View Full Version : History repeats......(open)
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:48:31 PM
Shade was standing on a balcony looking out over the city-world he called home. Coruscant. It was the most beautiful and also the ugliest planet in the New Repulic he thought to himself. Beautifull for all its wonder and diversity and the way it looked like one's own personal str from space. Ugly because it was mostly duracrete and machinery. ardly anything was natural here now.
"What a shame....."
The young Jedi Knight turned and walked back into the spacious room he had been granted for a few days. Though hi mission did not take him far for the Greater Jedi Order temple, he had decided to stay in the quaters provided to him during this task. It would help him clear his mind and focus on his mission and clear his mind of the past year and a half's event dealing with Yurza, Xazor, Verse, and ultimately leaving the Jedi for a short time.
"Not've got to focus on the mission. Keep your head clear until the work is done."
Shade pulled a chair out from the desk in the room and sat down to once again review the holovids and files he had been given. They were supposed to help him find out who was behind some attacks on the Senate, and he had to hurry. The attacks kept getting violenter than the last. Just last week a Chiss ambassador's bodygaurd had been left for dead with half his left leg and arm missing. So he had to find something that would help him learn something.
************************************************** **
The clouds outside darkened as the rain started to fall. Inside the room Shade was asleep at the desk. There was a sudden movement in the corner and a hooded figure appeared. They moved forward and as they did, extended their hand which held a slightly larger than normal lightsaber hilt. There was a familiar snap-hiss and Shade jerked his head up confused. He moved out of the way just in time for the double bladed red lightsaber came down on the desk. Shade rolled away and came up with his lightsaber ignited and at the ready. The green glow shining on his face, but the glow from his opponent's blades still held him in the shadows.
Shade stepped forward, but was pushed back with the Force and a blade was swung at his shoulder. The Knight blocked the attack and then a combo of parries and thrusts and slices came from each person. Shade finally saw an opening and sliced the figure's leg and the person dropped to one knee and his lightsaber fell from his hand.
Wasting no time Shade called the blade to his hand and deactivated the red blades. He hung the hilt on his belt and circle the shadow figure on the floor.
"Who are you?"
"What? You don't recognize me?"
"No. Now who are you?"
"Still so young and ignorasnt SHade? Can't you recognize your own brother?"
With this the man's hood was thrown back to reveal someone that Shade thoguht he would never see again. Before he could react though there was a flash of white light and Shade was lost in it.
************************************************** **
Shade blacked into someone and dropped his lightsaber. He looked around confused and dazed. He was on the street in front of the GJO, but how? He felt a presense in the FOrce, but before he could reach out for it, it disappeared.
Shade looked around and then called his saber back to his hand. He deactivated it and went to clip it on his blet, convinced that it was all a dream, but then he felt it. Shade looked down and stared at his blet. There hanging was a lightsaber hilt that was built for double blades.
"But it realy you? Are you really out there Yurza?"
Ceres Duvall
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:28:50 PM
That day Ceres had been walking the grounds of GJO, quite bored since her training had not progressed any and she did not know anyone here that had been around. So things had been quite slow and she was beginning to ponder about certain things.
As she rounded a corner and began to walk, for the tenth time today, around the front of the GJO headquarters. Upon approaching the very front entrance, she noticed someone she did not recognize, someone that looked rather confused.
Feeling obligated to help she walked towards him slowly and spoke softly. "Is there something wrong?"
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:44:35 PM
Shade looked at the lady who had spoken to him and shook his head slowly as he still looked around.
"I....I am not sure."
Shade could not stop searching the street. What had happened to him? How had he gotten here?
"Please tell me how long to have been sanding in front of the GJO. Tel me if you saw me arrive here."
Ceres Duvall
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:51:02 PM
"I... I am not sure." Shade said.
She tilted her head curiously, wondering how one could not be sure if something was the matter. But she did not inquire because he had already moved on.
"Please tell me how long to have been sanding in front of the GJO. Tel me if you saw me arrive here." He stated, a bit of hope somewhere in his voice.
She shook her head, displeased that she could not help him with this simple request. "I only just arrived and saw you standing here. I don't know how long you've been here and didn't see you arrive. I'm sorry..."
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:54:55 PM
Shade shook his head to clear his thoughts.
"No..wait you did everything in your power to try and help me. Thank you. My name is Shade MAgus by the way. I am a Jedi Kngiht here, and you are?"
Shade held his hand out to the woman.
Ceres Duvall
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:58:51 PM
"You're welcome even though I wasn't much help."
She took a hold of his hand, her touch soft as if she were very weak but it was just simply because she was a gentle soul.
"My name is Ceres Duvall. I am a... well, I don't know what to call myself at this point. I have been waiting for a master here for a long time so Im not really a padawan. At least in my mind."
She thought better than to go into that and changed the subject rather quickly. "Are you sure you're alright? Maybe there's someone else around that saw you come here?"
At this she looked around the area for a possible witness.
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:10:33 PM
Shade nodded.
"Yes....yes...I am sure I am fine. I guess I was just seeing things...."
Shade let the sentence trail off. Even for Jedi, showing up at a place and not know how you got there is considered weird. Maybe this was just a one time thing for him. Atleast he hoped.
"So you say you don't have a master? That is a shame. What area of the Jedi are you trying to.........AH!"
Shade fell down to his knees and clutched his left forearm and shook his head in disbelief.
"It can't can't......."
Ceres Duvall
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:16:39 PM
Ceres had turned her gaze back towards him when he acknowledged that he was fine, which she believed for a moment.
"Good." She said, truly glad that such a polite person was not having any troubles.
"So you say you don't have a master? That is a shame. What area of the Jedi are you trying to.........AH!"
The yell startled her as he fell to his knees and grasped at his left arm. She had jumped back slightly from the sudden yelp but was soon kneeling down beside him with her hands on his shoulders.
"What's wrong? Please tell me, let me help." She said, wondering why he had lied about being okay when it was so obvious that he wasn't. "Are you injured?"
Rognan Dar
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:31:08 PM
Rognan had been talking to the residence of the planet wide city when he felt a unusual presence. It was not one that he new, but it was one that he had heard about and one he knew within himself. It was the sense of darkness. Of evil. Which there must be a Darksider around somewhere.
Excusing himself from his company, he ran out looking for this...person. The presence disapered. It only lasted a second. But it was enough to know in what direction it came from. As he came to where he thought it was he saw two people on the ground. One was holding his arm and the other was trying to help. Since he did not know what happened to the darksider, he changed gears and ran to them.
"Is everything alright?" he questioned. Then he saw that the man had a lightsabre. TWO, in fact. He was either a Jedi or the person he was looking for.
Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2004, 08:46:01 PM
Shade quickly drew up his arm's sleeve and stared down in horror. It could not be. There was a tattoo his brother and him had gotten when they were really close. After his brother had turned to the SIth and he to the Jedi, it served as a kind of warning device at burned whenever his brother was around. There was no way it could was acted up because his brother was dead, but it had jut flared up like a star going nova. What was happening?
"You two....please....tell me you felt that? Tell me you felt that void of darkness......."
He had to be sure that he was not the only one who had felt it. He had to make sure that he was keeping his sanity.
Ceres Duvall
Jan 8th, 2004, 08:48:36 PM
Ceres had felt something off but being that she had so little training she did not understand what the feeling had been. But she knew that whatever it was had to have been caused by whatever Shade was feeling, so she nodded solemnly.
"I did."
She looked up at Rognan, hoping he'd know what was occuring. "Did you happen to see how he arrived here?"
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 9th, 2004, 04:24:14 AM
Ah another centre of power, another energetic source, a prime choice for the void’s hunger. What was the planet called again, ah yes Coruscant. That’s what the offering had mumbled before its life-force had left it, he felt he may well become very familiar with this little corner of realspace, before his time was done. The Charon scuttled around, careful to keep a low profile, though not outwardly so much as to draw undue attention to itself. Though to not draw undue attention even in this bustling metropolis was difficult for the strange looking arachnid, still he would try.
Something had drawn him here, another one of many strange ‘pulls’, drawing and bending him to a path of which hardly seemed like his own choosing. He felt a whisper, a thread of sadness, that of pain in someone not too far beyond him. Though these emotions were almost alien to him, driven only by hunger and a single purpose, they were clearly recognisable for precisely the same reason. He was curios and would observe the scene, if it were possible, from a distance. Kria’thn needed a lesson in such emotion, if he were to better understand the prey.
His scanned about seeking, senses drawing his presence onward to an uncertain fate.
(OOC: Mind me hoping in?)
Rognan Dar
Jan 9th, 2004, 02:04:57 PM
Rognan looked at the man's arm. It was starting to pinken around the tattoo. Like it was getting really hot. He nelt down and held his hand just above it. It was hot. He then looked at the two of them.
"I did not see either of you arive. But I felt something. It was...a dark feeling. I can't really say what it was but I ran off looking for it and found you two. Whats going on?"
Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2004, 09:31:12 PM
OOC: I'm having a little trouble with my sith character's login in so I am goin to use this post to put him in and reply. You'll know when I am acting like shade again.
Afigure in the shadows watched the Jedi and smiled. He could feel the pain and fear from his brother. In fact he could almost smell it. He could not wait t strike and finish him once and for all, but now would be suicide.
"Soon Shade....soon....."
__________________________________________________ __
Shade looked at the dark skinned man in front of him and then to the woman beside him and then to the ground.
"The presence that the two of you felt happened to be from someone that is not supposed to exsist. It is from someone thatb I thought I had killed a very long time ago."
Shade rolled his sleeve back down and slowly stood up.
"The presence you felt was from my brother. For him to send out such a profound signal means that me must have gotten very strong, but it does not explain how I felt him. I know he shoudl be dead....I just don't see how...."
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:28:58 PM
Kria’thn continued to seek his surroundings, carried this way then the other. Though he did keep a low profile and tried to walk upon less used pathways. The Charon was doing a fair job of passing unnoticed. That is if you discounted that once in a while he would catch someone with a leg causing a hail of abuse or at worst upending them completely.
The earlier feeling he had experienced was dwindling now. These sensations he experienced were erratic at best, the order only just having begun its teachings of them too him. For the most part he found them a hinderance, distracing him from the void’s calling. Still somehow he felt compelled, curiosity simmering underneath the surface.
Then suddenly Kria’thn stopped, for some reason, he didn’t know why he just had. Something else was wrong but what, ah yes, though he did not know it by name. He felt the kindled focus of an emotion he was just beginning to understand. Usually he would of missed it completely, but this emotion was something he had been concentrating on himself recently, covering its detail fully and with purpose.
The Charon felt the undeniable focus of anger.
Rognan Dar
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:25:30 PM
There was a tingling effect in Rognan's head. It was like being able to hear something and not sure if you really did hear something. But what he felt was the presence again. He looked up and survied the area around him. He couldn't see anything out of place. There didn't seem to be anything wrong. But he was sure that he felt it.
Returning his attention back to the man on the ground, he tried to understand what he was saying.
"How can your brother be alive if you killed him? Thats just not it?" Rognan took Shades hand and helped him up to his feet. "Are you going to be alright?"
Shade Magus
Jan 11th, 2004, 04:54:01 PM
"I....I do not know....he was always speaking of trying to find a way to live forever. If he has then.................."
Shade shook his head still not believing
Rognan Dar
Jan 12th, 2004, 03:29:58 PM
" think he came back? And he's out to get you?"
Rognan could see that from this question that made Shade think. What if his brother was alive once more? And he wanted revenge on his brother?
"Come on. Lets get you some where besides the middle of th e street."
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 12th, 2004, 04:41:55 PM
Kria’thn finally happened upon what he thought might be the source of this emotion. He strode up to it, impetuous in his curiosity. To his annoyance all he found were two arguing men, nothing of consequence. The Charon coldly considered killing them as offerings, but in his confusion they quickly separated, both glaring equally puzzled at the lumbering form of Kria’thn.
The novice sense’s nowhere near what he had over anticipated them to be, they would obviously take much more than a few simple sessions to attune.
The Charon clicked his legs rhythmically, displaying confusion. He turned around and scuttled a few paces backward. Out of chance, in the distance, catching sight of a figure slumped against the ground.
Pausing he dipped his head, clicking to himself softly, keenly observing this new turn of events.
Shade Magus
Jan 14th, 2004, 11:03:09 PM
" are right...we need to get in now."
Shade stood up slowly and looked around before turning to enter the temple.
"I don't know how or why but I think you are right..."
Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2004, 01:58:09 PM
Rognan helped Shade to up the steps of the Temple. He could see that he didn't need any help physically. He was just a little shaken. Once inside, he lead him to a bench and sat him down.
"But you think that he could just spring up from the dead whenever he wants? How could someone bring themselves back from the dead?"
Shade Magus
Jan 15th, 2004, 04:00:13 PM
"I never thought they could.......but then maybe he didn't die at all...maybe he was just wounded so badly that he was unconsious and I couldn't sense him."
Shade shook his head to try and force all the thoughts out of his head so he could think. That had to be the only reasonable explanation.
Rognan Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 12:08:10 AM
"Who do you mean by they? You know of other that were connected with your brother?"
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 16th, 2004, 11:21:37 AM
Kria’thn carefully watched the figures enter a large, strange type of building. It seemed much like the ceremonial temples he was gradually becoming familiar with on Corellia. The Charon’s eyes flicked back and forth noting details, wondering if he should follow. So far he had been drawn to this point, but it was taking time away from the work he had set out to do and he hated delays.
One seemed injured, weak, he clicked his legs pondering. Perhaps they might make acceptable sacrifices. This planet was over populated anyway, who would miss a few… individuals.
Kria’thn waited outside, taking time to search the surrounding area, making note of any important points. He was still new here and had no idea as to this planets purpose...
Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:20:46 PM
"His Master....he could do something that could make him appear dead over a long period of time and then re-enterour world. He could walk through dimensions, but I had no idea Yurza had become that strong."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 20th, 2004, 09:53:39 PM
::She walked with a portable holopad on her left hand flickering through the assasinations. These assasinations, or murders as it was more commonly called in the media, intregued her. She liked to think she had been one of the better assasins, a fact she did not feel proud of, and knew most of the assasins though in the past four years there were bound to be more prodegies in the field. This person was skilled and very hard to catch.
The murders werent random and it was against powerful people, so the person who was behind this must be very experienced.
In fact she had spent quite a few days mulling this over in her mind, thinking between training and researching.
There was much to research as the medi had gone on a rampage with articles, some obsessively over the top, others gossip and some useful. She had looked around the seedier areas of the Correllian city, and there were many, but not much came. The people who had encountered this person were dead and those who saw this person could not describe them.
The GJO didnt know she had been sneaking around, probably because most GJO members didnt know she had been an assasin and she would rather keep it that way for the moment. Something within the force echoed that something was wrong and her head turned.
Azhure watched for a few moments to see if there was disruption or a figure that moved like an assasin but nobody came that way. Instead she saw a wounded figure and two others pass in the distance and felt jedi presence. Another seemed to watch but she did nothing to indicate that she had noticed. The holopad was turned off and put in the jedi padawan's pocket as she walked softly toward the temple, stepping gently over a sleeping drunken young man as she walked, and walked into the respectable streets of Correllia. The air was musty and someone was nearby who smelled like they hadnt had a bath in a week. The smell stayed with her and she assumed she was being followed so she became careful of where she walked and her walking tempo quickened with as little observance as possible as she went to the temple, the crystal dagger/lightsaber now in full view on her belt.::
Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2004, 10:36:50 PM
OOC: ok i am still having trouble as my sith character so this is going to be him posting.
Yurza walked into a small room and threw his cloak onto the bed. It wasn't much, but then again he did not need much, only the essentials. Soon enough he would be living a much more comfortable life after he killed his brother and ended this charade he was being forced to put up with.
"Yes. Soon Shade..."
The darkjedi laughed as he enveloped himself in the darkside of the Force and let it flow outwards hoping he could reach his brother and touch him and whoever else was around him, but he did ot stay connected to long, for fear of being found. He was like a cat with mice. It was so fun to be so bad.
Rognan Dar
Jan 21st, 2004, 02:51:55 PM
There it is, Rognan thought. There's that feeling again...but where?
He had no time to find out. As soon as the darkness came, it was once again gone. Someone was searching. Or just toying around. He didn't know anyone that would put themselves out and then recall it without some kind of plan or purpose behind it.
Still looking at Shade, he could see that he felt it too.
"Do you think that was him? Could he really be as powerful as you think?"
Shade Magus
Jan 21st, 2004, 03:12:37 PM
"I have my doubts, but anything is possible."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:59:55 PM
::Azhure walked into the doorway of the temple. Everything looked peaceful and calm as temples should, accept for something within the force still bugging her. She looked around to see her brothers master sitting with another she did not recognise, somethign was obviously wrong. She responded with her usual matter-of-fact style, a past habit of her past occupation.::
Something happened? Anybody dead?
Shade Magus
Jan 21st, 2004, 10:08:54 PM
Shade shook his head with a twisted smile on his lips.
"As weird as it may seem.......unfortantely no. It seems that someone I thought dead he is not. And if this is the case then something bad his about to happen."
Shade reached out with the Force after the wave of darkness everyone just felt. He could still sense his brother even long after the others had been shut off.
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 22nd, 2004, 11:09:23 PM
::Azhure nodded.::
Sometimes people tend to do that.
::She closed her eyes and connected briefly with the mind of others in the area, inside and outside the temple but none were particularly dark, the assasin as such was indeed gone. She almost cursed, having made it almost a hobby to search for this person. She should have considered a bounty hunter career. Opening her eyes again she shrugged until an idea came to her and she looked at them both. ::
Does this person have a name, and what does he look like? There are a few interesting stories flying around, but all anyone remembers are shadows of the person attacking the senators. This could be the same person.
Rognan Dar
Jan 23rd, 2004, 02:32:21 PM
"Your saying that his brother is also killing senators? I'm sure that we would have noticed someone with this power going around killing senators. Even if he could hide himself, someone would be able to have picked up on his trail."
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2004, 11:35:36 PM
[i]"I am not sure about that yet. I too was trying to find out who was killing the senators, and that is when I got attacked. Prehaps if I go back to the room I was staying in then I might find some answers."
Rognan Dar
Jan 24th, 2004, 02:25:08 PM
"Are you sure you want to do that? He might be waiting for you there. And your still a little shaken. Your sure your up to it?"
Shade Magus
Jan 25th, 2004, 01:03:03 AM
"If I don't then I shall never know."
Shade stood up and looked at the others.
"But you are right, I will need help. Will any of come with me?"
Rognan Dar
Jan 25th, 2004, 03:41:19 PM
"Oh course! You think I'm going to let you go off and have all the fun without me?"
Rognan was hoping to lift the mood from the haunting feeling someone returning from the dead, to more of a adventure.
" do we start?"
Shade Magus
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:29:25 PM
"Well the room I was in is on the other side of Coruscant. I guess that would be the best place, but we will need transportation big enough for everyone who wishes to go."
Shade looked at the others.
"I must warn you. I do not know what or if my brother has planted anything there. If you come then you do it at you own risks. Do those that wish to come understand?"
Master Yurza
Jan 25th, 2004, 10:46:32 PM
The young Sith smiled as he opened a chest in his room. There sat a photo and a lightsaber. The photo was of his family, all of them from before Shade and his father died. The lightsaber was Shade's. It was the one he lost in their battle over a year ago. He picked it up and clipepd it to his belt and walked out of the room.
"I can't wait to see the look on Shade's face when I slice him in half with his own weapon..."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 26th, 2004, 09:38:01 PM
::Azhure looked at him with little humour.::
I used to be an assasin myself. I don't know anything about your brother but I may come in handy. We all die one day.
::She understood, and to be perfectly truthful she wanted to get to the bottom of this, this persons work was nothing she'd ever seen before.::
There are also quicker back ways along the less reputable part of this city.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 06:58:24 PM
Shade looked at the young woman. Though he had never met her before, he had heard of her through on of his Padawans, her brother to be exact. He then thought for a moment that it had been awhile sinc he had heard from Matthis. He shook his head, there would be time for that later. Now he needed to focus on the present.
"Please......tell me of these quicker was. There faster we get back there, then maybe the better."
Rognan Dar
Jan 27th, 2004, 10:44:01 PM
"But then he might also be expecting us to go running in as fast as we can. Quicker is not always safer. And since we do not truly know what we are up against, I say we take a road that we can go by unnoticed."
Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 05:27:18 PM
Shade stopped in mid-step. Rogan was right. Why was he rushing off now, when he had preached so many times that one has to be careful to survive. He nodded towards the young man.
"You are right, thank you."
Shade crossed his arms in front of him. They needed to get there fast, but they needed to also make sure they weren't spotted or uncovered. He turned to Azhure.
"Do you know of any speedy routes, that are........unconventional? One where others might not go normally?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 31st, 2004, 12:31:07 AM
::The thieves highway was quite unconventional, and there were different levels to it depending on the people and their size. Nobody talked about others and nobody gave any evidence. Silence was respect accept if it came with a rather large sum of credits or threats, or if it was loyalty to an organisation. It was risky but this person was good and she didnt really think any other way could be safer even if it wasnt foolproof. Azhure wasnt that much of a fool to underestimate others.
She had tried to cut off her old past but just maybe it would come in useful. The Jedi / Angel of Death gave him a rare soft cunning smile. In her eyes they could see the mischief spirit that her brother lived by, that she had rejected long ago.::
Where are you planning to go exactly?
Shade Magus
Feb 1st, 2004, 02:08:36 PM
"I was staying in a living quarters provided to me during this operation. They are nearly on the other side of the planet. I believe the name of the institution was called.........Rancor Inn? I am pretty sure that was it. So you know a why to get us there?"
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 3rd, 2004, 08:42:36 PM
::Azhure nodded. She had heard of the place. Never been there but it should be easy enough to find. She took out her portable holopad and entered a search, an address coming up. Trafalgur avenue. She almost suppressed a smile, that was one of the dirty passages, as one of the hideouts was around there, pick pockets mostly. It explained why so many pick-pockets smelled so rancid. It wasnt her responsibility to tell the police that as a jedi as long as the thieves didnt kill or seriously endanger anyone, and even then she would want to deal with them, jedi to thief.::
I can find a way. Of course you don't mind getting dirty do you? There are quite a few sewers involved and you may want to take a nice long shower afterward. We could always take a cab with tinted windows to the inn.
Feb 3rd, 2004, 10:13:44 PM
(Sorry for posting and not actually leaving a part of it, but I'm really just gonna tell Azhure that her inbox on the PM thing is full, and to delete it damnit... Please dont delete this too fast, thanks)
Shade Magus
Feb 4th, 2004, 01:56:32 PM
Shade smiled. No pain no gain as they say.
"Well...I don't mind getting dirty. What about you guys?"
Shade posed the question as he looked at the other Jedi.
Rognan Dar
Feb 4th, 2004, 10:40:29 PM
"Whats a little dirt in the end? As long as its nothing some soap and warm water cant take care of, I'm in! But we should get going. Your bro might not still be there if we linger to long. Thats if he doesn't know that we are already coming. But I bet he does....he might even be able to feel you coming, Shade..."
Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:03:19 PM
"I have thought of that possibility, which is why I am considering shutting mysel off from the Force and then letting you guys lead the way."
Rognan Dar
Feb 5th, 2004, 10:34:43 PM
"Wont he still know that you are coming? If not you, then he might sense us. And it wouldn't matter if he knew it was you or not. I'm not saying that we should not go. But I wish that we could have had more time to plan this out more."
Shade Magus
Feb 6th, 2004, 05:18:01 PM
"Yes, but by shutting myself off to the Force we may be able to get close enough to find out if he is even there. Just sensing a group of Jedi wouldn't matter much to him. It would be quite common on this planet actually. Therefore he might not pay you that much attention."
Rognan Dar
Feb 9th, 2004, 10:35:29 PM
"Alright. You have a point there. So lets get going."
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 11th, 2004, 01:02:28 AM
::Azhure nodded and looked around, her mind now switched to practical mode.::
Take off the clothes you don't want to risk damaging by superwashing and I would suggest a brilliantly good bath afterward. You know the street picketpockets around, how bad they can smell - well that can last a while depending on what happens, but it probably will be fine for hopefully we won't be in there for too long. These pipes are where the worst of the city waste goes, and the part where I would say years of trash has lingered there because it's been stuck. it cost money to clean pipes. Get yourselves ready, and meet me outside in a five minutes.
::She left the temple and walked across the street, seeing dirty eyes look at her. Her eyes locked onto the childs and she knew it was the child following her, and in this hand were golden coins. Putting a gentle but strong grip on the childs shoulder she whispered something in the child's ear and watched him snoop away. When they got there the doors would be open, and the child wouldnt have to relinquish the gold, it wasnt morally correct in many ways but it would save them time. She then returned to the outside of the temple.::
OOC: I'll edit the typos later.
Shade Magus
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:18:04 PM
Shade closed his eyes for a moments as he grew smalled and smaller in the Force until he could no longer feel its essence around him. He opned his eyes and looed around. It had been a long time since he had not felt the Force, and it was not a good feeling. Looking at Rogan and the others he nodded.
"Let's go."
Rognan Dar
Feb 12th, 2004, 12:40:08 AM
Rognan checked to make sure that he had everything on his person. He did. He watch Shade, and felt a sudden emptiness. Like someone had just left the room, but was still standing there. Sure he could see Shade and still feeling him through the force, if he really tried to, but so far his plan seemed to be working.
"If your ready, I'm ready."
He opened the doors and held it for Shade. Once outside the two of them met back up with Azhure.
"So, where to now?"
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:16:18 PM
::Azhure looked at them and then turned into the right direction and began walking westwards, passing into the less reputable streets again, and conveniently made sure that two of her bodice daggers could be seen, one having uneven edges making for an uneven and painful cut. Two daggers showing meant someone was on business, three or one meant nothing accept they were looking for a fight and four was one out looking for a particular person.
Not that the daggers were her path to 100% safety, not at all. Of course many were stronger than her but she was fast, had the force and she had two muscly good looking jedi men with her. No excuse not to be careful though. This was to make sure such problems could be avoided before-hand.
She let out her hair and messed it up a little to fit in with the general populace a little more, and loosened a few buttons on her black top. Perfectly groomed people were rare in these areas and were very evident. Turning she looked at her companions, but decided there was no time, if there was she herself would have changed. Hopefully some people would jump to conclusions, and overlook the lack of lack of clothing on her. These certain deals did happen among the trade.
They passed a few brothels, and a few rowdy bars, as well as what one could call homes. Children wearing bare feet ran around, women and men gathered in groups and lights flickered around them. They recieved a few glances, but nobody approached them and she thanked the force for that. Always assume your in danger, even if your not really in any, and you don't get surprised.
After turning corners, her pace still purposeful and quite quick, they were faced with a large gate, with an unholy smell coming from inside the gate area. She turned and looked at them.::
Here we are. The gate should be open.
Shade Magus
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:18:15 PM
Shade looked in as he nodded. Not the best of routes, but it was better than others he supposed.
"After here, where do we go?"
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:23:36 AM
::Azhure looked at him and nodded. They should know the details and they would hear more come out her mouth in one go than was usual.::
We follow the tunnel until we reach a point where there are three different areas. From there we can take the middle or left path.
The middle path is safer but also heavily patrolled by..well...they are called bashers. Their job is to protect the criminals. The picketpocket hideout is in the middle tunnel.
The left path is more dangerous, it's a jagged tunnel with a lot of walkways that are ready to break. Thats your choice, just remember we may be dealing with a few people if we take the middle road, both are problems.
Following that path leads to a swamp area and we have to swim to the other side. it's full of people's waste. That creates the worst smell. Then we pass into another tunnel and then go back on normal ground.
The inn shouldnt be too far from our final position. It sounds like a long process but it it doesnt take too long, if all goes well. The rest is unseen whatever comes.
::She looked into the sewerage pipeline entrance, and looked at them both to see if there were any questions. She did not need to say she would need them, nobody, especially those not blessed with super muscles went in there alone uninvited.::
Rognan Dar
Feb 19th, 2004, 10:43:01 PM
Rognan listened and played out the scenario of the two choices in his head. Neither were going to be easy. And time now was of the essence.
"Lets take the middle one. We can't waste time right now. A few people shouldn'y be a problem, right? We are Jedi after all. The swamp shouldn't be a problem, if it is a strait path across that is. We could just levitate eachother across it."
Shade Magus
Feb 21st, 2004, 06:13:56 PM
"That is true, the only thing I regret is that I may not be able to help out that much with the levitation. One of you two may have to carry someone across twice."
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:10:46 AM
::Azhure looked at them for a moment before speaking, wondering if it would work... the levitate thing would work accept Rogdan would be on his own in the levitating department, she couldnt levitate. Another idea came to her, perhaps they would not need to get too smelly if one couldnt levitate.::
[i]It's just an idea but sometimes there may be flat floatable things that have just enough foot space lying around. If there is grab it. If you two can flip high and long enough the one who can levitate can drop the object halfway between the water and we could flip to the other side, or better yet carry two floatable things. They don't need to carry our weight but for a second if your fast enough. I can't levitate, but I'm acrobatic.
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:10:53 AM
::Azhure looked at them for a moment before speaking, wondering if it would work... the levitate thing would work accept Rogdan would be on his own in the levitating department, she couldnt levitate. Another idea came to her, perhaps they would not need to get too smelly if one couldnt levitate.::
It's just an idea but sometimes there may be flat floatable things that have just enough foot space lying around. If there is grab it. If you two can flip high and long enough the one who can levitate can drop the object halfway between the water and we could flip to the other side, or better yet carry two floatable things. They don't need to carry our weight but for a second if your fast enough. I can't levitate, but I'm acrobatic.
Shade Magus
Feb 23rd, 2004, 03:35:44 PM
"Yes. That would work a lot better. Even without the Force I could still jump an incredible distance, even if it is a bit clumsier."
Master Yurza
Feb 23rd, 2004, 08:39:32 PM
Yurza looked confused for a moment before he realized what was happening. His brother had vanished from the Force. Or rather he had pulled out of it. He walked over to a mass of fur laying on the ground in the corner and kicked it.
"Get going. You know what to do."
Feb 23rd, 2004, 08:46:32 PM
The furry object moved and from it came a pair of legs and then a pair of arms and finally a head.
"Yes I know what to do you overgrown......," before the creature could finish his statement a green ligtsaber blade was at his throat.
"Fine. I get the point."
The creature left the room and went outside to the Jedi Temple. From there he was supposed to use his actue sense of smell and follow a Jedi or something and hit an alarm when they got close to the big guy.
"Just wait till this is over and the we'll see who is standing over who! Who does he think he is anyways? Doesn't he realize that the time he has spent training in the past few monthes I have also? Well....his days are numbered that's all I got to say..........."
While he continued to talk endlessly, Alf picked up the trail of the Jedi and followed it right down into the sewers.
Rognan Dar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:24:09 PM
"Thats fine, too. I could float the objects. Getting across isn't a matter for me. I will have a easyer time; not good at jumping as such. So lets get moving!"
Shade Magus
Feb 27th, 2004, 07:14:27 PM
Shade nodded.
"Yes let's get moving."
Shade stepped aside and allowed Azhure to go before them as she knew the way and the other two Jedi followed closely behind her.
Feb 27th, 2004, 07:19:04 PM
Alf walked around until he saw an open drain storage, and reeled back in disgust.
"Phew! I can't believe that they went in there. Now I am really going to have to double my efforts to find them. This I can barely smell them, so they must have just went in. I hope they aren't that far ahead or I am going to lose them."
The furry creature climed over into the sewer and reeled back in disgust as he stepped in something slick.
"That damned Yurza guy is going to pay now. When I signed on I didn't think this would be in the job description!"
Alf contiued to ramble on and on unaware that his echo was now being carried down towards the Jedi he was supposed to avoid.
Shade Magus
Feb 27th, 2004, 07:20:20 PM
Shade stopped aburtly as he heard a faint echo. He turned to his fellow Jedi and motioned for them to stop.
"Did either of you hear that or am I going nuts?"
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 29th, 2004, 06:24:16 PM
::The place stunk as badly as it ever did, and they had dodged one thief already, a poorly fed skeleton of a boy, probably no more than 10 years old. The water in the middle of the pipes bubbled with dark brown, almost black oilly water if it could be called that. There were rats and bugs running around and she was careful not to step on them as a crunch made a rather loud sound. Noises echoed in the distance, the sound of bugs, of rats squeaking, of things falling in the water from the movement of rats. The smell moved in and out of smaller holes in the top of the drain pipes, making the smell stronger at times and then blessedly of lesser value and there was steam in certain places where bubbles popped. She then notuiced two things....
One was that there was a rather large disklike thing in the water and the other was the same sound Shade had heard.
Azhure had taken out her dagger by instinct and looked at them raising an eyebrow then silently walked backwards to a bend, awaiting the possible stranger, if that was where the sound came from. She looked at them, as well as listening hard, hearing curses from a distant voice. Her voice came from her mind into theirs.::
Sounds like someone is none too happy. It could be a thief as much as anything else. Or it could be something else.
::They could stay and find out who it was or continue, and she wondered for a second just how colourful the persons vocabulary was.::
Rognan Dar
Mar 1st, 2004, 12:31:25 AM
Rognan also heard a strange sound from behind. It was a voice. But of whom's he was unsure. Maybe someone was following them. Or it could have just been a wondering inhabitance. He thought it was the first: someone was following them and who would know why? Was it worth the risk of staying and finding out? It could give them away.
I think we are being followed, he replied to Azhure. But I dont think we should delay for it. Your guess is as good as mine to who it is and what it wants. I say we keep moving. Maybe we can loose it in the water tunnel.
Shade Magus
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:52:50 PM
"Yes. We need to go ahead, but let's slow down a bit. We'll still be making enough headway, and whoever that is might get close enough to us so that we can see them."
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 7th, 2004, 08:08:27 PM
::Azhure nodded but before she moved on she put her hand in the dirty water and pulled out the flat disk, the smell was bad but humanity had endured a lot worse during their long history of existance so she wasnt too worried. Her other hand still had the dagger in it and she nodded, moving forward slowly, hearing a noise ahead and faded into the shadows. A small child's face peeked out of the shadows and then ran quietly ahead of them, towards the hideout. Soon the tiny holes of light in the drain roof would dissapear. They could use their saber light when things became pitch black.::
The hideout is just up ahead and Bashers should be around.
::She took off her jacket and put it over the disk quietly so it wouldnt reflect off anything and put it nearest to the wall but not so near that it would create noise. Perhaps the bashers would find the intruder eventually, it wasnt sounding like he was being careful.::
Shade Magus
Mar 8th, 2004, 09:08:20 PM
"Alright then let's keep moving."
When they had started moving again he moved up beside Azhure.
"What was that disk back there?"
Master Yurza
Mar 8th, 2004, 09:15:53 PM
Yurza slammed his fist on the desk.
"What do you mean you want more? We agreed on the price," Yurza yelled at the Rodian sitting behind it. "Where the hell am I supposed to come up with 30,000 more credits? I am warning you that when they reach that room it had better blow skyhigh after you take my brother and my brother alone out of there or else......"
"Or else what? You are nothing to me and if you want to keep doing business with me then you had better come up with the...." That was the laster thing the Rodian named Eztha ever said again as his head went rolling across the floor. Yurza deactivated the green lightsaber and turned to face the others.
"I already have someone in the sewers following them, your job is to get in their way, convince them they are going the right way. Is that understood?"
"Yes sir!" The answer came immedeately for fear of sharing the same fate as their recent empolyer.
"Now go and someone get this corpse out of here!" Yurza turned around and stood staring out of a window. There he unleashed a push with the Force releasing all his anger and hatred with it. Any Jedi within ten kilometers would feel it, but he didn't care. He could take on anyone.
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 9th, 2004, 03:32:17 AM
A stepping stone.
::It was for the water they would cross later and hopefully the other two would keep an eye for another one. She had no idea what it properly looked like or what it was accept that it was round, there had been no time to look. They could hear the soft padding of two sets of feet ahead of them, coming towards them.::
Rognan Dar
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:43:47 PM
"How much further is the..." Rognan stopped and listened. "Is that the sound of someone ahead of us? Did we just walk into a trap here? How could he have known that we are down here?"
Shade Magus
Mar 10th, 2004, 04:56:15 PM
"I don't think that he sent them. I know my brother, he would send someone behind us alright, but not to attack us to kill us, but to herd us, so to speak, in the direction he wants. Whoever is up there, well......I think they live dow here and this would be more or less a territorial issue."
Rognan Dar
Mar 11th, 2004, 10:54:08 PM
"Are you sure thats all that it is? I, for one, hope that it is. If your brother knows that we are coming, then there is hardly a point to walk into some kind of trap, no? Maybe we should take a different path, even if it is longer. I dont think time is now the issue. Its getting to him with out doing what he wants."
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 12th, 2004, 08:18:52 PM
::Azhure listened silently, listening to the sound, the thuds were heavy, whether it was boots or a person who was rather heavy, whether it be muscle or fat. They werent being entirely too careful with the sound, as if they dominated here and werent worried about being caught.::
If it is a trap and we know it's a trap we may have some control, and we may not, but we know his moves then. If it's a territorial dispute then I'm sure it can be resolved one way or another, hopefully not too messy. My old tricks arent very polite anymore.
::The footsteps came closer and she was sure even the person behind following them would have heard it. In fact Azhure, Shade and Rognan could now hear two very faint voices, trying to be quiet, ahead of them to match the footsteps.::
"Talen, some fools are in the sewers, I heard them. I'm sure they are that way."
"Buffoon, you don't think I know my way. We are going the right way."
"But I checked that way earlier. The gate was closed. That was before..."
"Gelan came back to the hideout. Maybe you should speak to him while I and Heradin keep looking hmm?"
::The sound subsided to a lower level as one set of footsteps dissapeared.::
Shade Magus
Mar 14th, 2004, 02:34:25 PM
Shade stopped for a moment and looked around. Preferably for a place to hide until the one's coming had passed, but was unable to find one. He turned to the others and spoke in a whispered voice.
" any ideas?"
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 14th, 2004, 06:02:28 PM
::Azhure looked at her watch in the faint light and saw their half an hour was almost up. The boy had promised not to talk until half an hour, but then again she wouldnt trust a pick pocket who wasnt allianced to her faction entirely. She looked at the others and put a hand on her lightsaber and for another option motioned towards the water.
There was no secret passage she knew of around here and there probably wasnt one at all, but criminals always made their own entrances to the sewers, especially tavern owners who were in to shonky business, which was most of them. It wasnt worth exploring, there was little time.::
Shade Magus
Mar 14th, 2004, 06:59:11 PM
"If those are the only two then I propose that we atleast try to hide and ambush them, because I doubt that they will just pass over us if we are in the water."
Master Yurza
Mar 14th, 2004, 07:50:03 PM
Yurza's com beeped in and when he answered it it turned out to be one of the idots he had sent to help herd his brother in the right direction.
"What do you want?" Yurza spat at the comm unit.
"M...Mr Yurza...their heading the right direction I think. We just sent three down the sewers to make sure they were going the right way."
Yurza smiled. "Good. Make sure they keep going that way. Understood?"
Before there was an answer Yurza switched his comm off. Not long now brother. Not long now.
Mar 20th, 2004, 07:45:31 AM
Alf jumped onto the ledge of the sewer in hopes that it would keep him drier. He was wrong. After only a few short steps, the furry animal fell into the sewer wiht a large splash.
The creaute jumped to his feet and began shaking himself off. Trying to rid himself of the stench.
Shade Magus
Mar 20th, 2004, 07:54:14 AM
Shade looked back to see what had made that noise, and before he knew what was happening, a blaster bolt came at him when he was turning back around.
Before he could even think, Shade's lightsaber was in his hand, the green blade giving off a soft glow as he hit the blaster bolt back in the direction it came from. Now that his lightsaber was in front of him, Shade could feel himself in the Force. He had reconnected reflexively. Oh well....couldn't last forever.
"Well....I guess our cover is blown, so Azhure if you know a direct path then I suggest we take that one. Better that then going up against who know's how many in front."
Shade swung his lightsaber again and hit two more blaster bolts back down the tunnel.
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 20th, 2004, 10:47:18 PM
::She did know a sirect path but it involved swimming and getting very smelly and it was risky, she didnt know how long the tunnel went for but it went directly to the end. The only death she feared was drowning so it had never been an option and she was loath to mention it now. She had seen too many drown and they werent pleasant memories.::
We can... take a long tunnel downwards and it skips all the turns, ending up in the lake ahead of us, this way we wont be needing the disk.
:;She pointed to the disk thing in her hand::
Otherwise there are different passages through taverns but we'll have to find them, or alternatively put a lightsaber through the fake doors and make our own hole. The water thing is the easiest but... I'd rather face who's ahead of us if you were asking me.
::She knew that wasnt an option, the water tunnel was really out of her comfort area, but she would follow them if they chose that way, it was the most logical.::
Shade Magus
Mar 22nd, 2004, 07:50:17 PM
" far as I am concerned. I am tired of getting out of people's way, so I say we just push forward. What about you Rogan?"
Shade inverted his lightsaber and the green blade delfected another blaster bolt back to it's owner.
Rognan Dar
Mar 26th, 2004, 09:37:50 PM
Rognan also had his 'sabre out and ready for action.
"I'm not to sure to tell you the truth," Rog said as a bolt flew past his head, "and I really dont know this place at all. If we fight forward we could run into stronger numbers and then would have to retreat in the end."
Shade Magus
Mar 27th, 2004, 07:31:44 PM
Shade thought about what Rogan said as he brought his lightsaber about, in a defensive stance.
"Well, I don't think there is anyone else up there right now, so I say we push forward, until we find an easier way out than."
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:49:43 PM
::Azhure nodded, agreeing, they now had an inkling how she felt about the other option so there wasnt any real surprise. She took out her own lightsaber, the hilt in the form of a crystal dagger, the blue light shining in the darkness.::
Let's confirm the decision to push forward and show ourselves. If we retreat, we retreat.
Rognan Dar
Mar 28th, 2004, 11:08:00 PM
"If you both agree then I'm in too. Lets go!"
Rognan jumped forward, blocking shot after shot, allowing his comrades time to form a attack on the enemy infront of them.
Shade Magus
Mar 30th, 2004, 09:14:24 PM
Shade moved quickly and threw his lightsaber out infront of him, allowing the Force to guide it in a spinning motion in front of the trio. His hand went to the others lightsaber on his side and ignited the double blades. The red glow a clear contrast to the others. He had very seldom held a double bladed lightsaber, but it would do. He moved forward, blocking the shots that screamed past his lightsaber in front.
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 2nd, 2004, 02:28:57 AM
::Her saber hummed and she flipped in the air, landing on the other side of the tunnel, looking at the two people, blocking the shots with her saber. She gave them a raise of the eyebrow, then seeing that they would attack none the less she flipped back to the correct side and joined Shade, setting her saber to a harsh stun, enough to send them unconcious. She didnt feel like having more blood drip down her conscience so soon.::
Apr 5th, 2004, 06:02:41 PM
When the female Jedi backflipped, she inadverantly knocked Alf down into the water.
"Cursed Jedi. What did I do to you?"
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 16th, 2004, 09:14:04 PM
::The two men both weilded heavy long swords, with rough edges, making for messy wounds. Both were bulky and didnt look too pleased to see them. The feeling was mutual. She also heard a sound from behind and let herself one quick glance to see a slimy looking man in the water also not looking to pleased with her, before returning to one of the men, leaving the other for Shade.::
Shade Magus
Apr 17th, 2004, 05:16:43 PM
Shade twisted right and slashed out at one of the men facing Azhure, and saw the look of surprise on his face when his lightsaber cut his blade in half. He then raise his hand and Force pushe the person back into a wall.
Rognan Dar
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:01:19 PM
After the laser fire had stopped, Rog made his way on to the next bunch. Azhure and Shade were handling things with the attackers. Rognan was about to join in when he stepped on some small slimy piece of, what could only be, fur. Not wanting to risk touching the thing and getting who knows what, Rognan lifted the creature out of the water and placed him next to a wall where he kept him suspended.
Apr 20th, 2004, 12:24:51 PM
Alf looked around as he was lifted out of the water and into the air. "Hey...what's this?"
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 23rd, 2004, 11:05:27 PM
::azhure gave the man in front of her a measured look and her saber stunned the hand he was holding his sword in, causing him to drop it. She took the moment to grab his right hand with her free hand and gave him a knee in the guts then an elbow near the neck.
He groan, but his now sword-free hand grabbed her wrist, and he squeezed hard, her arm now aching and most probbaly with a nasty bruise and she bit his knuckles, then scooted under his arm and aimed her saber at the base of his neck, where theoredically it could stun his system and leave him unconcious. She didnt see Shade fighting but could hear the comotion.::
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