View Full Version : Quiet Company (open)
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 06:52:24 PM
*It was almost mid day as he walked along the busy Coruscant streets, hustle and bustle, in and out, that was the way of Coruscant, everyone moved at a frenzied pace to wherever they were going, sometimes almost pushing him to the side to get past, he simply continued to walk slowly, watching the people as they went.
Nervousness. Fear. Joy.
He walked past the people slowly, as they went, rather he caught glimpses of their faces or not, he read their emotions.
"You're a special young man."
Or at least that's what his mother had always told him before she died. Oh sure, he'd heard of the Jedi, the Sith... who hadn't, especially on Coruscant. He had even been aproached by one a few years ago, he didn't know if they had been Jedi, Sith or other, but they made a big speach about power and what could be tapped if he was willing. He had listened, as there wasn't anything else of entertainment value happening, and just as quickly told them no. He'd been to nearly every bar in the area, he'd go there and find a nice dark corner and just watch, sometimes for hours. It was his favorite past time, to watch the people who came in to drown their lives away, and feel their emotions. Better entertainment than any holomovie could ever provide. Today seemed like any other, he walked along the street, looking for a bar, someplace new to experience. And then he saw it.*
Yoghurt's Bar and Grill
*Big bold lettering marked the bar sign, and he smiled a rare smile. He strolled in leisurely, it wasn't especially busy, but as soon as he walked in it was if a wave came over him, emotion and raw power, he grabbed the side of his head and nearly tripped. Strange... he resteadied himself adjusting and found himself a quiet table.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:40:39 PM
::The dream still haunted her. This was twice and it still didnt make any sense. It almost felt like she had invaded someone elses memories, alien emotions. Azhure hadnt liked it at all. She ordered her water and sat in silence, her mind troubled. When she was younger she could sometimes have a dream and it would happen the next day but that had stopped at a very young age. Her dagger rested at her side and she awaited her meal, a simple sandwich. She felt like she was being watched and looked around, seeing a face she did not recognise and gave him an expressionless look before turning back to the food now on her table.::
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:45:39 PM
*He waited for the coffee he had ordered and watched the crowd, still unable to shake that overwelming sensation. He didn't care for it much, and didn't think he'd stay more than one maybe 2 cups of coffee before moving on. He watched a young woman turn from another table for a moment before she glanced back at him for a moment. This he definately did not like. He wasn't usually noticed, or at least not this quickly. One cup of coffee, then out of here, something about this bar didn't sit quite right.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:56:35 PM
::Azhure felt his discomfort as she felt for his mind and stopped herself from rolling her eyes mentally. Instead she spoke into his mind::
This is a jedi bar, did you come here for help, a chat or to simple spy on people? People here generally don't get as drunk as other bars so I can't promise too much entertainment.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:01:35 PM
*Silence. He thought to himself, and hoped she wasn't listening in to his thoughts.
Great. Jedi, I stumbled into a Jedi bar, well that explains the overwhelming feelings. It's time to go, me thinketh.
He stood up, walked over to her table, gave a nodded then started to walk away*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:07:27 PM
::Azhure frowned, why was he watching the jedi. He obviously stunk of the force, but there was non sith tell-tale afterstench. Her mood wasnt in p[erfect mode and she didnt really feel like any dangers passing her by so she stood and made her way to him, blocking his way from the door. She smiled a cold sweet smile, much like she used when she had been an assasin making deals and put her hand on his shoulder, gripping it firmly with her surprising strength.::
Stay. Let's talk. I'll order you a drink.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:13:36 PM
*He stopped, well more of forced to. She was a LOT stronger than she looked, and obviously stronger than him. He looked at her.*
"Get out of here."
*He tapped his forehead*
"And move your lips when we 'talk' and it's a deal."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:19:23 PM
::She smiled, not liking this person very much, and her hand did not move or lose pressure. ::
Or perhaps I just invade your mind if you don't trust em talking to you in mind speech. I can tell you I'm not even touching your thoughts. Sit down, I don't bite.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:25:30 PM
*That one wasn't an offer, or request. She wasn't giving him a second option.*
"Fine. But under protest."
*He sat down at her table and stared at her, she had a big smile on her face. False to the brim, under it lied uncertainty, suspicion, and a general dislike. He almost chuckled, almost.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:29:47 PM
::Her smile faded and her face was expressionless again, studying him.::
What compels you to spy in a jedi bar when you so blatently bask in the force? I'd hate to think you in a position of being dangerous. Oh by the way, do you want a coffee or something? Always nice to be polite to guests.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:34:12 PM
"Coffee, black... please."
*He watched her, so that was it, she just wanted to know who he was, and why he seemed to be 'spying' well... it was kind of spying in a way.*
"Force? Ah, right right, my gift. I forget the official term for it sometimes. I'm not spying, well not with any malicious intent. I'm just watching, curious I guess. I like watching bars, they make for most entertaining places, so many different emotions and scenes"
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:39:35 PM
::She watched him, he wasnt lying. She could sense the truth, so her disposition lightened a little.::
Then I'm guessing I shouldnt call Jedi Security. Do others appreicate you invading their minds, since you yourself don't like others doing it. Mind speech has always been on the line but watching people's emotions and thoughts.
::She ordered a black coffee, sipped her water and the droid came back rather quickly, obviously the droid and Azhure knew each other well.::
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:43:50 PM
*He frowned, well more.*
"I don't invade people's minds. All I can feel is their emotions, and it's not precisely something I can turn off and on."
*He took the coffee and sipped it hard, it burned, but he wanted to finish it and leave as quickly as possible.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:48:55 PM
::Azhure nodded, she didnt like the idea of people feeling her emotions as she herself couldnt place her own emotional status more than half the time. With trianing he probably could but she was guessing he wasnt exactly the loving generous type, so it would ba a hard road to travel. Azhure knew this, she wasnt exactly the jedi type either, she just refused to give up or die trying.::
It's your choice to not use your talent, but choose your own way if you do. There are ways you can learn to harness such a... gift. Thank-you for answering my question, it was my moral duty to the Order to check if anything was underfoot. I'm guessing you want to leave, so who am I to stop you.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:53:45 PM
*He sipped his coffee a little slower. He'd relax for a few moments at least before he ran out, though he damned her for putting a guilt trip on him. He hadn't actually thought about what he was doing as invasive before. Stupid Jedi and their stupid talking.*
"Well... thank you for the coffee. As for harnessing what I am, I'm not really the commital type."
*He took another sip.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:58:31 PM
::Azhure shrugged inwardly, each to their own. In an odd way he reminded her of herself. Not willing to give anything a chance, not willing to give people or a chance a go, but that was his tragedy not hers. She had her own tragedies to deal with.::
Well good luck with whatever you choose, do you have a name by any chance? Azhure Darkstone.
::She took out a hand, saying the name she used. This was one in a million names she had used and not her original, but it was her permanently chosen name. It had been used three times already but hey, a nice ring to it was appealing.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:00:25 PM
*She hadn't been bad company, and this had been the most engaging conversation he'd had in a few years. He took her hand and shook it, he could at least seem polite*
"Xyver Khale."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:04:28 PM
Your an interesting puzzle Xyver.
::She finished her water and handed it to a nearby droid, and closed her eyes for second as the sound from the dream passed her by then opened them, wondering why dreams had started to haunt her. Azhure then put away the thought as she reminded herself the man here coudl read others emotions. She'd rather he stay away from hers.::
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:06:56 PM
*A puzzle? How was he a puzzle? He always considered himself rather straight forward, what you saw was who we was, if he bothered to tell you that was.*
"What do you mean by puzzle?"
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:11:10 PM
::Azhure looked at him, and with her odd sense of humour found something rather funny, using her natural soft and musical voice to laugh, a sound not heard in a while. How many times had she heard that, besides the "why me?" comments which was also a favorite.::
Thats for you to figure out, each has their own journey. The hardest are often the best. Look in the mirror one day Xyver, you may find something you've always ignored.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:14:14 PM
"Great... a cryptic Jedi. There's a shock."
*He couldn't help it, he cracked a smile, and let out a small chuckle, first time he'd shown any true emotion of his own in probably a year. And just as quickly he caught himself, and his face went back to it's somber state. And a sense of discomfort overcame him*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:19:25 PM
::She looked at him for a moment then shook her head. he had just appealed to her softest spot, something many would never guess existed. She gave him a wary look, her defenses also coming up. Funny, his laugh seemed dusty, not visted often. A puzzle indeed.::
A cryptic person. Jedi has nothing to do with it. It's a label, official titles. Your a person too and your just going to have to figure out what I said, it's very logical when you think about it.
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:27:12 PM
"I guess I'll just have to do that then."
*He finished up his coffee and considered getting another cup, but he'd more than likely worn out his welcome here. Though, as much as he'd hate to admit it, he'd learned a few things.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:33:57 PM
You will. It's a long journey but mayhap you make it, too many don't. It was an interesting conversation Xyver Khale.
::She shuddered inside at her own sentence. Too many don't, she didnt want to be part of that number. She was like that little gnarled tree that stood away from the others, because it grew on unhealthy soil. She would be happy if anyone could be replanted and this fellow seemed alright enough. She wished him well, but she wanted into her own thoughts so she stood and nodded a goodbye.::
Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:42:17 PM
*He stood as well, and returned the nod*
"Maybe we'll meet again sometime."
*He turned and started towards the door, hopefully he wouldn't get sidetracked by any other Jedi, this one had been rather pleasant actually, but she also seemed to have understood his own situation more than most would. He'd gathered that much from the outward emotions he sensed.*
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:45:53 PM
::She looked at him for a moment and for a mere second she connected with him, then she smiled faintly and turned and walked to the door. She felt rather strongly they would meet again. To tell the truth her mood was somewhat brighter than before, a little reminder she wasnt the only gnarled tree around..::
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