View Full Version : Arrival of a Brother
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:46:38 PM
Tharinye walks into the RC and drops a bag down onto the floor. He blinks his ice blue eyes as he looks around and then down at the note in his hand, checking to make sure that this is the place. It is.
He has spent most of his life at a boarding school, recieving the best education that his Father was willing to pay for. When he finally got home, he finds out that his loving Father had been brutally murdered.
A hand goes up to the dark gray tie that he's wearing and straightens it out, not that it needed straightening. Dressed in a light gray suit, and black shoes, his hair slicked back and held there with gel.
Clearing his throat slightly to make his presence known that he's there, he allows himself to continue looking around. A longing that he's in the passed surpressed comes to the surface again and he closes his eyes as he senses her nearness. Soon, soon he shall see her again, soon they shall be reunited.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2004, 04:46:32 AM
A figure in robes approached the newcomer, and smiled in greeting.
"I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Is there something I can help you with?"
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:05:13 PM
"Greetings Master Belargic.
There might be a couple of things you could help me with. First, I wish to find my sisters.
But allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Tharinye Lerf, twin brother to Faith Lerf. I wish to be with her again, and to find my other sisters, Buneka Lerf, and Natia Lerf.
I also wish to become a Jedi and to uphold peace through out the galaxy."
Tharinye takes a deep breath and straightens out his tie again.
"Before you can accept me though, if I am found worthy enough to become a member of your esteemed order, I have to inform you that I am not willing to quit the job that I hold on my homeworld. I can assure you that it is nothing illegal. I work for my government in keeping the peace amongst my planets Force Users and bringing to justice those Force Users that abuse the gift that has been granted to them."
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2004, 11:50:07 AM
"What you must ensure is that, in carrying both of these responsibilties, you do not allow one to take over the other. To be a Jedi you must be fully commited to your studies, and it is prefered that you have no other employ, but exceptions can be made. So long as your job does not go in direct contradiction with becoming a Jedi."
Dasquian smiled, politely.
"I am sure you will find your sisters soon within the Order. I have, in fact, spoken to Natia recently myself - but before that, there are questions which I am required to ask. The first of which is what has motivated you to seek out the tutelage of the Jedi Order?"
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:26:30 AM
"When I commit myself to studies, it will take alot to get me to leave them.
I can see nothing about my job that will interfere with my being a Jedi and my job will not be my main focus.
As for your question, I wish to understand and learn the gift that has been given to me. I have no wish to abuse my gift and so I have sought out the best place which might be willing to help me learn and understand this gift."
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2004, 06:04:28 AM
"Yes, you have come to the right place. You must come to understand, however, that becoming a Jedi is not entirely about learning to use the Force. First and foremost, we are here to ensure the sanctity of peace within the galaxy. If you were seperated from the Force, would you still have the same desire to join the Jedi?"
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 25th, 2004, 12:22:06 PM
"Yes, I would still seek to join the Jedi. It is something I believe in and has been so since I was a child before I knew I had this gift. Being a Jedi comes with responcibilities which I am willing to accept. It also means that there will be those that wish to kill me because I would be a Jedi. I am willing to accept that risk because I would have the opportunity to uphold peace better then I am able to already."
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2004, 09:42:42 AM
Dasquian smiled at the fact that his questions were being answered without his having to ask them.
"Very well. Then I welcome you to the Jedi Order. You may contact a member of the Order to request a beginning to your training. In the meanwhile, however, you are free to explore the grounds. Good luck with your path."
Faith Lerf
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:22:22 PM
Faith was in one of her better moods, for the time being. With her pregnancy almost over, it was getting the best of her sometimes. She was out for a walk through the Temple when she passed by the Recruitment center. There was always something interesting going on in there, new people to meet. Something that day just told her to go in. She pushed her way through the doors when she saw Master Belargic, with a smile and a nod she walked passed looking to see who she could find.
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 28th, 2004, 09:17:33 AM
Tharinye bows slightly to Dasquian.
"Thank-you Master Belargic."
Tharinye is about to pick up his bags and go to find a room for himself when his eyes catch sight of Faith. And his sences say that it is she, the one that makes the other half of him from birth. A frown touches his face as she sees that she is pregnant, but it is quckly replaced by a smile.
"Faith? Faith Lerf."
Tharinye runs over to his sister, picks her up and spins her around.
"You will not believe how much I've missed you over these years and you don't know how happy I am to see you safe here."
Tharinye puts Faith back on the ground but continues to hold her.
"I shall never let anyone harm you ever. You'll be safe in my arms"
Faith Lerf
Jan 28th, 2004, 01:33:12 PM
[b]Faith was a bit surprised, who was this that seemed to know her so well.[/i] "Yes, I'm Faith. Who are you?" She asked sort of pulling her arm away from him. She gave him a confused look. She could not believe that this was happening to her.
Tharinye Lerf
Jan 28th, 2004, 01:39:48 PM
"I am your twin brother sis. Tharinye Lerf. Since I got home from school to find our loving Father brutally murdered, I'm been trying to locate you."
Tharinye can read the surprise in Faith's face as he announces his relation to Faith.
"Twins are very common in our family. I would not be surprised to hear that you are pregnant with twins yourself."
Faith Lerf
Jan 30th, 2004, 11:50:47 PM
Faith gave him a very strange look. Well, he did look like her. She just couldn't believe it. "Twin, brother. I am having twins." Was all she could really say to him at the moment as the shock still sank in.
Tharinye Lerf
Feb 2nd, 2004, 09:30:42 AM
"I'll be here for you Faith. No matter what, I shall be here for you. I've missed you so much since Father sent me to school. Not a days passed where you haven't been on my mind. And when I got home, I found you gone and..."
Tharinye hugs Faith again, obviously happy to see her.
Faith Lerf
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:25:59 PM
The shock of everything began to wear off and she embraced Tharinye this time. "I feel so ashamed, I'm so happy to see you, but I don't remember you. I can not believe you remember, I was so young when father sent me away. I barely remember anyone, I just remember so many..." Obviously she meant kids, but it hurt her so much she could not even remember her own twin brother.
Tharinye Lerf
Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:03:10 PM
"Do not feel ashamed little one. It's been along time since we saw each other. Only five years old. But no matter. I'm here now and we can get to know one another again."
Tharinye says gently to Faith as he continues to hold her.
Faith Lerf
Feb 3rd, 2004, 02:29:33 PM
Faith nodded. "Yes, that will be good. That will be real good." She said as she let her brother hold her. It felt good to be in his arms.
Tharinye Lerf
Feb 5th, 2004, 09:07:03 AM
"Faith, I need to find myself a room here, but if you wish, we can get together for dinner tonight."
Tharinye suggested
Faith Lerf
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:09:36 PM
[b]Faith nodded.[/i] "That sounds outstanding, Tharinye. I'll meet you in the Bar and Grill in about an hour? Or do you need longer?"
Tharinye Lerf
Feb 10th, 2004, 09:18:09 AM
"I shall see you later then in about an hour at the B&G."
Tharinye hugs Faith again before picking up his bags and walking off to find himself a room to stay in here.
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