View Full Version : "Hanging out", as the youngsters say. (open)

Mr. Quick
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:32:00 PM
Mr. Quick has found himself a nice, big table to settle at. He's got a book set before him on it, with a glass of ale to the side. Today he has decided that he should meet someone new, broaden horizons, and try a drink other than his customary tea. So far he's doing well at broadening his horizons and trying new drinks, but no one has come to sit with him. He feels it would be awkward to ask a passerby to sit with him, so he has decided to let the Bar and Grill fill up until there simply are no other seats to be had. It's getting close to lunchtime, so his table should soon be the only one available. Now he simply needs to wait.

Jan 13th, 2004, 11:34:42 PM
Going to a Jedi bar was never a good idea, but Nzambi but all misgivings aside, choosing to tempt fate and rest her legs for a few hours before once more stalking the lower levels of the city. And so, stepping inside, she allowed the door guard to search her person - nothing; no weapons whatsoever.

With a smirk, she started forward towards the bar. She never carried weapon, there was really no need to, honestly.

Already there were people filling the bar, and already the smell of beer and food was drifting throughout the establishment. Stepping up to the bar, she slid her tall frame onto one of the barstools, resting her elbows on the surface.

"Tender," she spoke aloud, getting the bartender's attention, "Camaasi Sunset, please."

Preacher Blake
Jan 14th, 2004, 12:40:52 AM
Nzambi's companion, however, did carry weapons. Plenty of them. The guards at the door looked up, and up at the Lupine, as he reached beneath his jacket. Pistol after pistol was removed, and placed in the weapons box. In total, six guns. Then three knives, and a pair of brass knuckles.

The nearest guard hazarded a few words. "You aren't holding out on us, buddy?"

Preacher looked down to him.


After another moment, the guards let him pass. The massive lupine entered the bar, eyes on Nzambi, and gradually roving the area around her.

He came to a seat beside her, and spoke in his thick bass.

"I don't like this place."

Jan 14th, 2004, 01:00:18 AM
She accepted the drink handed to her. "And neither do I Preacher, but it's cheap and convenient."

Which was the truth. She and Preacher had been prowling the low levels for a few days now, and Nzambi wanted to stop for a few moments in their travels.

She sipped her drink.

"I'm not saying let your guard down, but certainly recharge yourself. It's not a good thing to wander the lowlevels on an empty stomach." A sidelong glance was sent to her monolithic companion then, and she couldn't help the feral smirk that curled back her lips. "Or do you prefer to... catch your food yourself... ?"

Preacher Blake
Jan 14th, 2004, 01:07:06 AM
Preacher simply frowned.

"It gives me a headache."

A bartender passed by, and Preacher merely pointed at a bottle of dark liquor on the shelf. The barkeep poured him up a double, because fixing a regular drink for a man like that...was just irregular.

Nzambi had gotten a bit more accustomed to the gift than Preacher, and her canter about hunting confirmed it.

"Steak, medium."

He ordered in a clipped manner to the man behind the counter, who obediently took his order to the kitchen.

Mr. Quick
Jan 14th, 2004, 10:57:00 AM
Quick is having a sip of his ale when the pair steps through the door. The bell above the door jingles, drawing his attention to them. Mr. Quick pauses, looking over the edge of his glass at them. The big man was involved in a scuffle concerning a Lupine female, he is sure of it. Quick himself dodged bullets from the weapons that were just now confiscated by security. The woman is not one he recognizes. She may be a Lupine, she could be an Force-insensitive human, she could be any number of things. He bookmarks her face in his memory and sets his ale on the table.

Jan 14th, 2004, 11:56:03 AM
"You'll get used to it," was all she said, settling herself more comfortably on the barstool. "Everyone's different though, I suppose."

Brushing back an errant strand of hair that had found its way infront of her eyes, the Lupine rested an elbow on the bartop, letting her eyes wander the bar and its patrons. Soon enough though, her gaze fell on the dark-clothed individual sitting a short distance away. The Guardian. Eyes narrowing, she glared at him as he stared at her, How had she not smelled him? It hadn't been that long since she'd changed. Either way, both would have to be on their toes, and snapping back to face the bar, she nestled her drink in her hands, then spoke quietly.

"Don't do anything - there's a Guardian behind us."

Preacher Blake
Jan 17th, 2004, 01:42:59 AM
"I know."

Preacher nodded, and didn't look back.

"What will we do with him?"

Selinica Miriya
Jan 17th, 2004, 05:02:00 PM
Coming out of the restroom, the Sith Huntress approached the table at which the Lupine were seated, silently. A dark, menacing grin on her face, half bathed in shadow. The lady spoke to them in her usual, silent tone, glancing once at the subject of...conversation with merciless, winter eyes.

"I say kill 'em. That's what I would do. Of course, that is my business....Your path of decision is ..your path. I, however, could deal with one less of them in the universe."

Jan 17th, 2004, 07:28:37 PM
"Is that so now."

Interrupted before she could answer Preacher, Nzambi had looked to the newcomer with a cocked eyebrow.

A look of mild amusement was then sent to the monolithic Lupine sitting beside her.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:49:31 PM
She tipped her head in a short, sharp nod, then licked her bottom lip, as if it were dry.

"It is." Miriya stated, reaching up to rub the rings on a chain around her neck. The Sith smirked.

"I'm sure the Lady of your house thinks the same as myself when it comes to such...scum."

Preacher Blake
Jan 18th, 2004, 10:50:02 PM
"Our house has no lady, Heretic."

The Sith's presence was tangible, and uncomfortable. Another stinging bee in the hive.

Mr. Quick
Jan 18th, 2004, 11:38:27 PM
"My, but they got very stiff-shouldered all of a sudden," Quick mutters to himself.

Perhaps they've spotted him, or perhaps its that feeling of the Force sitting almost shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Perhaps its both. The Guardian merely shrugs. A stool has cleared at the bar, so Quick ambles over with his book and takes a seat one stool down from Nzambi.

"An ale," he mumbles to the bartender.

Jan 19th, 2004, 04:45:39 PM
"Caution is to be excersised in their presence," Nzambi spoke evenly, her voice giving no hint of emotion as she looked to the Sith. She, like Preacher, could feel the woman's presence, and it agitated her.

And out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Guardian move. Turning her head, she watched unabashedly as he made his way to the bar and sat a stool away from her.

Her last words were directed to the Sith.

"We're not stupid."

Selinica Miriya
Jan 19th, 2004, 05:43:32 PM
"That may be the case for you, Lupine."

We're not stupid.

Her mouth straightlined.

"Neither am I." The dead, stone cold expressionless face of hers showed no carelessness. She moved completely from shadow-cover, and flashed an amused look to the female Lupine. "Don't get yourself hurt now." And she moved off, heading out of the establishment. Shooting a last look at the 'Guardian', then the Lupine, she picked up her weapons and whisked out the door.

Mr. Quick
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:23:26 PM
Not a very amiable woman, is she?" Quick remarks as Miriya storms out. The man sitting between Nzambi and Quick mutters his agreement, but Quick actually looks past him to her. "Terribly sorry, madame. Usually our patrons are more well-behaved than she."

Jan 23rd, 2004, 09:00:29 PM
The Lupine looked at the pale Guardian, giving him a pointed look that bordered on finely controlled anger. She disregarded his comments for the more direct approach.

"You stay there," she said flatly. "There's no trouble, so there's no need to stick your nose where it doesn't belong."

Mr. Quick
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:18:46 PM

By her glare and her words, Quick has decided that she is indeed a Lupine. He chooses to ignore that fact, for now.

"Very well. I meant no harm. I simply felt that you should have an apology, even if that woman will not give you one."

Mr Dust
Jan 26th, 2004, 05:10:41 PM
It has been a long day, and Mr. Dust is simply looking for a place to rest and have a quick cup of tea. He steps inside to see a rather familiar form... a Guardian! He cannot tell which one from behind, but the silhouette is clear. He walks toward the man's table and finally sees his face.

Why, Mr. Quick! Such a pleasure to see you here. Might I join you for a bit?

Mr. Quick
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:45:12 AM
"Certainly, Mr. Dust. I was simply chatting with this lovely lady and her large companion."

Quick makes a gesture to indicate the pair, and the man sitting between them moves to make space for Dust.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Dust."