View Full Version : In the flow of The Force (Open to anyone)

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 15th, 2004, 04:23:35 AM
The gardens were always my favorite place to be. The air was so much better here than the rest of Coruscant and there was a peace, a peace you could feel and almost taste. You could always see Jedi here, day or night, meditating or walking, enjoying the peace and calm.

Me, I came here to train. I didnt really like the training quarter. It seemed too..... I dont know, harsh? Not conducive to The Force? Whatever it was, I found a peace here that always escaped me in the training arenas. In my life as a Jedi and a Senator, I relished my time spent in the gardens, guarded it fiercely and made sure none of the day to day angst and idiots of the Senate came in here with me.

Hard that was, but today, I felt especially good. Walking on the grass with no shoes, feeling the fresh blades tickle and cool the soles. I finally had a cast iron excuse to leave everything behind. My baby was due in only 10 days and my scheduled break had begun. Good that it was a sunny day too! I let my face soak the warmth of the sun, walking to my chosen spot - a graased area, shaded, with a bench seat. Upon this bench I placed two devices - my lightsabre and my Force Pike.

Was that odd for a pregnant woman to have two such things? I guess so. But so little was known about Jedi and pregnancy, everything was an adventure. I also did things according to my wants. I was very self willed.

Deferring to the size of my stomach, I was not in anything tight, but in a flowing and loose green dress. The Pike I picked up, looking ti over. I gave it a gentle test whirl, feeling it's weight and the way it cut through the air. I breathed out then in, calming my mind and feeling the calm of The Force come to me.

As I began, I reflected on how my technique had changed. 9 months ago, it was all power, aggression and speed. Now, it was grace, flow, relaxed. Deferring to the bodily changes had opened up a whole new way of doing things.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 15th, 2004, 04:54:52 AM
An outer tunic lay on the ground along with a pair of boots and socks very near where Helenias sat her two weapons, but no one was around...or were they?

Quay'Na had taken to the trees, running along the branches, climbing, jumping...doing a few flips along the way.

It was a technique she had been taught by her very first master on Endor, when one didn't have means of an exercise room, one would make due with what one had.

It had been a while since Quay'Na had done this and she didn't want to lose the talent, so up into the trees she went to regain her balance, speed and agility.

It was during a Force jump from one tree to the next that the Padawan felt the presence of her Master. As her feet easily landed on the limb, she came to a silent halt and looked down.

She saw her master and began desending herself from her perch, using acrobatics as she went. Dropping from one branch to the next in a graceful flip or jump until her bare feet were firmly back on the ground.

Helenias had taken note of her by then, as Quay'Na took a deep breath to calm her fast beating heart from all the exercise. She walked over to her master with a smile. "Greetings, Master. I hope you're feeling well." She bowed respectively and reajusted her inner tunic, so it wasn't hanging off her shoulder.

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 05:52:12 AM
The Pike whipped through the air, the tip parting the air between Quay's chin and her throat. I just couldn't resist a bit of showing off - after all, the Pike had been my weapon for three times the years my Padawan had been alive. It was a part of me.

"Getting in some last minute reminders what this weapon feels like. I doubt I will be using it again for a while. That saddens me a bit, I think. The Force Pike has always been soemthing I've been known for, even when I faced off Jedi Masters. Ever seen one used before?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 23rd, 2004, 10:40:15 PM
"No, Master. That weapon is quite new to me." She studied it for a few minutes, before taking her gaze back to her master.

"Can you show me?"

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 25th, 2004, 05:42:52 AM
"This is not a Jedi weapon" I said, lifting the pike so it could be viewed better, "It is an Imperial one. However, with a Cortoris coating it becomes a surprise package that has sent unaware Jedi and Sith to the Afterlife. I was in the Emperor's service as a Royal Guard. My grandfather gave this Pike to me when I became the Elite of the Guard. I was not always a goody two shoes - the old Jedi Temple, I was responsible for it's destruction"

"But that is old history now. I am a Jedi now and nothing will change that. The standard Pike is 1.5 meters long, has a pointed end and a pommel that serves as a power cell housing. fairly standard pole arm except for the vibro blade and the electrode that can give a killing charge of electricity at the tip. Like to have a feel and see it's balance?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 26th, 2004, 08:46:15 PM
Quay'Na had never seen such a weapon and was eager to learn from her rmaster. "Yes, Master. Please."

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 27th, 2004, 06:09:31 AM
I handed the Pike over and stepped back. "Go on. Give it a try"

Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 8th, 2004, 11:54:23 AM
Quay'Na took the Pike in her hands and stepped backwards with it. She whipped it just like her master had when she had come out of the tree. It was awesome! "Wow," was all she could say. She was genuinely graceful and the Pike felt like it belonged in her hand. "Can you show me some basic manuevers, Master?"

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2004, 03:39:28 AM
"Certainly. It's much like a sabre in some respects, but in others, it offers differences that make learning the Pike worthwhile"

I pointed to what looked like strips of cloth wound around the length of the pole

"Cortoris. Know what it does?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 29th, 2004, 09:41:03 AM
Quay nodded slowly. "Yes, Master. I believe I've run into it at one time. It's a substance that can close down the blade of a lightsabre for a short period of time. Not a good thing for a Jedi."