View Full Version : Today's WTF is....

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2004, 05:02:55 PM
My state government.

Some months ago, I got a parking fine. Big deal. I paid it with about 2 days left. The cheque was banked three days later by the bearu in question.

Yesterday I got an enforcement notice, proclaming Helen's doom if the fine plus porcessing fee was not paid. Puzzled, I called up, asking WTF was going on.

They said.....

1) The car was registered in my wife's name, so I cant pay the fine

2) The fine was banked one day late, so enforcement will commence. No, it's not date or reciept, its date of banking that fine must be paid by.

3) The cheque must be banked, even if the fine was sent to enforcement and fine no longer acceptible for payment wiht original bearu

4) Helen must now must pay fine plus processing

5) Refund of original cheque will be done in 3-4 months. No, I cant just say the original cheque pays part of new enforcement notice.

My reply to all that cant be printed, even in a R rated forum.

And the real fun bit? BY law, Helen has to pay the enforcement and there is no way to postpone payment, even by court action, which I am still seriously thinking about.

Letters to the editior of papers and my state Parlimentary Member are being written now. This type of nonsense is just not on.