View Full Version : First Annual Rose De'jour Ball
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:16:15 AM
OOC: Basically, there will be alot of high pretigous people there. Anyone who is anyone will be attending. It's down town at the Renaissance Hotel and Casino. The entire place is supposed to be rented out just for this gala. Dinner, dancing, gambling...and the place will be watched over carefully. It's just supposed to be a great time. So have fun. Of course, if someone has a way of making some slight trouble, PM me and maybe we can make that work as well. At the moment, I've no ideas. Though, I would like to wait until Ridge and Mylia arrive before it becomes open....thanks!!!
It was nearing seven o'clock and the ball was under way, but Ridge liked to make somewhat of an entrance, he knew enough people in this city. He was considered one of the wealthiest men in Coruscant with Quantum Exports, the largest growing export business around.
But tonight, he wasn't looking for the attention of being just a businessman, he was undoubtedly going to have the most gorgeous woman by his side.
Mylia Basque. Her name was a melody to his ears when it came right down to it.
The time seemed at a stand still when the two were together and he had no intentions of losing that at all. Her Jedi finesse and his darker side would somehow be met in the middle.
A few more impatient moments and the limo stopped in front of the Jedi Order. Jenson, the driver got out and opened the door for Ridge, who was dressed to the hilt in a dashing tux and holding a bouquet of red roses for his new love.
Ridge started up the steps in hopes to see the lovely woman who would be by his side this evening.
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:23:18 AM
Mylia looked herself over in her mirror. Ridge would be arriving any moment, she wanted to be perfect for him tonight. The petit blonde let her flow down over her bare shoulders. A strapless dress was the choice for the night. It was elegant, yet simple. Ridge's necklace rested nicely on her neck. Perfection, she thought.
After getting the message that Ridge had arrived, she grabbed her purse and made her way down to meet him. She waved by to Jacali and gave her a little hug.
Down the hall and to the turbo she went, trying to get there as quickly as possible. She couldn't wait to see Ridge, tonight was going to be perfect. She entered the lift not quick enough and impatiently waited as it went down to the ground level. She smiled as it finally stopped, tonight it seemed like everyone needed to use the turbo lift. As she walked out with the several others, she looked around for Ridge. A smile crossed her face as she spotted him across the room.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:32:55 AM
Ridge sighed as he waited, he glanced down at his chrono, he was still a bit early. But, the moment he looked up and met those eyes, he was taken....again.
It almost seemed as no one else was around, but them. The smile on his face widened as he saw how beautiful she looked tonight. The gown Mylia had chosen was elegant, gorgeous and perfect, just like her.
Ridge crossed the room and gave her a bow. "M'lady, you look as lovely as ever." He came back up and gave her a dashing grin. "These are for you." He gave her the roses and hoped she liked them, he'd just about do anything for her. Tonight, would be no different. He held out an arm. "Shall we? Our limo is awaiting."
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:15:43 PM
Mylia laughed and blushed slightly. "Thank you, sir." She smiled as Ridge handed her the roses. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "They are beautiful. Thanks." She took his arm and they walked to his limo. "We shall." She held his arm tightly, and was proud to be with him. She noticed some of the other Jedi around giving them looks, but she just smiled and continued walking.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:32:13 PM
Ridge led Mylia out the doors of the lobby and to the awaiting limo. "This is going to be an awesome night, m'lass. I assure you that."
Jensen opened the door for the both of them and Ridge helped Mylia get in, then slid in behind her.
Of course the first thing the darksider did was open a bottle of wine and got the two of them a drink. He tipped his glass to her. "To a night the both of us will never forget."
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:41:09 PM
Mylia smiled and tipped her glass back to him. After she took a little sip. "This is a good year." She stated. She drank a little more as they zipped through the busy streets of Corusant. Soon, they would be arriving at the ball and they would start to have a grand time. She smiled, thinking of all the people she would be seeing. She knew that several of her friends would be there, as well as several of her mothers friends, and her mother. She spoke with her sister earlier and found out that their mother would be there for sure. This would be a nice surprise for her mother, she would be most pleased. She looked over to Ridge with a embarassed laugh, she relieved she had zones out for the whole trip. "I'm sorry, hon."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:08:17 PM
Ridge's limo pulled up behind an array of limo's all waiting to attend the Ball. It didn't take long for his limo to arrive at the grand red-carpeted entrance.
Holo-photographers and newscasters and an array of observers were standing behind a roped off area, snapping flashes every which way as the rich and famous entered the Renaissance Hotel and Casino.
Guards stood along the way, keeping a close eye on all observers as the guests arrived. Huge skylights lit up the sky around the special event.
Ridge's limo pulled up next. "I guess, we're next. Let's go, my fair lady." He smiled as Jenson opened the door and he stepped out. Flashes went off from every direction as he helped Mylia out.
"Young entrepreneur, Ridge Towers of Quantum Exports just arrived along it? Senator Lexanna Carrington's daughter, Mylia Basque also a member of the Greater Jedi Order..." A reporter from the 'Star' proclaimed as the two strode by with smiles. "We may have to keep an eye on this one and next is Princess...."
Ridge held a wide grin as he and Mylia got into the building. "Well, we're universelly known now." He smiled as he squeezed her hand.
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:18:47 PM
Mylia gave the reporter a strange look. She had not heard her mother called that for quite some time. She put on a smile for all the cameras as they walked on by.
As they entered their were many hosts taking coats and such. Mylia smiled as someone removed her coat. She had missed this. She looked to Ridge with a grin as they were taken into a grand dining hall.
It was beautiful. Mylia was in awe. Stringed lights gave a romantic feeling to the gorgously flowered hall. She looked around and noticed fimilair faces. She nodded to several friends before turning back to Ridge. "This is great, Ridge. Thanks again for brining me."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:30:41 PM
OOC: This is now an open thread, enjoy!!
"The pleasure is mine, M'lass. I assure you that. I know several people here and I'll introduce you to some in a bit."
The event was booming with the rich and famous dressed to the hilt in every direction. The gambing arena was packed, so Ridge stayed clear of that room for the time being.
"Would you like something to drink, luv? I think, I saw a champayne fountain in the main ballroom." Ridge took Mylia's hand in his and led her through the entourage of people.
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
Mylia nodded. "That sounds gre..." She began to say, but was cut off.
Mylia looked up and to her surprise Bryn Tumage was giving her a hug. The son of millionaire Darnell Tumage. She smiled and put her hands around him.
"God, it's been a long time, Mylia. I can't believe it's you. Everyone still askes about you." Bryn exclaimed.
Mylia laughed. "Well, I've been quite busy with training and all..." She said with a shrug. Bryn nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek and as quickly as he came he was off again to do more mingling. Mylia looked up to Ridge, seeing how he was taking it.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:42:06 PM
"Uh, who was that? I didn't realize you knew anyone here." He stammered a bit.
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:46:03 PM
Mylia blushed slightly. "Yeah, I have a couple friends here." She said with a shrug.
As they continued to the ballroom for their drinks, on there way Mylia gave hugs to several friends of her mother's and the most important person. Head of the senate. She was close with him because of her mother. He stopped to shake her hand and she smiled and shared a few moments of conversation. He acknowlegded Ridge as well. After he passed with smiled and bit her lip. "Maybe more than just a couple people..." She trailed off looking a bit sheepish.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:56:24 PM
"I'd say..." he was cut off by two arms embracing him from behind. "Ridge Towers!" A pouty voice began as he turned and faced a young woman in a long blue flowing gown "I've been trying to get a hold of you for a month to get you to come here with me. Didn't your secretary tell you?"
"Princess Jessica." He smiled and bowed. "I'm afraid she didn't and I'm so sorry. I'd like you to meet my date. Mylia Basque. Mylia, this is Princess Jessica Farrel of..." He couldn't remember.
"Princeton." She finished and gave Mylia a not-so-nice look. She then took her gaze back to Ridge. "Save me a dance?"
He shook his head. "Not tonight, I'm with a guest, your Highness. If you'd please excuse us now."
She put on her best pouty look as he turned away and began to walk towards the fountain. "Sorry about that. She's a major pain in know." He looked at Mylia and grinned.
Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:02:20 PM
Mylia smiled as her Highness passed on. She couldn't help but laugh. "Did you see that look she gave me? She wasn't very pleased." She said with a smile. She began looking around the room and spotted her mother, speaking with some of the other Senators. She tried to move away as quickly as possible, she did not want to introduce Ridge to her mother just yet. "Come on, I'm parched." She said praticially dragging Ridge along.
Sonja Gealica
Jan 5th, 2004, 12:03:56 AM
Of course all good parties had drinks, they weren't all good drinks, but sometimes it didn't matter. This was her first appearence since she 'disapeared' after a horrid little scandal, that wasn't really anything. She just got lucky. Of course Sonja Gealica said that to appease the hangers-ons, the big-wigs, and anyone else who paid to much attention to her.
Her dark green eyes just barely looked over the top of her drink when she noticed a young woman (who she had NO idea of who she was) and young Mr. Ridge come right over. Putting a quaint simle on her lips, and moving one hand down the front of her deep-red dress to make sure an wrinkles from sitting where gone, she quickly stood up and turned to the incoming couple.
"Tender." She spoke in an imperious tone. "Get Mr. Ridge and his date whatever they want, I'll pay."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 5th, 2004, 04:32:31 AM
Ridge laughed at Mylia's comment. "Oh, she gets overly jealous if things don't go just so for her." He nearly tripped over someone as Mylia grabbed his hand and made her way up to the bar.
Ridge noticed a young, attractive woman in a deep-red dress stand as they approached. He silently nodded her a greeting and smiled. "Bartender, we'll take one red wine and...what would you like, Mylia?" He asked.
Lady Mylia
Jan 5th, 2004, 10:14:18 AM
Mylia looked to the woman with a questioning look. But she paid no mind to it, she turned back to Ridge and the bartender. "Umm, I'll have the same. Thanks." She smiled to Ridge.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 5th, 2004, 04:01:48 PM
The Darksider took some credits from his pocket and alid it atop the bar as the bartender brought over the glasses of wine.
The bartender shook his head at the credits. "Already been taken care of, Sir."
Ridge frowned slighty. "It's been taken care of? By whom?"
The bartender pointed over at the young lady in the deep-red dress right beside them.
Ridge gave her a rather surprised look. "Oh, really..." He nodded towards her. "And just why is that?" He asked her with a charming smile. He'd never seen the woman before in his life or had he at one time or another?
Sonja Gealica
Jan 6th, 2004, 10:33:20 PM
She winked, as she gave Ridge an impish smile.
"I have to make sure my investments are good ones, and if buying the head of one of the newest companies is the best way to start." She gave Ridge and Mylia another impish grin before offering her hand.
"Sonja Gealica. Investor, and part-time escort, you YOU must be Ridge Towers, and your lady friend..." She pursed her lips, tapping the lower one with a faintly panted fingernail, "Mylia Basque, a Jedi AND a Senator's daughter. Just don't go reading peoples minds, child, you might find out somethings you'd care not to know."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:03:31 AM
Ah, an investor. They always hung out at ritzi parties like this one. They were always on the lookout for new business.
Ridge was impressed, she wasn't the normal run-of-the-mill type investor who waited around to scout out talent. She was a go-and-get'em-now type woman. He liked that from a business point of view. After all, that was how he started out in a sense.
He placed an arm around Mylia, who seemed a little huffed over her comment. Senator's daughter? Of course, that was how she knew so many people here. He drew her a little closer as he sipped on his wine.
"Well, Miss Gealica, I can see you going very far with your investment business. It's now always an easy job to get into, some investors I know had to really scrape the bottom of the barrel to get their start and I take that as a high quality. You always must start from the lowest rung of the ladder. It gives you better perceptions that way."
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:34:01 PM
Falcon had been looking forward to this night for some time. And the happier half being that he'd found a date for this Ball. He'd only known Miss A'jorrah Mazzic for a short time, but there was just this underlying bond that appeared so quickly between them. The woman had drawn him in... Kind, Sweet...Gorgeous. She made Falcon Gyndar feel happier than he'd been in..well, since...But that's a story for another time.
A'jorrah looked absolutely stunning, to say the least. As they made their way to the event, the conversation hadn't stopped. The feeling of being around her was like no other he'd ever felt.
"Forgive me if I can't help but say it a billion times, but you're a sight like the angels from the heavens tonight, A'jorrah."
And the vehicle pulled up to the building at which the ball was being held..
A'jorrah Mazzic
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:06:03 PM
A'jorrah had felt nervous earlier, but once Falcon arrived at her suite his essence just seemed to push all the nervousness away. The Royal Blue gown she had chosen was perfect, slim-fitting and off the shoulder, she would be the belle of the ball.
Falcon looked dashing in his tux, the perfect escort for the perfect evening. The two talked the entire time, while on their way.
A'jorrah beamed at Falcon's comment. "Thank you, kind sir. You look rather dashing yourself."
As the vehical came to a stop, A'jorrah looked at the crowds around flashing holo-pics and taking interviews. "Wow, this is quite an event."
Near the main entrance was a waterfall of differently colored roses, that formed from a second level balcony and almost seemed to pour to the front lawn in a beautiful array. "I understand now why they call it the Rose De'jour Ball. It's absolutely gorgeous, Falcon." She said as she placed her hand over his and gave it a light squeeze.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:12:23 PM
He squeezed back.
"Let's go in, shall we?"
The door shifted open for them.
"Here we are." Falcon said as he looked around....and spotted at least one person he'd recognize. "Isn't this wonderful?"
Falcon grasped her hand. "Come with me. I've seen at least one person nearby that I recognize." He mentioned with a laugh. They made their way over to Mylia Basque.
"Good to see you here, Mylia." the knight said, beaming. He looked to A'jorrah, and smiled, then back to the lady he knew as a padawan at the Order.
A'jorrah Mazzic
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:22:51 PM
Once inside, A'jorrah was taken aback by the sights of thousands of roses everywhere, sculpted in different designs, draped over railings and flowing in fountains. It was amazing to her how many there were. "This is absolutely amazing..."
She was beaming as Falcon led her towards someone he knew, it was time to meet some of his friends from the Order. She couldn't wait.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:21:47 AM
*Natia had known about the ball for quite some time. Only the other day had she decided to see what it's like there. She was dressed in a blue dress, though today, there is no walking stick in her hand, and no lightsaber at her side. Tonight, she is just another person at a party.
Her life today has been hectic. Keeping herself well rested for tonight, and preparing for this ball. Two things which are not easy to accomplish at the same time. But she is known to do things which aren't easy.
Having rented a limo to arrive in, it pulls up and the driver comes around to open the door, allowing her to get. She straightens out her dress as she walks up to the doors which opens as she approaches.
A smile on her face, she steps through the doors. Upon entering, she immediatly scans the crowd for those that she might know, and those that may prove to be a threat to her. But that's just from force of habit.
Once face sticks out in the crowd, that of her adopted Father Falcon. One must first pay respects to those that they know so she makes her way over to her Father*
Greetings Father.
*Natia then gives her Father a hug before nodding to A'jorrah, Mylia, and Ridge*
Rognan Dar
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:01:58 PM
It was the first event lile this he had ever attended. He was not to sure about the whole thing. But he knew that Marga wanted to go to this and after a little pleading he gave in. He would about do anything for her.
It had taken him all day to find a place to get a tux. It seemed like everyone was getting one around here. He didn't own any nice clothing. After all, what would a Jedi do with a bunch of cloths? So he was looking for a rental. Near the end of the day he found one. It must have been the last one, he kept telling himself, after looking all over the city.
He was getting ready in his room: combing his hair, agusting his tux. He went over to Yarden and combed out her fur. He didn't know if he was aloud to take...pets...but he was going to try. Once he was done, he left his room and headed for Marga's room.
He stood at the door for a minute before knocking. He was nervous. It was seen all over his face. Yarden was standing next to him, supporting him with one of he many looks. He knew what she ment; he was about the only one that did. He knocked once again, just incase she didn't hear the first one.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 8th, 2004, 05:24:31 PM
Falcon hugs Natia back, stroking the back of her head as he does. When the hug is over, he makes an introduction.
"Natia, this is Miss A'jorrah Mazzic. A'jorrah, this is my lovely daughter, Natia."
A'jorrah Mazzic
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:08:19 PM
A'jorrah gives Natia a friendly smile and extends a hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Natia."
Lady Mylia
Jan 10th, 2004, 03:27:03 PM
Mylia smiled as Ridge put his arm around her. She looked to the woman with a smile. She stood quietly, not getting into Ridge's business. She was not about to get involved in that, that was all Ridge.
As the too spoke she looked around a bit at everyone. She tried to spot her mother again, but did not see her so she opened a connection with her in the force. Mylia felt her, close too. She looked around and noticed Lexanna walking over to them. She knew that she could not aviod it now, Lexanna had spotted them. Mylia put on a smile and tried to get Ridge's attention for a moment.
"Mylia!" Lexanna called. "Mylia, I did not expect to see you here. I thought you were too busy with training to attent things like this anymore." Lexanna embraced her daughter for a moment.
"Well, I got talked into it." Mylia said with a smile, nodding towards Ridge.
"Ridge, Ridge Towers?" Lexanna questioned.
Mylia looked a bit confused for a moment, did Ridge and her mother know each other?
Quickly haulting Mylia's questioning thoughts, Falcon walked up to them. She smiled, in relief. "It's good to see you as well. Are you two enjoying youselves?" She nodded to A'Jorrah and Natia with a smile.
Jan 10th, 2004, 11:46:45 PM
It had been a while since Firebird had been to one of these parties. Unlike other times where he could walk about freely, this party was not one of them. If the Jedi security cought him here, it would not be one of his more honorable moments in combat. But the prize that was here however was worth the risk he was taking. After all, where else can you find people that were worth more then the size of Jabba the Hut. So the Sith Master waits to see who else shows up.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 11th, 2004, 08:47:50 AM
"Excuse me for a moment, Miss Gaelica." Ridge smiled as he brought his attention back to Mylia and then....Senator Lexanna Carrington.
Ridge bowed. "Senator, always a pleasure." As he straightened back up he saw Natia and nodded in her direction as well as all the others.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:18:25 PM
I'm pleased to meet you Miss Mazzick.
Father, I didn't know that you attended functions such as this. And with a date.
Alexi Hesith
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:53:14 PM
Entering the room via the main doors, Senator Alexi Hesith paused to assess the guests. This party was new on the "circuit"- the seemingly endless parade of events that occupied the evenings of diplomats and politicians. Most served to allow Senators to broker deals or conduct covert fund raising. Hesith was sure that this would be much the same. Boring, but useful.
He stopped a waiter carrying a tray of drinks and helped himself to a flute of champagne. He took a sip: Not bad. Then he began scanning the room for likely targets for conversation. He caught sight of Carrington, an adversary from the Chamber, and bowed slightly in her direction. He turned to his left and found his host nearby.
"Ah, Mister Kincaid. Senator Alexi Hesith," he said by way of introduction extending his hand.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 11th, 2004, 02:12:11 PM
OOC: Whispers....Towers, not Kincaid... :)
Ridge nods towards the Senator who just joined them and gives the man a firm handshake. "It's good to meet you, Senator Hesith. I do hope you are enjoying yourself, this Ball is for just that purpose."
A few seconds later, the orchestra could be heard playing in the main dining area. "Ah, good...the music has started, right on time too, meaning the dining area is open."
He gave Mylia's hand a squeeze. His Ball was turning out to be quite a success. The young man looked in Senator Hesith's and Carrington's direction. "Would you care to join us at our table, Senators? There is more than enough room."
Ridge smiled at Mylia. "There is plenty of room for all your friends as well, 'lass. I've made sure of it."
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 11th, 2004, 04:46:21 PM
Jackson walked through the front door as a few eyes turned to see who it was but most where not staring at him no they where staring at the beauty he carried on his arm. Jacali was stunning in her Black dress and French braided hair. Again Jackson realized how lucky he was for about the hundredth time this evening.
"Here we are Jacali and it would seem you are the bell of the ball. I'm just the lucky guy who gets to be your date."
They began to descend amongst the people occasionally stopping to wave at the few people they knew. Jacali lead the way like she knew exactly where she was going. Jackson just followed with a proud grin on his face.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 11th, 2004, 05:12:50 PM
Jacali blushed at Jackson's comment. "Oh, many are looking your way too." She told him with an enthusiastic smile on her face.
"Mylia is here somewhere." She reached out with the Force to hone in on her friend. People were milling about everywhere and the decor was incredible.
"I can't believe how beautiful this place is, Jackson." Jacali noticed a plaque that was in a glass case by the main door. "One hundred and fifty-six thousand roses...oh my." She said as she saw thousands of them surrounding just the lobby of the hotel.
"I believe that Mylia is this way." The young Padawan smiled as she made her way through the crowds, with Jackson at her side.
It wasn't long before the two of them, found Mylia and Ridge and the small group that was surrounding them.
"Mylia!" She beamed as she went over and hugged her. "I borrowed one of your dresses." She whispered in her ear.
The Padawan released her best friend and went back to Jackson's side. "Mylia, you remember Jackson. Jackson, this is Mylia and her date, Ridge Towers..." She looked on around. "And Master Falcon Gyndar...and...I'm not sure who all the others are. Oh, Mylia's mom, Senator Lexanna Carrington."
Lexanna smiled and came over to her and gave her a hug. "Jacali, it's good to see you again. Mylia told me about the accident, dear. I'm so sorry I never got up to see you. You're looking well. What am I saying? You look superb. Who is this dashing young man at your side?"
"That's alright, Senator. It wasn't one of my highest moments." Jacali told her as she returned the hug. "This is Jackson McGraves of the Jedi Order. He's a Padawan as well."
Lexanna smiled and shook his hand. "Jackson, it's very nice to meet you. Now, you take good care of this young lady, she's like another daughter to me. We're about to go get our seats, why don't the two of you come sit with us?"
Ace McCloud
Jan 11th, 2004, 10:05:48 PM
The First Annual Rose De'jour Ball was certainly an odd place for Ace to find himself. He had never attended such an event in his entire life for many of reasons. But now, here he was. Atleast he had an excuse for being here though. He had been asked by the host of the ball to provide some measure of secruity, providing many of the jedi would be there on social accounts. He had recieved many odd looks as everyone here was dressed up, but he on the other hand was not. In his leather vest full of daggers, without his cloak, he certainly looked out of place. However, he had been encouraged to dress up somewhat. Underneath his vest he wore a new black longsleeve shirt. And from the top of his shoulder to the cuffs at his wrist, ran 3 large drape-like banners of purple and white. They hung loosely from his sleeves but provided some measure of decency.
He made his way through the huge crowd of people to the balcony above the main lobby of the building. He stood at the railing looking out over the rest of the party. People were everywhere, it certainly was a big hit. He leaned back and took a sip of his wine. Perhaps the open bar was another excuse for being here.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2004, 01:17:18 AM
The ability to disguise one'self was a good thing. The polite, blonde cleanshaven man in the many thousand credit hand crafted suit glided between little knots of people, a wave here, a handshake there. a spoken word that created a smile, or one that continued an accquantance. A smooth operator with the ladies too. In one hand he had a glass of some sort of bubbly alcohol, the other was in his pocket, coming out now and then when he spoke or took one of the snacks from a passing waiter.
for anyone knew, this youngish and handsome trader was A-List Coruscant. And maybe in this face, he was. A well known ex-smashball player, investor, restaruant owner. one whom was mvoign and shaking, going upwards.
"Good evening" he said to one well enowered lady Senator. "My name is Telecontar. Might I......"
"Oh, Kaut Dragons playback!" she almost squealed. "I was a big fan of yours!"
"Of course" he said, smiling. The conversation drifted until he disengaged, moving on having made the first bridge of a trade exemption he wanted for a "small concern of his".
Never mind the concern wasn't exactly legal. And Telcontar wasnt anything liek what he seemed. His steel cold eyes scanned the room once more, marking out Jedi that he knew from files. He made it his business to know their faces and their names. Even if he was not part of the Order anymore, it was well to know whom was in the ranks. A couple, llike Rognan Dar he believed would be truly be great. Others, he didnt know.
But he was certain of the young lady with a few other Jedi grouped together. He smiled a bit and moved out of her possible eyeline. He preferred Natia didnt see him for now. Business first, then, he might wander over and quietly say hello.
Alexi Hesith
Jan 12th, 2004, 04:23:29 AM
"Yes, thank you," said Hesith. Carrington nodded her assent and they set off for the dining room.
As they walked Hesith assessed Ridge. He was immaculately turned out, like everyone in the room. Hesith had long since got the hang of dressing smartly but efficiently. Most of the other guests were dressed in the latest fashions, new and exotic cuts from distant worlds, Hesith, however, was dressed in the best of traditional good taste: a black dinner suit.
"Tell me, Mister Towers, what business are you in?"
Marga Alton
Jan 12th, 2004, 09:28:32 AM
Marga was absolutly thrilled when Rognan agreed to go to this ball with her. It had been ages since she had attended a fancy event of any sort. Her red hair was partially pulled up nicely, a jewelled hair piece holding it up. She was dressed in a red dress, traditional formal cut from her homeworld, though made with materials suited for this climate, not the cold climate of her homeworld. Around her neck is a ruby necklace and she's wearing matching ruby earrings as well.
When Rognan knocks on her door, she's just doing the finishing touches of her hair.
Just a moment Rognan.
Marga says through telepathy as she finishes with her hair. She then stands up, straightens her dress slightly and goes and answers her door, smiling as she sees Rognan dressed in the tux.
You look handsome tonight.
Marga hasn't even looked down to see Yarden standing there as well.
Rognan Dar
Jan 12th, 2004, 02:57:47 PM
"Er, thank you. It took me quite some time to find it. It feels a little constricting to tell you the truth. Anyway, I think that we better get on our way. And there is someone that I would like you to meet. We'll see her at the ball. She was to excited to wait."
He smiled and stretched out his arm for her to take. Then he guided her through the LQ and to the entrence, or exit, down the stairs and stopped infront of a speeder. It was not a limo or some other rich peoples' car. He didn't have the credits to rent one either. So all there was was a nicer then adverage speeder.
Rognan opened the door for Marga and Yarden. Afterward, he ducked into it. He then leaned forward and spoke to the driver. "To the Rose De'jour Ball, please." And they were off on there way.
Glancing to his side he saw Marga. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. The red dress only added to her beauty. He couldn't think of any words to explain how she looked to him. All that he managed to saw was: "You sure look wonderful tonight, Marga." It was not a catchy saying. It was not even that great. But it was what he felt.
After the short ride, they finally came to the ball. It was clearly the right place; there is no way that it could be mistaken. There was roses all over the place. Not to mention all the people that were there too. Most looked like photographers and journalist trying to get the scoop on the rich and famous. He was neither. And, frankly, he didn't want to be. He was nervous enough already and talking to a camera would only make him more. And that was something he didn't want right now.
Helping Marga, he nods to the driver who then drives away until, once again, needed.
"Well, we're here! Now, let us look for Jame and then we can go in."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:26:10 PM
Originally posted by Senator Hesith
"Tell me, Mister Towers, what business are you in?"
"Exporting and gambling, Senator Hesith." Ridge answered as he looked at Sonja. "Miss Gaelica, you are more than welcome to join our table as well."
Ridge took his attentions back to the Senator as he placed his hand over Mylia's arm that was in his as the began to walk towards the main dining area.
"I own Quantum Exports and a casino in East Coruscant called Oz. Which was where I wanted to have this ball, but I'm in the process of expanding and I'd rather wait to have it completed. But, as far as the ball is concerned, I couldn't wait for that." Ridge smiled as a few other Senator's and high officials shook his hand as he passed by. He would talk to them later.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 13th, 2004, 12:43:23 AM
She had arrived around a half-hour ago.
Jame Kaman Dar was wearing a clean, bright smile with (as one man she'd talked to already had said), perfect teeth. This was her first time at such an event, and she'd went and found, according to her, the perfect dress for the occasion.
It was a white shimmer dress, that was cut a little higher in the front, with a small trail in the back, and it was low-cut back. She wore heels that gave her a few extra inches, and her hair was done beautifully, immaculately. There was really only one thing she was here for. Well, two things.
I can't wait to meet Marga. Rog seems really happy with her.
Marga Alton
Jan 13th, 2004, 01:15:57 PM
Marga smiles at Rognan's compliment before she leans over and gives him a quick kiss. When they arrive at the ball, she smiles as she and Rognan get out of the speeder and head into the ball.
Who is Jame?
Marga questions through telepathy because that is her mode of communications because she is letting everyone believe that she is mute.
Rognan Dar
Jan 13th, 2004, 02:11:24 PM
"Oh, a good friend that I found during a trip I had resently. Its was a miracle that I found her. Being that the relationship between us has been broken for so long."
Leading Marga into the ball, he searched the place for Jame. The room was huge. The room stopped, what looked to be like, the third floor. And the area inside was just as big. There were crowds of people in it now, but what must it have looked like when it was empty?
He tried calling upon the force to help him find her. It would have been a lot easier if he spent his whole life with her. But somethings did not work out like the childhood fairytails. A presence filled his mind as he search. In fact, it was many. Many friends were in this place. He was surprised that there was so many. But out of the throng he found Jame. Nad with that, he headed in her direction until he came to see her.
"Good to see you made it, Jame. I want you to meet someone. This is Marga Alton. A...very close friend of mine. And Marga, this is Jame Kaman...Dar."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 14th, 2004, 01:51:39 AM
Jame smiled to the woman who was with Rog.
So this is Marga. She seems nice.
Jame Kaman reached out a hand to Marga.
"Pleasure to meet you. Rog's told me a fair bit about you."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:32:42 PM
It was her first time working security at such a huge event. But, Padawan Learner Quay'Na Rakai had heard that they were in need of some Jedi security.
With her fiancee, Anthony Scott out of town for the weekend, Quay'Na decided to take the job and had even invited her newest Jedi friend, Kack MeBuff to join her in this endeavor.
The two walked in side by side, decked out in their best Jedi robes. The place was extravagantly decorated in roses.
"Wow, now that's a bunch of roses." Quay'Na said off-handedly as she looked at all the rich and the wealthy milling about.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:48:54 PM
"You got that right," Kack said with a smirk.
Kack too had missed out on all of the big events that went on around the order. Not that it was a big deal. He wasn't one to be very social. More often than not he got bored of the useless chatter that went on at such events. And more often than not he found that he disliked people of the upper-class. He himself had been born of the lower middle-class and had been mistreated by most of the higher-ups on Naboo.
He looked over at Quay'Na and smiled. Not that he could really "look" per say, but the motion still seemed natural.
"It's funny, because I have known you for so little time, but it's seems like we grew up together," he mused with a chuckle.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:02:17 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "I agree, it does feel like that. Would you like to get a drink first before we proceed around the perimeter?"
She looked around and observed Ace up in the balcony above. "Seems Ace McCloud is also on watch duty. Didn't think he came to things like this."
Kack Mebuff
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:06:08 PM
"Yes, a drink would be nice," Kack replied as the two made their way to the bar.
"Hm, you know Ace as well? I just met him in the bar fairly recently. Seems like a good guy, has a bit of a dark disposition, though, I must say."
As Quay'Na and Kack reached the counter the barkeep asked for their orders.
"Just a vodka and cola for myself. Quay'Na?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:18:31 PM
"Give me a Slo Gin Fizz." She told the bartender.
Quay looked back at Kack. "I can't believe the turn out, this place is packed."
Quay'Na knew events like this with this many people and such wealthy backgrounds, trouble could be stirring at any moment.
The Padawan would keep her eyes peeled for anything suspicious.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:40:59 PM
He wandered past the bar, picking up a shot of Corellian Whiskey. while it had no real effect on him, it was good to still look the part. After all, who was a teetotaller at these parties? Least it wasn't the bubbly crap. A sip, then he moved on, seeing whom he could work with next. A few senators, actors, hangers on, bit of fluff, couple of Jedi. Lots of potential.
The Lost Jedi noted a few newcomers, a male and female. Jedi as well. He initially dismissed them until his memory caught up with his sight.
HER! That's the woman!
Surprised, he took another sip to cover where he was looking. Now this could be interesting - Quay would have no idea.
I think I'll keep it that way. Maybe I should go and say hello
No. No yet. Let's see what the evening bought first.
Marga Alton
Jan 15th, 2004, 01:08:05 PM
Marga smiles politely at Jame when introduced to her, her own thoughts a whirlwind of activity. Jame Kaman Dar. Family to Rognan. He never told her that he had family, actually he did, he just never talked about it and she never questioned.
Excuse me, I need to go freshen up.
Marga says lamely through telepathy before turning and hurrying off towards a Lady's bathroom she noticed earlier. Her eyes close to tears at this point. She bumps into a couple of ppl, but nods an apology as she hurries to the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom, she lets the tears come as her mind connects the information wrong. That Jame is married to Rognan. She collapses into a heap on the floor and cries silently to herself.
Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:08:48 PM
Rognan watched Marga walk to the Womans bathroom. He then turned to Jame.
"Well...I'm glad that the two of you...met. Though..." he looked back toward the bathroom. "...she did seem a little uneasy. It was the way she was walking. She normally doesn't bump into people like that."
He sighed. He was afriad that something might be wrong. It wasn't like Marga to just go off once introduced to someone. Let alone someone this close to him. But...he didn't tell her about Jame. He hardly knew himself. It was only resently that, by the force, they were rejoined. And he wanted it to be a surprise. Maybe it was to much for her, he thought. Maybe I have been going about this all the wrong way.
"Uh, Jame. Could and check up on Marga. I'd do it myself...but I don't think other would aprove."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 16th, 2004, 10:24:46 AM
*Natia smiles and nods to Jacali*
My names Natia, daughter of Falcon.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 16th, 2004, 02:15:58 PM
"Yes, it is very crowded. So many new Force signatures. Hm, there is an interesting one. It seems familiar, yet different. I don't know. It's strange..."
Kack seemed puzzled.
"A very strong Force user is among us. He's either a Jedi or a Sith Lord. Not a padawan either. He's definitely got some skill to him. I can't pin it. I know the Force signature from somewhere, but I can't quite figure it out."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 03:03:57 PM
Jame frowned.
"Something's up. I could see it on her." she whispered to herself.
When Rog asked her if she would go check on Marga, Jame was was happy to help..
"Sure, bro. And while i'm doing so, would you mind grabbing me a drink? I'm parched. "
And she gave him a smile, heading off in Marga's direction..
Pushing gently open the door to the restroom, a wave of emotion hit her harshly, accompanied by the sound of silent, stifled sobbing. Jame had seen this coming...because she knew that Rog never mentioned any siblings, simply of the fact that he didn't know until recently...
Jame Kaman had noted, being observant of people's body language, that Marga was confused at the introductions. She knew that the woman spoke telepathically, and Jame figured it would help if she did so while communicating with Miss Alton. Listening to the sobs, she approached Marga and kneeled down, hiking up her dress to assume the position more comfortably. She placed a hand on the woman's head, to let her know she was there..just in case Marga hadn't noticed.
Marga? I'm not going to ask if you're alright...'cause I can tell that you're not. Rog is concerned for you, and I can't help but share his concern. I really can't. I can see that he feels for you very much... I can feel that he does. Being a severe empath, I can't avoid it. And I can help you with what's troubling you this badly...So can you tell me what's the matter?
Rognan Dar
Jan 16th, 2004, 06:27:11 PM
While Jame went to the bathroom, he went to a counter where it looked liked like they were giving drinks out. what does she want? he though. She never said....hmm...
"Can I have two glasses of water, please? Thank you."
He took the glasses and was about to head back when he turned around and asked for something again.
"Er...could I get one more? Thanks."
Now this was the tricky part. Carring three glasses of water that were almost filled to max copasity. He slowly headed back to were they had last been when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. A small crowd had just departed to reveal a black, Paino Forte. People haven't called it that in a long time. But Rog was always fasinated with stuff like that.
He walked briskly over to it. It was old, he could tell, but still in good condition. He found a place to set the glasses down and sat on the bench. There was a broad smile on his face as he looked over every detail. He looked around to see if anyone was looking. No one was. He didn't expect to be given much attention in the first place.
After working up the courage, he lifted his hands up to the keys: their white, cool touch calmed him. What to play, what to play...thats it! A low, calm flow of music started to come out of the piano. The song was: Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia, 'Moonlight Sonata,' first movement. By Ludwig Van Beethoven. At a speed of sixty beats per quarter note. It was a little faster then the classical version: being that it was played really slowly and could lose the interest of the crowd, along with the player. He played it 'sempre pianissimo e senza sordino.' It sounded just like its name. So soft and light as a moonbeam. People around him turned to see who was playing. Rognan didn't notice anything. He was lost in his won world now. Away, where music was all that mattered.
Marga Alton
Jan 17th, 2004, 11:44:04 AM
Marga looks up when she feels Jame's hand on her. She wipes the tears away from her eyes with the back of her hand.
I'll be alright. I just need to get over the fact that Rognan just got married and didn't inform me.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'd really rather be alone right now.
Marga doesn't even think that Jame is actually Rognan's sister.
Bari Wedoru
Jan 17th, 2004, 05:09:25 PM
He strolled languidly through the ball, an odd man to be at such an event for sure. A fancy schmancy ball for a smuggler...pardon, businessman as Bari Wedoru preferred to put it. A much more eloquent a title to encompass his varied line of work, he thought to himself as his hands dug into his blue shirt's pockets. He withdrew a single crooked cigarette from a pack in one pocket, and a rusty liter from the other, deciding to light one up to amuse himself. A few clicks and a deep breath later, he had the cigarette clenched between two molars as he peered around at all the other high falooting businessmen and women that were parading around with trophy women that, to him, seemed to be meant to make the men seem more powerful than they really were.
-----"Almost makes me wish I'd put a dress on the droid."
He muttered to himself, taking a sidelong glance at two people he didn't know, one in a rather dashing tuxedo and a woman in a strapless dress.
-----"There's one that'll end up like a Twi'lek romance novel. " Bari mused to himself, before strolling over to the buffet table. With all these businessowners and popular officials hanging around, he'd figure he had a nice shot of maybe landing a job or two for some of the officials on the side, shall we say. It'd taken most of his credits to actually get into this little shindig, so he really did hope for some sort of work. He took a sidelong glance at the various security personnel around, clucking his tongue in recognition. Jedi. Hm, ah well, not like they'd want their hands on a good smuggler like him, it was more the local officials he'd worry about...
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:07:34 PM
She blinked.
Married? And I wasn't invited to the wedding?....You'd think that....
Jame Kaman smiled. That was it....That's what's bugging her.
Oh. You meant married to me. No, darlin, you have it all wrong. I'm suprised you didn't see the uncanny similarity in our looks...
The young woman sighed, with a laugh.
Rognan, the silly boy, is my brother. My twin brother. Marga, girl, you have nothing to worry about.
Lady Mylia
Jan 18th, 2004, 10:08:50 AM
Mylia smiled and gave Jacali a hug as she walked up. After that things began to happen so fast that she barely had time to say anything. Ridge was a conversation here and others were talking around her. She just stodd back quietly, listening and taking everything in. She was mostly thinking about everything that had happened in the last few moments.
Marga Alton
Jan 18th, 2004, 12:53:12 PM
Marga coughs slightly when Jame's tells her that she's Rognan's twin sister.
Marga slips up and says aloud in a soft whisper. She then gets back to talking through telepathy.
You are Rognan's sister? I'm so sorry, I mean, it's just that, well, he never mentioned he had siblings. I'm so sorry, it's just that when he said Dar, I assumed that he went out and married you.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 18th, 2004, 04:41:13 PM
Jame smiled softly.
No need to apologize. I understand the mistake. Now, how about you and me go back out there and have some fun. I get the feeling that Rog's starting to get a little antsy and uneasy.
She stood, and offered her hands to help Marga up.
Marga Alton
Jan 19th, 2004, 05:34:34 PM
Marga nods her head slightly and accepts the offer to stand. One thing about a tradional cut dress of her homeworld, they aren't ment to be on when you're sitting on the floor.
I guess I shouldn't have run off and left Rognan by himself out there. It took alot of effort to just convince him to come.
Could you do me a slight favour and not mention why I went off and just stick with I needed to freshen up?
Marga questions as she dries off her face.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 19th, 2004, 05:57:54 PM
I'll try. It's hard to hide things from Rog, though. He's my twin.
She straightened out her dress, and yawned.
"Ooh. Still tired from that final stint at my last job. Didn't sleep for 3 days."
She looked at Marga.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 19th, 2004, 07:53:21 PM
Originally posted by Natia Elessar
*Natia smiles and nods to Jacali*
My names Natia, daughter of Falcon.
"Ahh, it's very nice to meet you, Natia. This is Jackson McGraves." Jacali smiled as she looked at Mylia who smiled and was in the midst of being led away towards the dining room.
Mylia's mother was still standing there, "we'd be glad to sit with you, Senator." Jacali smiled as she looked at Jackson. Her eyes were beaming, she was so glad to be here at this ball with him.
She leaned towards him. "I hope you're hungry, Jackson. These places serve the best food."
There was another she wanted to say 'hi' too, but didn't get the chance as their little crowd began to move towards the dining area. She would see Falcon a little later to say 'hi'.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 19th, 2004, 11:17:02 PM
Suddenly a smile spread across Kack's face. He recognized yet another Force Signature. Someone, he'd actually like to talk to. Mylia.
"Quay'Na. A friend of mine is here. I'd like to introduce you two," Kack said grinning from ear to ear.
He walked in Mylia's direction until he was only several feet behind her. Then using the Force he spoke to her through telepathy.
Good evening, my dear Lady Mylia, how are you? Look behind you if you wish to find my indentity.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 20th, 2004, 04:33:52 AM
With a sigh, he came to the window, absent mindedly pulled out a short stemmed pipe and began to stuff it with leaf. Damn it, the fat old hag didnt take the hint - no, Telcontar was NOT availible for breeding and no, did not to sell his sperm to eligible women of Coruscant. Hell, if he wanted to do that, there were ample opportunities to do that, but with a it of bedroom action.
Not that he'd want that anyway. Helenias was enough, thank you very much - and thinking of her made hi realise how much he missed the uptight and beautiful Jedi Knight. He'd half expected her to be here, being Senators were here. But it appeared she had begged off, something about health reasons. Most likely she would kill anyone who asked her twice to this place, Marcus knew how much she hated tarted up idiocy like this.
But I aint seen her in 8 months. And I'm takign a horrible risk, what with damn near every Jedi after Xazor, he thought. Coming back to Coruscant was a bad idea. Leaving Xazor behind on Trilith...
Having fun?
Not particularly. What time is it there?
Early, before dawn. I'm up in the top tower meditating.
And you thought you'd say hello? I'm impressed. Even with the Life Bond, to say hello over this distance is impressive, to say the least.
It's not easy. You see Mother?
No. Lots of other fluff and Jedi here. Natia's even here.
And him?
Marcus lit the leaf with a spark lighter, glancing around the room
Yes. Just as Dexter said. It's going to be difficult warning him to back out with all these Jedi about. My original plan was to start a fight. I wouldnt try that now.
Maybe an accident can be arranged?
Possibly. Anyway, back to your mediatations young lady. I've got work to do
Laughter. Allright.
He smirked. A accident would do nicely. But with what? Time to have a stroll around.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 21st, 2004, 12:25:06 AM
He squeezed A'jorrah's hand.
"As for your earlier question, Natia, you know I'm always watching. I have two motives for being here...One, to have a good time. Two..Well, I knew the capacity of people who would be here....erm. Ever watchful, my darling daughter."
On the currents of the force he could feel many telepathic conversations going about.
There's more force-users here than I gathered. More Jedi..
He changed the subject.
"How is that boy...Leten? I haven't seen him for some time..."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 21st, 2004, 02:11:31 PM
Well, as far as I know Leten's doing well. Haven't seen him for a couple of days since I've been kinda busy with things on the other side of Coruscant here.
*Natia looks around and makes note of a guy with a pipe. She also starts making notes of who all are here, even if she doesn't know there names*
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 21st, 2004, 05:58:16 PM
He nodded, smiling to Natia.
"That's the way it is. Busy...our lives are like that, being Jedi. I'm busy with my life.. You're busy with yours. We should have breakfast together sometime soon, Natia. Nothing like enjoying fresh morning light and a hot plate of pancakes, mm?What do you think?"
Ace McCloud
Jan 21st, 2004, 06:16:06 PM
Ace slowly strode out into the cool air of the garden, with a skuff of his boot. It was pretty hot and stuffy inside there with all those people. He gave his limbs a few good shakes, to let the cool air filter in. He made his way over to the small baclony over looking the Corusant Sky line, before taking out his long, wooden pipe. With the flash of a sparker, he lit it and began to relax.
He sighed, bitting on the end of the pipe and rolling back and forth on his heels, What am I doing here? This place really isn't for me, I really need to get out of here.
He put his hand on the large, stone railing and leaned forward. How easy it would be just to leave right now. To leap down from balcony to balcony until he had escaped this dreadful ordeal. But no, he had given his word to stay, and stay he would.
Marga Alton
Jan 22nd, 2004, 10:14:26 AM
Marga smiles as she nods her head indicating that she's ready to head back out. She quickly straightens out her dress again as she waits for Jame to lead the way out.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 12:26:53 PM
Good. Let's go then.
Jame opened the door, followed by Marga. They waded through the crowd of people, trying to find Rog. And when they passed by a beautiful Piano Forte, with Rog playing it....
"It seems we have found our man, and the source of such wonderful music." She mentioned, winking to Marga.
And thus, the twosome approached the piano.
Rognan Dar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 02:50:54 PM
Rognan was already playing his fourth piece when the girls finally came out. This time he was playing 'Canon in D minor.' His fingures moved up and down the keys as he played. And, it semed, he was drawing a crowd around himself. Those that truly injoyed music, anyway. He was still lost in his own world, as the music echoed through the building. But something made him look up. He saw Marga and Jame aprouch. Smiling to himself, he continued to play.
Jan 22nd, 2004, 02:54:24 PM
Once ariving, the black Wevicat wondered around the ball. Rognan had seemed to have forgotten all about her. So she was going to have a little fun on her own.
While walking through, she got many a discusted look from those snobby people that couldn't believe that there was a beast walking among them. A few were about to call for someone to take her out, but with a sharp look and a small growl, they thought better then to say anything in her presence.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 23rd, 2004, 09:39:28 PM
Ridge held Mylia a bit tighter as two more Jedi came up to them. He didn't recognize either, but they obviously knew Mylia.
He waited for his introduction.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 24th, 2004, 11:54:24 AM
Originally posted by Kack Mebuff
Suddenly a smile spread across Kack's face. He recognized yet another Force Signature. Someone, he'd actually like to talk to. Mylia.
"Quay'Na. A friend of mine is here. I'd like to introduce you two," Kack said grinning from ear to ear.
He walked in Mylia's direction until he was only several feet behind her. Then using the Force he spoke to her through telepathy.
Good evening, my dear Lady Mylia, how are you? Look behind you if you wish to find my indentity.
Quay'Na followed Kack over to Mylia, she smiled at her best friend, who had on an exceptional gown for the event. Kack hadnt' realized the two were and had been friends for some time.
Finally, with the help of her master, Helenias, Quay'Na could now hear and speak to others through the Force, she was no long limited to jus the animal kingdom. But, learning it hadn't been very easy.
The Padawan smiled and waited for her friend to acknowledge them.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 24th, 2004, 06:28:17 PM
Check the mirror - blonde, unreconizable - check
He closed his eyes, allowing himself to make sure the power he called 'Hide' was working as it should be - it allowed him to not have his presence dissappear in The Force, it merged it into the background noise, making it look like he was just an ordinary joe. He could passively recieve information, but not use nor control the Force, for that would drop his 'Hide'
Now, he could wander over to Natia and that unknown Jedi she was with. That had it's attractions. Although, that mysterious quay probably would be a better choice.
But how to do this without suspicion?
Music was playing. There was a dancefloor.
As part of his long, long training to fight, he had become quite an adept dancer.
Smiling slightly, he gave the pipe a twist, placed it on the ground, then kicked it away. He checked his reflection in the mirror (Man, nice white suit. You scrubbed up okay, mate), then began to walk towards Quay.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 24th, 2004, 11:24:28 PM
It seemed that Mylia was taken for the moment by the tall, dark and handsome guy she was with. So, for the time being, she stepped back a bit, while sipping on her drink.
The music was going and a few dancers were on the floor in their ritzi attire.
The Padawan nodded and smiled dismissively to a few glances that came her way. She felt some darkness around the room, but only a slight tinge of it, nothing to be alarmed of. Even darksiders needed a break. She always kept an open mind.
Quay'Na turned and once again smiled a few times and sighed as some looked her up and down and fitted her with a hard glare.
So, she wasn't dressed fancy, she wasn't supposed to be. She was here to help service the security.
Lady Mylia
Jan 25th, 2004, 08:25:05 PM
Mylia couldn't help but smile as someone addressed her in the force. She had an inkling to who it was. She turn around to find Kack and Quay. She smiled. ""Kack! Quay! It's so good to see you two! This is Ridge. My date." She smiled at the two.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:17:19 PM
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Ridge," Kack said giving a slight bow at the waist.
"And Lady Mylia, it is a pleasure as always," he said with a warm smile. Mylia looked very elegant that evening and Kack probably would have said something were it not for the presence of Ridge. He didn't want to step on any toes.
Lady Mylia
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:20:17 PM
Mylia smiled and leaned over and gave Kack a hug. "The pleasure is mine." She said with a smile and a laugh.
A'jorrah Mazzic
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:27:55 PM
Originally posted by Falcon Gyndar
He nodded, smiling to Natia.
"That's the way it is. Busy...our lives are like that, being Jedi. I'm busy with my life.. You're busy with yours. We should have breakfast together sometime soon, Natia. Nothing like enjoying fresh morning light and a hot plate of pancakes, mm?What do you think?"
A'jorrah watched Falcon with his daughter, she was every bit impressed with him even more so as he spoke with his family. She smiled as the two of them spoke.
The ex-Dark Angel was so glad just to be here with Falcon, so glad.
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 26th, 2004, 01:00:37 AM
Jackson was quiet for the most he didn't know to many people her mainly just Jacali and Mylia. That and he wasn't one for big crowds but it made Jacali happy to be here and that’s all he cared about. As she leaned into him and asked him if he was hungry he smiled and nodded.
"Of course I'm hungry and I hope this place lives up to it reputation. So what good to eat here anyway?"
Jackson leaned into Jacali to ask the question. This place seemed elegant enough and Jackson highly doubt he could afford to eat here on any given day but tonight was special. He was here with her and nothing else really mattered he could handle the fact that he didn't like crowds for this.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 26th, 2004, 11:28:00 PM
"So how have you been, Mylia," Kack inquired happy to see his friend. "It seems like it's been forever and day since I saw you last," he mused.
He fiddled absent-mindedly with his lightsaber's hilt as he spoke. Attractive women always made him feel uncomfortable to some extent.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 27th, 2004, 01:13:32 AM
He stepped so that he was slightly behind Quay, before speaking.
"Excuse me... " he said, bowing in the manner of someone military trained, "If you pardon my forwardness, but I have heard tell of the Jedi but I have not met one before, nor indeed seen one. I wonder, would you join me on the dance floor? It would honour me greatly if you would"
His voice was even altered, so it was of a Coruscant noble, but with a slightly offworld purr and extremely polite and respectful in tone. No hint who he was except for a glint of hardness and examination in his glance.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 27th, 2004, 01:48:53 AM
Jame, by now, had picked up a glass of water, and was just standing by the piano. By the time the song ended, she had thought of something. She looked at Rog.
"Hey Bro. Geddup. I wanna play something.. and sing. And I want you.." She grabbed Marga's forearm " dance with your lovely girl here. Go on, i'll make it worth your while."
She said this smiling. She really wanted to see everyone happy. Positive emotions were soothing to her empathic senses.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:48:36 AM
That was the last thing Quay had expected, but then again she was also here to represent the Jedi, so why not?
"Certainly, Sir. I would be honored." She smiled as she excused herself from her friends and followed the dashing blonde-haired man out onto the dance floor. It had been sometime, since she had danced but she had always loved too and took pride in it.
"So, if I may ask your name, kind sir?" She asked with a gentle smile.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:16:58 AM
He waited for a moment while he picked up the beat and melody, mentally selecting an appropriate dance to lead with. Just in the few first steps, he realised Quay was actually an accomplished dancer herself. Just by the way she fell into the timing and also, stepped.
"Why, I must say, they teach the Jedi to dance? You are quite good at this. My name - it is Marcus Telcontar. I'm not really much more than a trader, it's really only in past deeds that anyone would suffer me to be here. Might I inquire of the correct way to address someone in your position and would it be appropriate to know your name as well?"
Marga Alton
Jan 27th, 2004, 12:26:04 PM
Marga smiles as Jame's says she wants to play and that Rognan should dance with her. She smiles at Rognan, really hoping that he will agree to dance.
Lady Mylia
Jan 27th, 2004, 03:54:02 PM
"I'm doing good, how have you been?" She questioned Kack as she glanced around at everyone else.
Rognan Dar
Jan 27th, 2004, 10:40:04 PM
Rognan slowly stands up. Thought he wanted to dance with Marga, he also didn't want to give up his second passion so quickly. But, none the less, he did stop. He walked over to Marga and taking her hand in his, started, to what he thought, was dancing. He was not what you would call a dancer. But did know the motions. And after a quick study of others around him, he was able to but his best foot forward.
"Are you alright?" he said looking at her eye's. "Your a little red around your eye's. Is something wrong?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 28th, 2004, 04:21:56 AM
As her feet fell into step with Marcus', she responded with a smile. "Yes, my first master taught me all the rigors of dancing, she told me that even Jedi must know the concept of footwork and that it improves one's balance and coordination." She thought about his name and suddenly a look of surprise came over her. "I know that name, you were the playback for the Kaut Dragons. That was the only kind of game my master allowed me to watch while we were out and that was not alot, but enough to know the names. You were excellent, but sorry to say I've not watched a smashball game in over a year, probably longer."
She almost glided with him as the two of them danced. "You are an exceptional dancer yourself, Mr. Telcontar and my name is Quay'Na Rakai. Quay's fine to address me by."
Marga Alton
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:40:04 AM
Yes, I'm fine. I only got something in my eye earlier and it gets rather annoying because when that happens, I get teary eyed.
Marga responded as she and Rognan danced together. She lets her head rest on Rognan's shoulder, a smile on her face.
Rognan Dar
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:41:06 PM
As much as he wanted to believe Marga, he felt that she was holding something back. It wasn't his place to force her to tell him. If she wanted to, she would. Right now all he wanted to do was spend some time with Marga.
"I didn't know you could dance so well. If I knew, I would have practiced more."
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2004, 05:03:04 AM
"You Jedi do surprise me - I would never thought you would know anythign about Smashball. You also must have been young if you saw me - it's been a few years since I've played. I've been to enough state functions and prize givng nights to learn how to dance. It's the one bit of culture that I believe has been drilled into me, although many others have tried. Now, you mentioned a... Master? I take it you are a Padawan then, Miss Rakai? How does that work, the Padawan thing? And you had more than one Master? How does that work?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 29th, 2004, 07:03:39 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "Yes, I am Padawan and its has been quite a while since I've seen a smashball game. My first master liked to watch them, I think she enjoyed watching all the good-looking guys. I was only about fourteen then. But, she thought it would be good for me to watch and possibly use some of the high-tech moves in fighting." Quay'Na shrugged slightly as they continued their moves with graceful ease.
"As far as the master thing, most of my master's have always come to me. Master Ira did, but she died a little over a year ago. Master Sage was assigned to me and then he disappeared after a few months and finally I requested a new master. Unfortunately, Master Evenar and I didn't quite hit it off well and then I got my newest master, which is Jedi Knight Helenias Evenstar and we get along quite well. So, it seems my luck with masters hasn't that great, though I'm trying to look past all that. I take great pride in learning from my masters."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 29th, 2004, 07:12:42 PM
Originally posted by Kack Mebuff
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Ridge," Kack said giving a slight bow at the waist.
"And Lady Mylia, it is a pleasure as always," he said with a warm smile. Mylia looked very elegant that evening and Kack probably would have said something were it not for the presence of Ridge. He didn't want to step on any toes.
Ridge stepped up by Mylia as their little group was stopped for a few moments.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Kack and I thank you for being part of this grand occasion. I do hope you and..." He looked around for the woman that had been standing there, but now she was out on the dancefloor with another nam. "Ummm, I hope you enjoy yourself."
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2004, 07:41:23 PM
If his control wasnt anything less than good, he would have tripped in surprise. as it was, there was a distinct stutter to his step until he recovered.
"Your... learning from Eileen? Oh my, that must be an experience and a half!" he laughed. "Oh, remind me to her - she'll know whom I am. Her and a Genenal of the NR did a raid on Kuat that I got involved on. If I rememebr right, she was freelancing for a smuggler, her and that armour of hers. I swear, she was the toughest of the lot of them. Drank, smoked, swore..... tore some scumbag that made a pass at her limbs off. With her bare hands. Damn, she's a right hot babe too!"
His smiel was genuine - although he missed her terribly (and it was on ther hope she would be here that he even came to this do), the memories from Kaut were very fond. Him, Helenias and James tearing up a camp of smugglers. Eileen, as she gave her name then, hard drinking had been legendary. She drank even Jyanis under the table.
"Yeah, good times. Pity she aint here. Always liked her, has a clear head and a wickedly bad sense of humour. How's she going anyway?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 29th, 2004, 08:13:03 PM
Eileen? Helenias...ok, possibly, must be a nickname. Quay thought for a few moments and shrugged it off.
"She's doing very well." She told him as she noticed that only a few were left on the dance floor. But, it didn't matter, she was actually enjoying the dance they were doing. It had been a long time since she had danced, but it came back to her instantly.
The steps were very smooth and she could feel the eyes on them as they seemed to glide across the floor.
"Busy, but well." She added to try to block out the stares upon them.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 29th, 2004, 09:37:29 PM
"Thank you much, Master Ridge. Quay'Na and I are not here as 'dates' persay. We are helping out with security this evening," Kack said with a smile.
He returned his attention to Mylia, "I've been pretty good, for the most part. I have a new master now, Master Ezekiel. So I've finally gotten into heavy training again. It's good to be busy again."
He paused for a brief moment to feel for Quay'Na's presence, she was with that man with the strong force signature.
"So what have you been up to? I haven't since you in quite some time now. Not since our little training session."
Lady Mylia
Jan 29th, 2004, 09:50:11 PM
Mylia smiled. "I'm glad for you, it's good to be in training again." She put her arm through Ridge's as they talked. "I've been doing good, been very busy, too. Training, studying, you know."
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:12:41 AM
He noted she was a little bit uncomfortable with the lack of people on the dance fllor, but frankly, it wasn't like Marcus cared. He was enjoying this.
"Tell me, I heard someone went insane and made her a senator? Surely that little rumour aint true?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 31st, 2004, 07:24:37 AM
"Yes, Sir. She is a senator now and she's a very good one...oooph."
A look of surprise came over her face as he dipped her. For a split second her body tensed in case she did something wrong causing him to drop her, but it didn't happen. Her body relaxed and she was up and going about the dance floor again.
With a brief call to the Force, she allowed it to help guide her more in the movements and warn her the next time was going to dip, so she wouldn't look so foolish or be so alarmed.
Kack Mebuff
Jan 31st, 2004, 11:44:46 AM
"Most excellent. I am happy for you. How is your lightsaber training coming? Hopefully better than when we started out," he said with a laugh.
Kack placed his hand back on his saber's hilt as he spoke.
"But I am glad you're progressing, otherwise you might end up like me. A padawan after almost two years," he chuckled, only half joking.
Marga Alton
Jan 31st, 2004, 11:51:10 AM
Growing up in one of the noble families of my homeworld made me learn how to dance incase there was a boy who wanted to dance with me. I hope you don't mind that I know how to dance because if you want Roggie, I'd be willing to pretend that I don't know how to dance.
Marga smiles sweetly as she says this.
Rognan Dar
Jan 31st, 2004, 03:06:44 PM
"No, no. Its not that. I just didn't know. If you started to dance like you didn't know how to then we would be quite the site, now wouldn't we?"
The fdance floor was getting less crowded. And only a few were left. As he and Marga danced he got site of Quay dancing. She was with...he couldn't tell. He didn't look like anyone he knew. But then again, something about him was. He shruged it off and continued to dance.
Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 05:57:19 PM
Mylia laughed. "It's coming, we'll say." She smiled. "Have your heard anything about a promotion for you in the near future?"
Kack Mebuff
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:25:41 PM
Kack laughed aloud.
"No, I'm afraid not. I have no clue when I'll hear any news of that sort. I doubt it'll be anytime soon. How about yourself? Any word yet?"
Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:45:54 PM
Mylia shrugged. "I don't know. You know how they get sometimes, everyone is busy."
Kack Mebuff
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:01:28 PM
Kack's smile widened. He was all too familiar with the stallings that often took over the GJO.
"Oh, tell me about it. Are you still with Master Dasquian or do you have a new Master?" he inquired, curious to what his old Master was up to.
Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:32:35 PM
"I'm still with Master Dasquian." She said with a smile. She glanced over to Ridge to see how he was doing.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 11:44:48 PM
A brief smile on his face was a small giveaway. He made a small, seemingly accidental mistep and she still maintained control and even 'saw' it coming and adjusted accordingly.
"You are good - Your dancing technique is one of the best I have had the pleasure to partner. If anything, you are better than your Jedi Master, she is herself top level. I have had that pleasure back on Kuat. I must say tho - Eileen a Senator? That would be somethignt o watch. She was a pretty volatile woman and prone to fits of temper at politicals. I do hope she hasn't killed any of her political opponents yet"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 3rd, 2004, 04:05:25 AM
"No, she's not gone on a warpath as of yet, that I know of. She is a very strong Senator to say the least, I've seen her a time or two. She doesn't let anyone get the best of her." Quay'Na replied as she mentally scanned the area for any trouble. Not feeling anything really, she brought herself back to the conversation at hand and not missing a beat with her feet.
"I hope to be as strong minded as her someday, people really look up to her. Me especially."
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 4th, 2004, 07:10:10 AM
"I hope to be as strong minded as her someday, people really look up to her. Me especially."
"Interesting" he said. "Strong minded might be good, but it can also lead to you being inflexible. She's very set in her ways and it's hard to ever suggest she is wrong. Much like another Jedi I knew, although, I did not know it then.... Turbogeek I think he was caleld. A powerful Jedi apparently, but a fool. His strong mind got him on the wrong end of a blaster. The lesson here is that an agile mind and a flexible one can learn much and not suffer from single vision"
Frell!!! Marcus, you idiot! he admonished himself mentally. Your speaking like a bloody Jedi!
Yeah and this could be your next Padawan, was the mental answer.
"This has been a most interesting conversation and I do admire your dancing ability, Miss Jedi. But if you will excuse me, I realyl must attend to business. it has been a pleasure speakign with you"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:13:12 AM
Quay'Na gave him a funny look for a moment when he mentioned Turbogeek, but then he said he needed to move along and that he had some business to take care of, so she dropped it.
The Padawan wished he hadn't had to go or she would've questioned him further.
"It's been a pleasure, Mr. Telcontar." She smiled as she bowed as a Jedi would then watched him as he disappeared from the dancefloor. Marcus Telcontar. I may have to talk to Helenias about this one.
The Padawan put the name on her mental list and walked back over to her friends. "Did I miss anything?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 5th, 2004, 12:42:11 PM
That sounds delightful Father. I haven't had your pancakes in quite some time now and would love to have them again.
Falcon Gyndar
Feb 5th, 2004, 03:50:39 PM
He smiled.
"Great...I'll get back to you on that, then. "
He turned to A'jorrah. "Shall we dance?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Feb 5th, 2004, 03:57:23 PM
Jame had been playing away, enjoying the fact that everyone else was enjoying themselves. She watched the couples glide across the dance floor as she played some well-known songs, the words rolling off her tongue beautifully. When the song she was playing ended, Jame took a gulp of her water, and stood, projecting her voice so she could be heard, but not have to yell.
"I'm glad to see you're all enjoying yourselves. Now, what I am about to play is something I wrote myself. And I'm dedicating this song and its words to my brother Rognan Dar, and his lovely lady, Marga Alton."
And she reassumed her seat, heading into the song. Her voice had a captivating, gentle and soothing power. Many a man and woman had tried to sign her, make her famous... But she felt that was not the way she was meant to use her music.
Rognan Dar
Feb 5th, 2004, 11:42:55 PM
Rognan paused his dance as Jame made her anouncement. When he heard her say it was dedicated to him and Marga, he couldn't help but smile. It was great to know that he had a sister. He felt complete now. He knew if he ever needed someone, she would be there for him. And vica versa.
"Why dont we get some refreshments?" he said to Marga, as Jame started to play her new piece. He walked over to where he left the drink he got and handed one to Marga. He then quietly listened to the sound.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 6th, 2004, 12:27:26 AM
"Indeed? We, ah, parted ways. On good terms, of course. I hope he is well. I have not seen him around in some time now, I must admit," Kack said.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 6th, 2004, 05:16:43 AM
Now walking about the other side of the room, he had a chance to observe Natia and the group she was with. Picking up a chilled drink from a waiter, he began to make his way casually over to her.
imported_Jacali Danner
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:31:17 AM
Originally posted by Jackson Mcgraves
Jackson was quiet for the most he didn't know to many people her mainly just Jacali and Mylia. That and he wasn't one for big crowds but it made Jacali happy to be here and that’s all he cared about. As she leaned into him and asked him if he was hungry he smiled and nodded.
"Of course I'm hungry and I hope this place lives up to it reputation. So what good to eat here anyway?"
Jackson leaned into Jacali to ask the question. This place seemed elegant enough and Jackson highly doubt he could afford to eat here on any given day but tonight was special. He was here with her and nothing else really mattered he could handle the fact that he didn't like crowds for this.
"I'm not sure, Jackson but what I am sure of it has to be something really good. I used to work at events like this when I was on Corellia. They always served awesome food."
A'jorrah Mazzic
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:46:19 AM
Originally posted by Falcon Gyndar
He smiled.
"Great...I'll get back to you on that, then. "
He turned to A'jorrah. "Shall we dance?"
A'jorrah smiled. "That sounds wonderful, Falcon. I've not danced in a while, so I'm probably a bit rusty." She allowed him to guide her to the dance floor and take her in his arms.
Marga Alton
Feb 9th, 2004, 11:09:57 AM
Marga smiles and nods her head slightly to indicate that she'd like something to drink. She takes the drink that Rognan offers and then stands beside him, listening to the music.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:09:59 PM
Originally posted by Lady Mylia
"I'm still with Master Dasquian." She said with a smile. She glanced over to Ridge to see how he was doing.
Ridge had been in conversation with the two senators, when he felt Mylia's gaze. He looked at her and gave her a charming smile. "Our table awaits us, luv." He showed her and all the guests that were joining them the rather large table in the front of the room. "Would you like to sit or perhaps dance, m'lady?" He asked her, with a smile.
Lady Mylia
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:03:03 PM
Mylia looked over to Ridge as he nodded to a huge table. It seemed to fit about 15 people. She looked around to everyone around her. "Would you all care to sit?" She nodded to Kack and everyone else. She glanced over to Ridge. "Maybe in a few moments when we all get sat down." She winked over at him.
Kack Mebuff
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:55:42 PM
"I'm not too sure I can join you. I am on security duties tonight. Perhaps later. I'm going to scan the perimeter of the building as soon as I find Quay'Na to tell her," Kack said.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 9th, 2004, 10:01:46 PM
Quay tapped him on the shoulder. "Don't have to look too far, I'm right here. I was just going to suggest that myself, Kack." She told him with a smile.
Rognan Dar
Feb 9th, 2004, 10:38:49 PM
And a tap also came to Qauy's shoulder. Rognan had seen that she was done dancing and wondered over to have a chat.
"Well, Quay, its been some time since I've seen you around. How are you doing?"
Kack Mebuff
Feb 9th, 2004, 10:41:05 PM
Kack had felt Quay's presence just as she had stepped up behind him.
"Indeed, indeed. Stealing my ideas are we now?" he said with a smirk.
He turned to Mylia and bowed. "We shall return, m'lady. Just have to keep an eye out... per say... for anything suspicious."
Kack laughed, he was always one to joke about his own handicap.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 11th, 2004, 10:44:22 AM
*Natia smiles at Falcon as he leads A'jorrah to the dance floor to dance. She's approached by a waiter who offers her a selection of drinks. Choosing a glass of white wine, she nods her thanks before going to start wandering around the crowd, watching everything that's going on, making mental notes on who's with who. The direction that she's going in is actually towards Marcus*
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:42:48 AM
And now with Natia heading towards him, unaware who she was just about to bump into....
"Oh... sorry! I'm soooo clumsy. I wasn't watching where I was going. Saaaaayyyy, you one of them Jedi?"
what she would have thought about the whiny Kuat accent was one thing. what she would have thought about the low whispher of the voice of Marcus coming from someone who hardly looked anything like him, would have been another.
"Good evening, Natia. It's a pleasure to see you unexpectantly here"
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