View Full Version : Whats your most classic gaming moment?

Kria'thn Ki
Jan 9th, 2004, 01:20:59 PM
This is a two way thread:

First what’s the most classic moment you remember when playing a computer game and second what’s your favourite game of all time. Not the one you like most at the present, but the most groundbreaking or addictive one you have ever played. The games you look back on and go yep that was a classic and no game is ever going to top it.

Most classic moment - The first time I ever played Doom linked together with 3 other people. Yep the first time I ‘ever’ played multiplayer with anyone else. It wasn’t even a network just a string of buggy serial cables linked together through a strange software program.

But we didn’t sleep for two days :)

My classic games of all time are:

Fallout 2
Baldurs Gate 1
Jagged Alliance Gold
Master of Orion 2

I could throw in falcon 3, Mechwarrior 2 and SE4 but that’s about covered my all time classic list.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 9th, 2004, 10:02:59 PM
Don't have a moment for a computer game but I distinctively remember the first time I beat Chrono Trigger, but even more my first time beating Magus. I went like 10 times in row and kept losing, then I just got as stressed out as I could and played a final time not really caring.

Coincidentally that's the time I got him beat, and that's one of the rare times I remember being ecstatic over a video game moment.

Sanis Prent
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:29:04 AM
Playing System Shock 2 and finding Dr. Polito's dirty little secret pretty much floored me.

Oh, and System Shock 2 is pretty much the greatest game ever made, as well.

Figrin D'an
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:48:24 AM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
Don't have a moment for a computer game but I distinctively remember the first time I beat Chrono Trigger, but even more my first time beating Magus. I went like 10 times in row and kept losing, then I just got as stressed out as I could and played a final time not really caring.

Coincidentally that's the time I got him beat, and that's one of the rare times I remember being ecstatic over a video game moment.

I loved Chrono Trigger. Such a great game. I can't begin to count the number of hours I spent playing it.

My most classic gaming moment? Wow... that's tough to decide.

PC: Way, way, way back... there was this text based game called Zork. I remember spending countless hours playing the Zork games, but the first one was arguably the toughest. Ahh, memories...

Console: First time I beat Final Fantasy II (IV) on my old SNES system. I had logged about 60 hours of playing time on it, and it was the greatest feeling the world to complete it.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:59:03 AM
I remember beating Sonic and being over the moon, and the same for Streets of Rage 3, since it had taken so long.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 10th, 2004, 03:34:18 AM
I remember when I finally beat Knights of the Round on Super Nintendo. For years my friends and I had only just barely made it to the last guy, and we had gotten decimated when we faced him. Finally, I was able to somehow beat him, and we were ecstatic!

As far as PC goes, no game will ever be better than Betrayal at Krondor in my book. Best PC game ever, and I still play it to this day when I can.

Myn Donos
Jan 11th, 2004, 02:38:33 PM
My favourite game ever is probably the first Rogue Squadron game, or Hegemonia. My classic moment? When I managed to become the Nerevarine in Morrowind. Oh, and that time I spilt soda on my crotch, jumped, hit my toe in the desk, and ripped my toenail off.

Garrett Blade
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:04:20 AM
On PC, its a tough one. There's so many. And a few of them are from Call of Duty.

-Shooting down bombers with a flak gun.
-Blowing up generators inside German dams while a Nazi officer barks orders over the speaker system at a deafeining volume - really made me feel like I was in a WWII movie.
-Racing around the Normandy countryside in an old beat-up car shooting enemy soldiers at high speed.
-And just recently, storming the port of Stalingrad as a Russian conscript with no weapon at all.

System Shock 2 is an awesome game throughout. I've never completed it though. The furthest I've got is to the recreation deck. Next time I install it I'm DEFINITELY playing all the way through!

As for console - Sonic the Hedgehog no contest! When I first played the original I couldn't believe how fast-paced it was. Going around all those loops on Starlight Zone was crazy. The music was great. The levels were fantastic. And Sonic was cool! Then Sonic 2 came out and I was awestruck. The levels were better, the game wa sfaster. And the final boss was just great. Sonic 3 was still good but nothing compared to the first 2 - and Sonic and Knuckles just extended 3 a bit. But I could still sit down and play all 4 games right the way through in one day :)

Jan 13th, 2004, 08:16:47 PM
Well, my best moment was probably when I got the Sega Genesis for Christmas (this was when it was top of the line, lol). I spent like three days without sleep playing Sonic 1. :)

But there's more! :) After Sonic and Knuckles came out, I went without sleep till I beat all of them...IN ORDER. :) It was awasome. Sleep deprevation causes such pretty colors. :)

My all time fave games:

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (for the Atari)
Sonic Games
And any Final Fantasy/Chrono game. :)

Jan 13th, 2004, 08:55:32 PM
Hmm..Memorable moments

First time i played Super mario bros on the nes..i kept lifting the controller everytime i jumped:p

The time i saved and saved to buy my own sega genesis and mortal kombat 2. Good fun

Playing Final fantasy 7, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid (beat it in one day..no sleep) Those were all edge of your seat or fun experiences.

Computer games...mmmm Diablo, Starcraft and the devil in its material form that to this day..even though i quit still haunts and calls to me..not gonna say its name or else it may corrupt you all.

Garrett Blade
Jan 14th, 2004, 02:53:05 AM
My mum was even better. When I first got a PS1 wih Gran Turismo - my parents saw me playing it one day and decided to give it a go. My dad was quite good, and we used to play regularly. But my mum! LOL! Whenever she'd come to a corner/turn/bend, instead of pressing the d-pad in the right direction, she'd just turn the controller like a steering wheel! :p

Zyon Rouge
Jan 14th, 2004, 03:10:24 AM
One of my classic gaming moments is when I first got Final Fantasy 10, I played that for 3 days. I only stopped to eat and go to the bathroom. Man, good times good times.

And the games I really like...

1: Super Mario RPG for SNES
2: Super Maro Sunshine for GCN
3: Final Fantasy 7 for PS
4: Paper Mario for N64

Can anyone tell I like mario games? :mneh

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 14th, 2004, 06:38:58 PM
Best moments for me i think were:

Call Of Duty, action packed, so realistic.

Halo: Again, you feel heroic and it feels good when you burst from behind a canyon wall on the dune buggy where a marine escape pod crashed from space to skid into position so your gunner can take out the aliens, bloody awsome. or your storming through a crashing space ship, throwing everyone onto life pods to escape. Loved every moment of that game.

Moh: Online, as a sniper watching others pass infront of you not even knowing you there, one shot kill, awsome. I also like, without boasting, being always near or on the top of the kill sheet after every match :D

Hitman 2: One word; AWSOME

Johnny Spade
Feb 10th, 2004, 11:18:13 PM
Most memorable moment: Playing 007: Goldeneye versus my brother. He was set up with a sniper rifle trying to pick me off. When suddenly as he's zooming in for the kill, he sees a rocket coming at him. KA-BLAM! Game over, homie. It was classic. I just remember him going, "Oh sh**!" and just dropping the controller and walking away.

Favorite game: This is a toughy. I've always been partial to Star Wars games like Shadows of the Empire. I dunno why but I really really liked that game. Rebel Assault II was pretty damn fun too.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 11th, 2004, 11:33:21 AM
But my mum! LOL! Whenever she'd come to a corner/turn/bend, instead of pressing the d-pad in the right direction, she'd just turn the controller like a steering wheel!

I tried to get my grandma to play Mario Kart and the same thing happened :lol

I have a cool memory of playing Goldeneye too. Playing multiplayer, and having this game whereby whoever had the laser (I think) was the criminal. Everyone else had to hunt them down, then we'd hold them trial and kill them (:rolleyes). I remember being on the police side once, with a friend on their knees on trial and getting tired of waiting - just blowing everyones head off and running for it. I love team work :D

Feb 11th, 2004, 04:26:40 PM
yea goldeneye was like the best shooter on console ive ever played. i played newer ones but they werent as good. I played it until it broke on me :( As for PC i loved beating Berlin in COD since i was like waiting for the moment when the game would end in a cool way :)

Feb 11th, 2004, 09:52:33 PM
I've got a bunch of favorite moments, but a couple of them would have to include finishing Golden Axe on Genesis for the first time, and spotting my mom a 10 goal lead in 2 periods in NHL'93 on Genesis and then pulling my goalie and coming back to win 12-10 in the third period. That was cool too.

Ka' el Darcverse
Feb 18th, 2004, 06:12:47 PM
When I finally had my unbeaten streak at Rainbow 6 snapped after 8 months at number one atop the ladder i was a member of. It allowed me to give the game up and do something else with my life lol