View Full Version : After a long day's rest...(complete)

Silus Xilarian
Jan 14th, 2004, 02:31:08 AM
"Ms. Shadana, Meet me in the library when you wake, we have some things we need to discuss."

That was the message left on Razielle's comm earlier in the evening. In was now a little bit after sunset, and Silus was kicked back in the palace library reading idly while he waited on Razielle. In front of him sat a datapad, which he absently nudged around with his finger. Hopefully, she wouldnt take too long, but considering the last night she had been through, she was probably tired. From what the guards had told Silus, she'd arrived just before dawn and passed out almost immediately. He hadnt seen for himself though, as he was away from the palace that night.

Razielle Shadana
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:41:31 AM
As the poisonous light faded from the city, the Vampyre slowly began to stir. It wasn't anything so grand as sitting bolt upright with fangs bared, hissing. That was stuff and nonsense. In fact, it wasn't that much different from any normal person waking up, save for the fact that it was somewhat slower. One by one her senses flipped on like little switches, then her eyes opened and she shut them again in a lazy manner.

The flashing blue light on her comm though, did penetrate her hazy brain and irritated her enough that she grabbed it off the table by her bed. "Ms. Shadana, Meet me in the library when you wake, we have some things we need to discuss.". She sat up, scrambling off the bed. Razielle didn't have even the slightest clue who the voice belonged to, but she knew it had to be a friend of Miss De'Ville. Therefore she would comply and meet him. Unless it was someone come to haul her away for last nights destruction. Impossible, they would have simply come to her room.

For everyone's sake though, she would need to feed a bit first. Her wounds were healing too slowly for her liking. Clearing her scratchy throat, Razielle quickly changed out of her tattered clothes and into fresh ones. Making sure she was at least halfway presentable, she left the Palace quickly and made short work of finding breakfast. She didnt kill the young lady however. Her murders now being pinned on the alleged Phantom, she would be more careful to remove suspicison from herself altogether. With ease, she cleared the mind of the girl and ran her tongue over the wounds, healing them as well.

Not much time having past, and her appearance back to normal, Razielle returned to the Palace and inquired of the library's whereabouts. Arriving there, she knocked but did not wait for permission to enter. She was after all expected. Stepping inside she brought her gaze to the man tinkering with the datapad.

"I believe my presence was requested...?"

Silus Xilarian
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:06:02 AM
"Yeah, have a seat. There were some things that I'd like to talk with you about."

Silus removed his feet from the desk in front of him and kicked the chair in front of him out. His own little way of offering her a seat. As she sat, Silus clicked the datapad on and slid around in front of Razielle. On the screen was a picture of a nearby church from the night before, with twisted girders strown about the alley beside it. There were also pictures of a broken window, and the last picture in the series was two shadowing figures, both holding blood red sabers.

"First things first I guess though. My name's Silus. Lilaena hasnt had a chance to properly introduce us it seems."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 15th, 2004, 09:00:57 AM
If she had been shocked by the display before her, Razielle hid it extremely well. In fact she looked somewhat pleased with herself. In point of fact, if they wanted someone to blame she would go hunt down Mr. Phantom for them. Had he left her to her own devices, the damage would have been significantly toned down. But in defense of what were to be her new comrades, she had only been here days and she was already destroying public property. Not very impressive. She would see what Silus had to say regarding the other figure on the datapad before she voiced an opinion.

"No she hasn't.. Regretfully, I must keep odd hours. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Silus."

She wasn't sure how much of her character this man knew. Razielle was sure that De'Ville wouldn't hide the fact that the new arrival was a night stalking predator. But rather than let on too much, she left it at that. In one of the pictures, Razielle spotted a tiny silver gleam. Her dagger... Hiding a grin, she mentally vowed she would go back and get it later.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 16th, 2004, 03:05:24 AM
"There's been much talk about this little incident today. People are a little freaked out, but I think ive gotten that part smoothed out. However, you arent the first person from The Circle that has been attacked by Vali, I've personally seen what kind of damage he can do."

Silus took the datapad back and switched it off as he slid it into his pocket.

"But before I go any further, is there anything you want say? No sense in me doing all the talking."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 16th, 2004, 07:07:51 AM
So he had a name, did he?

Still keeping her every thought and fleeting emotion under check, Razielle didn't allow the smirk to form before she crushed it. It didn't appear she was going to be brought to task like a child for her events of the night before, in fact it seemed that this kind of thing had happened to others. So yeah, she had quite a few choice questions.

Crossing her legs, Razielle tapped one foot lightly in the air as she thought. The last thing she wanted to do was tell them what they were doing wrong. So she searched for a delicate way to word what was on her mind. She pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers for a moment as if in very deep and mortal thought, then looked back to Silus expectantly.

"Actually I do have a question. If you know his identity and the Circle is as strong as I suspect it is, why then is Vali allowed to go about in the night attacking the members?"

Somehow she was thinking she wasn't going to like the answer, no matter what it was.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:11:11 PM
At that moment the door opened and De'Ville slipped inside, closing it quietly behind her. Being a royal advisor meant that she sometimes kept long hours, and the robe of office was hot and heavy. The Dark Jedi carefully shrugged out of the grey and black robe, draping it over her arm as she walked towards Silus and Raizelle.

De'Ville laid the robe and it's overly structured shoulders over a chair, and pulled up another one, sitting to the side of the desk, facing both of the others. The cool library air pimpled her skin under her thin shift, but she didn't seem to mind that she was in a state of undress.

Lilaena smiled at Raizelle, and waited for Xilarian to speak again.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:48:24 PM
"Vali's a touch on the elusive side, and there are a few other factors that have stayed the executioner's axe."

Silus' seating was a bit strategic for the occasion. The only thing behind him was a wall, and the entrance was on the opposite side of the room, allowing him to be sure the current conversation was kept private.

"Vali has been a member of the Circle since it's creation."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:49:15 PM
With the arrival of her new Benefactress, Razielle smiled and lowered head head an inch in silent acknowledgement. Although De'Ville remained silent at this point, Razielle watched her out of the corner of her eye. Body language spoke very loudly and she didn't want to miss a word. Other than figuring De'Ville was hot and didn't care who knew it, she didn't reveal anything of importance.

Without betraying her multitasking mind, Razielle continued to listen with rapt attention to Silus and his explanation of Vali. Unwilling to outwardly show her reaction to these two people, as yet, she grinned at the news as if it were a splendid joke. Without a comment, she pulled at one long black curl that had been resting on her shoulder, and then watched it spring back into a coil. Leaning forward slighty she finally spoke.

"I see. So then he knew who I was, where I was, and what I was doing last night..?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 22nd, 2004, 01:04:45 PM
De'Ville, who was certainly not attending this meeting on behalf of the kingdom, but rather, on Circle business, leaned forward. "He was, in fact, sent by us."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 23rd, 2004, 03:14:37 AM
"Call it curiousity...We really couldnt help ourselves."

Silus grinned a little, he craved a bit of suspense, and was having a bit of fun with the whole deal.

"I mean really......I wish you could have seen the look on your face. You gotta admit, the guys got the whole 'ghost' act down pretty good."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 23rd, 2004, 07:18:11 AM
She was not going to get mad. She was going to sit here and let nothing bother her. The world was her oyster, damnit. But what precisely did they think was so funny? The mocking little smile did her in.

"Really..? My initial impression was that he was blatantly rude. Obviously lowerclass. My view hasn't changed much, oh to be sure he is gifted with some manner of illusionary work, but even that dosen't make up for a lack of...decorum?"

She sighed. Razielle wasn't being fair and she knew it. She was simply not in the mood for mind games and they had bested her. She decided she would play nice and see what they had to say regarding the outcome.

"Actually.. he was quite good. Although met with less hostility I am sure I would have had a higher opinion. He did have some chivalry after all."

She looked to them both for her answers. "He did fair well after his little fall, didn't he..?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 23rd, 2004, 06:17:14 PM
De'Ville waved dismissively. "He will lay low for a while, but no permanent damage was done." The Dark Jedi looked at Xilarian, a faint smile now crossing her lips. "We sent him to you...to find out how you would react."

Her eyes traced back to the pale vampyre. "I was not disappointed in how you handled yourself."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 24th, 2004, 01:40:09 AM
"I know more than anyone what he's capable of, which is why I'll go ahead and admit, I was thoroughly impressed. Im not gonna trick you into thinking that Vali was sandbagging. Given the chance, he woulda brought you back to us in a few different pieces."

Silus reached into his pocket, and removed a small dagger.

"This was all he managed to bring us. For what its worth, he complimented the craftsmenship."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 24th, 2004, 08:27:36 AM
Clearly things weren't as dire as she would have initially thought. She nodded in acceptance of their judgement upon her reaction to the attack. In plain truth she hadn't wanted to fight him, but he had seemed relentless and now she knew why.

"Well, I suppose I should be greatful for my survival then. Vali being the killing machine he is and all.."

Sitting forward, she accepted the dagger from Silus. Twisting her braid into a knot, she slid the dagger through it, pinning her hair up and smiled. It had come in handy once again. "So now that you have had your demonstartion of my prowess against armed attack...?"

She let the statement trail off. She wasn't sure to what end the performance had been for, but she was most likely going to find out.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 26th, 2004, 08:44:32 AM
"Well first off. Theres a reason you didnt know about Vali before. His affiliations are only known by those of the circle who have surpassed the level of apprentice."

Silus leaned forward just a bit to rest his arms on the table.

"After last nights demonstration, it's our belief that you are deserving of such 'information'."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 26th, 2004, 02:29:25 PM
De'Ville nodded in agreement of Silus' words, and added, "We would like to recognize your skills, and grant you the rights and priviledges that go with the rank of knight. The circle is strengthened by your presence, and you deserve more than an apprentice level initiate."

Razielle Shadana
Jan 26th, 2004, 06:33:35 PM
Razielle was somewhat taken aback. For one split second she was even mad. An accomplishment such as this should have come from the one who had given her the majority of her teachings. That he hadn't and with no good reason why, ripped her apart. She was truely going to have to accept that her Master was no longer to be with her and she must look for someone else to guide her.

But that was nothing to do with why she was here, now. They were simply bestowing on her what she had earned for herself, in the absense of her Master. They may even be able to supply someone new to her, for further training. Razielle knew instinctively that within the Circle, her skills would progress rapidly. Nodding at their words she accepted her new lot.

"I thank you.. I assure you that I will do all I can to exceed your expectations."

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 10th, 2004, 12:39:47 AM
De'Ville smiled at Shadana's comment. "We are counting on it." She let her eyes turn towards Silus, and she gently quirked an eyebrow in his direction.