View Full Version : This Ain't Just a Pain in the Neck...(Closed)

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:06:38 PM
Dr. Hayden Radnor believed her legs were ready for the overall test. Jacali wasn't so sure as he pushed her hover chair over to the double hand rails in the main rehabilitation room.

For the past two weeks the Padawan had been working by herself on her arm strength and Hayden had been readying her legs with various stretches and strengthening exercises.

Exercises that hurt, nonetheless. But, Hayden had informed her that, that was a very good sign. Pain meant that the nerves were reacting.

The pain she endured was mostly in her left leg, her right....hardly hurt at all.

"Okay, Jacali," Hayden smiled as he smacked his hands together after putting information into her personal datapad. "Let's begin. But first of all, I need to put these on you." He walked over from the desk he was at carrying metal leg braces and a pair of special shoes in his hands.

"Leg braces?" She asked as she stared at them. Some of her optimism just fell through the floor.

"You'll need them, Jacali. They will help make your legs stronger and they won't be able to give out as easily."

The Padawan sighed and nodded. "Okay, but the shoes are ugly."

"They aren't permenant, Jacali. The braces will be fastened to the shoes." He was about to say she would have specially made boots to go with the braces, but he didn't dare. Hayden was bound and determined to keep her optimism up.

"Whatever you say, Hayden." Though, deeply it was killing her pride to have to wear them.

Hayden gave her a smile and fastened them on. "Now, I'm going to lift you up to the bars and I want you to grip them, your arm strength should be enough to hold yourself there. We're going to start with baby steps, okay?"

"Yeah...baby steps." She said quietly.

Just as they were about to begin a new presence entered the room.

Falcon Gyndar
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:36:06 PM
Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar. A Jedi Knight...strided into the centre, and entered the specific room that Jacali and Hayden were in..quietly. When they looked towards him, he grinned and shrugged as the door swished shut behind him.

"I got wind of you starting today, and I though you might like it if I came...you know..to give my support."

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:50:15 PM
Jacali was quite relieved to see the Jedi Knight and smiled. "Hi, Falcon. Just don't look at the ugly shoes he gave me." She pretended to whisper. "Doctors are never fashion conscious."

"I heard that." Hayden perked as he nodded towards the knight. "Glad to see you, Master Gyndar. Your support is much welcomed."

Lady Mylia
Jan 5th, 2004, 10:39:52 AM
Mylia rushed over to the center, Jacali was starting today and she wasn't there. She over slept and now was paying for it.

She ran to the center and in the door. She ran down the halls and wasn't being very careful. She got several evil looks from nurses and all she called was a sorry over her shoulder. She finally found Jacali's room and tried to enter as quietly as possible, but ended up tripping and basically falling into the room.

Once she regain her compsure, she gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry, I'm late." She mumbled.

Falcon Gyndar
Jan 5th, 2004, 11:54:24 PM
He just quirked a brow, and cracked a chuckle...

"Mylia Basque...Good to see you again. Oh don't worry. We were just starting."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Jan 6th, 2004, 04:42:55 AM
Hayden nodded. "Just starting indeed." He looked at Jacali. "Are you ready? This will hurt. But, remember the pain is a blessing in disguise."

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 6th, 2004, 08:08:42 PM
She gave him a dry look. "Yeah, whatever you say, doc. Let's get it over with."

Hayden easily placed her feet on the dark blue mat beneath the hand bars.

"Remember just like I've been coaching you, Jacali." Hayden told her as he placed his arms under her armpits and hauled her to her feet.

Jacali's eyes widened as she gasped for a breath, the pain was
bad. "You were right, when you said it would hurt." She bit her lip as she grasped the bars and used her arm strength to take some of the weight off her now burning legs. Though, her right leg wasn't burning as much as her left, so that was a high point to some extent.

"You're doing great, Jacali." Hayden told her as he let go of her and backed up a bit. But, he was also ready to catch her if she started to fall.

Lady Mylia
Jan 10th, 2004, 11:24:12 PM
Mylia smiled and nodded to Falcon. "Good to see you too." She whispered and then turned her attention to Jacali. She cringed as she gasped with pain. How could her friend have to indure so much. She bit her lip and continued to watch. "You have this, Jacali. You can do this." She said giving her support.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 13th, 2004, 08:44:19 PM
"Breath through the pain, Jacali. You can do this." Hayden told her. "I have faith in you."

"I'm glad someone does..." she gasped again and then began breathing heavily.

"Okay, Jacali, let's start with the left leg. Move it forward."

Jacali leveled out her breaths and nodded. Her fists where white knuckled as she looked downward and slowly, ever so slowly began to move her left leg forward.

Krasst! This hurts!! Her mind screamed, but she tried not to think. Thinking would only delay what she was doing.

"Good job, Jacali. You're doing great!" Hayden smiled as he stayed right with her. "Now, you're right."

Jacali's eyes teared up as she caught her breath again. Her right leg wasn't moving. "Hayden, it doesn't want to move."

"Drag it if you have to."

Tears fell down her cheeks as the toe of her right foot began to slowly drag forward. It was awful to see how she had to basically use her entire body to drag the leg forward, but it finally went.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:18:52 PM
"Good job, Jacali! You are doing great, keep it up." He urged her. "Take another step, you can do this. I know you can."