shuttle, thank the Force.

... thuptank, thuptank, thuptunktunktunktunk.

Pierce took the crown of the entry ramp with a quick hop-step of jubilation. Compared to normal duty, this assignment was a vacation- so much so that all Pierce wore were normal clothes. The only armaments he carried with him tonight were his personal rifle and a long duffel bag.

Of course, the trip no doubt had its own relevance, its own connections of importance to the Jedi. Pierce was just glad none of those connections led back to him.

Moving from the ramp entryway, Pierce flicked the entry ramp speaker control. "Flight cabin, this is Tondry. I'm aboard. You have my gear?"

"We got 'er stashed back in storage. Go 'ead and close the ramp- all the other passengers are waitin in the lounge, so we're takin off as soon as you're secured."

"Give me twenty seconds."

The comm clicked off. Pierce turned to activate the retraction switch, but did not stay to watch the ramp close itself. Instead he moved on into the ship proper, finding the lounge area easily within his twenty-second timetable.

Though Pierce paused in the doorway, it took no longer than that to spot his companions for the trip. He chose a nearby overhead compartment to stow away his duffel and weapon, then took a seat below the compartment. His bright eyes scanned the others, but he said nothing.

Around the group, the noises of takeoff began to sound.

Garen Selore
Feb 24th, 2004, 11:30:00 AM
Garen continues to stare out the window, as the ship takes off. It's obvouse that he is frightened about going back to his home town. But knows that this must be done. Once he gets there he has no idea what to expect, so in his mind he must be ready for everything including Death.

Estelle Russard
Feb 25th, 2004, 08:18:59 PM
"Guard duty, for the most part"

Estelle was explaining the nature of their mission to Terran as they awaited the others in the lounge.

"Garen has to reassure his elders from his homeworld that he has and is remaining true to the pledge he gave his dying mother of keeping safe the sith holocron entrusted to him by her. He also has some demon excising to be done..."

Speaking already in low tones, her voice dipped even softer as Garen approached them and took his seat. She now quickly whispered as she saw Terran's brow furrow, not quite catching what she meant.

"Some cultural thing from his home. Im sure we will know all soon enough. For now, we need to keep him safe -- along with the key he is carrying -- while this journey is undertaken. He will need our friendship and support as much as our physical protection."

Garen seated himself, and Pierce Tondry came in shortly afterward. Estelle introduced them all to each other and commented that she was glad Pierce was able to make it.

Tondry was a military man, and her only experience with him had come from the impromptu negotiations they had both been involved with concerning the Cizerack request to join the New Republic. To say she did not know him very well would be an accurate statement.

Turning now to Garen, Estelle asked if he would tell them a little more about his homeland, and what they could expect.

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2004, 12:49:12 PM
Garen was lost in thought as he watched the city-world shrink below them. Then Estelle sayed something to him, and snaped back to the happenings of the ship. It takes a few moments of garen staring blankly at the group of his companions before he realisies what has been said to him.

"Oh! Yes, my homeland!"

Garen pauses, collecting his thoughts.

"My homeworld consists of 3 very diffrent groups of people. The City folk of the north, The Villagers, and the Nomads.

The City folk tend to keep to themselfs. They have 4 big cities on the land mass farthest North. The seem to be alot like the people of Coruscant, in the way that they care mainly for their own well being and nothing else. They are the most recptive of outsiders, though not many tend to visit them since their land is mostly frozen for most of the year.

I'm from the Villagers. We have 75 small towns across the whole planet, with vast distances between them. Most of the villagers don't like outsiders, since they, for the most part do not know of or respect our ways. We are very honor bound people, and live by the code of Honor and Respect above all else, and all our rules are based off of that.

Each town is it's own little family, and nobody has anything private. Once one person finds out something, everybody in town will have heard by the end of the day. Most of the town are small farming communities, and all of them use a barter system instead of money.

My hometown is on the border of the Western Mountans and the Wastelands. My home town is the most receptive of outsiders, out of all the small towns. but that's not saying much. They can still be rather aggresive towards them.

The Nomads keep themselves in small tribes, and identify themselves from other tribes, by having diffrent symbols on their tents. The Nomads are desendants from a nomadic people that were captured and brought to the cities as slaves many many years ago. they are not like any of the other people on the planet, and will do almost anything to protect any life, but do not like people approching their camps due to what happend to their ancestors.

They can do magical things using Chants and Rituals, And the higher ups in the tribes have the ability to call on the assitance of the long departed souls of their ancesstors, and the ancesstors of those they are working with.

The tribe we will want to find is know as the Black Circle Clan. They are the most skilled with working with the souls of the dead, and are also the ones that helped my mother, and got me into this mess in the first place. They are somewhere in the wastelands and since they are nomads they could be anywhere in the Wastelands.

So do I have any Questions that i have not answered?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 28th, 2004, 05:34:31 PM
Estelle found Garen's description of his homeworld fascinating. It was far more complex than the rural background of her home, Tr' Nuva.

"Will we be stopping at your village when we arrive. Use that as a starting point to find the Black Circle Clan?"

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:07:50 AM
Terran listened intently, though he didn't speak. Estelle was the leader here, and he quietly listened and followed.

Garen Selore
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:21:17 PM
Garen Nods

"Yes, there is a big open field 2km north of my home village. As long as we don't arrive durring the spring festival, the field will be un-used. I've informed the pilot to take us there, though if the field is occupied than we will have to land at the City of Oritha. It's on the southern most point of the northen Continent, and we will have to find passage accross the sea, past the northen mountains, through the Death Keeper Clan's land, and along the side of the western Mountains untill we reach my home. So that would be almost 5 month of travel before we can even start our quest.

There is one other landing site on the same continent as my village that is only a 5 day walk from my village, but that would be at the Village of Rameta, and if they found out that I'm from the Village of Horeth, we would all most likely end up with our heads on a stick.

Another reason We should go to my home village is because, we often trade supplies with the Tribes in The Wastelands and Western Mountains, So If one of the traders is in town when we get there it will drasticly cut our search For the Black Circle Clan."

Garen Hangs His head for a moment...

"Also, since I am the only living member of my family left in town, They will want to talk with me, regard ing my family's Honor."

Estelle Russard
Mar 2nd, 2004, 08:51:50 PM
"Then let us hope that field is un-used. I dont fancy a 5 month absence from the Order if it is avoidable."

Estelle saw that this trip was a huge event for Garen - and would be for his village also.

"Is there anything..etiquett-wise that we should know, Garen, when we arrive at your village. I'd hate to inadvertantly insult someone out of ignorance?"

Pierce Tondry
Mar 3rd, 2004, 09:14:30 PM
"Particularly," Pierce said suddenly. "Whether either of the cultures we'll encounter is one that supports women in leadership roles."

Garen Selore
Mar 5th, 2004, 06:06:50 PM
"The Tribes worship life, and as such, they see Women as superior to men, since they are the ones that the gods blessed with the ability to create new life and bring it into the world. They see the woman the nearest connection the mortals will get with the good, and the men as what ever the man's wife and/or mother will allow them to do.

Among the Villages, Women are seen as equal to the Men. Leadership is depended upon the qualifactions the person has for the Job, and the person with the strongest set of skills that apply for the job is given the job after they have proven themself.

Our current Village leader, unless something has happend to her, is a woman that fought for the job after the former leader died. She use to be the person that tended to the horses of the lead trader of our Village. She was also the person that opened active Trade with the Tribes and Citys, and Reserved the field near the Village as a landing site when it was not festival time.

As for the things etiquett-wise that you may need to know,

NEVER offer your hand to a stranger unless you are sealing a deal or are the winner of a fighting challenge. In fact, unless you are familar with the people around you that you are talking to, do NOT stand within a 3 foot radius around them unless you are told you can do otherwise otherwise. Greetings are done mainly with nods of your head, or thought bowing/curtsies depending on how much respect you wish to offer them. I may be hugging people I know, but sine none of you will know others from my village. *shrugs*

If you are at a stranger's place, only do as you are told. Such as if you enter the leader's office and she sits down behind her desk, you are to stay standing behind the line on the floor untill told otherwise. All the houses have similar lines on the floor at the Entrance. They are to Dictate where in the house is public and where is private. The lines will have two colors on them. A red side and a green side. The green side is public to all those that were invited past the last line, The red side is invite only. Many of the houses don't have doors aside from the entrance and some don't even have that door, so the lines are request for privacy beond that point. To cross one of these lines without permision is a huge insult, and on extreem occations have gotten people killed.

If you are challenged for any reason, and decline from challenge by telling them you refuse, you insult them. If you decline by turning your back to them, you insult their Honor by symbolising that they are not worth your time. At this point you ether hope that you have a reputation that will cause the insulted person to back down, or they will try to kill you in order to restore their Honor.

If you offer a chalenge, you must be commited to it, because if you backdown before you start the challenge, then you will be discraced and nobody will take you serious. In any fighting challenges it goes till your opponent gives up, looses the ability to fight, or is dead.

At the end of a fight the winner has the right to kill the looser, Showing that you have no respect for their life and letting them die a nobody. They could turn and walk away from the fallen opponent, stripping them of the honor they risked for the challenge. The winner could also claim the life of the looser, and they would be bound by honor to them untill their honor is returned to them by the owner or they defeat the owner in another challenge. Or The winner could offer a hand to the looser to assist them to their feet, or if they are standing you may shake hands to let them know that they were bested as an equal, and that no honor is lost. The last option will most likely get you respected by the others around you and likely get you the friendship of your oppoent.

When we land, at the Village we will be approched by some of the Village Guardains. We will be asked for our purpose for showing up at the village. I know that I will be aloud to enter the village, but they may insist that the rest of you go away if they see your reason not worthy of the village or unneeded. Since the three of you are not from around there they will expect you to go away, but you are able to Challenge the order by challenging the one who gave the order to a Contest of Will. The person you chalenge will then deside on the type of challenge. They may choose a mental challenge, the may choose a phiscal challenge. They will deside the parameter to the challenge. If you win the Challenge you have the right to change the order, If you loose then you must follow the order."

Garen Sighs and waits to see if there are any more questions, as the ship enters hyperspace.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 6th, 2004, 10:26:42 PM
As Garen spoke, Pierce's mind interpreted the information. "That's good," Pierce said after the boy finished. "Means several things."

"First," he glanced in Estelle's direction. "It means we don't have to change leaders during the trip."

"Second, it provides us with insight into the culture. These people are definitely protocol extremists, and the simplest way to avoid problems is to allow them to make any initial moves in a situation."

"Third, it provides us with a fallback method of solving problems." He looked sternly at the two Padawans. "I don't want you two getting the wrong idea. We're not here to run around issuing challenges to get our way. It would be far better if our impact on the culture was completely minimal. However, as a last resort, a challenge may avoid a larger conflict while simultaneously accomplishing a positive goal."

"Since it's my job to ensure the safety of this group, I'll do my best to take any physical challenges or fight any combat situations on our behalf. It may not work, but I'll try."

"A question, Master Russard," he said suddenly. "Do you think it would be safer for myself and Terran to remain behind while you and Garen enter the village?"

Estelle Russard
Mar 7th, 2004, 07:05:02 PM
Estelle thought a moment before answering Pierce.

"Tell me Garen, so that I am clear - Your people can just issue a challenge - a fight to the death - for any reason, and are insulted if one refuses such a contest?"

Garen Selore
Mar 8th, 2004, 12:25:25 PM
Garen shakes his head...

"Both yes and no. Only on rare occations are the fights To the Death. Often one will forfit when the fight gets to hot for them. the challenges are our peoples ways of solving disputes, and most of them are not even viloent. They get insulted because they are willing to put there honor on the line to solve the problem, and refusing tells them that you are not willing to meet them half way.

Challenges are often the last resort. Most people can solve there problem by talking it out, though there are some that throw challenges around like free candy, but if a person thinks that the challenge is unreasonable they can bring it to the village leader, and if the leader thinks it is unreasonable as well, the chalenge will be nulled, and it will be counted as chalenger loosing the challenge. If the leader has to step in 5 times for this reason on the same person that person will loose there right to challenge anybody, untill they have earned it back through service to the village."

Estelle Russard
Mar 8th, 2004, 10:45:04 PM
Estelle nodded that she understood, and turned back to Pierce.

"I think we should all go to the village. It may be perceived that we are trying to hide something if it is discovered some of our party are not with us."

Garen Selore
Mar 12th, 2004, 05:08:45 PM
Garen goes back to staring out the window at the hyperspace lines as they go past. It doesn't look like they have any more questions So after a few hours Garen takes a nap on one of the lounge chairs, waking up only when the ship comes out of hyperspace 7 hours Later.

Garen sits up and looks out the window, seeing his homeworld comming into view. A surge of excitment rushes through his body. he calls over his shoulder to the others.

"We are here! That my Home!"

He points off to a dry brownish patch of the planet, and then to the moutains near them, and finaly at the green strip between them.

"There are the Waistlands! And The Western Mountains! And the spot between them is where my home village is!"

Estelle Russard
Mar 13th, 2004, 06:37:57 PM
Estelle returned to her seat just as Garen awoke and was pointing out excitedly familiar landmarks.

As she took her seat once more, she explained her absence.

"I have communicated to the Order that we are about to arrive planetside. I have scheduled a routine report at this time for tomorrow night. The nature of our task (she was referring to the key that kept the holocron) is one that the Council would like to be kept closely apraised of." She looked at Pierce to see that this was noted by him.

Following Garens gaze out of the window, Estelle asked,
"How do you feel being so close to home again?"

Pierce Tondry
Mar 15th, 2004, 01:36:32 AM
After confirming Estelle's remark with a nod, Pierce quietly slipped out of the lounge area.

Garen Selore
Mar 18th, 2004, 10:31:44 AM
Garen looks back at Estelle

"I'm both excited to see my home and friends again, and Worried about what will happen to me when I get home."

He looks out the window again to see the world getting larger, allowing him to see more of the landmarks that he grew up with.

Estelle Russard
Mar 19th, 2004, 04:40:52 PM
As the ship landed at the appointed drop-off spot in a valley which boardered the Western Mountains and the Wastelands, Estelle, and in like manner Terran, assumed an attitude of wary expectation while preparing to disembark.

The mission was an important one, with a large margin for the unexpected to occur. So many facets of the situation were "unknowns" - Garen's fellow villagers response to his return, the safe passage in locating the Black Circle clan, the strange territory, the strange customs - all these things could conspire to failure. The assembled team would need to be vigilant if they were to ensure their success.

Estelle looked forward to Pierce as he moved about the shuttle - his skill and judgement would be a great help and Estelle felt the Knight's self-confidence like an aura around him. Terran she knew was level headed and reliable as well as brave. Garen was in good hands. The young padawan carried a great burden - with luck, he would find the answers and relief he sought from this homecoming.

"Lets go" she said once they all had gathered their things.

imported_Terran Starek
Mar 19th, 2004, 04:43:21 PM
As the Jedi gained more understanding of the nature of the mission and was more comfortable around his company, he opened up a bit more--which could be percieved as positive or negative, given his inquisitive motor-mouth nature. His curiosity got the best of him, and the new planet fascinated him. The culture was difficult to understand, given his roots in the simple fuedalist system of Gias. Terran was, however, an intelligent person who hungered for knowledge; he found the information fairly easy to swallow.

"Your homeland is quite interesting and slightly dangerous, Galen." Terran smiled, softening up and settling in. Estelle knew about his usual rigidity in adjusting to new social situations, but he was loosening up. "I don't care what kind of reception you get from you homeland. You're a Jedi now--you're part of a new home. We won't soon forsake you on this trip."

His usual empathatic attidue shown through as he turned back to Estelle, who was shifting a bit in her seat. Perhaps from the ammount of time she'd spent in it, perhaps from some other uneasiness, he didn't know. He cast a glance her way that was met by her eyes, letting her know he was thinking of her. He smiled.

"You know, Master, we were looking for some time away from Coruscant--to get some real air." His optimisim became less subtle. "I look forward to our landing. Hopefully we can take in a few sights." Of course Terran would be the least likely--especially with Pierce accompanying them--to keep this trip all business.

Garen Selore
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:35:46 PM
As they get closer to the landing site Garen could tell that something was wrong. They were comming from an angle where he could not see his home, but something didn't seem right. There was smoke comming over the hills ahead of them. The ship land in the field, and Garen bolts for the ramp, and hurries down it.

He rushes to the top of the hill that seprates the landing field and the rocky lands that lead to his home, and sees that most of the village is smoldering as if the place was set on fire not to long ago.

Garen then sees two of his old friends approching, most likely checking out the ship that has landed, Garen gets a smiles on his face and waves to them, calling..

"Hey! Ralor! Vimis! It's me Garen! I'm back! Whats happend to the village!!"

The two young men turn to face Garen and level out their crossbows at him, and fire.

Garen dives behind the hill that he was standing on, as the bolts fly over him.

"Wait! It's your friend, Garen! Don't shoot! I haven't done anythig wrong!" He calls over the hill.

The men approch quickly arming their crossbows again.

Pierce Tondry
Mar 30th, 2004, 01:22:31 PM

With his attention firmly on unloading his items off the shuttle Pierce almost missed the tingling sensation of worry in the back of his mind.

But not quite.

Even before the crossbow bolts hit the dirt by the ship, Pierce moved. His duffel dropped to the ground, discarded. His body blurred as he sped up the hill. In the next instant Pierce stood at the hilltop, grim and stern with lightsaber in hand. "Stop!" he called out.

Pierce's appearance startled one of the armed youths into pausing, however his companion did not hesitate. His aim shifted slightly and he fired another bolt. Combat reflexes took over and Pierce dropped, rolling to the right. He came up on one knee, his weapon hand extended defensively. "We come in peace! Stop!"

Disgusted by his companion's lack of action, the second youth snatched away his crossbow, sighted, and fired at Pierce again. The bolt arced up the hill, Pierce blurred into motion again-

- and then stood up, holding the crossbow bolt in his free hand. "I said, stop! What part of stop do you not understand?" he thundered.

Perhaps baffled by his question, or intimidated by the feat of catching the bolt, neither youth spoke. The three stared at each other in a showdown, waiting for something to break the silence.

Estelle Russard
Apr 2nd, 2004, 08:26:37 PM
Estelle exited the ship, blaster in hand and trained on the two assailants, and came to stand along side Pierce.

She kept a wary glance on the two villagers as the pair shifted their eyes from her and Pierce, over to where Garen was getting up to his feet.

She held the blaster level and unwaivering at the villagers, sending a firm signal that she knew how to use the weapon, while she called to her companion.

"Garen, are you hurt? Have you been hit?"

Garen Selore
Apr 5th, 2004, 01:54:21 PM
Garen climbs back to his feet.

"I'm fine. I ducked just in time."

The villager continue to approach after a moments hesitation, seeing Pierce catch the crossbow bolt. They load again, as they say.

"Garen Selore You have been found guilty mass murder due to you your leaving town with a stolen item. We have orders to kill on sight. Call off your friends and take your excution with honor."

Garen is shocked with the charges and doesn't know what to say.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 6th, 2004, 05:49:48 PM
The green blade of his lightsaber meet the sunlight as immediately as Pierce had acted. Terran had watched Estelle duck with blaster in hand, and he did not find any reason to hesitate. Slightly left of and behind Pierce, Terran stood, his lightsaber across his body, ready to intercept any offensive. He waited and found Pierce's show of skill impressive.

Turning back to Estelle, he watched for directions. He was only a padawan, so he would not take any action without the command of his master. Holding his ground, he heard the defamation against Galen's name, wondering for a moment if it was true. Finally deciding that he didn't know, he paused and decided that at this point, his lightsaber was the best method of diplomacy alongside Pierce.

It was not his place to speak here.

Estelle Russard
Apr 8th, 2004, 03:28:37 PM
Estelle used the force to pull the crossbows from the villagers hands so that the weapons fell onto the ground out of their reach in front of them.

The rough tug from the force that relieved the men of their weapons,despite their efforts to hold onto them, unbalanced them a little, making them stumble forward one or two steps.

"There will be no need for any more violence" she said evenly.

Pierce and Terran, who Estelle noted had his lightsaber also at the ready, kept their weapons steady, taking a stand of defence and protection, but not of open threat.

"Garen has returned to his homeland on a mission of family honor. You will allow him to conduct this mission without harm. A chance to explain his circumstances is all that we request of you"

Garen Selore
Apr 13th, 2004, 11:33:30 AM
The men were suprised when their crossbows were pulled from them, but they just drew there daggers and stood there ground. They whisper between themselves then turn to Garen.

"Explane yourself Garen. The death of half the village rests on your shoulders. It better be a good explanation."

Garen gets himself togeather, then speeks.

"I didn't know anything about this! I was just at a Jillian's place for a sleep over. I went home to find some people choping up my mother and father, they saw me and I ran. I got cornered and was about to be killed, when all of a sudden I was on another planet! The Jedi found me and took me in and have been trying to help me, but I have an evil Dead man living in my body and I had to come back here so I can find the Black Circle Clan so they could get rid of the dead guy in me. I did find an object that my mother sliped into my pocket, and it had a note telling me to protect it. And I am!"

As Garen speeks a woman comes over the hill behind the two men and approches Garen, as the men are laughing at Garen's story. Garen smiles as he sees her. She comes over looking at the others putting her weapons on the ground as she does. She then walks up to Garen and gives hims a hug, then holds him at arms length.

"I'm sorry you got mixed up in this Garen. It was never ment to come this far. Your mother gave her life for the better of everybody, since if the sith had gotten it, we all would be dead. I loved your mother like a sister, and I know what she did was good. I'm glad that you kept it safe for this long, but this was a burden not ment for you. We are safe now, but you are not. The sith have found that you went to Coruscant, after Mitara went to find you. She found where you were, but didn't find you. The Sith have gone after you. Hand me the holocron Garen. I'll take this burden from you, and restore your family's honor."

Garen's exprestion hardens when the lady subjests that he give her the holocron. Garen stands tall as he starts to talk.

"S'rima, I can't do that. I may not have ment to have this burden, but It was given to me. I can not change that. I will keep it safe. And when I die the location of the Holocron will die with me. If I am to be killed for a crime I didn't do, If I am to be killed for honoring my mother's request, Then I only request that you make it fast, and painless."

The lady sighs and shakes her head.

"Garen, Garen, Garen, why did you have to get you father's stuborness! You don't have to do this! I'm second in charge now. I can make the charges on you go away, But I don't want The Sith killing you as well! We can protect it for you! Don't you want it safe! Don't you want your honor!"

Garen sighs before speeking again.

"I can still do both. I will challenge the charges with D'eskara."

The other three villagers look suprised and shocked and are silent for a moment. Then the lady speeks up again.

"Yes that would do it, but that challenge has not been invoked for almost 100 years. Not only that but it will likey kill you! Your only a child!"

"I would rather die with honor, then without, and when I die the holocron will be safer than anything you could keep it. At least this way I have a chance to live however small it may be. I only request that the challenge happen after I return from speeking with the Black Circle Clan."

The lady nods and waves the young men back to the village. who turn and walk away.

"Very well. I will honor your request as it was you last, for it likely will be. The Black Circle was last seen not far from here, over the hills to the southeast. Though I must warn you, they are not taking kindly to visitors as of lately. Two of our trader have not returned from there last visit to the Black Circle."

She shakes her head.

"Garen, you are just too proud for your own good."

At that she just turns and walks back to the village, calling back at Garen.

"The next time you set foot in the village The challenge will be set up. It may be best if you don't return!"

After he is alone with his compainons he sits on the ground. saying to himself.

"I always knew that my pride in honor would be the end of me."

Pierce Tondry
Apr 19th, 2004, 12:39:39 AM
Pierce let the exchange between Garen and his former acquaintances pass without speaking. Then he abruptly turned to Estelle. "Master Russard, if you have a moment to spend alone with me, I'd appreciate it."

The hand holding the arrow bolt opened to reveal several rivulets of blood. Pierce frowned at it. "I've got splinters."

Estelle Russard
Apr 20th, 2004, 09:29:12 PM
Estelle followed the exchange between Garen and the woman from his village who seemed to be a leader amongst them as well as an old family friend.

She was impressed at how Garen handled himself. For a youth to carry such a burden and then to hold his own against such allegations by his elders was no easy thing. Garen could tell by Estelle's face that she thought he had handled himself well.

Then as they drew aside and Garen sat on the ground, she encouraged him.

"Sometimes, Master Selore - it is honor that keeps us on the right path despite tremendous difficulty and whether it is "the end" or not, it is never ever a wasted attribute. Good things come from honor."

Then she moved off a little to speak with Pierce Tondry quietly, taking his hand in her own and inspecting it.

"Something is troubling you..?"

She was not referring to the injury.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 20th, 2004, 11:42:24 PM
Seeing the threat diminish into nothing, Terran's lightsaber was deactivated, the green blade back into the hilt. Clipping the weapon back on his belt, Terran made his way over to where Garen sat. The boy looked slightly disgruntled and as Master Elessar passed by him, she passed him a few words of wisdom. Terran sat down in the soft, bushy grass next to Garen, his arms folded across his legs. He sighed and looked to the ground for a moment, rubbing his hands together absentmindedly.

"You know," he finally spoke, "You may really respect your homeland--and I'm not trying to say you shouldn't. It's your home, your people. You may really respect and care about this place. . .but you don't always have to agree to every little part of the culture." He wondered for a moment if he had offended Garen and tried to rethink his strategy.

"I guess what I really mean is this: if there's any other way to do this, we're here for you, Garen. Me, Pierce, Estelle--we didn't come because we had to. We came because we care." Terran smiled. "You do what you have to do--but you aren't alone. Not for a second."

"Oh--and there is no way we're taking you back to Coruscant in pieces." He chuckled a bit. "Got that?"

Pierce Tondry
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:22:30 AM
As Terran moved to speak to Garen, Pierce turned to Estelle. Though he refrained from nodding his head at Garen, something about his demeanor still pointed at the boy. "Does it bother you having him along on this mission?"

Estelle looked puzzled, so Pierce decided to explain. "If you think about it, he's got us all in the palm of his hand. We're on his homeplanet. We're interacting with a culture he's familiar with. We're hunting for people he knows of-"

He broke off as Estelle gently removed one of the wooden slivers from his palm. "Thanks. Now, I'm not an expert on Dark Side spirits," Pierce continued. "But I know they rarely want to give up any body they inhabit, and Garen has one inside himself. If I were that spirit, I'd use Garen's knowledge to sabotage our mission. Now I can fight external threats, but if that spirit somehow drives Garen rogue-"

"We could all be in grave danger from a source we least suspect."

Estelle Russard
Apr 24th, 2004, 08:44:20 PM
A crease formed in between Estelle's brow as Pierce outlined a scenario that, she had to admit, was a troubling one.

It was not something Estelle had considered - Garen had all the while appeared to be in complete control of himself, and whatever was inside him. The possibility of the evil spirit manipulating him - and them - unawares was not something to be lightly dismissed as improbable. Yet she did not feel they would be so easily duped.

Estelle looked at Garen. He was so young. Still just a boy. The thought of him being so used by the darkside angered her.

She turned back to Tondry.

"We have a mission to complete Mr. Tondry. We are all four of us Jedi, and there is but one evil spirit. Surely you believe the odds to be in our favor?"

Pierce Tondry
Apr 26th, 2004, 09:18:52 AM
Pierce looked back at Garen, who now had Terran Starek for company but still seemed downcast and lonely. Facing criminal charges from the homeland he'd grown up in and delayed indefinitely on his quest, who knew how he felt? Who knew what he'd do in that state of mind?

"If odds were the sole determinant of the future, Palpatine would still rule," Pierce said. "Maybe it's my personal paranoia talking, but I feel like that spirit is going to put us all in grave danger before this trip is over."

Garen Selore
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:22:05 PM
Garen nods to Terran.

"I don't agree with everything, but weather I agree or not those are the laws of my people. I must follow them. There is always another way to do things, but it all depends on that you are willing to give up to get what you want. I will not give up my honor or the task my mother requested for me to do. But at least with the challange I invoked, I will at least have a chance to live with my honor intact, or Die with my honor intact."

Garen stands.

"But I guess I shouldn't worry about that untill after we find the Black Circle Clan. I may not even live past that, so why should I worry about the chalenge killing me."

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:27:35 PM
"As you will have it," Terran replied to Garen as he took a firm stance. He'd only been offering friendship and comradery, but it seemed that Garen was completely set on the task at hand. Regardless of his attitude, Terran was ready and willing to stand by his friend if the need was there. He, too, stood up and made his way over to where Estelle and Pierce were speaking.

Giving Estelle the "am I interupting?" nod, he strode over to the pair and made his presence known.

Estelle Russard
Apr 30th, 2004, 08:41:36 PM
Pierce's reply was an ominous one. Estelle felt a strange prickle along her spine, but did not immediately reply as Terran stepped up to join them.

All of them now were feeling the need to move forward.

"Lets get our bearings and get moving. We can cover some ground yet while it is still daylight and find somewhere to camp."

Estelle pointedly looked at Pierce, and then also included Terran.

"Stay aware. And dont dismiss any signs the force may give us.." Her gaze shifted over to where Garen was standing. "We must expect that danger could come from anywhere "

Garen Selore
May 6th, 2004, 02:51:48 PM
Garen calls over to the others.

"Shall we get going?! If we have about 3 hours of light before it gets really dark out here! I know of a set of caves just inside the Wastelands that would give us sutible protection if the weather goes nasty in the night!"

Garen doesen't even wait for the others to reply to him. He just starts to walk off into the wasteland going in the direction that they were told that The Black Circle Clan was last seen in.

Pierce Tondry
May 8th, 2004, 10:50:44 AM
Pierce watched Garen begin to walk away, then looked to Estelle who was watching too. Catching her eye, Pierce gave her a "see what I mean?" glance. Then the two of them moved off in different directions: Estelle after Garen and Pierce back inside the ship.

Pierce emerged several minutes later unmistakeably prepared. On his back, he wore a military style camping pack, complete with a bedroll at the top. Over one arm, Pierce wore his weapons duffel; the other arm held a leash to the front of a peculiar-looking droid.

The droid hovered approximately three feet off the ground, suspended on a repulsorlift field generated by circular devices at each point on its triangular shape. The body that sat on the droid's flat base consisted entirely of compartments, each one openable using a small handle. Atop the body sat two things: a dome shaped head similar to an R2 unit but more cylindrical in shape, and a heating plate with a control panel. RM-580-T was its model number, but generally Pierce just called it "PD", short for "Pack Droid."

"PD" held a spare change of clothing for each member of the party, as well as extra food and water, cooking utensils, and a small collection of wildnerness survival instruments. Though not the be-all-end-all to carrying goods, "PD" could hold a weight of bulky and small items greater than the combined carrying ability of the four Jedi. For this reason, Pierce brought it along.

Pierce and his droid cleared the ramp, then Pierce stopped and looked about. He didn't see Estelle or Garen anywhere, and to the best of his knowledge Terran was grabbing a few leftover items from the ship before it departed.

Deciding caution was the better part of valor in this case, Pierce moved to the top of the hill where Garen had been attacked to scan the surrounding area for his party members.

Estelle Russard
May 29th, 2004, 02:16:18 AM
Standing outside of the cave, Estelle peered dubiously into its dark interior.

They had trudged for over 3 hours and the dusky sky was fast darkening.

"I dont know, Im not a big fan of caves..Things tend to live in caves. Big things. Usually, meat eating things."

Garen Selore
Jun 1st, 2004, 10:19:38 AM
Garen looks at the others as he walks into the cave.

"Don't worry, this cave is safe, I've used it many times. The only things that live in this cave are bats. The eat bugs and fruit, but the will not touch us."

Garen goes to setle down in the cave for the night, when the voice of the Evil man comes to his head.


Garen mumbles to himself. "No, they are my friends."

Kill Them! They only brought you here in order to get rid of you! Kill!

"They wouldn't do that. They are friends." Garen continues to mumble.

Kill! They will kill you if you don't do it first! They will take your key and steal the holocron!

Garen then says rather loudly "I can't hear you! LALALALALALALA!"

*evil laughing* You can not tone me out that easily!

Garen then yells as he clutches his head "GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU!"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 8th, 2004, 12:39:34 PM
The group had drifted into the lazy relaxation that always comes post-meal and pre-slumber, except for Pierce. Time and experience taught him to beware any point when he could be vulnerable.

Instead, he busied himself with cleanup from dinner. The dishes and tools were already washed, but they needed drying. Cloth in hand, Pierce had settled in to the task of taking care of his meal equipment.


The noise echoed in the cave, along with the dim impression of intense hatred. Apparently, it had visited Garen.

Pierce looked across to Estelle, who was sleepily examining Garen. She'd clearly been closer to nodding off than Pierce.

"Master Russard?" he said aloud, then tilted his head in Garen's direction and flicked a pointing finger between her and himself.

Estelle Russard
Jun 12th, 2004, 06:10:04 PM
Estelle had indeed been close to nodding off. Terran had generously lent her a thick sweater pulled from his pack, and using it as a pillow by pinning it between the cave wall and her head, she had been in that half-dream, half-wake state where you can hear things around you, but they are distant and far off seeming.

The soft wool of the sweater had a sweet scent about it, almost like how grass smelt in the summertime. And it was while Estelle, in her dreamy state, had been walking through a warm meadow picking wildflowers, that she heard Pierce calling to her. It was a bit annoying that he was here, picking wildflowers too, she thought before opening her eyes with a start. The sudden sense of something being wrong now aparent by Tondry's repeating voice.


She followed his surreptitious glances at Garen and frowned at his finger gestures, not know what the heck he meant.

Garen suddenly twitching in increased agitation made her call out to Pierce.

"Grab him!"

She too, at that same instant lunged forward to get ahold of Garen

Garen Selore
Jun 15th, 2004, 11:45:07 AM
Look out! The voice calls to him.

Garen looks up to see Estelle lunging towards him. He quickly backs away from the others.

"Whats going on!!" Garen says. "Why are you attacking me!"

I Already told you! They want to be rid of you! The want you to fail! This attack only proves that I am right!

Garen doesn't say anything else, but does narrows his gaze at the others as if he may be starting to beleave the dark voice.