View Full Version : Operation Scythe
Jarek T'chort
Jan 9th, 2004, 11:11:41 AM
A large Imperial offensive has been planned and OOC worked out with Admiral El Johnson, to be started in full when he returns. I have started a thread, Operation Scythe, in which the planning and buildup for the offensive will begin. A second thread will be started for the battle itself. This thread is set a while after the Ressurection one.
The Sovereignty plans to attack Bestine IV, in order to secure the Corelian trade spine and to maximise their stanglehold on trade on the Inner Rim. It will be a two pronged operation, consisting of a Fleet operation against the defense fleet there and an army assault on the planet itself. Imperial Intelligence will also play a role in the attack. The idea is, the Imps attack and during the battle Lions fleet arrives. Lion said that Reshmar and TIE you'd be able to provide the NR partcipation in the threads? It is open to any and all who'd like to join in.
I want the thread to be more character based then anything and to basically acustom Imp and NR characters to rping with each other and so forth. Hopefully it'll be pretty good, so if you'd like to join in feel free.
If you have any ideas or suggestions post them here. Thanks!
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:10:19 AM
It sounds excellent. Remember though, character based...Me and Jarek don't want to see:
"I bring in 10 wings of TIE Defenders. They shoot torpedoes. You're PWNED!"
Instead, put some thought into your posts. Incidentally, please take the time to run your post through spellcheck! :lol
Anyways, Operation Scythe will be a go whenever you want it started, Jarek. May the best team win. :D
Jarek T'chort
Feb 11th, 2004, 09:46:35 AM
Thanks Lion. :D
Bestine IV (Commonly known as Bestine)
A world with almost 60% ocean covering the surface, the planet is made up of volcanic terrain. A modest population of colonists dwelled on the planet up until seven years before the Battle of Endor, when the Empire shipped them all offworld in order to secure the planet. They subsequently turned the planet into a sizeable naval yard similar to Fondor, with large industrial areas and production facilities.
The world was taken by the NR some eight years post-Endor with the facilities in ruins. A large rebuiling program started which repaired the majority of the damage. The program was halted following the Imperial / Rebel peace treaty due to the lack of need for such a large scale naval facility at that pause in the war.
Following the Vong invasions the faciity was remembered and the NR built it up with minimal defenses. Post Imperial Fragmentation, the yards were forgotten until recently. The NR holds the system and has brought in a small army of technicians and droids to bring the yards up to scratch.
The world has one orbiting dock, which is undergoing massive repairs and a large ground space port. NR forces on the ground can be decided by you guys.
Feb 12th, 2004, 02:10:22 AM
Ok IC there is no way Reshmar could get to bestine before your forces. He doesn't even know whats going on yet. You have a group on the way there. I am at least 3 days away. and thats without getting the rest of my Task force. Bestine is no more then a day from Thyferra so there is no way I can get there. Best ETA with me figuring out whats going on, returning for my TF and getting to Bestine = 5 days. I don't know if Lion has any forces closer. And i don't know what happened to Ties group. Any way I will get there asap.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 12th, 2004, 04:45:48 AM
Lion has no forces closer, other than those defending Bestine themselves. It may end up with Reshmar appearing from the Imperial's flanks, as our forces are further than theirs are...sort of like ambushing an ambush. However, there are certain to be Imperial rearguard elements, so his forces may get rather delayed. :lol
I also must apologize for my inactivity as of late; my computer was hit by a virus that locked it down. Luckily, I was able to recover my hard drive intact, but it was in the shop for several days. I'll be in the thread soon, sorry for leaving lingering questions.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:16:19 AM
Ok, well the Imp taskforce wont leave Teyr for 1 IC day, giving you more time to get to Bestine.
What sort of forces would you have over Bestine?
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:28:53 PM
Well, Bestine is not an officially important planet. Whereas Sector Capitals usually have a large New Republic Fleet Base nearby (such as at Svivren, for example), Bestine has no real political connections. For this reason there are few major naval bases nearby.
However, as Bestine provides a lot of men and material to the New Republic, strings are usually pulled there. Whereas a planet of Bestine's political status would usually only have an escort frigate or two as the backbone of their defense fleet, Bestine may have an MC-80 or MC-80b as the flagship of the home defense fleet.
Again, if you disagree, I'll make it something smaller. This is my proposed defense fleet, which somebody will take command of (probably Reshmar).
Bestine IV Planetary Defense Fleet
MC-80b Mon Lorrar
Assault Frigate Claymore
2 Nebulon-B Frigates Intrepid, Hilku
4 Corellian Gunships, 163rd Defensive Screening Squadron,"Battlehawks"
2 Squadrons X-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
1 Squadron A-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
1 Squadron B-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
Inner Bestine IV Defensive Forces
1 Golan II Battlestation, Platform GL082, "Royal Shield"
1 Republic-era Dreadnaught, Old Ironsides
2 Squadrons X-Wings (Off of the Golan II Battlestation)
1 Squadron B-Wings (From Planetary Fighter Base)
2 Squadrons A-Wings (From Planetary Fighter Base)
I included two defensive forces. One is the primary defense fleet, which is the one you'll have to contend with when you arrive. The second fleet is the reserves, and the close-in defense force. A Golan II is in orbit, and the Dreadnought is docked with it. The X-wings are operated off of the Golan II, while the other starfighters fly from a planetary base.
I thought of including the fighter base to give you another target for your sabotage/ground assault teams. Might make an interesting post if you break through the primary fleet, and then the second fleet discovers they have no starfighter support. :lol
Feb 12th, 2004, 06:09:40 PM
My group is a small patrol fleet
1 Defender class Star Destroyer
1 Assault Frigate
4 Warrior Gunships
along with 3 squadrons of fighters
It would arrive probably after Reshmar's fleet having received the distress message sent from Bestine, but being farther.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 12th, 2004, 08:46:57 PM
Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson
Well, Bestine is not an officially important planet. Whereas Sector Capitals usually have a large New Republic Fleet Base nearby (such as at Svivren, for example), Bestine has no real political connections. For this reason there are few major naval bases nearby.
However, as Bestine provides a lot of men and material to the New Republic, strings are usually pulled there. Whereas a planet of Bestine's political status would usually only have an escort frigate or two as the backbone of their defense fleet, Bestine may have an MC-80 or MC-80b as the flagship of the home defense fleet.
Again, if you disagree, I'll make it something smaller. This is my proposed defense fleet, which somebody will take command of (probably Reshmar).
Bestine IV Planetary Defense Fleet
MC-80b Mon Lorrar
Assault Frigate Claymore
2 Nebulon-B Frigates Intrepid, Hilku
4 Corellian Gunships, 163rd Defensive Screening Squadron,"Battlehawks"
2 Squadrons X-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
1 Squadron A-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
1 Squadron B-Wings (Off of the Mon Lorrar)
Inner Bestine IV Defensive Forces
1 Golan II Battlestation, Platform GL082, "Royal Shield"
1 Republic-era Dreadnaught, Old Ironsides
2 Squadrons X-Wings (Off of the Golan II Battlestation)
1 Squadron B-Wings (From Planetary Fighter Base)
2 Squadrons A-Wings (From Planetary Fighter Base)
I included two defensive forces. One is the primary defense fleet, which is the one you'll have to contend with when you arrive. The second fleet is the reserves, and the close-in defense force. A Golan II is in orbit, and the Dreadnought is docked with it. The X-wings are operated off of the Golan II, while the other starfighters fly from a planetary base.
I thought of including the fighter base to give you another target for your sabotage/ground assault teams. Might make an interesting post if you break through the primary fleet, and then the second fleet discovers they have no starfighter support. :lol
Thats excellent. The fighter base can be an objective for the ground troops too.
As for your ship complement, thats all fine, I'd prefer that Reshmar would bring say 2 divisions of Task Force Orishima, otherwise the Imps will be pretty much outgunned. Our Intelligence forces on the ground have seized the plantery defenses, so they will attack your Golans from below too, evening us up a bit.
I will put up a list of our ships as soon as I've worked out who is doing what over in the Sovereignty. Character based stuff is the most important thing though, we have fairly large forces meeting, but I think that can be a good test for our rping skills. :)
Feb 13th, 2004, 12:41:41 AM
Ok I will get there with as much of my fleet as possible. As you indicated you would have at least 6 SD in the battle i was wondering if they were all arriving at once or in waves. I don't mind either way just so were clear on what forces are there. I bet your forces there could manage to sabotage a ship or 2 as well. Wouldn't take much to do and it would make for fun in the rp if one of my ships has a mishap of some sort. The call would be a bad idea as it has way to many redundant systems to be tampered with easily. Ill leave the mon Orishma behind. It is having reactor Problems. I will send word to the remainder of my Task force to proceed directly to Bestine once I figure out thats what is going on. Reshmar will meet with them at there last way point and leave part of the Task force behind to protect the Mon Orishma.
I thought Ties group had already left to investigate the area? wouldn't that put him closer then me or Lion?
I will NPC anything you need me too as far as the Defense fleet goes. just let me know Lion.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:12:24 AM
Tai left earlier, yes, however his squadron is currently based on an old Dreadnought, meaning that isn't getting the same speed through hyperspace that you are.
I'd appreciate if you could NPC the fleet, Reshmar. I intend to keep Lion out of the action in this thread until when (or if) the New Republic's rescue forces arrive. Bear in mind, however, that the Sovereignity might sweep Bestine IV with no trouble at all, and High Command will order a full retreat.
I didn't even think about the planetary defenses firing on our own ships, Jarek. Very nice touch. It should be interesting to see how long the Golan II can stay in the fight when taking fire from Star Destroyers and Planetary Ion Cannons. :lol
Anyways, everything seems to be going very well right now. Excellent RPing so far, guys.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 13th, 2004, 05:12:13 AM
Ok, revised Imperial forces defineately commited to battle *needs editing*:
4th Response Squadron ~ Line Captain Balades
Aurora-class Star Destroyer Feanor - Flagship
Aurora-class Star Destroyer Malice
Aurora-class Star Destroyer- Maelstrom
Aurora-class Star Destroyer- Defiler
Dagger Fleet ~ Admiral Hagen - Second Wave, to arrive shortly after Balades.
Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyer Antiphas - Flagship
Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyer Leon
Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyer Barzel
Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyer Abrogator
Nebulon B-II frigate Princeps
Nebulon B-II frigate Claudia
Nebulon B frigate Onius
Nebulon B frigate Ovid
Three Interdictor Cruisers will also accompany the second wave of destroyers, plus six Lancer Mk II frigates.
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:24:17 AM
Woah now. 4 auroras? hum
I need more ships. Big Ones. I have been on the other side of an Aurora. I know what they can do.
The defense fleet will last about 5 minutes. just long enough for the auroras to launch 2 salvos. which for anyone not familure with the Aurora would be 400 Heavy Proton Torpedos per ship per salvo for a total of 3,200 Heavy Torps. only good thing is they run out of ammo but I wont have enough ships for that.
Any ideas?
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:33:39 AM
Dont get me wrong im not complaining. and I dont mind losing this. I just need to know if I am fighting handicap of if this is supposed to be fare. IF it is that you intend to overpower any group I can muster then hey thats cool lets go. All I ask is the Mon Orishma Limps out I have put alot of time into her. I mean Tie can show up and provide cover for my to escape or something like that. Also Hagens post said 6 SD and you have only 4 listed? dosnt matter I guess. Just surprise me. It will be fun.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 14th, 2004, 05:30:58 AM
Well two of the Auroras will be left at Teyr, to respond to any attack made there. So, Hagens post is correct that there will be 6 SD's at Bestine.
I dont want to just go in and say "i have 20 SD's ur destroyed" so dont worry about that, I'd like it to pretty evenly matched. If you want to make any adjustments just say the word! :)
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:42:12 PM
No, I know you wont be unfair, I just didn't know if your were meaning to overpower the defense fleet swiftly. Which is what I would do but anyway. Thats cool I'll make a good fight against the 2 auroras before the defense fleet breaks. Reshmar should arrive well into your ground action there. I know your forces have taken key targets on the ground but will there be anyone Rping resistance to the ground assault. I assume there is a sizable regiment on the ground which may have been caught napping but I'm sure they will wake up soon.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 14th, 2004, 05:25:25 PM
I would like someone to Rp the NR ground forces, if only for a few posts. Makes it that much more involved. I think it'd be really fun.
I wasn't sure whether you were unsure about me having too many ships over Bestine Reshmar, but if it's ok then the two other Auroras will hang back as rearguard, as we dont know IC when you or Tie will exactly arrive, or even if any NR forces will come in time to join battle.
I had a vauge idea that NR ground forces would consist of a Armored division comprised of medium armored units and a full Infantry regiment. I will have these ground forces avalible:
7th Imperial Panzer Division
21st Imperial Panzer Division
63rd Mechanised Regiment
167th Imperial Infantry Regiment
If theres any other questions you have about anything I'll try and answer.
Also like Lion said the Rping in the thread is superb, thanks alot for putting so much effort and all in, its excellent!
Travis North
Feb 14th, 2004, 07:39:21 PM
Me thinks Darriann Sollak will be involved with said ground forces.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 14th, 2004, 07:56:33 PM
Okay, let's see...
Reshmar, the New Republic is supposed to be at a disadvantage in this thread. I probably should have cleared that up earlier. This battle will end up with the New Republic desperately fighting to hold Bestine until Lion's battlefleet can arrive. I think that it will be interesting to see the kinds of tactics that we might have to use to hold our own against a superior battlefleet.
Jarek, I'll RP the ground forces in this. I've been trying to locate somebody that I recruited months ago to the Army Corps, but so far no luck, so I wouldn't mind commanding our forces.
Your forces are fine; the New Republic will have the advantage of defense, so it's only fair that you get superior numbers. :lol
I'd like to know how many men are in a regiment; the EU Books never mentioned that. As for the Armored unit (I've got no idea what to call them, heavy support, perhaps?), I think it should consist of heavy repulsorlift vehicles (around the size of a modern-day tank, armed with something like a heavy laser cannon or a torpedo launcher) along with something like the old AT-PTs or AT-STs.
EDIT: Yes, I'm going to make sure that Sollak is on the ground. Lion will be handing the orders down, but the action will pretty much be Darrianns.
Travis North
Feb 14th, 2004, 08:12:50 PM
[Mr. Burns]Excellent.[/Mr. Burns]
Well I'll jump in as Travis as soon as I'm done reading.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 14th, 2004, 08:19:57 PM
I'd say Regimental strength is around 4000 men. Divisional strength is around 600 officers, 20,000 NCO's & men
The Imperial armored formations utilise Repulsor tanks in combination with mobile infantry and walkers. I'd imagine NR ground forces would use similar tactics, but more sparingly considering your on the defensive. So say a division has 60 odd repulsor tanks, plus recon vehicles etc. Depends on whether the formation is elite.
The 7th and 21st Panzer are elite formations with around 80 Replusor tanks and suppourt vehicles and the best troops.
Look forward to squashing your ground troops with my AT AT's. ;)
Feb 14th, 2004, 10:42:26 PM
Very wel you guys line it up on the ground and I will get the Orbital situation inder control.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 15th, 2004, 08:10:04 AM
If you guys want to continue your investigations in the Scythe thread, when would it best for me to start the Bestine thread?
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:34:01 PM
give me 3 more days if that is ok. I have a few things I need done also I want to do a few posts for the defense fleet before you guys come in. Just set up some stuff.
Travis North
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:41:57 PM
Still reading. I'm also wondering if Darriann should jump in now or at the Bestine thread.
Oh and....
Darriann Sollak(NR/Freelancer) = Rakkel Thunderwing(TSO) = Demek Jast (GJO) = Travis North (Imp. Sovereignty) = Me
I'm fully aware of the spy stuff and I don't do it.
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:47:11 PM
will you be on the ground at bestine?
Jarek T'chort
Feb 15th, 2004, 07:42:41 PM
Originally posted by Travis North
Still reading. I'm also wondering if Darriann should jump in now or at the Bestine thread.
Oh and....
Darriann Sollak(NR/Freelancer) = Rakkel Thunderwing(TSO) = Demek Jast (GJO) = Travis North (Imp. Sovereignty) = Me
I'm fully aware of the spy stuff and I don't do it.
We trust you. :)
And three days is fine Reshmar.
Travis North
Feb 15th, 2004, 07:45:12 PM
Yes I'm assuming I'll be on the ground as Sollak at Bestine.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 16th, 2004, 04:46:46 AM
Excellent. I think that time limit will give us enough posts to develop the situation there a bit more, and lead into the invasion.
Sollak, as you're a squad commander, your squad will be on the ground, perhaps trying to hold the defensive gun batteries. We'll make sure Darriann gets out of there alive, somehow. I was actually considering Darriann and his squad attempting to take over an AT-AT, but I considered the sheer logistical and realism issues with it, and decided that it might take attention away from the main battle at hand. If you'd still like to do something like that, tell me...we'd need the greenlight from Jarek. :lol
I think I'll go with your stats, Jarek. 60 HCV-18c Mk.VI "Lancet" Heavy Repulsorlift Tanks, supported by 10 LCV-4A Mk.II "Sparker" Point Defense Repulsorlift Light Tanks. Reconaissance/Spotting is provided by 2 platoons of AT-PTs; each AT-PT platoon consists of 5 vehicles. I'm guessing that perimeter defenses for the planetary defense guns and the base are Golan Arms weaponry.
Do you think this is okay? And Jarek, I'll take just as much pleasure in blowing said AT-AT's to pieces (but only a couple...^_^; )
Travis North
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:19:33 AM
There are few areas for a ground battle to take place. Bestine is an ocean world with a few islands. Most of it's cities are floating or under water. It was once home to an Imperial Navel Base. The way I see it AT-AT swimmers, hover tanks, anything based for a water assualt would be used.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 16th, 2004, 11:35:24 AM
Even if it a water world it'd better suit this Rp for Bestine to have at least a few sizeable continents.
Travis from now on your assigned to Captain Balades aboard the Feanor. Your squadron will lead the attack once we are in-system.
Travis North
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:03:00 PM
Aye, Sir.
Okay. Looked at a map of Bestine there are 3 islands which should be large enough for a land battle.
Picture the each islands to be 2/3 the size of Australia.
Some of the cities are based on the islands, while most are floating on the waves, or branch off from island spires, or are underwater.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:36:14 PM
With the Shield Generators taken out the underwater cities can easily be taken by the threat of orbital bombardment.
Say we position the capitol and the generators on the main continent, that way we have our objectives in one place, so we get confused of where we are.
btw Travis - where did you get the map from?
Travis North
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:44:02 PM
Well I wouldn't call it a map. More an image of the planet. You can look it up in Star Wars the Essential Guide to Planets and Moons or try and find it on the web. I have the book here so I don't know a site.
Travis North
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:52:09 PM
Do you want me to jump in now still, or in The Battle of Bestine. I don't see what I can do now but run through some sims on the Feanor with my squadron. We could provide in system patrol around Teyr for now.
As Sollak do I arrive with the NR to Bestine or will I already be stationed there.
Ace McCloud
Feb 16th, 2004, 08:39:45 PM
Alright, I haven't read much of this thread or the RP thread - been a little too swamped IRL. But, I was wondering if I should join in as Vhiran, who is an X-Wing fighter.
Feb 17th, 2004, 12:16:58 AM
If you would like. The real action will be in the upcoming bestine thread I beleave. I am sure Lion will be happy to see an X wing pilot here.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 17th, 2004, 02:47:19 AM
Yep, Ace you could to jump in once the Bestine thread has started.
Travis, Teleran had made an intro post for you, so you can reply to that...but I think now it may be better if you join in the Bestine thread since Tel's task force'd be in hyperspace now.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 17th, 2004, 05:26:58 AM
As Sollak, I think you should start out stationed on the planet...say, as the final stretch of your squad training. It'd be too complicated to get you onto the ground from one of the taskforces coming in; we'd have to resort to orbital drop pods. :lol
Nice to see you here Vhiran, it'd be great if you could jump into this thread also. Tiefighterpilot (Tai) is coming into the battle with his small reconaissance taskforce. You could either join the battle from his taskforce, or arrive at Bestine via Admiral Reshmar's fleet. You choose, both fleets will be arriving at roughly the same time, give or take a few hours.
Everybody that survives this...I see commendations or promotions in your futures. Good luck! ^_^;
Travis North
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:18:03 AM
I'll make both characters posts by the end of the day.
Feb 17th, 2004, 12:44:47 PM
I was wondering, what is the size of Reshmar's fleet?
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:12:46 PM
I wont be bringing the whole task force in. I will have an MC-90, MC-80b, 2 Assualt Friagtes, 2 Neb b frigates, and 6 gunships. The Mon Orishma has some repairs which need to be made to her reactors and I cant wait on her.
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:15:51 PM
I plan on useing her location as a rally point if we have to make a jump.
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:27:13 PM
Tell me if I'm wrong but this is what i think is ogoing to happen.
The Imp fleet will arrive and ill RP the planet's defense, not with my personal chjaracter though. The Imps will land troops and the New Republic will be on its heels. Your taskforce will arrive first and attack. Mine will come in later and bring in a small number of ground reinforcements. We'll still be desperately pressed until high command sends reinforcements or something like that.
Feb 17th, 2004, 02:03:26 PM
yeah more or less. There will be 2 Aurora Class SD come in for the first wave. They will engage my defense fleet and the orbital platform. Imperial ground forces will also fire on them from the land based weapons they have captured. I'm sure anyone who doesn't know about them being there by then will know an the ground part of the battle will start. then the remaining imperial fleet will come in. finish off whats left of the fleet and orbital defenses and proceed with the ground assault. They would be well into that when my Task Force arrives. then yours will come in and aid in what ever way you can. I believe it will all finish with Lions fleet coming in to save our behinds. Not sure about that.
Hey what is the end result everyone wants? who will hold Bestine when its all done?
Jarek T'chort
Feb 17th, 2004, 03:01:19 PM
Uh one thing, Tie, you don't know that there is a full scale offensive against Bestine yet. It is still a suprise attack. Only once the planet is hit would you know of the offensive. I would have thought it'd be better to arrive over Teyr just as the Imp Fleet leaves, you calculate their hyperspace tragectory and realise its Bestine their headed to. Its fine if not just I dunno how you'd know that it's a full offensive yet and not just a terrorist attack or something.
Reshmar, myself and Lion didn't actually agree on who'd win. I'm not sure yet. What do you guys all think?
Teleran Balades
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:16:32 PM
Sorry about not posting here sooner. I haven't been paying much attention to what was going on. I want to do a quick run through with Travis so at least he has an intro before the attack.
P.S- Tomorrow I might not have much time to post, genetics project for school.
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:25:15 PM
Well I think you guys should keep it for now. You may want to think about how to hold it once we counter attack. Also I know Desaria Wants Yag'Dhul also and you would really need Bestine to launch an offensive aginst it someday when you guys are ready for it. Yag'dhul has already started there preperations to get you out of there system in another thread . And like i said i dont mind losing. I think we shoud lose. The Republic has been sleeping on the job and letting the Imperial Factions get too far ahead in Technology and strength. you guys deserve to get the first round. and with 2 auroras and 4 IMP IV's you wont have a problem whipping anything I can through at you. By the way Lion There is a new Class of Republic built SD which was designed and built durring the Vong war called the Rejuvinator class. It looks tough. well work becons me
Travis North
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:28:02 PM
I'll be waiting.
Ok. As Darriann I'm going to be training for aquatic operations with his squad on some out of the way island. They don't know what's going on until they're done and heading back to the NR outpost. The island is small and only has a camp and a shuttle.
imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:41:12 PM
Um, I'm still with the 4th Platoon right? How big is it?
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:45:52 PM
Heh, I know about the Rejuvenator-class very well. I planned on introducing their design soon, but I wanted to hold her introduction until the first new ships (Defender-class SD's, etc.) were completed, and until the first MC-80's started to be decommissioned. As soon as we're done with this thread, I'll start compiling specifications for her.
Everything else is going fine right now. We shouldn't really decide who is going to win yet, but we'll need to observe the RP and figure out who we think is going to win, otherwise we won't know where to end the RP. :lol
Travis, that's an excellent idea. It puts you out of the original line of fire, so you might be able to mount a quick response while the rest of the army is running around with its head cut off.
imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 17th, 2004, 04:49:06 PM
That makes me sound like a deserter. But yes it would. Now to throw a wrench into the Imperial plan not a big one just the destruction of an Ion Cannons main generator.
Ace McCloud
Feb 17th, 2004, 05:34:28 PM
Alright help me out here. I really don't feel like reading all of the posts and I don't think that I need to. Because I'll just be arriving anyway and Vhiran would just get a kick rundown of the situation.
Also, who would rather have me? Tai or Reshmar?
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:02:33 PM
I'll take you on with my fleet. You could command a squadron off the Defender Class SD.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:17:54 PM
Originally posted by Ace McCloud
Alright help me out here. I really don't feel like reading all of the posts and I don't think that I need to. Because I'll just be arriving anyway and Vhiran would just get a kick rundown of the situation.
Also, who would rather have me? Tai or Reshmar?
Read the first post of this thread to know what its all about. :)
Travis North
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:35:48 PM
Finally. Someone to dogfight.
Ace McCloud
Feb 17th, 2004, 09:52:21 PM
Bring it >=)
Alright Tai, thanks. If you would PM Vhiran Crescent any details you'd like me to know...thatd be great...
Feb 18th, 2004, 12:53:52 AM
Ok guys. Teyr is about to have a visitor. My Scout will be there in my next post. How do we want to play this out.
I get within sensor range and see a massive fleet forming up. power up and run for home? see them just as they are leaving. I know Tie is going to be at Teyr about the same time I am. and if he gets there wont there still be 2 Auroras there? Do we want to split this battle between 2 Planets? THe main reason my scout is there is to find out whats going on. In no way am I engaging 2 Auroras let alone 4 and 4 IMP IV's. I plan on seeing the fleet in orbit powering up and getting the mortus back to the Task force.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 18th, 2004, 04:11:14 AM
Excellent, everybody. I think that you should wait on Tai, to actually make it a fair fight. However, once the main Sovereignity Battle Fleet exits hyperspace, it might get confusing having two space battles taking place at once, especially because Reshmar is roleplaying at both places at the same time. Still, I think we can count on our brains to get us through the confusion. I doubt the Teyr battle will last very long, anyways, once word gets out that Bestine is under attack.
Incidentally, it would really help if you guys put italics around the names of your ships; it makes it easier to distinguish who is doing what during the action. If it's too much trouble, don't bother, but it would be helpful and add a bit to the "professionalism" of this thread. :lol
Jarek T'chort
Feb 18th, 2004, 05:21:31 AM
Well I think it'd be best if Reshmar's scout and Tie sights the fleet as it enters hyperspace, then there wont be any confusion over where we are all fighting. I think it'd detract from the main battle.
The other two Auroras are part of the 4th Response Squadron so Captain Balades can decide what to do with them.
You know, seeing how well this is going, theres no reason that in future we couldn't do more Rp's like this. We may have breathed a little life into Fleeting.
Feb 18th, 2004, 10:20:53 AM
All right then its agreed. I'll calculate the trajectory of the Imperial Fleet as the leave Teyr, but I'll be there after Reshmar cause my fleet's farther away. Would it be fair if i landed 2 companies of infantry on the surface to reinforce the garrison?
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:25:54 PM
I will post my final Prep Posts tonight after work. I will be awaiting the Bestine thread. I look forward to killing off many of my NPC's. :lol
Lion I will need some new ships
Teleran Balades
Feb 18th, 2004, 04:13:07 PM
The Feanor and Malice will make the jump to Bestine. I was going to leave both the Maelstrom and Defiler at Teyr.
Feb 18th, 2004, 06:35:24 PM
I was wondering, could everybody post the ship types and numbers, and troops comprising their fleets?
Heres mine:
45th patrol fleet
Defender class SD : Emancipator
Assault Frigate: Stormhawk
4 Warrior class gunships
1 squadrons E-Wings
1 squadron K-Wings
1 squadron A-Wings
2 squadron XJ-Wings
2 troop transports containing the 395th light infantry Battallion with 500 men.
Travis North
Feb 18th, 2004, 07:14:18 PM
My men as Sollak are as follows:
1 Shuttle
4th Platoon(Don't know how many men in a platoon)
Feb 18th, 2004, 08:54:36 PM
No ships would get through the world shield Tie. So i doubt you could get close enough to land troops, the ion cannons would pick off your ships as you came in and the invading fleet would either finish you off or let you crash land into the planet.
Of course my men will be letting Imperial troops through though:p to duke it out against the NR ground forces there.
Travis North
Feb 18th, 2004, 09:01:46 PM
I was planning to blow an ion cannon generator so you couldn't fire one of them. That allows my ship to escape and get off bestine before the Empire begins landing troops.
Feb 18th, 2004, 09:32:22 PM
You could always try :) I have surprises lined up for any force that trys to take out the ion or shield generators
Feb 19th, 2004, 12:30:20 AM
bestine is a big pond. you wont have much room to land troops anyway. Im sure we will find a way though. I have about 3000 to get rid of too. Ill have to go do my math.
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:10:32 AM
Bestine Defense Fleet
MC-80b Mon Lorrar
2 X-wing, 1 A-wing, 1 B-wing Squadrons
500 Security Troops
Assualt Frigate Claymore
2 Nebulon B Frigates Intrepid, Hilku
163 Defensive Screening Squadron
4 Corellian Gunships Harcrow, Jutland, Rattler, Grissly
Inner System Defensive Group
Golan Battlestation Royal Shield
2 X-wing Squadrons
Dreadnaught Old Iornsides
Planetary Based Fighters
2 A-wing, 1 B-wing Squadrons
Task Force Orishma
MC-90 Artanis
1 A2-wing Squadron Valkyre
1 XJX-wing Squadron
3 X-wing Squadrons
1 B-wing Squadron
MC-80b Flame Of Rebellion
1 E-wing, 2 X-wing, 1 K-wing Squadron
2 Assualt Frigates Guardian, Restless
2 Refitted Dreadnaughts Monarch, Prompt
6 Corellian Gunships Freedoms Cry, Hornet, Avenger, Glasgow, Mortus, Gurtosk
Group Left behind to protect Mon Orishma (Not in battle)
MC-90 Mon Orishma
1 XJX-wing, 1 BE2-wing, 2 E-wing, 2 X-wing Squadrons
Assualt Frigate Harrier
2 Nebulon B Frigates Forestal, Farogate
2 E-wing, 2 A-wing Squadrons
2 Coreallian Corvettes Trespin, Rebel Dream
The later group will be a rally point if I need to withdraw. I think thats all
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 19th, 2004, 07:06:16 AM
It's pulling together very well, everybody. The fleets looks excellent; I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this one. :D
When Lion arrives, he's going to come in hard and fast. After all, you don't run all the way from Coruscant just to arrive with one gunship. If and when my fleet arrives, it signals the endgame. Whatever happens, there's going to be lots of ships mixing it up out there.
Reshmar, don't worry, just think about all of those redshirt ensigns killed in Star Trek. I guarantee that the shipyards at Mon Calamari, Sluis Van, and Fondor (list continues...) will gladly replace any losses that you take. Come to think of it, as soon as this war ends, you may be promoted to a 2nd- or 3rd-star Vice Admiral. Naturally, with this promotion comes more ships. Perhaps we could outfit you with Defender-class Star Destroyers...or possibly even the first Rejuvenator-class, if you do an extra good job. :lol
Jarek T'chort
Feb 19th, 2004, 03:00:07 PM
You know, as we agreed the Sov would win out, how about the capture of a high ranking NR guy? Then the Sov holds them and later repatriates them in order to obtain a cease fire? I dunno, I'm playing with ideas but I think that'd be interesting. That wouldnt be till after we've done with Bestine though.
Imperial Army ground strength on Bestine:
21st Panzer Division - Co. Major General Desaria - 20,600 men
7th Panzer Division - Co. General Semel - 20,600 men
63rd Mechanised Division - Co. Colonel Danik Drayton
The Imperial forces will utilise roughly 180 walkers of all classes, plus double that number of Repulsor tanks.
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:06:28 PM
I am but a humble servant of the NRSF. Reshmar would probably rather have a discharge :zzz :lol
Feb 20th, 2004, 05:57:29 PM
I was just wondering, is the attack on Bestine just the start of a widescale Sov invasion?
Jarek T'chort
Feb 21st, 2004, 04:04:51 AM
No. This is a probe in order to seize Bestine and test the NR's reactions. A larger Sov plan hinges on the success/failure of this battle.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 21st, 2004, 04:44:19 AM
The idea to capture a high-ranking official is cool...but we'd need to come up with a high-ranking official for you to capture, none of which are available on Bestine at the moment. :lol
I'm sure that a good thread could be worked up about that, however. Perhaps an ISD Mk.II could attempt to capture a senator while he is enroute to a peace conference. It would be interesting to see his escort go up against a Star Destroyer. It's something to toy around with. ^_^;
Jarek T'chort
Feb 21st, 2004, 07:29:25 AM
Hmm that'd be interesting, for now I think we are almost ready to begin the 2nd thread. Do you guys need any more time?
Teleran Balades
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:35:11 PM
Just wnat to clarify something. Feanor and Malice jump in system and start raising kain and the rest of the force hangs back and waits for Mon Orishma and Lion to show before jumping in?
Jarek T'chort
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:45:48 PM
Yes, they are like a rearguard.
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:52:19 PM
I thought. they were coming in after the defense fleet was taken care of to start the ground assualt.the Orishma Task Force will be close to 36 hours behind the Imperial fleet. and Tie will be in soon after that. Lion wont come in till the end.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 21st, 2004, 01:27:08 PM
Hagens ships will deal with the ground invasion as the panzer divisons were embarked on them before they met up with Balades force.
Teleran Balades
Feb 21st, 2004, 04:37:08 PM
Yes, My force doesn't have the haevy artillery that Hagen's armada does. I about 10,000 infantry and 30-40 walkers between the two ships coming to Bestine. The rest of my ground forces are on Teyr to keep the locals in check.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 21st, 2004, 08:37:35 PM
Excellent, everything looks set for the second thread. I have an alternate character that I (might) want to use to jump into this thread with. Reshmar, would you mind if my character took command of one of your Nebulon-B's, or one of your cruisers?
If not, that's fine, it just occured to me that I'd be sitting on the sidelines with Lion for a bit before the end of the thread showed up. The New Republic is ready to go when you are, Jarek.
...and Tie...please try to get that Defender-class back in one piece...she's brand new. :lol
Feb 22nd, 2004, 01:49:29 AM
Take the Flame of rebellion if you like
Travis North
Feb 22nd, 2004, 06:21:17 PM
Excellent. And as the commander of the 4th platoon the Ion Cannon generator shall fall.
Vhiran Crescent
Feb 22nd, 2004, 08:44:35 PM
Aye...well I'm still waiting.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:23:55 AM
The The Battle of Bestine thread is up. I've left it at the Imperial Fleet just reverting from hyperspace for everyone to Rp your intro's into the thread.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:29:41 AM
Awesome....this is gonna be fun! :D
Good luck everybody!
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:37:33 PM
Don't worry admiral, it'll come back without a scratch. :D
Teleran Balades
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:04:36 PM
That's what Lando said when he took the Falcon.>D
Teleran Balades
Feb 23rd, 2004, 07:43:45 PM
Ok, so Bestine's defense consists of an MC-80, an assault frigate, 2 Nebulan B's, 4 corelian gunships, a Golan III, a dreadnaught, and their respective fighters, right?
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:34:53 PM
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:10:25 AM
Originally posted by Teleran Balades
That's what Lando said when he took the Falcon.>D
I must admit...that was inspired, Teleran. :lol
Jarek T'chort
Apr 12th, 2004, 06:03:37 AM
*edit* ignore
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