View Full Version : Lunch!!!(open)
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 11th, 2004, 10:26:39 PM
So she'd been told she should take a look around, and she'd decided to find out where exactly Yog's was. After getting directions from Rog, she found her way. It was around lunchtime, and it was one of those days where Jame felt like she could not only eat like a horse, but eat a horse, too. Rog would catch up with her, she was sure... Right now, though, she was hungry.
Taking a sharp turn around the corner, and down the hall, she came up to the entranceway to Yog's B&G, a very well talked about establishment.. This, however, would be her first time in.
There was a counter by the door.. A weapons check. Seeing as she'd left any weapons she had in the quarters she'd picked out, Jame just waltzed right in, on her toes, almost. But she came to a dead halt when the NR officer at the counter spoke up...
"Excuse me, miss...But I might ask you to leave any weapons here." He said, gesturing to a rather visible sign.
With that, Jame held up a folder, and held back her hair to reveal a pencil there.
"Harmless, officer. Just writing.." she explained, smiling
The officer gave her a nod. "Very well, miss. Enjoy."
"Thank you. You have a great day, too." And she continued on her way, going into the Bar and Grill, searching out an empty table that she might spread out some papers, and have a meal on, too. When she found one, Jame dropped the folder on the table with a slap, and removed her jacket, hanging it on the back of a seat, before sitting down herself. Soon enough a droid came around. Jame ordered a glass of water, the soup du jour, and a blt, with cheddar.
Soon after that, she was deep in her writing. Music Writing..composing.
Kyle Krogen
Jan 12th, 2004, 12:43:35 AM
Kyle had just finished his daily exercises and was starving so he headed to his favorite place to eat, Yogs. He entered and handed his lightsaber over to the guards at the door and looked for a place to sit
As he looked he spoted a young woman sitting all by herself and since He always liked meeting new people so the fourteen year old boy headed over to her table. "hello" He said with a bright smile "would it be alright with you if I joined you?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 13th, 2004, 12:51:00 AM
So deep into her writing was she, that Jame didn't notice her food arrive. Then when a boy about 4 years her junior walked up to her table, asking if he might join her, she looked up slowly, and laughed.
Jame blushed. And then noticed her meal.
" Yes, sit down...I'm sorry I was so absorbed in my composing, I noticed nothing around me..."
She reached and picked up a sandwich half.
"What's your name? Are you a jedi, too?"
Kyle Krogen
Jan 13th, 2004, 01:49:32 PM
"thank you" He said as he sat down "My name is Kyle Krogen, I am a Jedi Padawan under Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei" He said happily "I have not seen you before, Are you new here?"
Rognan Dar
Jan 13th, 2004, 02:36:19 PM
At that time a figure seemed to apear behind Jame. A reflecting image of her, only it was male instead of female. Then hands went out and were planted on her shoulders. One hand detached and took the glass of water and swallowed some down.
"Ah, thats refreshing," said the man, before sitting down next to Jame. He looked over to, what he recalled as, Kyle. "Hey there. Kyle, isn't it? Good to see you around." He then looked down to the paper that Jame was writing on. He picked it up and studied it carfully, humming under his breath as he read it.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 14th, 2004, 01:40:09 AM
Taking a bite of her sandwich, and felt two hands on her shoulders. She knew exaclty who it was.
"Hey Bro. Yeah, i'm new here." She said as he picked up her water. Rog sat down.
Jame studied the music notes on the page, until it was taken right out from under her nose. She looked up to see her brother parusing her work. Jame smiled.
"Drink my water, that's fine...Hey! That's unfinished work!"
Jame took the paper back. And took another bite of her sandwich, swallowing it down. "Silly boy."
Kyle Krogen
Jan 14th, 2004, 02:11:17 PM
Kyle smiled "hello Rognan, whats up?" He said as he watched rog read Jame's work.
Rognan Dar
Jan 14th, 2004, 03:02:53 PM
"Oh, come on," his voice, sarcasticly hurt. "Your not the only one with musical talent. Whats a little constructive critisism anyway? Like in measure has a good sound. But it doesn't flow into measure four," he said trying to point at the measures through he resisting hands.
He then turned to Kyle as Jame relocked over her work. He smiled to himself.
"Oh, nothing really excitings going on. Its the same: Get up, do some training with myself, then spend the rest of the day figuring out what I can do. Its quite dull..."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 14th, 2004, 05:05:26 PM
Mumbling to herself, Jame had a fine time resisting the urge to laugh at Rog's hurt look.
"You try finding time to write on a pirate ship...and tell me your music is perfect...then we'll talk."
She took a huge chomp outta that sandwich.
"Besides, this is hardly even a first draft." Jame commented, rather matter-of-factly..with food in her mouth. She swallowed, and smiled. "I'll let you criticize when this draft is done, ok?" she sputtered, giggling. The sound of Rog's voice when talking about his repetitive schedule was that of a monotonous drone, and rather amusing at that...
Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:25:32 PM
"I was only interested, ok? I never said it had to be perfect the first time you right it down. I can't hardly compose. I can play, really good at that, but it takes a great deal, and frankly to much for me, of patience. I'm just admiring your work."
He took another drink from her glass.
"What about you Kyle? What have you been up to?"
Kyle Krogen
Jan 16th, 2004, 12:08:40 AM
"Well since I finished training with my master I've been training hard to make sure that if I am promoted to knight that I am worthy of it." Kyle said with a slight smile.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 03:09:35 PM
Then again, talk of training, padawans, knights and masters drew Jame's attention away from her work a bit.
"Training and all that.. It sounds great. I can't wait to get started myself, but i've heard it takes a while to get yourself a teacher. "
When Rog has taken a drink of the water, she removed it from his hand and took a gulp herself.
"No matter. I have patience, and skills that I can work on already..I can wait."
Jame pulled her tray towards herself, and picked up the spoon, and started eating her soup.
"Mmm. Cream of Mushroom."
Rognan Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 06:08:26 PM
"Yeah, it takes time. But then sometimes you get picked right away. Some like to be impressed with what y ou can do and what you have done. But still...I wouldn't put my hopes up so soon.
And its not easy work either. I had the hardest time when I started. I guess that was because I have never had this kind of intense training before."
Sneakily, Rog tries to get another glimps of the paper. His musical talent was screaming at him. He wanted to see what his sister could come up with.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 09:59:08 PM
She was half finished her soup when Rog was tried to sneak another peek at her music. Jame just shook her head, grinning, and closed her folder.
"Not until the draft is done, silly boy."
And then she finished one sandwich half, too.
Rognan Dar
Jan 17th, 2004, 02:53:02 PM
"Fine! Fine, I'll leave it to you to finish. Shesh...didn't know it was that big a deal to you..."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 17th, 2004, 04:47:40 PM
She grinned.
"It's an artist thing."
Jame picked up the bowl of soup and sipped some of it. Then she held it just above the table, and looked at the guys.
"Sooo.... I take it you two have been friends for some time now?"
Kyle Krogen
Jan 17th, 2004, 04:50:52 PM
"we've met a few times, we see each other now and then ,havn't really hung out though" Kyle said as he sat back in his seat.
Rognan Dar
Jan 17th, 2004, 04:55:53 PM
"Yeah. Fought together once or twice. But still seem to be busy in our own training to really get time to talk at all. The life of a Jedi is very cramped. Never a minute to yourself and never a dull moment."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:14:41 PM
"Sounds great..."
She took another sip of her soup.
"Sounds like nothing I can't handle...."
Rognan Dar
Jan 19th, 2004, 02:40:48 PM
"Or so you think. No, I'm kidding. I think that you will do quite well. In fact, I know you will. I can feel it. I feel my own strength in you. Its amazing that being seperated so long that we still share many things in common."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 19th, 2004, 02:46:04 PM
She reached over and patted Rog on the shoulder.
"Thanks, bro...It is amazing, isn't it. You'd think we were twins or something..."
Jame laughed. "Of course, that's just the thing. We are. I'm glad."
She'd finished most of her meal. All that was left was half the sandwich, and some soup.
"It's been a long time since I've had a recital. I hope to have one, or perhaps a concert, especially when I finish this piece."
Rognan Dar
Jan 20th, 2004, 03:12:53 PM
"Who are you going to get to play for or with you? I hardly ever hear anything about people who play except for small gigs that some do at bars and others like it.
I know...maybe help out...or maybe if you wanted." He was trying to give hint, but what he gave was a picture.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 20th, 2004, 04:19:44 PM
She smiled.
"That's the plan. You are my brother. And it would be a great way to spend time together, getting ready and all...Your help and participation is welcome and appreciated."
Rognan Dar
Jan 21st, 2004, 03:34:05 PM
"Great! Can't wait to see what you can come up with. If you ever need someone to run by it before you finished," he said and playfully tried to get the paper again, more out of tesing then wanting to see it.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 21st, 2004, 05:25:40 PM
She laughed when Rog tried to get at the paper through the sealed edges of her folder.
"You have to open the folder first."
Rognan Dar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 03:20:52 PM
"Thats not hard."
Standing up, he pulls the folder to himself and playfully runs away as he opens it.
"Are you sure this is how you want it to sound like?" he called over his shoulder.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 05:08:55 PM
Jame crossed her arms, as if to say 'Duh, obviously'.
"I said, it's a first draft. Of course that's how I want it to sound, until such a time that I just might change my mind..."
Clearing her throat, she made a slight change of subject.
"What do you think, anyway? I do appreciate my one and only brother's opinion."
Rognan Dar
Jan 23rd, 2004, 02:14:59 PM
Ok, I was just making sure that you liked it. Its not my place to make you change it at all. When you done. I'll give you my opinion.
He floated the folder back. It landed softly on the table.
I'll catch you later. I have things to do. We'll catch up some time.
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