View Full Version : Taylor, and anyone else
Jan 6th, 2004, 01:04:28 AM
Viscera has contacted me and said he wished to discuss the removal of his admin rights and forum access for the Imperial forums. He feels that, since he's the board's creator, he should still have some rights there. I told him he'd have to discuss it with you, Tay.
Jan 6th, 2004, 03:15:59 PM
I looked through all my old PMs and it helped me remember. Taylor never asked to have Viscera's mod abilities removed, least I'm almost positive he didn't.
There was however some discussion in my PMs between Taylor, Viscera and myself in regards to Visc handing over the reigns to Taylor as it pertained to the Imperial Groups (TGE at that time) status financially and administratively.
Here are a couple of the pertinent PMs I found:
Date/Time Sent: 12.08.02, 07:20:42 AM
From: Taylor Millard
To: SWFans.Net
Subject: Fw: I've got a question
Ogre, here is what Viscera said to me. If you wish to confirm it with you
may as well.
Darth Viscera wrote on Today 08:04 AM:
You can change the name of the forum.
As for paying for it, I received a PM indicating that the prices had jumped
to $50/year. The way things are going now (mind you, I check the board infrequently, and the TGE forum not at all), I don't feel
so inclined to want to be able to afford that. Paying for the TGE board
simply isn't on my list of things to do, seeing as how I haven't even
checked that board in months.
And this is mainly because some things have been slow when it comes to RPs
and people joining.
Some of hte newbies have complained about not knowing that the EMpire is
broken up. What I was wondering was if the title of 'The Galactic Empire'
forum was changed to 'Imperial Groups'...and if I could assist (or take
over) with paying for the forum on SWFans.
If it takes some financial strain off of you that is.
Just let me know. Thanks.
Hope things are well for you.
Date/Time Sent: 12.17.02, 06:00:36 AM
From: Darth Viscera
To: SWFans.Net
Subject: Imperial Groups permissions
Taylor Millard has my permission to make whatever changes he deems
necessary to the Imperial Groups board, just so long as he doesn't go on a
spree of deleting old posts :)
I am pretty sure that it was almost a year after all of this happened (sometime in mid to late 2003), that I removed Viscera's mod access as he no longer participated in role-play and no longer contributed financially. I do not believe however that I changed any of his forum accesses at the Imperial forums, but I could be mistaken.
I am of the opinion that he should have the accesses that Taylor deems proper, but being a mod of all of the Imperial Group forums is not something I feel he is entilted to any longer as he neither RPs or contributes financially.
Taylor Millard
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:02:43 PM
Boy I'm glad someone kept those PMs from 2002. I removed them from my box a few months back.
As for Vis getting his Mod rights back at the Imperial groups, I certainly wouldn't give him full blown mod rights. He doesn't RP therefore doesn't deserve them (imo). If he were to start RPing consistantly over the next 5 months or so, I'd give him full rights back, but as of right he doesn't deserve full rights back.
He should still have access to the hidden forums at the Imperial Forums (save for in the individual groups). If Telan and Khendon decide to give him access to their private forums that's up to them.
Does this sound fair?
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:05:45 PM
Yup, sounds fair to me, and as far as I am concerned Silus and you are ultimately responsible for what accesses Visc has be they forum access or mod access, the two of you are the ones footing the bill.
Taylor Millard
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:11:46 PM
which reminds me I need to pay the bill for this year....If Vis complains he ought to do it to me or Silus not bug the admins.
But that's just my opinion on the subject. I might not be online as much but I do have PMs which I try to answer.
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:16:18 PM
Every group has paid in full through 2004 except the Shrine.
Jan 10th, 2004, 07:34:40 AM
I find the Imperial groups forums a bit confusing... can someone tell me exactly which forums he can have access to?
I think I got everything right, but please double-check.
Taylor Millard
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:58:09 PM
Strategic Command
The Vault
War Games and Simulations
Imperial Archives
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