View Full Version : A late drink......(open)
Shade Magus
Jan 5th, 2004, 06:45:32 PM
Shade Magus walked into the B&G and looked around. There weren't many people in there this time of night, or maybe it was morning. He wasn't really sure. He had been up all night studying some old holo's of the Jedi of the old. It was time of a relaxing drink.
Shade walked over to the nearest table a sat down. He could hear his knees popping from where he had been sitting for so long. He waved a waiter droid over and ordered a mug of ale. When it came he took a swig of the bittersweet drink.
" that hits the spot."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 5th, 2004, 07:06:36 PM
Padawan learner, Quay'Na Rakai yawned as she entered the B&G, she had been cramped up in her quarters for quite sometime, catching up on her studies of Krayt Dragons. One day the Padawan wished to study them and perhaps even make her own doctumenary.
Quay'Na handed over her lightsabre and walked in, Krayt Dragon text in hand, she ordered a stimcaf and looked around to see if she knew anyone. It was pretty darn late and no one she usually hung with was here.
But...she did notice a Jedi Knight nearby, one she hadn't met yet, but had glimpsed on in the Order. She knew his name was Shade Magus and right now was just as good as any to make her acquintance.
Stimcaf cup in one hand, text in the other she walked over and bowed a greeting. "Good, Master Shade." She gave him a smile. "Care if I join you? I'm Padawan learner Quay'Na Rakai."
Ace McCloud
Jan 5th, 2004, 07:15:44 PM
Nothing like a strong drink to end a day of hard work. Ace had just gotten out of the shower and headed straight over to Yog's place. He still had the hot shower sydrome and couldn't put his hood on until he cooled down. He had been excercising pretty much all day in the gym and varios places around the academy, not even bothering to stop for something to eat.
Entering the bar he dropped off all his weapons, which took some time and spotted Quay and Shade. He headed to their table and stood next to them.
Ceres Duvall
Jan 5th, 2004, 09:42:51 PM
It had been a long time since Ceres had stepped foot in this place, not surprising since she had been long absent from the GJO sanctuary all together. But now that she was back she felt like coming here to relax and get something to drink and possibly see a few familiar faces.
But when she entered she saw no one that she had known once. She had heard a lot of the people she once befriended long since left this place for other goals. This had bothered her slightly since she had felt somewhat alone ever since returning. But things like that could easily be fixed by making new friends and aquaitences.
So she walked up towards the bar and sat down on one of the stools and waited for the waiter to finish with the others. Once he was done and approached her she smiled warmly.
"Just a glass of your best juice, please."
The bartender looked at her funny for a moment but gave her exactly what she had wanted, while wondering just how many people come into a bar this late and order someone non-alcoholic. It was unheard of, but this was one of the most innocent girls you could meet. She was old enough but she refused to waste time with drinking to a stupor with strange alocoholic liquids.
Shade Magus
Jan 6th, 2004, 05:11:00 PM
"Good morning, Ace and Miss Quay'Na. Please have a seat. What keeps you two up at this time of the mroning? Oh....and please just call me Shade."
As he spoke Shade moved his holo's over and used the Force to push two chairs out for the two Padawans.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 6th, 2004, 07:01:22 PM
"Late night studying, Shade." Quay'Na smiled as she took a seat and showed him her text. "Gotta love those Krayts."
Morgan Evanar
Jan 6th, 2004, 09:31:26 PM
Morgan was nursing a very stout beer. Not for the alchohol (which his body promptly filtered before it hit his bloodstream) but rather for the taste. He had become a beer connesuir over the years.
"Mmm." he hummed apreciatively. Esina Extra Dark, on draft. Somehow the bubbles were smaller, so the beer seemed smoother.
"Don't drink?" He asked Ceres politely.
Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:16:54 PM
Shade smiled and nodded.
"Yeah....until they get up close to you that is. Then it's a whole other story."
Ceres Duvall
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:51:23 PM
As Ceres recieved her drink she heard a voice not too far off from her left side. She looked to Morgan and smiled, shaking her head.
"I try not to."
Ace McCloud
Jan 7th, 2004, 10:08:33 PM
Ace chuckled slightly at Shade's comment.
"Indeed. You probably don't ever want to meet one. Astonishing creatures no doubt, but they don't look at you the same way."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:00:35 PM
"Well, being a nature enthusiast and symbiont with nature, I plan to study them and possibly make a documentary on them one day. But, it'll have to wait until after I'm knighted, I suppose."
Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2004, 09:32:27 PM
Shade looked at the young girl.
"Why must you wait till you're Knighted?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 10th, 2004, 06:04:46 PM
Quay'Na shrugged. "I guess I was thinking that the council would frown upon it, if I wanted to go by myself. So, I figure after I'm knighted, they can't really say anything. Besides, my job at Wildside needs me there." She looked at Ace and gave him a smile. "Of course, when I do go, you could come along."
Ace McCloud
Jan 10th, 2004, 07:23:40 PM
Ace kind of chuckled, "You don't need to ask them for everything. Just go. I don't know how you stand infront of them all the time anyhow. The only time I have ever asked them for anything was to go to Ilum."
He looked around, readly for a drink. He figured he would go light tonight and simply ordered an Ice Blaster from one of the server droids.
"Possibly," he said to the invitation, never wanting to be open.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 11th, 2004, 09:41:28 AM
Quay'Na's attention was drawn to Ace for a moment. "I get into enough trouble without trying, I don't need to add to the list."
She took a drink of her stimcaf and leaned back a bit. "Well, the dragon invitation will always be open for you then, Ace."
Shade Magus
Jan 11th, 2004, 04:58:26 PM
Shade smiled as he took a swallow of his drink. They reminded him so much of himself and what it was like when he first arrived here. It felt good to be home after so lon away.
Shade Magus
Jan 11th, 2004, 04:58:32 PM
Shade smiled as he took a swallow of his drink. They reminded him so much of himself and what it was like when he first arrived here. It felt good to be home after so long away.
Jordana Montegue
Jan 11th, 2004, 06:29:49 PM
Perhaps it's the sounds coming from within that draw the attention of Jordana as she strolls around, familiarizing herself with the location. Or mayhaps it's just the feeling which seems to be emminating from the building itself .. whatever the reason, a new face enters the dimly lit bar and grill; the door creaking and groaning with tired protest upon its rusting hinges from overuse and the ages passing.
Dressed in black slacks, black ankle boots and a black satin blouse, the seemingly untamed shock of blond hair dancing over her shoulders provides a stark contrast to her otherwise dark attire. Yet, somehow ... it looks good. Fair skinned, pouty lips dusted with a translucent pink gloss, Jordana looks to be dressed to kill this evening.
And why shouldn't she? Making a stop here along her travels to see the sights and learn something new gives her plenty of reasons to dress to the nines. She's single, happy - for the most part - and enjoying what she can out of life.
Besides, once she's employed, she won't get the free time to vacation or roam the galaxy. Might as well do it now along the way to her interview.
Her figure becomes enveloped by the shadows, caressed by the unseen hands of a dark and mysterious lover as the door closes and the backlight slinks away. A stranger to these parts so she doesn't know anyone in the area, but there's a tiny part deep inside of her heart that hopes her path will cross with another from her past. There's always that small hope.
Since losing her six month old son a little over a year ago to a rare disease, she's spent much of her time wallowing in misery. It's taken her the past few months to pull herself up out of bed and force herself to face the day. Facing the day has grown easier - it's facing herself in the mirror that is still hard to do.
With the mingled noises filling the common area, no one really seems to notice that a new warm body has entered. Nor do they apparently hear the soft clicking from the heels of her boots against the floorboards as she meanders her way past the tables and chairs, sauntering over to the bar where she slides herself up onto a barstool and waits politely for one of the staff to come take her order.
Ace McCloud
Jan 11th, 2004, 11:19:11 PM
Ace held his large mug in the palm of his hand as it sat on the table. The coolness of the Ice Blaster was always one of his favorites. He loved to feel the cool fizz run up the side of the glass and the cold almost burning his hand. But in an instant his thoughts were broken. The aura he felt enter the room had been so sudden that he broke the mug in his hand without even noticing. The glass shards broke deep into his hands, instantly drawing blood.
What?! No. he shook his head, it couldn't be. No, no, no. How is that possible? How can she be here?! After all this time.
He was so deep in thought that he hadn't even noticed himself breaking the glass. It was not until the cool drink seeped through his pants did he notice. He quickly shot up out of his chair to avoid the rest of the drink.
He didn't even notice the glass in his hands as he looked around the room, but could not find her. I must be wrong..., he tried to assure himself.
Jordana Montegue
Jan 12th, 2004, 12:04:39 AM
"Welcome, M'lady. May I take your order?"
While waiting patiently for a member of the staff to approach, (its rather busy this evening), she was staring at her nails, lost in distant thoughts. The voice of the 'tender startles her slightly, pulling her back to the here and now with an embarassed flush coloring her cheeks a gentle shade of pink briefly.
"I'm sorry, you startled me. Yes, umm ...."
With the tip of her tongue licking lightly at the right corner of her mouth, Jordana runs a quick look over the drink menu, not recognizing many of the offered liquors.
"Hm, I tell you what. How about if you surprise me with a drink. Something strong, too. I think I'll enjoy myself for a bit this evening."
With a smile and a wink, the 'tender goes about preparing the lady her drink.
A lock of hair is taken between her finger and thumb, then curled and uncurled around her finger languidly as she glances around the common room. As she's thinking to herself, admiring some of the decor, the sound of a chair getting knocked over backwards and hitting the floor summons her attention.
Since the room isn't bathed in bright light, it's a bit hard for Jordana to get a clear look at who it is across the way causing all of the commotion. From what she can make it, it just appears that a man has spilled his drink on himself. Or maybe one of the wait staff accidentally did it.
Through the milling crowd, Ace might be able to notice her, though; since the bar area more than likely has more overhead lighting than the other areas of the place. Not one to stare, Jordana begins looking away, knitting her brows gently though unsure why.
"And here you go, M'lady. One starshine surprise just for you."
The bartender reappears, smiling as he places a tall and frosted glass down on a coaster in front of her.
"Ohhhh, that sounds good. But tell me, why is it called a Starshine surprise?"
"Because, M'lady. Drink one of these too quickly and the only thing you'll be seeing is stars as you hit the floor."
Jordana smiles to the 'tender as he winks to her once more, then he heads off to tend to other patrons. Lifting the drink into her hand, Jordana rises from the stool and decides to walk around the perimeter of the bar for a bit before seeking out a table to occupy for a short time.
A few paintings and other knick-knack type items had caught her eye earlier and she simply wants to get a better look at them.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:18:41 AM
When the mug burst in Ace's hands, it startled her for a bit and then when he didn't even realize it, she was concerned.
"Ace, your hands." She finally told him trying to get his attention, but it seemed he was far away at the moment. "Ace! You have glass in your hands!" She told him louder and this time got his attention as she grabbed some napkins and got up to try and help him, he was bleeding all over the place.
Ace McCloud
Jan 18th, 2004, 07:27:12 PM
Even as Quay stood up and started tending to his hands, he hardly noticed any pain. He could feel the blood ozzing out of the stinging wounds, but not enough to really care. He was still concerned with what he felt. He continued to scan the room until he found her. He was taken back, there she was, standing there, looking at a picture on the wall. His breath was taken away from him and a small gasp escaped his lips.
His hands began to slightly twitch. Whether it was caused by fear or the loss of blood, it was uncertain. But anyone who knew Ace, knew he was not one to act like he was now.
Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:11:38 PM
Shade looked at the young man.
Are you ok? What hap[pened?"
Jordana Montegue
Jan 20th, 2004, 11:48:41 PM
The painting holds her attention longer than usual, this one being something of a renowned piece of art. Jordana has had an affinity for fine art since she was nothing more than a wee lass; something she studied as a minor at the University but never did anything with it as a career - at least not yet in her life. Too many things had and have been getting in the way of the pursual of her dream - owning her own art gallery.
She sips at her drink, wrinkling her nose a few times as the fizzies created by the carbonation tickle her nose. A light sneeze follows, the sound resembling something that may be heard coming from a mouse.
"Bless you, Miss.", some wandering patron happening by proclaims, offering a friendly smile. Jordana thanks her quietly, returning the smile.
Turning away from the painting, she takes another drink, this one a wee bit longer. Feeling dizziness begin, she ops to set the drink on the serving tray of a passing server - she may be enjoying herself tonight, but not that much. Those days are over for Jordana; they have been since she decided to live again.
Unsure of just where she will head off to next, she looks around the common room, taking note of the various species mingling amongst the humans. Some races she's never seen before, though she has read about them or heard stories about their homeworlds on the holovid.
Under the gentle glow of light she notices the gentleman who had created quite a commotion not too long ago. For a moment, she's frozen in place and unable to look away; wondering if she's seeing things or not. It is possible; after all, the bartender did warn her ahead of time about the potency of the drink he concocted for her. She blinks, then blinks again; rubbing her eyes finally before looking across the way.
Slender brows knit gently as she begins to walk forwards to get a closer look. Could it be? No; it's not possible. Last she heard of Ace McCloud, he was off traipsing the galaxy - the outer rim if she recalls correctly. It's been so long.
A few more steps closer and the crowd seems to part, moving away from the center aisle and off to take their seats elsewhere.
The tiny hairs at the back of her neck and along her arms begin to rise. Old wives tales say that someone has walked over your grave when that happens. It may not be literal in this sense, but its a dang good analogy to use right about now. Ace is part of her past - part of a past that - - well, she can't really complain, though the ending of that chapter is quite painful.
Memories surge forth, both good and some not so good. Old wounds reopen and her palms begin to sweat, becoming clammy. Out of nervous habit, she reaches over with her right hand and slides the palm along her left forearm, slowly; almost like a tender caress.
Enough time has passed, she thinks to herself. Enough time has passed to where she doesn't feel this overwhelming desire to claw his eyes out, to make him hurt as much as she once did.
Yes. Enough time has passed.
A deep breath is drawn, held then slowly released and Jordana closes the distance between the two until she's no more than two or three feet away from him.
Just what does one say to another - more specifically - what does one say to a lover who left them in the middle of the night with no word, no good-bye, no explanation?
She has no idea, so the next best thing is given - a hesitant smile to accompany the simplest of greetings ...
"Hello, Ace."
Ace McCloud
Jan 22nd, 2004, 09:18:47 PM
Ace looked at Master Shade, trying to regain his composure.
"I'm fine..." he mumbled, as cooly as he could. Then he began to tend to his hands. He wasn't sure what to do. Leave? Stay? Some part of him wanted to see her, but his normal show-no-emotion-self wanted to leave before he had any unwanted confrontations. But he slowly reached up with his free hand to pull the hood up over his head, to conceal himself and his expressions. The shadow of the hood went deep as ever, and hardly any of his face could be seen, except for his bright blue eyes. But now, oddly enough, they had slowly changed color to a bright yellow, and it shown through like night vision.
But it was already too late, she had spotted him.
"Hello, Ace." The words were such a sweet sorrow. They were almost like a curse, bringing back memories, thoughts, and emotions to haunt him. But at the same time, her voice was almost soothing, though nerve-racking to him at the time.
He snapped his hand down to his side, underneath his cloak and turned to face her. And there she was, even more beautiful than last time, the only one who was directly involved in the biggest slip-up of his life. His eyes quickly swept across her, almost in astonishment.
For the second time in his life...he had no idea what to do.
"Hi," he said, in the same voice he has always had, "Jordana"
Jordana Montegue
Jan 23rd, 2004, 07:25:49 PM
Then he turned around, revealing himself to her for the first time in ... how long has it been? A few years? Sounds about right in her mind. Typical as always, his hood hides his stoicly handsome face. Those eyes of his - the features she noticed first when she met him a few years ago - the same features that took her breath away .....
Chewing against her lower lip, Jordana's fingers fiddle with one another, shifting her weight from foot to foot - talk about awkward moments!
"Your hands - will you be ok?"
She asks, motioning towards his hands with one of her own.
So many unanswered questions filter through her mind, so many things she wants to know and hear from him, but now isn't the time nor the place to bring up the past.
Her palms are rubbed together then she slips them around behind herself, clasping them together at the base of her spine.
"How ..." , she clears her throat. "It's been a while; how have you been?"
Typical of Jordana - Never one to make a public scene, never one to immediately jump to conclusions - atleast not where Ace is concerned. Start with small talk and see where it goes from there. Ironic - that's what happened when they first met a couple of years ago.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 23rd, 2004, 10:13:50 PM
Quay'Na sat back down, looked at Shade and shrugged. She had no clue what was going on here.
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2004, 11:43:02 PM
Shade leaned back, not one to interfere with others personal lives. He then turned to Quay'Na.
"So...who is your master?"
Ace McCloud
Jan 26th, 2004, 04:41:47 PM
It wasn't easy for Ace either. He was never afraid, never uncomfortable or worried. Except now, he felt all of that. But he snapped himself back together to regain his normal mantality.
"Your hands - will you be ok?" He knew she didn't really mean it. She was just trying to say something, but she was doing better than he was. All he did was look down at his hand, now beggining to quickly heal. He could tell she was nervous. It was an ackward situation,, one that he would rather not be in. He was usually good at avoiding such things, but there was no escaping this one.
"How ..." She cleared her throat. "It's been a while; how have you been?"
He didn't really know what to say. But for the time he had been at the GJO, he knew that he could not just answer her. But he knew that he didn't want to stick around here.
He turned towards Quay and Shade, "Thank you for the company but I have matters to attend to. I will catch up with you later." He turned back to her. "Come with me, Jordana," he said in a much more serious tone and turned towards the exit of the bar where he picked up all his weapons and headed out.
Jordana Montegue
Jan 26th, 2004, 06:13:16 PM
"Thank you for the company but I have matters to attend to. I will catch up with you later."
For an instant, her heart sinks, thinking that Ace is just going to run out and leave her wondering for the rest of her life - turn his back on her like he did a few years ago. Her eyes begin to sting; a tell-tale sign that tears are threatening to make an unwanted appearance.
He turned back to her.
"Come with me, Jordana," he said in a much more serious tone and turned towards the exit of the bar where he picked up all his weapons and headed out.
From worry to astonishment in the blink of an eye. His tone, serious, and the way he picked up his weapons, heading out - brings back memories. Not one to wish for any kind of a confrontation, especially not a public one, Jordana does her best to keep the blush from rising to her cheeks as she follows Ace out of the bar.
"I - - - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here."
Her voice is shakey, just as shakey as her hands that she can't seem to find something to do with. She glances to him, biting at her lower lip lightly, then she looks away.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 26th, 2004, 08:17:31 PM
So...who is your master?
"Helenias Evenstar, she's an excellent master." Quay replied as she sipped on her stimcaf, it was beginning to cool off.
It was only a few seconds afterward that Ace excused himself and left with his lady friend.
"Well...that was interesting." She said as she watched them leave.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2004, 06:27:18 PM
"Yes it was......."
Shade watched the two go. He then looked back at Quay'Na.
"So, do you know how long it will be before you go dragon hunting? It sounds like fun, if you wouldn't mind me going."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:47:39 PM
"I wish to study them sometime as close as I possibly get. I'd really like to get into one's mind and communicate with it, if it's at all possible. But, sure if I ever go, I'll let you know." She smiled.
"They are really beautiful animals--or at least I think so."
Ace McCloud
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:19:42 PM
He snapped his hand through his cloak as he walked and she followed, "You're right, you shouldn't have come here," he said with a very stern and somewhat angry voice.
He was nervous and it seemed the only way to overcome it was to be stern. He knew she didn't mean to meet him here and couldn't help it. But in relality, he should be the one apologizing to her -- but he didn't look at life that way. To avoid anyone else he took her through the bar, though the gardens and hallways of the massive GJO and into his quarters.
OOC: Continued here:
Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 05:47:24 PM
Shade nodded.
"Yes they are, but they are also very powerful and very dangerous. They might just teah us all a thing or to if we just 'listen' to them."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 28th, 2004, 07:55:55 PM
"Well, I plan on doing that. It'll be the largest animal I've ever attempted to communicate with so, it should more than interesting."
Shade Magus
Jan 30th, 2004, 01:17:16 PM
" you must be very strong in the empathy area. Tell me what other animals have you communicated with?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 31st, 2004, 06:49:41 AM
"I can communicate will nearly all the animals in the garden. They like me and usually as soon as I enter, they start jabbering. I also work part-time at the Wildside Animal Refuge and all those animals are getting used to Mylia and I. Some of those animals there are pretty big." She told him as she took another drink of her stimcaf. A waitress came by and warmed it up for her.
"Thanks," she nodded and then looked at Shade again. "Some animals don't like to communicate and try to block me out."
Shade Magus
Feb 1st, 2004, 02:18:02 PM
"Yes....I have had that happen to me when I was a Padawan and trying to grow in the empathy area. I don't know wha I did wrong, but they all seemed to like to attack me."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 3rd, 2004, 04:24:03 AM
"Oh, geez...that's not good." She said as she took another sip. "I've not known of anymore Jedi, besides my former Master Ira that have the same ability that I do, so your input is quite nice. I've been wanting to attempt a new lesson, but only have the achives to teach me. She told me that when I was strong enough, I could go into an animals mind and see what it sees, hear what it hears, as of yet no luck. Do you know how to do that?"
Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2004, 06:47:25 PM
Shade cockd his head for a moment before replying.
"No....but what you are talking about I have heard of before. It is supposed to be a really rare talent. I have seen people attempt it and make some success though, but I personally have never tried it."
Shade sipped from his drink.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 4th, 2004, 04:48:44 AM
"My first master, Ira told me I'd be strong enough to do that, but unfortunately she passed away before we could ever get that far. So, now all I have are the archives."
Shade Magus
Feb 4th, 2004, 01:58:25 PM
"I am sorry to hear about your master."
Shade looked down for a moment. He always felt akward when someone spoke about such things.
"Well then...I guess things will just have to be done the old fashioned way eh? Have you ad any luck yet?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:30:29 AM
"That's alright, Shade. Ira was a very good master and I miss her, but I've moved on now." She paused for a moment and then continued. "I've not had a whole lot of luck. It would be so much easier if someone could explain it better. But, I guess I'll just have to keep searching." She told him as she sipped her stimcaf again.
Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:06:58 PM
"Have you asked the council if they know anything of it? Wait a minute......come to think of it I have heard of someone that could probably explain this better than anyone else. Unfortuantely I have neither heard nor seen him since my return."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 5th, 2004, 09:40:52 PM
"Who's that, Master Shade?" Quay'Na asked.
Shade Magus
Feb 6th, 2004, 05:09:19 PM
"His name is Verse Dawnstrider. He had a very powerful connection with nature through the Force. But I guess anyone with his condition would be."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 8th, 2004, 11:58:12 AM
"I've never met him. I may have to check the whereabouts on him, if I can. That could help me out a great deal."
Shade Magus
Feb 8th, 2004, 06:11:54 PM
"I am sure it will. I hope it does."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:17:43 PM
"I have a pretty strong connection with nature myself, with the exception of that particular feat. I love animals, always have. I work at the Wildside Animal Refuge on the Northside, ever hear of it?"
Shade Magus
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:20:15 PM
"I believe so. A few months ago I had to opportunity to find some injured animals who got on the wrong side of some thgs blasters, and I believe that is the place that I was told to take them for care."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:25:00 PM
Quay'Na smiled. "Yep, that would be us. I work there part-time with Mylia Basque, she's a symbiont with nature as well. I love the work and once I'm knighted I may continue to work there. They go out on missions to help injured animals all the time and once in a while they get poaching calls. It really interests me."
Shade Magus
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:27:33 PM
Shade smiled, as he heard the passion in the woman's voice.
"I can tell. You said something about poaching. Do you get that often?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:43:50 PM
"Not a whole lot, it seems to come in spurts. One month they were really having some problems with poaching and then it was very quiet for a few months. Poaching makes me sick and so many people make it out to be a sport, a thrill of the hunt to see how long they can go without getting caught."
Shade Magus
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:30:53 PM
Shade nodded.
"Yeah...I know the feeling. My brother used to be a poacher, but he didn't exactly hunt animals, but I wish he had."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 18th, 2004, 07:38:44 PM
Well, that didn't sound too good. But, Quay didn't question. She merely nodded. "I can imagine. So, Shade you know my strengths what are yours?"
Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 03:19:33 PM
"Well......I guess you could say that I am just a good all around guy. I try and help out in any way I can, but I am seeing now that I am getting more amd more requests to be either a bodygaurd or a diplomat."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:01:43 PM
Quay'Na gave him a friendly nod. "Well, that is quite an array of things, I must say. I'm not much of a diplomat at all, that is definitely not one of my strengths. It's sad to say, but I'm more of an agressive negotiator, especially when it comes to someone harming the animal kingdom."
Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:13:54 PM
"I know what you mean. Sometimes it's all I can do from just lashing out at someone. I guess it just comes with practice."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:26:35 PM
"Well, I've still got a lot to learn in that area, I need to learn more control."
Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 07:13:53 PM
'"Well it isn't for everyone. And it takes a lot more effort and patience than most are willing to put into it, because most of the time it would be a lot easier to negoiate with a lightsaber."
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 19th, 2004, 07:34:47 PM
"That is only too true, Shade." Quay'Na laughed lightly. "Too true indeed." She finished off her stimcaf and signalled for another.
Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 07:55:15 PM
Shade drunk the last of his drink and smiled at Quay'Na. He looked out the window and could see the first rays of the morning light stretching across the city planet.
"Well, it much past my bed time. So I must go and try and get some rest. I hope to talk with you again some time."
Shade stood and gave a slight bow.
"And for your company, the drinks are on me."
Shade reached in his pocket and placed a few credits on the table. More than enough to pay for his and her drinks.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 19th, 2004, 08:01:56 PM
"Thank you, Master Shade and have a good night." Quay'Na smiled. She too, would be heading back to her room soon.
"Don't be a stranger, I'll see ya around." She gave him a friendly wave.
Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 08:04:41 PM
Shade nodded.
"Trust me I won't."
With this, the Jedi turned and left the bar and grill, to retire in his room for a nap before beginning the new day.
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