View Full Version : Villains By Choice

imported_Blade Ice
Jan 15th, 2004, 03:09:45 AM
(OOC- This open to everyone especially Bad Guys. I want allot of people to join in so don't be shy.)

Every great story in human literature as a villain in it. Nature, Humans, Beasts, and even ideas have been villains. Most would villains would say they do it out of necessity because they needed to survive. Their are those few who do it out of choice because they love bringing pain and anguish to the innocent. Some who choose the path would say there are no innocents, if you don't strike first you will wined up the victim.

So why is it these few who choose to be evil occasionally do the right thing. Is it just a common mistake or is it that they actually do feel sorry for all those they have hurt. It could just be a moment of human weakness or it could be they are willing to change.

The morning was bright with sunshine as blade awoke from his room in manner on Meras. God how he hoped for a cloudy day but god was against him anyway. He was a devils advocate a true believer that hell was the place that his soul would rest when his days where threw. He scratched his head and yawned as he stepped his feet out of bed.

He was going to head out to Coruscant this day for a little R&R. Actually it was more to stop at that Jedi bar and torture young padawans on why they chose the wrong path and coax them into following him. Jedi where so much fun to torture just about as fun as torturing sith. Blade considering himself neither thought he was far better off.

After getting dressed and sliding down the banister that led into the foyer he made a b-line for the Kitchen. Food was exactly what he needed; he took careful steps to avoid sorsha and her clan of warrior women. Blade wasn't against women warriors, since after all that’s pretty much all this place had besides him and ogre. No his major problem with it was it was sorsha running it and frankly she scared Blade. He hadn't really met any of her students or even his own masters other students for that matter. He knew of Jade they had, had a small spar in ogres hidden cave once.

Blade didn't really concern himself with meeting the others he was just fine traveling the world a loner. His life was pretty grand he got to live in a palace free of charge, ate all he wanted, and he didn't even have to make friends with the other inhabitants. All he really had to do was train, he loved doing that about as much as he liked killing.

After his small breakfast Blade Made for his ship his destination was Coruscant. Where some fine ladies and entertainment awaited him. He could be just about as evil as he wanted in that big city the watch was stretched thin as it was. To them one dark Jedi couldn't possible cause that much trouble, Blade would show them.

Syriande Blue
Jan 15th, 2004, 10:08:01 AM
Coruscant City Space Docks, E Section, 10:40am Local Time....raining...again

Blue of course being one of those unlucky guys seemed to have the terrible weather follow him and his crew of fellow space pirates around even from planet to planet, it was quite simply rediculous. Donned in a trench coat and gaping hood, Syriande conducted the offloading of the 'cargo' they had been instructed to deliver to there client, a local mafia boss they had a contract with.

' Alright guys, lets be carefull with this, we dont want Mr. Menorto being angry with us now do we?'

' Nah BoSS, nah...Wuts inside BoSS eh? wuts inside?' Said Glunk, the unsutble rodian member of Blues crew as he helped Bubbles and Linton carry crate after crate off from the cargo compartment of the YV-666 ' Pintas'

' Never you mind Glunk, but let me put it this way, we were lucky enough to get through Planet boarders with it. Blue retorted giving a look of comical proportions towards Linton and Bubbles who only smiled back. The rain continued to hit hard againt the crew as they unloaded ship crate by crate onto a unmarked speeder-truck, from there it would be delivered to the client.

' Come on you skallywags lets get this moving! we got a time slot to keep!'

Jan 15th, 2004, 11:34:16 AM
Narissa shivered as she pulled her trench coat tighter around her. She let a sigh escape her lips as she looked around the streets of Coruscant. She had only been there a few days and yet to be impressed by it's locale. Her wet brown hair clung to the back of her neck as she decided to step into one of the clubs there on the street to get out of the rain and hopefully warm up. She had no intentions of going back to her hotel just yet.

Stepping inside, she let out a breath and slowly looked around, her green eyes taking in everything about the club. She pondered if she should take her jacket off, to do so would reveal her twin blasters on her hips. She did not want to do that right now.

Taking a place at the bar, she quickly ordered a whiskey and settled back, watching tha patrons behind her through the mirror over the bar.

She prayed this day would be more interesting than the previous. Narissa craved excitement and normally it found her, but it was slow this time for some reason. Her Force senses had failed her and she shook her head with a smirk. She could at times sense danger before it happened and that her dexterity is enhanced, so it made her quite the nimble thief at times. She seemed to be drawn to old men and swindling them out of their money. She felt as if doing that, she would get some sort of revenge on her abusive father.

Narissa smirked, nodding to the barkeep as he placed her drink infront of her. Her parents were quite the pair. He an abusive drunk and she the church mouse. She could have had a life with the Jedi, but her parents had refused, wanting to give her a normal life as possible.

'Normal...they call the life they gave me normal?' She asked herself with a roll of her eyes.

Taking a drink of her whiskey, the smirk turned into a smile as she set the glass down on the bar. She had hoped to make a name for herself soon, taking that leap from thief to well...assasin for hire.

imported_Blade Ice
Jan 15th, 2004, 05:12:54 PM
Blade landed his ship in E-section at about 10:47 am. It was great that he had reached the planet at the start of its day, a day that would have much carnage by its end. Blade Dashed down E-section spotting his first victims, a screw of space pirates it looked like.

He slowly swaggered his way over to them as Linton and bubbles where carrying a heavy crate together. Blade Jumped up onto the crate adding just enough weight for the two men to drop it and make it go crashing to the ground. The crate busted and the contents where visible to all those in view.

Blade smiled as he looked on the man who seemed to be captain as his men reached for their weapons. Off in the distance he saw a small club that he could run too if things got to hot and heavy but he doubt that. Blade looked down at the contents of the crates and an even bigger grin came to his face.

"Does the watch know your smuggling these into its city? Last I checked it was illegal here. Oh yeah you might want your men to put away there weapons I don’t want to have to hurt them yet!”

Syriande Blue
Jan 16th, 2004, 08:57:10 PM
Syriande tilted his head and crossed his arms as he looked towards the gentleman who interupted the offloading on the 'Pintas' a smirk slowly washing over his face. Bubbles of course was about ready to smash the guy, whoever it was, in the face, Glunk look apsaloutly terrified and Linton went for his Blaster.

' Shall we kick the frell out of his, Gentleman?' Bubbles said, always calling Syriande ' gentleman' because of course Syriande was a gentleman thief.

' No Bubbles, lets hear what the deranged man has to say on the subject, i can see we wont get rid of him anyother way. Continue great preacher of light, tell us what you have on your mind!' Blue said sarcasticly. The 3 other crew members laughed, while Glunk laughed but had no idea what was funny.

Jan 20th, 2004, 08:46:51 AM
Narissa sighed and placed the glass down on the bar and then turned around to look at the patrons before letting out another sigh as she looked at the chrono on the wall. Yeah, it was a little early in the morning for a drink, but did she ever need it.

Hoping off the bar stool she walked back to the entrance of the bar, wrapping her coat around her as she huddled in it's warmth and took a step outside. Looking around slowly, her eyes came upon a rather comical scene happening at the docks. Leaning against the outer wall of the club she crossed her arms over her chest and watched intently.

imported_Blade Ice
Jan 20th, 2004, 02:28:38 PM
"Well I'm not much of a preacher but I guess I can pretend to be a Jedi for you. I believe I heard the stupid Rodian call you gentleman, what the kind of villain name is that. I mean your pirates, where is black beard and one eyed Jack."

Blade laughed, what a group of pirates they are. He spotted a spectator out of the corner of his eye, a fine young woman. He would have to do some damage over there eventually. Blade jumped down from the busted crate and walked face to face with the captain.

"This is fun captain Pencil....."

Blade stopped as he noted the rodian reaching for his weapon. It seemed to have an itchy trigger finger as it nearly shot its own foot. It was a loyal bugger though determined to protect its captain whom blade hadn't even touched it.

"I tell you what Mr. Gentleman, you have your men load all of those crates with their goods in them onto my ship. Then I'll leave you alone. I'll also leave you and your men in good shape so you can continue to keep your pirate business in order."