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Kack Mebuff
Jan 14th, 2004, 11:23:44 PM
The sky was bright over the lush swamps of Naboo. The Gungan people were dwelling peacfully below the waters, unaware of the going on's in the skies above. High above the planet's surface a large craft set itself in orbit with Naboo's rotation. The ship was known as The Dark Saber and was infamously known as the ship of General Grizz Allen, leader of The Red Saber.
The Red Saber was a terrorist group of ex-Imperial officers who were shunned for being too cruel and violent, even for the Empire's needs. The Empire eventually attempted to have the troops terminated. However, the extermination squad was defeated by Allen and his men. The outcasts banded together and took the name The Red Saber. They began to strike out at both the Empire, the New Republic, and even independent systems. No one was safe. And now The Dark Saber hovered above Naboo in waiting.
"Sir, we cannot just ignore this ship sitting in orbit above our planet!" cried one of the Naboo officials.
"They are known terrorists, what good could they possibly bring to Naboo?" added another.
Suddenly, a man stood up at the end of the large conference table. He was tall and handsome with a dark complexion and strong features. His name was Trey Arastasio.
"We cannot simply strike out at these people. They have done nothing to us, and it will do us no good to mount an offensive attack. That will only earn us an instant enemy."
All of the voices in the room began talking once again, but were silenced instantly by Arastasio.
"Let us wait this out patiently. We may see their true intentions with time. But we mustn't jump to conclusions. It will do us no good to attack them. I am quite sure our oribtal ion cannons will have little effect on their defenses."
"Perhaps, you are correct, Representative Arastasio. We do not want to take a course of action that make lead us to open war with these people. For our people's sake, I hope you are right," said Senator Lovegrove.
High above Naboo's surface, General Grizz Allen sat brooding in his command chair, overlooking the bridge of his ship. He wore short bleach blonde cropped hair and a scar running down his left eye.
"Liuetenant Alki, status report," Allen barked.
"Sir, we are now in orbit and preparing to move into the atmosphere."
"Excellent work, Wesley."
"Thank you, sir."
"Contact the planet's government, Lt. Alki."
The holoscreen flickered to life as the face of the battle-hardened general appeared on the screen.
"Greetings, my name is General Grizz Allen, leader of The Red Saber. I am the bringer of death. My men and I have come to destroy the people of Theed City, down to the last child. The only way that this can be avoided will be by paying the sum of one-hundred billion credits."
"One-hundred billion?!" Lovegrove gasped.
"You have one standard week to come up with the funds. Otherwise we will drop a 2,000 megaton atomic bomb on your city. Wiping it out as well as any other perimeter settlements."
With those words the holoscreen shut off and silence fell over the room.
"Perhaps the Jedi would be of some aid?" questioned one of the officers.
"The Jedi?" snarled Arastasio, "We do not need them getting into this!"
"But, it seems several of our own have joined their ranks in the past few years, perhaps we could secretly send word via a private line?"
"Do it!" Senator Lovegrove exclaimed.
In the far reaches of the core systems, Kack Mebuff was resting in his dormatory at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. He was fast asleep on his bed, which he affectionately called "The Stone Slab." His private comm unit came to life and began beeping furiously.
Kack stirred for a moment at the noise and then fell back to sleep. The persistent noise would not let him get the rest he wanted so he decided to answer the machine. As he flipped it open he heard the urgent message: Naboo was under attack by The Red Saber, and the Jedi were asked ot assist.
Kack quickly made his way to the highest level of the Temple Avalon. There he would meet with the Jedi Council and request to take leave to aid his kin.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 19th, 2004, 11:34:28 PM
Several hours later Kack left the main Council Chamber with the leave of the Council. They had agreed fully that these terrorists should be dealt with accordingly. They also agreed that a peaceful resolution should be attempted first. Violence was always the last resort for Jedi.
Kack immediately sent out word to the Jedi he trusted the most: Rikki Van-Warren, a Naboo native, Mylia, someone who had been to Naboo, though not actually native to the planet, and his master, Zeke. He hoped to keep the group fairly small so as not to seem threatening.
Soon he received word from both Zeke and Rikki, but no word yet from Mylia. Kack did not want to leave without getting a response from her, negative or positive. He waited outside his ship The Starskipper for Zeke and Rikki.
Senator Lovegrove sat anxiously at his desk pouring over the documents in front of him. He had to keep the people of Naboo from panicking. If word got out of the Red Saber's demands all hell would break loose.
Suddenly there was a knock at his door. As the durasteel door slid away with a hiss, Arastasio entered looking unhappy as usual.
"Have you received word from your Jedi?" he asked.
"No, we have not. Give them time, it has only been one day," replied Lovegrove.
"Hmph! I bet those all-important Jedi on Coruscant have no concerns for us!"
The Senator raised an eyebrow, "How easily people forget. Were it not for the Jedi, we would have lost our freedom to the Trade Federation many years ago! As far as I remember, one even gave his life defending our people! So do not lecture me on the concerns of the Jedi, Representative!"
A security guard rushed into the room, "Sirs, we have lost all communications. The Red Saber has knocked out our communication towers!"
Jan 20th, 2004, 07:13:12 AM
Zeke finds Kack in the designated meeting place. He arrives with his Force Pike slung over his shoulders and with the hilts of his lightsabers in his pockets. If diplomacy fails, he'll need them.
"Hey pal. How're ya doing?"
Zeke knows how it feels to have one's home at risk, and he's concerned for his Padawan.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 24th, 2004, 04:18:41 PM
Falcon Gyndar came speeding up to the designated location on foot, a wide grin on his face. He looked back to see Rikki Van-Warren, a rather cheery and energetic padawan of his, trying to catch up. By the time he turned his head and looked at what was ahead of him again, he was already there. The Jedi Knight stopped within a foot and a half of Zeke.
"Hey there, buddy. How's it going?"
He looked back to see Rikki was just a few feet away.
"I do beleive the victory is mine, Miss Van-Warren."
Rikki smiled at him, nodding in agreement. "So we'll work on enhancing our physical abilities with the Force. Then, perhaps, you just might be able to best me. That remains to be seen, however."
He turned to the twosome in front of them, and looked at Kack.
"So you must be Kack Mebuff, then. I'm Falcon Gyndar. I'm accompanying Rikki here, who is my student. Now, I'm guessing this all has to do with that monster sitting in this lovely sphere's orbit...."
Kack Mebuff
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:27:15 PM
OOC: Falcon, we're still on Coruscant.
Kack smiled at the sight of Zeke approaching.
"It is good to see you, Master. It seems that communications with Naboo have been lost. The Red Saber is up to something. But I'm not sure what."
Suddenly, the padawan's attention was diverted by the newcomers.
Kack bowed before Falcon as he approached, "It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow Jedi, Master Gyndar."
He paused for a moment, seeing Rikki catching up, "and yes, this little expedition is to deal with those space scum orbiting my home planet, Naboo."
Lady Mylia
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:35:33 PM
Mylia packed her bag quickly. She had recieved word from Kack about Naboo's situation and would desperately like to help, but for some reason she could not get ahold of him through comm. All she could do was show up. She threw what she thought she would need into a bag and slung it over her shoulder. Barely letting Jacali know what was up, she left their appartment to try and reach Kack before it was too late.
She ran up to the hanger, out of breath by the time she got there.
"I'm sorry *pant* I'm late. I tried getting *pant* ahold of you, but my comm was down."
Rikki Van-Warren
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:48:27 PM
Rikki was huffing and puffing, she had had gym in college. But running had never been a strong point, so she would have to work on it. She really didn't know why her running wasn't as strong as she had hoped, she was thin...or so she thought.
You should have gotten rid of're slagging because of it....
Rikki heard the voice in her head as she finally caught up with Falcon and shook her head slightly. No, I need to stop that! I'll do better... She told herself as she smiled at her Master's comment and then stood by him, remaining silent while he conversed with the other Master and Kack.
Rikki smiled shyly towards him and nodded gently.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:00:04 PM
"Welcome, both of you," Kack said smiling widely.
He embraced his two female compatriots in turn, Mylia, then Rikki.
"Mylia this is Rikki Van-Warren and her master, Jedi Master Gyndar. And this is Master... Ezeki- Zeke, my new master."
"Well, all of you know what has transpired on Naboo. And I have brought the events to the attention of the Council. They agreed that we must first attempt to come to a peaceful resolution. But if that is not possible, that force could be used.
We are dealing with a terrorist organization known as The Red Saber. They are a group of ex-Imperial officers who were exiled for their brutal methods. They are headed by General Grizz Allen, he is a schrewd negotiator and is prone to fits of violence. Not a fun character. His second in command is Lieutenant Wesley Alki. He's small in size, but don't let that fool you. He's got a mean temper and he's known to be a little trigger-happy. Any questions?"
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 27th, 2004, 12:09:54 AM
Falcon smiled to Mylia. Despite the introduction, they already knew each other.
"Terrorists. Huh..."
Jedi Knight Gyndar had his share of dealings with terrorists, and they were far from over. Even after all the hype and danger at Naboo were over with, he would still have..other things to deal with.
"Ah, no questions on my part. None that I can think of, anyway..."
Rikki Van-Warren
Jan 28th, 2004, 04:43:48 AM
Rikki had no questions, though she was ready to get to Naboo and kick some Red Sabre booty. Perhaps, her telekinesis skills would come in handy, other than that she could fire a weapon with good aim.
"No, questions here, Kack." She also replied, then went quiet again.
Jan 29th, 2004, 12:13:17 PM
"Say, you want my family to come with us? They got a ship, too, and Pops is pretty good with bribes. They run a trade business, and they've got some surplus stuff you might could sway 'em with."
Kack Mebuff
Jan 29th, 2004, 12:51:57 PM
Kack turned to Zeke, "I would rather not drag civilians into this. I have enough guilt asking you, my friends, to accompany me. However, I wanted to have people I trusted."
He looked over the group and smiled slightly.
"Well, if there are no questions, let us be off."
Everyone piled into the Starskipper. Kack sat in the cockpit preparing for lift-off. There was one more seat up front with Kack, but the rest would have to sit in the back in the passenger area.
Gently, the ship lifted from the launch pad and then shot out from the bay with lightening quick speed.
They coasted through the planet's atmosphere and then into space. It was here that Kack punched in the coordinates of his homestead on Naboo. Lightspeed would get them there quicker than anything else.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:06:01 AM
Once the ship was in lightspeed, they could move around. Seeing that no one had joined Kack in the cockpit, Rikki wound herself around the others and entered. "Care if I join you, Kack?" She asked gently.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:07:56 AM
"Sure, come take a seat. It's always nice to have some company." Kack's smile was inviting as he locked the steering controls of the ship.
"Not bad flying for a blind guy, huh?" he said with his usual warm laugh.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:10:50 AM
"Not bad at all." She answered as she took a seat beside him. "I've never flown a ship...come to think of it, when I came to Coruscant, it was the first time to fly offworld from Naboo."
Kack Mebuff
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:23:39 AM
"It's not that hard, I guess. I started small... flying swoops and a modfied pod racer, once, things of that nature. I could teach you sometime if you like."
Kack smiled warmly at Rikki.
"So how have you been? It's nice to keep running into you like this."
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:47:17 AM
"That would be awesome, Kack. I'd really like that." She told him as her mind bounced her elsewhere.
Rikki, get rid of're gonna get fat and ugly.. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to work past it. But, it wouldn't let her go.
Fat, fat, fat, fat.... "I'm...uh..." She felt all the barriers she held break down, she had promised herself that once she was a Padawan, she'd quit. But, the voice refused to let her go.
"Excuse me, Kack." Rikki quickly stood and walked out of the cockpit, she could see nothing as she pushed by her master in such a way that she didn't even notice. The Padawan went staight to the 'fresher and slammed the door shut.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:50:57 AM
Kack had noticed a sudden change in Rikki's demeanor, even before she had so abruptly excused herself.
He rushed out of the cockpit after her and caught up just as she slammed the door in his face.
"Rikki, are you alright?" Kack called through the door.
He could only hear muffled sounds from the 'fresher. Even with his keen sense of hearing the soundproof door did its job too well.
Some of the others started to crowd around, but Kack waved them back with his hand.
"Hun, are you okay?" he called again. No response.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:53:47 PM
Falcon shooed the others away, except for Kack. This was his padawan, his responsability. And he'd already narrowed it down to one possibility, with two sub-points. There was something she was hiding from him. And being that she was being secretive, that struck one of the sub-points off his mental list.
He came up to Kack, his voice all hushed.
"What's the deal, here? You know anything about this, Kack? If not, I have a very strong suspicion...and conclusion."
He spoke up. "Rikki...What's going on, here? Can you hear me?"
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:09:23 PM
Rikki sat against the wall of the 'fresher. Her eyes were watering as she spit again. She had heard Kack and now she heard her master, with a deep breath she stood and flushed the toilet.
Good, Rikki...very good,... The Padawan turned and quickly went and splashed some water on her face and was washed her mouth out.
Rikki didn't feel good, but even as she looked at herself in the mirror she didn't look thin. In her eyes, there were extra pounds that only she could see and the sight disgusted her, she looked away and went to the door.
Rikki opened it and found her master right there. With her hand on her stomach, she winced. "Sorry, Master. I'm not feeling well."
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:27:38 PM
From the look on his face when he glanced at Kack, and then stared at Rikki again...
....Well, Falcon simply did not beleive her. The serious state of his face and the folded arms showed it. The knight shot at her telepathically.
Don't hide from me, Rikki. He emphasized this thought by his furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes when he made eye contact with her. Eye contact was a big thing with him. A demand of devotion of one's attention. And it was Rikki Van-Warren's attention he wanted. All of it.
It seems that the young girl saw what he meant. Does this make you uneasy, Miss Van-Warren?. That thought went to her at the same time he spoke. "We need to talk, young padawan."
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:41:56 PM
It was all in his voice, she felt he knew everything, but that was impossible. Falcon wasn't happy about things, not a good way to start off a mission. Don't hide from me, Rikki.
Rikki held his gaze, it was as though he was staring straight through her. But, even as her guilt grew, she tamped it down and swallowed hard.
She wasn't doing anything...
As the thought came through to her mind, if she felt uneasy Rikki looked away for a moment. She was being interregated and didn't like that. The Padawan looked at her master, with fire in her eyes.
We need to talk, young Padawan.
She took the defensive. "There's nothing to talk about, Master. I told you, I don't feel good." Her gaze was hard as she looked at him as her mood swing was in full force now.
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:21:46 AM
"Priorities," Zeke says simply.
He's not all that worried over Rikki's sudden visit to the bathroom. Maybe she ate something bad. Maybe she's just nervous. Either way, it's fairly minor to Zeke, at least when measured against the threat of the Red Saber.
"Sit and chill. Save that energy for our little buddies that are orbiting Naboo."
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 05:47:10 PM
Zeke had a point. Their energies would be needed for what was to come with the Red Saber. However, what was happening with Rikki was beyond what eyes could see. It was in her mind, too. And it affected her health. It was cause for concern. Falcon gave Rikki the once over, then set his piercing look to her eyes again. He could see she was in quite a mood, but he could deal with it. Whether she got angry with him or not, it didn't matter. All that mattered wat that he got the message across. The message that what she was doing to herself was, to put it simply, unacceptable.
"I know that you are ill. But I am not easily fooled, Miss Van-Warren. I know what's going on more than you think...."
You can't hide it from me, Rikki. He thought.
"We will talk later. Keep in mind for the meantime, that I am watching you. Either that you tell me on your own time, or remain in my displeasure is up to you. As your teacher I am concerned for you, and it would be in your best interests to fess up."
He turned to walk away, to return to his seat, but stopped before sitting down. "Conserve your strength, young learner. You're going to need it." And thus, he sat.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:09:09 PM
Kack said nothing at this point, but his senses told him more than most or all of them could see. There was something very, very wrong with Rikki. Kack couldn't quite put his finger on it, but the Force told him that there was more to it than Rikki was admitting.
"Master Gyndar, could I have a word with you?" he inquired.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:11:32 PM
Rikki didn't move a muscle the entire time he spoke. Her eyes stayed on him the entire time. She felt like a child, who had just been deeply scolded. It wasn't until he sat down that she noticed a door to another compartment. Without as much as a word, she turned on one heel and proceeded through it.
It was a cargo area. A tear fell down her cheek as she wound herself around some of the boxes and flopped down onto the cold flooring.
Rikki wasn't lying when she told her master she didn't feel good, she really didn't. In fact, she felt pretty lousy.
Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:19:34 PM
Mylia sat with Zeke, she had no idea what was going. She could not imagine anyone getting rid of anything that tasted so good, but of course, that was just her. She nodded to Zeke. What was going on with Rikki was important, but they did need to save their energy for the Red Saber. She hoped that Rikki would be feeling well by then, they would need all the help they could get. She heard someone moving on the ship, it was Rikki, she was by herself. Mylia stood up and went into the cargo area, she leaned up against the door post. She looked over Rikki. "Want some company? I know the floor can be pretty cold and lonely."
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:28:33 PM
Rikki shrugged. "Free world. Go ahead." She didn't know this girl in the least and her atitude was finally beginning to wear down.
"Quite a scene, wasn't it?" She was still quite upset with her master for talking to her like that in front of everyone. He was going to watch her... He had no right!! She wasn't a child!!!
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:31:14 PM
Falcon looked at Kack.
"Certainly." He stood from his seat.
Some would say he had been too harsh on the girl, Rikki. But her health and safety were in his best interests. And to hide something like that for too long could hurt her very badly. Sometimes harsh treatment was needed.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:37:01 PM
Kack lead Falcon to the cockpit and sealed the door behind them. He didn't want any eavesdroppers.
"Master Gyndar, I sensed something today. Rikki is having some sort of emotional problems. I cannot pin-point it without further probing her mind, if she would even let me. You are her master, perhaps you could give me some insight into what you believe is going on. I am concerned for her. What is she hiding?"
Kack's face was grave, but full of concern. He had become rather fond of Rikki and didn't want anything bad to happen to her.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:44:44 PM
He dropped his voice to a low, almost growl.
"This is..."
He cleared his throat, turning the tone of his voice less harsh.
"This is not merely emotional. This has to do with her body, and the way she looks at herself. Have you looked at Rikki? The texture of her skin...Her quick mood swings...The thin shape of her body?"
He frowned. He really did not like what was going on....
"I realize some may think I would be jumping to conclusions, Kack. But I am a highly observant person, and my mind works far faster than most that are even force-adept. I assure you, that what I have said is the case, even if she refuses to admit to such. Do you understand better?"
Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:45:09 PM
Mylia took a seat next to her. "Well, it's really none of my business. But I wanted to see how you were feeling, you seems pretty sick before."
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:07:10 PM
Rikki nodded. "I was, but I think I'll be alright now. Thanks." Master Falcon just didn't understand. Couldn't he see how bad she looked? She was way too big. No, that's wrong I'm huge!!
She closed her eyes and tried not to think about it.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:20:36 PM
"I unfortuantely have not been witness to her mood swings. She has actually been rather even tempered around me. I did notice that she was rather thin, but I have not known her all that long and thought it her build."
Kack's face became more grim.
"She has an eating disorder of some type," he muttered.
"I sensed something when we were in the cockpit, a sudden change in her. Like suddenly someone told her some terrible secret that made her act like that."
He paused for a moment, trying to read Falcon's thoughts.
"If I had more time to sit down with her, perhaps I could probe her mind for the information."
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:29:12 AM
Falcon shook his head. He could see that Kack was trying to see into his head. He couldn't allow that.
"If you want to know what's on my mind, or in it, just ask and save yourself the trouble. This head's not for cracking.."
He wiped his hand over his face, and stuffed it in his pocket.
"Anyways...I have a feeling she wouldn't like that." He said somewhat slyly. "But then again, I'm definetly sure she didn't like the way I indirectly exposed her in front of everybody. Giving her the icecream and lollipops attitude isn't going to solve anything. A bit of harsh medicine is what I'm giving her. And a talking to."
He sighed. "Normally, I would let a person tell in their own time. But chances are, knowing such disorders, we can't let it sit. I don't know how long this has been going on..So something has to be done as soon as possible."
Feb 3rd, 2004, 07:08:43 PM
Zeke has never met a single member of this crew before now, other than Kack. He's not sure what the big deal is, but meh. He yawns, throwing his legs up on Mylia's vacated chair and slumping down low. He knows how to pass the time on a sleep. He stretches and nods off almost automatically.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 6th, 2004, 12:23:53 AM
Kack nodded his understanding.
"What would you suggest, Master Gyndar? We are in dire times and it would be most unfortunate if this matter and that of our mission became intertwined and obstructed one another," his tone was solemn, but still warm. It was very clear that the padawan was both concerned for his friend and his kin.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 7th, 2004, 08:46:09 PM
Falcon thought about it for a moment.
"Well, Rikki's condition might cause trouble for our mission, as it may render her unable to perform to the best of her abilities. What she is doing will leave her weak. I might suggest that you acquire the counsel of your master on this matter also, Kack. He is oblivious to what is going on, and must be apprised of the situation. It must alse be impressed on Miss Van-Warren the danger her actions might pose and how it might compromise our mission. Any further thoughts?"
Kack Mebuff
Feb 8th, 2004, 12:41:27 PM
"I would just suggest, perhaps, being subtle about this to her. Rikki has a gentle heart and I do not think she will take this well, regardless of how we do it. But I think the gentler we are about it the better."
Lady Mylia
Feb 8th, 2004, 09:04:39 PM
Mylia noticed what seemed to be disinterest in Rikki. She turned her away and closed her eyes for a moment, just thinking about and feeling what was going on around her.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 8th, 2004, 09:23:42 PM
No one knows you like I do, Rikki. I won't steer you wrong. You're not trying hard enough, how can one love you if you don't try harder? You have to be perfect, I will accept nothing less.
Nothing less.
Rikki closed her eyes against that damn voice in her head. She wasn't perfect and wondered if she ever would be. She felt like she was caught in some vicious web and unable to get out of it.
With a deep sigh, she looked at Mylia. "Excuse me, Mylia. I think, I'm ready to go back up front."
Rikki stood. "Thanks for your kindness, it meant alot." She told her as she made her way around the boxes and walked back into the main passengers area. Her master and Kack were gone when she returned and she was glad for the moment. The other master was asleep as she took her seat again and looked out the window. What a day this was turning out to be!
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 9th, 2004, 12:07:34 AM
Falcon smiled at Kack. The younger man knew Rikki better.
"You're a good man, Kack. I hope to have...talks of more pleasant matters with you in the future."
He moved to the entranceway. "I think i'll talk to her now. You can join me, or we'll just talk about how it went later."
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 9th, 2004, 12:07:59 AM
The knight exited the area, the doors swishing open and close with his exit. Falcon Gyndar went to see Rikki. He saw her sitting quietly... . And when she turned her eyes on him she didn't have that look of quasi-quiet she had when he came out of the forward cabin. Rikki opened her mouth, about to say something.
Falcon raised his hands, as if holding her up. "Before you say anything, I want to apologize for my harshness earlier. May I sit?"
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:16:37 AM
The Padawan held her tongue and nodded silently. She wondered what he was about to say, how imperfect she was, how much of a failure she was in his eyes?
How many times had she heard that already? To many to count.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:51:09 PM
Kack smiled back. "Yes, perhaps someday we can have a more pleasant conversation. As for Rikki, I think you should go alone. I do not think she will be happy if I am there when all this goes down. It may be too embarassing for her."
The Padawan took a seat as Falcon exited the cockpit. He quickly began to doze off.
Johnny Spade
Feb 9th, 2004, 11:59:17 PM
A ship roared through the Naboo atmosphere. The Dark Saber opened fire on the craft, but it quickly sped past the command ship's cannon fire.
"What the hell was that?" screamed Gen. Allen.
"We... we're not sure, sir," one of the gunners replied, "an unidentified space vehicle. He was too quick for our cannons, sir."
"Oh really?" Allen snapped. He quickly drew his blaster and fired a shot into the gunner's forehead.
"Find that ship and kill the pilot," Allen roared.
In the lush swamp a tall man at 7' 1" got off his ship he looked around and quickly hid behind trees making his way towards Theed City. He wore a dark suite and carried a heavy blaster pistol. His name: Johnny Spade.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:36:31 PM
He looked at Rikki, taking a seat by her.
"Now, I know you're less than happy for how I exposed you earlier. But I need you to understand I will not accept what you're doing to yourself. I thought you were perfect just as you are, until it came to my mind what you're doing. That, in my eyes, makes me question that judgement. I've seen the way you look at yourself, and don't try to tell me you have no idea what i'm talking about. I care very much and wish to help you. I want to trust you, and I want you to trust me. But I can only do that if you're straight with me. If you come clean..."
Johnny Spade
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:45:14 PM
On the ground Spade made his way towards the city. He suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes. Ducking behind a tree he spied from his post, blaster in hand.
Then he felt the barrel of a gun pressed against the back of his head.
"Don't move, or I'm going to blast a pretty hole straight through you."
Johnny quickly spun around, broke the guy's arm and fired the man's own weapon into his stomach.
Spade then brushed the dirt from his jacket and continued on.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:55:16 PM
Rikki closed her eyes and looked away as tears threatened to well up in them. He knew.
A few more moments and she looked back at him as the tears fell down her cheeks, she shook her head. "All I want is to be accepted, Master. That's all I've ever wanted..." She paused and then looked at him again.
"I can't stop, Master. I've tried...." She started shaking as more tears fell.
Damn you, Rikki! Don't trust him, he doesn't know you like I do!! I'm the one who is here for you, I've always been here!!!
Rikki squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in her hands and cried. She didn't know what else to do.
The voice she heard was a demon to her....
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:59:20 PM
He placed a hand on her back, rubbing it.
"I accepted you the day you came to the order, don't you remember? I'm going to stick with you."
I can't stop, Master. I've tried...
"Yes you can, but it's going to take a lot of strength. A lot of willpower. And I'm here to support you all the way. Do you trust me? Would you like my aid?"
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 10th, 2004, 04:09:50 PM
Rikki wiped at her eyes and nodded. "You''d do that for me?" No one had ever offered to help her get past this horrible state. Her parents never had the time, they were too busy with their own lives to care what was happening in hers. All they did was yell at her if she didn't bring home a perfect score or didn't look just so-so.
Her mother especially, telling her she was looking like she was gaining weight and that it wasn't acceptable for highly pretigious people like them.
Rikki always took so much to heart, and she couldn't help it. It was her nature.
"I'm afraid of failing, Master. I don't want to fail."
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 10th, 2004, 04:15:56 PM
"You're my student. I'm here for you to learn from. And I can learn from you, too."
He looked thoughtful at this point. His own mother had always told him she was so happy to have children that were able to look at things in a good way, all the time.
"The way I think of it, you're not going to fail. You just set out to do something, and the results might turn out to be opposite of what you were hoping. Think of it that way, and you're always successful. There is some good that comes of everything we do. And if you want different results, just try again. All it takes is practice."
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 10th, 2004, 06:09:53 PM
"Practice." That would be easier said than done, Rikki knew it. She was scared, she was scared of gaining weight. She looked so huge now. But, she didn't feel good about herself, she never did after she purged.
It was scary thought, but her master would be right there with her. So many mixed emotions went through her mind and then that demon spoke again.
Don't listen to him, Rikki. You know how big you look, look in the mirror. He's lying to'll be a disgrace to your family, if you listen to him...stay with me....
That voice creeped her out and she tried to ignore it as she leaned forward onto her hands and closed her eyes.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 10th, 2004, 09:34:17 PM
Kack awoke at the sound of beeping. "Proximity warning!" the navicomputer warned.
The padawan stretched his arms and punched a button on the intercom.
"Alright, everyone, strap in. I'm taking over manual controls again so we can sit in Naboo's orbit," Kack said over the loud speakers.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:52:54 PM
He buckles in, as requested, and so does Rikki. Falcon reaches over, patting Zeke's side strongly.
"Hey buddy, wake up. It's time"
Kack Mebuff
Feb 11th, 2004, 05:09:29 PM
As The Starskipper drifted into orbit a transmission came in from The Dark Saber. It was Allen.
"Dark Saber to unidentified spacecraft, indentify yourself."
Kack stood up and grabbed Falcon and Zeke.
"Starskipper to Dark Saber, my name is Kack Mebuff member of the Greater Jedi Order. My companions and I have come to find a peaceful resolution between The Red Saber and the sovereign people of Naboo," Kack said.
"A resolution will be reached when I receive my money or the people of Theed are dead," Allen snarled.
"That is not an acceptable solution, General Allen," Kack replied cooly.
Mentally he spoke to both Zeke and Falcon requesting some sort of backing.
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:17:20 PM
Zeke blinks, rubbing his eyes awake and heading forward with Kack. Diplomatics aren't Zeke's strong point; that's Jhony's job. He picks a line Jhony often uses when he needs to press a point home to someone who's being stubborn.
"Are you sure you've calculated all the risks, General Allen?" he asks. "You're sure this is the direction you want to go in?"
Depending on the answer, Jhony usually expounds upon the consequences of their actions or suggests a new direction to take...normally, it's the latter.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:36:47 PM
Falcon glanced at Zeke, then at Kack. His mouth straightlined.
Greed...No big surprise there. But what i'm surprised at is that he hasn't imposed a time frame in which he wants this done. From my experience in these situations, that's what's usually done. There's the chance he's bluffing, which I highly doubt. But if he imposes a time frame, we need a solid plan. What do you boys think?
To everyone outside the small group of three, it looked as if nothing was being said. Falcon was using telepathy.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 14th, 2004, 02:25:20 PM
Kack's response was simple to Falcon and Zeke. They gave a time frame of one standard week. Only four days of which remain.
Allen looked at the group with prying eyes over the communication screen. "Risks? What risks? The Imperials have not be able to stop us, your precious Republican cannot stop us, what makes you think you foolish Jedi can?"
"Perhaps some sort of agreement can be reached. Let us board with you and we can attempt to reach a peaceful solution," Kack said.
The General thought to himself for a moment or two.
As the screen flickered off. Kack gave a sigh of relief.
"That could've gone better."
Johnny Spade
Feb 14th, 2004, 03:02:02 PM
On the planet's surface Spade made his way to Theed City. The streets were bustling with people going about their everyday life. They had no idea what was transpiring above Naboo.
Deep in the city's capital building Representative Arastasio and Senator Lovegrove were in a heated debate yet again.
"Where are your Jedi?!" Arastasio yelled.
"Even if they were here, we wouldn't know! They can't communicate with us," came Lovegrove's reply.
"They have abandoned us, Senator! Come to grips with reality!"
"I refuse to give in to your hopelessness."
"Sirs! We have captured a man we believe to be a member of the Red Saber. What caught him sneaking around the building," interrupted one of the guards.
"Bring him in," Lovegrove ordered.
They had the man handcuffed. It was Johnny Spade.
"What is your name?"
Spade just stared at Lovegrove and Arastasio for a moment.
"Speak!" Arastasio yelled.
He opened his mouth to speak, "My name... is Spade. I have come here to warn your people of the impending attack. But I am too late, it seems. General Allen will not spare the people of Theed City, even if he is paid. He is a vicious man and knows no mercy."
"How do we know that you are not just a liar? Sent by Allen to deceive us?" Arastasio inquired.
"Because Allen's men murdered my wife and daughter, while he was still enrolled in the Imperial ranks," Johnny said grimly.
"What do you take me for? A fool? Allen has not been a member of the Empire in years. You could not have had a child and wife while he was still with the Imperials, you are too young! Send him away! To the prison with him!" Arastasio ordered.
And the guards did as they were instructed.
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 14th, 2004, 08:49:56 PM
Rikki remained seated and just simply observed what was going on. One day this may be me..... She was also glad for the fact that her master was off her back for the time being.
But, at the moment, her mind was on the people of Theed and she would do anything to assist in saving the city.
Lady Mylia
Feb 15th, 2004, 10:04:56 AM
Mylia sat quietly and buckled up when she was instrusted to. She just looked around, taking in everything happening around her, even though she still wasn't quite sure what was going on.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 15th, 2004, 11:57:58 PM
Kack "looked" at Mylia and Rikki, "Get ready to board. Put on your robes and cloaks, we need to look the part today, folks."
As the Starskipper floated towards The Red Saber's command ship it was hit by a tractor beam.
"Don't panic, they're just reeling us in."
The ship landed with a metallic clank at it set down on the durasteel floor of the Dark Saber's docking bay.
Kack spoke as he faced his ship's exit.
"Everyone ready? Let's tread carefully here. We don't need to provoke these people. Understood?"
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:24:35 AM
Rikki nodded as she stood and put on her cloak over her Jedi robes, a hint of nervousness went through her. Her family resided on Naboo and if Theed was affected who knows which city they might hit next.
Feb 16th, 2004, 12:24:48 PM
"Clearly they didn't calculate all their risks..." Zeke mumbles. He casts a glance to his Pike, settled in a corner of the passenger bay. Taking it with him may prompt hostilities; leaving it may mean losing it to the pirates. Losing it to pirates...Zeke'll take a fight over losing things to pirates any day. He takes it from it's place and joins the group at the door.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 19th, 2004, 05:11:37 PM
As the Starskipper's boarding ramp lowered to the floor below Kack grimaced.
This was not going to be easy. But so many lives lay in the balance. He could not fail.
Kack's boots made a clinking noise as he walked down the ramp. He sensed many new Force signatures... guards. A dozen or so.
Fourteen to be exact.
"Come with us," one of them barked. The troops lead all the Jedi to a large conference room which was empty for the time being.
"Take a seat," the same guard ordered.
Kack heard heavy footsteps coming from the doorway.
"Ah, my dear Jedi. Welcome to the Dark Saber."
It was General Allen.
"I, as I'm sure you are aware, am Gen. Grizz Allen. This is my compatriot, Lt. Wesley Alki."
Allen and Alki took seats at the large table and looked the Jedi over for a minute.
"If you would be so gracious as to give up your weapons," Allen said calmly.
The Jedi looked to Kack who just nodded.
Kack and the rest handed over their lightsabers and whatever other arms they carried. Zeke seemed rather reluctant to part with his force pike.
(OOC: Don't worry guys we'll get them back)
Rikki Van-Warren
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:52:57 PM
Rikki had been following her master and handed over the blaster she had. She remained silent taking in everything around her.
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:27:34 PM
The guards get Zeke's lightsabers with no trouble. He pulls them from his pockets and offers each one to a different man, with the blade end pointed at himself. The Pike...that's another story. Two guards end up in a tug-of-war over it, until at last he lets go, sending the two staggering to the floor. Looks like he lost it, anyway.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:13:31 AM
Falcon removes two sabers, one silver, the other black, looking a lot more decorative than the silver one. And the pistol. Falcon Nytrau twirls this out of its holster, and its barrel points momentarily at the guard who came around to him to collect his weapons, then he twirls it again, and hands it to the man, butt-end first.
"Is that all?" The guard queiries. "Of course..." the knight replies. What do I look like? An armoury?
Then he sits down and crosses his arms. One end of Falcon's mouth upturned at the happenings with Zeke. Quite attached to that thing, aren't ya, buddy? He thought. Oh boy, this is going to be a long day.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 25th, 2004, 06:06:24 PM
"Most excellent," Allen said as the guards removed the Jedi's arms to another part of the room. "Now to business. Say what you wish Master Jedi."
Kack stood up from the table and spoke first.
"My first question is this, what is the purpose of your presence here?"
"Quite simple, my lad. To capture the planet Naboo for my employer."
"Your employer?"
"Yes. You see my employer has a special interest in Naboo's natural resources. For his planet's are running rather low."
"Are you referring to the resource shortage on Sluis Van?"
"An educated man. I am most impressed, Master Jedi. You are quite correct! Either the Naboo will cooperate by paying us the high sum requested or their cities will be destroyed. And either way we will have our resources. Either through their funds or through their planet!"
At this time a beeper came from the comm unit on Allen's desk.
"If you will excuse me for just a moment." The General stood up from his seat and headed towards the rooms exit, with Alki in tow.
As the two exited the Liuetenant whispered in the guard's ear, "Kill them all. They know too much."
Kack heard this, having developed his other senses to compensate for his blindness, and quickly informed the others of the situation.
And as a guard reached out to place a hand on Kack's shoulder he quickly grabbed the soldier's arm and flipped him onto the conference table, before punching him hard in the stomach.
Johnny Spade
Feb 25th, 2004, 06:23:17 PM
Spade stared hard at the guard from the view hole in his cell. He was planning his escape, when he heard someone punching the code in on his cell door.
Johnny quickly hid in the corner closest to the door and waited. As it opened with a hiss, Spade punched the man who walked through it, knocking him backwards.
The guards quickly ran in and punched Johnny hard in the stomach and jabbed him with a light tazer weapon.
"Sit down," one of the guards ordered, dropping Spade to the floor.
The man who had walked through the door had been Senator Lovegrove, who was now holding a bloody rag to his nose.
"Sorry, 'bout that, guv'nor," Spade said from the floor, "Didn' know it was you."
Lovegrove looked down at Johnny.
"I do not think you are part of the Red Saber. And so I am going to let you go. If Arastasio hears about this all hell will break loose so be discrete in your exit."
Spade nodded, as Lovegrove turned his attention to the guard.
"Take him to the armory and let him take whatever he needs."
The soldier started to speak but Lovegrove cut him off," Just do it!"
Mar 6th, 2004, 12:31:07 AM
Quite attached to that thing, aren't ya, buddy?
Zeke just nods. No need to drag his own personal problems with piracy into it. He sits still, letting Kack do the talking. The order for them all to be killed didn't surprise Zeke in the least, but Kack's swift disarming of the guard certainly was.
"Nice one. Of course, they'll have more coming, no doubt. One guard can't kill five Jedi."
Kack Mebuff
Mar 6th, 2004, 11:05:10 PM
A dozen or so guards rushed into the room, all armed with heavy blasters.
As the first entered the room, Kack snap-kicked him in the face, breaking the soldier's nose. Blood rushed from the man's nasal passage, as he grabbed his face. Kack then tossed the guard to the ground, followed by a quick elbow to the stomach.
"Hold them off, I'll try to find our weapons," Kack instructed as he rushed to where the guard had locked away the Jedi's arms.
"Hmmm, no code... oh well..."
Using the Force, Kack ripped the door off of the safe. He then called his saber to his hands.
Kack sensed a blaster shot coming in his direction just in time to deflect it into the wall nearest the padawan. Another bolt came in Kack's direction, again returned, but this time to its sender. The bolt hit the man dead in the chest.
Falcon Gyndar
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:42:19 PM
Falcon glanced at Kack, hoping to get his sabers and pistol back very soon. Then he turned just in time to see a guard coming at him. The man was about to let a shot off point blank when... WHACK... Falcon had moved unusually quickly, and kicked the guard's weapon out of his hands, then jumped at the blaster in the air and took it for himself. He went to fire the blaster, only to realize its reserve was empty.
Oh well... It's still useful....And he flipped it over and swung, giving the guard a good enough whack over the head to knock him out and incapacitate him for a good while after he came to...
Kack Mebuff
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:13:30 AM
Kack grabbed Falcon's weapons and tossed them in the Knight's direction. He also sent Zeke's force pike through the air to his Master's waiting hands.
Another blaster bolt whizzed past Kack's head. The padawan lifted and dropped his saber slicing the end of the blaster off, then kicking the gun-man hard in the stomach.
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:02:59 PM
Zeke catches the Pike and whirls it around his body, spending a moment to just hold onto it. His sabers are the next weapons to come out, igniting and hovering about his body by means of telekinesis. Adding a little Force sense makes him a perfect defensive fighter; no blaster bolts will touch him. Now, to deal with the guards.
So far it seems only one wants to mess with him; the others are dealing with Kack, Falcon, and the girls. Zeke hooks a chair with his Force Pike and throws it on his antagonist to stagger him. The end without a blade comes around to catch him across the left temple for an instant knock out.
Rikki Van-Warren
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:40:37 PM
The only strength that Rikki holds with the Force is telekinesis and the ability of good aim.
She calls her blaster to her hand and quickly disengages the safety, within seconds she fires, bringing down her first attacker.
Falcon Gyndar
Mar 11th, 2004, 02:29:43 PM
Falcon catches his 'sabers first, the handgun coming to him a second later. He keeps out the 'sabers, black and silver, and returns the handgun to its holster. When he ignited them, streams of Orange, and Blacklight shot out from the hilts, the blacklight 'saber catching a guard in mid-stride.
That's what I call not even thinking about it..
And the knight went off, with speed, accuracy, and mindfulness, bringing down any guard coming into his path.
Kack Mebuff
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:51:50 PM
As Falcon finished off the last of the guards, Kack's ears perked up at a new sound, he heard an ever so subtle hissing sound.
"Everyone, out of the room. They're filtering nerve gas in through the vents!"
But they were too late. The durasteel doors were already closed with a heavy clank.
"Rikki and Mylia, cover the vents on the left side of the room with the table."
Kack turned to Falcon and Zeke, "We're going to have to cut through that door. I think, with the three of us, we should be able to do it rather quickly. But our time is fleeting. We can only block one set of vents."
Johnny Spade
Mar 17th, 2004, 01:20:44 AM
Johnny had made out rather well. He walked away with a nice blaster pistol (perfect for concealment), a heavy blaster rifle, his own blaster, some body armor, and an odd weapon, but useful one... a lightsaber. He wasn't too familiar with the weapon but he figured anything might come in handy.
He made his way back to his ship and quickly took off. As he made his way towards The Darksaber, he found some of Allen's fighter pilots ready to intercept.
He didn't want to make it too easy so he put up a bit of a fight. But surely enough they hit him with the tractor beam and reeled Spade in.
Mar 18th, 2004, 11:51:53 AM
Zeke's sabers drive into the walls across from each other, spinning around in a circle, cutting through the heavy door as only a lightsaber can. It's not cutting cleanly though; the door is melting into slag, which means they'll have to kick it in to get out.
"I'm not sure when it'll be ready, but if anyone wants to go give it a solid kick sometime soon, be my guest."
Kack Mebuff
Mar 21st, 2004, 11:34:50 PM
Kack took a few steps back and got a running start. He then leapt into the air, landing a solid drop kick through the door. The Force aided his every movment... maybe a little too much.
He sat on the durasteel floor rubbing his head, "Guess I didn't need that much force."
Lady Mylia
Mar 23rd, 2004, 01:52:12 PM
After Mylia recieved her blaster and took a couple shots at the attackers. "Cover the vents." Mylia nodded to Kack and she and Rikki began to pull the tables to cover up the vents.
Rikki Van-Warren
Mar 25th, 2004, 04:12:45 AM
Rikki helped Mylia and sighed when her comrades busted through the door.
Mar 25th, 2004, 07:20:12 PM
Zeke steps through the hole, shutting off his sabers and putting them into his deep pockets. With a simple gesture he brings Kack to his feet and stands in the hall with his arms folded, taking a look around. It seems he's deep in thought, considering his next move. But not really.
"Anyone got a plan, or do we just fly by the seats of our pants and do whatever?"
The latter was always more Zeke's style than the former. It makes him a terrible diplomat, but he's more effective in other areas. And right now, "other areas" would describe the range of events happening here.
Kack Mebuff
Mar 27th, 2004, 04:39:14 PM
Kack turned to Zeke, "Diplomacy, I do not think, will work here. Perhaps, we should rally with the people of Naboo for the oncoming attack. If we contact their leaders we may be able to to orchestrate some sort of counter-strike here. Anybody else have a suggestion?"
Mar 30th, 2004, 02:13:41 PM
"Nah, not really. Unless we wanna go beating down pirates until we find the leader, then use aggressive negotiations to make him stop. Think we'll be able to even get to Naboo? First we gotta get back on our ship, then evade fighters, lasers, etc. to reach the surface..."
Kack Mebuff
Mar 30th, 2004, 11:51:18 PM
"Our first objective is going to be to disable their tractor beam... then we escape aboard my ship. The shields should last long enough for us to get far enough away."
Kack paused, thinking.
"Actually... he trailed off. Forget the tractor beam. I have a better idea. Let's get to The Starskipper now!"
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:35:09 PM
Zeke just shrugs. So long as someone has a plan. He takes off back towards the ship, putting his sabers away to spare himself the taxing telekinesis needed to wield them. He'll get by on his Force Pike, like he usually does.
Lady Mylia
Apr 7th, 2004, 09:13:10 PM
Mylia just kept quiet. She surely did not have any ideas. She listened to everyone else and ran with everyone else as they made their way back to the ship. "What do you have in mind?" She questioned as they ran.
Rikki Van-Warren
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:07:10 PM
Rikki followed closely behind Kack and Mylia, listening carefully. She was ready for anything, her blaster was charged and so was she.
Kack Mebuff
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:43:11 PM
A think mischivious smile spread across Kack's lips at Mylia's question.
"I got a neat little thing called an ion cannon aboard my ship."
As Kack and company came to the docking bay he sensed several guards waiting for anyone to attempt to take the ship.
"Looks like we're not out of this yet. You ready folks?"
Apr 11th, 2004, 05:31:17 PM
Zeke swings his arm, throwing the guards far aside, and without missing a beat runs up the lowering docking ramp and into the ship.
"C'mon, we don't have alot of time."
Rikki Van-Warren
Apr 12th, 2004, 08:42:01 PM
Rikki was right behind Mylias as the two of them followed Zeke. A rush of relief came over the Padawan for a mere moment. But, things were tense and she gave the Jedi Master all her attention, in case they needed her to do something.
Kack Mebuff
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:41:25 AM
Kack rushed aboard the Starskipper with all the speed his large frame could muster.
As he dashed towards the cockpit he called over his shoulder, "Rikki, Mylia, guard the ramp while I fire up the ship. We don't want any unfriendly company!"
Kack punched furiously on the console heating up the ship's engines. He flipped a switch and punched a large red button labled "Ion." There was a sudden jolt as the cannon fired off a single shot. The whole terrorist ship went dark.
"Let's go!" Kack yelled as the Starskipper fired out of the docking bay.
Kack Mebuff
Apr 15th, 2004, 11:01:45 PM
For awhile the Starskipper just floated in Naboo's orbit.
"That was a pretty close call..." Kack said letting out a deep sigh.
"Everyone okay back there?" the padawan inquired leaning over the back of his seat.
Apr 19th, 2004, 07:52:46 AM
"Yeah," Zeke answers, slouching down in his chair. "Stupid pirates..." he mutters, looking back in the direction of the hostile ship.
Johnny Spade
Apr 20th, 2004, 11:26:16 PM
As Spade's XJ X-Wing figher sat in the hangar of the Darksaber, everything went dark. The crew was thrust into a panicked frenzy! A perfect diversion for Johnny to slip away unnoticed.
As he crept silent down one of the hallways, he heard voices coming in his direction. Spade quickly ducked into a nearby room, only to find himself in deeper.
Johnny Spade had walked right into a bunker for the Red Saber's troops, well, some of them at least. There were three soldiers fast asleep, but there were a dozen or so bunkbeds all lined up across the walls. He slipped silently into one of the closets.
Rikki Van-Warren
Apr 21st, 2004, 08:50:21 PM
That was the most excitement Rikki had had in a long time. She flopped down in a seat next to Mylia. "Okay from this end, Kack!" She called.
Kack Mebuff
Apr 25th, 2004, 03:16:15 PM
"Good... I'm requesting permission to land as we speak," he said, sending the ship through Naboo's atmosphere.
Several minutes passed without any reply.
"Something's wrong," Kack muttered, "their communications have been knocked out. We'll have to land outside of Theed City and hope for the best."
Kack Mebuff
Apr 27th, 2004, 04:20:44 PM
The Starskipper set down outside of Theed City, near the Gungan swamps.
Kack was the first off the ship. He removed his ligthsaber but left it in the "off" position. He crept as quietly as he could and stood behind a tree.
The padawan then motioned for the rest to follow.
Kack Mebuff
May 2nd, 2004, 02:12:12 PM
Kack lead the group towards Theed where all the big government buildings were. There he would find the representatives and the Queen of Naboo.
As they reached the edge of the city they realized how "normal" everything looked considering the situation.
"These people..." Kack began, "they don't know about what's going on. We must proceed with caution. We don't want to alarm them."
Finally, they reached the stairs of the Palace. Kack stopped everyone at the doors.
"I sense a disturbance in the Force. Be wary, something is amiss."
Rikki Van-Warren
May 2nd, 2004, 03:35:20 PM
Rikki didn't like it when things were amiss, usually in holo-vids someone would say that and someone would die and it was usually a clumsy female.
Rikki may have been a female, but she sure wasn't clumsy. She took the safety off her blaster and pressed herself against the wall.
May 2nd, 2004, 04:15:14 PM
Zeke just stands there with his Pike slung over his shoulder, looking up at the building with an expression that mixed a curious, unimpressed, and, and slight confusion.
"Something in there wrong? Pirates, or lying politicians, or what?"
Kack Mebuff
May 2nd, 2004, 10:59:19 PM
"What?!" Representative Arastasio yelled infuriated.
"We... we let him go, sir," replied one of the guards.
"Why? Why would you do that?"
"Senator Lovegrove ordered us to, sir."
Arastasio immediately stormed off to the council chamber. As soon as he arrived, he made sure his presence was known.
"Traitor!" he screamed, pointing at the Senator.
"What are you talking about?" came Lovegrove's indignant reply.
"You ordered the release of an untried prisoner," Arastasio continued.
"I did not believe what you said about him," came the simple response, "I did what I felt I had to do."
"What you 'had to do?' Well, then I must do what I feel I have to do. I recommend that Senator Lovegrove be removed from his duties and imprisoned until we can further investigate the situation. We will hold the vote immediately."
The rest of the officials did not want to bring on Arastasio's wrath and therefore voted in a way that would not further enrage the Representative.
"It appears that the vote is not in your favor, old friend. I am sorry," Arastasio said plainly.
The security officers took Lovegrove away.
"Now that Lovegrove has been removed, it appears that I am next in line to take his place."
* * * * *
The Jedi walked up towards the doors and were quickly met by the palace guards.
"Jedi Master, we have been awaiting your arrival. I am Captain Oldus, leader of the Queen's forces. Queen Mar-Shayal has locked herself in her quarters since the news has arrived. But I am sure she will want to meet with you."
"Thank you, Captain Oldus," Kack replied, bowing at the waist.
"Follow me..."
The Captain led the Jedi into the council chamber where Arastasio sat at the head of a large table, surrounded by the other officials. However, the man in the message was not present, Kack noted.
"Welcome, Jedi Master," the new Senator greeted.
"Senator," Kack replied, bowing at the waist.
"Please, come take a seat. Tell us what information you have collected."
"We boarded with the Dark Saber and attempted to reach a peacful solution."
"Did you?"
"Unfortunately, no we could not. General Allen was quite unmovable. He even tried to have us exterminated. However, we were able to get a little information before escaping from the craft."
"Allen revealed that they were hired by representatives from Sluis Van and that they were after Naboo's natural resources."
"Of course! They're having a shortage and their whole economy is based on that giant ship-yard! Sluis Van must practically be drowning in debt!"
Kack nodded his head, and took a seat.
"Gentlemen," Arastasio began, "I suggest that we go to war with Sluis Van! We cannot sit idly by and let them rob us blind! We must retaliate!"
"I beg your pardon, Senator, but we still have the Red Saber to deal with," Kack said, interrupting.
Falcon Gyndar
May 13th, 2004, 10:48:12 AM
Originally posted by Zeke
Zeke just stands there with his Pike slung over his shoulder, looking up at the building with an expression that mixed a curious, unimpressed, and, and slight confusion.
"Something in there wrong? Pirates, or lying politicians, or what?"
Falcon slipped a finger through the trigger-guard of the small pistol his brother had given him. Each time he touched this work of art and destruction he was reminded of the good ol' days of pranks and practice at Tyntia's Jedi Order. But that was just a wasteland now....
The Jedi Knight glanced at Zeke.
"I would figure the latter, my friend. But we must be patient...and ready..." At the word 'ready' Falcon slips one of two sabers from its place on his utility belt. As he does this, he watches Rikki.
You ready, miss? He sends to her. Futile question. Somehow he knew there'd be no problem in the case of his student.
May 13th, 2004, 10:33:18 PM
Zeke makes a slight "heh" at Falcon's response to him. He doesn't like this tightrope-walking diplomacy. He trails after Kack, listening to the conversation, and interrupting quickly at the mention of war.
"Nuh-uh! Hell no. That'll be even worse for you in the long run. Just deal with the pirates and you'll be fine."
Kack Mebuff
May 16th, 2004, 12:54:36 AM
Kack nodded, agreeing with his Master.
"War is not a viable solution," the padawan added.
"But if we defeat the pirates who knows what they will send afterwards!" Arastasio said, obviously annoyed by the questioning of the Jedi.
"But open war will only lead to death and destruction. Very little good ever comes from such conflicts," Kack reminded.
The other officials in the room suddenly began to murmur amongst themselves. There seemed to be some debate on whom to listen to: the Jedi or Arastasio.
"We cannot sit by and let Sluis Van walk all over us, Jedi Masters!" the senator persisted.
Kack sensed something else in Arastasio. He was too eager to go to war with Sluis Van and the padawan did not like it.
I don't like this... Kack said telepathicly to his comrades.
...something is out of place.
"As a Jedi, I cannot approve of your insistence of war, Senator Arastasio. And the Greater Jedi Order will not stand for such an act without further investigation into the matter."
Rikki Van-Warren
May 16th, 2004, 08:31:44 AM
Originally posted by Falcon Gyndar
"I would figure the latter, my friend. But we must be patient...and ready..." At the word 'ready' Falcon slips one of two sabers from its place on his utility belt. As he does this, he watches Rikki.
You ready, miss? He sends to her. Futile question. Somehow he knew there'd be no problem in the case of his student.
Rikki nods, "yes, Master." Her mind thinking of nothing, but what's ahead. She was ready.
May 19th, 2004, 10:57:58 AM
"Yeah, what Kack said. Jeez, you're all in the same Senate, aren't you? Settle it there with debate, diplomacy, whatever it is you politicians use. Don't go fightin' over it."
Kack Mebuff
May 20th, 2004, 09:22:01 PM
Kack nodded. "There are peaceful solutions."
"The Senate takes forever to decide anything!" Arastasio said through clenched teeth. It was clear his annoyance was quickly turning into anger.
"Please, we are just trying to help you avoid needless death for your people and those of Sluis Van..."
"I will not let my people be trampled on by these thieves!"
"You will do as I say!" came a new voice.
"My... my... Queen!" Arastasio stammered, "you should be in hiding. We do not want the pirates to send assassins after you."
"Silence!" Queen Mar-Shayal commanded, "Master Jedi, I welcome you and your companions to Naboo. Please follow me into my private chambers. There we can discuss this matter without the interference of politics."
* * * * *
Within the dimly lit room of Queen Mar-Shayal's quarters the Jedi all sat at a round table with the Queen sitting on one far end. Kack and Zeke sat on either side of her.
"It seems that the Red Saber is trying to take away our freedom, Master Jedi."
Kack nodded.
"We have heard that Sluis Van hired the pirates. But I sensed something else. Something ellusive. I feel it warrents further investigation."
The Queen nodded her understanding. "But Representative Arastasio disagrees?" she asked.
"Representative? We were told that he was the Senator."
This news seemed to disturb Queen Mar-Shayal. "I will have to speak with Senator Arastasio about this matter, after our meeting."
"If I may ask," Kack began, "if Arastasio is the new senator who is the old one?"
* * * * *
Only minutes later Queen Mar-Shayal and the rest of the Jedi were in the prison level talking with the guards.
"Take me to Senator Lovegrove's cell," she quickly demanded.
"Yes, m'lady," the guard replied heading right to the first cell. He opened the door and allowed the Queen to enter.
Lovegrove lie on his cot, bruised badly. He tried to get up but fell backwards.
"Don't get up, Senator, you are fine as you are."
"Senator, what happened?" inquired Mebuff.
"Arastasio... called me a traitor... took my spot..." his head dropped a bit, "he had the guards beat me up for information... but I have none to give..."
There was no lie in Lovegrove's voice.
"Get him up," Mar-Shayal ordered the guards, "take him to his quarters!"
* * * * *
While the medics helped Senator Lovegrove and the Queen dealt with Arastasio, the Jedi were lead into a private room to rest.
"What do you think is going on?" Kack inquired, "Arastasio is tied in somehow. But I can't figure out how, yet."
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