View Full Version : Wishful thinking (open)
Jan 5th, 2004, 12:20:16 PM
Ebony was sprawled out in a tree in the Garden of the GJO. This is not abnormal for her since she is a humaniod cat. What is abnormal though is she's wearing a white belt instead of the normal black one. And hanging on it is a lightsaber, though the handle is white unlike the one that she used to carry which was black.
Her fur is black, and there is no mistaking her being catlike. Her tail is slowly swinging back and forth as her thoughts are far from where she is. They are back with the man she loved, but killed, and the daughter that she lost.
A soft sigh escapes her lips as she realises just how much she misses the family she lost.
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 12th, 2004, 02:16:12 PM
Shanaria was out for a walk in the garden when she desided to sit down under a tree. After a few moments of looking around the garden, she looks up into the tree that she is under, and sees a Catlike lady in the tree.
"Oh! Hello there!"
Jan 19th, 2004, 09:20:04 AM
Ebony is startled slightly when Shanaria speaks up, causing her to come back to the here and now.
"Hello there."
Ebony swings down out of the tree and lands softly on her feet beside Shanaria.
"Names Ebony. Yours,"
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 19th, 2004, 02:19:34 PM
Shanaria stands and smiles
"My name's Shanaria Fabool. I'm pleased to meet you Ebony.... So if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing laying in the tree?"
Jan 21st, 2004, 10:50:24 AM
"I won't say that it's a pleasure because I don't know you yet. As for my being in a tree, it feels natural, but that's not the reason this time. I was thinking of those that I love."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2004, 10:54:34 AM
"Oh. Was it good thinking, or depressing thinking?"
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:00:45 AM
"Depressing. The man I loved, I killed. The person who used to be my Master killed my daughter as punishment for failure. I want both of them back, but know I never will get them back.
Today is Angel's birthday and she's not here to celebrate it like she's supposed to be."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:18:09 AM
"Are you sure she died? I understand what it's like to not be able to be with family. though not through death. I've been banashed from my home, and all my family are still there."
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:24:11 AM
"I'm sure she's dead. My Master cut off her head after torturing her for hours. And I was forced to watch as he did this.
At least you have a chance of seeing your family again. I will only see mine if I'm lucky when I die. My parents were killed by the filthy Jedi, my daughter was killed by my Master, and my fiance I killed. I will not see my family again for years if I am cursed with life."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:29:39 AM
"Why would the jedi kill your parents? It doesn't sound like something they would do..."
Shanaria sits back down on the grass..
"And life is only a curse if you live in the past. If you seek out a new future and move on with your life, then your like will be a blessing."
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:33:42 AM
"Only if your past doesn't hunt you. I have sought out a new future here, with the GJO. Hasn't been easy, but I'm here and I'm learning.
As for why the filthy Jedi would kill my parents, I have no idea. My parents were good people and did nothing to deserve being killed."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2004, 11:59:43 AM
"Are you sure that they were not dark jedi?"
Jan 21st, 2004, 12:01:51 PM
"My parents had worked along side these Jedi for years out in the field. They are Jedi. That much I know for certain."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2004, 12:55:05 PM
"But just because they worked with your parents, doesn't meen they couldn't be dark jedi. I have lived with jedi my whole life, living by the jedi code, and never have I heard of a jedi that killed for no good reason."
Shanaria thinks for a moment..
"Is there a chance that they were jedi and were taken by the darkside?"
Jan 21st, 2004, 02:17:42 PM
"No, they were Jedi. For awhile there, I was absolutely fasinated them and was even living by the Jedi Code because I thought that it was neat.
They may have fallen to the Darkside, but that doesn't change the fact that they killed my parents. And for that, I shall hunt them down and kill them slowly and painfully, making sure that they realise the wrong which they did to me."
Ebony says this last bit with a tone, saying that she wishes revenge despite the fact that she is in training to be a Jedi now.
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:54:36 PM
"I can tell you, from the bottom of my heart, that no true jedi would do something like what you are accusing these jedi for, And if they fell to the darkside, it would have been them as dark jedi that killed your family. The darkside spawns evil, revenge, and death, and if you don't watch out you will become no better than the people that killed your parents."
Jan 27th, 2004, 12:11:42 PM
"Shanaria, do yourself a favour and do not speak to me of the Darkside. Before I came here to become a Jedi, I was my Masters best student. I killed my lover because he wanted to kill my daughter because he deemed her to weak because she wanted to become a Jedi.
I know that I am no better then those that killed my parents because I have done worse then they have. And you know why I'm no better then those that killed my parents? It's because I gave myself fully to Darkside when I was a child. I excelled at my lessons. But one has not changed since I came here. I will kill the Jedi that killed my parents."
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 28th, 2004, 01:13:50 PM
"but what if they are already dead? Then what?"
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:40:54 AM
"If they are already dead, I will be upset that I didn't have the honour of killing them, but I will be happy because they are dead and carry on with my life."
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 6th, 2004, 03:06:57 PM
"Well, I guess that alright... So what do you think on the GJO so far?"
Feb 10th, 2004, 10:33:49 AM
"It is .............interesting. Not what I'm used to, but change can always do you alot of good. Could do with less Jedi though, but what can you do about that. This is a learning place for Jedi."
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 10th, 2004, 05:43:52 PM
"There is nothing wrong with most Jedi. We are still people, and just like everybody else there are good and bad Jedi, just like there are good and bad people. I hope you are trying to give us a chance to prove to you we are nice people before you start to think we are just like the people that killed your parents."
Feb 18th, 2004, 10:47:53 AM
"If I thought that every Jedi here was like the ones that killed my parents, we would not be having this conversation. My early experience with Jedi have coloured my opinion of them severly."
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 18th, 2004, 11:51:46 AM
"Well I hope you don't think me a bad person."
Apr 16th, 2004, 11:27:51 AM
"I do not believe you are a completely bad person, but if I did, well, we would not be talking calmly like this now would we."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 18th, 2004, 02:31:31 PM
Shanaria Smiles...
"Well I guess that a good thing... So I guess my next question is, if you have such a bad oppion of jedi, then Why are you here?"
Apr 19th, 2004, 08:24:54 AM
"I'm here because I promised my daughter that if anything happened to her, I would learn the ways of the Jedi. Angle was the sweetest girl a Mother could ask for. Despite having two parents who were Darksider's, she wanted to be a Jedi.
I'd do anything for her. One day, I failed at an assignment and my Master killed her as punishment. This was after I had killed my Lover for trying to kill her. After my Master killed her, I left and came here to keep my promise.
It should be Angel here, not me. She should be the one studying, learning to use the Force as a Jedi. I'd promised her that she would get to be here learning. I hope that she does not think less of me for not getting her here before she was killed."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:42:43 AM
"Well I think you are doing the right thing being here, and learning the ways of the Jedi. I think She would be proud of you, and happy that at least you can complete her dreams."
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:51:46 AM
"Right is all in a person's point of view. When I was training under my first Master, I believed I was doing right. I belived that I was right when I killed ppl when I was ordered to."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 20th, 2004, 10:03:05 AM
Shanaria was confused...
"How could you beleave that killing people could be the right thing to do?"
Apr 28th, 2004, 11:51:53 AM
"Simple. When you're raised that way, you see nothing wrong with it. I was a young child when my parents were killed. My Master took me in and taught me how to use the Force. What he taught was the Darkside and that killing is the right thing to do.
You were raised differently so you do not see it that way."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2004, 12:19:36 PM
"But How could common sence justify killing another person? Common sence should have at least given you some idea that what you were doing was wrong... like the screems of those you kill, The pleas for mercy... Wouldn't that tip you off?"
Apr 28th, 2004, 12:37:30 PM
"Easily. You don't care. You listen to the screams, and it's music to your ears. The pleas for mercy, one of the most joyous sounds a person can make. When you think like that, you don't care what you do."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2004, 12:45:38 PM
"Only a person with no heart, no sence of love, no compasion could think like that. Since you are here for you daughter, you at least felt love."
Apr 28th, 2004, 12:55:19 PM
"I may have a heart now, but for the longest time I didn't. I killed without mercy. I took pleasure in seeing others suffer. But then Angel came around and that changed."
Shanaria Fabool
May 6th, 2004, 02:35:29 PM
Shanaria shutters a the thought of somebody likeing to see others in pain.
"Well I'm glad you changed. I really don't like fighting people with claws, and I'm guessing that if you hadent changed I'd likely be fighting you now."
May 7th, 2004, 11:09:52 AM
"Hey, I'm still more then willing to rip out the throat of a Jedi with my claws, so if you do want to fight, I'm more then willing."
Ebony says as she extends the claws on one hand and looks at them before looking at Shanaria. She then retracts her claws, putting them away.
Shanaria Fabool
May 7th, 2004, 01:05:38 PM
Shanaria doesn't seem phased by the threat.
"I'm sorry, but I like my throat right where it is ."
May 10th, 2004, 10:34:39 AM
"Most ppl do, including myself. Angel was the best daughter a Mother could ask for. She changed me immensely. To the point where I killed her Father when he tried to kill her."
Shanaria Fabool
May 10th, 2004, 12:59:30 PM
Shanaria sorta wanted to change the topic, so she just says...
"So, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you like to do around the grounds?"
May 10th, 2004, 01:09:40 PM
"Nothing. I'm around the grounds for training, and sleeping, sometimes just to think, but other then that, I'm away from here trying to keep my sanity."
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 09:59:36 AM
"Why do you think you would loose your sanity if you stayed around the grounds?"
May 21st, 2004, 09:45:49 AM
"Simple, there's alot of Jedi here, and I can only take being with Jedi for so long before I need out of here."
Shanaria Fabool
May 25th, 2004, 10:15:25 AM
Shanaria is still confused...
If you can't stand being near Jedi then why don't you just leave? you came here like you promised your daughter..."
May 26th, 2004, 11:10:28 AM
"Yes, I did come here as I promised my daughter, but the promise also included my becoming a Jedi, which I have yet to do."
Shanaria Fabool
May 27th, 2004, 09:46:16 AM
"But do you really have to become a Knight? A padawan is still a Jedi. If you don't want to be here, and are not happy here then you really shouldn't be here."
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