View Full Version : "Take Me to Tioga!!"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 14th, 2004, 07:52:40 PM
Quay'Na hadn't seen him for a very long time, it was only a few days ago that she had come across his comm number and out of curiosity, she punched in the codes.
Waiting to hear that it had been disconnected or was out of range. The Padawan was utterly surprised to hear that it had indeed been patched through and that Syriande Blue's voice was on the other end.
After a brief conversation and Quay'Na confessed that she had indeed missed him, they arranged somewhat of a Yes, it was a luncheon of sorts. Between two friends.
And now the time was upon her, to see him again. He was quite a gentleman and had a very caring demeanor about him. Something that just seemed to draw on her.
With a smile on her face she entered the small cafe. Cafe' Rousse, it was called. A place she had found and was very fond of. A bar was to the right as one entered and then a pleasant dining area was on further back. The place was reminded her of a jungle, with lots of greenery and parrots in large golden cages hung here and there.
Quay'Na found a table midway between both areas, but still out of the way enough to have a bit of privacy. The holo-vision was on at the bar with the same dull everyday news. Nothing had been happening lately and Quay'Na figured one day very soon all hell would break lose and the Jedi would again have to be on their toes.
But. for now, life was going well...pretty darn good.
"What can I get for you, Miss?" A nasally waitress asked, once Quay was noticed.
"Hot tea, please with honey." She answered with a smile.
The Padawan sighed happily as the waitress walked off, now all she had to do was wait for Syriande.
Syriande Blue
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:41:45 PM
Last time they had seen eatchother they had left on semi bad terms. She had given him the impresson that he had kidnapped her to Nada-Shaa on one of his jobs. He had been on Coruscant the this time she called also doing another job, he had been transporting some kind of hardware for a client of his, lucky for Quay'na.
' Gentleman, last time you met her she nearly got us killed with the Corf, mate, not again' Linton had said before blue left, and Linton was of course out spoken about these things, but Blue had no choice but to see her.
' look Lint', i did say i'd help her if i could and if i was in the area ever again, she clearly took it to her advantage!' Said Blue back towards Linton. Outside has he walked towards the bar, the meeting place it was a frosty morning but the sun was out, Blue liked that. Sun at atlast, it seemed the rain would follow him everywhere even to diffrent planets, it was a welcome change.
Of course the extravagant Highwayman was indeed dressed in his 3 cornered hat, cravat, cape and other such sterotypical highwayman looking garb. He really did'nt see how out of place he was as he pranced down that catwalk. he entered the bar finaly, greeted with strange looks from the locals and found where Quay'Na was, he sat down without a word and looked ather through his eye mask.
' Thought we left on bad terms? Syriande said with a short sigh.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:54:04 PM
Quay'Na sat across from him and gave him a playful smirk. "I'm not one to hold grudges, Mr. Blue. I am a Jedi."
She held the smirk a few more moments and then laughed. "How could I possbily remain on bad terms with you, Sir Sy?"
Syriande Blue
Jan 15th, 2004, 10:13:10 AM
He sat in silence for a few moments before giving a side smirk and then leaned back in his chair and pulled out the beer mat they had taken from the Bar and grill some time ago, on their first meeting. he had promised to take it back, but he had not.
' I kept this because, well, it reminded me of you' he said placing it on the table and sliding it with his fingers towards her. He gave a smile and then continued. ' What can i help you with?'
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 15th, 2004, 03:43:31 PM
Quay'Na smiled as she took the beer mat and looked at it. "Looks like I'm still a thief then. Oh, well, I'm sure I've been called worse. I'm not really...." Something stopped her, a feeling in the Force as she looked up at the holo-vision screen.
A newscaster was saying something and it was showing a rather large castle in the background. "Excuse me for a minute, Sy." Quay'Na said as she stood and walked closer to the screen.
'Tiogo is under a full alert, as of twenty minutes ago...when King JoVan's own daughter was taken by what the officials are calling 'the Invisi-beast'. Serious happenings have been bestowed on the palace and the higher officials, ever since the expansion of the city....'
"What the..." She said as she listened to some more.It had seemed that someone or some kind of strange creature had been disturbed with the expansion into the forest regoins of Tioga. As the Padawan listen more, it revealed that nearly thirty children had been abducted and none had been found. Death was iniment. Search crews had been sent into the forests and only few had returned and those that had, had been brutally injured.
Something was out there.
Syriande Blue
Jan 15th, 2004, 05:01:38 PM
Syriande looked at her for a few moments, then to the Holo and put two and two together, his mouth fell open and his eyes widened. ' Oh bugger no, nha, i aint going there, not to that death trap! he said standing up all of a sudden.
' not on your nelly girl!
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 15th, 2004, 07:25:36 PM
Quay'Na looked at him, without a second thought. "Sy, I need to get there. No one can understand wildlife more than I do. If it is indeed some kind of creature, I have to get there immediately. Children's lives are at stake and this thing...has to be stopped."
She looked at him. "Just get me there, that's all I ask. I'll do the search on my own." Quay's eyes pleaded with him, she had to get to Tioga. "You're ship is fast, I could be in those woods within hours."
Syriande Blue
Jan 15th, 2004, 08:13:21 PM
' Nah, you bugger off ' he said waving his hand in a dissmissive gesture. ' Everyime i see you, im in a situation where i could get killed. darlin' im a pirate not the bloody monster hunter, now if you will excuse me...' he said this so comicaly he nearly made himself laugh, but he moved from the chair, pushed it under the table and began to leave.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 15th, 2004, 08:21:11 PM
Quay crossed her arms in front of her as he started to leave and shrugged. "That's alright, Sy. I understand, you're afraid. I can find my own ride." She turned and began to go back to her seat. "And I thought you were brave and strong, you really misled me. But, oh well to each his own." She non-chalantly tossed some credits on the table and turned around and faced him again.
Syriande Blue
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:46:59 PM
' Af- affraid?!' Turned towards her again, his face of complete shock. ' I deal with some of the most bloody thirsty, cold blooded creatures of this galaxy, i have faced a rankor in my youth and you call me AFFRAID?!' he said tugging at his cravat to neaten it out.
He then quickly looked about him to see if anyone was listning, it seemed as if they were not. he leaned in slightly and quitned his voice ' Heh, well i am a little bit, BUT you can not use that against me! you cant! for i am Syriande Bl-' As he was starting to walk towards her he tripped on a table leg and fell flat on a booth chair before quickly getting up and placing his hat upon his head.
' Blue!, and why would you wish to go to that place anyway?' He said as if nothing had happned.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 16th, 2004, 08:57:51 PM
Quay'Na stifled a giggle, as she watched him trip. Sy was such a comical guy and most of the time he didn't even have to try.
She straightened up. "I want to go there because someone needs to stop this thing and find those children. I believe, I can be that someone. Now, will you please take me?" She pressed a bit harder this time.
"I am a symbiont with nature, Sy. I could be able to communicate with it and hopefully be able to get a location on the kids. This doesn't have to be another tragedy. If one of those kids were yours, wouldn't you want someone to help find them?"
Syriande Blue
Jan 16th, 2004, 09:01:26 PM
' you-well-why dont-' he looked at her and her pleading eyes and he gave a side pout towards her ' GARN DARN IT!' he shouted, making everyone look around towards him in the bar. He turned on his heel and hot footed it over to the bar door opened it and turned around.
' Well are you bloody coming or what?'
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 16th, 2004, 09:09:42 PM
Quay'Na gave him a satisfied smile and a nod. Even this pirate had a soft spot for kids if put in the right way. She quickly grabbed her cloak and followed him out.
"Thanks, Sy. I owe ya one." She told him as they hurried to the spaceport.
The Padawan didn't have time to pack, she could buy clothes there or get some from the King.
"I need to make contact with the King from your ship and inform him we're on our way."
Kelt Simoson
Jan 16th, 2004, 09:23:48 PM
delete please.
Syriande Blue
Jan 16th, 2004, 09:25:15 PM
Syriande simply mumbled something annoyingly.
' "I need to make contact with the King from your ship and inform him we're on our way." ' He mocked sarcasticly.
The walked in silence untill they entered the gates to the small, out of the way space port mianly used for storing smaller vessels, like a dry dock. He gave his pass towards the armed gaurd who let them through. They had not even got in twently feet of the Pintas, the crews YV-666, when Glunk yelled from inside the ship, dropped the ramp at a incredible rate which banged hard against the concrete and stormed out.
' MiSS Rakai!!!
'Oh no'
But it was to late, Glunk had already smacked hard into them toppling both Quay'Na and Blue over into a heap, the fat Rodian crushing them both to the ground.
' Glunk - get- off!'
' OHHHH! BoSS me so Sowwy BoSS!' He said still huggin Quay'Na on the ground. After a few more moments he got off of them both and stood up, helping the other two to their feet. The rodian out stretched a hand a started wiping down Blues coat, but blue slapped his hand and Glunk stopped.
' Sorry about that' Blue said to Quay'Na and coughed.
' CoME MiSS RaKai! We Must Board!" Glunk said running off excitedly.
' I forgot to tell you, some of the crew missed you!' Blue said as he began to walk on baord the Pintas.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 16th, 2004, 10:12:34 PM
Whomp!!! Oaf!!! Quay'Na was on the ground along side Sy, with a...rodian on top of her. She couldn't breathe. Help...
The Rodian quickly got off with Sy's order and she was helped up.
Glunk hurried into the ship as Quay followed Sy. She smiled when he told her some of the crew actually missed her. That was a change.
"Well, they were missed too...along with a certain Captain being missed as well." She blushed slightly as she picked up her pace to get beside him.
Syriande Blue
Jan 17th, 2004, 08:35:53 PM
The ship as they entered was of course the same. The faint humble glow of oil lamps and georgon looking furniture and bits and bobs almost like a stage coach house. The small living quarters were much the same, the crew were the same and as they entered all but Linton got up and cheered.
' Barrt time gurl, where you been at?' Said Bubbles, the 7 feet tall hunk of muscel hugged the Jedi in a tight embrace as did the rest of the crew one by one before getting back to their beer. Glunk got his 2nd hug of the day before going off to the kitchen to whip something up for lunch.
Linton ignored Quay'Na and kept on driking from his mug and chattred to the rest of the guys.
' You can take my bunk if you wish, you know where it is, if you want privecy, you might wanna get out of the way for a bit while i explain carefully what were about to do, not many here want to take on a man eating mon-'
' no no, Glunk no' Blue put out his hand to try and shut Glunk up, but the Rodian was shouting from behind Blues hand.
' munating munster?!'
' Whats this, gentleman?' Bubbles said as he and the crew got back to to investigate the shouting Glunk. ' Man eating wut'?'
' Err, Quay'Na will explain!..haha!' Blues laugh was about as fake as a plastic doll. he stepped back and let the woman speak. A nervous smile upon his face.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 17th, 2004, 09:19:19 PM
It was a warm feeling to be welcomed back, Quay'Na hugged each member of Blue's crew warmly, staying clear of Linton. Who was obviously not too happy to see her again.
Quay'Na Rakai stood steady, she knew that the man-eating monster bit was not a good thing to start a mission off with. The Padawan gathered her wits and stood before them and held up her hands. "I'm here to go on a very important mission. It's a life or death situation."
She began. "There is a system near Dantooine called Tioga, it's main city Dyani has been...under attack by a creature of sorts. I believe, it's at war with the King of Dyani who is expanding his territory into the wilds of a jungle that undoubtedly surrounds the entire city. This Invisi-beast as they've been callng it, has been causing a lot of problems, but not until today has those problems come out into the open for even the Jedi to see."
Quay looked at Sy and then with a deep breath she continued. "This beast has gotten into the city and is on a rampage of kidnapping children, around thirty have been abducted so far, including the King's own daughter. I'm here to find it, stop it and find those children. The offer is open for volunteers to join me."
Now, Quay waited for the worst scenario's to start up along with the questions she was sure they would have.
Syriande Blue
Jan 17th, 2004, 09:34:07 PM
' Where is the planet and what are its way of life, civilization and so on?' Bubbles asked crossing his arms over and tiliting his head, waiitng for her answer.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 17th, 2004, 09:55:05 PM
"Tioga is part of the New Republic and I'm sure that the issue will be warrented into the Senate to see what can be done, but this will take time. Too much time and the children that have been abducted will have died long before a decision is made. Perhaps, even the Jedi Council will be informed, but even then it maybe too late, so I'm taking it on myself." She paused.
"Tioga is two systems away from Dantooine, the civilization there is much like that on Coruscant, weapons are allowed and as far as other laws, I will have to do some research. I foresee no problems. The quicker I can get there, gather my information and hit those woods...the better chance I'll have of saving those children. I will need to contact the King and let him know that a Jedi is on the way."
Going was rash, but it's exactly what her first master would've done in a heartbeat, just as the last mission the two shared. Quay'Na shook her head at the thought, this was her first mission alone. She would make Master Ira proud as well as Helenias.
Syriande Blue
Jan 17th, 2004, 10:13:59 PM
'Why us?' Linton said, he did not hate her, simply disliked her. Their last run in with her nearly cost them their lives and it seemed she wanted it again.
' She did'nt have anyone to turn to!' Bubbles said, answering the question before is barely left linton' mouth.
' Bubbles, let her answer, im sick of this stuff. We're Pirates for the forces sake not heros, why in the hell should we help this jedi?'
The crew fell silent, even the chef fell quite in the kitchen from his chopping.
Even Bubbles could not disagree with Linton this time.
It was true, the band of outlaws were nothing but middle class pirates looking for a lucky break and fighting a monster was not their war. Glunk looked around the rest of the crew before turning around on them. his eyes scanning them.
' Fellas' me rekons that little breeds, whoever they are that are in danger, need-our-help. Littl breeds have not harmed this word yet, they are innocent and pure and whatever has takens' them had takens' them for no GoOD. Is that not right BoSS?!'
Blue smiled, suddenly the clumey Glunk showed his rare side, the good guy, the moral building member of the group that in fact talked alot more sense than the rest did. Instead of the jibberish, sometimes the Rodian actually made things seem right, even in his awkward words.
Linton simply side smiled towards Glunk and sighed quietly.
' Kids huh?' Linton asked.
Blue nodded.
Linton sighed again. Nodded towards the Jedi and made his way towards the ladder.
'I'll fire pintas up, this baby will be ready to fly in a few moments' For a moment, like a fellowship, the crew stood motionless, friends they all were and journeys and quests they had been on...they were together in everything and all of them smiled together...brothers without the same blood.
' HOOWAA!!' The crew shouted together in unison.
The crew quickly set the work, some went up the ladder, others to the engine room. Blue simply nodded towards Quay'Na with a smile and started to climb the ladder to the operations deck.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 18th, 2004, 06:57:23 PM
The Padawan returned Sy a smile and then suddenly she was alone and blew out a sigh. This mission would no doubt be dangerous and the more information she could get the better.
Quay'Na needed to start her homework and remembered seeing a computer terminal in Sy's private quarters and made her way there.
She could hear the converters turn over as she entered Sy's quarters and closed the doors behind her. Tossing her robe onto the bed, she walked over to the comp terminal and turned it on.
It booted up quickly and as the ship took off, she was on the holo-net. First off, she sent a message to the King informing him that a Jedi was on the way to assist. Then, she began reminiscing through data logs from the Tioga system from the last three days and then further back. She studied the information until she heard a knock on the door, she had no idea how long she'd been reading.
Quay'Na rubbed her eyes and stood. Walking quickly over to the door and opened it.
Syriande Blue
Jan 18th, 2004, 08:16:12 PM
The Engines roared to life. The YV-666 pintas was now in its take of sequence. Linton, the helmsman punched in a few coordinates and pushed the throttle up. The Pintas gave a great lurch to the left and it was away, making its quick accent into the atmosphere of Coruscant.
' This is the YV-666 'Pintas' requesting leave of the Corucant under half impulse' Spoke Linton through his headset.
' YV-666 ' Pintas' You are clear to leave Coruscant on aheading of 342 mark 547 have a good day' Responded the space control. ' And you control'
Linton once again punched in a few more numbers on the pad, set speed and pressed the thruster switch. The ship suddenly hit light speed, the starts turned into lines and suddenly they were off towards the planet under threat.
It was Linton however who left the Helm now, leaving it to Mort to take for a while. he walked down the short galley towards the quarters of Blue and knocked on the door. It was opened rather quickly.
' Err, is Gentleman here?' Linton said, rather suprised by her presence in Blues quarters.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 18th, 2004, 08:42:54 PM
She had been expecting Blue or even one of the other crew members, seeing Linton standing there seemed to have shocked her. Quickly, replacing the shocked look with one of slight embarassment, Quay shook her head. "Umm, no. I've not seen the Captain."
After standing there for a few uncomfortable moments, she added. "I want to thank you, Linton for agreeing to this mission of mine. I know we're not on the best of terms."
There. She had handed him the olive branch, now to see how he handled it.
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