View Full Version : Dinner with the Dutchess (closed and complete)

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:09:34 PM
It was his second week back on the job and he would be having a belated planned dinner with the Dutchess, SIlancy. He had only met her twice before at formal parties and such like. Simply a hello, a shake of the hand, and then he was off. The Commodore hated tottering about and 'mingling'.

He had arrived to the stately home rather late the previous evening and had stayed in a guest suite. It was nice, not grand, but nice. The Commodore was rather used to being waited on hand and foot back at his Manor on the far side of Thyferra, perhaps a few hours fly time from the Dutches' place. But here it was almost a self serve home, a little more laid back.

He could handle that.

The dinner was planned for a few months back, but the Commodore had taken i'll and it was indeed cancled, but reignighted when he was better. One of the only reaons he had come really was for power. Having allies such as the Dutchess on your side is of great advantage. being in a under positio in the Inquisitrate was quite opressive, he needed a little more power and where better to start?

A knock at the door came.

" Lord Dagrelle?" It was Bishop, his ever faithfull right hand. "Dinner will be served in 15 minitues"

"Thank you Bishop" The door snaped shut again, dagrelle looked at himself in the mirror. he was getting old, he could see it. The flecks of grey hair hiding within the thick black was a sure sign. Small wrinkles were growing across his worried forehead. he was still handsome of course, but aging.

he smiled quickly before straiting up, gave a tug at the collars of his dinner jacket and walked from the guest room.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:37:44 PM
If one was to look at Lok s'Ilancy's home on Thyferra from the extensive front lawn, they would have sworn up and down that the person who lived there was undoubtedly a refined and proper individual. Outward appearances were so decieving at times, and that was just how s'Il liked it. No one thought to pry into what happened behind the doors of her home, and she was rather happy for that fact.

The inside was rather sparse, open in many places with some rooms even completely empty. The fact of the matter was that s'Il hardly ever used the house for much of anything but an alcohol storehouse that she and Silus could retreat to whenever they needed to get good and sloshed while watching a game or playing some hologame for days on end. It was relaxing, and while it wasn't often that she spent time on Thyferra, there were times when she would drop by for a few days and lounge about.

Leon Dagrelle was lucky enough to catch her on one of those trips. But, as such, since she was only here for a few days as a time to rest. There was nothing fancy about the dinner which would soon be taking place, and if the Commodore had expected otherwise, he was in for a little bit of a shock.

Take-out had been ordered, and the Lupine had settled for wearing nothing but a pair of well worn black trousers and a black tee. Bare feet pattered along the marble floor as she made her way to the recreation room - which consisted of a holoplayer, a hologame system, and game discs scattered about the floor infront of the entertainment center. The leather couch was a constant companion in her times here, and the coffee table had bravely stood up to countless beating by both s'Il and Silus during their video game bouts as either one or the other lost a match.

But now, the environmnt of the entire house was quiet, the mood tranquil, as the Lupine lowered her small frame into the soft leather of the couch, a Selonia's Best beer in one hand as she waited for her guest to show his face.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:52:30 PM
The hell?

That was the first few words that popped into the formal mind of Leon Dagrelle . He first saw her lounging about on the leather sofa sporting nothing but a black t-shirt and pants. Quickly he took off his DJ and revaled a black sweater, his black trousers could stay. Quickly he swept into the lounge.

"Evening Dutchess" Bowed in rspect, after all she was his superior.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:58:11 PM
A raised eyebrow was all that greeted him as she took a drink from her beer, and s'Il gave a slight nod. The look on his face was priceless, but the Lupine kept her amusement to herself - she neither the dive nor the inclination to get herself dolled up for anyone - and that included the highrollers of Desaria's Imperial ranks.

"Don't call me Duchess," she started, leaning back to look up at him, "it makes me feel old. Call me s'Il or Lok - anything but Duchess or Ms. s'Ilancy."

There was a moment of silence between the two as he seemed to digest this, and s'Il pressed on, "Sit down... Leon... isn't it?"

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 14th, 2004, 10:38:47 AM
' yes, yes it is...' He said taking the offered seat next to her, a bottle of beer was already there, open. Userly beer was of his taite back at home, but this would do he supposed. The rumours had been true, she was informal. Strangley he liked that.

' I see you have not indulged in the luxeries you could have if you wished?' he said directly. He was like that, he wouldent suger coat anything with her.

' its nice to see that, most people would live the high life Miss...err..Lok.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 14th, 2004, 10:55:24 AM
Curling her feet up beneath her body - seemingly cutting her body mass in half - the Lupine only offered a smile at his words before leaning forward to set her can on the coffee table.

"I don't generally use this place to cater to houseguests; it's more of a hideaway whenever I need to unwind. I don't live the most glamorous life, nor would I ever want to. It's not my style."

Resting an elbow on the armrest, she leaned her weight to the side, turning her body so that it faced the Commodore more directly.

"I hope you don't mind that."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 14th, 2004, 06:23:54 PM
He took the bottle of beer into his hand, the coldness still remained, clearly fresh from the cooler, a nice touch he thought. Taking a small sip from the glass he taisted it, then smelled it like a fine wine. His beers clearly significant within his life. Instead of wines and sprits, the Commodore prefered a beer or two.

' Thyferrian Ale, brewed in the north, good stuff. Northan beers on Thyferra seemingly taist better than the groves of the east, their ways of producing such bitter is quite disturbing to say the least, do you kn- he stopped and looked at her. Of course, Lok would not be interested in the ways of making beer, and already the Commodore was far to relaxed.

' My apologise, im used to dining with those who find such babble interesting.' he smiled the first genuin smile for a age and looked down, seemingly embarassed.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 14th, 2004, 06:36:13 PM
Her brows raised as he smiled, and the Lupine canted her head to the side a little. Her own beer, of the cheapest brand available and just how she liked it, remained on the table. She'd gotten him a slightly more expensive beverage simply because she knew that not very many people enjoyed such... lowbrow tastes. But, she liked what she liked, and as long as no one forced anything on her, she wouldn't force anything on them.

"I've spent enough time with Desaria to get used to talk like that."

In fact, s'Il had made plans to sit and watch a game on the holo - a rather old game still played in some parts of the galaxy; it was called soccer, and had taken her interest for the past month - and even when the Commodore had shown up, she hadn't changed them. He'd simply have to sit in with her, and if the case arose, watch as she got herself blasted during the game. Certainly not what he would be expecting, but that's what happened when spending time with Lok s'Ilancy.

She reached forward then, taking her drink in her hands before giving Dagrelle a sidelong, almost mischevious look. Metallic eyes glinting, she smirked. "And even though I'm used to it, doesn't mean I do it myself."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:53:21 PM
He tilted his head at her for a moment and then side smiled.

' So what are you into, besides soccer? I hear from when i was High Inquisitor that you get about, have a few underground dealings and such like.' He said, taking a sip of the cool ale.

' I also hear you are the other half to another Grand Admiral, Millard is it not?'' He smiled once more as if he got one point for knowledge. ' I hear lots when you the eyes and ears for a imperial empire.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 16th, 2004, 05:06:02 PM
She looked at him from over the top of her can as she drank, his last words not really much of a surprise, though she didn't expect him to mention Millard so soon in their conversation. His curiosity in her interests was more to what she thought he'd ask, and so she answered those first after bringing her drink down to rest in her lap.

"What am I in to? I enjoy alot of things - many of which are best not discussed for their nature in terms of non-legality... " she gave him a feral smile then, that was somewhat hard to read, "... I also like turning into a monster and eating people."

She paused though, to consider her words to his last question, then went on. "I'm not with Grand Admiral Millard anymore - there were... differences that became insurmountable between us.

"I spend my time mostly alone now, and enjoy going from planet to planet."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 16th, 2004, 05:18:14 PM
' Lupines' The Commodore said as he kept his eyes on the holo but was really more interested in what she was saying. ' Lupines, originating from the family of the Van-Dervleds, quite a family. I hear much of them, or did, as the case may be, Mr. Van-Dervled supposedly got killed.'

He took another sip from the bottle and rested it on his lap.

' And the Garou, mostly assosiated with the Jedi, the good side of the morphing into animals way of life. They turn into white wolves Lupines turn into something diffrent, cant recall the name.' he said leaning back into the couch.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 16th, 2004, 05:42:05 PM
The game hadn't quite started, and so s'Il had settled for making herself comfortable. The look she gave Dagrelle, however, was one of genuine surprise. She hadn't expected him to know that she was a Lupine - even de Nostradaum hadn't known until she'd changed before his eyes.

A silence filled the room as she took in everything he said, and leaning back a little, s'Il let out a breath.

"You know more about me than I thought. Only a few know that I'm a Lupine; and hardly any of those are in Imperial ranks."

She took a drink before speaking once more.

"Vornskrs. We turn into Vornskrs."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 17th, 2004, 04:47:04 PM
' Thats the one...' Leon said gesturing with his bottle that she was correct. ' Never seen one of those i have to admit but i would not wish to come face to face with one, even thought i could right now...' he chuckled.

He took another sip of the beer and thought on what just happned, perhaps he let on more than he should, he just lost some of his advantage in the convosation, but perhaps she wouldeny know he had little more on her.

' Whats it like?....being one that is...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2004, 05:26:43 PM
"Liberating, to say the least," was all she offered, taking a another swig and effectively emptying her can. The game was just getting ready to start, and with a sigh, the Lupine pushed herself up off the couch to stand. Turning, she stepped past the Commodore to make her way into the kitchen, disappearing through the door to leave the Imperial to his own thoughts.

A few short minutes later she returned, only this time, instead of holding a single can, she'd opted to bring in the whole case. It was one of the ones left over from when she and Silus had gotten the tauntauns drunk before jousting against eachother, and she'd been meaning to finish the last 17 off tonight.

Hoisting it up, she leaned over the back of the couch to set the case in the middle cushion before letting herself slide/fall the rest of the way down. He torso twisted, and she manuevred herself back into her previous position without any trouble whatsoever before grasping the remote in one hand and a fresh beer in the other.

Now she was ready. Popping the top, she tipped the can up and drank almost half the can in one drink.

The game was starting, and looking over to Dagrelle, she shot him a conniving smile. "Being a Lupine is one of the most gratifying things in the galaxy. It's much better than playing wargames and trying to take over worlds."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 17th, 2004, 08:42:22 PM
' Taking over worlds and playing war games is hardly my line of work Miss Lok. I have a more interesting job that playing chess with a incompatent adversary.' The Commodore smiled. ' Just because i have a Navel rank does not mean i play with ships my friend, remember that.' A nice come back he thought.

' How did they take you into their collective? did you go willingly?'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2004, 12:38:00 PM
"Well that's good to know," she said before considering his last question.It was hard to explain, because initially it had been a surprise of sorts, but she'd acclimated very early to the concept of being a Lupine.

"Well," she started, glancing briefly to the holo before looking back at Dagrelle, "I suppose at first it was largely unexpected - I met my sire on Naboo, and was stung there. At first I guess you could say it was unwanted; he'd run me into the ground, but after my first change i adapted quickly.

"Since then it's something i could never live without. It's quite liberating to be able to change forms, and the crossover of natural traits is wonderful. Heightened smell, hearing, reflexes, adaptability... and stamina... "

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 18th, 2004, 01:39:16 PM
' I see, have you ever killed anyone is your formed state? as the animal i mean.' Leon said asking what he thought as quite a deep question, but of course be was to inquisitive not to ask. ' I mean for exsample, do you know exsactly what your doing when your morphed or is it like looking through somone elses eyes?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2004, 01:55:28 PM
Another long drink, and s'Il curled her legs up underneath her.

"I've killed alot of people - too many to count."

She went silent then, her eyes half closed as she watched the game, and leaning back, she settled herself just a little more. The couch was the epitome of comfort, and she quite happy with its purchase. She could feel Dagrelle's eyes on her though, awaiting her answer to his last question, and without looking to him, spoke.

"A change can be voluntary or involuntary. The force causes the involuntary change - it drives a Lupine insane and causes them to change into a stark raving mad beast. All sentient thought is gone. A voluntary change though, is a little different. If I were to change right now, I would have the same mind and mentality as I do now, just without the ability to speak - or see in color."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:02:35 PM
'Show me?' Dagrelle said, tilting his head in question.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:25:59 PM
This stopped her, and the Lupine turned a surprised look to the Commodore.

"You're kidding, right?"

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:32:38 PM
He looked at her seriously ' I dont kid miss Lok' He sipped his head and turned towards the Holo again. ' Show me?'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:41:09 PM
His tone of voice and the look on his face did indeed show that he was completely serious, and s'Il found herself staring at him as if he was mad.

"... but... why?"

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 18th, 2004, 03:59:57 PM
' Im interested, thats all. If i am to get to know you better, well, id like to see the other you. Plus impart of a very inquisitive orginization, its my job to ask question' He smiled genuinly now and nodded.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 18th, 2004, 04:22:02 PM
"You're interested," she repeated, setting her already nearly finished beer on the table to look over at him.

"I'll be honest - I don't generally make it a habit to simply turn into a vornskr for the sake of sating someone's curiosity. Your job may be to ask questions, but I don't think I necessarily have to give you any answers. It's nothing against you, I just would rather not.

"Besides - " she once more reached for her beer, finishing it before pulling another from the case that rested between them, " - the game is on."

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 24th, 2004, 06:12:44 AM
' Are you scared of the pain?' The Commodore continued as if she had not said anything prevously. ' I mean it is okay to be scared of the pain, i hear it is quite crusing to ones nerves'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
She was in the act of opening the can when he spoke, and her movements stopped immediately. Staring at him, s'Il searched his face, studying the lines at the edge of his eyes, his eye, nose, and mouth. Yes, she could tell he was genuinely curious, but still.

"I don't think you understand," she started.

"I don't change at the drop of a hat. And I'm not afraid of the pain. You get used to it after a while, and eventually tune it out. Unless it's an involuntary change.

"Those do still hurt."

Kelt Simoson
Jan 24th, 2004, 02:26:58 PM
' Yeah... He said in sarcasem as if everything she had just said was a rubbish and ball story. He thought she was affraid of the pain, course she was, who would'nt be?.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2004, 04:22:32 PM
The Lupine only gave him a look before turning once more to the game.

"I usually go out before dawn to hunt, if you really are that interested," she finished quietly, taking a drink.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 25th, 2004, 06:58:10 AM
' You do?' He said perking up slightly.

' And you hunt what exsactly?'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:16:00 AM
She disregarded his question for a few moments, focussing on the game as one of the players appeared to be fouled, and with a grumble, she barked something at the holo, her words unintelligable for the simple fact that they were said in another language - Selonian. After a few more grumbled words in the foreign dialect, she took another drink from her can.

"I hunt whatever runs from me," she answered finally, still keeping her eyes on the holo.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:29:02 PM
' Of course, this included humans?' He said in jest but imieditly knew that his staitment might be true.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:51:52 PM
With a raised eyebrow, s'Il only leaned back.

"At times, if the desire is strong enough, yes."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:02:18 PM
He looked into her eyes, though she was looking at the Holo. She had killed innocent humans? to eat? to tear flesh and rip them to shreds?

' Your an interesting woman S'il I wish i could be interesting, have a life, a family. But it seems fate has given me only duty'' He sipped from the beer once again and placed the can on his knee. For the first time in about 17 years he was relaxing, and smiling.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:41:41 PM
"I wouldn't say that I have a life so much as I have nothing to do. No family, not really that interesting, and I've got nothing better to do than wander around."

Shifting just a little, the Lupine settled herself into the cushions a little more, taking a sip from her drink.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:15:15 PM
' Tell me of Taylor...' He said suddenly, clearly out of no where.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:25:05 PM
The query had come so suddenly and out of the blue that s'Il sputtered, snorting some of the alcohol up through her nose. Out of reflex her hand came up to catch the dripping liquid, and with slow, deliberate motions, she leaned forward, setting the can on the coffee table while wiping away the beer from her face.

"... I... uh... " his question was one she had never expected anyone to ask, "... I guess he's ok - I don't really talk to him; I try not to... "

The back of her hand pausing in mid-wipe against the side of her mouth, the Lupine sent Dagrelle a sidelong glance, her eyes for the first time since he'd arrived, just a little unsure and confused.

"... we had a... a falling out."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:37:01 PM
' A falling out?...' He smiled slightly, his inquisitive nature had hit a nerve and when he saw that in a person he was questioning, he enjoyed it, he knew there was a weak spot to delve into more...he continued, slowly and carefully.

' I heard through old contacts something quite diffrent happned...and you taking the actions you did with the beer entering your cinus, i daresay my verions are more truthfull...' He said, a grin appearing on his lips, he to still watching the Holo.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:41:05 PM
Her eyes narrowed and she finished the wipe, her hand moving to rest in her lap.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said finally after allowing a lengthy silence settle between the two. "I don't care what you know about me - I don't care who told you - " her voice had taken on an instinctive and very inhuman growl, " - I'm not going to talk about it."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:45:58 PM
' You dont talk about much do you?...' He said with a wild grin. ' I find that quite disturbing, almost like your hiding something greater than its worth...im asking questions to which i already know the answers to...my aplogies...' he left her to stir in that for a moment before changing to subject.

' So how did you, a former partner to a diffrent remnant force become the dutchess of a totaly diffrent regiem all together?' This he did not know and was interested to find out.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:55:17 PM
Standing, the Lupine looked down at him before skirting the couch to head for the kitchen. She wanted to wash her face properly, and her hand just wasn't going to do the job.

"I used to steal Star Destroyers for Desaria," was her simple answer as she made her way from carpet to linoleum. "It has its rewards." her voice came from the other room as a faucet was turned on.

What was he trying to do? First he wanted her to change right in front of him, then he asked about Millard? For a few moments she wondered if he'd been sent only to try and get information out of her for whomever his higher ups were - it would halfway explain why he'd wished to simply take a raincheck the last time his visit was cancelled.

The water did well to wash away the last bits of alcohol, but it did her mood no such thing, and turning the faucet off, s'Il used one of the dishtowels to dry her face while walking to the doorway that connected the living room to the kitchen. She stopped beneath the doorframe, leaning agaisnt it, still holding the towel in her hands, and throwing it over to rest on her shoulder, the Lupine crossed her arms.

"What do you want from me."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:14:41 PM
"What do you want from me?"

' Your love!, thats all, your love! ive worked so hard to keep us afloat Jenni dont you see that? being a captain has its advantages but its not exsactly excellent pay, pertuly when i Captain a scout ship, something hardly used these days...'

" Your never here Leon, and when you are you ignore me!"

' I love you Jenni...' His face was so puppyish and so young it was hardly bearible to look at. Tears flocked down his face like a heard of wild beasts.

"Im sorry Leon but im going to Coruscant, im going to live with my mother for a while, untill you have choosen between you job or me, i cant take this life any longer!"

She slammed the door behind her...

He looked up towards S'il those words she had said triggered something quite hurtfull and for a few moments he simply stared at her in sadness before coming to his senses.

' Im sorry...' he said, a tear within his tone ' I did not mean anything by it. Im just natualy inquisitive...my apologies S'il'

Fors the first time he used her full name, the sadness lingered in his tone and he looked down towards the carpet, his mind still on the drifting memory within his mind.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:32:50 PM
She said nothing, instead retreating back to the kitchen to replaced the towel that she'd draped over her shoulder. His apology had been sincere - that much was easy to tell, but he'd still asked a question that she herself was still wrestling with - about a person that she wasn't sure of her feelings for; they'd become so convoluted that often times she preferred to simply not think about them. It was easier that way. Better that way.

Wandering out through the opposite door of the kitchen, away from the living room, s'Il made her way towards the open aired porch that offered one of the more incredible views she'd ever been able to see, and stepping through the door, out into the crisp night air, the Lupine strode casually towards the railing. Hopping up, she perched herself carefuly atop it, letting her legs hang down.

She'd left Dagrelle alone, and in silence the Lupine looked first to the outlying expanse of land surrounding her estate, and then up to the stars.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:41:14 PM
' You know, somtimes i wish i had not enlisted into the Navey He said following her out into the night air, it was cold yet comfitable and not a cloud in the night sky. He leaned against the rail, his arms supporting him as he looked out in the view.

' I dont look up into the stars anymore because i know whats up there, i know whats going on up there, i know exsactly what every inhabitible planet is called, what every conselation is named. Theres nothing left i havent seen...' he looked up with a sad smile

'If i had simply been a farmer, a developer, something on the ground id be able to look up and admire the beuty of those stars...'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:56:13 PM
"Then you haven't really experienced anything," she said flatly. "There's beauty out there, you just have to know where to find it - and how to look."

s'Il kicked her legs idly, looking from the stars down to the expanse of land before her. "It's everywhere. You see the edge of the forest out there? that's beautiful; where natural randomnuity lives and breaths. And over there," she inclined her head to the side, indicating the far off shore of one of Thyferra's oceans, "... where the oceans break against the sand and rock, where you can go out walking barefoot and feel warm sand between your toes whenever you go walking along the shore on a warm day...

"... and especially up there," once more her eyes turned skyward, "where you can meet people who've had a thousand different experiences of their own to share - each one unique and different. It's the people and events that make something beautiful. You can't expect to simply 'will' beauty to show its face. You have to let it."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 16th, 2004, 07:02:42 PM
' When you have been through what i've been through, Beuty can seem such a distance away...' The man said looking down into the grass upon the ground. His thoughts lost.

' Im not seen as a nice guy, people take my orders and hurry off, people are scared of me. Im the second single most ranked man in the Inquisitrate, in some cases i outrake in certain situations even the Grand Admiral...somtimes i wish somone would speak to me as a friend...i dont have friends...' The Commodore said intwining his hands together thoughtfully.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 07:11:18 PM
"I've been through alot," she countered. "I've seen alot of friends come and go, I've seen alot of friends either die or just disappear. I've killed people for money, and many other things that aren't best mentioned."

The Lupine turned to him then, lifting one of her hands up, and slowly, carefully, she let it change - controlling her body in its transformation. At first she used to practice simply stopping and holding herself in midchange, then gradually she began working on localized parts; her hands had always been the easiest to control. "Some people think I'm a monster because of what I am - " the hand broadened, fingers becooming shorter and more muscled as the shape of a paw became more dscernable. Claws began to form from her fingernails, and a silver sheen of fur began to cover her skin. " - not that i care. I'm not out to please people. I'm out to please myself and do what I want to do."

And as soon as she had allowed the change, she reverted just as smoothly - she might have been able to locally change certain parts of her body, but the length of time was never for very long.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 17th, 2004, 11:06:50 AM
The Commodore touched her hand absent from any thoughts just as it morphed back to its original state. He traced with a finger the outline of her knuckles and then pulled away. just as quickly. He had seen a morphing humanoid before, but never had he seen it directly infront of him. He had mostly seen it in test chambers and Research Labs, never infront og his very eyes.

' It seems we are both monsters in diffrent ways...' He said simply looking out over the plains. ' Except i morph when im on duty, you simply change identity...'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2004, 12:29:00 PM
"It's handy," she mused, his touch just a little surprising. She hadn't expected for him to actually reach out and run a finger over her knuckles, but she'd also done nothing to stop him. She looked down to the ground below her feet then, biting her lip.

This is getting way too sappy for me...

She'd had plans on getting smashed, yelling at the holo, and generally making a fool of herself, but somehow that hadn't happened. No, things had gotten way too personal for her. It was time to do something more adreneline pumping - more exciting than just sitting around. Maybe...

Swinging around, the Lupine hopped back onto the deck. "I'm going out for a drive. You're welcome to come along."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:29:44 PM
Leon noticed that he had made her feel uncomfortable. He nodded carefully and proceeded to follow her, quietly. As he walked behind her, he sang some lyrics from his most favored track, for a Commodore he did indeed have such a strange way of music, it was not classical or posh...it was someting quite diffrent...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2004, 03:10:47 PM
Stepping back inside, s'Il made her way to the living room, switching the holo off before stepping into the pair of sandals she kept by the couch.

"I hope you don't mind moving fast," she said, grasping a set of keys that lay on one of the endtables and heading for the foyer.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 20th, 2004, 02:24:09 PM
' My dear i used to be a Tie Advanced Pilot back in the Remnant days...i can handle fast...' He shook he head lightly with a smile. What he failed to tell her is that he had also been in a few scrapes in that line of work to...twice narrowly escaped ploughing head on to a old republic cruiser during a dogfight...

' Whats the speeder make? he said slipping into his black trench.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 20th, 2004, 03:08:57 PM
Stepping outside, the Lupine began walking towards the side of the house where she kept her vehicles.

"They're a little different than what you're used to - not your standard repulsarlift speeder."

She gave him a sidelong look. "You ever been in anything on wheels... ?"

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:10:30 PM
' Wheels?...' The man seemed slightly bemused at the very thought and then looked towards her with a raised eyebrow...

' Your joking right? he said finaly rearlizing what she was suggesting.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:23:48 PM
She only gave him an odd look before rolling her eyes, heading for the garage that housed all of her works in progress. The most recent one she'd finished, an old model speeder (http://www.mcarsweb.com/lotus/exige.jpg) that still used wheels, sat just outside the interior of the rest of the bay which housed 3 other vehicles, all in various states of completion.

"I'm pretty serious," was all she said as they rounded the corner, coming in to view of the waiting vehicle. Just the sight of it was enough to stop the casual observer from overlooking it - the sleek lines and graceful curves housing an engine that could make you wet your pants when opened up, and yet, it could purr like a love-struck kitten.

Along with the skyline she and Silus had rebuilt so long ago, this thing was something she prized, its silver body glinting in the moonlight.

"As you can see Commodore," she went on, mimicing his tone from earlier, "I don't kid, either."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:37:07 PM
He was silently impressed not only with her come back, a retort from earlier, but also at the speeder though he would hardly give her the satisfaction of knowing so.

' Not bad, i have not seen one of these in a very long while, and in such good condition, well it would be worth a few bob...' He said lazily. ' Must have taken a good merchanic and a half decent amount of credits to get this thing in gear huh?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:45:00 PM
Pulling on the handle to open the driver's side door, the Lupine looked over the top of the roof at Dagrelle. "I rebuilt it myself, and spent maybe 14,000 credits getting all the parts."

She lowered herself into the driver's seat then, looking to the Commodore as he too slipped inside. The key slid effortlessly into the ignition, and s'Il smiled to herself as the powerful engine rumbled to life, its idle a soft purr.

"It's good to be me."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 20th, 2004, 09:50:16 PM
Although his love of speeders were far overshadowed by his love of Ships and fighters he still enjoyed the noice, the purr of the old style speeder as she reved the engine. he nooded to her with a smile, not bad, not bad at all, he thought.

The speeder was driven out onto the gravel drive way kicking up bits of pebble and stone as it went. It was quickly out onto the country road infront of The Dutchess' estate and on its way down a hill, woodland covering eatch side, it was dark so the headlights were switched on

' So...' He said, planning on resuming a convosation diffrent to the one within the mansion. ' Tell me about yourself, your childhood and such...' he said gingerly, as of late his questions were rebounded with force, he hoped it would not be the same with this.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:10:47 PM
Rounding a corner, her hands evenly guiding the steering column to make a smooth arc, s'Il considered his question.

"Theres really not much to tell. Just your run-of-the-mill happy childhood for the most part. Dropped out of CorSec to work for the Hutts, then after two years of that, I went out on my own. Made a few wise investments early on, and so now I don't particularly have to do much in terms of working to support myself. If I take a job, it's to pass the time."

One hand going to the shifter, the Lupine downshifted, and the speeder jumped ahead, hungrily eating lengths of asphalt.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:23:06 PM
' How did you come to meet the Grand Admiral?' he asked simply a trigger of a smile rested upon his face as she rounded another corner at quite a high speed shifting his body wieght towards the door of the speeder.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:31:37 PM
Whipping the Exige around the turn, s'Il was quiet once more, digesting his question and trying to formulate the best response.

"I was robbing the governor's mansion on Omar Prime, and he caught me.

"After that, he insisted on spending as much time around me as he could." A shrug. "I don't know why - that happens to me alot for some reason."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:58:14 PM
The Commodore smiled this time and finaly he was enjoying her company, he thought she would be a regal, stuck up bastard and would have to sit all night drinking tea and and chatting on the civilization of the planets he had visited using the only the best cuttlary and eating and driking fine foods and wine.

He would find out this to be totaly the opersite.

As she came back with her answer, he burst out into a snorting laughter, something rarely seen on the face of the inquisitor and a total shock most likely to Lok.

' You... He laughed, sniggering ' You tried to rob governor's mansion on Omar Prime? ' he said still alughing the whole time, but in a very gentlemanly way.

He was impressed again at how brave she was.

' Very brave...' he turned to her with a smile and a nod of impressed state...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:09:45 PM
Initially it was a surprise to hear him laugh, and the Lupine couldn't help the confused look on her face at first. It was strange to her that he'd find the fact that she'd robbed the governor's mansion, but, he was an Imperial - sometimes they threw her for a loop with what they thought humorous.

"Well yeah... " she started gingerly, half-concentrating on the road, "I rob museums and other high-class places; it's what I do... "

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:19:59 PM
' Have you any idea what security that place has?'

He said keeping his eye on her and then back to the road

' Hell i set half of them up, that place still is run under the codes and practice i implanted there, no wonder you were bloody caught..'

He added washing her again with a very rare smile.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:35:31 PM
s'Il gave him the proverbial "googly eye".

"It wasn't the security or anything that got me, it was Millard sensing me through the force."

Mashing the clutch down then, the Lupine shifted into a higher gear, and the speeder sped up, covering more distance at a much greater pace. They'd hit a straightaway, and s'Il was going to take advantage of it.

Kelt Simoson
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:57:55 PM
crap..delete please.

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:00:23 AM
' He was looking for you?...' He asked carefully. It was starting to make sence. After knowing how much it hurt her to talk, and understanding the quarrels that can happen between relationships he had backed off.

But this was intruiging, he had never known that Millard was a force user and he had met him a few times in his career at parties and fromal gatherings. A force under indeed?

' Hes a force user?...' he added

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:18:57 AM
"Unfortunately, yes. He is.

"And it wasn't that he was actively looking for me - he just sort of happened to sense me through the force."

The scenery around them began to change; from the dense woods to more sparse foliage, and in the distance the lights of the nearest town could just be seen.

"And it was that that somewhat created a slight rift - it was nothing to do with me feeling any different for him - it was physiological differences."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:29:10 AM
And like a brick in the face the final section snapped together...' Whaam. She had left him because his force abilities had triggered her Lupine transformation. OF COURSE! the only section os the puzzel she provided was that her former lover was a bloody force user.

Of course he did not mention the mental connection he had made.

' Im sorry to hear that...it is a pitty such things happen but they have to, all good things come of course to an end. And if i know Millard as ive been told, he has been or still is looking for you...' he mentioned this though he was sure she already knew...loves ties can never be unroped...love was indeed love.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:52:03 PM
"It's been a long time since I left, and yes, he has looked for me. The man has since stopped though, I can assure you of that."

In the back of her mind, while she wished things hadn't turned out the way they had, s'Il knew this was for the better, and that in order to keep him safe, she had to stay away from him. She had to go about her own business now, and she said as much.

"I go about my own business - I don't bother anyone, and they don't bother me."

The lights steadily became brighter, as the small town grew closer.

"And as you can see, I don't exactly live near anyone, so I have solitude as well, which is nice at times."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:02:15 PM
The convosation switched to once again a more serious note and the smile had faded from the man lips. They had passed into a dense tropical section of folidge now and the Commodore was picking up slight sents of strong smelling flowers which were overpowering the cockpit of the speeder.

Winding up the window he felt slightly better.

'You like to keep to yourself yet you make friends which some of the biggest names in the galaxy?...'

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:20:55 PM
"Yes well, it's always unintentional and very much an accident."

The outskirts of the city were slowly coming into view, and the Lupine began to gently slow the speeder down.

"Besides. I don't see my friends very often as it is."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:28:00 PM
' Because your in hiding?...' he asked gently, turning to look at her. Once again on a delicate subject, the Commodore treaded the 'water' so to speak before asking personal questions but since they had got comfitable together in convosation he thought she might be slightly more willing to talk.

He was not here to pry or inspect her. he was not here to spy on her or make her feel out of place or hurt. He was here to be a friend nothing more and if she needed a shoulder so be it.

....though he could NOT believe why the heck he was thinking this,he had not had a friend in so many years.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:50:49 PM

It took her a few moments to answer, but the Lupine spoke without too much of a long silence. "Not really. I stopped running and hiding a long time ago. It wears the body down, and there's only so much I can take."

Entering the outskirts, s'Il slowed the speeder down, taking a right and heading down a side alley - dark and empty.

"Now, I just do what I want."

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 27th, 2004, 01:08:42 AM
' What exsactly are you up to these days, sides pottering about around here?' He smiled, it was a joke of a question but she seemed to take it seriously.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 29th, 2004, 05:06:32 AM
The speeder kept up a constant pace, and s'Il navigated easily through the streets as she considered Dagrelles newest question.

She was silent for a few minutes before opening her mouth to speak.

"Pretty much - "

The Lupine turned then, her drive through the outskirts of the city having satisfied her, and with a lazy aire, she steeered the speeder back out towards the country, in the direction of her estate.

" - whatever I want."