View Full Version : Introductory Teachings (Zacharia Dawnstrider)

Mr Dust
Jan 12th, 2004, 01:34:06 AM
The training area stands empty, save for the presence of a single Jedi Knight. Mr. Dust paces back and forth slowly. It is this emptiness that is so agitating to him. There should be a Jedi Padawan here... in fact, there should have been one here several minutes earlier. And tardiness had ever been high on Dust's list of annoyances.

He peers across the training area, still searching for his missing student. Surely he must arrive soon...

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:32:42 AM
It had taken him far too long to reach the training room in the Jedi Academy, but finally Zacharia Dawnstrider had arrived at the designated place -- exactly twenty-five minutes late. With a toothy grin, the Garou pushed open the door to the training room and stood before the quiet man who was to train him in the Jedi ways. With an awkward bow unmatched by even the drunkest sailor, Zach smiled and gave some sort of hand signal. "Wassup, my Master dude?" He question, not realizing how extremely improper this greeting was. Perhaps it was in the way that Dust looked at him, but something told the Padawan that he'd be better off sitting down and shutting his mouth.

Upon doing so, he focused his blue eyes on the face of the man before him. He knew nothing of this character, and in fact, had only been notified that his training would begin the other day. Shifting his weight on his knees, Zacharia relaxed slightly and decided it would be best to begin by apologizing for his tardiness. "Like, I'm wickedly sorry about being so late, uh -- Master. The dude lady at the door wouldn't let me bring my skateboard in." He offered the excuse, expecting the man to take it and leave the subject behind. It was evident that Zacharia had a lot to learn.

Mr Dust
Jan 28th, 2004, 04:58:00 PM
The tardy young Padawan's entrance leaves much to be desired and does very little to help Mr. Dust's overall opinion of him. He shakes his head slowly at his apprentice's explanation for being late.

Your excuses are unnecessary... and unwanted. Apologize for your mistake, and do not repeat it. That is all.

He begins to pace once more, laying out the general plan for his training, as well as a good bit of ettiquette.

We will begin with the basics... starting with some meditation to get you in touch with the Force. Once that is complete, we will move on to the basic Force abilities as your abilities allow.

In all things, you will be respectful and polite. And a little formality would not be unwelcome, either. Do you have any questions?

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2004, 09:00:10 AM
"What crawled up his butt?" The Padawan thought to himself as he shook his head. In a genuine way, Zacharia felt badly for being so late and for disappointing his Master, but he had apologized and had decided that the apology had been sufficient. Sighing, the young man nodded in reply to the plan.

"Yes, Master -- and like, I'm sorry again." He attempted to loose a bit of his slang, but his heavy accent acquired from Australea didn't help in the process of making him sound intelligent. "Now, meditation -- that I can do." Or so he thought. Zach had never really attempted to connect to the Force, though he had a few instances where strange things happened to him or around him, things he could not explain. In truth, he knew much of the Force and its uses, but he had never touched it and known he was.

Shifting his weight slightly, the Padawan closed his eyes as he had witnessed other members of the Order do in the state that they called 'meditation'. Taking a deep breath to enhance this effort, he grinned. "Is that righteo -- I mean, acceptable?" He questioned, nearly slipping in his speech. Something told him that his instructor meant business and would settle for nothing less.

Mr Dust
Jan 31st, 2004, 02:49:56 AM
He grimaces at the young man's continued slang, but is honestly pleased at his attempts to remedy his language. He sees the man starting to slip into an attempt at meditation, but stops him before he gets too far ahead of himself.

Wait... slow yourself. First, be seated and cross your legs. Then, close your eyes and open your mind. Do not try and reach out to the Force. Instead, merely open yourself and let yourself feel the Force about you. Begin. I will guide you.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 8th, 2004, 08:48:11 PM
Zach's eyes popped open as his Master began to speak. Of course, he knew that this meant it was time to listen. Someone once told him that he was born with one mouth and two ears, and just now was he beginning to figure out exactly what that meant. Breathing in deeply, the Padawan nodded and did as he was instructed.

Crossing his legs and placing his hands upon his knees, Zacharia relaxed and cleared his mind as he always did before his big skate competitions. Every time he was facing his worst rival, he always did this. "Why didn't you tell me it was like this, dude?" He questioned, realizing right as he spoke it his own slip up. "Master." He corrected himself quickly with an apologetic smile.

It was easy for the Padawan to "open himself" to the Force, as he had been told, but he never knew what he was feeling was really the Force. It had only really touched him a few times in his life, but he had not made the connection of the difference between merely having a clear mind and actually coming in contact with the Force. "Like this?" He questioned as he breathed deeply once again, finding a certain peace about the exercise that made him recall moments like these that he would spend up on a half-pipe at the skatepark. "'Cuz ya know, it feel righteo -- right, it feels right." He smiled broadly.

Mr Dust
Feb 9th, 2004, 05:56:33 PM
The gaunt knight offers a half-smirk at the Padawan's corrections. At least he's trying to make sure his language is correct.

Mr. Dust takes a seat opposite Zacharia and opens himself to the Force as well. In this state, he can tell that his student has indeed opened himself to the Force.

Very good... you've done well. Now... just to develop some ground work... have you done anything with the Force thus far? As in, have you caused anything to happen by instinct, or been able to perform any feats that you should not be able to do naturally? If so, we will begin your training there.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 10th, 2004, 06:05:17 PM
Zacharia thought about the question for a moment or so as his mind raced to find the answer. "Yeah, of course." He thought to himself as he focused once again and nodded slowly. "There've been a few times, Master." He spoke slowly as suddenly he felt even more aware of the other man's presence. It was as if he was looking at him despite the fact that his eyes were closed. He had felt this way only a few other times, but never paid much mind to it. Today, he was keeping tabs on everything.

"I dunno if it's anything that special, but most times before I am about to fall in a competition or if somethin' bad's about to happen, I just -- know. Once, it was like I saw the situation in my head, kinda weird if you ask me. It was just a couple 'a seconds long, but I saw me falling off the edge of a tall pipe because the dude beside me knocked me over. I thought I was just daydreaming, but he really did come at me and I moved." Zach breathed another sigh of relief on that subject and grinned, still not thinking too much of the occurrence.

"The only other thing I can think of is this really righte -- aweso -- amazing trick I did at a tournament that got me the gold. I didn't think I'd be able to go fast enough to do it, but I concentrated, just like this -- like I usually do before most competitions, and somehow, I got faster! I actually felt it! It was incredible, Master!" The Padawan beamed a toothy grin in his excitement.

Mr Dust
Feb 13th, 2004, 12:56:59 AM
Mr. Dust nods as he listens to the young man's descriptions of the abilities he's displayed. It would seem that he has some skill in premonition, as well as Force Speed. These will be their first topics of study.

Very good... well... let us attempt to develop your premonition abilities, shall we? Stay seated and keep your eyes closed.

The knight stands and begins slowly walking cicles around Zacharia. He pulls a palm-sized rubber ball out of his coat pocket and holds it in his left hand.

A Jedi is able to sense the world around him through the Force. The Force is all about us, within us, and within everything there is. For that reason, if you are truly in touch with the Force, you are able to sense what is happening around you. You will be able to detect the "ripples" created in the Force, and act accordingly.

So... on to your first exercise. I have in my hand a rubber ball. At some point, I will throw it at you. Simply relax and reach out with the Force. If you can detect the ball coming toward you, either dodge or block... catch it if you can. Just do something so as not to be hit by the ball. If you fail, do not worry... the ball will not do any more than sting should it strike you. Now... get ready.

Mr. Dust gives the young man several moments to get ready and then prepares to fling the ball at him. Once a suitable amount of time has passed, he throws the ball at his chest quickly.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:00:13 AM
Zacharia did as he was told and remained upon the floor with his eyes closed. He felt completely relaxed and centered. As his Master instructed him in his first lesson, the Padawan listened intently, taking in everything that was said. He understood what was about to happen, and began to mentally prepare himself.

As soon as the Knight began circling around him, Zach was aware of this. Each step he took could somehow be felt by the Padawan. He knew approximately where his teacher was, and even the ball was sending some sort of electric feeling through Zacharia's senses. Just then, his mind flashed him some sort of warning feeling as it had in the past. He knew something was about to happen, but this confirmed it.

Just as the ball was flung at him, Zacharia quickly ducked to the side and threw his hand up just lower than where his chest was. He had avoided being hit by the ball, but had missed catching it by a few inches. He heard the rubber meet the floor behind him and he sat up with a slight smile on his face. He felt no defeat in the fact that he did not catch that ball, afterall, he was here to learn. If he knew everything, why would he need a Master? "Like that, Master?" He questioned, hoping to have at least made his teacher happy.

Mr Dust
Feb 16th, 2004, 10:09:28 PM
Mr. Dust nods his approval.

Well done. While you didn't catch the ball, you had a good idea where it was. We can work with this... now... concentrate again and get ready. Simply let go... reach out with your feelings...

He gives Zacharia several moments to get ready, then starts pacing once more. He flings the ball again, this time with more force behind it.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 16th, 2004, 11:01:27 PM
In that instant, it was almost as if everything stopped -- at least, for Zacharia. He was ready and prepared to catch the ball this time, the only trouble was, was that he could already see the ball coming at him, before his Master threw it. He could sense and see, all in the same, where it was headed -- but the few seconds short vision ended just as quickly as it began.

With reaction time quicker than before, the Padawan ducked to the side and instead of holding his hand up, he met the ball in the air and snatched the flying piece of rubber up in his palm. It stung a bit, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. Pride swelled in Zach's chest as he looked down at the little ball, a hint of amazement flashed across his face accompanied with a smile.

"It all happened so fast." He commented, the words strange to his lips as he seemed not to think of them at all. Indeed, his mind was racing, it had happened quickly, as before. This time, it was different, though. This time, Zacharia could really see what was going to happen, just like at the competition those few years ago. It felt just like before, except this time, he felt a new sense of control. It all seemed to stem from the fact that he was not afraid of his "gift" anymore, and in fact, realized that this could prove to be of great use as he trained to become a Jedi Knight.

"I have a question, Master." He began, slang and all seemed to slip from his tongue then. "Why was I able to catch it the second time, but not the first, though I saw the same thing twice. What happens if -- if it's a different situation? Life and death? There's no second chance there." He commented with evident concern and a hint of sadness. It was then that part of the Garou began to resent possessing this skill. He did not wish to be responsible for a tragedy that he could have possibly prevented. So many new thoughts entered his mind and he became engulfed in their crushing waves.

Mr Dust
Feb 17th, 2004, 10:41:36 PM
Mr. Dust nods and smiles at the young Padawan as he successfully catches the ball. He must admit, the young man has done well, and has more potential than Dust originally thought when they first met.

He allows the young man to exult in his victory; indeed, the feat he just accomplished is rather impressive for one just starting out in the ways of the Force. He is about to offer congratulations to him, but he stops when the question is asked. His mood becomes somber very quickly as he considers the difficult question. After several moments, he walks over to Zacharia and places his hand on his shoulder.

That is a good question... and a good concern for you to have. But you cannot worry overmuch about it. You are still a mortal... you have your limitations. I know that when you first see your gifts in full, you begin to think that nothing is outside of your power. You think that, in any situation, you have the power to affect it for good. But that is not always the case. As such, all you can do is your best. There will be times when that is not good enough, but you must accept that and move on.

Do you understand?

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 17th, 2004, 10:57:58 PM
"As such, all you can do is your best."

The words his Master spoke were disheartening to a point, but Zach knew from the moment he asked the question that somehow, this would be the answer. Sighing as he took it all in, he nodded and a hint of a sad smile crossed his lips. "I understand, Master." He nodded once again and took comfort in the hand upon his shoulder.

It had been some time since the Garou had seen any sort of family, much less a close friend. Despite first thoughts on the man, Zacharia was coming to really like this fellow right away. He was wise and possessed a great vault of knowledge in his mind. This was everything the Padawan needed.

"If that is the way it has to be, then I will do my best. That's why I'm here afterall! To serve and protect, to the best of my abilities." He was back to smiling happily as before, something the young man was rarely seen not doing. It was in his nature to be in a good mood, but he had his mysterious serious side too, that only came out when absolutely necessary.

With a nod of resolve, the Padawan met the eyes of his Master with his own as he really began to feel better. The confidence that had washed over him at the moment of triumph just minutes before returned and he laughed slightly. "I did catch that ball, though." Zach stated, deciding to worry about the present: his training.

Mr Dust
Feb 18th, 2004, 05:46:24 PM
Mr Dust smirks a bit at the fellow's final comment.

Indeed you did. And well done! But now, let us move on to other techniques. You still need practice with premonition, but I'm sure we can rig up a training droid so that you may do so at your leisure.

Now, on to the next technique: Force Speed. I myself am not very adept at this technique, but I do know the basic workings of it. Allow me to demonstrate.

With this, Mr. Dust raises his arm in front of the young man.

First, one must open himself to the Force, letting the Force permeate his being. Then, simply relax, and let the Force carry you along. Feel the Force pulling you... use it for your energy source, and let it propel you to greater speeds... like this.

He concentrates, and begins waving his hand up and down. In a few moments, his hand begins to accelerate, and in a few moments more, his entire arm is a blur. He slows down and then stops his arm once the point is made.

Now, you try, but do so while running. Run from here to the tree on the other side of the garden. Just relax... you will do well, I am sure.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 20th, 2004, 06:13:20 PM
The feat that Dust performed was amazing. Never before had Zacharia seen anything like it. He could somehow feel the power radiating off of his Master's body. Smiling to himself, his confidence grew and he nodded as he was assigned a task.

"To the tree and back?" He questioned, obviously knowing that the answer was an affirmative. With a deep breath, the Padawan faced the tree and closed his eyes, thinking of it as he did a large grind rail -- like the perfect ones he rode at the last competition he was in. His heart started to pound as he invisioned how much speed he knew he need to slide for a long run on the rail. He would use the same amount to reach the tree.

With that he took off like a shot in the dark, running at normal speeds first. It felt so natural to him as he concentrated even more than before, knowing his objective and reaching out to it. He allowed the wonderful warm feeling of the Force to flow through him. This time, he could really appreciate what it was, though. He was about half way there when suddenly something kicked in within him. Adrenaline pumped through his body at quicker rates of speed and his mind raced to keep up with everything he was doing.

His arms moved faster and soon his legs became a slight blur just as he approached the tree and circled around it. Now he was bound again for his Master as his pace held steady. Just as he was half way back again, he felt relieved as though he had achieved another perfect grind. His body began to calm with each passing second and his speed decreased slowly and then rapidly as he neared the teacher. The Padawan came to a stop and heaved a great sigh, breathing in heavily until his heart rate came down.

It was an amazing feeling to run like that again, to catch the speed of the wind, as he liked to think. Smiling as he attempted to regain his breath, Zacharia looked back at the tree. Obviously, he could not hold the speed for a great length of time nor was he as fast as he could ever go, but in his mind -- it was a start, and a good one at that. "Was that -- good, Master?" He questioned between slowing breaths, hoping he had done everything Dust had asked.

Mr Dust
Feb 21st, 2004, 07:06:01 PM
Mr. Dust nods, but he does not look terribly pleased.

Well, yes... and no. Indeed, you were able to tap into the Force to augment your speed. However, you relied too much on your own power.

Did you not notice that when I was done, I was not breathing heavily in the least? When you use the Force thusly, you are not trying to augment your muscles or simply add thrust to your legs. Instead, the Force itself carries you. Yes, it is true that this speed cannot be maintained for long, but that has more to do with concentration than physical limitations.

Try again, once you have caught your breath. Make it your goal to not exert physically more than simply attaining speed. The method you employed will indeed work, but what good is it if you tire yourself so? This time, let the Force carry you. If you are unable to do so on your first lap to the tree and back, try again. Have no fear... you will understand what I mean. Give it time.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:41:16 PM
Zacharia was disappointed that his Master was not completely pleased. He had done his best, but it mattered not, there was a flaw in what he had done. Of course, he was mature enough to understand that he was learning, and the only way to do so was to correct what he did wrong. Inhaling deeply, the Padawan began to regain his breath quickly as he usually did. With a nod and a slight smile to his Master, the young man readied himself.

Clearing his mind as he did before and feeling the complete emtiness, save for the powerful warmth that the Force offered, Zacharia took off running, this time not concentrating on his body. He closed his eyes for a moment as he raced on toward the tree when suddenly it happened. It was as if a pair of wings had sprouted from his back and seemed to carry him even faster to the tree than before. As soon as Zach realized what was going on, he was rounding the tree and making his way back toward Dust.

The warm feeling he had gotten from tapping into the Force seemed to wash over him completely. He could feel it in his legs and arms, even in his chest. It made him feel faster without even trying. It made him feel powerful without wishing to be so. And as soon as he stopped beside Dust, the moment was over and he was barely breathing. In fact, he was holding his breath now as he glanced over his shoulder at the tree. "Whoa..." It was all he could mutter at that moment after feeling so incredible. He knew what his Master was talking about, and it was a good lesson learned. All he had to do was put himself behind and rely fully on the Force and the power it had for him.

Looking down at his feet, the Padawan grinned. He was proud, no doubt, but did not want his Master to confuse that for a haughty attitude. With a more meek and relaxed smile, Zacharia looked up at Dust's face and nodded. "I understand, Master." It was all he needed to say then, for he was sure the surge of emotion running through his body could be felt by anyone standing close by.

Mr Dust
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:53:00 AM
Mr. Dust cannot supress a chuckle and smiles widely.

Well done! Now you see what one can accomplish with the Force! You are beginning to understand how the Force works... how it flows through you and works within you. With the Force, you are able to perform feats that you would be unable to do otherwise.

You have shown good progress with these exercises, but you can practice them alone later. I will help you with setting this up, but for now, we must move on to the lightsaber. I assume you have not created your own saber yet? No matter... I would not have expected you to by this point. We will be using low-powered sabers for this exercise.

He reaches within his coat and pulls out two metallic cylinders, one larger than the other. He tosses the larger one to Zacharia.

The lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi. It is an elegant weapon, useful for both defense and assault. Ignite your saber and get a feel for it. Have no fear... you will not be able to harm yourself with this saber. When you are comfortable, let me know and we will begin your lightsaber training.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:55:44 PM
Zacharia's eyes widened as he caught the shiny silver cylindar and began to carefully examine it. His fingers ran over its simple detail and eventually moved to the ignition switch. With a smile and the words that his Master had just spoke to him, the Padawan pressed the switch. A beautiful blade of green shot out of the hilt and caused Zacharia to jump slightly. "Wow!" He exclaimed, thinking in his mind how righteous this little thing he was holding was.

With a hint of caution, the young man slowly moved his arm and caused the blade to move as well. It cut through the air as he began to pick up speed a little bit, waving it about as a child would with the firework sticks at the celebrations on his home planet. He smiled and looked up to his Master, noting how natural it felt to hold something like this. "It's an incredible feeling!" He grinned and waved the weapon around once again.

With a nod of resolve, Zacharia concluded that he was ready to begin. "I want to learn this!" He spoke with great enthusiasm.

Mr Dust
Mar 7th, 2004, 03:32:06 PM
He watches the man move around, trying to get a feel for the weapon. When he is ready, Dust ignites his unusual one-handed saber. A pure white blade shoots from the emitter and he takes his stance, saber in his extended right hand, other hand raised behind him.

Take the saber in both hands and simply relax. We will start with defense. I will come at you slowly. Relax and let the Force flow through you. As you advance, I will come at you more quickly. This saber will not hurt you, but it may sting a bit. En garde!

Mr. Dust advances slowly, attempting to strike Zacharia with the tip of his saber. He starts with easy attacks to give the young man practice.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Mar 21st, 2004, 11:15:28 AM
Zacharia nodded at his Master's instructions and prepared for the challenge. He knew that this would not be easy, but he was ready for anything. He would prove to himself that he could do a lot more than people gave him credit for.

As Dust came at him with a simple strike, Anthony did what was natural to him and raised his saber up to meet his Master's blade. It deferred the weapon from coming near him, and it made his Master's arms twist off to the side. This gave Anthony a second to move his own saber back into position to defend again.

The first attack was easy, but he had a feeling that eventually -- his Master's saber would sting him.

Mr Dust
Mar 21st, 2004, 05:00:37 PM
Well done, Padawan... now, we'll begin to speed up a bit. And just so you do not fear the saber...

Without any other warning, Dust lunges forward as fast as he can, and the tip of his saber sinks several inches into his Padawan's belly. He pulls back quickly. The Padawan should definately have felt the shot, but should not be more than mildly painful... no more than being hit by a child.

There, you see? Nothing to worry about. Just relax. Allow the Force to guide your weapon. Do not rely on your own abilities... the Force will show you where to move.

With that, he attacks again, a bit more quickly now.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Mar 24th, 2004, 09:04:55 AM
The move of his Master stunned Zacharia mildly. Well, to the point where his jaw dropped open and he gawked down at the saber through his stomach. He was sure that he had died -- twice or three times. Funny enough, though, he was fine when the blade was removed. A smile came over his lips and he had to laugh at himself as he glanced up at Dust. "Good one, Master." He commented and readied himself, taking heed of what the Knight had said.

Then it happened again -- his mind had a blank flash and he could see his Master's saber coming down as it had before, very quickly. He saw himself move but just then, the vision ceased. It had only been a few seconds long, but it was long enough that Zach had been caught offguard and was left standing still, doing nothing. Suddenly his Master's saber came slicing down, and he barely had enough time to react.

Obviously, he was so caught up in the moment, that he did not react quickly enough and the saber sliced through him again, stinging as before. "That's not cool!" He exclaimed, wishing to explain his problem. "I saw you do it before you struck me -- but I could respond!" He paused a moment, shaking his head. "It happened again, but this time, it was longer -- and it freaked me out!" Of course, a bit of slang slipped back into his speech, but with good reason, the Padawan was worried and knew not what to make of these little visions. The more intense this training was becomming, the more he was seeing -- the more he was not able to respond. They were blocking his reasoning, his thinking. He hoped his Master had answers.

Mr Dust
Apr 11th, 2004, 11:27:53 PM
Mr. Dust moves back a step and extinguishes his practice saber. He nods to his padawan.

It is understandable that you are confused. You are seeing with the Force... it is indeed strange. But in time, you will become used to it.

Now, as to the reason you are having trouble. You are trying to interpret what the Force is telling you before acting. Do not do so. Open yourself to the Force. Allow it to guide you instead... let it move you, placing the saber where it needs to be. Now, try once more.

Dust raises his saber, igniting it again. He begins his attack once more, starting slowly but moving up in speed.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Apr 26th, 2004, 02:32:48 PM
And there it was, a flash of darkness with just the light of his Master's saber. Zacharia's mind was racing with the words he was told and the lesson to be learned. Now it all came down to him. Would he listen to his instincts and react, or get caught up in the moment again? He felt the saber, somehow, though he could not explain it. His own hummed in his hands and it was almost like the energy was wrapping itself around his arms -- his Master's saber sending a warning through the invisible force field around them.

Just in that second, as soon as it had begun, the vision ended and Zacharia was quick to react. As soon as his vision cleared, or even a second before hand, he spun around and moved the saber in an upward arch, bringing it to stop exactly where Dust's weapon would meet his. Indeed, he was right, and it had! Just a moment after the Padawan's saber was in place, his Master's came to clash against it. The feeling inside of Zacharia now, was incredible.

"Whoa..." It was all he could muster at that moment. Trusting his feelings was far easier then trying to decipher them. "It worked." He whispered as his eyes focused on the sabers and then he spaced off in a blur of amazement. He felt strong, like never before -- like nothing could hold him down. This new power he was discovering made his mind spin in circles for he still could not fully understand it.

"That was awesome!" He exclaimed suddenly with a happy grin upon his face. Zacharia could only hope that his Master was just as proud as he was.

Mr Dust
Apr 26th, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
Mr. Dust's laughter rings out true. He can remember back to the first time he became acquainted with the Force, and the unbelievable feeling of moving a saber into just the right place at just the right time. It was indeed a remarkable feeling.

You have done well, young man. You are beginning to see how to move with the Force, to let it guide you. Let us continue...

Dust returns to the training, moving from the basic strikes they have been practicing to more advanced strikes and attacks. He offers criticism when needed, to help the younger Jedi with his swordplay. After about an hour, he calls a halt to their training.

You're learning well. If you keep up your studies, you will be quite skilled before long. I will try to set you up with a training droid for practice later. Now, is there anything specifically you would like to learn? If not, I will show you one more thing, and then we will call it a day. But again, feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Apr 27th, 2004, 03:52:02 PM
Zacharia grinned as his Master ended the saber training lesson. He felt as though he had made a great deal of progresss and had learned a lot. Already, even after this training, he was beginning to feel like a new being. It was truly incredible!

The young man thought of what Dust had said, about him asking questions. At the moment, none came to mind -- except one. He had seen other Padawans around the Order carrying their own lightsabers. He knew that patience was key on this path he was learning to walk, but there was a spark of excitement and the possibility of new horizons in his eyes as he thought.

"I don't mean to cross any lines or anything, and please don't think badly of me -- but -- when can I build my own lightsaber?" He asked, the possible answers to the question floating around his mind all the while. Still, in the back of his thoughts rose the new lesson his Master wished to teach him before their session was over. "I mean, if you'd rather show me what you were going to, then that's cool -- I mean, I'm patient and all. I can wait." He spoke with a sincere smile, allowing his heart to be seen. Indeed, he was patient, but there was still the hope that his Master would give him the all clear on the construction of his saber soon.