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Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 13th, 2004, 12:47:11 AM
Dalamar had layed dormant in the inky black soil for too long. The Mother had called him away and he did not remember much after that. She had given him some mission of some importance but what he could not recall. Also why was he in the earth buried and forgotten. What had brought him to this he did not remember. Reaching down the length of his leg he felt around and there it was his small short sword attached to his hip. Loosening it he pierced the veil of earth.
His pale hand was clearly seen in the bright moonlight as he unearthed himself like a grim spectre of death. Shaking loose the dirt he assesed himself, a half healed chest wound and some tattering of his clothes, Otherwise he was in fine shape. His specially crafted weapons where still on his person and he felt somewhat energetic to what might be his new purpose in life. Then suddenly his mind remembered more DAIQUIRI.. Something else flared bright red the bloodlust of a Vampyre. To his left the bright lights of a city. Moving as one with the night Dalamar ran with the winds....

Selinica Miriya
Jan 13th, 2004, 01:32:09 AM
Out in the open of the night, in the middle of nowhere, the Black Mistress of Eva Spher, the Huntress, worked herself, muscles burning with the satisfying sensation that came when pushing ones self to excellence. Her technique was in search of constant perfection.

In the midst of a swift turn and stop, her blade slicing through the air, smoothly, as if battling a foe, Miriya D'aen Cailis spotted a figure speeding closer to her positon with every second. A being she did not recognize. But of course, who did she know that would be out in empty space at night?

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 13th, 2004, 11:57:11 PM
Running down the moutain Dalamar was feeling confused and disoriented, but the night called to him and he could not refuse the feel of freedom as he ran. Moving between the trees and feeling the steady beat of the ground underneath him seemed to calm his raging spirit and mind. Suddenly up ahead was a silhoutte of a female. Veering slightly he moved to intercept after all he had not eaten in a while.
As the hill sloped he jumped into a low hanging branch and looked down on the female. His black clothes hung in tatters around him only his pants where untorn. Still his piercing red gaze assesed her. Tilting his head slightly he rose from his crouching position.

The Vampyre bowed and spoke. "Hello I am Dalamar Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon and Guardian of the Shr...i..ne...Dalamar's mind flashed as memories assaulted him he fell from the tree clutching his chest. In his mind he saw the horror once again.

The Mother's taloned hand digging into his chest tearing out a piece of his heart. The Shrine Guardians carrying me out of the Shrine. Why? Why? had this been done. Turning back in his rage and his anger the Warlord only had thoughts of revenge. In his heart he looked to the mother as the author of his pain. He wanted to curse her but his curses fell to the ground. Expecting the venomous look of the damned he saw the one thing he didn't expect. Her marbled face looking downward and a crimson tear running softly down her delicate feature's. Her blood stained hands held over her heart.

Now he remembered , truly remembered he wasn't buried and forgotten. That sad look of loss in her eye's had banished him. Once outside the gated he buried himself into the cold hard ground. Longing to forget forever the haunted hurt look of the Mother. Realizing only now what he had done. The Vampyre looked down into his still clutched fist and in his hand the Mother's heart the piece of her that was his. Placing it next to his own wound the two dead hearts called to each other beating wildly they joined as one in the vampyre's chest. Life and vitality returned to the Warlord. As a single blood red tear ran down his cheek. Standing up he only fell down again his sword supporting him as the weight of his sorrow weighed on his immortal soul.

A course whisper could be heard from the dread Lord "I'm sorry my Queen, I will not forget you, you will alway's be with me forever in my heart." Slumping over the Vampyre wept bitterly....

Preacher Blake
Jan 14th, 2004, 12:32:35 AM
From the opposite direction, another figure appeared, walking with a casual, but purposeful pace. He glanced to the side, at his blonde-haired companion, and then back to the scene in front of him...a dirt-covered man weeping at the feet of a woman.

Of course, Preacher knew there was more to it, as did his companion.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 14th, 2004, 12:38:12 AM
When the being came into her presence, the tattered and torn state of the cloth of his clothes made her wonder. She lowered her blade, cutting it to her side, assessing him....watching the man in silence with cold, icy eyes when he spoke.

The being had introduced himself as Dalamar, a warlord...

Eye of the Dragon, Guardian of the Shrine....?

Miriya had not heard of such things before. Being one constantly on the move did that. His words were touched with a height of courtesy, and yet... She felt something around him, a sadness..a pain. His mind was delving into the past.

She wasn't one to pry.

"I am Miriya D'aen Cailis, A Huntress...The Black Mistress of Eva Spher..."

That was all she would let on as to who she was.

It seemed the man had little strength. She had seen his kind before, and knew that some of her friends and acquaintances from times past were of his kind, also. Her curiousity for these people was always slightly higher.

There were others near. Others, she felt, that were wary of her kind, and Dalamar's.

When he slumped, breathing out heavy words, weeping..she said nothing, but watched him in silence, strands of her golden hair blowing in the breeze.

Jan 14th, 2004, 12:39:48 AM
She said nothing for a few moments, only returning Preacher's look before once more casting her eyes to the man before them. It wasn't something normally seen on any given day, and the woman couldn't help but wonder what it was that held such a hold on the battered individual.

And when she did speak, her voice was soft so that only her partner could hear.

"Don't see that every day."

Preacher Blake
Jan 14th, 2004, 12:52:38 AM
Almost imperceptibly, Preacher's nostrils flared. His brow furrowed, and he spoke, low and quiet.

"That man is marked."

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 14th, 2004, 01:45:33 AM
The Visions had hunted him for weeks and lead him to this planet. In the vision he saw an old Nemesis rise from his grave, he saw much death and destruction in the nemesis. The hunter’s visions where both a curse and a blessing much like the dhampire was himself a blessing and a curse.

Not only was the hunter haunted by these visions he was haunted by those of the vampire Indigo that he let go. Then there was his boss’s son who he had been in search of for months. From his search he heard word of a new vampire conclave called the Cabal. Two groups of undead walkers was a bad sign, his future looked bleke at best.

Now he here he stood staring down upon a scene that irritated him more then anything. His old Nemesis Dalamar standing before him with a woman. The stench was unbearable but he could smell the stench of another abomination near by. Lycans He thought to himself while he hide in the shadows watching the story unfold before him waiting for the right moment to strike his adversary in his weak moment.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 14th, 2004, 02:00:27 AM

When Miriya looked up, that was what she saw. She hadn't moved her head, but her eyes and her senses told her as much...and just now, another spectator came into play.

Spectators. I hate spectators.

Her grip tightened on the hilt of her weapon.

What do they want? she thought quizically, looking upon Dalamar.

Jan 14th, 2004, 02:17:45 AM
With a cocked brow, she shifted her stance just a little. It wasn't aggressive, merely expectant and ready incase something were to happen. Preacher's words had caused her to test the air herself. Yes, it was there - her answer was low.

"It seems that way."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2004, 10:51:09 PM
The Warlord sobbed heavily at the loss. Knowing full well that eternity would be an endurance for him. He only knew that the the mother would alway's be his"Lady In Red"

"I am Miriya D'aen Cailis, A Huntress...The Black Mistress of Eva Spher..."

Dalamar came to himself when the soft sultry voice of the woman before him had reached his ears. Swallowing down his pain he composed himself. Slipping his weapon in its sheath he rose. Then tearing the tattered remains of his shirt off, his raw chest wound was still evident.

"I am pleased to meet you Miriya D'aen Cailis." The Vampyre bowed in courtesy. "I have been away for some time so forgive my disorientation." Bristling slightly Dalamar shifted his stance. "Are the Lupine with you?"

Selinica Miriya
Jan 15th, 2004, 12:48:53 AM
She shifted the weapon, a long, infinetly sharp and fine sword, to in front of herself, blade point into the ground, her hand rested on the end of the hilt. The Warlord seemed shaken still by something in his past.

Are the Lupine with you?

She glanced out of the corners of her eyes, then back to Dalamar.

"No. I came alone. "

Her words were silent. She wasn't one to speak in loud tones...Unless necessary. Miriya shifted her stance, sheathing her sword. "I am guessing that is the case with you, Dalamar."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 16th, 2004, 12:20:00 AM
Yes I am alone.... placing his hand upon his chest he grew briefly quiet. "hmnn there is no taint. I am clean." Sometime's if we are buried to long a taint can't creep in and slowly make you insane, if not treated right away you could easily have a mad vampyre on your hands."

Nodding to the Lupine he spoke clearly "What is your buisness here, does the old blood stir you to reignite the ancient fued's or is your prescence here just concidece..... but before you answer know that I do not believe in coincidence."

His red eye's flashed in the dim light. Letting them know that he was ready for anything peace or death.

"Teslin Nigari Simballa" The vampyre spoke in the old language looking intently he waited for there responce.... :smokin

Selinica Miriya
Jan 16th, 2004, 02:35:06 PM
She turned her head, to see fully the Lupine whom the Vampyre Dalamar addressed. There was one male, one female. The Huntress could sense another being nearby, but she paid it no heed. If any action became necessary, then so be it. Blood on the blade was no new fashion to her. Its scent was familiar, thirst inspiring.... The bloodlust of blade and being is a driving force all its own.

Teslin Nigari Simballa...

These words she did not understand any more than another would comprehend the ancient tongues of her race.
The winds whistled, continued, from their earlier song.

Preacher Blake
Jan 17th, 2004, 01:39:18 AM
"Are you loyal to the Shrine, Vampyre?"

Jan 18th, 2004, 10:35:20 PM
Nzambi stood, unmoving as Preacher asked the question she herself was wondering.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 19th, 2004, 12:14:49 PM
Alana stood in the darkness, listening, waiting. She had felt him awaken, Dalamar, his blood was her own. She had remade him when he had been nothing, had given him life when his ancient form had sought death. Dalamar, the betrayer of all, her betrayer unto death.

The Sith Lordess wondered at the question to. Wondered just how he would answer the Lupine. She knew where his loyalties lay, with himself as they always had. Sith magic spilled from her lips in an unspoken whisper, cloaking her presence from all. She had one reason to be here and one alone, to hear the lies that would fall from Dalamar’s lips. He who had sworn love and destroyed it in the same breath.

"What a wicked web we weave Dalamar, when at first we practice to deceive." Alana's steely blue eyes watched and she waited as she always did......

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 19th, 2004, 04:48:39 PM
His presence in the force went unnoticed as he uttered a few words of sith magic. The vampire sat in the shadow, cloaked within the force so that no other could detect him. Ambrose Braeden, Sith Knight and loyal to the Shrine knelt on one knee. His weapons adorned him, as if they were a part of his body. His two two blasters resided in their holsters on either side of him. His lightsaber dangled from his belt as it always did. The Dark Knight knelt down on one knee as he listened to the one vampire who had left the shrine a long time ago. The Vampire Dalamar spoke to a woman who was a hunter of some sort. As Ambrose listened in on the conversation at hand, he caught sent of a foul creature. Lupines were not far away from Dalamar, two of them.

Ambrose had a hatred for the Lupine, for he had delt with their kind once before. Ambrose knew why they had asked a question of such magnitude. They were qurious if the vampire was loyal to their enemie or not. The Vampire was ready to pounce upon the two as a predator pounces upon its prey.

His hands fell to his blasters and the Sith Knight sat waiting for the Lupine to do something stupid.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 19th, 2004, 09:24:09 PM
Dalamar closed his eye's and thought about the question. The prescence of Alana was felt she could not hide from him they where to close for that. There was another there masked but Dalamar was to tired to see through there cover.

He could sense the jist of her thoughts. Her great anger towards him. Why not? Had he not betrayed everything sacred to him and to her. Had he not crushed his and her soul. How he loathed him self for his past deeds. How much he had loved the Shrine it was his home, how he had worked hard for it. Sacrificing and fighting his own personal demons day and night. Fighting to save what was so precious in his sight. But in the end the bloodlust won. Dalamar lost all. The Mother, Alana and all his family. Ohh that they could see into his heart and know how truly, truly sorry he was!!! To know he would give anything to make it not so. But he could not what has passed was gone and even Dalamar knew that there was no forgiveness from the Damned. Now Dalamar waited for the day of judgement it creeped up on him day after day when the Mother would be done with him once and for all....

Vowing to never be controlled by his lust for blood again Dalamar purged himself climbing the moutain of shame,self hate, sorrow, and misplaced anger, He widdled away at his own body broken on the inside he slowly built up his self esteem and learned the one thing he had longed for in his long life ...control...peace....fulfillment. Though she attacked him he would bare it. If she spit venom he would endure it. If she tried to break him again he would let her. Nothing could be done for the hurt and pain he had done. He would beg for forgiveness if he thought it would help. He would hurl himself against the wall crying his shame for all to hear if it would do any good. He only knew he was lost without his love, his life, Ohh that the Mother would forgive. If only she would remember all the things I had done for her and let go of the thing that I did against her. Then I would forever bond myself to her in Love and loyalty. Never, never never never never never never never never never never to betray or hurt. There would be no doubt as to what he would do because there would be nothing he wouldn't do.

But this was Alana and the Mother they did not forgive. Dalamar knew this so his plea's would reach unmoved ears. He remained silent. Why speak when It would only be taken as lies. The answer was given there would be no reconciliation.

Dalamar opened his eye's. All these thougts passed in an instant he would speak of it no more, he would think on it no more, he had done all he could do, he would just patiently wait for his just judgement. Looking up at the Lupine he ran his sword across his raw wound causing it to bleed freshly.

"Though they wish to slay me, still will I serve the mother. For she taught this cold dead heart to love, and though it die's again I will not forget her. Even in loss she purge's my soul and what reward did I render her? Again great blood red tear's fell from his weary face.

Does this answer your question Lupine? Do your worst because this wouned immortal welcome's a release from his eternal heartache. Putting down his weapon he knelt down and waited for the death blow to come be it from Alana or any other he cared no more for game's. He had betrayed and the price was DEATH let it be swift. He exposed his neck. His last fleeting thought before he mind went silent was a slim hope that maybe in some other life he would again be next to the Mother. THEN, she would know he did not lie...................

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 19th, 2004, 10:00:51 PM
Alana heard his every thought, heard them as if they were being whispered in her ear. Each word fell bitter and cold on her empty heart. A heart that had grown as empty and bitter as his words. She was truly a monster now, undead and soulless, lost to all that was humane. Dalamar had betrayed her as no other had done, taken from her all that she had once believed in, he had torn and put asunder all she held dear. His lies, his false tears, they meant naught to her now. After all he had taken she would not, could not find it in her dead heart to forgive the unforgivable.

Alana stepped forward, motioning to Ambrose to stay close. The Sith Lordess had no faith in the fallen Vampyre Dalamar than she had in those in the small gathering. Her blood red cloak settled around her body, molding itself against her cold flesh. Her eyes flashing with hatred that she could not hide nor let go of.

"You offer me your life Dalamar? You offer me the words from your forsaken tongue? What are they to me now, now that it is too late? You can never prove to me you have changed, when it is just to seek my forgiveness, when every moment you prove you are the same as always. You offer me nothing but pain and I cannot abide you Lord of the damned. I cannot abide what you caused." Alana’s venom filled words spilled forth as she moved closer to him. Her eyes burning into him, willing him to bleed for all that he had done.

"I don't want your death Dalamar; I want what you took from me. I want your soul. Are you willing to part with that to pay me what you owe???"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 20th, 2004, 10:09:11 AM
The Vampire Lord was weak in the body and mind. That was the only reason that Ambrose was able to listen to the words that traced through Dalamar's mind. His every thought was heard by the Sith knight. Ambrose felt no pitty for the fallen Vampire, for he had commited his own actions under his own free will, there was no third person who was telling him to betray the Mother and the one Vampiress who turned him, the Lordess Alana. The Dark Knight felt another presence in the force, far away, a familiar presence that he had felt many times before, but he paid it no heed. The time would come when he would seek the presence of the person, but now was not the time. There were other pressing matters to attend to.

The Vampire saw out of the corner of his eye a figure arise from the shadows. The blood red cloak that was draped over Lordess Alana's figure was noticable by any being. Ambrose noticed her look to him and he understood completely what it was she wanted him to do. He stood to his full height before unveiling himself from the shadows. He moved over to stand next to Alana, all the while he stared at Dalamar and the Lupine. Then he heard her speak to her once beloved apprentice.

"You offer me your life Dalamar? You offer me the words from your forsaken tongue? What are they to me now, now that it is too late? You can never prove to me you have changed, when it is just to seek my forgiveness, when every moment you prove you are the same as always. You offer me nothing but pain and I cannot abide you Lord of the damned. I cannot abide what you caused."

Ambrose noticed the fallen vampire close his eyes as the Lordess spoke to him in harsh tones.

"I don't want your death Dalamar; I want what you took from me. I want your soul. Are you willing to part with that to pay me what you owe???"

Soon, the Dark Knight would only focus his attention upon the Lupine, to make sure he knew of their actions in the situation at hand.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 20th, 2004, 02:09:01 PM
The hunter walked form his hiding spot as soon as he saw the other two vampires. He heard Alana's words to Dalamar loud and clear, so Dalamar had fallen from the ranks. Something in Gerbo's heart clenched he felt sorry for Dalamar and felt he should offer Dalamar his release.

The blade of his Katana shimmered in the night-lights as he walked into the crowd of Vampires and Lupines. The abomination as most vampires called him, felt it was his duty to give Dalamar what he wanted. He looked at all the other vampires and then down to Dalamar.

"Leave him be Alana!" The voice sounded more protective then anything else. "His soul is his own, he should not give it to one such as you, to only be forced to be a slave with in those ranks that forsake him."

Gerbo brought forth his sword and spun it in his hand. It had been months since he came across shrine vampires and if a fight was to come he was more then prepared. Surprising enough he felt the need to defend Dalamar, was indigo rubbing off on him. Had he found sympathy for the enemy he so long ago swore to decimate.

"Dalamar I will offer you, your release only if you are sure that is what you want. I do not offer this other option often but for you I will make an exception. I will let you live on free of my wrath if forsake the mother and her lackey's."

Selinica Miriya
Jan 20th, 2004, 04:11:25 PM
And the whole time the Sith Huntress Cailis stood in front of Dalamar, still, watching all that was going on. Listening. So intent were the others on their part in this act, that it seemed Miriya D'aen Cailis had become invisible, in a way.
She looked to the other hunter, Gerbo Lang, the only other who seemed not to be of the ranks of Lupine or Vampire.

He demands Dalamar's release...from this 'Alana'..And makes an offer of freedom to Dalamar.

She did not move from where she stood. One hand on the butt of the hilt of her black blade, the other hand clenched behind her back.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 22nd, 2004, 07:59:38 PM
"Leave him be Alana! His soul is his own, he should not give it to one such as you, to only be forced to be a slave with in those ranks that forsake him."

That voice had sounded familiar. The Vampire rememberd it from his past. He turned his attention to see who the newcomer was, and his eyes fell upon a loathsom being. Gerbo Lang walked forward, so that he may not miss anything if anything were to happen. Ambrose noticed the shimmer of the hunter's Katana as he moved towards the group of people. The Sith recalled the many times that Gerbo had presented himself at the shrine, and each time, the Vampires were there to show him how much of a fool he was for traveling to a Vampiric place, in which he is a Vampire hunter. Then Gerbo spoke again...

"Dalamar I will offer you, your release only if you are sure that is what you want. I do not offer this other option often but for you I will make an exception. I will let you live on free of my wrath if forsake the mother and her lackey's."

Ambrose grew angry with the hunter as he pittied the fallen Vampire. The Dark knight herd a voice, a soft subtle voice in the background trying to make sence out of this situation. Although Miriya Cailis's lips never moved once, Ambrose could hear every word she spoke in her mind, as if it were an open book for all to read.

He demands Dalamar's release...from this 'Alana'..And makes an offer of freedom to Dalamar.

Ambrose focused once more on the Vampire hunter...

"Stay out of this Boy...This is between Alana and Dalamar, not you..."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 11:25:39 PM
"Stay out of this Boy...This is between Alana and Dalamar, not you..."

Dalamar rose from his kneeled position. Spinning his specially crafted Katana from his back, The Warlord put his boots together and with the sword in his hands he offered it to Gerbo. "Though we have been enemie's in the past you honor me. But now is not the time to cut tie's. The day come's but until then I will be true to my vow's, as I have not been in the past. Also as I clearly stated I will bare it. Now take this weapon as a gift to you for there will be no death today. For that option was Alana's alone to invoke."

Dalamar turned to Alana his former love and spoke softly. "As for forgiving the unforgivable? Did I ask? Did I not say the damned do not forgive and that there would be no reconciliation.

I know my sweet Alana that you where hurt and for that I am eternally sorry. And yes it is true that I sought your forgiveness dilengently. But it is not necessary for me to live nor does it hold me prisoner like it once did. My heart belongs to you and I have chained it with vow's of love and faithfulness. But revenge is never satisfied."

The Mother's Axe is raised and my vow has an appointed day. When it falls then my judgement and vow will be complete the chain's will be broken the oath satisfied.

As for my soul? It belongs to another and he will not let you devour it as you desire. As for my neck I only offered to give you justice, but there is no appeasing you. To say good is to only be seen as lie's to say bad is only to cause more pain. So I give you the last and only gift of respect and love that I can give "My silence." Turning around the vampyre walked away with every step the weight on his shoulder's grew lighter. The sorrow, heartache, sadness, regret, depression, anger and fear faded away. He had done all he could think of, there was nothing more for him here. He only knew that Alana was worth fighting for but she had made it clear that she didn't want him to fight, just to go.

Turning to Miriya Cailis he spoke to her again. "Im sorry for the confusion, would you like to continue with our conversation" Cailis seemed to nod, Taking that as a yes the Vampyre walked into the fading darkness leaving the past behind but not forgotten.


Alana Stormcloud
Jan 23rd, 2004, 12:31:47 AM
Alana's head cocked to the side in her usual manner as she listened to Dalamar speak. To her it was a shame he had not known this before he had dishonored her, before he had betrayed all trust. It seemed he had learned a lesson from the pain he had caused her, at least she hoped he had learned one, the Sith Lordess had no faith in it or anything that came from him anymore.

"You say your soul belongs to another, and I knew this would be your answer. In all things our souls should have been for one another but you never gave of it freely and that was your selfishness at play. What you did not give was what caused the demise of trust.... What you took and squandered was your loss. You can never retrieve what you destroy; you can never gain what you turned from so long ago. I never wanted your soul, but what I wanted was trust and you have none. You who wait for a date to pass so you can be free, when I was chained for many,many, many, many,many,many,many,many,many,many, many years. That alone tells me that you Dalamar have not changed. But.... and I say this with the utter assurance of myself. I never told you to wait, and I never lied. I am and always have been who I am and that will never change, though the luster of my eyes may fade, and ages may pass, I have never given false hope of you returning home to the Shrine. As I have always said you chose your path and only you must walk it. I grew weary of you path Dalamar, I am Alana and it is who I am, I choose what path I walk as do you and I have always walked with the courage of truth. What path did you take Dalamar? One of lies and deception only to loose what you valued most, and now you want to walk the path of righteousness’ after this many years?? Sometimes things come too late, and sometimes the bridges you burn cannot be recreated. Take your blame and leave me to my peace and let your soul be owned by whomever you wish. In truth I never had you, you were always owned by yourself. I cannot abide nor love someone who cannot give me truth and unbroken vows...."

Alana turned from Dalamar, her eyes still filled with bitter respite, much had been taken, but there was also a measure of peace. One the Vampyre had not felt in a long time. Her life would be her own once again, not to be toyed with, nor taken lightly. She would be loved and this time she would be loved with all honesty....... He Dalamar who could always walk away with no regret would not forget what he lost. Alana on the other hand regretted much, the wasted time, the wasted life, the waste of promises never fulfilled. Only two things had come from there unholy union and those were her joy to have, she would always regret and she too would never forget the scars left behind...... But then she didn’t think Dalamar would even care........

Sliding her arm into Ambrose's she made her way home. Hopefully to never suffer his deceit and countenance again...

Selinica Miriya
Jan 23rd, 2004, 11:53:40 PM
And the huntress?

She too made her exit from the scene. Picking up her coat, Miriya D'aen Cailis slipped her arms into the sleeves, straightened her utiliy belt, and buckled a sling across her chest, sliding a Red Blade into the sheath across her back. Retrieving her one constant companion in this life, an unusual and specially crafted bostaff, she tipped her head to Gerbo Lang, and turned, jogging up to Dalamar's side, the bottom edge of the long dark coat flapping in her wake.

Another scene in the lives of few and the day of this lady is done.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:07:53 PM
"So milady, tell me about yourself. Also current events have passed me by in my long absence. If you could bring me up to date. Even now the power and the beauty of the pale Vampyre could be seen. His muscle's like liquid quicksilver his almost to fast movement's.

He did seem a little lost but other than that his Iron will could be seen through the slight glaze, in his determined red eye's. He would embrace what ever future was there for him with arms wide open. Still he wondered at the silence of the Lupine. Why had they asked the question only to not respond. Also where they agents of Van Derveld his past competition for the hand of Lady Daiquri? These questions annoyed him unanswered.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 28th, 2004, 12:48:40 AM
The huntress glanced at Dalamar as he spoke, then at the space ahead of them.

"I'm just as lost on current events as you."

She frowned. No thanks to that meddlesome pest and his council...

..the thought of those long months made her angry. What business did they have tearing into her affairs? The planetary council of her home world, as far as this lady was concerned, had an inflated ego.

"Hmm..what can I say about myself? I live for the hunt. Not exactly a life well looked upon for a lady, much less one of royal stature according to my people, Dalamar. I don't care for their opinion. I rejected my title."

Lady Miriya clenched her teeth, her brow furrowed. It didn't matter right now. Her jaw relaxed, and she blinked. She didn't easily talk about herself.

"I hold no loyalties at this time, save to the accomplishment of my tasks. "

She was curious about something, however. The Lupine, soldiers of House Van-Derveld knew Dalamar...in a way. Could it be because of her?

"I'm curious...To know if you have any acquaintance with Lady Daiquiri."

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 28th, 2004, 11:54:48 PM
Gerbo caught the katana in his open hand. He began to look over the Katana over its dragon hilt and scabbard. It was a good-looking sword and it was well balanced. Gerbo took it out of its scabbard and swung it a couple of times. He really didn't pay attention to the other shrine vampires leaving the area. He was to catch on his new sword more then anything else. Why had Dalamar given it to him?

Gerbo turned around to see Dalamar walking away with the young lady. Gerbo held his tongue for a second not exactly knowing what to say to bloodsucker. Especially one who had been a good enemy for so long and would more then likely be again in the future. Gerbo looked at the sword one more time before he chose his words.

"I'll say thank you for this gift but you are aware I’m going to have to kill you some day with it. For today though you live. I have a warning for girl with you, watch your neck."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 29th, 2004, 10:56:35 PM
"I'll say thank you for this gift but you are aware I’m going to have to kill you some day with it.

Dalamar laughed inwardly to himself. "Your welcome to try halfbreed." Maybe Ill get my sword OFF your dead body. But now is not the time for such things..

"Hmm..what can I say about myself? I live for the hunt. Not exactly a life well looked upon for a lady, much less one of royal stature according to my people, Dalamar. I don't care for their opinion. I rejected my title."

Dalamar heard the sultry voice of his companion again and now she had his full attention. Listening intently he didn't let one word drop to the ground.

"I hold no loyalties at this time, save to the accomplishment of my tasks. "

He wondered what those accomplishments might be when the beautiful female dropped a bombshell she asked about HER!..

"I'm curious...To know if you have any acquaintance with Lady Daiquiri."

Dalamar grew silent for a short time. Then spoke with an honest intensity "I hunted her for a mate for a short time. I wanted to make her a Lordess of the night. But the mother called, the hunt ended." That time has passed I only seek her now to bring a finish to the loose ends of the past. Do you know where I can find her?"

Selinica Miriya
Jan 30th, 2004, 04:38:36 PM
Giving Dalamar the full attention of 'eyes upon the speaker' , the Sith Huntress listened until he asked a question also.

She shook her head. "No. I have no inkling of where she might be. Her presence is familiar to me, when I feel it around.. .But it is something I haven't sensed for quite a while. I've been away too long. I hope myself to find her, so that I might speak with her...catch up, so to speak...She is a dear friend I miss quite much."

Miriya half-smiled. Even that was a rare occurence for her. "Persons such as myself hold very few friendships, and are rather selective about them. There are reasons for this. Perhaps, we might find her at some point."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:00:12 PM
"Ohh I think we can do better than hope we run into her. I have been gone for a short time but even he will not refuse my call. The debt he owe's me is to large and he can and will find her." Reaching down to his gauntlet a small panel slides back to show the small components inside.

"Sting a man in my employ made this nasty little toy. For that and other things I did him a favor." Running his hand over he control it seemed some beacon was sent. " He will join us shortly until then would you care to tell me HOW you know Lady Daiquri? Oh and a passing question what or who do you hunt?"

Selinica Miriya
Feb 1st, 2004, 05:26:54 PM
Miriya dug deep into her memories, but the exact time she made acquaintance with this old friend of hers seemed to escape her.

"I can't really say how I know her. I'd seen her on and off several times when I first left my home world. Then we ended up working together...but that was what seems like ions ago..."

The lady caught herself before she would begin to delve into the past too far. A dark look clouded over her face. Another story for another time. A time that is not now...She cleared her throat, and frowned.

"I hunt Jedi, and those who cross me. Those who have one way or another earned an end by my blade. But death by my hand is a long and drawn out process. To be on the 'operating table' of my dungeon is something no being, in the right mind or otherwise, would wish for. I track, hunt, torture and kill. Information is highly prized, also. It is part of the hunt."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:17:51 PM
Dalamar smiled standing atop a nearby boulder "Well then let me put it bluntly, would you like to be like me! A true hunter of the night. The night darkened around the Vampyre and his eye's glowed like to red hot coals in the in the inky black. "Would you like to live forever the hunt going on and on. You would not tire or grow old. I don't normally so blatantly offer but you are so well fitted for the lifestyle of the nightwalker. already I see you prefer the darkness and solitude that are kind are use to."

I will make a new dungeon of blood and death a sanctuary for those of our kind. Will you not join me. I like you so I leave the choice in your hands but whatever you decide do not think of it hastily for it is a permanent answer. Once given you will be bond to me and me to you and eternal life will be yours.

Selinica Miriya
Feb 3rd, 2004, 01:50:33 AM
She just stared at him for a second. The huntress had sort of seen this coming. But it still surprised her.

"It will take some considering. Such a decision would put ah...restrictions on my line of work. But I will give it due consideration..."

Over a glass..nay, a bottle of Corellian Whiskey. Oddly enough, the stuff helped her think...

Eternal life? That was once a natural thing for my people...until the mistakes of that ancient fool Kojih...Breaking the bonds.

She looked up at him, and smiled. "I'll think about it."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:51:54 PM
"I'll think about it."

Dalamar nodded silently, but he had seen the glint in her eye's when the offer was made. She almost leaped at the option. But then he saw the calcuating part of her takeover. She would not rush the decision. The Warlord spoke with a smile "I would expect no less."

"Forgive me, but though I cannot read minds I can pick up stray thoughts if they are powerful enough. Who is Kojih and what bonds did he break?"

Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:57:45 PM
A signal light lit up on the console of the Talos tear. Sting openly cursed. I thought I was rid of that stinkin vampyre. Sting wanted to fly on but he knew if he didn't answer the call Dalamar would surely pay him in kind. &%#%@^@ Turning the ship around he headed in the Dark Lord's direction. "I wonder what the frell he wants from me now!!!"

Selinica Miriya
Feb 4th, 2004, 12:21:45 AM
She growled, reaching for her sword.

The last time she'd been asked about him, it was one of the Kojihar'staat. A follower of Kojih and his ancient order. But surely, this one was not, so perhaps she did not have reason to be on such high guard.

The huntress relaxed.

"The most ancient of fools amongst my people."

Miriya grew silent. It was not a subject any of her peoples talked about lightly. When she started to speak again, the tone of her voice took on a certain reverance...

"The bonds he broke were ones shared by all my people in the beginning days. My people kept no secrets from each other, due to strong telepathic bonds. There was also a deeper bond...A bond of life. Everyone felt sorrow when another passed on, and extreme joy with the birth of another soul. There was no such thing as privacy. Kojih Naruuk-Stillah wanted privacy. He also wanted a women he could not have. And to get what he wanted, he would have to make his mind unheard, his life unfelt. It took much time, and much isolation, but one night, he managed to break his bonds with the rest of the peoples, and sneak into the chambers of the object of his dangerous lust. He took her back to his cave and.."

She paused here.

"...and had his way with her. The Creator was not pleased with the actions of the ancient fool, Kojih, and she decided to bring an end to the people, excepting one...the woman Kojih had stolen, Eve Chera. As the Creator destroyed their civilization, he placed Eve into a deep sleep. Many ages later, she was discovered by a lost traveler, and awoken. Her beauty was immesurable. And it was the love bond between them that spawned my people, which exist today. The closest semblance of the ancient bonds is shared within the royal family, and the Chosen, who are the members of the Planetary and Most High council."

She had no expression on her face. "What a tiresome story."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 5th, 2004, 11:42:39 PM
How like his own story was this Eve's Dalamar also was in a deep sleep. Placed there by the father he assumed. Floating in space in a solid glass and gold sarcophagus he was found by the Leader and founder of the Eye of the Dragon, Tiberious Kinslayer.

I have often wondered about my origins and where I had come from my distant past is lost to me and only come's to me in flashes. A demon named the Assryians haunts me in my dreams and gives hints of a history long gone a magnificance lost to the ages. Where the Father and Mother ruled all in Paradise. This Kojin was a great fool to cost so many there love and life.

But you acted as if there are still followers of his surely the man does not still live?

Selinica Miriya
Feb 6th, 2004, 03:45:36 PM
She looked forward, at the expanse ahead of them. It disgusted to think that the blood of Kojih ran through the veins of nearly every inhabitant of Eva Spher. But on the other hand, the blood that counted was the blood of Eve, the one said to have been a direct descendant of the Creator.

"Kojih had impregnated Eve. She had three children. One of them was much like Kojih, and started the order of his followers, betraying her kin. Kojih lives on as a dark spirit in the hearts of those who follow his principles. The man, as a corporeal being, no longer exists after these countless millenia."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 7th, 2004, 10:42:50 PM
Dalamar looked at his wrist as she paused in her story. Sting would soon be here. I'm anxious to hunt again and already whispers are on the wind of a new haven for vampyre's. I may or maynot have a hand in it. But for now the hunt is the most important I hunger to see you in action.

Just then the black shadow of a ship appeared, Talos's Tear was landing. The deck protruded out as Sting walked the gang plank dark armor and a cloak in his hands. "As you requested sir." Sting bowed. Dalamar took this time to dress himself and introduced Sting to his new friend. "He's the best bounty hunter in the quadrant and he will help us find Lady Daiquri right away."

With that he bowed and offered to let her board the dark sleek vessel....

{There you go my blonde cutie beat that!!}

Selinica Miriya
Feb 10th, 2004, 02:54:59 PM
She nodded to Sting.

Dalamar was dressing himself into the armor. She kept her thoughts to herself. Armor. Cumbersome stuff...Never used it. Never will. She looked at the vampyre again when he had the armor on.

At least it looks good.

When he offered for her to board first, she took the offer, swiftly striding up the ramp and into the ship. The huntress stood silently on the deck, hands folded, until Dalamar was inside also.

Feb 10th, 2004, 05:58:00 PM
Sting watched his benefactor don his armor. He knew Dalamar was hard to work for, but the bounty hunter owed him a debt that could not be denied. The Warlord secured his Katana's to his body much the same way Sting did, of course, wasn't he the one who had taught the bounty hunter the weapons great use.

He nodded to the female. She was beautiful alright. Some vampyre's have all the luck he thought to himself. She did look vaguely familiar but he did not stop to ponder from where he might have known her, probably just his imagination anyway.

They both boarded the Talos, Raising the boarding plank he slipped into the sleek black chair in the cockpit. "So who we gonna kill." he said, slightly mocking.

Dalamar only said one word "Daiquiri" Sting rolled his eye's inside his full body armor. Glad again that his armor hid his face from the Vampyre. He only nodded and said "right away." but in his mind he thought "Oh, brother here we go again." With that thought on his mind he fired the engines....

Selinica Miriya
Feb 14th, 2004, 10:27:06 PM
Miriya settled into a seat, sliding into a relaxed position and heaved a long sigh, closing her eyes. It was good to be on a ship and not have to be the bloody pilot for once. The only thing that bothered her was that Sting was a bounty hunter. That was perhaps why he seemed somewhat familiar. They were always getting in her way, stealing her quarry. The huntress looked at Dalamar.

"Good to sit down. I don't get nearly enough rest."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 17th, 2004, 11:13:19 PM
"Good to sit down. I don't get nearly enough rest."

And sit down she did. Dalamar admired her soft brown hair. The Pulsing of her heart beating in time with the ships engine's. She stretched out like a kitten on the black leather chair. Though she was tough and strong he saw a softness to her feature's that he was sure no one had noticed in some time. Her deadly serious manner would drive most would be suitors away but then Dalamar was deadly serious all on his own.

The Warlord leaned back into the shadows where he felt most comfortable. He ran his tougue across his razor sharp teeth as he thought of hunger and pain. He turned his head, he would wait, she was his guest after all and Lady Daiquiri would more than slate his thirst....

Selinica Miriya
Feb 23rd, 2004, 12:29:10 AM
She was stretched out like a kitten alright. And to tell ya, the woman felt like she could purr. A long, contented and comfortable smile slinked over her face, turning up the corners of her lips, and Miriya drew her blood sword (the Black Blade), and a soft cloth. The golden haired Sith shifted in her seat, putting her back to Dalamar, and hanging her lower legs over the arm of the side of her chair she was facing. And then began to run the cloth up and down over the blade of her sword.

"So how did you meet Sting, then?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:45:58 PM
Dalamar watched with interest as she cleaned her blade. She handled her weapon with care which only made the Warlord respect her more and the slight suggestive playness of the act was not lost on him either.

"So how did you meet Sting, then?"

The vampyre smirked I was his first bounty,almost his last. He was stalking me in the dark thinking his special armor would conceal him. Which it almost did. He moved into attack me but I was old before his great,great,grandfather was born so he posed little threat to me. I spared his life and granted him the blood call. I trained him in the use of these great weapons of death. Dalamar pulled out his twin black dragon Katana's. The same blade's could be seen hanging over the cockpit chair next to Sting.

For Sparing his life he and the training he made me this. Dalamar showed Miriya his Gauntlet. Specially crafted stingers with a mandolorian touch. So whenever I need him I call. He knows his life is mine but it is not done begrudgingly we have an understanding... I would even say he is my friend.. If I had any friends,,,,, So milady.. Dalamar moved closer gently placing his hands in front of himself he spoke softly. What fills you with passion and makes your life worth living... He said with a smile,his blood red eye's taking hers in...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:58:11 PM

Miffed, Daiq looked down at the front of her shirt, now wet from where she had been splashing water on her face. Angrily snatching a few paper towels from the holder, the Sith attempted to dab away the mess she had made. Absorbing what she could from her shirt, Daiquiri glanced up at the grime-caked mirror, the single bulb hanging from a cord in the ceiling, illuminating her reflection.

I knew better when I did it....... its the last time I'll ever get into a boozing contest outside of 'Faene. She grinned ruefully at her image. Now you look as drunk as you feel.

Running some water over the towels, Daiq scrubed her face as if that alone would remove the bleary-eyed countenance staring back at her. Wadding the damp sheets together, she half aimed at the already overflowing wastecan on her way out of the ladies room, not caring that she had missed or added to the growing pile of debris on the urine stained floor.

It had been a crap run from the very beginning, yet Daiq jumped on it as soon as Jacob had mentioned the delivery. Several months had come and gone since she'd flown and the need to get away for a few days called to her. Considering how she felt now, cabin fever had its good points.

Banging the poorly hung door open, Van-Derveld weaved her way past the bar and zig-zagged through the gathering of tables. Stumbling against another drunk patron who took umbrage to her clumsiness, Daiquiri repayed his curses by grabbing up his mug and smashing it in his face. The two of his five buddies who were still conscious at thier table, roared with laughter as thier friend hit the floor. Kriffing moron. Kicking his outstretched leg from her path, the blonde staggered out the door and headed in the vague direction where she thought she left her ship.

Selinica Miriya
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:44:27 AM
She glanced up from her small task. A dark grin spread across her face, and ran a finger up the edge of her blade, in just a way that she did herself no harm.

"Knowing that I remove fools from the gene pool, and those who seek to spoil me."

Miriya's voice turned to a growl in the last statement.

Yes, he shall see himself drowning in his own blood by my hands....

"And yourself?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:42:45 PM
"What feels me with passion is death at the end of my blade. The blood of my enemies making my sword blood red. The constant search for an end to my boredom. Maybe I will make my own home, my own clan of brother and sisters. I do not know my destiny, mostly I wait.... to see what life will offer me. Though I have lived long still there are new things to see, new sounds to hear.

The universe is vast and complex. I strive for perfection in myself and in my craft. Lastly but not least I crave the soft touch of a woman a companion to feel eternity with me." Dalamar reached up and moved a stray hair out of Miriya's face. "Someone beautiful and full of passion, who share's the same lust for life that I do."

Someone that I can take to heaven, and love like hell. A lady who I will love so much.., that I will pull the stars from the sky and turn them into diamonds to put in her hair. One whose love will bring blood red tears to my eyes....,,, and bring me to my knee's. A person that will make me want to change who and what I am and will cool and calm my raging spirit. Where two become one and all else is forgotten. The anger and spite that fuels the world shed in a quiet moment of hands held before a dayglow fire. Tears well up in the Warlords eyes as he speaks, he turns away from Miriya. Opening his shirt his hand runs over the never healing wound. Miriya barely hears his whispered words...

"Someone... that I will need like a lost breath or the eternal beating of a love filled heart. My soul has gone into deep mourning and sorrowful meditation. I will wait... I will wait....

"I am sorry Miriya, you are beautiful and special you remind me of 'another' that pushes me to be so bold so quickly. But here a gift for enduring me." Dalamar hands her a small velvet box and on the top is a emblazoned D. "A necklace of rubie's for you to remind you that you have seen a rare sight indeed. The tears of an Immortal...."Dalamar hands it to her on one bended knee...

Selinica Miriya
Feb 29th, 2004, 06:18:07 PM
Watching Dalamar, Miriya was absentmindedly rubbing the two rings that hung on a chain around her neck. They were to her more than what dogtags were to a uniform. These rings had more meaning, and told a fair bit about her to anyone who recognized what they were about.

When he offered the gift to her, she wasn't sure about it. Something such as this would not be worn on the job.

Besides, jewelry wasn't really her style. On the other hand, it was a nice gesture. So Miriya D'aen Cailis accepted it, tucking it away in her long jacket.

"Thank you. I'll remember."

She shifted in her seat The huntress knew that this vampyre had his eye on her, but she was realizing more and more what a crimp jumping on his nightwalker bandwagon would put in her line of work. Frankly...

I don't think that would work. She thought to herself.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 7th, 2004, 05:51:22 AM
Miriya Cailis took the rubies from the Warlords hand. Suddenly just like that it was as if a spell was broken. The Vampyre stood up, the fog that was his brain seemed to clear and he rose from his knee. For once in his long life he did not know what to say. He was never hasty or impetuos.

Turning from Miriya but not in a rude way he spoke to Sting. "Do you have a location, this charade of a hunt has gone on long enough and I would have answers."

Sting only nodded he knew the moods of the vampyre well.

Raising his taloned hand to his jaw he stood there his black clad form lost in thought. The force rippled about him in purple lightning like the carreses of a lover. The room chilled and darkened to the intensity of his thoughts as they to turned to darkness....

Selinica Miriya
Mar 11th, 2004, 03:02:56 PM
She just went back to cleaning her blade. Dalamar was in some sort of mood, and the huntress didn't even need to look to notice something like that. The rippling in the force told her so, effectiveley enough.

Daiq doesn't know what's coming to her. She kept all her thoughts now to herself. Miriya wasn't worried.. She knew her old friend could hold her own, but there was always the possibility that something might happen. And Miriya D'aen Cailis was ready for anything.

Light made the black blade shimmer, and her iced-over eyes gleamed with it.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 12th, 2004, 01:46:00 PM
"Miriya?" I'm beginning to think I'm wasting my time with Daiq. She has made her choice and though I think it was a very stupid one it was hers to make. I mean a Lupine? I think I would like to see her once more then what do you say to a hunt. I'll show you how a vampyre stalks his prey does that idea interest the hunter in you?"

Dalamar felt better, the recent fog that seemed to settle on his brain was lifting. Suddenly an image flashed in his mind a chain grew tight an axe was raised. Fear faded it wasn't death it was freedom and it was coming.... No more wondering and waiting, no more sorrow over what was not allowed to be fixed. He would walk and NEVER look back he done all he could there would be no more tears for lost love....

Until that time he would hold out, he would wait and he would hope, but like the sun it faded growing darker day by day.... and soon the night where he lived... would be all there was.

Selinica Miriya
Mar 22nd, 2004, 12:46:51 AM
Dalamar, being a vampire, Miriya could see how a lupine would irk him.

But i've got no beefs with them. Sure they have distaste for force-users, but until they want to lay claim to my neck, I'll let them be.

Miriya glanced up at Dalamar momentarily, then went back to the sword. "Sure." She breathed the word with nonchalance.

After all, someone had got to be there in case....

She smiled to the reflection in her blade. She knew where she stood.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2004, 01:38:52 PM
The Vampyre could sense the vibe of Miriya. "He looked at her, Miriya I mean no harm to Lady Daiq, I only wish to see her again." He chuckled "maybe wake her up from her confusion."

"But your a hunter what prey would you suggest? Do you want to hunt the dangerous or the simple? I know of someone a dangerous and implicable foe it would take all are skill and power to bring him down, maybe your game for such a hunt?"