View Full Version : Pocket run......(open)

Taz Finch
Jan 7th, 2004, 04:59:09 PM
The hacker of Fatal Beauty wheeled himself in. Parking his chair alongside a table, he opened a poratble system and began typing away. A series of codes flashed across the screen and he smirked as he pressed a button and a little drawer slid open and he pulled out the newly charged "card" he would use for payment.

Good to have unknown benefactors whose rich lives were so intense, they didnt realize when they "lent" someone any credits. He shut the laptop down and stowed it away in his little compartment on the side of his chair.

He smiled when a waitress took his order.

"Yeah, I'll have a carbonwater and a Drenkast with that please."

He kept his grin when she looked at him as he spouted off his little "code" of wanting an audience with the person he needed to see about supplies for Fatal Beauty.

OW outcast
Jan 7th, 2004, 11:20:47 PM
OW the SFF watch dog made his way over to finches table after the waitress had told him of his order. OW brought the man his drink as well. The three foot green Duro looked up at the man shoving the drink in his face.

"Can I help you sir!"

Taz Finch
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:01:56 AM
Taz leaned back in his wheelchair as the rude guy who stood almost as tall as he was in his chair had shoved the glass in his face.

"Dude, that's pretty rude....."

He said as he took the glass and placed it on the table. Turning back to the guy, he scrunched his eyebrows.

"You know, last time I was in here with my boss? Our supplier looked alot more different than now....she had more...legs on her.....you know....all the way up to her lovely neck?? I'm from Fatal Beauty, we need more supplies for the toys she bought when she last came here.....She cant be here due to a job she's on so I got the duty.....comprende?"

He sipped his water and held up the card that kept the credits he was to use for this run.

"Now if you would, please get her so I can purchase the stuff and head back to my office? Cause this wheelchair is killin my back. I shoulda used my hover chair, but wasnt thinking."

He shook his head as he thought out loud......then turned back to the short fella who hadnt moved yet.

"Or isnt she here? If she's busy, I can come back when she isnt."

OW outcast
Jan 8th, 2004, 01:56:53 PM
"I'm sorry I don't know who your talking about, we got many leggy woman with lovely necks boy."

Obviously this guy didn't know the rules so it was about high time he learned them. Crippled or not this kid needed to learn how the SFF worked.

"Alright kid I need some proof you are who you say you are and don't be using no fake id's I'm getting sick of kick people out for that crap cause it don't work. Then I’m going to need to see a bit of cred's myself cause its a long walk for me to go tell the boss your here and you know my sore feet will need a message from a lovely masseuse."

OW's black bug eyes stared unmoving at finch, his small lips pursed seriously. The little duro looked as if he was ready to attack at any moment like a well-trained pit bull.

"Oh yeah and your boss should no the rules we don't like new comers doing business for there bosses. Also just so you know its my job to be rude when little twerps like you come in here spout off about people they shouldn't be talking about."

Jan 8th, 2004, 08:41:36 PM
Coming up behind the bar tender, Hera touched the duro's shoulder lightly, letting him know she was there. Standing beside him and speaking over at Taz across from him, "OW is looking out for our interests here, Taz - you should be used to the gruff welcome after the last time Fatal Beauty came by"

She was referring to Daiquiri's rather agressive interogation of Katya when she and Rage had first payed the Fortress a visit. Faene did not exactly have a reputation of rolling out the red carpet for new faces.

Turning to look now at OW, Hera explained, "It's alright, we know this guy....Only, his legs worked when we knew him."
Addressing Taz once again, Hera failed to keep the devilish smirk from her eyes, "what happened - you get tired of being jipped out of all the good parking spaces..?"

Taz Finch
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:47:29 PM
The whole time the waste of space was addressing him like he was some punk kid, Taz sat there quiet, and smirking. He was used to this kind of talk with Katya, so this guy wasnt bad....frell he was actually nice about it. Katya would throw in some colorful words.....

Taz looked at him with an expression that spoke "yeah right" when he said something of twerps like him.

"Dude, you really should look to yourself before callin someone a twerp. You want credentials? Sure I got your credentials.."

He was about to show his identification when a familiar person strode up behind the stout bouncer. And looking more beautiful then the last time he was here....was that possible? Frell yeah it was!! Living proof right there....she had skills in that department thats for sure.

Oh I know he is.....hey dude, here's a little advice....for your tension? Go get laid, I know a great place that has any female you could think of....Now mind you, I havent been there myself, but I keep my ears open if you know what I mean."

He winked at the Duro and brought his attention back to Hera.

"Oh, the chair.....I got shot by an assasin gunning for Rage, took my legs from me.....but I'll live."

He smiled, but it was a more cordial type than being genuine.

"Kat's on a "job" right now, Rage is away with her sister, so I have to do the supply run. The toys we got last time? Need supplies to keep them going. Oh and some hot pockets...please."

OW outcast
Jan 9th, 2004, 02:00:42 PM
OW didn't here most of what Hera said manly cause he was paying more attention to the mouth with wheels. OW blaster was out and sighting in Taz's head as soon as the laid comment hit the table.

"I can finish the job the assassin failed at boy. You better watch your flap or your friends are going to find your carcass in a dumpster behind this joint."

With that said he quickly put his blaster back in its holster and smiled lightly. Ever since the Nexus encounter he had been on edge. OW walked away with that and went behind the bar once more.

Jan 10th, 2004, 07:09:51 PM
Hera watched as the duro moved back to the bar. He was twitchier than usual and she made a mental note to find out what was going on with him.

"No problem with the supplies - we always got plenty of stock.
Bad luck bout your legs though..pretty shabby for an assissin to take your legs when he was after a hit. Why'd he want, Rage?"

Hera's interest focused more on the attack on Fatal Inc. The outfit wasn't exactly huge on the universal market and so a hit on their operation seemed illogical. It was probably something personal, Hera reasoned inwardly.

"Old boyfriend or something..?"

Taz Finch
Jan 10th, 2004, 07:41:24 PM
"Thats what we like to hear, a well stocked supplier."

The young compwhiz replied to her assesment of her stock in the back.

At her next question of the assasin on why and also their skill level as he got hit, he shrugged and spoke what he knew....absolutely nothing.

"From what Kat told me we were both hurt to get to Rage's psyche, They shot at Kat and Rage in a bar on Coruscant and wounded Kat....then on visiting Kat in the med center, I was shot in the back entering the front doors. Rage has not told me anything about it....she keeps sidestepping the issue when I do ask. They say I dont need to know.....maybe theyre right."

He shook his head at her last question.

"Old boyfriend? Nah....I dont think any ex of her's would be stupid enough to do that....but when Kat and her talked about it before I got hit, they did mention a "she"....so I think it might have been someone taking out competition....or trying to make a name for themselves.....our establishment is not well known, but Rage's skills are....well somewhat."

He laughed a bit. Then leaned back in his wheelchair. A somber look coming over him.

"As a person who is always in the "know".... could you do me a small favor? Could you keep your ears open for anything in medical tech that would allow me to walk again? I know the doc told me I wouldnt.....but I think he's full of crap. I'll help you with anything you'd want if you do.....And Im good on my word, no doubt."

Jan 10th, 2004, 08:42:38 PM
She mulled over Taz's reply for a moment. Seems like Fatal Beauty Inc had some opposition - Hera would make it a point to keep an ear open to anything she may hear regarding it, and pass on if she could.

She then took a closer inspectioin of Taz and his wheelchair, the broken legs unmoving on their perches.

"Well..I dunno. I got some nano-technology to replace my arm a couple years ago. But that was through an old friend, who I havent seen in a very long time. Chances are Ket's dead - he was always speaking before thinking, if you get my drift."

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"I could ask around though, see if I cant find someone to help you, or atleast, get you a name."