View Full Version : They are foolish to resist the void. (Open)
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:45:42 AM
Sullust was a perfect hunting ground for the Charon, deep dark underground cities and caverns spiralling off in all directions. Dark hiding places and plenty of escape routes.
Only one thought occupied his mind as he clung to the ceiling of one such tunnel, the thought almost exclusively pounding over and over in his mind. It was of course the void. All his teachings, mental discipline, conditioning all his hatchling theory and preparation were now to be put to the test.
Few of his kind had survived the destruction of their transport ship. Kria’thn was only one of three to have reached maturity but the purpose was strong and his goal ever visible. The Charon had, had little insight into the techniques of capture and the delivering of his task. Though he was sure with the void to guide him, the deaths of his offerings would be quick and offer little in the way of a challenge. After all realspace was said to be nothing more than a proving ground for the ones strong enough to take it.
He flinched slightly the heat was strong but his focus was stronger. He shook off any distracting thoughts, no emotion only purpose.
Three Sullustan workers, carrying what looked like engineering equipment were walking up the tunnel, chatting to themselves unawares. They slowly passed underneath the silent Arachnid, the tunnel quite dark, hand picked by Kria’thn.
The Charon, his half arachnid, half human form stirred slightly but kept the same calm composure, if he could of smiled he would have. Three offerings for the price of one, how interesting and fortunate he thought, dispassionately dropping silently upon the beings.
Sullustan screams could be heard as they realised the descending danger, two of them diving to one side, the third not so lucky…
(OOC: Open to anyone, feel free to join in. )
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 9th, 2004, 03:09:59 AM
The Charon descended, what he thought a silent descent, all theory and no practice as he scraped across the wall crunching heavily down upon the floor. He sighed, cursing a high pitched chitter as two of the Sullustans dived to one side with ease. The Charon quickly re-focused his thoughts to the task at hand and the poor unfortunate offering whom he had landed upon.
One of the more self preserving Sullustans turned to run, dropping his equipment he began a quick sprint off down the corridor, not looking back. Kria’thn instinctively and without much thought, tried to trip the fleeing figure with a spare leg. The attempt missing quite obviously but catching the other offering across the leg with a sharp thwack.
The squirming victim underneath him began kicking out frantically, punching at the fair sized form of Kria’thn. Although only 5ft 5 in height with his legs his arachnid half spanned out about one and half metres in diameter, the normal Charon body armor worn and incomplete had numerous holes. It’d had been many years since someone had repaired the strange construct, which seemed some sort of hardened organic material. Indeed when the Charon had first donned the armor it had already seen use and was imperfect.
The victim underneath was rewarded with not only several connections to Kria’thn himself but a loud howling noise, as the Charon for the first time experienced pain. His second upright opponent whom at first had thought of turning and following the fleeing companion, seemed spurred on by this display and joined in the pounding.
However the second assailant was quickly proved less fortunate as his had connected with one of the few intact pieces of the armor itself, with a loud crack and a whimper he fell backwards clutching his hand.
Kria’thn’s own limbs were flailing around with no real hold on the situation. It had all seemed so simple when he planned this gathering, many weeks, years he had spent pondering how these first offerings to the void would be handled. Now though in the heat of the situation, it was all quickly falling apart….
Shrin Safserim
Jan 9th, 2004, 06:52:28 PM
The Sullustan who escaped had gone running back out of the tunnel, towards where the managing headquarters for this engineering project was. The man in charge had hired someone for this sort of situation, a human man with Force power.
Shrin Safserim, the Good Child, has taken this job in preserving the order of the engineering project's site. Dangerous animals native to Sullust inhabit the area, and Shrin is to deter any who attack the workers, headquarters, or equipment.
The Sullustan screams in his native tongue at the boss, and the boss catches Shrin as he passes by.
"Got somethin' in Cave 073. Go check it out."
Shrin tears off in the direction of the cave, stepping inside with his sword drawn. It's made of metal, but is well kept and exceedingly sharp. With his other hand, he draws out a pocket flashlight.
"Who's there!?" he shouts, seeing the forms of the Sullustans struggling with their foe.
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 10th, 2004, 03:54:49 AM
The Charon chittered in pain, giving a sharp whistle as a leg came down heavily upon the Sullustan beneath him, luckily this time connecting well. Satisfaction was close at hand and new confidence was flowing through him. Yes just a moment or two more and he hoped these offerings would be subdued.
Just as Kria’thn was managing to get the upper hand against the struggling form underneath him, a bright light pierced his eyes, stunning him briefly. Thankfully the light was held randomly, more in a searching pattern than a direct beam.
He cursed slightly, had the third offering come back? Perhaps this was just more of the prey he hungered for. It did not matter it was of no consequence. The Charon drove two arm’s across at the second Sullustan already in pain. The wild blow knocking him into the wall, a crunching noise following as he doubled over in pain. This would all be over soon enough anyway, what was one more victim for the void.
“Welcome… offering, please, I will be with you shortly.” His language seemed strange but not completely alien. Oddly accented in a manner some might understand. The voice, as close to a mocking tone as Kria’thn could make, attempted to encourage the newcomer onward...
Shrin Safserim
Jan 11th, 2004, 11:44:10 AM
Shrin steps cautiously forward, trying to pin down the creature ahead. The struggle is making it hard, but he thinks he's looking at an eight-legged version of the legendary Centaur. It's sentient, which means he may be able to reason with it.
"What are you? Why have you attacked these men?"
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:19:46 PM
Distracted and slow to react, Kria’thn allowed Shrin the advantage. He was doing a more than adequate job of grappling the Charon slowly down. After all, Kria’thn had little training and only an inward desire to guide him. Indeed he was doing such a good job, the poor Sullustan underneath Kria’thn, already the worse for wear, was being slowly crushed downward by the struggling pair. A muffled whimper of pain emerged masked by the dirt and arachnid body.
The second Sullustan gradually got to his feet. Although winded, there was a look of pure anger in his eyes, ready to explode outward at any moment.
“Men?” Kria’thn inquired genuinely puzzled.
“They are offerings, there is no higher purpose than to serve the void. I am a Charon, seeking only unity with that which we all seek.” He paused gathering breath, the struggle gradually testing his resources.
“Why do you resist? I have not attacked them, I have chosen them. Surely you can see, that in the end, it is what they desire.”
Most of his arms engaged, struggling with Shrin, he swung his left lower arm around, attempting to loosen the grip of his new assailant. A single arm of a Charon, lacked the strength and co-ordination of a normal humanoid arm, thus the attempt was likely futile.
Shrin Safserim
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:41:07 PM
Chosen? Is that what they're calling sneak attacks these days? Shrin's not at all impressed or swayed by this thing's speech.
"This 'sacrifice' you speak of is murder. You'll not get away with it."
Shrin makes a circle in the air with his arm, gathering the Force and lashing out with his hand at Kria'thn Ki with a vicious telekinetic shove. If he can get the Sullustans out of the way, he can handle the Charon without distractions.
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 13th, 2004, 03:46:22 PM
Kria’thn gave a long whistle or what passed for a sigh. Why was he reasoning with this inferior being. How could he expect him to understand with his species limited intellect. As his physical efforts were having no effect on his opponent, he tried to resort to other more subtle means.
“I see you lack conviction of spirit, as well as intellect. I was foolish to waste my words on you.” He chittered frustrated in his efforts but again attempting to goad his attacker into a rash move.
A move indeed came, but much more focused than he had hoped. Lifted off the ground, limbs flailing wildly, he was thrown backward several paces. The poor Sullustan underneath Kria’thn was again struck, quite violently by one such limb, sending a spasm of pain throughout its weakened body. Gradually blackness crept over the engineers wrought frame as it fell into unconsciousness, wounded and in definite need of aid.
The Charon lay there in a crunched heap against a bend in the tunnel wall. Slightly dazed and confused as to what had happened, he began to slowly stir to meet his attacker. Though unfortunately Shrin had not yet isolated his opponent…
Spotting its fallen friend, the anger exploded within the remaining upright engineer. With a new found strength and a reckless disregard for its own safety, he screamed charging at Kria’thn in rage.
Shrin Safserim
Jan 16th, 2004, 11:07:10 PM
Shrin yanks the man's shirt back, stepping past to interpose himself between the Sullustan and the Charon.
"Just go get more officers!"
The regular security is armed with blasters; they should be of SOME help. Shrin's not sure how he should attack, having never fought an enemy that did not have the normal humanoid shape.
"Come then, if your void is so righteous, and try and make an offering out of me!"
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 17th, 2004, 06:59:22 AM
The Sullustan spun around, the fire taken out of his stride. Clutching his stomach again and nodding to Shrin as he began the walk back. Pausing at the sight of his unconscious companion, clearly wondering whether he could take him along. He reached down and attempted to lift the limp body, in the end deciding the weight was just too much. Leaving his fading companion in the dirt, the engineer turned around and began a brisk jog back to base.
Meanwhile Kria’thn gradually rose to meet Shrin, arms flicking out to his sides, in an attempt to regain his composure.
“As you wish human. This will be over shortly.”
Most races would have been infuriated at this point, but the Charon was still almost devoid of any noticeable emotion, cold and calculating to a fault. There was however a nagging desire beneath the surface, that this delay was taking place, but for now it hadn’t taken root in his actions.
Noticing his opponent’s hesitation, he seized the opportunity to act. Kria’thn scuttled up the tunnel wall he was pressed against, pushing off and lunging himself fully at Shrin, four arms in a thrusting motion. Though his movements were wild and instinctive, the sheer mass and bulk of the hurtling Charon, was likely an unnerving sight.
Shrin Safserim
Jan 18th, 2004, 07:18:07 PM
It can climb walls? With the Force Shrin is able to dodge, taking a grace on his left shoulder as the massive creature goes by. Shrin swings his sword on an upward arc, moving the blade in a diagonal from his right hip to his left shoulder, feeling his arm complain as the new injury hampers the motion.
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