View Full Version : Once Around and Back Again
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 8th, 2004, 01:02:52 AM
The blasters slid out of the holsters and hit the counter gently, pushing them towards the NR agent assigned to such things. "Be nice ta them, please."
The NR official gave the stranger an odd look and then suddenly, a glimer of recognition glinted in his eyes. A smile broke, "Vishan you scroundral. Where in the frell have you been?? Barely looks like you. Didn't know you'd look like that when you take a bath."
"Ha, ha, ha. Thanks alot Derrc. Been out an' about off world, checkin' out the galaxy like ah used ta. Dat about it really. Hyperlanes brought me back this way an' ah decided ta see old haunts."
"Well no worries man. I'll take good care of 'em. Have fun..." Then Derrc took on a serious tone. ".. stay outta trouble this time maybe?"
Vishan ran a hand through his hair and chuckled nervously, "Oh, whew.. yeah, you're tellin' me. Take care bud."
He unzipped his leather vest and walked into the bar, sliding into an empty seat at the counter. "Hmm," he tapped his chin in thought. "Best beer ya got on tap. Dat should do just fine ta start.
Selinica Miriya
Jan 8th, 2004, 01:48:11 AM
Corellian Whiskey...That's the stuff..
Many good and not-so-good memories were attached to the drink the Lady Miriya D'aen Cailis had in mind. Sharing a glass or two ..or a bottle or two... with friends in times past.
Things had changed.
The Black Mistress of Eva Spher had spent some time now, in response to summons from Eva Spher's planetary council, under their scrutiny and narrowed eye, for her crimes against countless, so-called innocents.
Kin of my brother...Pah.
Why am I so confused? It's so easy...So easy to just do what i've always done. To hell with the Jedi. It would be so easy to do the bidding of my former masters. Whom in the end I destroyed too. But then... I can't. How can someone with no heart care?
She just shook her head, and slid her sabers, various daggers and throwing knives, and her bostaff to the weapons check, then entered the establishment, walking up to the bar, and flopping onto a seat just off the corner. Next to a man who'd came in just before her.
" 'Tender..Corellian Whiskey. "
And she got what she wanted. Always.
Miss Cailis looked at the man. "Hello."
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:17:52 PM
He absently tapped at the counter and looked around to familiar surroundings. Bar hadn't changed much since leaving Coruscant, but it was owned by Jedi. They weren't usually known for change unless circumstances called for it.
The Barkeep came back and placed down a napkin before setting down the tall glass of dark ale. Vishan quirked a brow wondering what it was. Before he could even ask the question, the Barkeep spoke up. "Better not ask. It's the best buddy. Trust me."
Vishan shrugged, "Allright." That was when a woman sat down, well more like plopped down next to him, and offered a hello. He was in the middle of taking his first drink to immediately answer and it gave him a little time to think. Last time he was in a situation like this, such an innocent little situation, his life spun around out of control. He was a bit paranoid, but it didn't show on the outside.
"Hmmm dat is good stuff. Thanks man." He set down the drink and flashed a grin at the lady, hoping this was just going to be a friendly conversation. "Hallo ta you too, Miss." There wasn't much to read in her face just yet but immediately he could tell this woman was full of confidence. He could tell instantly when their eyes met...
Selinica Miriya
Jan 8th, 2004, 05:52:13 PM
Miriya took a gulp of the whiskey she'd ordered, and then proceeded to tie back her long, golden brown hair, as it seemed it was making its best attempt to get in her mouth or in her drink. Another gulp, and she felt then that she could relax, after several uptight months.
The woman flexed the black gloved hand, her left hand, that wasn't holding the whiskey glass.
"Feels so good to relax. Feels like I haven't sat down in an age."
She showed a small smile to the man next to her, then stifled a yawn, and looked to him again.
"Oh, so sorry.. I haven't introduced myself. Miriya Cailis."
And offered a handshake.
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:51:28 PM
Indeed she was starting to unwind. Her body posture wasn't as ridgid when Miriya first came into the bar.
He nodded in agreement, "Yeah ah hear dat. Life in the rim keeps ya on your toes. Nice ta sit an' do nothin' cept.... relax."
Well, she didn't seem bad. Maybe he was just being paranoid and took her gloved hand gladly. "Heh, no apologies needed Miriya. Ah forgot too. Name's Vishan."
Selinica Miriya
Jan 9th, 2004, 09:54:17 PM
She smiled again when Vishan had accepted the 'shake, and then withdrew her hand, placing it around the whiskey glass, touching her other hand. She took a small sip, and felt a chill go down her spine. Just the way she likes it.
Miriya turned on the stool to lean against the counter. glass in one hand, elbow of the other arm propped behind her on the counter. Her head lulled slowly back as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
"Nothing quite like some Corellian Whiskey to unwind."
The lady tilted her head to look at Vishan, opening her ice blue eyes. "Except that, this is the first time i've come in here, and seen no familiar faces."
"I've been out too long. "
Turning her head to face what was in front of her, Miriya took another sip of the whiskey.
"What is it you do, if you don't mind my asking?"
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 9th, 2004, 10:01:45 PM
"What ah do?" He chuckled a little before taking another long drink of his beer, wondering how to answer that question. "Dat's a more interestin' question then ya probably know."
The bar stool creaked a little as he swivled it around to face the open room, propping his elbows on the counter for support. "Ah'm kinda a jack-o' all trades sorta fellow since ah like wanderin' the galaxy. Had a job recently here on Coruscant that didn't pan out." He shrugged, "Probably cuz ah don't like bein' in one place fer too long." Not quite the truth but a good enough explanation for Miriya. "Now, ah run supplies ta the rim for the New Republic now an' then.. an' well... " He cocked his head to the side and gave Miriya a wink. ".. other things that need ta get ta places that are important ta some folk."
Selinica Miriya
Jan 9th, 2004, 10:19:48 PM
A short nod, eyes closed, is what came from Miriya. A corner of her mouth upturned itself.
"I know what you mean, all too well, Vishan. I've had friends over the years kind of like yourself. They didn't last too long."
A gulp of whiskey later, she started talking again.
"As for me, well..."
Miriya just smirked.
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 9th, 2004, 11:48:02 PM
"Hey....dat's not fair." A grin was growing wider with each word. "Dun make me take that drink away ta make ya talk."
Selinica Miriya
Jan 10th, 2004, 12:30:17 AM
Right now, someone thinking of taking AWAY her drink to make her talk was quite laughable. And it did make her laugh...
"I'd like to see you try." she said with a small laugh.
..Not that getting drunk made her talk either.
"No one has succeeded at separating me from my whiskey yet...."
Miriya grinned.
Eluna Thals
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:41:19 AM
"Bartender, Blue Sunrise, please."
Three empty seats down from the pair, a familiar red-headed Imperial sat, her attention on Vishan and his company, but not fixated by it. Her eyes wandered back to the bartender, and she smiled as he brought her drink out.
"Thank you."
Once again, she cast an eye to Vishan, over her blue concoction.
The Ace of Hearts
Jan 11th, 2004, 02:09:55 AM
Bambi was in work mode right now, and the good looking pilot who had offered to buy her next drink had provided the best cover she could hope for.
An insincere smile, a breezy laugh at his stupid jokes all served to place her in "mingle mode" - she was just another punk in a bar, looking for a good time.
"I'll be right back" the pilot said as he got up from his seat to use the amenities. "Try not to miss me"
Another fake giggle.
Maddox forced herself to remain "in character" while inwardly she thought she could'nt have found a more boring doof to hook up with for cover.
Watching the pair sipping beer and a Corellian whiskey at the bar about five tables distant from where she sat, Hearts spoke into her wrist comm as she brought her arm up near her face to push a strand of hair from her eye.
"Mark aquired"
Selinica Miriya
Jan 13th, 2004, 01:39:11 AM
She leaned in torwards Vishan, placing a hand on the back of his neck, and her whiskey on the counter. Miriya whispered, using her abilites to make it so only Vishan could hear what she had to say.
"Don't look now..But either you or me has spectators. "
Vishan Korogoth
Jan 13th, 2004, 10:37:55 PM
All of a sudden Miriya was getting a little too friendly... Was kind of odd till her hush voice explained the situation. "Well damn, Miriya. Ain't dat interestin'." Vishan kept his voice low as well, but talked in a manner that was rather vague. To any casual observer, he was just talking a little louder the Miriya. The conversation could be about anything... Of course, she knew otherwise. "Haven't ah clue as ta what's up with dat."
The Ace of Hearts
Jan 17th, 2004, 10:50:38 PM
To the casual observer, Miriya and Vishan were just getting to know each other a little better in the small steps that are common to hooking up in a bar. A closer lean here, a more intimate level of conversing there.
But to Bambi's trained eye (no pun intended) the red flag and bellowing alarm claxon's had gone off. She'd been made.
Unfolding her long lean legs from beneath the table, Maddox pushed her fingers into the pocket of her leather pants and pulled out enough credits to cover her and fly-boy's beers, who, by the way, was taking a helluva long whiz.
Tossing the creds carelessly onto the table, Hearts got up from her chair, and without another glance her mark's way, picked her way though the crowd and exitted the bar. She did not stop to collect her weapons - she had brought none in with her.
Once outside, she crossed the road to where her speeder bike was parked back in the shadows of a access lane.
Seating herself on its black leather seat, her legs straddling either side keeping balance, Bambi systematically plucked off items ingeniously affixted to the bike's frame, blending in complete cameleon style so as to be unrecognisable as to what they really were.
Chewing on a fresh stick of gum, and humming good-humoredly to herself, The Ace of Hearts, (Queen Assassin, as she styled herself) assembled her sniper rifle with cold blooded precision.
Selinica Miriya
Jan 18th, 2004, 03:58:20 PM
Her eyes had seen all kinds. The Sith Huntress knows more than any commoner would think. And the woman that had just left the bar?...Well, There was no mistake. Miriya's voice in a low growl, she explained just a little something to Vishan.
"Assassin, pea-brain. Now, you can go ahead and fear for your life, 'cause saving lives isn't my line of business. So leave, if you like, or sit here and sweat... I'm going."
Sliding off the barstool, the huntress flipped some creds on the bar counter, and jogged to the weapons check She almost knocked over the flyboy whom the woman who'd left had been sitting with on the way. He had a confused and questioning look on his face, but Cailis just brushed him off. Picking up her various knives, daggers, two 'sabers and bostaff (the 'staff went on her back), she nodded to the officer there.
"Thanks." she growled, her voice upped on anger.
And out she went.
Bari Wedoru
Jan 18th, 2004, 07:01:45 PM
The man had just arrived, stepping through the door after nearly being bowled over by a one eyed least he assumed it was female...that had gone past him. He puffed out a cloud of smoke from his mouth, removing the tiny stub of a cigarette that was left and tossed it to the ground outside the bar, grinding it down with his foot.
-----"That woman was mighty ugly...." He muttered, then stepped through the door, withdrawing the two heavy blasters he held under his blue overshirt and slipped them to the bouncer.
-----"I expect these back when I leave, please. These babies've made my life more livable under stress...oh! I have one more.." He lifted the blue shirt and the pale white undershirt he wore and reached behind him, withdrawing an ion pistol from his back.
-----"See, all three of these have my name on'em. Bari Wedoru, got it? So don't be mixing them up when I'm done. Much appreciated." Bari said pleasantly, then continued inside. He dodged yet another woman rushed past. Man, everyone was in a hurry today, weren't they? He snorted once, then withdrew his silver liter and cigarette pack from his front pocket, sticking a single crooked cigarette into his mouth and lighting it as he approached the bar counter.
-----"Barkeep, I'll take a Blue Moon over Tatooine if you got it. If that isn't in, well just slide me something good and something cheap." He grinned, then took the seat that had been previously occupied by the sith woman. When his fizzy blue drink was anded to him, he removed the cigarette momentarily to take a long draught of the mug.
-----"Man, nothing like a good drink after a long day, am I right?" Bari said, looking at the man next to him, the one the woman had been talking to before, though this information wasn't privvy to him.
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