View Full Version : Operation Scythe ~ The first offensive (Complete)
Jarek T'chort
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:04:58 AM
The Galactic Empire, a name that conjured up images of vast armadas of warships, millitary might, ledgendary figures and spectacular battles.
And defeat.
For though decades had passed since Endor, most of the galaxy lived under the usurpers, the cancer that straddled the galaxy, the New Republic. From schools to merchant vessels their hideous creed of democracy was trumpeted and extolled, infecting the very souls of the peoples they ruled. Their weak and ineffective creed only survived by the virtue of their warfleets, that and the Jedi, the arrogantly self proclaimed protectors of freedom and peace.
For the beings of the galaxy did not desire deep in their hearts, they desired order. Under the democratic, alien loving Republic, they belived they had everything they wanted, they had peace and prosperity. Yet beneath this shroud was the grim fact that corruption and infighting plauged the Republic, as it had the Old Republic. The sight of Stormtroopers on the streets, of the Imperial Fleet guarding space lanes, that was security, it was the knowledge that a Order prevailed, that you were safe to walk home in the dark. If a few aliens or dissedents didn't like that, that really was their problem.
Now, the Imperial Sovereignty, largest of the remaining Imperial factions, was at last ready to renew the ongoing civil war. Having secured the Imperial Remnant in a bloody campaign, the forces of Grand Admiral Desaria turned to their eternal enemy, the New Republic. In the depths of the Imperial High Command, Imperial planners worked over their computers and maps, every mind bent toward the task they had been set.
So, under the code name of "Operation Scythe", the best millitary minds of the Empire came together with one goal, to bring the war back to the New Republic.
Jarek T'chort
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:15:15 AM
Imperial High Command - Thyferra
"Rotate ninety degrees."
An oblong, low slung table sat in the middle of the wide command room, an impressive hologram lay over the table like a storm cloud. Yet this cloud held no rains, it was filled with orbs of light, diagrams and stats that scrolled up from nothing at the touch of a key. The holo map of the Inner Rim was finely detailed, its sole purpose was to give the best, most up to date information to the millitary planners that toiled in the cavernous bunkers below the High Command complex.
At the command given, the map rotated, in one smooth motion it had zoomed in, magnifying a portion of the Rim. A single blue colored line ran up through the map, along with the Imperial script that denoted the line as the Corelian trade spine.
"Nehring, zoom in again, accentuate zero-five."
The map again contorted and this time a ball of rock appeared. It filled the table now, it was a perfect reproduction of the world it portrayed.
On a raised platform above the table stood several men, two in technicians uniforms, the others low grade army ranks. In front of them all, dictating the actions of the map below, was a Major. He was young, only in his twenties with short cropped hair, ruffled slightly as he ran a hand through it, his eyes keenly observing the map.
"That is it. Bestine IV. A hunk of rock, quite unappealing, but the brass says it's where we must concentrate our efforts."
The man named Nehring nodded.
"I've studied the latest Intel reports for Bestine extensively Major Drech. The defenses are formidable, two KYD heavy Ion Cannons and a planetary shield."
Major Drech sighed as he spoke -
"Well finding a way around those defenses isn't our job - yet."
The men went back to their consoles, the bold plan required by the Supreme Commander was still in it's infancy.
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:00:42 PM
(OOC: I hope you don't mind if I join)
Wing Commander Taichi Yamagi had been in command of the starfighter and training base on Folor for a couple of weeks already. He was standing in the command center receiving the daily briefing. A Captain came up to him with a datacard in hand.
"It's been pretty quiet around the galaxy recently sir. There have been scattered Imperial raids on several Outter Rim supply depots but nothing really of note. The Frigate Defender has dropped off another squadron of trainees sir, and supplies."
"Anything else?" Yamagi queried.
"Well, sir we've received reports that the Imps are planning something big but we dont know where." The captain informed Tie.
"See if you can get Fleet Intel to tell us more."
Teleran Balades
Jan 7th, 2004, 08:29:24 PM
Corellian Shipyards
Nearly completed 4th Response Squadron
Vast networks of durasteel and ferrocrete spread out in a giant maze above the swirling clouds of the planet below. Skeletons of great warships sat docked in their cradles with construction and droids covering almost every square meter of the unfinished hulls. Dozens of supply shuttles and space tugs swarmed around the cradles like workers in a hive, pulling huge armor plates and electrical components to the various construction slips, as well as transporting technicians and crew members to nearly completed ships. A squadron of TIE Defenders, fresh out of the manufacturing plant, swept through the tangle ships and metal, heading towards the central construction hub, where the larger slips were. The fighters cruised above the prow along the ventral ridge of a massive Aurora-class Star Destroyer and dove into the port side docking bay. Two other identical ships were docked in similar cradles, being stocked with fighters, provisions, and support crew as fast as humanly possible. A fourth Aurora sat in a final slip, various sections of hull missing plating for the final construction effort.
Newly promoted Line Captain Balades surveyed one of the enormous docking bays of his new Flagship the Feanor. The deck was packed with techs running back and fourth, calibrating systems and finishing the installation a dozens of minor system. Construction workers stood directing construction and overseeing assembly droids. A group of stormtroopers in regular service uniforms passed under the cause way the Captain stood on, carrying bags and personal belongings to their quarters. One could easily tell who the loyal soldiers were; they walked with unmatched confidence and precision, even when off duty. Teleran turned toward to address the construction foreman, a short, slightly overweight man.
“You have done a fine job overseeing the first stages of construction; the ships are a work of art. However, we are two weeks behind schedule. I was assured that the force would be ready before I arrived; please explain to me what kept the workers behind.”
Balades began moving toward the near wall and the wide staircase leading down to the deck. The small man quickly fell in step.
“Well captain, we would have been on time, but about three and a half months ago Sovereignty Command placed orders for a several capital ships and full fighter compliment. About half of our workforce was required to work on the other ships. You can expect us to be done in a week or two.”
Walked on without responding, the foreman followed anxiously. At the stairway he paused to look down on the bustling bay beneath him. A squadron of TIEs floated through the magnetic atmospheric containment field and idled over his head. The slight push of lower power repulsors could be felt as they passed.
“Very well, two weeks until the taskforce is space worthy. You may go I trust that you have important matters to attend to.”
The captain stared out of the bay into the space outside. The final preparations were still a ways in the future, but were drawing ever nearer. Everything had to be on time
Danik Drayton
Jan 13th, 2004, 02:06:03 PM
Colonel Drayton walked across the parade ground, if it could be called that, more like a dusty field. The depot was new and so were the recruits, taken from the huge ranks of men on Carida. They were barely out of their initial training phase. This was Danik's chance to prove what he could do as a leader. This rabble was, from what he could see, his near future. He had to organise them into what he hoped might one day be called an elite regiment. If he could get them ready for the up coming operations, their baptism of fire may come sooner than his superiors expected.
Teleran Balades
Jan 14th, 2004, 05:27:58 PM
Central Construction Node
Conference Center
All eyes were focused on the large holoprojector in the center of the dark room. Above the projector hung a spinning galactic map that took up a large portion of the center. The silhouette of a person blocked out portion of the lighted map as he reached for the controls. The image abruptly focused in on a quadrant of space, then shifted again to show only a single sector. In the middle of the circular conference table, Line Captain Teleran Balades stepped forward to address the Chief Officers of the 4th Response Squadron.
“Gentleman, what you see before you is the Sern Sector, in which the Bestine system is located. But, before we can try any type of assault we need a staging point and a way to weaken their defenses. High Command has given us this task.”
The Captain reached to the raised control panel and dexterously typed in a quick chain of commands. A handful of systems highlighted and magnified, replacing the map and showing all relevant information about each.
“These are all possible systems we can use; we just need to figure out which one gives us the greatest advantage.”
Over the next few days the officers collaborated on which planet would be the most eligible.
Teleran Balades
Jan 19th, 2004, 09:03:00 PM
Imperial Sovereignty Fleet Operations Priority A Transmission
Encryption Code: 5K-7
From: Line Captain Teleran Balades, 4th Response Squadron
To: Imperial Sovereignty Fleet Command
Subject: Data Analyized; Staging Point Selected
Classification: Restricted (BGX Directive)
/start file/
The remote system of Teyr, Quadrant 3; Sern Sector, has been chosen by the cheif officers of the 4th Response Squadron as an ideal staging point. Operation to secure the system will take place at approximately 1800 hours Standard Time.
/end file/
Teleran Balades
Jan 23rd, 2004, 11:46:12 AM
"Tank you for you cooperation, and welcome to Teyr."
Security Lieutenant Drepp glanced at the message on console in front of him.
"Please follow beacon 47J3k26 to the Sodonna Spaceport, we hope that you enjoy your stay."
Drepp flipped the comlink off and sighed, he hated dealiong with tourist, they always had something to complain about and complicated the simplest procedures. At least I'm getting paid for this..
At the moment there weren't any transports or passenger liners to inspect, so he let himself len back and relax. The pilot of the small security vessel put the craft in orbit and leaned back in his chair as well. The other two people on the tiny bridge, turned from their stations, welcoming the break
"Hey lieutenant, what do you think those rumors about the imps planning something big?"
"As long as they don't interfere with our job I don't really care. This ball of rock isn't worth anything to the Imperials so I'm not worried. All we get around here is the occasional tou....Geez!"
Before he could even finish his statement, a pair of Aurora- class Star Destroyers Materialized to their port side. The heavy cruisers accelerated and closed in quickly on the planet.
Drepp reached out for the commlink controls to hail the ships, though he doubted it would do any good. Before he could toggle the switch a trio of green bolts lanced out at the lead Destroyer. The lieutenant spun in his chair and stared at his gunner. The man had a paniced look on his face, his hand resting on the fire control panel. The lieutenant had only enough time to shout "You idiot" at the gunner before a dozen torpedoes punched penetrated the light shields and detonated on the hull. Vaporzing the craft and the people on board instantly.
Teleran Balades
Jan 23rd, 2004, 10:50:34 PM
Captain Balades stood looking out the bridge viewport. The still burning wreckage of the ambitous security ship passed to the left ov the bridge. About a dozen other ships came streaming in while transport ships scattered blindly.
"Concentrate ion cannons on the fleeing ships, we don't want any comapny soon. Finish this quickly speed and surprise is our advantage"
The lower shields on the massive ships droped for a moment, allowing several sqaudrons of TIE Defenders and assault bombers to join the battle. The imperial forces cut through the oncoming security ships like paper, suffering only a few destroyed and damage fighters. Fleeing transports were chased down and either disabled or destroyed, several of them nearly clearing the planets gravity well.
The two capital ships moved in on the giant tourist stations deploying several assault shuttle filled with troops, while fighters provided coverfire for them. The shuttles locked onto docking rings while loyal soldiers inside forced thier way in.
Slowing down considerably the Feanor and her sister ship the Malice entered geosynchronous above Sodonna. Turbolaser pulsed several times, clearing a landing spot about a kilometer from the city. After clearing on the ground had been cleared dozens of landing craft and drop pods deployed from each ship each with fighter escorts to keep possible craft ground based fire off of the precious craft. The true battle for Teyr had begun.
Ben Koon
Jan 24th, 2004, 12:04:03 AM
A rumble from the inside is felt by Koon and his small crew of smugglers who were on a routine trip to Teyr. “Imperial….” The screamed a civilian into the mess hall, on one of the orbital docking bays. Many Teyr guards drew their pistols and headed for the door. Knowing right off that the imperial and their reputation wouldn’t attack a planet unless the wanted total dominance, they knew the guards and everyone else stood no chance. Koon and his crew quickly climbed upon tables and headed for the ventilation shafts. After prying the vent loose he and his crew climbed through and crawled, hoping to find the hangar and escape with their lives.
Looking through the shards of light Koon and his crew miraculously made their way to the vent that led to the hangar. Dillontic, Koon’s co-pilot, drew his blaster and prepared to fire at the vent screen only to be gang jumped by the rest of the crew. The hangar of course was crawling with imperial troops. The commander of this fleet was obviously no idiot and was looting everything in sight. Koon hoped that his ship a skipray blastboat called the S-21 Silver Hawk, she was nothing special but got them around, was still able to take off. As carefully as possible Koon and the rest of his crew slipped down behind cargo containers that hadn’t yet been reached by the imperial looters and drew their blaster pistols and stealthily made their way to the side of his ship. Creeping onto the ship, they were surprised that there were no troops yet onboard. Obviously they were worried about the capturing the docking bay more or less than completely looting it. Koon was still completely puzzled on how to even take off out of the hangar much less escape the attacking star destroyers. Dillontic also, looking puzzled and frightened, told Koon to take off and not to worry. Koon was not about to argue knowing that this would be their only shot if a shot at all determining what Dillontic had planned, to escape. Dillontic quickly made his way off the ramp and bolted his way for the hangar bay entrance. Firing rapidly he drew the imperial troops attention, and took cover behind what cargo containers were left. The Silver Hawk quickly started up and was prepared for take-off. As the troops quickly changed their attention to the ship Dillonic fired and struck an imperial troop hoping to draw their attention back to him. Easily outnumbered by 20, he was brought down in the blink of an eye. But just long enough for the blasts to stop and the ship to escape the hangar.
Teleran Balades
Jan 24th, 2004, 12:08:07 PM
SK351 held blaster rifle aimed in front of him as his squad moved forward. Panicked shouting and running footsteps could be heard throughout the station. The grouped paused at a heavy door for a moment. He lifted a gauntlet encased hand and motioned the rest of the squad back as he set charges on the door. SK351 quickly steps back, pull out the detonator and presses the trigger. The soldier's photosensitive visors instantly adjusted to the garish flash left by the explosion as they charges through the door. Seeing the white armored troopers emerge from the ruined door, several civilians screamed and stampeded away; a few station security guards, however, did step forward to meet the challenge. A flurry of blaster shot filled the air as soldiers from both sides sought cover behind upturned tables, desks, and decorative furnishings. SK351 took position behind a hand-carved desk with another trooper, firing several shots over the top. He ducked down and toggled the command channel.
"This is SK351. Squad G has accessed the main reception room and is encountering some resistance, requesting back up."
"Acknowledged SK351. Squad B is on the way."
A pair of guards, who had taken cover behind a table, were brought down as their cover was destroyed by concentrated fire. SK351 and his squad fought on relentlessly, even after taking a few casualties. Squad B, led by TC4891, blasted into the room from side door and quickly mowed down the remaining guards. As the troopers confiscated the slain guards' weapons, a message came over the built-in comm system.
"This is HA872 in the hangar; a Skipray Blastboat just forced its way of the station."
************************************************** **
Flagship Feanor
"Captain, message from a trooper on one of the station, a ship forced its way off. They're heading for an exit vector right now."
Balades looked at the monitor.
"We can't catch them; send two flights of Defenders to bring that ship down."
Outside eight fighters TIE Defenders broke off of the current patrol and streaked after the fleeing blastboat.
Jan 24th, 2004, 10:23:21 PM
The sound of bare wet skin sliding over durasteel flooring could be heard distinctly through the training area. Bare footed Tear slid one foot over the other, his eyes following the path his hand took as it made a lazy semi circle over head before coming parallel with his free arm, that was out stretched and tensed. His arm snapped back quickly, with an open palm into a strike ready position. His back arching briefly while sending a controlled wave through his body, starting from his hips before working it out to his fingers, causing various pops of loose joints and kinks throughout his body. A blind fold was tight over his eyes as well as two others that were are part of his squad.
All around the three were seven regular imperial storm troopers that were stationed on the ship. All of which had volunteered for the chance to train with an elite unit such as the Inquisitoriate squad. The objective was to work as a team and take down the handicapped elite. Meanwhile the three Inquisitoriate opertives objective was to evade and counter attack the opposing teams strikes, until the other team was disabled.
The first strike came fast from Tear’s left, aimed for his jaw. Tear might as well not have been blind folded for it handicapped him little, he could sense their presence’s, feeling their intentions before they were made. Especially the tingle of danger coming from his left, causing him to arch his back while the hissing punch sailed through the air. A counter was quickly lunched, using the outstretched arm to rise up knocking the attackers striking arm up as well, pulling him off balance while Tear’s other hand, that was waiting in a striking position, bolted forward striking the man in the chest. The sound of skin patting against steel was heard as the man fell back with the wind knocked from him. His comrades quickly moved in to take advantage of Tears vulnerable position. The sound of air being cut whispered into Tear’s right ear, causing him to drop to a knee with both arms up stopping a roundhouse kick. Another trooper quickly took advantage lunching a series of sharp fast jabs into Tear’s exposed back that hammered home several times before the troopers own feet were struck out from under him.
Several wet thuds of skin striking skin could be heard just before the familiar slap of skin on durasteel echoed throughout the room. Naomi, one of the inquisitoriate soldiers and struck the man’s throat several times before he had even hit the ground. But she too was quickly taken from the fight by a combined tackle of two muscular storm troopers.
Ylor, the third of the squad, quickly followed the sounds of struggle only to duck suddenly as a leg sailed over head, ruffling his hair as it did. The inquisitoriate trooper was quick strike back sending several darting jabs in the assumed direction to only find air and a sharp pain to his ribs as the same trooper slammed in a punch. The fist was quickly swatted away as Ylor squared off with the man.
The storm trooper facing off against Tear was baffled as the Colonel zeroed in on him with precision strikes every time, even while blind folded. Although the strikes were slightly hesitant giving the storm trooper time to rely on his excellent hand to hand combat training as he parried and countered.
A large high-pitched squeal could be heard, followed by a storm trooper rolling off the Inquisitoriate female clutching his groin while he bent over in silent pain. The second storm trooper was quick to back off into a fighting stance. Giving the woman time to rise to her feet before ducking a fist that just over her right cheek, the wrist of which was quickly grabbed by Naomi. Twisting her body around, sending an elbow straight into the bridge of the nose of her attacker, causing him to reel backwards. A devilish smile sprung over the brunette’s rosy lips as she closed in for the kill.
Ylor’s ears perked as he heard the groan of the other man. The Inquisitoriate squad had been training for months on end and so have became quite close when knowing who was who, without actually needing a visual aid to identify one of their own. Stepping back, Ylor pivoted on one foot sending his leg whistling through the air to land a crushing strike to the mans back, causing him to crumble to the floor. The storm trooper that was paired off against Ylor was quick to avenge his fallen comrade sending a volley of punches and jabs into Ylor, who deflected several before being overwhelmed and caught out of stance by the trooper’s attack. Ylor stumbled backwards as blood dripped from a split lip, trying in a futile attempt to strike back.
“Heh, I don’t see what makes you so elite” The storm trooper growled triumphantly while he moved to finish Ylor off.
Bloodied teeth greeted the trooper in a smile as the blind folded man pointed behind him. “Patience.” Ylor said quietly. The storm trooper turning as he realized what he had done, but too late, a fist was already there to meet him, with a loud crunch the man’s head snapped back and he fell unconscious.
Sweat began to roll down the remaining trooper’s cheeks as he fought furiously to deflect wave after wave of incoming strikes, which were being launched from Tear. The other two remaining Inquisitoriate pulled their blind folds back to watch the last fight in progress.
“That ones fast isn’t he” Naomi noted curiously, as she watched the trooper working desperately to fend off the oncoming blows.
Tears right arm suddenly lurched forward in blurring speed connecting with the soldier’s chin in a resounding crack, stunning the man for a moment as he stumbled on shaky knees before falling backwards helplessly.
“Not fast enough” Ylor sneered, dabbing his lip with a careful finger.
Slipping the blindfold off Tear turned to face his lieutenants. “Comments?”
“Well…” Naomi trailed off, as she looked over the troopers that littered the durasteel flooring “If I had to pick one it would be the one you were off against.”
“How bad does this look?” Ylor stuck out his bottom lip, which was split badly and dripping a steady stream of crimson down his chin. Naomi turned and gave it a swift flick, causing Ylor to growl painfully and cup his lip. Naomi turned back to the Colonel with a mischievous grin spread over her lips.
Rolling his eyes Tear turned and began to walk out of the training room, pulling a towel off the rank near the doorway before canting his head back slightly to the others, “Alright tell him the news then get yourselves rested up. We leave tomorrow.” The metallic door hissed shut behind Tear with one swift fluid motion.
Soft bed sheets creased and pulled as damp warm skin fresh from a shower was laid down over it. Tear stared silently from his bed to the plain dull gray durasteel ceiling above, lost in his thoughts, preparing for the next day silently.
Ben Koon
Jan 25th, 2004, 01:13:40 PM
Ben Koon not taking the time to regard Dillicon’s death, was busy attempting to outrun and maneuver the attacking fleet. With eight tie-fighters showing up on the blastboat’s radar and nearly being clipped by a barrage of lasers on the starboard side, he quickly turned the ship to port and prayed she’d take care of him one more time.
Attempting to swoop around and intercept the tie-fighters, he charged and fired the turbo split in two directions he locked on with his targeting system and launched proton torpedoes at the pack of three and shot of towards the other ones in the opposite direction. Continuing with rounds from his turbo lasers he quickly closed in on the other three. An explosion from behind indicated that the torpedoes hit and destroyed 2 more ties indicating from the radar screen. The ties being chased by the blastboat quickly broke off and returned to the assault on the planet. But Koon now faced the biggest problem off all, escaping the star destroyers!
Teleran Balades
Jan 26th, 2004, 08:44:40 PM
Teleran watched with an amused, but angry, smile as the blastboat lived up to its name and blasted the TIE Defenders apart while nimbly dancing to evade their fire. The commander of the vessel was an able pilot, perhaps very lucky as well. As well as she had flown, the small ship didn't escape completely unscathed; several laser scores creased her hull where the TIEs' fire had briefly collapsed her shields.
The Malice pulled out of orbit and accelerated, determined not to let the ship escape and send out a distress beacon. On the bridge of the Feanor, Captain Balades watched intently as his flagship disgorge more troops on the planet below. Out of range of the Malice's torpedoes and steadily spreading the distance the Aurora-class ship, the Silver Hawk and her crew found themselves under the deadly fire from the Destroyer's long-ranged turbolaser batteries.
Jan 27th, 2004, 12:48:41 PM
A senior Lieutenant came into Tie's office. "There's a new Fleet intel report. The Imps just took Teyr in the Sern sector. Analysts say that they're most likely going to use it as a staging point for an offensive elsewhere, but they don't know where. Fleet Command has a message for you attatched here." Tie took the letter attatchment and read it.
Wing Commander Yamagi
The 45th Patrol Fleet is being dispatched to Folor and is to be placed under your command. Your orders are to run reconaissance manuervers near the Sern system to determine Imperial intentions there.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
45th patrol fleet:
Defender Class Star Destroyer: Emancipator
Assault Frigates Stormhawk
4 Warrior Class gunships
Telan Desaria
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:32:00 PM
“ Good morning, Admiral.”
The words came with pleasantness as their sole instigators, but were far from reaching that goal when the phrase fell upon the ears of one very tired Grand Admiral. Baron Telan Desaria gave the secretary a smile, though it was thin lipped and could be read as curt by any in range. The secretary smiled back, accompanying her grin with the wink of an eye. At that very moment, Desaria wanted little more than to see Interior Minister Farras and strangle him for the installment of civilian personnel in non-essential military positions.
Lighting was dim at zero-three hundred, for few people roamed the halls of Imperial Command and Control on Thyferra. As Grand Admiral Desaria turned the corner into a long corridor showing Xucprha City wrapped tightly in the blanket of night he had to chide himself: Marshal Prem in one of his socio-political flights of fancy had officially renamed the ICCC Imperial High Command. It was indeed a well intentioned gesture, aimed at being the first of many supports on a new, stronger Empire, but would take some getting used to. Desaria liked the idea well enough, but the sun was too distant from its rise for him to care.
Proceeding deeper into the massive compound, corridors filled and rooms bustled; the nerve center of the Imperial war machine never slept. Officers and men, generals and corporals, all worked round the clock on various shifts to make ready all the plans, all the details, all the minutiae of Empire resurgent.
The Grand Admiral decided on a short cut to his destination by passing through the situation room. He was lucky to have raised a gloved hand to a nearby yeomen lest he take the salute of every being in the room. He had slept little in the past week and was rather sore at having been torn from an…involved…dream regarding one of Chandrilla’s leading holoplay actors.
“ Telan!!!” Marshal Alexi Prem threw his arms wide to encompass his friend and colleague, but missed him as Desaria collapsed in a chair ahead of him. “ A little tired?”
“ How the hell do you expect a Grand Admiral to get any sleep and run a Fleet effectively if every time he tries to rest the Chief of the General Staff gives him a call???”
Prem flashed a characteristic smile that Desaria found repulsive so early in the day. “ Caf.”
“ Hmm?” Prem replied, his voice ringing with pre-teenage innocence that was badly feigned and long passed. The query was met with an angry gaze from the Supreme Commander.
“ As Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy I am ordering you to produce or have produced a magnificently mind altering substance in liquid form that will render my present condition obsolete as it is replaced with toxicant induced energy. Failure to comply will result in your prying my jackboot from your-”
Prem gave enough laugh, this one hearty and boisterous. With the reach of his hand behind his thinning but still grand figure he produced a cup of steaming caf. “ Five sugars?”
Desaria said nothing as he snatched the cup and emptied its contents into his bowels. A moment’s reverie later, he removed his great-coat and officers-visor cap and was ready for the day. “ Now, what news?”
“ Intial reports, though unconfirmed, are that resistance to the operation at Teyr is so dispersed and uncoordinated the system is ours with little effort. A few patrols and a division of soldiers will keep it calm.”
“ Indeed.” The Grand Admiral accepted a flimsiplast handed him and placed it on the table before him. “ This is also unconfirmed?” he asked, pointing to an aside by Intelligence to which the Chief nodded affirmatively.
“ I’ve contacted a few friends who know or know of some commanders at the local Republic commands. Based on their suggestions and analysis, the Staff thinks they’ll probe us.”
Desaria sat back in his chair. If what his friend had said and anticipated were true, the expansion of the Empire would meet its first serious resistance from its oldest and most loathed adversary - the New Republic. A war put on hold after the last Vong invasion would be renewed, the galaxy once more washed in the blood of men fighting for ideologies that could no co-exist.
“ Some time ago, I appointed a commander of the new 4th Response Squadron. They’ve drilled and trained religiously, but I don’t think it will be sufficient to handle the task of repulsing a Rebel attack if the probe grows into more. We have a detachment of light cruisers nearby protecting some Interdictors on maneuvers. Cancel their exercise immediately. Reform both units into a picket formation: put them en route along the Isis Corridor. Any Republic force moving to intercept will have to pass through that hyperlane. They won’t arrive in time to stop their initial probe, but we can cut them off from reinforcements deeper in Republic Territory. Any units moving to Bestine will have to take a longer route.”
“ Six light cruisers and four Interdictors won’t pose much of a problem if a bunch of Rebel battlewagons come stomping through.” Prem was a Fleet-Corps officer of an older generation than his superior, but his love for naval jargon had never ebbed with his increasing age.
“ No, but by then reinforcements for Bestine itself will. Everything can stay on schedule. The 4th Response Squadron is more than enough to handle the probe, whatever its size. If anything larger gets through, they’ll have to hold until help arrives. Line Captain Belades is about to prove his worth of rank.”
Prem nodded, the issue closed. Reports had been addressed, the issue closed. Enough troops were embarked on the four Auroras that soldiers from the Bestine would not have to be diverted.
“ Oh - remind Captain Belades and whoever else arrives at Teyr that it is not our final; objective, just a hyper-nav waypooint.”
Prem smiled, and turned to the next issue.
Tiberius Anar
Jan 28th, 2004, 03:34:07 PM
Whilst the officers of the Imperial High Command were already up and working, their Chancellor was not. Indeed Tiberius Anar was just getting out of bed.
Tiberius was a man of distinguished looks, he was tall and thin with grey hair. His partician features were often commented on. Yet for all his refined appearance and good breeding he was like any one else inn the morning.
"What! What!" he yelled as he was pulled painfully into the waking galaxy.
He looked up to see the form of his valet, Bruder, towering above him.
"Sir, it is time to be moving," said Bruder. He was already moving around the room, tidying as he went.
"What time is it?" asked Tiberius groggily as he rolled out of bed, "And wher's my wife?"
"Her Excellency has been up for some time," replied Bruder, "As for the time it is 0800 hours."
"Right," and so the day began.
Washed and dressed, Tiberius moved down the corridor to have breakfast. As he ate he read the latest reports from ministers, occasionally commenting on them then to the footman who waited on him.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! 750 million spent on new production techniques and no improvemnt!"
"Yes, Sir."
"The Minister of Armanents has some explaining to do," Tiberius threw aside the report and turned to the next one.
"Yes, Sir"
With breakfast finished, Tiberius made his way to his working offices. As he walked by the guards stationed around the Palace came to attention. Tiberius was already so used to this practice that he hardly noticed them anymore.
He entered the Outer Office at 0900 hours. This room was staffed by the menial officials who ran his errands, typed his memos and generally sckivied for him. And everyone of them leaped to their feet as he passed by, sitting as he passed out of site into his inter sanctum.
The Chancellor's Office was a massive room with collumns down both sides. At one end stood a desk, large and imposing, in front of huge windows. These windows looked out on to the city of Xucphra below, and provided a magnificent backdrop to meetings here. They were also reinforced against everything but a turboblaster bolt.
No sooner had he settled in behind his desk than the doors were opening to admit His Excellency's Private Secretary. Sir Quintus Varro was Tiberius' chief official within the Palace, the head of the machine that kept him in touch with the rest of the government. He was also a smoothe political operator who liked to control the people around him, even the Imperial Chancellor.
"Good morning, Your Excellency," said Varro with a bow.
"Qunitus," said Tiberius with a slight nod.
"Your day is as follows, Excellency," he read from a pad, "0910: Intelligence Breifing. 0945: Staff meeting. 1030: Interior Minister Farras. 1100: Deputy Secretary for Secondary Schooling. 1200..."
"Quintus, why am I meeting with the Deputy Secretary for Secondary Schooling?"
"You wanted to reform examination systems. The Deputy Secretary for..."
"Quintus," said Tiberius with a slight note of exasperation in his voice, "I do not need to meet with a Deputy Secretary to discuss exam systems. I need to write a note to the Education Minister and he can deal with it."
"Yes, Excellency. We felt that you might wish to engage in a discussion of the issues with an expert in administering secondary education. To gain a wider understanding of the principles underpinning the system and through such a discussion come to a more informed conclusion."
"Surely there are more important things for me to deal with."
"No, Excellency, there are not. At 1200 you will be lunching with..."
Jan 28th, 2004, 04:30:52 PM
War was coming…
Conflict was not a stranger to Tear. He had dealt with struggles of his own being, a struggle that tore his own being to pieces before a victory was declared. Soft blue eyes drifted from the ceiling lethargically, settling on the lightsaber near his computer terminal. He still bared the scars from that fight, scars that may never fade but reopen to bleed again if he wasn’t careful.
Heavy eyelids closed, sealing his vision in darkness as his thoughts still wandered over the battles of his past.
Pale white skin stretched and distorted with barbs and hooks, bearing fangs and emotionless dead eyes, the visage of the Yuuzhan Vong. Another battle fought and won through the blood of the Empire and through the leadership of his friend Jarek Tchort. That was Tears first major battle alongside the empire, thrust together through a common goal or a need to survive…
Dark skies suddenly lit up in a flash, illuminating the dull silhouette of dark clouds hovering low in the sky, home to the streak of lightning that came snaking out, arcing beautifully through the sky to fade as quickly as it came. Almost as if the lightning had called upon it, rain began to fall in torrents over the forest landscape. Falling like a bullet from the heavens, a single red drop floated down from the dooming clouds, falling gently onto a leaf of a tree. The red fluid dripped over the creases and bends in the leafs surface…gathering itself at the tip…before the weight became to much and the droplet slipped back into a free fall.
A single figure stood alone dwarfed by the forest that surrounded him, massive tree trunks reached up to the sky, seeming like they would touch only to plume out into a brilliant green canopy that flickered a dull florescent green with each flash of lightning. Rain pelted the soft grass through small holes left uncovered by the forest canopy above. Armor was quickly unclipped and peeled off, letting the rainfall freely over his body. It felt refreshing…like something he had done when he was younger…
The ground shook suddenly as a loud booming echo rumbled through the landscape. Another boom followed soon after, causing the ground to quake and sway beneath Tears feet. The beats suddenly grew into a series of furious pounding heartbeats. The beats continued to grow harder and faster with each booming strike, the ground shaking more violently in unison with their rhythm, causing Tear to fall backwards helplessly. Everything dropped to silence abruptly when Tear fell.
His gaze fixed on the sky above, as the branches swayed back and forth in a soft rustle of leaves, the green of the canopy contrasting a small red drop brightly. Noticing it too late to move the drop fell gently against Tear’s cheek. A Searing hot pain rose up from the spot it landed, trying desperately to rub it the red drop away. After a few moment of stroking his cheek vigorously the pain faded away, glancing at his hands expecting to see the red liquid but instead saw nothing. Sitting up slightly, his blue eyes glanced over the ground quickly before halting at the sparkle of pooled water.
Crawling lightly over the damp blades of grass Tear peered curiously over the ellipse of the puddle into its reflective surface…his face greeted him with a small chance, a small red teardrop just below his eye sat, where the drop had hit. The face suddenly gave a quickly wink before his lips peeled back into a large toothy grin. Before Tear could react the surface of the water burst outward as to shadowy arms latched around his neck.
Growling in anger Tear thrust a fist down through the puddle in an attempt to defend him self. His arm was suddenly constricted and yanked downwards, pulling Tear down into the puddle to his shoulder blade, his other hand sinking slowly through the mud in a vain attempt to keep from being sucked in.
“I told you…I told you, I would get out sooner or later. Its your turn to be in the dark… imprisoned, jailed, captive, restrained…bored!” With each word the puddle widened gradually, causing Tear to sink gently down through the water, until only his head and arm remained. Fingers clenched and dragging a long claw like mark through the mud as the cold water touched his ears…rising slowly over the curve of his chin, lips… instinctively gasping for air before the water slipped over his lips and nose. Ripples worked their way over he surface of the water as Tear’s heartbeat pounded in his ears. “See you soon Tear”
“Sir! Wake up!”
Tear lurched upwards in his bed, inhaling sharply at the same time. His blurred vision picking the outline of someone kneeling over him caused a quick hand to lift up to rub the sleep from his eyes, revealing the face of Lieutenant Naomi.
“Colonel? Are you all right? I’ve been trying to wake you for two minutes now, I was about to call the medics…” her voiced trailed off as a worried look melted over her face.
Tears mind raced through the images he had just experienced. A weary hand came up rubbing them the sleep from his eyes, holding his eyes shut as he tried to process what was going on.
“I’m alright, Lieutenant. Just give me a moment.” Tear took a breath, holding it for a moment before exhaling calmly and opening his eyes revealing a world not green in landscape or imperial in construct. The hum of engines gave away the sign that he was indeed on some sort of ship… a filthy cargo vessel. Tear winced as a wave of intense images flashed through his mind like a flood. “Where are we?”
“Just humor me Naomi…”
“We are on the Jovar, a small merchant vessel that makes its way along the Corellian trade spine.” She smirked in an uneasy fashion as if Tear had some sort of teaching or lecture behind the question. The smile faded quickly when she saw the expression over his face, revealing he did indeed not know where he was. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
Tear waved an impatient hand at his officer, dismissing her question about his well being, “tell me Naomi…how long has it been since we left base?”
“Two days sir…” A flush of uneasiness swept over Naomi as she looked toward her commander. “I..uh just came in to wake you, like you asked, when we began to approach Bestine IV.”
Tear felt his chest sink with Naomi’s words. Two days? Tear stopped his mind from jumping through the obvious questions of how and when. “Thank you Lieutenant, make sure the men are ready, ill be out shortly.”
Ben Koon
Jan 29th, 2004, 06:10:28 PM
A hard blast from behind gives away that Koon has not nearly escaped. The lasers blast damaged the hull, dropping the Silver Hawk’s shields to nothing.
“This is it” He said aloud.
Knowing that he could not escape the Imperial fleet, he turned his ship hard to the starboard side and headed towards the Malice. Showing signs of surrender Koon swooped in closer to the attacking star destroyer. Staying clear of the ship’s fire he slowed down awaited (and prayed) to be taken inside the ship. Thinking of anyway to escape he knew it was all too hopeless, but still holding out hope that the captain and him could strike a deal.
Jarek T'chort
Jan 30th, 2004, 07:15:24 AM
The tap, tap of millitary issue boots echoed down the pale grey corridor that ran through the caverous expanses of Army High Command. The wearer of the boots halted in front of two blast doors, before which stood two honour guards, dress uniforms immaculate. The man was ushered into the darkened office beyond.
"General Krill, take a seat."
General Krill, a man of thirty years millitary service, obeyed the gruff voice that issued from behind the low slung spartan desk that took up most of the office. The office itself was decorated only by a console perched ontop of the desk, a small ornate tree in one corner and a door leading off to private quarters.
Field Marshal Tchort swept a hand around a delicate looking canter of some exotic beverage, and offered it to Krill.
Krill accepted with a bow.
"Well General, pleasentaries aside, Teyr is ours due to the latest reports. Phase one is almost complete. Intelligence informs me that the rebels are completely in the dark as to our ultimate intentions. You, General, are to be my eyes and ears at Bestine IV, in direct holo communication when I desire it. You will have operational freedom, naturally, yet I want to be kept abreast of all developments."
"Of course sir, the 7th Panzer division is already embarked and standing by." Krill gulped back the last of the liquid.
"Thats all General, I know you will perform admirably."
Krill smiled and inclined his head in a bow, then he turned on his heel and was gone.
Tchort's brainchild to take Bestine was coming to fruition, the NR would soon feel the sting, but when they did, it'd be too late.
Telan Desaria
Jan 30th, 2004, 10:13:24 AM
Grand Admiral Desaria was rather exhasuted when he entered his lavish office deep inside the sprawling complex that was Imperial High Command. The view of Xucprha City was not spectacular, though it could have been, had Desaria not handed the office to Marshal Prem who was combining High Command of the dedicated residence of the General Staff from the Isle of Orrl.
Thyferra's sun, a young and bright dwarf star, was almost directly ahead, its brilliant rays trying in vain to pierce the tinted windows on two of the office's three walls. The Admiral squinted for a moment as he maneuvered his imposing figure around a desk: with a sigh in close succession, he surrendered to the chair's soft embrace. Its comfort surprised the Centaurian noble: everything in his office was new and of a modern era - a decor that was so far removed from his older and sophisticate tastes.
Desaria opened just one eye to see what work had been piled on his desk by loyal but annoying adjutants and aides. A pile of flimsiplasts sat almost off one corner, two humming datapads on another. Here and there was a stray cryshac, all of them a clear sea like blue under white lettering. One of those in particular caught his interests since it had not the emblem of the Navy or Army, but the Crest of the House of Desaria.
He sat up right in the chair and picked the sheet up from where it lay nearby, the words standing against the black surface of the desk. As header belied, it was from his closest brother currently serving in the very Empire he aided in helming. Circumstance had dealt one of its many odd hands to the Grand Admiral, for his brother, the Viscount, had arrived at Ison to assume command of the re-constituted 21st Panzer Division. He went on to complain that duty was scarce and action rarer still. He wanted that to change.
It might have been using undue influence, or it might have been the considerable replacements sent to the new Bastion Sector and Moff Lebron that lowered the available reserve pool that caused Grand Admiral Desaria to activate the recording device fixed into a drawer to his left.
To Field Marshal Jarek Tchort. Classification: TOP SECRET AND PERSONAL
I know all things go well with the coming operation and am very pleased in the performance of the men responsible for that operation's execution. I thank you for the diligence you display and the vigor you have re-introduced to the Army.
I now must ask a favour of you, one that come hard to ask. I cannot recall off hand whether you have siblings with whom you interact, but let me tell you either way that they are trouble. I made a mistake a while ago of admitting one of my brothers into your ranks, and now he is a Major General commanding a panzer division. His unit is well drilled and its men experienced. I ask that if possible, you transfer the 20th Panzer Division into active stance as one of your possible reinforcements for the coming campaign. Though I foresee no difficulties, you will security forces of course. Perhaps my brother can aide you. He is dilligent and able, let us hope he does his brother and commander proud. His is the Viscount Desaria.
I thank you in advance. A bottle of brandy form my stock upon your return.
Desaria switched off the device, and closed his eyes to the paperwork seemingly growing on his desk...
Teleran Balades
Jan 30th, 2004, 09:55:05 PM
"Captain, the Blastboat stopped running, the Malice is hauling her aboard." A glance out the window confirmed the statment. The other Destroyer had a tractor beam on the blastboat, pulling the small vessel into starboard hangar.
"Good to see the crew made a wise decision; I'll want a report from Commander Glenn. How are the ground forces progressing?"
"Sodonna militia have put mild resistance, the troops are mopping up small groups. It shouldn't be long before the city is ours."
"And what about the theatres?"
"Sorry Sir, we don't have very good of inteligence. It's assumed that militaristic groups are spread thin along the rift valley creasing the surface."
"I don't want assumptions, get that information. It wouldn't be advisable to have another Hilari, don't you think lieutenant."
" Sir" The officer flinched at the reminder of the disaster on Hilari, a direct result of incomplete inteligence. "We have an understanding then?....Good, take command of the bridge lieutenant. I have matters to attend to." Teleran left the stunned officer behind him as he strode from the bridge.
Once, in his quarters he called up recent memos from his personal console. At the head of the list was a document directly from Fleet Command. The Captain grinned upon finishing the report. "So, they've cme at last" Speaking out loud to himself. Calling up a blank message for he wrote out a quick order to the remainder of his fleet. The Republic task force would find itself up against four Destroyers instead of the pair already at Teyr.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 1st, 2004, 06:46:16 AM
Field Marshal Tchort leant back into his office chair, a wry grin on his face. He held a private communication from Grand Admiral Desaria, which implored the addition of the 21st Panzer Division, or more specifically, young Viscount Desaria, to the task force assembled for the operation on Bestine IV. He would oblige the Grand Admiral, he was fond of the younger Desaria, a competent officer from what he had seen on Bastion.
The comlink pinged once on his desk, before Tchort flicked it on.
"Marshal, your appointments are finished for today."
"Thank you Temel. I'll be leaving now, order up my speeder."
"Yes sir.
Tchort pulled his leather gloves over his hands and flung his great coat about him, it was needed now that winter was settling on Thyferra. He strode out of his office, still a little weary from his days work. Files upon files upon files. And no seeming end to it.
Once outside the complex, his speeder zipped up, a fast, sleek model, decked out in ebony. His personnal escort of two Millitary Police on speeder bikes followed along behind his speeder as it sped through the traffic of Xucprha City. The urban sprawl of the city, with it's high rises and lights was left behind as the speeder continued towards its destination, Tchort's Thyferra mansion in the Felca hills.
The mansion itself was a four storey affair, a wide lake stretched out in front, with acres of land surrounding the opulent residence. A marble facade had broad windows that surveyed the surrounding countryside. Once through the heavy wooden doors, Tchort laid his coat and gloves on a side table and strode up the wide staircase to his study. He felt the echoing of footsteps in the caverous mansion, they seemed to emphasize the lonliness of the place. To Jarek, this was a place to sleep, not a home. He had been without a true home for so many years now, he had all but forgotten his childhood, the Vong had seen to it that his past was obliterated. Tchort had no one. He had friends, true, but his life felt empty, he had no one to care for, the high class whores he associated with on occasion were hardly what he would term 'love'.
Yet, as Tchort heard the butler tap on his door and announce dinner, he knew he needed no one, his life was empty, true, but the Army and the Empire were his family, his every thought and care was pinned to that mighty insitution. The art of war was his life, to smash the rebellion. This time, there would be no failure.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:58:43 AM
0450 hours
New Republic Naval Facility 001-B
Codename "The Hive", Coruscant
New Republic Naval Command Headquarters
392nd Floor, VIP Room #7
His mind wandering through an incredibly good dream, it took Lion a full 3 minutes to respond to his chirping comlink. Growling and half-asleep, he moved his arm and hit the thing's accept button, moving it towards his mouth.
"If this isn't the High Council, or an Insanely Beautiful Woman, I'm hanging up." he said, making it sound like a threat.
"Sir, we have a situation." came through the speaker, the voice of young Lieutenant Riemann.
"Hold on Lieutenant, I'm transfering you to videocomm." Lion said, getting out of bed and throwing on a robe. He trod over towards the comm unit recessed into the desk, swearing as he involuntarily looked out of the window and saw the pre-dawn sky. After tapping in a couple of commands, the holoprojector warmed up and Lion was greeted with the image of Lieutenant Riemann, anxiously shuffling dataslates. "This'd better be good, Lieutenant." he said, trying to comb down his hair.
"Admiral, we've lost Teyr." the Lieutenant said, glancing down at one of the dataslates and expecting a burst of anger from Lion. Lion, however, remained impassive.
"Okay, Riemann...What the hell is Teyr? A planet? A starship? A 3-month old sandwich?" he asked cynically.
"A very small planet near Bestine IV, sir. Not under our protection, but very little strategic value anyways. We're not even sure who did it, as far as we can tell nobody got away from the initial attack forces." the Lieutenant answered.
Lion nodded, but the information was coming too fast for his sleep-clogged brain at the moment. Riemann was about to continue, but Lion held up a hand.
"I'll be at the situations room within an hour. If you haven't brewed caff powerful enough to dissolve my eyebrows by the time I arrive, I'm going to tie you to the bow of the Avatar. Understood, Lieutenant?" Lion asked, grinning.
Riemann nodded, and closed the connection. Lion sighed, looking at the dark was going to be a long day.
Tiberius Anar
Feb 1st, 2004, 03:51:56 PM
Tiberius was still unaware of developments acroos the galaxy. He had spent the day in tedious meetings and paperwork.
Paperwork occupied most of his time now arriving each morning in black and gold boxes with the Imperial Crest upon it. Each box was filled with reports, files, proposals, forms, estimates and so on that the Ministries produced. As he had the final say on government business the Ministries had to send all their major documents to him for approval. The trouble was that the Civil Servants tended to send the trivial documents along with the few really important ones. For example he had read "Estimates for Long Term Agricultural Budgeting" and "Proposal for the Ammendment of Imperial Order 664 (Inter-System Traffic Code)" before getting to "Defence Expenditure Estimates". Fortunately the paperwork was out of the way now and he could get out of the office.
With his ever present bodyguards in tow he made his way along the corridors, past the uniformed guards and through the double doors that marked the boundry between the "Office" part of the palace and the "Residential" part. Once over the threshold he went straight to the drawing room.
Inside he found his wife, Livia, ensconced in an armchair a book in her hand. When he entered she smiled at him, as she always did. She asked how his day had been and he unburdened himself whilst she poured a drink for him. It was their routine the product of twenty years together.
An hour passed in comfortable silence before dinner. After they had eaten they went to bed. Tiberius' day was over and he had no idea what had happened on Teyr.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 2nd, 2004, 07:57:25 AM
0530 hours
New Republic Naval Facility 001-B
Codename "The Hive", Coruscant
New Republic Naval Command Headquarters
392nd Floor, VIP Room #7
Lion strode out of his room, still trying to towel his hair dry. He felt uncomfortable in his Admiral's uniform, as always, but he ignored it. With any luck, this'd just be a false alarm, and he could go back to bed. He walked over to the turbolift at the end of the corridor, sliding in a rank cylinder and hitting the "descend" button. The doors slid aside, and he walked into the elevator...
...only to bump into the three Fleet Officers unfortunate enough to be jammed closest to the doors. The turbolift car was packed with high ranking officials. However, Lion was the Admiral, and everybody hurried to make room for him. This Teyr thing must have everybody riled up. He leaned over towards the Captain on his left, a man that Lion had worked with previously.
"Captain O'Lannon. Any idea what this is about?"
The man shook his head.
"No, sir. I got the call about an hour ago. I'm off to the Intelligence building, I'll see what I can dig up for you. You're off to the War Room, I'd guess?"
Lion nodded.
"Indeed, that's exactly where I'm headed. I'd appreciate anything you can pry out of intelligence for me, my schedule is too jammed right now to physically go over there and pull rank."
The car stopped several times, and the occupants gradually filtered out as the turbolift descended towards the more secure lower floors. Soon, only Lion and 3 lower-ranking admirals were in the car. It stopped, the doors slid apart...and Lion was greeted with an image of chaos. Of course, he'd seen the war room in a flurry of activity before, but everybody in here seemed to have a lot more energy than was allowed at this ungodly hour. Without another glance, Lion started walking towards the upraised command platform in the center of the massive room, where scores of high-ranking officers were pouring over information.
On the way towards the platform, Lion was confronted by numerous aides. By the time he reached the command platform, he was holding 8 different statistical readouts, a map of the Bestine system, and at least 15 different theories as to who the aggressor was. Rolling his eyes, he proceeded up the stairs and entered the command room.
"Admiral El' Jonson, please, take a seat." said a voice. Lion looked at the giant, circular table in the center of the room, taking in the faces seated around it. He identified the speaker as the aging Admiral Drayson and took his seat, still identifying the other officers: Admiral Ackbar, Brigadier General Kale, Admiral Lojin, High General Dornier, General Cracken, Vice Admiral Xilov, two dozen least half of the ranking High Command was seated around the table, greeting Lion.
"Could somebody please enlighten me as to what the feth could have happened that would require half of the High Command to awake at 5 in the morning?" he asked, growling his assent as aides moved around the table distributing caff which did indeed look as if it could remove eyebrows. He nodded a silent thanks to Lieutenant Riemann, who was sitting in the corner, grinning. He took a sip and let the steam float into his face, feeling his sleepiness disappear. Disappear, to be replaced with curiosity.
Admiral Ackbar spoke first.
"Admiral El' Jonson, earlier this evening..."
"Morning, sir." Lieutenant Riemann corrected. Admiral Ackbar nodded and sighed.
"Indeed, earlier this morning the holonet center at Mogrim VII picked up a faint distress call that had originated from the Teyr system. Apparently, it had been intended for the Belis Corona relay satellite; a satellite that we've incidentally been unable to locate. The distress call was very faint, but the Mogrim Holonet Center was able to amplify the signal enough to retrieve the information. It's merely a plea for assistance from any forces within range of Teyr. It gives no indication as to who was attacking, why, or how the defense was progressing. However, we've recieved no further transmissions, holonet or otherwise, from Teyr."
High General Soric stood up, straightening to his considerable full height. As commander of the 9th-13th Mechanized Infantry Divisions, he was responsible for defending the vital Myrkyr system, one of the "Gateways to Coruscant." Coincidentally, he was a brilliant strategist, and commanded respect in the council. Admiral Ackbar stopped talking.
"I believe that we should put together an investigative force to determine what the situation is on Teyr. Admirals, what do we have available in the way of forces?" asked General Soric.
Lion chuckled softly to himself, drawing the room's attention to him. He spoke up.
"General Soric, seeing as how half of the High Command is seated in this room, I can assume that their fleets are orbiting Coruscant. We won't have any problem acquiring ships for a snoop job."
Soric nodded, looking extremely embarrased.
"Of course. Thank you, Admiral El' Jonson. I motion for the High Command to authorize the deployment of a small taskforce to investigate the situation on Teyr."
"Denied." Admiral Ackbar interjected, forcing a grin onto Lion's face. "The distance between Coruscant and Teyr is considerable, both geographically and politically. I see no need to risk valuable lives and warships for a planet that has never shown any desire to ally with the New Republic."
Several members of the room echoed Ackbar's statement. Lion nodded in agreement, and General Soric sat down. Ackbar motioned for General Cracken to speak. The aging Intelligence Chief stood up and began discussing the history of Teyr. Lion rolled his eyes and checked his chrono...indeed, it was going to be a long day.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:44:00 AM
Field Marshal Tchort ran a course hand through his hair, forcing the impudent fringe to one side. He wore a frown on his solemn features, as he regarded the scene before him.
A few hours earlier, a report had come in from Captain Balades task force at Teyr, with an attached holo file. Now, gathered in the command center on the Isle of Orrl, Tchort, along with the Falleen fighter ace Fritz Von Laang, Admiral Hagen of the Fleet, Colonel General Curman, commandant of the Imperial Storm Corps, General Krill and an assortment of various other Imperial officers. The gathering of such an impressive display of rank signified how important this operation was, the first strike of the renewed Civil War.
The screen above the conference table hummed and came to life, projecting the holo onto the view pod in the center of the wide circular table.
Images began to play, firstly, recorded over Teyr, the Star Destroyers of Captain Balades' task force looming ominously over the planet, turbolasers shredding the meagre defenses to peices. Second, the visuals of the planets capital being taken, wild laser fire still sounded in the distance as the cameraman panned across the pockmarked garden city of Qyor. The images shut off with a click. Major Vryss, Tchort's ever attendant aide, spoke up.
"Captain Balades reports that the city is under control as of 07.00 hours this morning. There is scattered resistance in the hills but that will not hinder the operation any."
Admiral Hagen spoke next, his dour voice suiting his pursed and thoughtful features. He brushed a hand over his grey uniform as he talked.
"So we have our jumping off point, young Balades has performed well. Field Marshal Tchort, will he be leading the Naval forces against Bestine?"
Tchort nodded,
"Yes that's correct, I belive his taskforce is more the capable of taking the planet, we can scarce afford to remove more ships from our defenses, they are skeletal as it is on the Outer Rim.However, Admiral, make sure that two Imperial class III Destroyers are despatched at once to Teyr. I want absolute superiority in capitol ships over Bestine IV, Remember that the Rebel base on Mrisst is only a few hundred light years away."
Hagen shook his head slightly.
"What of the diversionary attack?"
"I have a young officer whom I wish to lead that assault on Gaji. It will be a short stab at the planet, I want no serious attempt to take the planet, or to fully destroy the forces stationed there, it is a diversion, no more."
The assembled officers agreed, a few suggestions were passed around before Tchort continued, smiling wryly.
"My ace card is already on it's way to Bestine IV, belive me gentlemen, the Rebels there will be most sorry when they find out what fate awaits them."
Feb 2nd, 2004, 01:46:09 PM
"Initial reconaissance flights have turned up nothing sir." and aide reported.
"The High Command is meeting right now and they're discussing the recent Imperial activities. I would recommend that the patrols take a passive stance sir, we don't want to provoke anything." the aide said.
"Alright. Inform all personnel that weapons are tight. Upon sighting of Imperial ships report their position and retreat immediately" Tie ordered. The aide saluted and went to relay the orders.
Danik Drayton
Feb 2nd, 2004, 03:22:01 PM
Colonel Drayton was on his way back from a meeting at Division HQ. It was the day of his first inspection of his entire unit. It had been two weeks since the regiment had been formed. During this time they had spent hours in lectures on tactics, even more time on firing ranges and exercise grounds. They were now well organised and had spent the past two days going over advanced combat training to make sure everyone was totally sure of what to do. The men within Regiment were beginning to know each other and their commanders. The men were up to the expected standard of any Imperial Soldier, some individuals were indeed above that standard. Of corse the senior officers had seen combat and compared to the rest of the unit were highly experienced.
Colonel Drayton walked briskly into lecture hall that he had set aside for a summary of his opinions on the 63rds progress. “ Sorry I’m late. Right everyone here, good, lets get down to business.” In front of him sat all the senior officers of the Regiment. “ Firstly well done to each and every one of you, for the tremendous effort you have put in. The training program has moved on swiftly and I’m am pleased with the way combined operations handled fighter support during the exercise yesterday. First battalion did a marvellous job during the counter attacks on the training village.”
“But there’s still room for improvement. So onto next months training program. We’ll begin with regimental scale exercises involving…” He was cut short when a communications officer came running through the door at the side of the room. He made his way to the Colonel and handed him a message. Drayton read it quickly and then looked up. “We have our marching orders.”
The Depot became a hive of activity as everyone prepared to move out. They had twelve hours. The Colonel didn’t know their destination or what awaited them. He knew that this time it was no drill, no exercise, it was what they had trained for.
Feb 3rd, 2004, 01:25:37 AM
His calm demeanor expertly hid the turmoil that was raging through his mind as he made his way to the shower units. Tear tapped a button in a half dazed fashion, closing his eyes tight at the wave of steamy oncoming water…Whatever was happening It would need to wait, there was a mission that depended on him and his team. There wasn’t time to play “lets share the body”, Tear would deal with Ta’sath…after he dealt with the Republic.
A few moments later Tear emerged from his bunk dressed in his old civilian clothes. The dark creases showing just how worn his krayt skin jacket was as he slipped it on. I got this jacket just before escaping from Darana…still fits, Tear thought with a grin as Ylor, Naomi and Bren’ler joined him.
“We just docked sir, republic security is starting their sweep for contraband and there will be another group scanning for illegal weapons before we are allowed onto the space dock orbiting Bestine IV. Then from there we have transport arranged to take us to the surface to meet up with the rest of the team.” Naomi’s voice was a soft whisper just loud enough for Tear to hear.
The group of four walked with a casual swagger, their eyes washing over the crowds for any sort of threat as they approached the Security post.
Tear stepped up first to a rather burly security officer standing in front of a computer terminal.
“Are you hear for business or pleasure.” The security officer didn’t even bother to look up at Tear as he plucked away at a keyboard, resuming his questions before Tear could even answer.
“I’m here fo-”
“Are you wanted in any New Republic systems or carrying any illegal substances or weapons into the Bestine System? Thank you please step through the scan detector ahead of you.” The guards voice was weary and mumbling as he spat through the sentence with a repetitive quickness before pointing to the Scanning Arch, that would accomplish the same task weather the person in questionwas lying or not.
Blue lights flared in unison with a dull hum before an ultraviolet blue light began to slide over Tears body before disappearing; the computer gave a positive beep before shutting off. Tear wasn’t surprised, after all his DNA, face, retinal pattern, were not on any New republic records and he wasn’t carrying anything illegal but he did have a thermos of caf for the trip. The guard satisfied with a thermal image gave a nod to Tear.
Stepping to the other side a second security guard snatched up the thermos with a suspicious glare and unscrewed the top, tipping it to the side briefly before a the hot brown liquid spilt over the floor.
“Sorry about that sir, cant be too careful these days.” The uniformed man smiled while handing the thermos and cap back, dancing slightly as a small droid zoomed around his feet to clean the mess.
“Tell me about it, there can never be too much security with the Imperial Sovereignty being on the boarders so close n’ all.” Tear smiled politely at his own words and how the security officer was smiling dumbly, having no clue what he was going to be in the middle of in a few more hours.
Ever since Intelligence confirmed the planned invasion of Bestine, they had been making preparations. Teams of four every two weeks had been making their way to Bestine for two months, Tears being the last team to make the trip bringing the number to twenty. On the planet below they had weapons smuggled in through great expense to the Empire, which didn’t really matter, because after the mission was accomplished Intelligence would track down the merchants and make sure they didn’t spend any of the credits they received.
Entering low orbit of Bestine IV, near an industrialized area.
The shuttle shook slightly, clearing a pocket of turbulence before tilting to carve lazily through the sky. The shuttle rumbled as if it would fall apart right there, its thrusters firing against the landing pad. Moments later a stark white Lieutenant followed by her three comrades as they emerged from the dimly lit shuttle.
“I’ve had high velocity orbit drops in an escape pod, through a star fighter battle that was smoother then that.” Naomi whimpered lightly as she glanced back to the bucket that had just transported her.
“What about that time we made that jump from one of those old republic gunships over the jungles of dwarq.” Ylor chuckled to himself lightly, remembering the moment. “We found you hung up in the trees an hour later.."
"Left me up there too.." Naomi Scowled in vengeful retort.
“Not wise to make fun of your field medics…” Tear jested lightly, making his way through the empty streets, leading his group to a warehouse that looked just as bad as the shuttle that brought them.
“Not the good ones anyway” Ylor grinned briefly before Naomi’s small fist made its way into his shoulder with a deep thump.
The warehouse was situated in an industrial sector only a few miles from the main military command center of bestine. The center housed the operations of both the world shield generators for Bestine and one of two, KMD 23 Ion cannons.
The larger squad was situated in the warehouse, awaiting Tears arrival, which would bring the team size to fourteen. The second squad of ten was under orders to stay hidden and out of site a few miles from the second KMD Ion cannon until the attack would begin. Until that time they ran constant reconnaissance to work their strategy of infiltration and capture to its best degree.
Upon reaching the warehouse entrance, Ylor clicked his the comm unit on his arm twice sending a barely audible static click to anyone else on the same frequency, which would only be the other Imperial Operatives in range. The door opened admitting the four. The crew had guns drawn, until identities were confirmed and reconfirmed. If it was one thing Imperial Intelligence didn’t lack, it was the paranoia of being compromised.
Moment’s later Tear was being briefed on what they had accomplished since arrival and what was currently being done for preparations. All the appropriate equipment had been checked, re-checked, and sorted. From what Tear gathered the speeder bikes were causing the most problems as most of them were acquired on location, and barely ran. Most had been rebuilt and optimized, two being specially modified for Tears strategy. Hopefully they could last long enough over Bestines rocky terrain without a break down.
“How’s the other crew fairing?” Tears question was rather valid as transmissions were rare, for fear of being intercepted at such a distance, and they hadn’t contacted the main squad since Tear had arrived.
“They seem to be doing well but camping out in Bestine’s wilderness for a couple months is liable to wear on even the best operatives. Our next transmission should be just before we synchronize for our attack, sir.”
“Has Republic Security realized we left a surprise for them on the freighter we arrived in?” The question brought a sly grin to Tear’s lips.
Major Lyntern, third in command of Enrapture Company, couldn’t help but grin with his response, “Aye sir, Republic security located the explosives onboard the Jovar after your departure from the space station. Communications chatter says they’ve successfully disarmed the device and are bringing in specialists to remove it as soon as possible to be disposed of properly. New Republic has also gathered up every registered passenger that was transported on aboard the Jovar for questioning…our best estimates is that they will be knocking on our doors by tomorrow night.”
“Then everything is set.”
“Appears so Colonel.”
Tiberius Anar
Feb 3rd, 2004, 02:54:11 PM
Tiberius did not learn about Teyr he was in his office the next day. He was quietly getting on with some of his paperwork when the doors opened to admit Varro, his Private Secretary.
"Yes, Quintus?" asked Tiberius looking up from the report he was reading (Present Defence Force Command Structures).
"Your Excellency, a representative of the Imperial High Command is waiting outside and craves a moment of your time."
"Send them in," said Tiberius rising from his chair.
Jarek T'chort
Feb 3rd, 2004, 06:43:48 PM
The delicately carved doors of the Emperor's private office swung slowly open, the room had a regal feel to it, which was noted by the man who entered.
Jarek Tchort, Field Marshal, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, friend of Grand Admiral Desaria, stepped smartly in. He took this in his stride as he did most matters, but this was the first time he would brief the new monarch on millitary matters. Though he was loathe to admit it, even to faithful Major Vryss, he had an apprehension that was hard to quash. Civilians in power was, in his book, madness in time of war.
He walked up to the desk before him, littered with paperwork marked with the Imperial crest and the Private Secretary who had shown him in, announced him to the standing Chancellor Anar.
"Your Highness, may I present Field Marshal Tchort, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army and Archduke of Eriadu."
Tchort performed a millitary bow, inclining his head sharply. His smooth black uniform rustled as he did so.
"Excellency, an honour to meet you again, I am here to brief you on the current war situation."
He waited at the Chancellor's leisure.
Feb 4th, 2004, 01:55:36 AM
The warehouse was a hive of activity, some getting prepared for the assault soon to come, others getting much needed rest for the task that loomed not to far away. Tear had chosen the latter and was laid out over one of the planning tables that were covered with strategic maps and data pads.
“Colonel Tear? Sir? Are you sleeping…”
An irritated eye opened to spy the man standing a few feet away in a timid posture. Idiot question he thought to himself, before his lips parted in a growling response… “What is it.”
Bren’ler straightened up a the sound of Tears voice, “Sir we have received a priority message from Intelligence command. I’m afraid I cant tell you what its concerning. It’s been encrypted and classified your eyes only.”
Tear sat up slowly, heavy eye lids rose up to reveal tired blood shot eyes as he took the data pad holding the encryption from Bren’ler. “Thank you”
“Colonel.” Bren’ler the newest recruit to Tears squad nodded swiftly with a salute before turning on his heel and walking away.
A heavy sigh escaped the Colonel’s lips, his hand covering tired eyes from the soft light that poured into the room from the door left open by the recruit. Reluctantly Tear brought his hand down, eyes wincing slightly to adapt to the light as nimble fingers began working over the small pad. Tear’s lips moved in hushed silence, in rhythm with his eyes that scanned over each sentence of the document until heavy eye lids again closed shut. This time not because of the sleep he lacked but because of a change in plans.
“Ylor, Naomi, Lyntern, come in here please.” Tear swung his legs over the edge of the table, moving his body to face the door-way as each person trickled into the room one by one.
“There’s been a change in plans. I’ve been called out.”
Naomi’s lips moved to say something before Tear held a hand up.
“The mission will continue as planned. The only difference is I will not be here to lead you, Ylor will be taking my place and command the assault. Naomi will make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.” Tear smiled lightly, though his sleep deprived body didn’t let it last long. “The plan goes ahead, do not let me down. The success of this campaign now relies on you.”
“But sir, New Republic security is looking for your identification papers and pass port, even though fake they will stop you at a check point.”
“I know Naomi. Lyntern is the smuggler that was bringing in the weapons and equipment for you still on planet, or have you dealt with him.”
“We haven’t dealt with him yet sir and as far as I know he is still in the public transport node awaiting further instruction.”
“Good arrange my transport.” Tear slid from the table to his feet and prepared his gear for departure.
Ylor turned, looking toward Naomi as one the figure of his commander disappeared into the shadows toward his destination.
“He didn’t look well.”
Naomi nodded slowly rubbing her bottom lip in thought, “I don’t think he’s been sleeping well…just before we departed the Jovar he was acting sort of strange.”
Ylor arched a curious eyebrow at Naomi, “Strange how?”
Naomi shook her head slightly, knowing she shouldn’t have brought the subject up and quickly dismissed it. “He just wasn’t himself, I think he may just be under pressure and hasn’t been getting enough rest lately.”
Ylor nodded, glancing at Naomi suspiciously before turning away to look out into the falling night. “You’re the doctor…”
Lyntern approached the two, dismissing their conversation and bringing them back to the reality of their business. “It’s not our business to question our leaders. Only follow our orders and serve with honor until we cannot serve any longer. The preparations are ready. Just say the word…”
Tiberius Anar
Feb 4th, 2004, 04:53:01 AM
"Field Marshall," Tibeirus was always restrained when it came to greetings. It allowed him to contol the impression he made.
He motioned towards the converstion circle across the room, they sat.
"Forgive me, Field Marshall, but as I understood it Operation Scythe was not due to begin for sometime. I thought that you had yet to select a jumping point."
Jarek T'chort
Feb 4th, 2004, 05:36:33 AM
An aristocrat down to the bone, thought Jarek. He himself was now an archduke, but the mantle of nobilty did not sit as well upon himself as it did with Prem or Desaria.
"Excellency, the jumping off point has been secured as of yesterday. The planet of Teyr was taken by an Imperial task force. Resistance was crushed. I have given the order to all combat units needed to embark at once. The operation against Bestine will now take place as soon as we get the signal from elite Intelligence operatives on the planet."
Jarek paused a moment, allowing the Chancellor to take in his words.
"For the operation we intend to utilise two groups, one of which will launch a diversionary attack on Guiju. This will hopefully lure out any snooping Republic forces. After this, the main force will decend on Bestine IV, crushing any resistance. The heavy ground defenses will be taken care of by our Intelligence teams."
Tiberius Anar
Feb 4th, 2004, 08:48:17 AM
Tiberius took this all in without reaction. Inside, however, his mind was reeling.
Teyr? Teyr!
"Field Marshall, as I understood it Teyr was a neutral world. As you may be aware it is part of Foreign Policy that neutral worlds are immune from attack by our forces. I must ask you how, given this policy, you felt justified in invading Teyr.
"I would also like to know why I was not informed of this decision either by you or by Foreign Minister Shen."
Jarek T'chort
Feb 4th, 2004, 09:46:29 AM
Tchort felt slightly rilled by the Chancellor's words, though his face remained neutral.
"Excellency, Teyr was selected because it is not an Republic member world. As such, the Republic would not be so inclined to scramble their nearby forces, it had meagre defenses and Teyr is mere light years away, so it is a prime jumping off point."
Tchort felt an irritation rising. The man opposite was a tycoon, a man made from shrewd investments and clever deals, a life of trading and political manuvering. As such, it was the anethma to Tchort's own way of life. He had little time for politicians, but nethertheless something told him that Anar was someone to be teated carefully, he did not want the most powerful man in the Sovereignty an enemy.
"Minister Shen was not informed of the operation either, it was necessary to move as fast as possible so our blow against Bestine IV would be a success. Therefore the potential headaches that may have been caused due to our foreign policy were bypassed. I belive it is in our best interests. Hesitation has oft caused battles to go astray."
Tiberius Anar
Feb 4th, 2004, 03:30:36 PM
Tiberius looked the Field Marshall straight in the eye.
"And rashness has often caused empires to topple. You may consider Foreign Policy a 'headache' but it is a neccessary one if we are to survive."
Jarek T'chort
Feb 5th, 2004, 10:41:06 AM
"Rashness or not shall be determined by the outcome of this campaign. Teyr was taken to improve our chances of succeding in our goal. The Imperial millitary is now poised to strike at the Republic as I have informed you, sire. Decisive action was taken at my order because if we sit and dither we will stay within our meagre borders and die. Regardless of foreign policy."
Tchort spoke calmly and clearly, but the conviction with which he spoke was evident.
"I did not rise to my position by being rash, nor hesitant, I did so because I am a good soldier. I have lived my life fighting wars, so, your majesty, I hope you can trust my judgement in wartime, such as this Teyr matter."
Tchort paused before continuing his attempt to placate the Chancellor.
"As for Teyr, they are firmly under our control. They will do as we say. Imperial Intelligence and sympathisers on Teyr have already organised the necessary precautions. Teyr will announce it's voulantry assimilation into the Empire, the resistance will be accounted for by blaming dissidents in the milltary, not, from what we hear from the Republic, that anyone is too concerned."
Feb 6th, 2004, 01:53:49 AM
Deep in the void of wild space sat the Orishma Task Force. 2 months have past since Reshmar had taken his group into the Cadavine Sector and the emptiness of the galactic rim. Training the Elite Valkyrie A wing Squadron had proven more difficult then Reshmar had imagined. Few knew of the existence of the Valkyrie Squad and even fewer knew the location of there training.Under orders for strict communications silence Reshmar had no idea of the Imperial agression or of any other news which had taken place in Known Space. A supply Freighter from Ryloth brought a rumor that the Imperial Sovereignty might be up to something.
Reshmar sat staring out into space at the Asteroid training area. He could see the occasional Booster ignite as a group of a wings ran drill after drill. Much of the trip had been a recreational period for most of the crew. Daily drills were short but keep his crew in shape if they were called upon for instant action. His thoughts were conflicted. His orders had him out here for another 3 weeks but his fleet may be needed if the rumors he was hearing were true. His mind was made up. he had to find out the truth.
" Captain Prepare the Mon Orisham for departure. I am taking a small group to investigate these rumors of Imperial agresson. "
Tiberius Anar
Feb 6th, 2004, 03:49:37 AM
Tiberius could not argue with the Field Marshall, the reasoning was sound enough.
"Very well, Field Marshall. If you can assure me that there will be no reaction from Coruscant then I am satisfied." He rose, sinalling that the meeting was over. Tchort took the hint, he got to his feet too.
"But in future I wish to be informed of such actions."
Feb 6th, 2004, 10:59:59 AM
Reshmar Sat in command chair of the Mon Orishma looking over the daily status reports. The hull plating below him hummed with the vibrations of the massive vessel learching from its stationary position and beginning to move away from the rest of his fleet. As the Massive Cruiser pulled away the Harrier , Mortus, and Avenger took up positions flanking the Mon Orishma. Before him popped up a halo of Captain Jontor. Sharply dressed in his Republic Uniform and as Reshmar could tell he was proud of wearing it.
"Admiral The remaining fleet is locked down and on stand-by. We will constantly monitor the Task force emergency frequency but I fear we are too far out. If you co to far coreward, we will not be able to respond if needed."
The edge of Reshamrs lips curls and he gave what most consider a smile for a Calimari. "Captain I understand your concern. I will not stray too far without the task force. I just need to get away from them before making contact with fleet command. No one is know be aware of our currant location. If I am not back or you have not herd from me in 4 days you are to take Task force orishma to Calimari and inform them of our progress here and of my disappearance. I assume full responsibility for breaking our com. silence order. In my absence I want the fleet to double there training time. also run some mock starship battles. If we are needed in battle I want the ships and the crews ready." Jontor nodded in agreement and returned the smile.
"Be carful Admiral, I would hate to have to assume command of the task force permanently."
A cough like laugh escaped Reshmar. " Yes Captain I believe I would hate that for you as well."
Jarek T'chort
Feb 6th, 2004, 01:19:12 PM
Major General Badur sat, arms crossed, in the govermental dome of Teyr. He watched the men in front of him with a keen eye, observing their every move. The Teyrian leaders, each of them human males aged around fifty years, sat around a long oblong table, each with different looks about them, some dejected, some smiling, others yet were talking away, intent on the buisness at hand.
They were the ruling council of Teyr, each a representative of the provinces that surrounded the largest central continent, from which the rest of the world was governed. These men were decidely split down the middle. Many were for accepting the rule of the Sovereignty outright and becoming a member world. Others argued for a dealto be struck arranging neutrality. Yet others wanted to disband the government and call for a worldwide strike, a peaceful rebellion against the Imperials.
Badur watched as the Imperial ambassador, Duke Reinhard, a man of around sixty, spoke to the assembled men.
"...membership in the Sovereignty is very desirable. Very desirable indeed gentlemen, you see, the Republic cared not for your distress call. You are alone. Yet the Sovereignty is your friend, your ally. Yes, we came in force but for your protection. The war is stepping up a pace, no longer can so many worlds choose to be fence sitters. You will be a part of one of the most prosperous governments in the galaxy, belive me, it has it's advantages."
An younger politician, with greying temples spoke up.
"Yet the Empire invaded us, they stormed our cities and killed hundreds in a matter of hours! We have no reason to trust you."
Before the ambassador could retort, Badur raised his level voice above the din.
"Gentlemen, the Imperial Sovereignty owns this world now. Any attempt to gain asistance from the Republic would be foolhardy.Such an attempt is not necessary either, you are now simply part of the Sovereignty, deal with this fact. There are Star Destroyers in orbit as we speak, half the population suppourt us, the other half are apathetic, your situation precarious."
The general was blunt, but the words he spoke rang true. The politicians fell silent until the president, a man named Oman, stood up.
"Very well, against the wishes of seven council members, the government of Teyr requests membership of the Imperial Sovereignty and declares itself an subject to Imperial law."
A few hours later, an urgent communication arrived on Thyferra. Teyr had fallen, Bestine IV was next. The Imperial Juggernaut poised itself to strike.
Feb 7th, 2004, 01:55:28 AM
Star lines exploded into tine points of light in the forward view port of the Mon Orishma. Below His Feet Reshmar could feel the Deck Plate Vibration change as the Hyperdrives disengaged and the low pitched hum the main thrusters came online. Off in the distance a point of light more brilliant then the others marked Zhars Sun. Reshmar turned his chair to wards the Communications station. With a gruffy voice he issued orders to scan for any Republic Signals.
He turned back to look out the forward port and look over some reports on the status of the Mon Orishma. A minor plasma port had blown on the trip and caused some damage to one of the reactors.
"Admiral no Traffic on the republic channels in this area."
Came a Calimari voice from behind him. He looked from the report and turned his chair to look in the direction of the Communications officer.
"Open a channel to fleet command I want to get the information we have come for the get back to the Task force."
Feb 7th, 2004, 05:35:02 AM
New Republic Security Task force on Bestine IV
“Do we have confirmation the suspect is inside?” Sergeant Donel, whispered quietly to one of his men in front, a small squad of twelve security personnel were crouched and creeping toward an old abanadoned warehouse, their weapons were drawn as they made a quick half circle against the entrance.
“Yes sir, we have reports that several locals saw that man described on the vid recordings entered this building and hasn’t left since his arrival.”
“Good. Now remember boys we don’t know who this guy is or what he is capable of so stay frosty and keep the weapons on stun. Go, go, go!” As the sergeant gave the word to breach the building, he shot a canister that bolted through the warehouses building, filling the insides with a thick cloud of dense smoke. Two of his men rushed forward in a combined kick that brought the door to splinters. The door fell apart as all twelve men rushed into the building with efficient speed…the thick cloud of smoke concealing the small trip wire that was set against the door frame incase someone opened the door, or in this case kicked it down. The twelve men didn’t even hear the boom of an explosion before a wall of searing flame washed over their bodies incinerating them in a few moments. The walls of the warehouse quickly crumbled to the expanding shock wave of pressure, lighting up the night’s sky in a brilliant orange, yellow glow.
Docking station under construction, Merchant Vessel Jovar in hanger bay six
“I can’t believe this frelling joke! I have a business to run. I cant be stuck here for two days, I have delivery’s to make… you bantha sniffing..” The captain of the Jovar droned on in front of the two well-trimmed men donned in new republic security uniforms, who did their best to calm the small pudgy man.
“Sir, please calm down. The bomb squad will be here surely to remove the explosives from your vessel and disposed of in the safest manner possible.”
“What! You up tight terds told me the thing was already disarmed, why do we have to wait for more bomb squad members to remove the blasted thing!”
One of the security officers, sighed before an irritated expression rose over his face. “Sir, I’ve told you already. We-can-not-move-the-bomb. There is enough explosives there to take out this entire hangar and a few more decks with it. We only have two bomb squad members on hand to move the device. So-we-have-to-wait. Deal with it!” The young officer couldn’t save his temper from boiling over as he spelled out the words to the fat little captain…but just as the young man finished his sentence the explosives behind them gave off a resounding bleep combined with the sound of a high pitched tone growing higher.
The three went dead quiet as they turned silently toward the bundle of wires and explosives that have previously been disarmed. Which they were…as intended by Tear, who had a fourth relay installed deep within the device, hidden from the others, so that it couldn’t be cut to render it harmless.
The small group turned to face each other, their faces contorted in a mix of confusion and horror, as the high pitched whine climaxed, igniting the bomb. Their bodies were instantly plowed over by a rolling wave of flame and debris, which tore out into an ever-expanding sphere. Roaring flame melted through bulkheads, moving in unison with the shock wave that ripped through durasteel decks to consume anyone unlucky enough to have been venturing through the halls. The violent explosion rocked the space station, causing a multitude of blaring alarms to sound and echo throughout the floating complex. Tongues of flame slid over smoldering corpses, devouring them into ash as the flame crawled and slithered through vents and corridors until a bulkhead gave way into the cold abyss of space, venting the atmosphere. A few scorched bodies that had not been blown in to open space, floated leisurely against charred hallways, various pieces of burnt debris joining the bodies to create a sickening ballet.
Back on Bestine IV
The vibrating hum of multiple speeders, six to be exact, growled over the rocky terrain. Behind them the dull luminescence of a fire lit up the industrial landscape they had just left. The group of six speeders slowed as they approached the edge of the military base, surrounded by a tall electrical fence with several cameras dotting the outlining parameter.
Most of the operatives were doubled up on one speeder bike, except for a few trio’s, Lyntern was the only one to have a bike to himself although his was larger and more modified then the rest. His bike was a literal hover bomb. Made specifically to detonate a massive EMP wave and then explode.
Ylor looked back over his shoulder, giving Lyntern a nod. “Don’t hit any bumps in the road.”
Lyntern groaned at the comment before he kicked the bike into motion. The remaining five speeders turned slightly before rocketing off parallel with the fence, making sure they were out of range of being detected.
Inside the complex a young Cadets eyes were drawn to a screen to something unusual. Jonlo strained to convince himself of what he was seeing before making the call to his supervisor. “Lieutenant is that a man on a speeder heading toward the fence?”
The supervisor turned leaning over the control vessel to look over the screen. His eyes widened slightly at the realization the young cadet wasn’t seeing things. “What the frell…Jonlo alert security we have an intruder at gate grid nine.”
The figure fitted in black suddenly rolled from the speeder, onto the rocky terrain, skimming a painful distance before leaping to his feet. Watch as the modified bike wavered, losing control until two resounding booms sounded off, the first invisible only seemed to cut off the low hum of electricity flowing through the fence. The second was a familiar display of hell making an appearance in the form of destructive flame as it ripped a good portion of the fence to ribbons.
Lyntern quickly spun on his heels, and took off into the rocky scenery with a squad of New Republic troops racing out from the complex after him.
“This is dispatch four we are in pursuit. Looks like one aggressor. We are closing in, will contact after his apprehension.” The military guard spoke in bursts as he leaped from the armored transport into a full sprint after the dark figure. Four of his comrades quickly took up after him leaving, the driver alone, leaning out the door as he strained for a better view.
“DON’T MOVE!” The shout came just before a fury of blaster fire broke out for a moment before going dead silent.
The five men emerged carrying a limp sixth toward the vehicle, “This is dispatch four, we have the assailant in custody. Bringing him in now.”
On the other side of the complex, Ylor, Naomi and Bren’Lar scaled the disabled fence with ease, gracefully landing on the other side.
Cadet Jonlo smiled with the news, “copy that dispatch. Please transmit your security clearance when you’re ready to re-enter the complex.”
“What do you mean security clearance? Your runt, we just caught a bad guy let us in.” The gruff voice sparked over the comm channel loudly, causing the young Cadet to wince and pull the ear piece back slightly.
“Uh, I’m sorry sir but those are the regulations. If you do not transmit the clearance codes you will have to be escorted in.” Jonlo cut the communication feed. “Lieutenant dispatch isn’t giving me their security clearance. Should I have security meet them at the entrance?” The cadet sat silently watching the data feed from the security cameras while the armored transport slowed toward the complex entrance. “Sir?” Jonlo didn’t have time to turn around when the sounds of the vertebrae in his neck made a sickening crunch with a swift yanking motion of Ylors arms, snapping the young cadet’s neck and tossing his lifeless body to the floor. Nimble fingers moved quickly to the stations control panels unlocking the military installations last line of defense, allowing the rest of Ylor’s men into the complex.
“Move.” Ylor’s voice echoed through the earpieces of every team member.
“Hey dispatch is back.”
“Yeah, I wonder what kinda freak would try to bomb the camp.” A small group of off line NR troops came strolling over to their friends in the transport, curious to see their catch. “Hey Dean, what’d you bring us?”
The armored transport was deathly silent as the silhouettes made no move save for the driver he waved goodbye. The vehicle suddenly shot forward at a blinding speed, giving the dull colored armor a splatter of crimson. The roar of an engine quickly drowned out the various sounds of muffled screams and breaking bones as the vehicle came barreling down narrow corridors toward the shield generator control center.
Ion Cannon weapon control room
Bolts of energy leap back and forth across the room, sending Bren’Lar staggering backwards into the hallway clutching as the smoking burn left in his shoulder. “Frelling republic” Bren’Lar growled unclipping a thermal detonator which was quickly grabbed by scowling Ylor.
“Go be useful and barricade this hallway off.” Ylor belted out the order over the high pitched blasts of gunfire. “Naomi, stun grenade.”
The figure of a woman gracefully spun in front of the doorway tossing the round ball into the room as she finished the spin and leaned back against the hallway wall. The blinding light spilled into the hall way as the grenade went off, stunning the occupants within the room who were instantly dropped by a skilled hand of a marksmen. The two operatives quickly made their way toward the computer terminals and got to work on the computers. The first ion cannon had been captured.
Shield generator control room.
“Do you hear that?”
“Yeah…it sounds like a speeder…” The four men glanced at each other with confused expressions at the sound they were hearing, even tough they had been playing poker mere moments before every man could see what the other was thinking now. As the sound grew louder the men rose to their feet, weapons drawn. The sound suddenly cut out, giving way to stunned silence as the four held their weapons trained on the door.
“The…doors locked right?”
“I didn’t lock it. We never need to lock it…you should go lock it though.” The new republic officer gave an uneasy glance toward the ensign before motion toward the door. The cadet swallowed hard as his boots lightly made their way over the durasteel flooring, reaching out a hand to tap the control panel, causing a positive beep and dull clunk of locking mechanisms shifting into place. “Locked it Si-” The man’s voice was cut off by both the loud explosion that tore the door from his place, sending it slamming into the fragile human body of the ensign Tien. Blind shots were pulled off by the republic troops through pure reaction while door fragments showered over them. Random bolts of blaster fire continued to pepper the doorway, as the men inside kept expecting to see some sort of foe rush in but none came…only the sound of a small metallic ball rolling over the floor.
Back at Ion Cannon weapon control.
“Sir we have the shield generator. We should be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive.” Light chuckles came from the other men before the voice carried on. “We, uh…left the armored transport in the corridors, it’s a snug fit but will provide good cover for the time being.”
“Copy that.” Ylor looked over to Naomi who gave a nod and began punching in coordinates. The Ion cannon moved lazily, humming with hydraulics as it moved into position, targeting one of the orbital platforms around Bestine.
Moments later the second team chimed in. They had gained control over the second Ion cannon, although at they had taken several casualties and were under siege by New republic forces trying to retake their position. They didn’t have much time.
Ylor leaned over the dull panel, the light reflecting a greenish tint over his skin as he spoke.
“Drop the World shield and send word to our forces at Teyr…Bestine is ready to be taken. When our first ship drops from hyper space have both ion cannons open fire on the weapon platforms.”
Jarek T'chort
Feb 7th, 2004, 07:13:59 AM
Jarek Tchort's rugged features were almost baby-like, thought Major Hemlin Vryss to himself, watching his superior as he stood in front of the others desk. He hated to do it, but important news was to be had.
"Sir, Field Marshal....sir?"
A stir in Tchort's countenance and a single eye winked open.
"Thank you for waking me, Major. I trust you have good reason."
Vryss couldn't help himself from letting a small chuckle escape.
"We have important news sir, very important. We have just recieved word from our teams on Bestine IV, the cat is out of the bag."
Tchort opened his other eye, his face turning into a grim smile.
"Well, it appears we are almost ready Major. I knew Tear...I mean Colonel Tear - would pull through, we have little time."
Vryss nodded fervently.
"The task force is ready sir. The 7th and 21st Panzer Divisions have been embarked, Admiral Hagen is waiting merely for your order to move out."
"Tell him to make the jump as soon as he can, we must be in position before the Republic catch wind of what we are doing."
The actual attack on Bestine IV will take place in another thread, The Battle of Bestine, so all buildup posts etc can carry on in this thread, but our actual attack will only take place in the other thread.
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:37:10 PM
An Aid brought a small cup to Reshmar and a data pad with some information on it of the extent of the damage to the reactor. Reshmar Nodded in thanks to the Calimari Lieutenant and began looking over the report. The report read of the minor malfunctions caused by the reactor damage and the steeps taken to bypass of fix them. then it began explaining the major damage to the reactor itself.The G2 field coil was damages and could not be replaced for 34 hours.
Reshmar sat the data pad down and stood. He looked out the port and turned to the Officer of the deck. "Commander Grakta Have we any reply from Fleet Command?"
The Calimari Officer looked down at his panel then back to Reshmar. "No Admiral none yet. We got a response but it was an automated relay sir. Informing us it was boosting our signal and transmitting it to Fleet Command."
Reshmar walked the short distance to the Communications station and looked at the panel . He looked up at Commander Grakta. I'm retiring for the evening. It seems we will be staying here for another day and a half Commander. I want to be notified as soon as we receive word from fleet command. is that understood Commander?"
The Commander stood straight as if about to salute. "Yes sir i will inform you myself immediately upon any news sir."
Reshmar smiled at the Commander though he was not in a smiling mood. He had not slept in almost 3 days and was very fatigued. He needed to refresh, take a swim then get some sleep. Somehow he bet he would not get a chance to before he got word from The Hive.
Admiral Hagen
Feb 8th, 2004, 07:57:42 PM
A balding, but prominent featured man, Admiral Derias "Tom" Hagen stood stock still on the pulsing bridge of the Star Destroyer Antiphas. He had his eyes closed, his mind wandering as he liked to do at quiet times, though the bridge of the Antiphas was far from quiet.
Under his command, four Imperial IV Star Destroyers, four Indictor II's and five Nebulon B-II frigates sailed through the endless ocean of hyperspace, the lives of thousands in his hands. Hagen had risen through the ranks, he came from a mediocre background, one of getting by on what his civil servant father brought home, which, during the war with the Vong, was not enough to be comfortable. Perhaps this was why he got along with the man who's operation this was. Field Marshal Tchort. The two were friends, both unassuming types with a head of experience on their shoulders. Yet Hagen was not so cut and thrust as Tchort could be, nor such an avid millitarist. He saw himself as a moderate in all things, never one to belive in excess.
The gruff voice of Captain Maximus jerked Hagen back to reality.
"Sir, we will be reverting from hyperspace in moments."
"Thank you, Captain, upon reversion, send out a message to Captain Balades, inform him the cavalry has arrived."
A smile sent the Captain on his way, down into the crew pit. Hagen stared at the starlines racing by, a feeling of nerves hit him, even after all this time in the Navy. Such was his temprement, but he always fulfilled expectations. This time would be no different.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:34:26 AM
Lion sighed as he exited the planning room, Lieutenant Riemann hurrying alongside him.
"They're all crazy!" he said, thinking back to the staff meeting. "Ackbar, Drayson...we've got our heads on straight, but the whole junior staff just wants to sit back and let this plan roll out onto our doorstep?"
Riemann shook his head.
"I couldn't say, sir...however, you have a comm-message waiting for you."
Lion nodded, smiling sarcastically.
"Thank you...I've got hundreds of comm-messages waiting for me, Lieutenant. What's special about this one?" he asked.
Riemann fidgeted.
"It's from Vice Admiral Reshmar, sir, and the Mon Orishma..." Before Lion could say anything, Riemann added: "...And he's transmitting from an area quite close to Teyr."
Lion stopped short and immediately walked over to a private Comm booth. He dialed in his acknowledgement code, and a second later Admiral Reshmar's face appeared over the holoprojector. Lion activated the privacy field, and the ambient noise outside immediately dropped to a 20th of what it been a second ago.
"Vice Admiral Reshmar! How are you?" Lion asked, smiling; it had been a long time since he'd seen one of the New Republic's most promising officers. "Lieutenant Riemann just told me you're hanging out around Bestine and Teyr...could you please tell me what you're up to, Reshmar? Nice to see the Mon Orishma is still squeaky clean." he added, grinning wider.
Teleran Balades
Feb 12th, 2004, 04:33:07 PM
Line Captain Balades sat quietly in a plush, armchair, analyzing a stack of papers. The entire office was decorated with extravagancies, finely –carved wooden furniture, an exquisite rug, and several other ornamental objects. Tel preferred the simple furnishings onboard the Feanor, but the executive offices on the orbital stations provided much more space than the quarters on the Destroyer. Finishing his examination, Tel set the report down and slid them across the table the office’s other occupant.
Ever since Teyr had reluctantly signed its allegiance with the Imperial Sovereignty, Tel had kept the forces busy; drilling and running through simulations to prepare for the attack on Bestine IV.
“What do you think commander? I find the results of this last scenario quite distressing.”
The reports for the report Tel had just laid down had been the results from a worst-case scenario simulation for the fighter pilots. The results were less than pleasing.
Feb 12th, 2004, 04:51:11 PM
"Sir, we're receiving strange reports from Bestine. They're unconfirmed as of yet, but they are disturbing sir." an aide reported to Tie.
"What do they say?" Tie asked.
"Unknown arrmed men have been sighted at military facilities, and it is possible they have taken over parts of the base." informed the aide
"Recall the 45th patrol fleet at once and have them on 24 hour standby. Cancel all leave for crewmembers." ordered Tie. Something was going on but Tie wasnt sure as of yet.
Feb 13th, 2004, 01:25:49 AM
Reshmar Informed Admiral Lion of the status of there operation but could tell His attentions were drifting and he had more pressing matters to discuss. Once again The admiral ask his location in regards to Teyr and Bestine. Reshmar entered the search into his Command Chair Panel and the data began scrolling up.
" Yes sir I am closer to Teyr then you ar but I am still 2 Day from there and my task force is not with me. Why do you ask?"
The Admiral filled Reshmar in on the happenings and all the information he had on the situation of Teyr. He began telling him of his suspicions that it may be the Imperials making a move on a larger target. He mentioned Yag'Dhul and Bestine as probable targets. which made sense. Both were intricate parts of the Corellian Trade Spine. Reshmar listened to the Admiral go on about the lack of support for any large scale recon into the area and that even if the higher ups did agree on it His forces could get there before anything they would put together.
"Sir I will send word for my Task force to meet me. I have some minor reactor problems to take care of but I will send one of my gunships to investigate and relay what it finds back to me. If the Imps or anybody else is up to something I will find out."
Reshmar typed a message to his Deck Commander while he spoke more with Admiral Lion. Commander Gratka received the message which informed him to prepare a scout fighter to leave and head back to the Task force and inform them of the situation. Also Reshmar issued orders to have the Mortus head for the Teyr system and investigate. Reshmar continued to speak with Admiral Lion as his command crew began carrying out their orders.
"Admiral I will Contact you at 18:00 Standard Coruscant time in two day with the findings of my Scout and the status of the Teyr system. I Hope for every ones sake you are wrong about this being a play for a larger target and just some Infighting within the Teyr government. Until then, Reshmar out."
Reshmar nodded as the Admiral nodded his agreement. waited for the Admiral to excuse him then closed the comm channel. He spun his chair around to see his crew rapidly carrying out the orders he had sent via there control panels then turned back to look out the view port. Two days will tell if the Imps are up to something. He only hoped they were not.
Admiral Hagen
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:41:00 AM
The angled prows of six Imperial Star Destroyers hovered over the orb of Teyr. Blackened and charred wreakage still floated listlessly through the void, causing shields to be raised on the armarda. Flanking the Destroyers were the Nebulon B frigates, their odd elongated shape in contrast to the predatory look of the Destroyers.
Angle winged TIE Defenders buzzed the fleet, racing to and fro, on constant surveilence for anything untoward.
Watching over it all, from the triangular bridge windows of the Antiphas, mused Admiral Derias Hagen. He stroked his chin thoughtfully, his dark eyes peering deep into the mottled black and purple of space. He turned as footsteps sounded on the gangway that ran past the crew pits.
"Captain, how long till the, fleet is assembled?"
Captain Aven Maximus spoke with a rim drawl, his words often punctuated by a sniff. The junior officers joked about him, Hagen knew. He was a good officer, but at times the man was simply naive in some matters. Not a good quality in a man who commanded several thousand souls. Yet, Maximus had experience, that counted for much.
"By last estimates, the last vessels should be reportin' within a two hours. We are waitin' only for Jemel's pride, Harker and the Implacable"
"Good, we're on a tight timetable, the Intelligence personnel on Bestine may not be able to hold out for too much longer, especially if the rebels get wind of whats going on."
Maximus nodded before excusing himself, leaving Hagen to his thoughts.
Feb 15th, 2004, 06:15:57 PM
Bestin IV had begun to move between the Royal Shield and the systems sun. The bright light now turned to choking darkness and the shift change marked the transition between night and day on the Platform. Lieutenant Kisrt had just begun looking over the notes of the previous shift when the call came. he pressed the activation button which turned on the com reciever and as he did a gruff voice came booming out of the box.
"Lieutenant, anything out of the ordinary up there?" The voice was Commodore William Fresk, A decorated officer of the Vong war and now Head of Fleet operation Bestine system.
LT. Kisrt Looked over his panel and through the reports but saw nothing strange. "No sir i cant find anything Strange to report."
The Gruff voice coughed then said with a boom. "I didn't say Strange Lieutenant I said out of the ordinary. I haven't received any traffic from Fleet command today. As a matter of fact i haven't received any traffic from out of the system at all."
The urgancy in the Commodores voice was enough to make Kisrt jump and begin looking over any and every incoming transmission. "Sir looks like the last Transmission was 6 hours ago from an incoming transport. Since then nothing."
Kisrt did not seem worried about the lack of any incoming traffic. He knew it was just a problem with the transceiver on the systems edge or just the fact that there has been no incoming messages.
Commodore Fresk however was not as convinced. "Lieutenant I want you to keep an eye on the radio traffic and let me know as soon as you receive anything. I don't care if it is a pulsar singing a Ewok love song, I want to know about it." The Commodore acknowledged the lieutenants understanding of the orders then returned Kisrt's Salute. Kisrt knew the Commodore was overreacting and went back to his normal duties aboard the Royal Shield unaware of the situation on the planet below and in space just outside the system.
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:10:48 PM
"All ships are at full readiness sir." a lieutenant reported.
"Good, contact Fleet Command and inform them of the situation. Attach this as a message to Admiral Johnson."Tie ordered
This is only the opening move of what is probably a widescale offensive. I would recommend full mobilization across the Republic. Reinforcements should be dispatched soon, if not immediately to Bestine, including ground troops.
Wing Commander
Taichi Yamagi
"Also, get me the captains of the ships in the 45th." Tie added.
The Lieutenant saluted and marched off to carry out his orders
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:34:54 PM
(OOC I know you're not really supposed to post twice in a row, but this isn't my character, this is just an NPC of the fighter force on Bestine)
Planetary Fighter Base
Commandant David Lynch was pacing in his command center. Rumors of an impending Imperial assault were flying about everywhere. For some reason the planetary defense installations were not responding.
"Captain, I want one squadron of fighters in the air at all times, and have the rest of the pilots ready to scramble at a minutes notice."
Feb 17th, 2004, 01:50:59 PM
Aboard the Flagship of the Bestine Defense Fleet William Fresk was not as calm. He had not moved through the ranks by not being suspicious. There was a reason why there was no traffic. He knew it. He had no idea why but he knew it was not some freak act of galactic chance. He stood for a moment after speaking with the Commander of military affairs on Bestine, who was also as uncaring of the situation as Kisrt had been. Neither had fought in the war and they were causing Fresk a great deal of stress with there uncaring attitudes.
Bellow on the planet the situation seemed normal but it was far from it. His job was to protect the planet. How could he do that job when his superiors and his officers would not listen to him. William turned to look at Captain Hurtic. The captain stood calm but inside he was a wreck. He knew that the Commodore was about to go crazy. He just hope that Fresk was wrong. He had served in the war but as a rear guard captain and never had much action. HE hated war and believe there to be a peaceful solution to every situation. Fresk Walked over to the Command Panel at which Hurtic Stood.
"Captain, sound general quarters."
Hurtic did not hesitate. He did not want to make Fresk more upset than he was. Alarms sounded and throughout the ship people began to hustle and move to there stations. Fight pilots jumped and ran to the pilot ready room. Engineers began running diagnostics of the ships systems. the Medical personnel began prepping tables and supplies. All wondering what was going on. They had herd nothing of any battle nor had there been any rumors.
"Move the fleet out of orbit Captain have all vessels for a defensive patrol pattern 300,000 KM out. If anything comes out of hyperspace I want to know about it immediately. Also I want a flight of A-wings to go check out the system communications relays. Have them look for anything strange."
Captain Hurtic Nodded "Yes Sir, at once." He ran to the communications station and contacted the fleet and the flight control deck issuing them there orders. Fresk walked to the forward part of the deck and watched out the view port as Ion Blooms light in the thrusters of the fleets vessels. The deck below began vibrating as the Mon Lorrar's own reactors ignited the ionic thrusters which struggled to move the mass of the giant Calimari Vessel. As the reactor reached normal operation the deck settled and the ship began moving. Fresk watched without a word as the fleet moved away from the planet and there stationary orbit to a more flexible defensive position.
Admiral Hagen
Feb 17th, 2004, 03:20:51 PM
"The Fleet is assembled"
Captain Maximus' voice floated up from the crew pit to the pacing Admiral Hagen. 'Tom' looked out of the viewports into the darkness beyond, where, sure enough, the Jemel's Pride, a sleek Lancer Frigate, hove into view.
Hagen mused as he watched the Fleet beyond the tapristeel viewports . It was indeed a fleet worthy of the Sovereignty, even the Empire before it. Four Aurora-class Star Destroyers, four MkIV Destroyers, four Nebulon B-II frigates, three Interdictors and six Lancers sat broodingly above the pacified world of Teyr. As he watched, he signalled the comm officer.
"Lieutenant, inform Captain Balades that I want too see him at his conveinience."
Hagen looked at his wrist chrono, time was counting down now, time was running out for Bestine.
Travis North
Feb 17th, 2004, 06:01:03 PM
Commander, Travis North stood infront of the Captain's desk. He and the squadrons had just finished the last scenarios of the Bestine attack. He was there to discuss the results with Captain Balades. He took a seat in a cushioned before Balades was done reading.
“What do you think commander? I find the results of this last scenario quite distressing.”
"I think it can be worked on. We still have a little time before the actual attack. By then the squadrons should be ready for anything. That includes random jumps of enemy starfighters." Travis replied.
Travis looked out the viewport of the office looking at the fleet. They were preping for the assault. The attack would begin soon and Travis would get a front row seat. He was to lead the first wave of fighters into battle.
imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 17th, 2004, 08:33:57 PM
A remote island on Bestine
Waves quickly rushed onto the sands and then slowly trickled back, only to be forced up again. The sea was calm with few clouds were above and the sun was up. A perfect day on the water world of Bestine.
The 4th Platoon had set up camp on the island to conduct training exercises. Command had posted them on the island to give the platoon some dive training. All they were given was a shuttle, a field camp and the required equipment for the exercise. The group was ready for the dive. Sargeant Darriann Sollak led the group to waters edge. He breifed them on what there were going to do.
"Today's dive will be target practice." Sollak said, "You will learn to use the spear gun. This may look easy but it's not. Today's target will be sink crabs. You are to go down to a depth of twenty feet and hit as many of these crabs as possible."
"So were spear fishing?" Came the voice of private Jek Ress.
"Yes private we are." Sollak replied. "Now people lets get moving. Don't forget, check your targets. Wouldn't want to shoot somebody with this."
The group walked into the water and began to swim to the target depth. Sollak checked his spear gun and so did the rest of the platoon when the reached the level. The water was full of fish and sink crabs. The real point of the exercise was to maintain accuracy under water.
Sollak gave the signal and the platoon let loose. Most of the spears missed the targets. Sollak laughed and sent a stream of bubbles to the surface. He hit the comm. "Anticipate your targets moves. Stay one step ahead of your enemy." Sollak was sure if they would get the hidden meaning. A couple of the troops laughed and shot again, missing. Although the next volley was a little better.
Feb 18th, 2004, 12:45:11 AM
Captain Mores Sat in the command chair of the Gunship Mortus. Around him everyone sat silent. They had killed all the power to the ship and only allowed enough to run minimum life support. The ship drifted slowly into the Teyr System. The main planet was still outside most scanners range and they had 3 hours until they were close enough to take a look.
"Anything on passive sensors XO?" Mores words were soft and his xo barely heard the question. He walked to the scanner station and look back at the captain and nodded a negative response. Mores turned to watch the depths of space and the small point of light which was Teyrs Sun.
HE stood and walked to stand at the side of his XO. "Commander I will be in my quarters let me know when we are in sensor range." He left the command deck and walked to his room. He had not slept since they left the task force and fatigue had set in. A nap would do him good. HE had 3 hours before they reached sensor range and could get down to the bottom of what was really going on. Slowly the Mortus drifted towards Teyr and the Fleet hiding there.
Feb 18th, 2004, 02:42:26 AM
Deep in the outer rim sat the remaining vessels of Task Force Orishma. Reshmars time was almost past and Captain Jontor had prepared the fleet for its trip to Calimari and was awaiting the dead line Reshmar had given him.
"Time till Departure Commander?" Jontor ask from the aft of the Command deck as he entered through the doorway ajoining the Bridge and the Hallway which lead down to his and most of the other senior officers Quarters.
"Six hours 28 Minutes sir." Commander Serrin answered as he spun to greet Jontor with a salute.
"At ease Commander. Now has there been any word from the Admiral or Fleet command?" Jontor knew there had not but ask anyway. He would have been the first person to know if there would have.
"No sir. I would have informed you the moment we did sir." Jontor Smiled at his XO then walked past him and sat in his command chair. Commander Serrin handed Jontor the Shift report and waited for Jontor to acknowledge him.
"I know you would have Commander. I am just concerned about Admiral Reshmar. He should have been back by now if all was ok. IS the fleet ready to jump?" Serrin nodded An affirmative nod
"Yes sir all ships are locked down and ready to jump on your command." Jontor Finished reading the Shift report then handed the pad back to Commander Serrin.
"Very well Commander. Your excused. Get some rest. I want you here when we jump." Serrin nodded and gave a informal salute then turned and walked out of the command section to his quarters. Jontor began looking over the Reports from the previous days training Schedule. The Valkyrie Squadron was at peak performance. The Admirals failure to return had him worried. He knew something was up. He could feel it. He wanted to load up and go look for Reshmar but he had his orders and he would carry them out to the letter.
Several hours past. The shift change went smooth and the Alpha shift was now seeing to the daily systems checks and redundant systems analysis. No one saw the flash of light but within seconds they knew something had just reverted from Hyperspace. Moments after the alarm sounded the transmission came.
"Artanis control this is Scout 342 I have an urgent message from Admiral Reshmar. I am requesting permission to land." Jontor stood and walked to the Flight Control panel.
"Do we have conformation of id Lieutenant?" Jontor ask the confused looking man siting at the flight control panel.
"yeyes sir . The fighter is one of Mon Orishmas alright. Should I clear them to land Captain?" Jontor looked down at the young Lieutenant. This was his first post and the man had not settled in well. He had few friends and his clumsy ways sometimes bothered Jontor.
"Yes lieutenant clear Him to land. and inform Crew chief Wilson to have a security team escort the Pilot to my Ready room." The lieutenant nodded and relayed the orders. Jontor turned to the OOD.
"Commander Jur'tesk you have the Com." The bothan commander nodded and instantly began seeing to his chore. He was like most bothans over bearing and loud. but he had served Jontor well. Jontor walked to his ready room and awaited the arrival of the Pilot. He did not wait long. He had just sat down and taken a sip from his cup when the knock on the door came.
"Enter!" Jontor shouted loud enough for the Man outside the door to hear. The doorway slid open and a Man in a Republic Jumpsuit came in. the man introduced himself as he walk to the desk.
"Major Reynolds sir. I have a important message from Admiral Reshmar." The man held out a data slide and awaited Jontor to take it. Jontor reached across the desk , took the slide and ask the pilot to sit. As Jontor inserted the slide into the pad Major Reynolds remained standing.
"Sir if it is ok with you I would just as well stand. I wish to request Permission to rejoin the MOn Orishma sir." Jontor looked up at the Major with a grim look. "Let me look this over first Major." Jontor replied and insisted the Major sit. As the reluctant major sat in the chair across the desk from Jontor An image of Reshmar appeared.
Hello Captain I trust this finds you before you have left the area. Things here look bad. I do not know exactly what is going on but i do know all of high command had a meeting to discuss the actions of the fleet this morning. I need the task force to meet me en route to these co-ordinates
A group of numbers scrolled up and Jontor immediately scratched them into his data pad.
I'm afraid the Empire may have just upped the stakes Captain. Get here as soon as you can Reshmar out.
The image was gone and Jontor stood immediately. "Major permission denied. We will all be going to meet the Admiral."
Feb 18th, 2004, 10:23:51 AM
A pair of modified reconaissance pitch black A-Wings drifted on the outskirts of the Teyr system observing the movements of the Imperial Fleet in orbit. Their orders were to observe and report when and if teh Imps headed into hyperspace and to where.
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:48:41 AM
Mores Nap was not long enough. He felt groggy and un rested. They had only 5 minutes before they were in sensor range of Teyr. The sun had grown from a small point of light to a bright ball while the Captain was sleeping. He sat drinking from a cup. Warm Caf did his tired aching body good. The ship was quiet, Too Quiet. Mores had never been on a ship this long without some power or noise from machinery. He handed an ensign his cup and sat back in his chair. Pressing a series of buttons a display of the Tyre system appeared. He zoomed to there currant position then adjusted it to Tyer itself.
"How Long Lieutenant? Mores ask impatiently. A man behind a Panel looked at some display then back to Mores.
"2 Minutes sir." Mores relaxed. He was ready to get an idea of what was there and go.
A communication Officer coughed and gasp for air. He turned and with a voice louder then Mores had ordered everyone to use screamed out. "Sir imperial Communications. They are encrypted and I can not break them but I am sure they are Imperial. I recognize the source they used to create it."
A second later time 3 Officers at the sensor Station gasp and one whistled. One stood and looked at the Captain with a look which could not be confused. He was afraid. "Sir Look at your display sir."
Mores turned to look at the display of Tyre. At first he did not see anything. His magnification was too low. He squinted and noticed a void in the planet then another. He magnified the image and was shocked at what he saw.
"I count 8 Star Destroyers with several Escorts sir. 4 of a design I have not seen before." The officer looked through the fleet threat book for any information on the ships. but was unable to find any.
Mores stood and began shouting orders. Louder than he meant to but he was in shock. "Commander I need a detailed list of what is out there. I want to slow our approach but don't let them know we are out here. I need details information to pass to Admiral Resmar. Get it now we leave in 10 minutes. I want us to be out of here before they can launch a wing of Fighters at us."
The XO began dealing with the situation as Mores sat once again. He had not seen an imperial fleet in a long time. and never had he seen 8 star destroyers in the same spot. But why Teyr? It didn't make sense. It is not very important and you could easily bypass it if needed. A officer behind he stood and called for him.
"Captain they are moving into a departure vector and are clearing the gravity well. It seems they are leaving sir."
Mores snorted. "Yeah leaving. We must have scared them right Lieutenant. Where are they leaving to?"
The Lieutenant began the calculations to find there trajectory. "They are headed due south east on a course of 182. 34. 846 sir." The Mans jaw dropped. "Sir they are headed for Bestine!"
Teleran Balades
Feb 19th, 2004, 07:21:57 AM
"Very well, but remember Commander, we're on a strict time scheduhle."
A red light began flashing on the desk's console. Tel reached over and tapped the button to activate the comm system.
"Admiral Hagen would like to speak to you before the fleet leaves."
"Thank you Lieutenant."
Tel hit the button again to close the link. He turned back to Commander North.
"Please excuse me Commander, you have about an hour to work with your pilots."
The short shuttle trip to the Antiphas took less than five minutes. The Captain made his to the turbolift, riding it all the way to the bridge. The heavy durasteel doors slid open to admit him. Officers were moving about the bridge in the typical bee-hive like fashion that Teleran had come to expect. Captain Balades made his way to the Admiral.
"You wanted to see me, Sir?"
Admiral Hagen
Feb 19th, 2004, 08:48:52 AM
Shaken from his thoughts by the voice of the deck officer informing him of Captain Balades arrival, Hagen turned and waited for the taller officer to hail him.
"You wanted to see me, Sir?"
Hagen nodded, his face neutral.
"We are leaving for Bestine in thirty standard minutes, so I won't keep you. I have heard you are excellent at improvisation, as you proved over Yaga Minor. Therefore, over Bestine, at anytime, you may deviate from the battle plan in order to secure your objectives."
Hagen smiled slightly, though his voice retained the neutrality it held before.
"One cannot win battles with rigid, unbending thought. Therefore officers such as yourself will go far under my command and that of Grand Admiral Desaria. Think of this is as your clearence to commit yourself as you see fit Captain."
A beeping sounded in the lefthand crewpit, followed by the worried voice of Lieutenant Yale.
"Sir! We are picking up a sensor probe from the edge of the system!"
Hagens features froze. The massive sensor array on the Antiphas was designed to pick up the slighest hint of activity. The Lieutenant hurriedly explained a rebel gunship was scanning the area.
"Thank you Lieutenant. Captain, you may return to your ship. Await my orders."
Hagen clambered down alongside the Lieutenant, watching the flickering viewscreen.
"They wont know we've spotted them yet, keep sensors unfocused. It'll take them time to power up, despatch Grey squad at once."
The flight officer nodded and within minutes, a dozen TIE Defender MkII's were racing toward the rebel scout.
Captain Maximus watched with interest. "They are too far out sir, we won't catch 'em."
Hagen nooded sagely. "I know, but it'll scare them off, with any luck they haven't gotten a reading on our tragectory."
He straightened and ignored the inquisitive look Maximus gave him.
"Alert all commands, prepare to jump as soon as Grey squad are back on board."
"Aye sir."
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:00:22 PM
Mores looked at the collection of ships trying to assist in counting and identifying them all. he was magnified on a section aft of the main body examining the new Lancer design the Imperials had made and did not see the Fighter launch from one of the destroyers. From behind him a Lieutenant stood. Sir they have spotted us. I count 12 inbound small craft sir. Look like Ties but they are too far away to tell yet."
Mores turned off the display and stood. "Power up Commander. We are leaving." Mores walked to a position at the front of the command deck and was momentarily blinded like everyone else as the reactor came on line and the dim blue emergency lights they had been living in for the past 14 hours was replaced with the bright standard lighting. His eyes squinted and adjusted quickly.
The command crew was a flurry of action as the prepared for a fast departure. The ships Ionic thrusters kicked in and gave a sudden heave which Mores could feel over the internal Inertial compensators. The gunship began to move and move fast. Mores turned. "Make for the edge of the system Plot me a jump away from the direction of The Mon orishma.I want a 4 pronged jump back gentlemen I do not want to be fallowed." The attention of the Command crew went from Mores back to there tasks. HE walked back to his chair then sat. The gunships back was to the Imperial fleet now and the Squadron of fighters were gaining on his position. He only hoped the Old girl had it in here to get away before they were within weapons range.
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:52:47 PM
The two black reconaissance A-Wings saw the signatures of several Defenders chasing a picket ship. The two A-Wings watched as the picket ship beat a quick escape, and the Defenders return to their carrier ship. The Imperial Fleet in the distance was in formation to enter hyperspace, but the A-Wings would wait until their destination was computed before heading back to the Emancipator to report.
Admiral Hagen
Feb 23rd, 2004, 07:26:50 AM
Aboard the Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyer Antiphas, the bridge crew ran the last calculations and diagnostics, the TIE fighter crews ran their last sim's and the Imperial troops that had embarked on Thyferra drilled nosily.
The Imperial Fleet turned it's back on Teyr, the angled prows of the Destroyers leaning into the pitch black of space.
On the bridge, Admiral Hagen consulted his chrono for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last five minutes. He clutched his hands behind his back and quickly stopped his foot from tapping against the deck. An anxiety arose in him, despite his best efforts to repress it. He had a job to do, he would do it, he told himself, but one made mistakes in war, mistakes that could throw battles into chaos...
Shaking his head, he concentrated on watching the crewers work feverishly at completing their tasks. With a flurry of activity, Hagen finally got the affirmative nod from Captain Maximus.
"Prepare to jump to hyperspace."
The Imperial ships formed up and with a flicker of pseudo motion, they were gone.
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:35:48 PM
THe two black A-Wings waited until the Imps headed into hyperspace and caulculated their trajectory. Seconds later they headed into hyperspace back to the fleet orbiting above Folor to alert the Commander.
A couple hours later Wing Commander Yamagi had recieved the report and ordered the 45th to move. Also aboard was a newly transferred promising Lieutenant commanding an X-Wing squadron off of the Emancipator, by the name of Vhiran Cresent.
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