View Full Version : Somewhere....out there...(Jackson McGraves)
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 9th, 2004, 07:33:10 PM
Twilight was upon Coruscant...the night of the big Rose Ball, whatever. Or at least thats what it was to Jacali Danner as she watched her best friend and roommate, Mylia Basque get ready and dash off to meet her date for the event.
The gown Mylia had chosen was beautiful, like all the others she'd seen since meeting her. Mylia was back where she belonged, in the setting that fit her to a tee. Out with a man named Ridge Towers going to a ball, dancing the night away. While, Jacali sat at home again, alone. She was beginning to get used to Mylia running in from training and then taking off again to be with Ridge. It was a strange feeling, but Jacali was happy for her friend, she was glad she'd meet someone so nice.
After Mylia left, Jacali looked down at her own attire. No ball gown for her, no siree. She was clad in her usual Padawan attire and shiny metal leg brace on her right leg.
Jacali grimaced and shut off the holo-vision, the Padawan wanted some fresh air. Carefully, she stood and limped over to the door and walked out.
The main gardens were right down the corridor, so she made her way there hoping to see someone she knew. But to her avail, no one was around.
"Probably all at the ball..." she muttered to herself and limped over to the outer railing. She sighed deeply as she saw the spotlights downtown shining way up in the sky.
How she had wanted someone to ask her, but no one ever did. "Now, I know what Cinderella felt like..." She leaned against the railing and began humming as she watched the spotlights.
Before she knew it words started forming and she began singing to the tune in her head...
Somewhere out there,
Beneath the pale moon night,
Someone's thinking of me,
And loving me tonight.
Somewhere out there,
Someone's saying a prayer,
That we'll find one another,
In that big somewhere out there.
And even though i know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star,
And when the night wind starts to sing
A lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the
Same big sky.
Somewhere out there,
If love can see us through,
Then, we'll be together.....
The heartfelt song was sang beautifully as the Padawan looked out at the city as it went on for miles and miles and began singing the lyrics again softly.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 10th, 2004, 06:16:22 PM
It was night and Jackson had barely noticed the day go by, sitting in his dull lonely room within the halls of the GJO. His newest master had disappeared and here he was again all alone reading the same book for the eleventh time. He was trying to clear the thoughts from his head that he was on the same path he had led once before. He dwelled too much on that lately the thoughts that maybe the Jedi wasn't the path for him; maybe he should be a teacher at a college or scientist. He certainly had the education to do so but something or someone held him here.
He thought back to the Banquet where he had first met her and how both of them shy brought themselves to asking the question. Although it was only would you like to have dinner some night it was a benchmark in Jackson's life. Then there was the night they had dinner together and that night he knew there was something between them.
Jackson set down the book and looked out his only window. He wonders why he had never after that night bothered to talk to her. Maybe it was fear that what had happened was only one way love, it wouldn't be the first time or Just maybe it was fear that he was right that there was a shared passion for one another.
"Somewhere out there the woman I most want to be with is. All I can hope is she is still waiting for me and that I haven't lost a good thing."
Jackson spoke out to the night air hoping no praying that she would be there when he arrived. Jackson put on his best Padwan robes and rushed out the door. If he would hurry he could possibly catch her before she went off to that big banquet thing. He even prayed more that she wouldn't have a date and would take him, he ran off to find Beauty known as Jacali Danner.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 10th, 2004, 08:44:55 PM
How had life gotten so lonely? Jacali asked herself, but no answer really came to mind. She sighed heavily as she watched those spotlights, wishing for a her prince to come and take her off to the ball.
Jacali shook her head and laughed slightly at the thought of that ever happening.
Who would want her now? Kelt certainly didn't anymore. The Padawan looked down at her leg brace that went from her upper thigh all the way down to her boot.
Surely, there was someone out there that would care about her, perhaps one day even love her for who she was. She smiled lightly as she remembered another man who had been in her life for a short time. A very sweet and caring man, who shared the same shyness that she did.
Jackson McGraves.
But, it had been so long ago that she'd been with him, way before the horrible accident that left her in this ugly brace. But, still the memories flooded her mind like a sweet reminder of what could've been. It was long gone now probably, Jackson would probably take one look at her and turn the other direction.
The Padawan felt utterly vunerable when it came to her leg, she wasn't back up to par yet and wondered if she ever would be.
You're doing great, Jacali. She remembered her therapist, Dr. Radnor tell her, but she had a hard time believing it sometimes when all she wanted to do was push herself beyond her capabilities.
Jacali took one more look out at the spotlights before she turned and began to limp back towards the entrance of the garden.
Click, click, click..went her brace as she walked back towards her room. She despised the noisy thing with a passion.
A few seconds later, someone...male by the looks of their hair, came sprinting around the corner and down the corridor.
They looked familiar....could it be? Jacali looked closer as she walked into the corridor and saw him. "Jackson?" She called, not believing it until he skidded to a halt and turned around.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:04:07 PM
He stood there staring at her silent. She was standing right in front of him and did he here her call his name, he had to of heard it. He couldn't find words to say to describe what he was feeling at that moment he hadn't even noticed her leg yet. No her eyes kept him captivated enough at the moment.
After several silent minutes of just staring into her green eyes. He smiled and then began to look her up and down and only then did he notice the brace on her leg. Had he been out of it that long that he did here news of an accident. Surely he would have been there for her if he had known a sort of sadness fell over his eyes and face. He hadn't been there and now she going to demand to know why, did he not care enough. No he just hadn't known he was to pressed on his own life but he would make up for it now.
He spoke very somberly but with compassion for wanting to know what had happened to her. He did want to be with her after all so it was time to find what he had missed out on and weather she had moved on.
"I.....I wanted to see you Jacali. I thought maybe I had missed you, with that ball and all going on. I....I now this kind of odd since I really haven't been around and all."
Jackson looked down at his feet why couldn't he just say what he wanted to say. He wanted to be with her and he wanted her to feel the same way but no he stood here stammering away.
"So what.....what happened to your leg?" How stupid could he be she was probably sensitive about her leg. Did he blow it with just that one question; his head stared even harder at his feet. Maybe he should just turn back and head to his room again.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:26:50 PM
Her eyes weren't decieving her, he was truly here...right here. Jacali could see it in his eyes that he had undoubtly missed her, she could feel it from his aura.
"I've missed you, Jackson." More than she had ever thought. It was then that his eyes saw her brace. Here it comes... She just knew he was going to be disgusted and walk off. But, he didn't.
"I wanted so much to go to that ball, Jackson. But, no one asked me..." She looked down a bit. "Can't see why they would..." She said lightly and then took a deep breath and looked at him again. He seemed uncomfortable and she knew why.
"So what.....what happened to your leg?" The big question came out and suddenly she felt he wanted to back away.
"Jackson, it's okay." She told him with a soft smile. There. She said it. "Please, don't leave."
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:56:05 PM
He looked up sharply right at her and he knew then it didn't matter what had happened to her leg. It didn't make him feel any different about her, this was still the same woman he met and wanted to be with.
"I don't see why someone didn't ask you to the ball. Your a beautiful woman Jacali, any guy who passes you up has to be nuts." Jackson let a little smile on his face still a bit disgusted that he hadn't said what he wanted to. "Jacali I...I."
Jackson stopped he couldn't say it, he looked at her face she was pretty. Why would anyone like that want to be with a shy guy like Jackson who could barely utter full sentences in her presence.
"Jacali I don't care what happened to your leg....I mean I do care but it doesn't change the way I feel about you."
He couldn't believe he just blurted that out, it wasn't like him to do that. If he could say that he could say what he wanted to say to her.
"Jacali I...I wa....want to be with you. I want to be that guy who takes you to all those balls. I want to be that guy that all other guys say he is lucky he is with her."
Jackson slowly began to move closer to Jacali. He was waiting for her reaction, the one that would tell him she felt the same way. He just kept moving closer until he was right in front of her staring into her deep green eyes.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 10th, 2004, 11:17:55 PM
Jackson had just spilled his heart out to her and Jacali felt her eyes water. It was something she needed to hear for so long, that someone was out there and did care about her.
Jacali blinked as tears slid down her cheeks. "You...don't know what that means to me, Jackson. To hear you say that. I want that too, more than you know."
Deep down, she knew Jackson wouldn't ever hurt her and before she even thought about it, she embraced him. "I've missed you so much."
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:05:16 AM
He held her in the embrace for a few minutes then he slipped away just slightly and slipped his hand under her chin. This was so unlike him, with a deep breath he gave her a deep kiss and held it there for what seemed an eternity. Both gasped for breathe and Jackson smiled at Jacali.
"I'm going to give you a choice now Jacali. We can spend the night together here and have a nice dinner alone or you can go put on your best dress and I will take you to the ball. It doesn't matter to me, ether way I get what I want and that’s to be with you."
Jackson hoped he had done the right thing and asked the right questions to make her happy. That’s all he cared about at this point to make Jacali happy, he didn't want to screw this up.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:33:19 AM
Jacali had gotten lost in the kiss he had given her. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. When their lips parted and she caught her breath, she felt as if she were in a dream.
"This is really happening, isnt' it? I feel like I'm in a dream. A wonderful dream that I don't want to wake from." A smile crossed her lips as she held his hand and gave it a light squeeze.
"I'd really like to go to that ball. It's something I've been dreaming about ever since I'd heard about it. It's supposed to be absolutely stunning. I'll be the luckiest woman in there to have such a handsome escort. A Jedi escort." She smiled as she looked into his deep brown eyes that were filled with compassion and love.
"It won't take long for me to get ready, I can be ready in a jiff." She told him as she held his hand and limped towards the door to her quarters.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 11th, 2004, 02:42:20 PM
Jackson followed her with there hands held until they where through the door. He was in good spirits for what seem like the first time in years. He was with whom he wanted to be with and his thoughts didn't dwell on weather he was going to be able to stick with the order.
He smiled at Jacali just before she entered her room to get ready to go to the ball. The door shut softly as he began to look around the room. He stood there as a young man waiting for his prom date not impatient to go, impatient to see her.
His thoughts stuck on her the whole time it was amazing really he could bring himself to think about anything else. Nothing in the room could draw his attention or make him think of anything else.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 11th, 2004, 03:11:50 PM
Jacali was beaming from ear to ear as she hurried off to get dressed. She didn't even seem to notice her limp as she went into Mylia's room and selected a black gown, she couldn't believe she was going.
It didn't take her long to slip into it, french braid her hair and put on a touch of makeup. The switching of her brace from her boots to the black pumps she had, was the hard part. Jacali almost thought they weren't going to work, but she finally was able to switch them over.
With one last look in the mirror and a deep breath, she exited her room.
The gown she had chosen was floor-length to keep her brace from showing. It was embroidered with beads and ribbons. But Jacali's favorite part was at the sleeves ends a stylish point came to the back of her hand and ended with a loop over her second finger. The gown was very fashionable and she hoped Jackson liked it.
She tried her hardest not to limp, but it wasn't happening as she stepped out into the living area where Jackson was. "I'm ready, Jackson." Her voice held a bit of nervousness to it, she was afraid he wouldn't like it.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 11th, 2004, 03:48:27 PM
His jaw about dropped to the floor with the stunning beauty that stood before him. He could hardly believe his eyes this was whom he got to take to the ball. Man at this point he was the luckiest guy alive a beautiful date to a ball and best part of it was she wanted to be with him.
"You look wonderful, are you sure you want to be going with me. I mean you could have anybody you want."
Jackson looked down at his Padawan robes, although they where his best he felt he wasn't dressed to the standard. Jacali deserved him to at least be in a nice suit, which he didn't own one. He wanted to be her prince charming she deserved it.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 11th, 2004, 03:59:25 PM
Jacali noticed him look down at his robes. She smiled as she came over to him and gently touched his outer robe. "You are the one I wish to be with tonight and your robes look dashing in my eyes." She assured him as she took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Their eyes met making her smile again, he had way about him that she couldn't explain. He was charming and kind and those eyes and smile of his were one in a million.
She felt so lucky to be with him tonight. With a content sigh, she asked. "Shall we leave?"
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